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>shake shake shake
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I'll start with the French
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It counts, right?
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My beautiful wife Amy!
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One of my earliest faps.
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Mmaaahh the french...
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I wonder how effective it would be to always destroy a female villain's costume to stop her from attacking.
how CN got away with this one. I'll never know.
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A comic adaptation of planet of the apes
I mean, the shot only lasts a second, and they're covering their butts anyway
I feel like the lack of female nudity compared to male male nudity ends up making people more perverted when they grow up
Valerian requesting a warm-up from Laureline
Pretty much

Why is he so worked up about seeing his own daugthers? Doesn't he bathe them?
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It counts
context? also apparently they're yellow
Alien spaceship captain fucking his big tittied android girlfriend in the bath.
This. Animation needs more female nudity
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Hide their shame for them.
Wouldn't be surprised if this scene was the reason most people know about the show
There might be something to this but don't we see scantily clad women everywhere?
It's not about what they wear, it's about bare butts
What show is this?
Thank you.
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I wish they weren't so rare
Wish she kept those puppies, she needed a character change and large boobs worked.

At least kept for all of season 14.
Or just made into a ToH ep.

Fuck I love huge tits.
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>Why is he so worked up about seeing his own daugthers?
They don't even call him "dad" they call him "professor".
Guy's never seen a barbie doll before either? The writers don't try to be consistent, but I like that they try to make Hank some sort of conservative without making him a joke, but still a joke of a conservative.
I feel your pain
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We don't even get to see their butts
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That only makes it worse. Scantily clad but not nude women is tantalizing and exciting. If female actual nudity was normalized in non-pornographic contexts so that people grew up seeing it without it being such a big deal, they'd end up having a more relaxed relationship with the female body instead of turning into such desperate coomers.
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Was Sara Bellum nude in an ep?
was some gal on ARCHER naked?
Was there any girl on Archer that never got naked? Or any character in-general?
was this an edit or was there that much sideboob
>not a single uncensored visible penis in this thread
>that pic made by terrible_the_drawfag
If only
Because murica would rather show you someone getting gutted than their anatomy, and most of the world follows suit to get their money.
I agree in that most male nudity you'd see in cartoons was played for laughs, so in theory, if girls were treated the same way, it'd be fine. But it obviously didn't turn out that way
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Why is it okay to show naked babies in commercials, but not naked adults?
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About at least a third of the episodes of Max & Ruby are of Max running around in the buff.
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Okay, so why all the quotes?
It'd take more than just cartoons since it's a society-wide issue.
Good point. Either way, nudity shouldn't be such a huge deal.
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How about some balls?
What about cunny?
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Cartoon penis in Japan: Rated G

Cartoon penis in Eagleland: Rated TV-MA
He's just being petty, anon.
No, that is real female.
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If the Powerpuffs were grown, they would be stripping their bras.
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I can't explain it but I think this scene and the way Heffer reacts to it gave me my embarrassing nudity fetish
>HAHAHAHAHA oh man, did that girl just seriously walk out of this room with no pants on?
blue boards don't really allow such, but I've posted examples on /aco/:
From memory:
Valerian and Laureline has Valerian fully nide, and, later, all his clones too: >>>/aco/8485086
Cold Sun has a couple of panels;
Lastman episode where he runs away after being caught with the fat woman;
Oglaf - plenty;
Richard Willams' Prologue;
Titeuf comics;
And checking my notes:
Les Voyages d'Alix;
Peau d'homme;
Obscure Cities, Brusel;
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Inside job showed all 4 berenstain bears frontal nude. That's mainstream cub nudity
I don't know how they got away with it
this show is underrated as fuck.
shame it got canned
I know Robin's centerfold pose is based on someone famous but I can't tell if it's Shawn Michaels or Burt Reynolds.

Wasn't it Burt Reynolds for Playgirl? It used to be a pretty common image to parody.
t'ana sexo
what was that one spic who made all the schizo YTPs loaded with nude loli edits?
that sounds based
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Reminder that Marge Simpson posed for Playboy.
There must have been a lot of conflicted boners.
Lisa too, that was the best fap ever
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ive seen like three gifs of this. What even is this show?
Lisa too? Wait, what? I don't wanna google that, but I want to know more.

A computer grapgics show called Tripping the Rift. Aimed at adult audiences. It tried to be sleazy, tried to use under-the-radar- bad language. One of the main characters was called "Choad" a word that some morons used for various parts of male genitalia. It wasn't a bad show, it just wasn't that good. Like a flat beer at a bar that tries to be a sleazy dive because that's the owner thinks that's what the style is, but without being amusing like Moe's Tavern from the Simpsons.
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An old Scifi comedy called Tripping the Rift. It's pretty crass and chances are you won't like it. The only show I could compare it to today would be Star Trek Lower Decks.
The character's name is Six, a literal sexbot.
You can watch episodes on Youtube if you feel like it.

>these og xbox era-tier graphics
god i need to finish fixing the console already, sadly i still need to get a hdmi adapter and a decent hdd

Its funny they didnt model her nipples but kept in her areolas.
>>145280446 #
>>145281412 #
>>145281688 #

All these and you didn’t even post the one ENF scene where she’s stripped in front of a live audience, shame.
Give us a enf nude episode of Lower Decks.
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lots of allbuttnude in BtAS - didnt bats see the wall in shower? *shudders*
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Can't believe a modern cartoon managed to have the main girl run around naked for most of the episode. And even though it's censored, you can tell they at least drew her butt
Well it was made by the French...
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apparently this was the last episode they let them show homers bare ass
Naked loli? French? What show?! I'll watch it right now!
Trolls de Troy. Naked episode is 41.
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Trolls de Troy
These girls are sluts and would enjoy being filmed. She's only pretending to be coy, when she noticed she was being recorded she opened the door so they'd get a good luck.
I still like the idea of the mayor just sitting naked while the girls tell him a story. They didn’t mind maybe?
I miss seeing bare Simpsons butts. I bet we don’t get them in present day episodes either.
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i dont remember anything after this or the movie. some anon will have to dig through everything post season 15 lol
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There's already a list of every nude moment here
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damn, they either lied on the dvd commentary or the censors at fox changed between this one and the mel gibson episode
They thought it was funny. They were giggling the whole time and wouldn't tell him why
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not really, men are biologically wired to be attracted to boobs and go monkey mood when they see them
it's why the "Free the Nipple" thing was retarded, it was a bunch of stupid women not understanding that men seeing their nipples will make them act up
Thanks. Having seen that I wish I was dead.
I appreciate this guy's edits and the art he commissions, I just wish he didn't pretend he's on this crusade for gender equality or whatever, when he really just wants to see some butts. Like the rest of us
Thanks but it’s not the full scene :( she ends up fully nude and you get a quick flash of her butt before she runs off
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I have the second part.
Alright then, thank you! I like that her shoes are different when she’s fully nude so they just switched out the model clever lol
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I have the full scene here too
Are they different shoes? They look the same to me.
They are, when she’s wearing her sweat pants and sweater they’re like big chunky slippers almost like crocs, and when she’s nude she has her usual white high heals she wears normally it’s hard to notice in the low quality gifs but she is wearing different shoes
Oh, I guess she does. Good eye, anon: when you point it out like that, it is hotter that she is wearing heels when she is fully naked after being humiliated.
I mean there are some in the DVD versions of pre-Disney Family Guy. Actually in pre-whateverbroadcaster FOX sold American Dad too as well there are a few Stan penis shots on the DVD, plus the boob scene in the 100th Episode was uncensored as well.

If it was posted, I'd get banned so I can't, sorry.
Yeah it inadvertently makes the scene hotter in this instance it’s like insult to injury almost, and there’s something I like about little animation errors like that, it’s funny and charming, especially when they involve clothes
I appreciate your enthusiasm about the scene, anon. The fact that they had different models for a clothed Six of Nine and a naked one is very funny and hot.
Surprised the 'new' Velma show scenes weren't posted. Only good part of that show.
I quite like ENF, and this is the only ENF scene in the whole show, it’s my favorite and it is kinda hot, and when comedy and sex are combined I'm into it more so thinking about all the details like that just make it better
You've some great taste and it's coming from an ENF lover too. I've always loved that scene, the balance between sexy and funny is very delicate and I feel like a lot of the other popular "enf moments" in media put too much stock either on the sexy or funny part and not an equal amouny on both at the same time.
For me, it's the Kogeikun edit.
It truly is a fine balance but seeing as they’re rare I just take what I can get really, another thing that adds to the Sox of Nine ENF, is after that scene she’s just in a robe the whole rest of the episode while all the other girls are in dresses so she never got another outfit or her clothes back not even her underwear
Six of Nine*
I have that too.
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Wow, I didn't even remember that part of the episode. That's such a great attention to detail and it honestly sounds more and more like that there was another ENF enjoyer like us on the director chair of that episode, lol. Most animators would've simply given Six of Nine back her clothes but I love that they kept the humiliation going, although not on the same level.
Yeah it wouldn’t be the same if they didn’t do that so I appreciate as many details as I can and I totally think someone on the production was a fan of stuff like that too, shame we never got more Six of Nine ENF, but something is better than nothing, especially because what we got was at least pretty damn good
Is there any other ENF-related scenario that you would have liked to see her in? I feel like ENF in general was way more popular in the 2000s.
I can’t really think of any specifics I’m not always the best with coming up with scenarios that aren’t parody based in some way but I quite like clothes ripping/ ripped pants so i would have loved if her dress and undies somehow ripped off, especially in front of a crowd, and yeah the general raunchiness of that era definitely contributed but at least with all the fetishes people have acquired we have a small but dedicated group of ENF artists nowadays
Clothes being ripped off is a great ENF trope, I think my favourite has got to be clothes stolen. I don't know how much Six of Nine would have fit in a scenario like mine, though...
I only wished that ENF threads on this board and on the other NSFW ones were more active :(
Six’s clothes being stolen could have totally fit sounds like it coulda invoked a lot of comedy too! And I know what you mean the /aco ENF thread isn’t super active so I try to contribute when I can, ENF art happens but it’s a slow process and we don’t get much at a time and this board is picky with what’s cool so we’re lucky this thread is at least up
I'm so glad the hyperbuff tf/growth furries found him.
I feel like Six would be more embarrassed of having her clothes ripped off her, kinda like what happens in the original scene where they disappear. But I agree that her clothes being stolen would've probably caused a lot more comedic moments, especially if she has to get through a crowded trail.
This thread is great, I just hope we aren't flooding it too much with our ENF talk, lol.
i dont think hes pretending and he seems earnest, its a bit a both wanting butts and equality, which is fine
Something sudden and irreparable like her clothes ripping would add more shock and embarrassment, but your scenario is a prefect vehicle for comedic nudity and yeah it’s keeping the board active but I dunno if some people are happy about our convo, I guess if you wanna talk ENF more we can do it on the /aco ENF board, regardless it’s been a fun discusssion
No need for all that extra geometry. Just slap some circles on the texture map and call it a day.
Alright, I will post in the /aco/ ENF thread now. You will know who I am.
What's the joke here?
Are you not aroused?
Fair enough. After seeing the stuff he likes on his pixiv, I think he's kind of a blatant lolifag/shotafag, but again, the stuff he commissions isn't bad.
are some of the episodes findable still? i remember the youtube channel privated alot of the videos of it, unless they got reuploaded elsewhere
put a catbox or something and just link it
Yeah, and barely show them in certain scenes so we can pop a cork everytime we see a glimpse of them.
Because they're covered. Same reason why in nudity scenes of real people, the difference between cleft of venus and cleft of venus covered by pubic hair is different. Show pubic hair? That's fine. Show shaven and exposed cleft of Venus? Not fine.

Same logic there. Hair covered it up. It isn't in 'detail' and it's played off as a joke. It got away with it because it isn't played for erotic reasons, same reason why you can have singing 14 year old vaginas on Big Mouth - the art style is unappealing and not erotic (I am sure it is for some weirdo but for the majority it isn't).
Those are some sad looking titties
They're not covered. Are you blind?
well I checked the archive thanks to >>145293237
post quoting a deleting one and at least he posted it.
Re-read what he said. A nipple poking through clothes is not considered nudity, yet you saw it on Star Trek multiple times. That is still considered 'covered'. As is that drawing. The hair is 'covering' it, even though there is outlines of nipples and other genitals.
this animation kinda looks like shit
That's a Grey area. Its not the same as drawing it.
Family Guy never drew a female nipple as far as I know and that show is full of sex humor
And it's definitely not the same as genitals
Wasn't Inside Job on Netflix or something? Also an adult show? Standards are much more relaxed in those cases. South Park has shown full frontal on the kids, and I remember Tosh.0 showing /mlp/ vagina as part of a joke.
The boys yeah but south park would never dare to show girl slits
I'm not sure about slits, but they've shown Wendy getting breast implants
Yeah and even that was mildly surprising. Girl nudity in cartoons is much rarer than guys
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Bro, Harley Quinn and the spin off Kite Man are fully adult shows that premiere on streaming and will never show full nudity. Presumably because of the DC license but it just makes them look like prudes who can't go all the way
what was the joke?
are you fucking stupid?
Are you?
it's not an edit retard
Really? So show me this new uncensored release.
I'm not spoonfeeding you, and it's not new
Its an edit you dumbfuck
That said they did draw the nipples underneath the censor
Anyone with eyes can see the "nobodyman9000" watermark on the left and just google his username, dumbfuck.
Ooh, peep-show
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rocko looks really cute naked.
They also drew her friend's dick, there's a scene where you could clearly see it dangling when he made a move.
Rocko's Modern GYATT
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>Mr. Krabs forcibly stripped Spongebob in front of Pearl and her teenage friends.
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>giant watermark on the left side
I don't remember, I only saw it in passing years ago. But he mentioned MLP porn and showed a picture of one of the ponies laying back with its legs spread and showing off its vagina.
>and I remember Tosh.0 showing /mlp/ vagina as part of a joke.
>what was the joke?

Tosh.0 was a 2010s "Internet happenings" soup-style show starring comedian Daniel Tosh. it was pretty good.

naturally they eventually decided to cover Reddit communities, and one of the subreddits they covered was /r/clopclop. and they showed random pictures from there and did not pixelate a damn thing.

that show did a lot of CRAZY stuff, though this is the only one I remember that broke network standards and practices that hard.
I remember seeing some on dailymotion, and others might still he on youtube, but they might be the bad english dub.
Well they would be if the soap bubbles weren't blocking the goods. Fucking cowards!
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Ah, Producing Parker. A good series.
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I should revisit that series one of these days.
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Any more HD screencaps? Mine are all pretty low res
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>Family Guy never drew a female nipple
No, but American Dad did.
he's shilling

Now I don't know who to Jack off to.
dead link?
imagine if this sequence that got played in theaters nationwide was with lisa instead and everyone thought it was funny
I kinda agree but men are more into the visuals so it probably wouldn't work so much
Cowards. They show Gumball and Darwin nudity, but can't even show Nicole's nudity as well?
Wait wasn't this show for kids?
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I understand now Pierce and why.
Did you watch a different show? Occasional nudity was the only thing going for it.
Shilling what? A preschool show that ended 4 years ago?
does he say anything?
He actually wants Marge to do this again. He knows.
That shit was 100% fetish motivated
If I had a nickel for every time a female MC fucked a naked fish woman...
I'd have two nickels. But it's weird that it happened twice.
True and its surprisingly not that exciting
? https://files.catbox.moe/lniue8.png
Ohh, sexy ghost gentleman.
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Pyrenee (1998.Vents d'Ouest)
Yes. His balls only pop in for a single frame before disappearing again, so it's probably just some animator being mischievous.
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Imagine if this got an animated adaptation (it won't)
Can AI art create rotoscoping ball-animation sequences? The panels would make for the steering points, but who does the inbetweening?
man, i can just tell from this 2 second clip this probably produced some wild furries
so the bears gonna have a wet patch like when you put that anti-flea stuff on cats
Hardly. They look like people with markings or tribal paint
Their most catlike feature is their eyes
Who are the other two guys next to Mel Gibson?
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Doubt there's any connection but it reminded me of this old thing I saved a long time ago
What is this show called?
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From Uncut Drawn Together DVD
Tripping the Rift.
Wow, does nobody here remember this series? What about Lexx the Dark Zone? There was a series that should have had a comic or two. I mean Farscape got a bunch of comic series'. Lexx should have gotten at least a graphics novel.
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it says "stop sucking"
Didn't Gumball show have something like that happen?
There was an episode where Teri had a nightmare about being naked at school
Always remembered this one
God we are almost 40 now... I still remember this like it was last summer.. Naaaakkkeedddd
How did the censors let it fly? Stuff like this is usually only tolerated with male characters, not girls.
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This one, right?
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>no nipples
>swimming with shoes on
this is so fucking bad
its floaty flash trash. ive seen good examples of fine animation on flash, but shits few and far between. The rigs they use look like static rick and morty knee-bending. bad animation is fine for a comedy, i love 12oz Mouse, but if they wanna make me horny they better try harder.
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Jokes on you I'm still early 30s
somehow no Lisa.
The storyboards look great though
Yep, that's the one.
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I used to think Numbuh 3 was wrapping her fingers around her whole body to cover up but she's just closing her hair in front of her body
That bit was funnier without showing her asshole.
Can't do jokes like this anymore
Someday would like to see this redrawn in a better art style, like the Teen Titans Go naked trick or treating one
An equal-opportunity nude moment
As if she doesn't already have enough hair up there
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Always thought that crotch line was weird. Makes them look like action figures
Huh, I thought something similar, that she was wrapping her arms around herself like in Looney Tunes or something.
It's because a lot of protestants and evangelicals are closeted fags and view female nudity as corrupting but male nudity as fine.
>Guy's never seen a barbie doll before either?

When could that have ever happened? Do you really think Cotton would have allowed Hank to go anywhere near dolls?
>If female actual nudity was normalized in non-pornographic contexts so that people grew up seeing it without it being such a big deal

Look how well that turned out for Europe: shameless perversion out in the open, and treating women like sex objects. It's no wonder native marriages and birthrates are declining, while native youth are increasingly turning towards Islam to fill the spiritual vacuum that Christianity would have served in prior generations.
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>native marriages and birth rates are declining
>turning towards Islam

cool talking points, tucker
man i love ice cream sandwiches
wait, this is the same webcomic as that hot-sauce-for-white-people ragebait comic, isn't it?
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>Look how well that turned out for Europe: shameless perversion out in the open, and treating women like sex objects.
Because America is doing so much better in that regard.
>It's no wonder native marriages and birthrates are declining
Marriages are declining because too many women are going all-in on "embrace your inner skank", YOLO, and "It's not cheating if you don't get caught." Ask yourself how bad does it have to be, for no-one to marry a woman in this age.
People arn't having as many children because they truly cannot afford it. Raising children is expensive, and the shock of the first one leads to preventing a second child as much as possible.

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