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> new movie just released
> immediately announces they're killing him and replacing him with his Hispanic daughter
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I like her succubus sister more
Also isnt she 8 year old?
Seems like they aged her up, she's probably like 13 or 14 now
Are summerfags usually this bored/reactive to anything?
>Yet another superhero kid gets aged up
This has to be a joke at this point.
Deadpool had a daughter?
>"killing" Deadpool
waiting for this shit to get canned so I can see which writer will misunderstand the character next

7 years since the last good run and counting
Yes, and from the run she's from, Deadpool would probably never fucking want her near this line of work.

But oh well.
thanks cody ziglar for fucking up ellie camacho

Oh no the comics are doing their own thing and not trying to copy the movie! More synergy now!
Missed opportunity by not using Finesse
Have you been in a coma since 2013?
Killing and replacing a character is already lame and gay, doing it when you’re trying to popularize the original character in mass media just makes it self-defeating.
Wade is literally part of venom war though
Moviegoers never read comics regardless of how much synergy they tried. It doesn't matter. It never mattered.
>cheap knock off of Elsa Stone.
She looks like the fanchild of Gwenpool and Superboy Prime
Diatrice from Moon Knight is next. Are you ready?
>Marvel doing a "Jon" with Ellie of all characters
Deadpool actually reconnecting with his daughter after losing his memories arc bros it's so fucking over
why is this spammed so hard? nobody cares about deadpool in 2024
Good. She looks hotter now.
I wonder how they're gonna retcon her powers
They already did, she now just has Deadpool's healing factor and is a genius
Was she always this sexy?
Yes, replacing heroes with cunny is the best step Marvel has taken in years
Of course not.
She just started her high school years.
Wasn't she like 8??? also it's what they always do really weirder how obvious they are with it

Plus just like always it'll be planned to be new mainline story, then no one will read or won't get anywhere near the views of actual deadpool. Then poof she'll either be shelved but she's female poc, so more likely she'll be given a constantly cancelled and low viewed comic run or be put into a mid team like west coast avengers.

We've seen this 1000x anon, they won't stop until the industry is dead or someone with a brain comes in. No point seething everytime.
If they wanted us interested keep her younger
You see Satan, Marvel and DC has a thing with lolis, You as the dark lord and eternal enemy of God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and Kinnikuman should know of that.

She is 14 now, Same age as Dylan, Normie, Franklin, Valeria and subsequently Mayday if she was alive in 616.
Valeria is 14, Franklin is 16
Venom War probably takes place before Issue #4
She was in 2099.
Why issue #4
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I like her sister more
We know that Wade only cripple for little bit, due to Musamune-infused Attack
>There must always be a Deadpool
Isn't he a mercenary? I get all the other diversity hires replacing actual super heroes, but Deadpool?
Yup and he will NEVER come back. Just like with Spider-Man, Cap, Iron Man, Thor, etc. Don't forget to stay mad and complaining about it on the internet thereby giving free marketing to the company!
She sure doesn't look 14 looks mostly developed maybe it's because we hava no one else to compare her too.
>subsequently Mayday if she was alive in 616.
I'm still waiting for the reveal that Mayday isn't dead and she's actually be in some timey whimey TVA pod for the last 16 years to keep her off Mephisto's radar.
You know. Because we need more spider people in 616. There aren't enough. There must be MORE. Peter must be made irrelevent as possible.
It'll hurt even more when she decides to live with MJ and Paul because Peter is too much of a loser to live with.
I’d sooner just call it a retarded move and drop the book until later. Seems like less effort
TVA is back so...

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