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Why did people not point out how the ending of this movie was nothing more than "the total amount of happiness in the world increased"? Quasimodo was an incel with a heart of gold and had his girl stolen from him by a Chad fuckboi. I honestly dont think I have ever seen such a blackpilled film in my entire life.
how can someone be an incel and have a heart of gold at the same time?
women only care about looks
How many incels are as deformed as Quasimodo is? They all tend to look like a normal guy.
>quasimodo and frollo represents the dual aspects of inceldom
>quasimodo is treated incredibly unfairly for being ugly and the population only give him any consideration because he saved the day
pretty cool film
i remember reading an article by some caretaker for downies. he didn't like the ending because downies identified with quasimodo and were upset he didn't get the gypsy girl.
sorry, but downies DONT get the beautifull girl
what about Frollo? what did he represent?
Go read the original to make yourself feel better.
He got a cute blind girl in the sequel.
The movie should have ended with Quasimodo being tortured to death to punish him for being an ugly male.
Frollo was incel.
Quasimodo was the role model who decided not to stalk and harass a girl that didn’t want to be with him. Unlike Frollo who was a big incel.
They are both incels. Frollo is the school-shooter incel that lashes out at society for not letting him be part of it and Quasimodo is the incel that reserves himself to being a NEET and hiding from the world for knowing he is not wanted
The old catholic elite being corrupted by prettiness turning them from noble to stupid, an allegory for the renovations the cathedral had been going through to “modernise” it and make it pretty, which the author despised
Wannabe "vol"cels that act like they're above it all until they get manipulated by their unused loins into committing heinous acts.
Evidence does not support that based on looking around at people I see everyday.
You are not ready for how the plot goes in the book.
Asshole of high status and "morals" that still can't attract a woman, yet believes he deserves one.
They were never together, Esmerelda saved Quasi from being fucking tortured at the FOF and Quasi is so fucked in the head he assumed it must be love and not basic humanity
>getting pies thrown at you is torture
Quasi assumed she would be decent enough and not shallow to love him back after Quasi saved her from actually being tortured
She was the prettiest woman in Paris, even an incel would agree that she deserved her looksmatch. Quasimodo can find a qt deformed girl.
all attempts to study the topic through the scientific method have shown that looks are what both men and women care about most
>99% of posters have no fucking idea what the words they're using actually mean
anyone else remember when the blue-pilled gargoyles tried to persuade Quasimodo the girl would like him because of his personality?
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>would be decent enough and not shallow to love him back after Quasi saved her from actually being tortured
Quasi did that because he's a Man, not a Monster.
they were Quasi's imagination tho
But they did it, that's a complaint that most people had.
that and the gargoyles were real and not his imagination.
Then how did they influence the battle?
we don't talk about that
Could Frollo have gotten with Esmerelda if he was better looking?
he hates everything about the person who makes him horny
No he didn't get the girl, but he did win the love and acceptance of the people of Paris which is what he wanted at the beginning. He won.
Also he got some chick in the sequel.
that he would see any decency as a sign of love is really a something about society
The total amount did increase because quasi was now accepted by the townsfolk of paris and wasnt treated as a monster anymore and had friends.
why would he want their love and acceptance after they revealed what awful people they are by treating him so poorly in the first place, lol how pathetic of him
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Just going to post this.
Nice goes in, sex comes out.
We have a real incel here
I could correct Quasimodo's posture with proprr physiotherapy. It would take many, many years and be hellishly painful but it would work
He is both rich and respected, all he would have to do is hide the fact he's psychotic and he would have no problem
Quasimodo was a literal freak of nature persecuted by medieval peasants. The uneducated masses learning to overcome their own prejudices and accept him as a man was even more of a miracle then him getting laid would've been. And Quasi's dream was never to get a girlfriend. Esmeralda was just the first person to be nice to him so he was instantly smitten. But the whole time, the poor motherfucker just wanted to live out there.
This. Is an enjoyable 2 tomes brick. There's also Frollos little brother that acts like a /v/ edgelord.
And also Esmeraldas crazy mother
> implying Frollo isn't already attractive
Millions of women disagree with you.
>Quasi's dream was never to get a girlfriend

incel cope
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What a fucked conclusion
The chad wasn't a fuckboi though, he's one of Quasi's best friends.
Actually, he was a fuckboy
It's just a simplification of the original story with cringe gargoyles
No you don’t get it chud you should simp for the approval and agreement of the unwashed horde even though they don’t love you for your character, they only feign tolerance because you served them (and will continue to persecute the nexy cripple that comes along)
No he was a serious fuckboy
And he’s even worse in the novel
He's not, it's a modern buzzword the faggot OP gave him because they read all of that as "Quasi is a CUUUUUUCK", because cuckholdry lives rent free around here unless he get's to ass fuck the Gypsy like Frollo wanted to, thus underminding WHY Quasimodo is a good man.
The original ending was more sad/poetic, with Esmerelda dying and Quasimodo taking her to a out the way crypt to die with her; and they find their bones interconnected years after.

But that's TOO fucking sad for a Disney movie, so, you get this instead.
The Repressed Catholic; afraid of his own wants and urges.
He just cant leave, he just cant stop looking!
People don't talk about this movie because it sucked.
Because if you are truly disfigured, you will have a hard time getting a date no matter how good your personality is. "just be nice" is boomer advice
Women owe me sex: The thread
Quasi is good because he is good, not because he’s a weakwilled lilly-liverwd soiboy who lets the girl trounce away from him and other men steal her away without fighting for what he wants
Being a weak pushover doesn’t make you good, it makes you pathetic
Because people still settle. Got women going for the average guys because they got the means to provide, not because they look or fuck good. And you got them going for the doughy guys so they don't got to worry bout any other girls stealing him away. The tall handsome dude has options, and that's what scares her. She's always gonna be feeling threatened whenever her guy talks with another woman. So she gets with the doughy guy to prevent that and have control over the relationship.
>with cringe gargoyles
Gotta have that shit there for the kids.
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>Quasi treated Esmerelda like an angel. Frollo treated her like a temptress devil. Phoebus treated her like a person.
*Humans only care about looks

I fucking guarantee you none of you would fuck a female hunchback - especially if they had a flat chest and no ass. Ugly people are fucking ugly we used to not let them breed but now there are so many humans it's unavoidable
This is tranny anti-incel trolling because you tourist faggots never understood this >>144684852 was the original red pill the incels WHO ARE TOTAL VIRGINS pointed out and no one wants to accept.

Incels tell the truth.
Sex-havers lie about sex, love and relationships every time they speak on the subject. They're all shallow, horny and only care about looks. Personality doesn't exist in sex-havers minds but they lie and pretend they judge on personality,

Sex-havers are evil by default.
Incels are innocent by default and point out the evils the sex-havers use to hog the sexual resource to themselves.

We are all and you guys go back and forth between making fun of our deformities one second and telling us we look fine and it's our bad personalities the literal next seconds.

Anti-incels are notorious liars and evil deceivers who change their talking points with every new breath.
That's kind of a backhanded happy ending, like the only way someone could love him romantically is to not see his ugly fucking face all the time.
incel just means you don't get pussy and has nothing to do with not having a good heart.
Wow anon you sure got women all figured out
It means VIRGIN WHO DOESNT WANT TO BE ONE a non-virgin who can't get pussy again is just a failed normie.

Sex-having doesn't make one a good, moral person either considering sex-havers use deception the entire process.
He said nothing that contradicts observed reality. Sex-havers are co-dependent parasites who looking to use the sex-partner for resource gains and will sabotage other relationships for fear of resources going to someone else that's not them.
The ultimate cuck movie
Touch grass, you people are mentally ill
She was a gypsy who would of abandoned him first chance
if I was talented I would edit the card to be a queen of spades so it's an anti-blacked meme
There are different kinds of love :^)
Familial love, platonic love. You don't need romantic love to be happy :^)

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