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(Pic related beating our asses from across the pacific)
>shoved in the same shitty femcel self-insert into every one of her stories
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Linnea Sterte
is that the one from the story where her son is her husband reincarnated and he's got the hots for her or something?
Katie Rice
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Katia Even, and Marina Duclos.
Ramona Fradon, I read pic related like a month ago, it's a biography of her and it's so sweet. She was really talaented and deserves more respect but because she passed away this year she got a big spoonful of respect.
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Ramona Fradon, who got a sticky and 90% of the posts in it said they had no idea who she was despite her being a prolific and talented golden age artist who didn't stop drawing until she was 90
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Minna Sundberg has reached levels of based that shouldn't even be possible.
Who's she?
I'm guessing by the art, that it's the Ranma 1/2 artist.
Rumiko Takahashi, the creator of Urusei Yatsura, Ranma 1/2, and Inuyasha. Fun fact, her style was extremely influential on early internet art, which is why so many 90s webcomics have a character that looks almost identical to the way she drew herself in OP's image.
>Is also the richest mangaka in history, her manga selling 170 million copies.

It's funny how feminists whine about Japan being some regressive shithole when she and other female mangaka are far more sucessful than their western counterparts.
For me? It's Arakawa.
>Gets complaints from her Japanese female fans that she draws too many muscle men and not enough twinky boys, and that her women are too busty
>Her response is "I love drawing big hunky muscle men and women that go vavoom and will continue to do so"
Do you have her FMA afterwords where her editor tries to insert a love triangle in her story and she flatly refuses?
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Leah Williams
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Can't seem to find it, but I did find this and it made me laugh
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Post more so /co/ anons will experience what a stacy she is.
Shiiiit, now I realize that it reminds me of Piro from Megatokyo.
She’s the second richest mangaka
Let me guess who's the first, Oda (One Piece) right?
You guessed correctly, although Takahashi was the richest for a looooooong time so I can understand why that anon got mixed up. A ton of that just came from Urusei Yatsura too, it's kind of weird to think of from outside of Japan but both the show and manga were fucking juggernauts there. Stylistically one of the singular most influential series there right up there with Dragonball and Astroboy.
Envy, pure and simple.
Ramona is really good.
There were also some very good artists who worked for Fiction House during WW2 like Lily Renee and Fran Hopper who I would rate as some of the best GA artists
She's had at least one top-selling hit series every decade since the 80s.
Comments like these are always funny to me because like 99% of stories written by men have exactly these kind of self-inserts but when a woman writer does the exact same thing it's som kind of shocking aberration.
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I think most people would have said Tracy Butler before the Lackadaisy pilot came out. Now, I'm not so sure.
Does Lauren Faust count or do her naysayers negate that?
Based as in good?
No. I have yet to read a single great comic by a woman.
Based as in entertaining and acceptable? Suuure.
People got mad at me last thread months ago but women just cannot make great comics, and they will never be in my top 10.
Stick to movies.
Yes but the bulk of her money came from UY, that was a money-printing machine and was airing at the height of Japan's economic boom so people were shoving their disposable income at her.
Peach Momoko, writer and artist of Ultimate X-Men, currently one of Marvel's biggest titles.
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Stephanie Cherrywell.

Based and funny despite being a lesbian and left leaning(albeit early 2000s left, so like, Anti-Iraq War and Pro Civil Unions)

(Also funnily enough took a ton of artstyle inspiration from OP especially early on)

You can really only tell if they describe eye color too much. That’s literally it
>Peach Momoko
Talk about redundant.
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Jan Duursema
Was she Lesbian or was she just good at drawing women?
I highly doubt she would have gotten extremely popular in Bubble era Japan if she was gay
Literal whos
When people ask for the top 3 most influencial manngakas, I always think of 1st Tezuka and 2d Toriyama, but for the 3d one, I can't decide between Takahashi and Nagai.
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Wendy Pini obviously
There's a couple books John Ostrander did through crowdfunding, Kros: Hallowed Ground with art by Tom Mandrake and Hexer Dusk with art by Jan Duursema. She's handling both campaigns on Indiegogo if you buy them.
Yes I'm shilling these books for free
I think it depends on how you're looking at the influence. In terms of style Takahashi basically codified what people think of as the "anime" tropes of today, but Nagai was the inspiration for an absolute metric shitload of people to get into drawing in the first place. They might share a third place honestly.
Mirka Andolfo, NSFW: >>>/aco/8476329
>Urusei Yatsura
disgusting feminist lesbian coomer shit.
>Ranma 1/2
disgusting tranny coomer shit that was planned to be lesbian feminist shit.
actually... decent i guess?
>actually... decent i guess?
You could have at least been subtle with your bait.
>disgusting feminist lesbian coomer shit.
how, it's about a hot alien girl who really wants to fuck a guy
>disgusting tranny coomer shit that was planned to be lesbian feminist shit.
trannies only like ranma because they are ignorant and probably haven't even watched it or read it, it literally says YWNBAW even if you get magically transformed into a woman.
What are her self-inserts? I can't think of any
>Likes Inuyasha
>Is a faggot
Checks out
Shinobu and akane get shat on constantly though
>implying 00s leftism isn't still really far left
Am I the only one getting "Homestuck OC" from this?
She has flat out said Kagome was hard to write because she is 'nothing like her during her school days' though. And that is not to get into the fact that both her and Akane are only mad because both Ranma and Inuyasha ARE total jackasses who go out of their way to be abrasive on purpose.
>>Urusei Yatsura
>disgusting feminist lesbian coomer shit.
>>Ranma 1/2
>disgusting tranny coomer shit that was planned to be lesbian feminist shit.
and I thought the leftoids were the only ones who put nonsensical political bullshit opinions into inoffensive asian cartoons holy fuck
>Urusei Yatsura
>disgusting feminist lesbian coomer shit
Names I'm upset to not see in here just from the top of my head

Ann Nocenti
Louise Simonson
Kim Yale
Colleen Doran
Lynn Varley
Becky Cloonan
Emily Carroll
Emma Rios
Nicola Scott
Marie Severin
Karen Berger and Jenette Kahn aren't writers or artists but I'm including them

and that's just cape comics, someone with knowledge of underground/indie books could probably name a ton more
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Man I used to read the hell out of Octopus Pie when I was in High School, thanks /co/ for introducing it to me
Kinda crazy seeing physical OP comics at the library I work at
>no mention yet
American Rightoids are just as bad, i really do hope politics becomes boring again after this election
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>Hates Urusei Yatsura and Ranma 1/2, two of the most influential mangas of all time, for being “WOKE” or gay or tranny or whatever the fuck
>Actually likes INUYASHA
Gee I wonder who’s behind this post…
I'm surprised no one's posted that picture yet, you know the one. They're usually instant with it.
Well geez anon, maybe you should read more comics
The maker and artist behind Moon over June, clearly.
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She's my favorite
Simon Hanselmann is a dude, and he's not trans, he's just a crossdresser.
This, woman had comics in her as much ass she is in comics
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>You said ass
Ethel Hays
Gladys Parker, who also took over Hays's strip "Flapper Fanny"
>absolutely dominates the american comic book market in your path
Inuyasha is the only manga I can think of that literally has a filler arc in the middle of it. They're right fucking there at Naraku's lair and suddenly the Band of Seven show up to cockblock actual plot progression.
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Meredith Gran is probably one of the best women artists of all time and probably the best of the 21st century. The storytelling she does is great and its only gotten better over the years.
>Man I used to read the hell out of Octopus Pie when I was in High School
Same, I'm glad I found it when I did. How long ago was it since you found it?
>Kinda crazy seeing physical OP comics at the library I work at
Never saw the books at any library I've been to but I'm happy you see them at your job, anon. I hope more people are checking out the book and getting into the series.
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Page 10 bumping, some probably already mentioned:
Emily Carroll
Joanna Karpowicz art, Magdalena Lankosz script, Anastasia
Jillian Tamaki (Canadian American) art, Mariko Tamaki writer, This One Summer
Marjane Satrapi (French-Iranian) art and script, Persepolis
Meredith Gran, Octopus Pie
Mirka Andolfo, Sweet Paprika
Vera Brosgol
Victoria Maderna, Hematite comic
The Ranma remake is so shit that I hardly would call her "based", I know she only gave the thumbs up because she likes money, but that remake sucked ass and I'm glad it was leaked months earlier than it's intended October 5 release
Mexicans actually love Ranma, but they do seem to be hating on the remake now since they changed the dub voices for latam
Nice feet
And not only did her works sold a lot, but several of her works got anime adaptations, OVAs, and movies; UY and Ranma got remakes, and Inuyasha got an animated sequel.

But I agree that Akane and Kagome are terrible love interests; Shinobu did have a justifiable reason to beat Ataru up; and I genuinely believe that she was coping that Lum stole the spotlight when she made Ranma.
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gave me my new favorite reaction image
I mean in sheer volume rumiko beats basically everyone else considering how she has been making weekly manga for almost 50 years, though obviously in terms of quality you have bigger competence in urasawa,nihei, Inoue, araki, arakawa, etc
is there an equivalent to mal to check for their work? (and other western artists)
But these are all men?
why we couldn't have someone like her?
>being so autistic that you turn into an American libertarian edgelord revelling in being an asshole and then an American Christian, just because you watched what the YouTube algorithm fed you while drawing your comic, coupled with not being able to cope with intrusive thoughts like "what if I crashed my car into that tree?" and "What if God IS real?" after finally getting a driving license in your 30s
I still can't believe it. She even had her religious mother that she could have started going to church with again, the natural path, but instead she went full autismo and found the one tiny congregation that's working on the same American Christian values as all the youtube videos she watched.
Pandora's Box
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Urusei Yatsura: girl who is "too masculine" goes on a date with a girl to "learn how to be feminine" while saying she is not interested in boys, constant ""jokes""(haha funy) about her being a lesbian and being a boy, and tons of sex-changing for ""comedy""

originally devised as a lesbian love story, but publisher didn't allow that so creator made the girl sometimes have a male body. this time the whole series is about sex-change ""jokes"". but obviously the creator's fixation on homo subtexts and sex-change has absolutely zero relation to homos and trannies. Japan is in a separate dimension, they can't be criticized for things westerners can.
That's all revisionist nonsense by troons. Go read the actual chapters
We had Zone, LONG long ago.
CanaryPrimary is probably female?
Zone was proven a man, LONG long ago.
CanaryPrimary could very well be a girl though
Oh right I forgot about Zone being male. Because it was too LONG long ago. Made me hate him for keeping on baiting with his OC, which is basically all he does these days.

I can name some female artists which are shit... but it doesn't matter since they are as lost as Zone.
Canary claims to be a man but the subject matter has this odd touch that makes me feel like it genuinely might be an attempt to keep internet weirdos at bay and he's actually a she. Really cutesy content, focus on what the girl's thinking, seems to spend extra attention on making the men look handsome, etc.
Does Lauren Faust count? She designed characters for Them Fightin Herds when Hasbro forbid them to use their characters which is based.
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>focus on what the girl's thinking

The best kind of smut, also it's not as blunt as art by guys is. We don't get enough of that. I'm SO bored and digging through mountains of AI certainly doesn't help. I thought the rasta hair dog was her (?) self insert OC desu.
"seems to spend extra attention on making the men look handsome" Really? They often seem to be the dorky type.
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Good example for the OP comparison, but Steph’s artstyle diverged a ton later on
>The best kind of smut, also it's not as blunt as art by guys is
Yeah I agree, it's part of what makes their stuff so good.
>Really? They often seem to be the dorky type.
Sometimes they're dorky sure, but they're still drawn in a way that's very attractive from a woman's point of view. I've personally known a lot of girl artists in my life and the way the guy draws men makes me think he's either actually a woman or the most in-touch-with-his-girl-side bisexual I've ever seen.
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Still funny though
>There are other people that suspect CanaryPrimary of being a girl
But its also not unrealistic expectations (still can't fulfill them so I decide to die alone).
i don't get it
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>Meredith Gran, Octopus Pie
I wish she drew more of her characters like this. Or at least Eve and Will.
>thinking early anime is anything but someone's fetish
>Urusei Yatsura
>"early" anime
Jesus Christ
time is relative. if you want to be pedantic about what eras count as early in relation to modern times, then go ahead.
yes, lesbianism and trannyism are the creator's fetishes who is a woman, that was the point.
Could be Sarah Andersen if she stopped doing Sarah's Scribbles and focused on full narratives.
What are her full narratives? I thought she only done the square panel stuff.
No it isn't. A show that debuted some 30 years after the medium began is not "early". By that point the medium had been established and had its own culture and identity.
Making fun of Brittany Mania.

That comic was from 2007
They gotta fall into that sweet spot of weird enough to do it, but not so weird it ruins it.

Most of them over here ended up doing webcomics as Comic Books were gatekept prior to SLG really busting the indie market open a
Fangs & Cheshire Crossing
why can't westoids do it then?
she basically wrote the recipe already, you just gotta adopt it
Meds, now
your risperidone is about to expire
lol first thing that came to mind as well
I'd say she's the closest due to her style's recognizability and staying power, but America's producer-focused system fucked her over.
She doesnt have the fortune and wasnt big on comics either.
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She occasionally dabbles outside of the scribbles comics and does other works like Fangs. She's not bad as an artist, I just think she recognizes that people will give her money for doing this fairly low effort webcomic that basically serves as a diary for her. She can farm cash out of this for a while and occasionally do other works she wants to do that require more effort.
S.Andersen or S.Sakurai
She did the one with the chubby space captain chick right
Rumiko and her trash is extremely overrated by her simps
Yeah welcome to the only fucking reason she made it with that garbage "art".
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Akane is terrible but the female lead from Maison Ikoku is worse in some ways, she straight comes off as manipulative, and even the small stories like Ghospel punch had the infamous ''girls slaps/beats/hates boys (usually all) but she is always in the right cause woe is me'' trope, because the issue with Takahashi is that, not so much the fact that she never got married (she literally saw herself as a ''need no man'' type) or even the rumors of she being a closeted lesbian, but really is a case that she got too favoritism for being female even when she kept being resentful that editors told her that she was indulging herself too much in her tropes and cliches instead of caring about storytelling, and she always saw that in a ''Ugh, men's world!'' tunnel vision.

I used to joke about how she was the proto Stephanie Meyer (twilight), but really she embodies the worst of post divorce George Lucas, surrounding herself with too many yes man and not having people telling her straight into the eye ''Dont do this/This is stupid/This is a bad idea''

heh, maybe she is just autistic.

As for western equivalents, sadly the few i can think off later become libshits and people like Gale Simmone really become overrated because of the misguided ''women in refrigerators'' thing she and her simps tried to hard to input as a zeitgeist to be obeyed/
What is this phenomena here?
The question was which of her characters were self-inserts, not which one of them gets shat on.
i mean they get shat on constantly in the mangas. if they are self inserts she must hate herself. also shinobu is irrelevant after the first few chapters of urusei yatsura
>Andersen initially published the webcomic on Tumblr,
uhoh, not a good sign. is she actually "based"? i always thought the comic about black IQ was an edit.
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I want to have with plain looking girl
u mean "biological women"?
>Andersen initially published the webcomic on Tumblr
that's just what artists did in 2010-2014
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She has simps? She's never exactly been a looker, OP's avatar is pretty accurate to how she looked in the 70s and she didn't exactly age gracefully.
you can make an account there now and post nazi shit and not get in trouble anymore
Marie Pommepuy
Has anyone done… you know
Probably because she’s garbage and her comic fucking sucks, you retarded tranny. Jewflix slop doesn’t belong on this board
i swear i saw this artist draw weird fetish porn
No I don't know, care to elaborate?
I only knew about her because I'm a big Aquaman guy but yeah it took like 2 days to get that sticky. It's so fucking annoying how much modern /co/ is in love with their own ignorance.
based female architect
are you sure it wasnt dobson/CattyN? he has a similar style
Geez, why does everyone wanna deconstruct this lady and her works as if it was Anno with Eva?
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No, THIS is Steph doing a female architect.

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