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It's your first day at Xavier's Institute for Gifted Children. What's your plan for today?
I'm gonna turn Marrow into a black boy by means of genetic transmogrification.
I begin my long plan of bullying Rogue into suicide.
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I ask Professor Xavier if I can jack off in peace without anybody getting in my head when I do it.
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He can only promise he won't look. Jean will check in on you and Emma will probably set up psychic viewing parties
I don't even hate Spyke, but why didn't they just make Marrow Storm's niece?
Imagine seeing a cute girl, getting lewd thoughts about her, and then immediately getting called to the principal's office.
I'm gonna die for pathos!
Look, I'm going to do it either way, I just want to know how deep I can go on my spank material. My fetishes can grow really specific. Also:

>That bitch Emma Frost is around

I thought this thread as going by X-Men: Evolution canon, due to OP's image. I'd never join the School if Bitch Queen Emma is around to fuck things up,
Assuming I'm joining as a student, that is to say a kid, I'd trust Emma way more than motherfucking Xavier.
Stay locked in my room for a week, then go to the Danger Room and meet X-23.
Who? I'm not sure which of the girls would be easy to easy to fuck against their will.
Storm is easily rapeable.
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Only if you're immune to electricity
If you are wearing slippers, it's impossible for you to get electrocuted.
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I will find you, and I will hurt you before you could do that
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Literal thought police
Wouldn't the natural progression of that to just be constanlty thinking of sex stuff so you can't be blamed for what people see when they check your mind?

>"What did you expect? You know I'm fantasizing about fucking all the time. The question is 'Why did YOU get inside my mind when you know what to expect?' Do you want to have some fun?"

Basically lean on the reputation and then it's on other people to steer clear of your mind.
I'd rape the shit outta Boom Boom and Wolfsbane.
Can't rape the willing, anon.
I don't think you'd survive your first session in the Danger Room being on Laura's level.

use my power to somehow get laid and or fuck all the women
Ask for the most explosion-proof bedroom in the house

Serious answer, I try to socialize and try having friends my age.

So I rolled
for my mutant power. Not bad I guess. I’d be like Mirko!…Hopefully without getting chopped off.

Here if other anons would like to roll
>Impossible State Survival
>Power/Ability to: Remain alive even when in state that should cause one to die.
Fuck yes. Rogue here I come.
Sex with every X babe
Masturbate furiously in my room while saying a bunch of lewd shit in my head and wait to see which Telepath knocks in my door first.
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Defect and join the Brotherhood to fuck the bad girls.

Whats with all the Evolution threads lately?
Find a way into Kitty's Jewish pussy.
Being recruited into their militia, i guess.
>>145183385 swimming in the lake. keeping away from everyone
Who would want to be your roommate?
How is Tabby so hot?
Try to systematically work my way up to boyfriend material with surge.
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The Brotherhood are the real heroes.
Why is Wanda looking like that
Fuck Rogue and die
I think she's just really bad at taking pictures. Probably not alot to smile about in that mental asylum.
unpack, probably. take a walk around, see where everything is.
God Mystique is really asking for it
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I'd love after school detention with her.
Very educational
Kurt is a bro. I'll pick him.
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Just have to survive the flying robot arm and I'm set.
Unpack, take a tour of the house and meet my fellow students. I would get a little nervous because of all the telepaths there, specially since they know I don't fully agree with their cause and only am there because I have nothing else going on.
I'd try to make friends and use the opportunity to self improve and become peak human (yes, human, I don't see myself as a different species and never will).
I'd eventually learn ways to block access to my mind and secretly acquire them, just in case the X-Men get too radical and I'm forced to flee. It's not like they could stop me at that point anyway.
Flirt with rogue. Hug* rogue. Cuddle* rogue.

* jackets, coats, blankets and other forms of shields will be used to avoid touching her skin
Mystique must've put Toad's tongue to work.
>The power to create shields and shield-like objects that protect against everything. Variation of Absolute Defense. Ultimate version of Shield Construction.
I guess you could make a mind shield too. That's an awesome power.
Maybe Piettro had a go with her too
*thot police
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Nah, that'd backfire. You'd just be deemed a problem student and singled out for treatment to fix your "unhealthy" thoughts. You'd wake up one morning to find you're unable to have sexual thoughts at all "for the safety of the other students".
I'd just be continually running a playlist of dance music in my head throughout the day, just to look around and see which telepath chick starts dancing or bobbing her head along with the beat. Eventually one, or maybe even more of them, will get the idea for me to host a mental rave where we would have some harmless mental fun, and maybe some physical fun if they really get into it.
Cuz marrow doesn't skateboard
Non-stop training. My power is spin dash and the ability to make simple clothing out of any matter. I’m a d-lister and probably getting killed the moment the school gets attacked. I at least want my death to be cool
Good taste
The inevitable mind-rape of my family and friends to forget me, forcing me to stick with the X-men unless I want to be thrown into the streets.

And then mind-rape into being Jean's new gay bestie.
You think Evolution Toad will ever develop his pheromone powers?
I hate these characters like people wouldn't believe...
Why not making her skateboard? What stopped them?
The Toad (T.O.A.D.) can do that easily yo
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>Jean...i dont know...if......mmmh...youre out there...spying...mmh...but if you do, do you mind giving me.some...telepathic spunk.material? Ah...."
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Mmm i want.some.boom boom in her room...

Am gonna stop time and pretend to be faster then quick silver
we should have a poll on whose the best Evo girl
As a non powered human that was selected due to his skills and intellect, I shoot my shot with the hot girls, get rejected, then train my body and mind before the school is attacked. I don a suit I brought from home that is made from vibranium and reinforced by a light layer of adamantium for added power to attacks. I basically kick the shit out of anything that gets in my way, staying silent as I do so.
Why is kitty the only one without a square chin?
jewish physics
Pretty sure in Gambit's 2014 run anytime he's at the school, he intentionally pictures The Blob naked and anyone that he sees looking at him with disgust he knows they were trying to mind read him

I guess I'm doing demon beams now. Honestly, could be a lot, lot worse, so I can't complain.
Their break me
Time to shapeshift into a bed in the girls dorm and bide my time
Jewish girls go INSANE when you marry them
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convince beast to fucking leave and do his own thing, for starters

i got that reference
They go insane whatsoever
>lust aura
Well shit what ain't I doing?
Doghshit show with a dogshit fanbase.
thanks for the bump
Good show, Pizza Cutter Boy!
If you have the skills to build something like that, let alone the money and connections to get enough adamantium and vibranium...

Why would you slum it in the x-mansion? You can have the hottest women on earth period.
It's gotten popular again for some reason. I'm not complaining really, I'm thinking of rewatching it after not having seen it since it aired.
I'm gonna ask her out bros, wish me luck
It never went away.
Show that gave us best goth Rogue, cute jew jailbait Kitty and milf Ororo cant get out of style...
Mmhm, i may got thr jungle fever
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>so Anon, what can you do?
You forgot best Mystique and best Boom Boom
Best Tabby, right how could i forgot.
Best Mystique...eh, maybe because of Risty and Principal Darkholme?

I can rock your jewish world...<shows uncircumsized cock>

im him and i bully all the nerd with weaker powers, expect these guys
there busted and unbullyable.
Why is this board full of mutiefuckers now?
Get on your knees

What else would we want to fuck? Inhumans?
>"Ma'am you're being accused of having sexual relations with your whole school, do you have anything to say!"
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>LEAVE HER ALONE! I may have been underage...but i gave "auntie" Ororo my consent! I came in...i mean to her bedroom of my own volition.
Good luck Remy
lol no, that is not how that works
Hope I survive the experience.
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I want that ass so bad
>Kitty...you wont gonna phase the.moment im gonna put it in...right? You wouldn't do that to me....
She looks like a Vampire the Masquerade character
Is leprosy a power?
It depends on whether I'm a mutant, Clone of a Mutant, a mutate, an Inhuman or a human.
Touch Rogue, because I want to know what being zapped feels like.
Is it a dick move to wait for Mystique to turn into her teenage persona and then start revealing meta knowledge in front of her and Rogue? Such as how Mystique is their mom
>six toes
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I said best MYSTIQUE
Which of the girls is best at sucking cock?
cause a homeland security issue for Prof. X to deal with.
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Find the nearest cute mutant girl and ask her if she wants to play a boardgame.
When she agrees, I take out my crate of Battletech paraphernalia, and get to teaching her the rules...
What would your favourite X-Girl think about Battletech?
>t. seething Friends of Humanity incel
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>X-Men Evolution
Gonna try and shoot my shot with Magma, Rogue and Kitty are just too far out of my league and Jean is a cardboard cutout permanently glued to Scott's crotch.
But really every girl in this show is like a 10/10, so I guess I'll just try for the first one I find that can stomach my company.
Pray the school won't be blown up today
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Amara just.exudes that good girl sexuality. A sweet hot chocolate that.melts in your mouth...and then melts the mouth..and PP
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>Oh nooo its the Bayville Sirens, here to punish me...oops i just droped a pack of magnum condoms for my magnum dong...
Laura is the most experienced but kitty is the most eager to please. Regardless it’s Jean because she’d make you think it was great.
her, Jubilee and Kurts girlfriend look to much like each other
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The animators had a thing for caramel skin cuties.
Cant fault them for that...
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those don't look like children
Objective: Survive.
It's so funny that Amanda saw Kurt was a blue furred creature and instantly got wet for him.

Even black girls can be furries.
How does anyone send their kids to a school run by a pervert like Charles Xavier?
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>Laura is the most experienced
Comics Laura sure, but no way Evolution Laura is.
Tell the truth now.
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Why don't you take your AI trash...
and move it somewhere else?
The truth is...theyb should punish me...
To combat the AI slop spam, I'll do some drawing. Drop some requests. NSFW is fine.
I'm just going to be a normal, non-rapey teacher and try not to get involved in any superpowered bullshit.
Rogue and Tabby...getting it on
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Ororo should've been a teen in the show too.
Girl group photo
Do you think shadowcat would penetrate me on my first day?
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my first order of business would be to use my powers to disable every single telepathic in the school and then dump them into a trash compactor
I never liked or watch this cartoon, but all I know about it it's that the x-girls were underage and fuckable.
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>She invited me to her bedroom in the evenings for private tutoring on...biology.
I came...willingly. Ororo is innocent
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I don't care if she tries to turn me gay, I'm going for Jean. She's hot and I love redheads.
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why can't Rogue be real? She sound and looks so lovely
The hot jailbait girls are the best part.
I’m the bunny girl off MHA but knowing X men I’m probably half rabbit full time and look like a freak like that bird guy
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I become Soft Serve's ass slave.
You suck it straight from the source, like you usually finish ice cream, sucking on the waffle?
With no hesitation.
Get my transfer papers squared away to go to the Massachusetts Academy.
How's that school much better?
Because if I'm gonna have an amoral psyker headmaster, at least it'll be a sexy blonde woman.

Not a bad power. I guess I'll be left at the manor a lot to keep it and other kids safe.
Why isn't she wearing any pants?
Evo Emma Frost would have been great, especially when she starts molesting Kitty
What...even is this? Anyway, I just do what I did in real high school and fail miserably to socialize while being an old fuddy duddy at the age of 15.
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Here ya go

alt version
is there a way i can get mental shielding before i go there? or at least some psychic phone system where i have to accept their communique before we can talk? because hormonal teenagers shouldnt have random fuckers eavesdropping on their thoughts or manipulating them
ugh one of the worst wanda designs ever. i can deal with people not giving her curly hair, but this i could not stand
I don't think I'd last very long in the mutant orgy house. I don't really have the stomach for it
Would've been very hot.
Is something in the works? Feels like I've been seeing more and more X men evolution talk starting around July.
It seems to come in waves. We were having almost daily threads back in, like, November or December. It inspired me to start writing some Evolution fanfic which I promptly lost the willpower to continue after two chapters...
Kitty and Wanda in a duo masturbation session please.
What was the fanfic about?
Design AND personality were both completely unrecognizable, they should've just made this character someone else, or an OC.
Side story set in the Evo world, following mutant characters that didn't get to be in the show. I tried following a structure that would fit a 22 minute episode with each chapter.
They should've fucked.

kinda lame, but I'll take it.
pet the Kitty
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Mystique isn't for lewding
he probably sheds like crazy though, hair fucking everywhere, it would be like living with a 130 pound cat
Because Storm fucking ripped Marrow's heart out in the comics t4dth
The horniness of the X-Men is greatly exaggerated. They don't have orgies, they have at most maybe two love triangles going on at once
Not actually. The goal is infiltration for an investigation. The goal is to Beat the X-Men at their own game. The suit is way more powerful than anyone expects. Has built in spider-sense too with a HUD. Also has gadgets. Suit is future tech.
Litterally me
I can’t post the file for some reason but I have the page where he talks about it
Join Magneto because I'm not a supermodel
Shirley even the ugly muties get laid. I think Glob Herman had a girlfriend once
>Shirley even the ugly muties get laid

Who fucked Toad?
Why is she like this?
Thank you mah man
How is Pietro such a chad?
Xavier should've realized the students were gonna dry hump through their uniforms before he made them out of thin latex.
>implying he didn't hire them
She enjoys looking sexy and deadly.
Do you like nude Mystique outside of thinking it's sexy?
He didn't in the series Pietro is kinda shown as a chad who ladies adore. He was the top basketball player in highschool.
Bitches for days? Bitches for days...
Tour the grounds, get to know the staff and the people I'll be seeing on a regular basis.
Try not to fall for Jubilee, or Rogue, or any of the female staff.


At least I know I can always go home if things get too intense.
Huh, so I'm a living nuke? I guess I'd have to learn to control it to directional, at least. Would try to hit on X-23 and Rogue no matter what.
I also really like Tabby's design in Wolverine and the X-men.
Accidentally set off a series of events that will lead to a global cataclysm.
Nothing special.
Kill myself, probably.
Why? Even mutants that got totally fucked up by their mutation like Rockslide, Beak and Glob Herman didn't kill themselves.

I'd have to have a truly shit power or appearance to kill myself.
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I like when they use their powers in more practical ways than just shooting beams at each other.
>Boomer IP
"Which way, flatscan?"
>Kurt, your step sister dresses like a slut...can i have her number?
So many options with this one.
Do you know what happens to a rapist when they're struck by lightning? The same thing that happens to everything else.
Go to class. But refuse doing hero shit.

My power. Life is laughing at because I like to draw and paint.
File for transfer as I've been clearly misassigned. I should be at Comrade Lenin's Sculpting School for Limbless Children.
Found the rabbit twins

How much any of you bet that I’m going to get captured and used to track other mutants?
To avoid the initiation ritual where the girls drag me into the back of the library and roughly handjob me over and over until I'm begging for mercy.
I'll feel intimidated, because everyone is so good looking and fit. And most likely will try to avoid too much contact.
No boy avoids that, Anon. Between the telepaths and the scent trackers, they'll find you and drain your balls dry all night.
How long would it take for a handjob from Rogue to kill you?
As long as Rogue has gloves on, Kitty, Amara and Boom Boom are participating, imm gonna power through...

Hopefully longer than getting my rocks off...
>Mass Expulsion.

The names Cannon. Dick Cannon.
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Why is Rogue wearing gloves, but otherwise very exposed.
it's kind of stupid of her to not have something over her skin so she doesn't accidently touch someone
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Don't read Nu X-men- look it up, MFW it's real.
At least I'll die first.
Even if hadjob from her won't be enough to kill you, it would surely kill your dick. Not worth it for me unless that was the only chance for me to get skin contact from a girl
I've just got a fucking gun
Why am I here
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So Anon
What are your powers?
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Thanks anon I got Humanity Embodiment I guess I'm basically a demigod of humanity?
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would an indian or how gays call them, native murican...be good in bed?
Avoid the psychic sluts.
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How would it take Emma to cuck Jean?

Oh damn, I guess I get somehow involved with an extremely sneaky classmate. Either out of a teenage crush or an autistic belief that she's "gonna break the rulez" or is a criminal or some shit.
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Turn Rogue into the blimp she deserves to be
People seeing Emma first and foremost as a love interest for Cyclops seem to have forgotten the point of the character. If she'd been in Evolution she'd be one of the adult cast, either a new authority figure at the school, or running a rival school where she's recruiting her own private army of mutant teens
The point of the character is to be a scantily clad snooty girl with a British accent that eventually steals Scott from Jean, then works out some kind of sharing agreement with Jean, then works out some sort of private understanding with Jean for entertaining each other while Scott is off doing Scott stuff
Cucking Jean, a cuckship with Cyclops, the faked British accent and your cringe Jean/Emma fantasies all had nothing to do with the original point of the character. And she's actually from Boston.
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>And she's actually from Boston
Fuck you and your school, Charles. I'm making a better one.
Based and coompilled, though.
The duality of man. This is what killed my fic I was talking about earlier. It was all about a rival mutant school being run by Emma, but it was so hard not to slip into "writer's barely disguised(if at all lol) fetish" about the supple teen mc and sexy dommy mommy teacher.
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My only issue with this is that the Hellions don't seem very interesting, which undercuts the rival school idea.
You must have a secondary power of perfect luck because holy shit, you couldn't have gotten a bigger jackpot. Give it to 'er good, mate.
not the worst redesign, I liked the effect of the "scales" shifting when she changes appearances.

I'm glad it never made it to the comics though, it's one of those designs that's good as a one-off choice but shouldn't become mainstream
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>poison bullet projection
Whelp I'm probably a prime target for brotherhood indoctrination.
Where is this fan comic from? I kinda need it
This is funny. I kinda like the idea of a student being openly hostile to the way Xavier teaches them.
appears to be all there is to it unfortunately

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She can probably suck a cock like a peace pipe.

Manifest destiny demands her fertile lands are claimed, perhaps by Sam.
Why are they X-Men?
Damn. Now I want a new season of Evo.
they couln't say seX-men
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Hit on Kitty Pryde and proceed to masturbate to her later that night, indifferent as to whether Professor X, Jean and Emma are watching
I want to help Rogue's self esteem by cuddling often and regular safe sex...
I become entranced by Rogue's ass and follow her everywhere.
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yea, thats a nice big white ass.
please no

me2, (better make double sure it's SAFE)
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I'm going to fuck Rogue on the very first night, thanks to Black-Wolf's guide.
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>reality warping bs
id remove telepathy from reality and then do very subtle fucking around at school, like changing people's test answers, lowering toilets like 3 inches, putting a bit of rust on now normal xaviers wheelchair wheels. and if people suspect me I'll just be like naaaah my power is, uh, super strength or whatever

Oh shit, I'm better Storm.

I guess I'd make myself a dope reality breaking paradise in my bedroom and win points by generating snow days as and when. Really though my goals will be almost entirely built around chilling with the boys and trying to pipe a hot telepath. They're going to be in my head anyway, might as well be consensual and horny.
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I try not to let Logan find out I'm planning to fuck his daughterfus.
>Really good at handstanding
Imagine Cerebro picking up a new mutant and their power is that they're really good at handstands. No one would get into Xavier's with this.
Kinda lame at first glance but you could get up to some shenanigans the more I think about it.
Scott is gay for turning down her offer, I would play squash with her all day

I be on the wizard grindset and try to learn magic because Dr.Doom is cool and it's useful in certain situations but struggle because learning isn't my strong suit.
I'll try to make friends but being introverted doesn't help and what also doesn't help my image is that I do whatever/stupid shit not for the sake of trying to look cool to my peers but just out of boredom like copying Xaviers or Jeans telepathy to insert a false narrative into people's minds all except Magick that Colossus doesn't exist so that Magick looks like a crazy person trying to convince people that she has an older brother who has been an X-Men for years (also add to the narrative that she is Polish), copy Cyclops abilities to prank Logan thinking Scott is randomly blasting him with eye lasers when no one is looking and copying Wolverines healing factor to get into an "accident" at Stark Industries during a tour and get a large settlement so I don't have to worry about money.

For romance I try to get with goth chicks, punk chicks, nerd chicks, athletic chicks, tomboys or gyaru chicks.
I typed a shit ton because I needed something to kill time so sorry.
He really was kind of blind for not seeing she liked him
>It's your first day at Xavier's Institute for Gifted Children. What's your plan for today?

Rip and Tear
great plan
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Tabby is so...slutty but in an endearing, cute kinda way...
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She really hangs on the that thin line of slutty - good girl
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Start working my way toward a threesome with Tabby and Amara. Or maybe a more permanent three-way relationship.
>i'm gonna fuck the mutants
bro they wouldn't fuck you
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I have the gomu-gomu no mi x gene
what makes you think that?
you're on 4chan
are they mutants?
Make friends with Kitty
If autistic people are considered mutants then yeah
it's been a long day
>TFW your mission is going better than expected
>TFW you get a date with Jean Grey on a Friday night
>TFW my goal is to test your abilities to resist make yourself immune to telepaths while treating her to a good night out.
Get to know the grounds and the buildings and hope they don't change randomly.
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>storing up on anti burn salves ater an intensive 3 way sessions with tabby and Amara. Especially after Amara...

Antimatter Ranged Weaponry

I can use antimatter as ammo in ranged weapons.
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Here ya go

Atl version

I'm still doing some drawing, so if you still have lewd Evolution ideas drop'em.
Just ask her to wear surgical gloves. Thin enough it won't take away from the experience, and perfectly safe.
Risty and Rogue molesting Kitty...from both sides.
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Find a way to make Kurt a girl permanently.
so basically shittier green lantern?
I'm actually not a fan of that design, but I do like her shapeshifting effect with the scales flipping when she changes.
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Why this jewess tempts me so?
Making me want to play with her "kitty" and go wild on her like in my hentai...
i hope they can see it all desu
>Power to create televisions
This is the most useless fucking thing here. I mean, I guess I could hypothetically make bank by selling these things on ebay, but the fuck am I ever supposed to use this for?
You're right, in the sense that it would be hard to find one not willing to fuck
i guess you won't feel pain
or hot
or cold
or fear?
or happiness
or love...
on the upside you won't feel the need to goon
>Kitty when she sees im pulling down my pants. Kitty after she sees whats inside.
Good girl...
>Rogue...i just saw you laying there, contemplating the nature...mind if i lay on top and rub against you a bit?
>oh...y...you don't mind? Golly...
>>145234663 (me)
Wait I just realized something. I'm one of the most deadly mutants here
>Power to create televisions out of existing material or nothing
This implies that with but a mere thought, I could turn Magneto into a fucking flesh television.
>Anon is now your typical /a/ Villain
I think you're going to the wrong school
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Jean has fuck me eyes
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>Rogue...if...no...when i faint, please don't call the medics before you dress me back up...ok?
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rogue mfs will look at proffesor x in drag and say "she is such a bad bitch though"
Imagine walking in on Rogue like this and she looks over her shoulder and spread her legs more.

Could you resist?
white women aren't hot so i would pass
What's your preference for mutant girls?
not white
can be white but with skin mutation like the zebra girl
zebra girl is so cute!!!!!! i love her!!!!
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Combine girl Kurt with this Kurt
what do people find so hot about her she is so mediocre
oh a goth girl! THOUSANDS OF THEM exist!
how about fucking mystique or fucking jubilee
Oh a Japanese girl! MILLIONS OF THEM exist!

Oh an evil psychopathic woman! BILLIONS OF THEM exist!
You wouldn't get it...
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Within a few days I become Pic related, except I also occasionally turn people into deviant art furry OCs when I'm feeling particularly cruel
How many of them are hot and have deep issues to take advanta- how many of them are hot?
From they sounds of you can use the the very life force of the planet to make physical objects and do stuff with it, but it's temporary objects.
So I guess your captain planet with the powers of green lantern
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Here ya go

alt version
Go in for a firm ass grab.
Who makes all this ai art of evolution?
Someone post hot Toad.
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lord imagine how fucking shit going to a mutant school would be. you spend all summer training to join the marathon tea-nope, some fag with the ability to pause time beat you. well, maybe you can get into the chess clu-NOPE, mind readers beating you there. well, how about you join the macro or microeconomics cla-whoops, some dude who shits literal gold has got the teachers attention in that class.
>whats your gift, anon!
>i can....i can purify any water with a single touch
>....oh....oh, uh...you can be the waterboy for the wrestling team, mr hulk needs like, 500 gallons of water a match!
Why is she into it?
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No, i wouldnt even try resisting, its against nature
>Gifted children
I guess shit my pants or some other gifted activity like eating crayons.
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Jewess deprived of a boyfriend
Wouldn't you be into two goth chick's rubbing your genitals?
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No? I go to school to learn, not to fall into debauchery
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Why is she so FAT?
So I got Light Arts, pretty kino.
I wonder what the full extent of photokinesis could be, you would be able to become a master of illusions. But also i think you would have an effect on the physical, I'm not sure on the relationship between light time and matter.
I would probably try to be a very flashy guy who tries to keep an appearance of perfection but be constantly fumbling and hoping no one noticed.
You could help the environment, anon.
Not fat.
I'll lick and rub against those cheecks all day.
That bakery...
It's an important part of a class that teaches to withstand seduction by tattooed bad girls.

Without taking this class you'd break the moment you were captured by a villainess and impregnate her.
Ray Park Toad is pretty much the hottest version of him.
Anon she farts and shits from there
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Not when its plugged.by.my.meat she dont
Pyro, Amara and Tabby having a threesome.
Jubilee is Japanese???????????
your having erp sessions with random /v/ users at like 10 pm on a sunday

what happened. where did it all go wrong
oops, /co/. honestly, im not sure if that would be worse or better.
Convince my roommate to kill themselves so I get a free degree.
that's it Rogue kill that kike
depends which hellions. Thunderbird/warpath, empath and Magma are interesting on their own.
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Make love to Kurt
Avoid Jean at all costs.
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Vacation kitty is hot
God damn it why won't the link load
Works fine for me
Why is she so cute?
Callisto was underrated in this show.
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>if you still have lewd Evolution ideas drop'em.
Repeating request from the thread we lost when everything got deleted:
Suggesting a lewd version of >>145204045 with Wanda boobmogging the girls in the showers, Jean with the same worried expression on her face. All three girls clean shaven and with no piercings, maybe let Rogue and Wanda have at least shoulder-length hair.
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I'm 33, so I'm spending my day wondering why the fuck my mutant power kicked in so late and how the fuck I'm supposed to train in using it when I'm surrounded with literal children all day long. Never mind the student teen drama going on, I'm older than half the teachers in this place for god's sake!

I just know they'll send me off on some wet ops mission with Wolverine as soon as I've got some kind of handle on my powers...
>Wanda boobmogging the girls in the showers,
You know that can't be possible Rogue has the biggest ones confirmed by the creators
Xavier. Just borrow one of Magneto's helmets first.
Oh great, so I'm the kid who ends up needing to be killed by Wolverine after my powers become unmanageable and my dreams start creating an alternate reality that pulls people in or some bullshit like that.
But that was written for character model art in the first season, before she was added to the cast.
This but I would be the victim
Going behind her to give Kitty some doggy

I cause cancer


Call myself "Medic" and become the School Nurse.
Okay this is epic
You can also make people go blind without them knowing until the day after they pissed you off, when their eyes start stinging.
New school rivalry established.
Im not following the comic, so I only saw some pic about Glob, but does he have a dick or is that surface of him is soft or what? I mean if it can get erect I would fuck it no problem.
Kitty is hot regardless
I'd rape Kurt.
that's no fun. Rerolling.

I, Not-Aquaman, will have an octopus on my head at all possible times for an extra pair of eyes and advice. What should I call them?

I would never use my time powers to cheat a marathon like that.
What are the point of these powerlisting posts? Just to farm (You)s?
This. I thought she was Chinese... because her last name is Lee
Why is Gambit gooning in the back?
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Giga Slut
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Who wouldn't?
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I was only shuffling my deck, petit cherie

Probably date Wanda and inadvertently piss off Magneto though I'd create elemental armors/minions based on sketches or graffiti art I create.
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Not show anyone my X power of growing my toenails at will.
Guess I'm Apocalypse or some shit now.
Fuck off Xavier, I'M the boss now.
>Here if other anons would like to roll
I won. I have telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation, life and death manipulation, elemental manipulation, invisiblity, shape shifting, super speed, an ageless body, a Super Saiyan form with godlike durability (Transcendent Physiology + Divine Aura + Divine Form).
I'm basically a reality warper who can manipulate cosmic, solar, lunar, elemental, and divine energy. I'm quite possibly the strongest omega level mutant to have ever existed
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Oh, hello, Rogue. Are your panties not moistened by my ability to throw sick Fireballs?
I guess shits acting up for me

Ohhh I could be the cool kid, but I think I’ll be an asshole event Comic villain instead. My end goal will be to get the original X team to collectively and individually push Charles down the stairs.
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I want Tabby to do the anime locker room move on me....mmmmh
Yes, i wanna be Kabedon'd by Tabby before i do Kumonher'd
Talk to everyone about their powers, how they've used them in new ways, and what they would do if they had mine. I want to be able to pull out surprising tricks whenever combat happens.
Sounds like what a traitor in waiting would do. You won't trick me into telling you how to beat me!
So I guess I won't see you in the Danger Room?
>Tabby youre giving me that look again...im out of condoms...and a bit sore down there...Tabby?
Yeah man that guy, sucks we can't let someone like him mess up our mutant family.

Become a god.

Fuck everything that moves. Hit on rogue nonstop and get a hard flirting thing going. Have her play along after a while.
Get hot and heavy with her, and let her play along with it thinking she'll be safe from going any further and able to take care of herself later. Till I turn off her powers slip my tongue into her open warm mouth and my hands into her panties.
Then I'll give her a 10(okay 9.25 inches) pop her cherry and power fuck her and make sweet tender love to her for the next few days.
Only leaving the room to shower or get door dash.
>he willingly goes into a room with "Danger" in its name
Gotta train our powers so when the real danger happens we'll be ready. Oh, me and Glob are working out later if that's more your speed.
>Here if other anons would like to roll
Can I even be considered a mutant with this? I guess if even the bow is metaphysical.
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I'll go with Emma, thanks.
I don't understand my powers at all. I guess I want to experience different things so I can make my opponents experience them?
Guess I'm playing support, the potential for this one is horrifying though.
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I guess I'll go sexually harass the Scarlet Witch
Huh. That's...that's actually pretty fucking good. So I have super strength that comes and goes but I'm always as strong as I *need* to be at that moment. Kinda like Darwin's adaptation power I guess??
Have you heard of a little thing called fun??
where's the full image
It is kinda ironic that even though she's still hot, Jean doesn't have anything special compared to Rogue, Kitty, Boom Boom and Ororo.
the greatest superpower of all:
>Do Krakoa
>Resurrect cyclops each time he dies but make sure he retains the brain damage that causes the loss of control of his powers.
>Also don't explain how wolverine resurrects with metal on his skeleton.
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what a terrible power for a teen to have
imagine after a shower
Makes more sense than shapeshifting clothing. That's the sort of thing which would have disruptive implications for the setting.
Requesting Kitty embarrassed, nude and covering herself with her clothes and underwear on the floor.
Derailing the thread with a bunch of shitty posts no one reads is fun?
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everyone is going into my cum jar
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Here's hoping Kitty is an astrology girl
I'm literally God
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My name is Hatrix my goal is to use my powers to raid the fridge, avoid Wolverine rob the garden and pick up chicks.
I can't believe Kurt fit all 9 of those into Kitty.
>50% the board is "what if (character) had BIG FUGGIN TIDDIES?"
>25% of the board is Twitter screencap threads
>20% is /pol/ bullshit
And you choose to complain about this.
Whoops forgot the power.
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>This but I would be the victim

>Yeah, I look like a rat so what? you're blue.
>Disruptive implications
The what? Call me crazy but I want to doubt this is the very first time you've thought about a superhero's power effecting the clothes they wear.
Thread should be better if you added in one of those random super power generator links,
Maybe do that next time.
I mean I have to have some kind of super disability to join the x-men right? Like everyone I touch turns into a green frog and shouts based and kino a lot or something,
>everyone else is posting shit so why can't I post shit too?
That's not how it works, buddy
Dude wanna raid the fridge?
I am autistic about physical shapechangers being able to mimic clothes, which I hate no matter the character, so I definitely prefer her "nude". It also makes for more fun scenes where she has to plan her outfits ahead, maybe wearing a dress underneath a suit she's wearing to infiltrate a place as a man, so she can throw the clothes off and walk out wearing the dress. Or have her walk through a crowd with perfectly mimicked "skintight clothes", that look good enough that nobody looks twice at her. Like when people walk around with really good bodypaint on.
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I wanna pull those pyjama pants with my teeth, like a puppy
>C'mere you muttie <ziiiiip>
>there is much worse shit everywhere all the time
>but I have to complain about people having fun because... BECAUSE I JUST DO, OKAY!?!
>That right! We wear our pants zipped up around here mutie!
She should be a teenager too
How would teen Jean react to catching Scott mentally cheating on her with Emma?
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>Hey...why are you unzipping it again, mutie? And...ehy mine too...what are you...
yes, the leftovers will be ours!
That is why you never date a telepath.
So I'm not quite a telepath, but moreso a living battery of psychic power. I guess I wouldn't be totally useless, but it'd kind of suck being stuck in a support role.
The upside is that I have an excuse to hang around the cute psychics.
Yes. Get fucked faggot.
so I can teleport things and I don't need to touch them. but I don't think I can teleport myself? not bad though. teleporting people's clothes off sounds like fun.
oh hELL yes. I can heal wounds, regenerate, fuck up people's bodies. call me Sinew.
no u
and then what happens when it's one of the guys
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Bro, you are looking at it all wrong. You get to be basically the 'Morph'-tier friend to Evo-Logan, missions where you aren't a glorified babysitter, AND a lot of the other students will want your dick because you are an older dude (to them) and 'go on important missions and stuff'. Honestly, you'll probably die on one of those missions so Logan can call out your name and have a dramatic arc, but that's just the fucking setting and even being a younger student doesn't spare you from it. At least you'll actually have never died, probably, same as Morph.
Who is Jubilee talking about here?

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