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>In Exceptional X-Men #1 there will be no more teasing. Kate Pryde … sorry, she's back to Kitty Pryde now… will be on a date with a woman. Or at least she would have been if she hadn't been stood up.

>Nevertheless, her gender is made quite clear… and forty years of teasing will be over. Just about. Eve L Ewing is no coward…

Bi-Bros, WE WON!
This better lead to her being with Magik. It's been decades, make it happen. The only gay couple on my wishlist was Harley and Ivy and most of /co/ hates that.
Why don't they draw her as an ethnic Jew? Being this pretty Jew without any ethnic features makes her more hypocritical.
Stuff like this is why people despise capeshit
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This whole arc of hers was so gay
>can’t go to orgy island through portals (but this shouldn’t matter because the x-men have access to jets and she even gets her own fucking superyacht), so she begins roleplaying as a pirate captain by getting sailor tattoos (despite Hold Fast being a tattoo for deckhands, not captains), starts dressing like a redcoat, and then has to kiss random women who she meets in tattoo parlors
Not to mention the contrived idea that Krakoa needs to take in human refugees. That happened in this comic, right? Why would any human even end up near the waters of Krakoa? Are the refugees from Papa New Guinea? And why would they want to stay on an island with a massive population of pardoned criminals who used to kill humans en masse?
this was confirmed several years ago though
Get Carol and Jess together already

It's modern Marvel. Of course she's gay. They say bi to explain why she has shown any interest in a male, but she's gay. Everyone is gay. The human species will be extinct in a generation. Just a few robots left wondering what happened.
Kitty's been teased as bi for longer than most of the people complaining about it have been alive
Need hot lesbian sex
naw,, brown ppl reproducing 8:1, they'll be fine; white, yellow, and blacks better start smashing more
Kitty was her babysitter, don't be a fucking groomer, who are you, Beau Demayo?
So the reason people really complain about it is the same reason a dad would get angry when their 36 year old NEET son doesn’t take out the trash. It’s not really about the trash, it’s about him being a failure and a freak who spends his days arguing about politics online when he should get a fucking job and move out.

For the retards in the audience, what I’m saying is that comics have been dogshit for a long time, and rather than try to fix anything about them, writers will do some stupid little moralistic push to get even an ounce of exposure before their low-quality trash is once more forgotten. Nobody wants to try and do good work, nobody cares about telling good stories. It’s just a shitty paycheck after shitty paycheck with brief moments where you see the person that superhero used to be, before it’s once more dropped into the bucket of sludge and gruel. Everyone can see it but very few have the fortitude to argue it, and most of them know it’s a lost cause anyway.

So we say Kitty Pryde being bisexual is retarded degeneracy, because everything else is depressing and inarguable fact.
The mutants are gay, not the humans. They're gonna take themselves into extinction without humans even intervene.
> So, in the new x-men, Kitty is gay
> Ok, but what she does?
> Does?
> What else?
> Else?
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It's honestly funny seeing that THIS is what capeshit has been reduced to. Making random characters gay to generate clickbait.

It really is pathetic.
You mean lesbian? Because now she's going to be depicted as lesbian forever.
Kitty ain't a random. But she's an annoying cunt though.
I wonder who her sexual partner would be haha
Who would you consider a “random” superhero to become gay?

Magik likes Juggernaut unstopable cock.
>a random
I mean random as in, it feels like they've just started to put a bunch of character names in a hat and then making whoever they pull out gay. Because they're so creatively empty that this is all they have.
Glob, Cecilia. One of those who occasionally show up.
Am I tripping or did they make her bisexual a long time ago?
So we get to start completely ignoring her in comic now?
FTR, Asmus tried to make Remy "bisexual" too back in 2012, for his solo. Editorial had two gay men in charge around that time and they firmly said no.
They know their audience.
Thank goodness
Chuds are seething lol
I read it was the "original" plan for her at some point, but too many characters had a lot of "original" plans that never happened at the end. I remember Claremont said he meant her to end up with Gambit, her actual true match or something.
>Sorry Peter i'm fucking your sister now
>Kate Pryde … sorry, she's back to Kitty Pryde now…
This was a huge plot point for her but nevermind I guess.
She's been one of the most bipolar about her identities. Ariel, Sprite, Kate, Kitty, Katherine... At least Rogue has been consistently Rogue for about 40 years.
Imagine the sex
I literally would've bet $1,000 dollars that she was already canonically bisexual. Like I was sure of it.
She can fuck both at once!
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I guess Kitty just doesn't like Karma.
Hot lesbian sex
I was sure too. It was just a tease like the whole throuple thing, only waiting for canon status depending on how the ratings go. They have learned nothing if they think this will make readers back.
I don't like Harley and Ivy because it killed Ivy's character before she was an eco terrorist who would use her pheromones on everyone, now she's just Harley's girlfriend who doesn't do anything other than being token girlfriend.
If his happens, it's gonna make Magik look like a bitch for making Kitty have doubts about her wedding with Colossus because there was a deeper meaning to her actions.
We all know they've been fucking since 14
Just like how Korra and Asami are "bi"?
Just like how Harley and Ivy are "bi"?
More girls should join in
So...people will continue to not give a shit and or outright dislike her?
Okay cool.

Only thing that character ever did worth a fuck was put a vaguely legal pre-nervous breakdown ellen page in a tight leather suit.
It's Jean's fault
also dei
Kitty's popularity was never a thing. She's part of the team, but she's really not a highlight. "Pryde of the X-Men" never passed the pilot, and when X-Men 92 was ordered, they asked writers to replace Kitty and Colossus with Rogue and Gambit as "THE" couple.
Yes. In that they like men and women
Every single capeshit character should be gay.
Yeah. She was just the annoying as hell young teen girl that was the kid, the young girl, and the jailbait for perv men and women who wish to be the jailbait.

As for being "the couple" there was no "the couple" in Xmen 92. It just naturally happened.
Do you have something to share?

They are for all intents and purposes homosexuals now anon. They can never be romantically involved with the opposite sex again. At most you'll see some LOL HARLEY FUCKED A ROOM FULL OF JOKERS and her being an unironic pedophile. But that's about it.
It wasn't natural, they were a couple already in the comics or at least had a lot of sexual tension and producers liked that much more than the dynamic between Kat and Piotr. That's the main reason for the replacement, to the point Kat hasn't even showed up in the OG series. She doesn't have the same sex-appeal that the other three characters have. Heh.
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Christ her hairstyle looks outdated as fuck
>[Character] of [pozzed globohomo medium] in [year 20XX] is LGTV+
That's just a paler Kamala
Sure, as step one in a Kitty/Magik/Rachel trouple.
>I remember Claremont said he meant her to end up with Gambit, her actual true match or something
Claremont also said that Kitty is Rachel's soul mate.

He just writes whatever is getting him horniest on any particular day.
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That is the most accurate description of Claremont's writing style I've ever read.
Didn't she kill a bunch of people? Why are they selling her as "wholesome and brave"?
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yes, keep trying to make x-men fail
I love this

next step is sturning kitty into a "man"
>Naziposter is a super speshul snowflake by repeating NPC lines
Like clockwork.
>She can fuck both at once!
Magik, put the app down now.
I haven't read these books in years, who the fuck is the green haired blonde?
I refuse to believe the girl in OP is not younger than Illyana
It's just some random girl, I don't think she was even given a name.
They absolutely have no faith in Exceptional, this proves it
Feels like the entire roster is getting turned into a bisexual fuckfest, with the only non bisexuals being homosexuals.
Will they ever have the balls to give someone like Ben Grimm or Peter Parker a male lover?
So now the X-gene is basically the gay gene right? Is that why humanity hates mutants? Is this a gay hate thing?
Goodness I hope not. Magik doesn't need any long term romantic relationship. She doesn't even seem to be attracted to humans at this point.
Get a job instead of projecting your daddy issues you mentally stunted loser
I love how after like 70 years of these characters who are well, well, well established. One day they are like “I’m gay”
Which one?
its why in every future timeline despite being the "future of humanity" mutants haven't taken over. they buttsexed themselves into extinction...
She used to have extremely homosexual undertones with storm when claremont was writing when she was 15.
It's funny as fuck how books are looked at in a better light and are still going plenty strong to this day. Audiobooks likely helped a lot with that in the modern day.
Sounds like they tried to make her work so many times but kept on failing. And now she's ruined. Whatever, Jubilee was better anyway.
Kitty was her babysitter. People would realize they shouldn't have shipped that & then complain.
Being confirmed as "bisexual" just means "we want to retcon her sexuality but can't easily ignore all the times where they are clearly shown to be straight". They are effectively just gay and will never be shown in a heterosexual relationship again
because it isnt the characters, its the fans. like you have anons ITT saying that shit with no proof cause they want it to be>>145244734 the comics at this point have become wish fulfillment for the tumblr rejects
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And niggas wonder why manga is doing better than comics... I see that comics need to crash just like videogames again.
>They are for all intents and purposes homosexuals now anon.
Except the Suicide Squad anime has gaga over the Joker, and Joker 2 is all about them two. Normal people like her with Joker. Only freaks like her with Ivy, and they're an extreme minority.
I don't exactly have a horse in this race either way, but absolutely no one gives a flying fuck about the Suicide Squad anime.
They're really doing everything in their power to make Kitty as unlikable as possible.
>Haircut like a wierd old woman
>Multiple ugly tats
>Snogging/clam jousting with random technicolor haired similarly poorly tatted women
The college brainwashed pansexual slut to loser office slave to post 30's pathetic jailhouse gay spinster pipeline is working well I see.

Anon, that's what WB is pushing.
IN comics
In the fuck awful IP destroying cartoon.
Even have the posterpervert of child indoctrination itself playing Harley in a movie absolutely no one wants.

Harley Quinn is effictiely an unironically evil and unlikeable lesbian character no one likes anymore.
With not even a little rejiggering they can make that crappy Punchline sidekick into the new Harley and hot masochistic girls will leap to it.
>before she was an eco terrorist who would use her pheromones on everyone, now she's just Harley's girlfriend who doesn't do anything other than being token girlfriend.
>btw please ignore her currently running solo, where she goes around as an ecoterrorist, using pheromones on people and dissolving them into fungal goop, and where Harley is just a supporting character that shows up now and then
Jubilee doesn't even need a code name to be cool. Suck it, Katherine.
Cute, little mutant sluts, but they need a boyfriend/big brother between them.
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>The college brainwashed pansexual slut to loser office slave to post 30's pathetic jailhouse gay spinster pipeline is working well I see.
She's one of the few who actually made it to college, which it's funny. Went to college, become gay.
I don't respect bi-sexuality. Pick a side or fuck off. Kitty can fuck off too for all I care.
Perverts make pervert fan fiction, not surprising anymore
The blonde one, the other one was tamed long ago.
Based yuri wins again.
neato burrito, this is definitely a set up for what the MCU has planned for her
They are entire sections of mangos dedicated to girl love retard
>Another thread of bitching about a comic panel most of /co/ wouldn't have read otherwise without the sensational reminder of it
Let's be honest you guys would've thought this comic book would be mediocre no matter the outcome.
Do they ever use bi right? I swear, every time they do it, they're just lesbians.
Name a shounen where the lead heroine who was with, crushing on in love with and eventually married the lead hero, and was straight since issue one all of a sudden in issue 500 after many years of heterosexuality just says "I LIKES THE PUSSY NOW" and then everyone was lesbians.
Lasting 500 issues is crazy, even if weekly instead of monthly.
It’s still a shame we never got a good team up of Kurt and Peter when the former was a spider-man for a second
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None of Claremon'ts girls were all that straight.
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>lead heroine
>lead hero
Moving the goal posts pretty hard there bud. She's a second tier character in a massive continuity that spans hundred of authors and characters across decades of events. Name many shounen where the lead hero has multiple sequential seriious, long-term romantic relationships the way that western comic book characters frequently do. Most manga are one-off self-contained narratives where the relationships are set in stone and progress linearly from zero to together. Of course there's little switching to gay shit when there's almost no switching to begin with.
Have you heard of the massively successful Manga about a woman finding our she is a lesbian because she kept feeling up her mom's boobs?

My Lesbian Experience with Lonliness. Manga has all sorts of this stuff, even more than western comics.
I hate Harley and Ivy, beyond being boring and basic as fuck, because it seriously seems like for some people so long as one side of the equation is ok with it the other should just "fall along", and it always happen if the ship is popular enough. It's just kind of messed up to me? Don't you think that if it was the same with two guys, or Lesbian girl, a simple to the point "No, sorry, I don't like you that way" and whatever drama might with that be better?

It feels like it seriously makes sexuality into a choice rather than part of a person identity, but at the same time it is totally made up to be an identity.

Also, as the other anon said, it really make the characters themselves less rather than more.
If anything that's worst: Ivy is not a good person, she is piece of self righteous shit that makes 0 sense. She has murdered plenty of time for stuff that's clearly no justificable, even in the extreme of "The ends justify the means", and the whole Ivy / Harley things kind of gives her a free pass.

I get Harely, I don't like it but I get it; she is popular and now all the shit she did is either justified, forgiven, or not as bad. She was a victim. Now ivy, which admittedly was always a complex character at times, is meant to be pitied and personally I hate that.
A lesbian manga is about lesbians?
Holy crap really.

And to be honest, it just sounds like she has no friends except for her mother and went jailhouse lesbian with encouragement from self delusion brought on by the cult and media.

>She was a victim.
Oh you have to explain this shit to me.
>>She was a victim.
>Oh you have to explain this shit to me.
I don't believe it, I am saying i get it: She is extremely popular so now it's all forgiven and waved away: I am not trying to say "Yes, this makes perfect sense in character" but rather "Yeah, no way they admit she is a shitty self righteous person"
One of the justifications, that are heavily leaned on, is that she was victim of the joker.
I saw the Wall given her a pass.
>"It's all forgiven Harely"
>"B-but I did bad"
>"I am well known for being a forgiven and loving person that can see past that"
>the whole Ivy / Harley things kind of gives her a free pass.
No, being a villain who could be reasoned with (everybody loves ivy) or convinced to save people (fear state), and who is fundamentally out for a moral cause rather than destruction or death for their own sake is what gets her a "free pass". Not sleeping with Harley. If your complaint here is that people who commit mass murder are allowed to walk free in-universe, that's fine, but it has fuck all to do with the relationship in question. There's another few dozen villains who aren't pseduolesbians and have murdered untold innocents and are still walking around or in relative states of "supposed to be in jail but what are you gonna do, it's Gotham."

Not liking villains being cast in a pitiable light is also fine, but a huge portion of Batman's rogues are supposed to be pitiable. Ivy isn't meant to be pitied because she's been shifted to a ladyfag, she's supposed to be pitied because she's fighting an unwinnable conflict on the side of nature against human infrastructure and that makes human attacks against "her side" legal, morally acceptable, and protected by police/governments/superheroes, but her attacks against the human side illegal, villainous and worthy of being fought by said heroes. Again, this has nothing to do with Harley and Ivy being together.

This shit was all still the case back when Harley was off doing early Squad shit and trying to make Deadshot larp as Joker, or slumming it in Coney Island chasing random dudes. Ivy was still walking around not being actively hunted despite being a super villain ecoterrorist, and she was still supposed to be seen as a sympathetic villain. Why do you think Sirens existed? Why do you think Ivy's TAS solo episode had her risking her life to protect a rose bush and making a deal with Batman to save it?
Harley and Ivy are a thing because women read about them and they're unable to enjoy them being villains, so they need to add some stupid ass reason for them to become acceptable and being gay gives them some sort of protection and reason to fight the system. Same for Mystique and Destiny.
I like Sinister, I like him being a villain and antagonist of the heroes I like, that doesn't mean I support his bad actions or I wanna be like him. Most women reading comics are unable to make this analysis, hence, Sinister would have to be "good" for them to like him.
Mystique still does bad guy shit all the time.
All the straight people are single, only gay and lezzies partnering up. When was the last straight wedding before that farce of Emma and Tony?
I honestly thought she'd end up fucking Lockheed if they wanted to go the degenerate route.
>who is fundamentally out for a moral cause rather than destruction or death for their own sake is what gets her a "free pass".

I'm not going to read the rest of this stupid goddamned shit.
She's been a goddamned monster who abuses, rapes, and murders, human beings, and all non plant life an used the justification that KILLING TREES ARE BAD and taking it out on just regular people who just want a place to live.
And plants, whether you know it or not, can feel, and communicate. What she's doing to those plants when she manipulates them is in effect torture. It's why the green hates her.

She's a fucking monster who uses environmentalism as an excuse to murder butcher and rape.
Does Kitty at least have Pryde(Pride) in her?
Yes, but she was the main feature of the last Pride comic this year, and they tried to make her and Rogue and Kurt be a loving family. they still allow her to do some bad shit, but always framed as we can give her a pass.
Mr and Mrs X.
>le Kitty is gonna have a small dialogue saying she missed a date with a woman
these bi outings are so fucking retarded
Only if Lockhead is female.
I hate how blatant fetishism has been coopted by political agendas. Next thing you know being into feet will mean you're a nazi or something.
Atleast the mangas are open about it that they are just fetishizing lesbians meanwhile marvel pretends to do it for representation even if it's just fetishization.
that's just admitting that western comics behave like gigantic orgies where the women are just the bicycle of every men and women eventually

not a thing to be proud of exactly
Every fucking x-man is some type of gay nowadays, the krakoa era was the descent to decadence for the franchise.
Claremont was definitely trying to make it happen in the 2000s by pairing her up with Karma.
The Whedon came along.
To be fair x-men is Claremont’s personal wank fiction, he loved to put all of his fetishes in there.
At least he disguised them with some good stories. Now it's all about who is fucking who and the most they fuck, the best.
When did the degeneracy in Marvel begin. Give me an year! I know they tried making Beast gay but that seems to have been a joke.
That's hot
I prefer he being sexless. It's part of the charm.
Like 1975
Man, its not looking good for the MCU X Men at all
>just let us marry and we will leave you alone!
God what a fucking trap that was. Why did we have to give them the inch
very good
getting tied up by emma frost in bdsm gear when she was a teenager probably didnt help
I don't like this only because I know there's an agenda behind it.
Claremont teased it because he was horny, and that's based.
Eve Ewing is doing it because she desperately needs to get attention for her book that absolutely no one is excited for
I HATE this thing that won't affect me in any measurable way. It's okay for shit comics to be shit, but shit and gay is where I draw the line. Why do they have to be political and shoehorn in queers? They should be apolitical, like me, and ban all mention or acknowledgement of queers. I blame the gays, of course - the psychopaths in suits just follow where the money is, so they're not really responsible, it's the gays' fault for buying comics.
calm down faggot, people just find you disgusting that's all
>he psychopaths in suits just follow where the money is
This isn't true though, everything woke turns to shit. It's not that the gay niche is an untapped market, there's just infinite printed dollars to be gained from Daddy Fink's funds
>Daddy Fink
I don't follow the reference, cultural differences I guess, and I'm certainly not reading that wall of text you attached. But while gays are a small market, it makes more financial sense to appeal to them than to the people who'll stop buying shit if it has gays in. They may or may not be a larger market in and of themselves but either way they're much better liked by the general public, who are the actual ones you don't want to alienate.
>I'm certainly not reading
Then stop talking.
>it makes more financial sense to appeal to them
Wrong. Unlike in movies and social media, gays are less than a percent of the population so catering to such a statistically insignificant group is bad business. Read the post anyway if you want to understand why companies still do this. Even after a decade of woke movies being received horribly, they will still push out this crap because it's not the consumer's money that matters anymore
Quoting two lengthy posts of polemic in a 4chan thread is not an effective presentation of your views. You should be able to express those yourself if you have a coherent understanding of your own viewpoint. I don't trust parrots. If a homosexual gave me a page-length quote from a gay rights writer in lieu of an argument, I'd tell them to fuck off too.
I thought you people fucking loved science? Deferring to a more eloquent expert is fine in a discussion
>gays are less than a percent of the population
Homosexuals are definitely in excess of a percent. Counting bisexuals, including those who lean heterosexual, they're very far in excess. The young market, probably the predominant target market for this material, is gayer than the older market. I don't categorically deny that there may be other financial influences at play, but the assertion that the market as a whole is engaging in bad business and must be being distorted by an external interest doesn't pass the parsimony test and needs to be regarded with suspicion.

A 4chan poster is not an expert, I don't know what bollocks he might be talking. Even given actual quotations from an expert, I expect the quoter to understand the material and be able to defend it on their own terms, block quoting an authority smacks of lazy thinking. Specifically the problem is that you can find anyone saying anything if you look for it, so without a reasonable assumption of veracity it threatens to becomes a time-wasting tactic in which the bullshit you shovel exceeds my patience to dissect and verify it. If the goal is to make me leave, that's fine, but it's not an effective way to change minds. I'm sure there's some faggy debate term for this but I learned the hard way to engage with the person, not the absentees they conjure up.
>far in excess
You're working with false premises and you talk like a redditor
Would Kitty be a stone butch or pillow princess?
UK, where I am presently living, Office for National Statistics, 2021 census: 3.1% of survey respondents over the age of 16 identify as non-heterosexual. That's not "just" over 2% more, that's over triple your estimation. I've never used reddit. I've already expressed my distaste and mistrust for contextless attached images supposedly supporting the poster's views, so even if you disagree with that opinion and think I'm stupid it's pointless for you to attach them, it clearly won't reach me.
>I've never used reddit.
This is technically false, I've read reddit posts turned up by Google searches. I'm less familiar with reddit than you are, if you can identify me as talking like a redditor.
Relevant link:
I won't reach you because you refuse to read them. There's no point in continuing this discussion
If you are unable to express yourself without resorting to attached images, yes, there's no point in continuing. There's a disparity of effort involved here - I will type out what I mean, and you will post a saved image without even providing commentary on it. A meaningful response would be a link to a source - even if it's garbage, a source provides context where an image does not, and demonstrates an effort to inform rather than putting it on me to trace where you got your picture from - and then your own opinion and commentary on the source. As it is, you've left me with the impression that you've saved a bunch of pictures you think support your pre-established views, which isn't likely to convince me.

I was lazy with my own source, it's https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity/sexuality/bulletins/sexualidentityuk/2020, and 2020 not 2021.
sad that they can find love and you can’t
That's not love, it's lust
Science is strict adherence to testable hypotheses, it has nothing to do with deferral to eloquent experts.
>Didn't she kill a bunch of people?
Hateful bigoted anti-mutant conspiracy theories from far-right fake news sources
If you're talking about writers making everyone gay, that started around 2013 when the Young Avengers vol 2 came out and it was revealed all the previously straight characters except Kate Bishop, were bi. Back then people lofted an eyebrow but let it pass because those were F listers anyways.

Then in 2015 Bendis went ahead and dropped decades of continuity to make Iceman FULL GAY and it was all over.
Play X-games, win lame and gay prizes written by sex pests.
It's not clear to me, if we grant the hypothesis that gay interests are making fiction unstatistically gay, which I'm perfectly willing to do, that we should give a shit. I'm having a lot of trouble caring.
In what way does your dishonest opinion matter? Far as I know, you won't even be alive in 5 years.
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so you're just sad you can't get any period
My opinion doesn't matter a jot. The assumption that it's dishonest, paired with the peculiar assumption that I'll be dead in five years, might matter, though I don't say will matter. It has an authoritarian whiff to it, but could be nothing.
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We all know someone who’s gotten some really unfortunate tattoos. At least it wasn’t Sonic kneeling in front of Jesus being crucified.

Kitty has been hinted at being Bi for years
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You know, you could always just stop giving a shit. That is an actual option
....so you haven't actually read an X-Men comic, have you?
Hot lesbian sex
The "art" on this thread only proves that the reason they want certain characters being "gay" is to pass groomer shit under the radar. Kitty was Illyana's babysitter, she was Piotr's "little sister" for the whole team, and if any of the male characters who met her when she was a kid were trying to get on her pants, you'd call them all pervs and groomers. Kitty's too. Colossus gets called that all the time despite Colossus was never her babysitter and they both were still under 20.
If Magneto and Rogue's relationship in X97 was weird because he was meant to be a mentor figure for her despite she was an adult -allegedly, then this is equally weird.
Nobody is buying you "babysitter" bullshit buddy, they are soulmates and made for each other and should have hot lesbian sex nonstop
The office of national statistics is wholly untrustworthy.

Most children are constantly inundated with media that has been tasked with brainwashing them from infancy to question their gender and sexuality and even reality so it's easier to control them and tell them exactly waht and how to think.

That is how mindcontrol works. Think I'm kidding. Look at the average childrens's show now. Look at the non-stop normalization of transexualism and forced homosexuality.
Look at fake popular inorganic maymay of "yeet the teets".
That was a thing remember? It was pushed nonstop to tween girls alongside demonization of heteronormativity and their own damned bodies.
This isn't an accident.
PS. They are bankrolled by people who pay all of their bills. All they have to do is push social engineering and CREATE this "new audience" by brainwashing children teens and vulnderable adults.

There aren't enough gays, bisexuals, and transexuals, and "allies" to support a major business.
Just a tiny one.
And destroying the marketability of a major company or character and indirectly ruining the rest of the ip to shill to a non-existant audience/create this audience through propoganda is a fools errand.
One that has totally ended modern media across the board.

There is too much small media made by people who aren't part of the coasts, big business, and just media on the net for anyone to have to put up with this shit.
They don't mean actual science as a method of testing reality and coming to consensus.

The mean science as a cult and the magical arm of modern state sponsored religious bullshit.
>If Magneto and Rogue's relationship in X97 was weird

It was wierd because she was fucking 14.
What woman isn't bi?
>What woman can't be manipulated into lesbian sex and lesbianism through force and manipulation

Not many.
As a tangent. The recent NYX issue hinted at Kamala and Phoebe
Teaching people to question things is mind control now in Fucktardia? Thanks for sharing.
National statistics are untrustworthy so we should trust your vibes?
Link me to the methods they used to come to that consensus.

They aren't teaching anyone to questing a goddamned thing.
They are teaching them to distrust things that they have been taught in a civilized functional society and to believe in false idols and their insane quasi cultish bullshit.
I know she was a minor, but the show still tried to retcon that. It was weird nevertheless, even if she had been indeed an adult.
What did they mean by this?
A better reading of those statistics show what's the real issue: a lot of those lgbt youths only "identify" themselves as such, but really don't ever engage in homosexual sex. They not only pretend to be bisexual or gay, but also queer, and all those new colorful identities. None of them has the minimal requirement for homo/bisexuality that is feeling sexual attraction for the other sex. Kisses, take hands, dating, they might do, but actually have sex with the same sex? Nah.
Means that Magik was happy knowing Kitty liked her brother, and Marvel decided heterosexualty was wrong so they destroyed that relationship so Kitty could be single, empowered, and now gay.
I'm only interested in your first claim: the British office of national statistics is wholly untrustworthy. That's quite a serious assertion. I don't, as a rule, trust anything any government says, but it's quite difficult in a free press nation to publish false statistics without highly visible pushback. I'm willing to take their word on this - it would be an awful lot of effort and risk to publish false statistics of this kind, it can certainly be done but I don't think a UK government could get away with it without visible reaction. And it's not even particularly partisan or useful misinformation, that 3.1% of people would consider fucking their own sex is not vote-capturing material.
Having control of staistical information is a powerful means of control. And if you look at the state of brittain and how much "we have always been at war with eastasia" type gaslighting there is going on...
You should really never trust government sources without anything to back it up or trying to create a real world consensus yourself.
I understand where you're coming from. The assumption that anything published by a government is propaganda is equally blind, stupid, and dangerous as the assumption it's not. You must judge information for yourself. In this case, it's implausible that British ONS are massaging their figures - there's no apparent motive for them to do so.
ITT: People who don't read comics.
This is possibly true. I'm a male bisexual, and actually bisexual. I know people who claim to be bisexual and have never had a homosexual relationship - which is fine, I don't care who you fuck and I don't want to throw you under the bus, but strictly speaking you haven't shown it. You don't have to show it, nobody gives a shit except the fuckwits. But there exists the possibility it's over-reported. Against that we have to set all the religious queers who would die before admitting it.
Or speak to their fathers.
if any of the x-men were gay all along it's definitely gambit
wears pink flamboyant outfit
uses a fake accent to get attention
is said to be fuckable by all the x women but conveniently chases after the only one he can't touch
not all of them
patriot was too straight to be turned gay so they dropped him out of marvel entirely
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They just don't know
Would Rachel like Magik?
Well that & Jim Shooter tard wrangled him. God, Marvel needs a Jim Shooter again.
He's fucked other women when Rogue didn't give him attention and he's been married with a woman before. That's the same stupid justification to explain why Bobby is gay.
>That pic
Le ebin outside paradise I am depriving myself from:
>Trannies, faggots, and other globhomo golem everywhere
>Fucked up ZOG laws that control and terrorize every aspect of my life
>The behavioral sink of the modern city that spreads rot everywhere
>NPC slave drones enforcing conformity to all this BS.
>B-b-b-ut it's in your le head chud!
Wow amazing advice OP, I am cured.
conservatives warned you, kek. You should have listened. Now you can get thrown in jail for saying the wrong pronouns and lose custody of your kids for not fast-tracking their biological mutilation.
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It's actually better if Rachel and Magik are jealous of each other.
Why is it blind stupid and dangerous again?
The government fucking the entire goddamend citizenry so thorougly that it looks like they are at war with us and want us dead is the problem.

Yeah. I am stupid and dangerous and being foolish. Not them, who has forced me to and everyone else to seriously distrust them on every single solitary fundamental level.

We should distrust them and never at any point trust them thoroughly. Are you fucking insane? How can you agree with me but then attack me saying that it's wrong.
i'm not trying to justify the decision
i'm just saying if you were going to arbitrarily make one of the straight x-men gay why choose bobby when big flamin gambit is right there
do you think roads are part of the gay agenda?
>Kitty: So what's for dinn--
>Rachel & Magik: You!
>Kitty: Uhhh--
>Magik: Could you be more of a cornball, Summers?
>Rachel: Bite me, snowbrat.
>Kitty: Maybe Chinese?
>Magik: Still mad I can kiss Kitty better?
>Rachel: Please, like you would know how to be a lover.
>Waiting till the people who dropped truth bombs to leave so you can post bullshit that calls them crazy...when it's quite easy to find real evidence of this happening with a simple google search.

>Groomed by a Rasputin
>Grooms the other one
>Claremont Girl
Next you'll tell me he has a bondage fetish!
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She was groomed by Emma into liking women..
>she's been shifted to a ladyfag, she's supposed to be pitied because she's fighting an unwinnable conflict on the side of nature against human infrastructure and that makes human attacks against "her side"
Don't give me that shit. There is plenty of shit that makes her unjustifiably wrong but now that went out the window and it won't back.
The point of her having her reasons didn't make her justificable, she killed plenty of innocents tangentially involved and that shit is not the kind of thing that should be washed away by "no, I am saving nature, see?" She is not even fucking saving nature, in fact the whole thing barely makes sense in the context of DC world even. Which an issue on itself, but the thing that really grind my gears is that with Harley on the picture her being portrayed as wrong becomes harder.

If, and this is a big if, Harley is kept as a hero and they were to go onto a relation like many heroes have with villains, which won't happen given the context, maybe, but it won't happen. I am talking meta her, part of ivy
>Xavier mentally raping Dani
>Betsy and Doug
>Jean making Bobby gay
Fucking Telepaths
Just say you're a /pol/fag.
I hope this fucking happens...i would died happy if it happens.
Any argument, evidence or something reliable that gives a contrary statement?
>>>Nevertheless, her gender is made quite clear…

what does this mean?
>only unpopular x-men about become gay

all this tells me is that nobody gives a fuck about Kitty Pryde
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>lesbian character
>named kitty pryde
Just saying here, Ben would make a pretty good bear.
That the person Kitty is trying to date is not a pretty looking male, it's pretty clear it's a woman. That's what that means. Anon seems to be quoting some random twitter post and hiding it by copy pasting it.
its a new lesbian every week and i don't care. i'd be more shocked if marvel announced a character as straight.
Honestly, I'd kind of just assumed pretty much all the x-men were at LEAST bi. The whole Krakoa deal seemed to be making it a cultural thing for them to cast off old "human" notions anyway - like it was a thing they had to keep telling people to put on some fucking clothes when visiting outside Krakoa. I kind of figured they'd be all hippy dippy about sexuality at minimum.
Well they don't called her Kitty Pryde for nothing.
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Don't want to derail into total /pol/faggotry but do you just not pay attention to the news? The former happens in the UK often and latter happens in the USA. They aren't made up scenarios
spidey being gay is something people have been asking for and I think it's the least likely to happen just because of that
Based Emma
I believe he's sorta confirmed bi because a comic said all of Kate's past lovers were bi.
Rogue/Gambit is way way too big to ever kill it. Compare Bobby who has no real famous ship.
Thinking a man is gay because he wears certain colors is same as troon ideology: I like dresses, I'm a woman.
g e n e r a t i o n a l t r a u m a
I retract - I'm not sure I understand where you're coming from. This sentence in particular puzzles me:
>The government fucking the entire goddamend citizenry so thorougly that it looks like they are at war with us and want us dead is the problem.

The reason it's blind, stupid, and dangerous is that you're essentially taking the fact that it's a government published statistic as prima facie proof that it's false, rather than examining the counter case. If the case that they are lying is weaker, it should not be uncritically accepted. "Trust" is not part of the equation. Is the information accurate, could they give a plausible lie and get away with it, do they have motive to do so that offsets the risks involved? It's harder for a government to lie than an individual, it requires a more coordinated effort. They do lie. But if you're not examining the potential lie in context, comparing it to the counter case, you're basically in tinfoil hat territory - "it HAS to be untrue because the GOVERNMENT said it". The government presumably believes the sky is blue.
Redditor is being intentionally obtuse, read the room dude
He asked me a question and I gave him an honest response. I don't give a shit about the room
Illyana already got groomed by Belasco though
They definitely haven't read the Claremont run

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