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Internet Archive lost the case. Collect what you can while you can.

>We had a 1:1 library system but were just going to abandon that allow unlimited downloads because covid stops all laws
Sincerely what were these idiots thinking they had something sweet and fucked it up
Wait why?

Copyright maffia
I'm coping and sneething so hard rn
It's fucking over isn't it
What happened?
Nooo you gotta be joking
Where do i even start saving then?
>twitter banned in brazil
>kimcartoon shutdown
>now this
Is just just what the internet is now? Nothing is free anymore, people control everything?
Lol chubs seething. Sorry you cant steal anymore and will actually have to pay for authors for their labor.
>this all started over some mediocre star wars writer having a hissy fit
These copyright fuckers belong in camps
So what, specifically for /co/, is at risk from this?
Does this affect the Internet Wayback machine?
How awful is it?
The case was over Internet Archive's library book lending program during Covid-19 lockdown. A publisher hated to see their books being given away for free even though physical libraries already did that by lending them.
No unless IA can't afford to pay for it anymore.
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bro ....
people point to Wendig but Gaiman had a huge hand in this getting off the ground. inter-generational north korean executions, stage 4 cancers, nothing is too far
it might, the whole website and its services is at risk of being eradicated over this
Is it stealing when you cannot get the product anywhere else?
Are there any other book piracy websites if IA goes down under?
No it’s over
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What does that mean for us?
Any form of freedom is stealing from our wise masters. They know what's best for us.
If the IA cannot sustain itself due to legal fees we will lose the Hanna-Barbera sound library, lesser known shorts, web comics, and art books.
Only tanginally
The web archive and the user-contributed portions follow DMCA takedowns and are hence protected, so they aren’t in issue of being removed due to this
The issue is going to be if this plus the upcoming music lawsuit (which also wouldn’t affect it) cause a high enough fee leveraged on them that they can’t continue operations
Hollywood and American population control types realize that their shit media was being ignored outright. So they are trying to shut down a massive repository of knowledge.
We don't want your fucking shit in the first place. 99% of authors bitching about this were never worth a fuck in the first place.
What are the user-contributed portions ?
try harder next time buddy
Please tell me it's going stay
It's not, it's so over.
I mean I'll just get it off of Russian or Chinese pirate websites, lmao.
Oh nothing, just all of Fleischer Popeye, Merrie Melodies, Tom and Jerry and Tex Avery shorts
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i understand that any call to instigate action is med with fedposting accusations but I ask now and wish for a clear answer:
At what point do we start dragging them out of their houses and giving them a 12 gauge mind opener?
>Hanna-Barbera sound library
Another website has those archived, and you can find them on YouTube. Obscure web comics from defunct sites are in real danger.
It will so long as IA doesn't get fucked by massive fucking legal fees people can't help pay for.
I never used IA and when I try to look at a book now it says I need an account. Is that bc of the lawsuit?
The section with videos, books, audio, etc that you can upload to. Those are the user collections, so just about anything that /co/ gives a shit about that’s been archived there. And that’s because these companies and come and take them down if they care to
This lawsuit and the music lawsuit is over copies the Internet Archive organization personally uploaded
when schizos don't immediately assume it's a psyop by said feds to meet some imaginary end game.
also. skip out on the 12 gauge.
Bricks are more cost-effective and more efficient.
So did everyone responding to this not even open the image? This isn’t even trolling, it’s a pretty clear joke.
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>people control everything?
You mean corporations control everything, and yes, they do.
Not surprised, after all you can't sell a specific curated history if you got a site that contradicts it
Here's what I have so far.
Um sweatie corporations are people now

For the link. But download it while you can
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Does the internet archive even really have anything worth grabbing anymore? Site started turning to shit when most of the books became lending only.and got rid of the download features.

I honestly haven't checked there in years, is there anything I should bother to collect?
Don't forget Aniwave/9anime being shut down too.
>4chan goes on about muh neo-nazis need to get into control to save the white race and shit
>4chan finds out their right-wing support has consequences
I never used it and when I try to look at a book now it says I need an account. Is that new?
I wonder if they are trying to kill the internet and close it down. Why do they still care about copyright when it's clear that we are heading towards a major economy crisis?
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I guess I'm gonna have to build a NAS after all
The corporations MUST control everything. It's Lord Moloch's will that the entire world be devoured by corporate greed. Nothing good can be allowed to remain, for goodness offends Lord Moloch. We are but cattle upon which He feeds.
so is it just books or should i save everything like cartoons?
Data hoarding chads win again.
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>what is authoritarianism
>what is oligarchy
>what is corporatocracy
(you) don't even deserve a (you) for being this retarded
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Yeah they started making you have to sign up a few years ago. You used to have the option to read without "borrowing" and they had download options for direct download and even torrent options. When the site took those features away from most of the books i ended up going there a lot less.
I'd just be safe and cast a wide net, even if it's stuff that you're aren't completely interested in especially cartoons
there is so many good rare raw tv rips and softwares and stuff that doesnt even exist on the original source anymore.....
rn i'm dl like crazy possible stuff it could be wiped out because of possible copyright strike....
Everything. Back up as much of the site as possible.
>Shill attempts to turn it political to divide users and defend its masters.
>It fails miserably
But those aren't rare or hard to find?
>Yeah they started making you have to sign up a few years ago
>A publisher hated to see their books being given away for free even though
My library had a digital library too. And that was 5 years ago. I assume digital libraries exist in a larger capacity today. Even things like e-books are lended out.
>Bricks are more cost-effective and more efficient.
i throw like a girl
Because the free flow of all information accessible to anybody always leads one to become a white supremacist. This is why they are trying to restrict the flow of all information. The more books you read, history you research and video footage recorded by everyday people you watch the more likely you are to hate browns. (((They))) can't let that happen anymore. They also don't like people learning that the world was better 20-30 years ago.
doesn't this just concern some guy's books up on the website?
Maybe so, but they are classic staples that should be in every collection
Thank god I’m a hoarder by nature and have downloaded entire series and isos of old cartoons and will download as many more as I can find. Wayside MUST be preserved.
This sucks. I genuinely don't know safe places to get old game rooms anymore.
>muh left wing muh right wing
It obviously runs deeper than that. Both ends are in favor of censorship anyway.
We could have just done this the easy way, goy.
That's what I've been wondering too. It hasn't been a place you can actually get much from in years. They've already torn up so much the the archive it's hard to imagine what is left to lose.
The IA should be nationalized and tax-funded like the Library of Congress.
Pro-copyright protection for corporations has always been a right-wing belief and historically a party point. Compared to hard-left governments where copyright is very loose oe not even existent.
All the copyright extensions and lawsuits decisions this have always been driven by the right wing. This is very clear fact
Reminder that Neil Gaiman was in support of this takedown.
What? No! How long do we have? The earliest I can expand my hard drives is tomorrow.
I thought it was /pol/ being autistic about Jewish people again
I would know, /pol/ is my home board and it’s rife with that shit
How bad really is it? I hardly know any of the publishers
They’re all working for the same team. Blue fucks us in the ass with the government and red fucks us in the ass with corporations. They’re all just a bunch of assfuckers.
>/pol/ is my home board
Kill yourself.
might be useful, also if anyone has anything worth sharing feel free to mega and base64 encode it
It's the only place I could find that had all the old subbed Kinnikuman anime, up to where the new show starts. Everywhere else was dead links or unseeded torrents.
The old anime doesn't have an official English release so this was pretty much the only option.
You can kill yourself too vermin.
All owned by the same fucker who bought multiple domains to spam google search results and drown out competition.
Worse than losing the site itself, this is a really bad anti-consumer precedent.
Your little board barely gets any action, you’d miss me more than I’d miss it
Nobody would miss you, kill yourself /pol/tranny
What? Why isn't this anime on the usual anime torrent sites? It's a pretty notable name. How the hell was that archive the only place for it? Did everyone just assume it would stay up forever?
Neil Gaiman is right wing?
I'm not on /pol/, Apu.

/co/mmies shouldn't be calling anyone trannnies
Yep yep!
I only come to /co/ for Toonami, Primal and Other general threads, otherwise I'm only on /mu/, /his/, /int/ and occasionally /lit/
I’m usually on /pol/ debating people there and then occasionally come to /co/, /v/ or /Tv/
It was being slowly released by a modest fansuh group over the years. In fact they are still doing the final filler arc (that you don't technically need to see) now. Over the years the individual torrents lost seeds bit by bit and links left by the group died. Batch torrents kept getting abandoned because they kept ending outdated as they subbed the Throne arc. Then I guess everyone decided IA was a safe place to store everything. Oops.
We are about to lose tons of scans of underground and alternative comics that are either unavailable to buy, or would cost a fortune. Look up the "Underground and Alternative Collection" and get downloading now if even remotely interested. There's also scans of old comic book magazines and fanzines, rare translations, and true obscurities. I've downloaded as much as I can, but there's so much about to go away
It all went to shit once normies and corporations took over the internet
The shutdown a good number of sites
They should have realized keeping it all on one place is always a terrible idea. We've already seen shows and fan remasters or whatever get taken down before from there. Why would they not realize the same could happen to that project? Sure as fuck hope they can post it elsewhere when they're done.
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Goddammit, how soon will the site go down?
Can't tell if this a genuine post or a troll which says a lot about the current state of humanity.
does the group still have their site up, might be downloads there
im not sure if just the books that have the lending feature will go or not, the tweet just says
>closely watched copyright case over the scanning and lending of print library books
since those old fanzines dont have any copyright associated with them those will still likely be up
>4chan supports Trump and is the direct reason he got elected
>Trump’s judge choices end the Internet Archive and free transmittal of information online
There is more than one way to read books/comics online for free and there always will be.
Leftoids would light themselves on fire if they thought it would own the "chubs." Actually that's a good idea, we should convince that it would.
It's going down.
The sooner you realize, the sooner you can heal.
Wasn't it always owned by them?
>People bitch and moan when things are free
>People bitch and moan when things are expensive
Jesus Christ just pick one or admit there's something else you're mad about
The judge was appointed by fucking Bill Clinton in 1994 you retard.
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That's a small relief but man, I still really think this does not bode well.
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That already happened.
Good. You will have access to nothing except what Hollywood allows and you will like it.
They already cement themselves to the ground over climate change. Go for the stars
Yep Bell Labs
meaning only books with the lending feature will be affected right? the lawsuit has to result in something
This is the direction it's all been heading in for well over a decade. The Wild West days are long since gone.
We're anons in an internet that don't want us no more.
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I mean they didn't keep it all in one place before. And it resulted in losing links to the ever changing landscape of file upload sites of today, and losing seeders as years went by.
Having it all in one place was a way for people to put together their collected content and make it easily accessible to newcomers. It was the solution to a problem in this case.
It's sad this show is likely to get buried for English fans since I doubt it would get an official English release now. It's gonna be a "read the manga" if you want to watch the new show situation.
Too bad. The Robin Mask vs. Mammoth man fight was badass in the anime.
This is the small stone that starts the avalanche.
It wont. Hours of internet history will be erased overnight its really over this time itll be gone forever soon
youre assuming
Stop coping and living in denial its all gonna go down and theres nothing anyone can do to stop it were all fucked
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I hope this internet stay alive forever. I really need to see these new upload materials and stuff. Like a full length movie of Ruby Gillman and Trolls 3.
[citation needed]
Where else can you get shit like DS roms and PSP isos anymore?
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>Twitter banned in Brazil because the Judge in Brazil is a strong-arming faggot

>Kimcartoon and other similar sites got shutdown because Normies can't stop blabbering out in the open about their existence

>Internet Archive is getting the boot because of some failed Author getting pissy about their existence
Model sheets, magazines like Nick Mag, uploads of pilots and old cartoons
We had hundreds of open places to discuss things. The people who gravitated to Myspace and aol chatrooms were either just doing that.

The walled gardens in the government made and pimped Facebook and Twitter only took off after they went after and destroyed the competition and forced everyone to go to those inferior easily ruined sites.

Think the government went after megaupload essentially stealing 20% of the net, over copyright?
Like the government is bringing down ia?

People only pay for that shit because the free media we want to watch was locked behind walls, and of marketing. But make no mistake they watch mostly free stuff. And judging by how quickly the bottom is falling out of the fag and Satanist agenda filled streaming sites I can see that marketing failing.

Most of that hardware was s shittily built, the is and software built worse and made to eat clock cycles and space while providing no functionality increase, and even back then, we used our computers to play games and have cybersrx.

The knowledge of the world is being hidden and censored by those in power. The open lie that it's the other side of them wanting to hide it and then capitulating because gosh darn it those Nazis and blue hairs are citizens and they just have to do what WE want.
Are you fucking retards still falling for this goddamned shit?

Go on Google and look up anything about vaccine deaths or immigration numbers or failure rates of gender reassignment

You'll get the company line and put on a fucking list.
Can we just agree that retards from all ends of the political spectrum are running what's left of the Internet.
Fuck off.
it won't go down but they will literally bend the knee to remove copyrighted content. I uploaded an archive of scanned old comics a few months ago and someone who was a staff at archive.org went out of their way to delete that whole archive for containing copyrighted content even though the copyright owner never sent any removal request or anything. After that experience I just realized archive.org is a shitty platform to upload stuff because what's the point of me fucking waiting hours for all these individual files to upload if it can all just be deleted in seconds because one staff decided to go out of his way to enforce the rules?
This settlement good or bad?

I suggest you download fables
It's a game Anon.
Yes its all gonna go down and history will be erased download everything you can right fucking now
Websites are safe.
The site Hokuto no Gun should be up.
Normalfags truly ruin everything for everyone, god
>You'll get the company line and put on a fucking list
What list? May I see this list?
That's it, I'm moving my doomsday library to MDISC.
Well, all of Playboy is safe.
real libraries pay royalties to authors

in typically American fashion, IA decided they wouldn't pay money to anybody for using their stuff
Wait just 1 author managed to sue internet archive?
Information belongs to the world.
Public domain should be at a minimum up to 1970 right now.
Based. Corporations lost too much to people stealing from them
It's the publishers really
It's just books?
If it was never extended it would be up to 1989.
Magachuds drank bleach to own the libs
This didn’t happen. Wherever you get your news from is lying to you.
Ah damn, and so basically corpos now own more of what we the people desire sigh. Really soon all those brit memes will relate to the US.
So if I already can't download any of the books what fucking good is it?
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He won.
>Twitter banned in Brazil because Muskrat didn't want to ban SEVEN chuderos trying to gaslight everyone about Brazil's crappy "we have Jan 6 at home" bullshit that happened back in 2022
You can with the extension.
his name should be dragged in the mud
J6 was an optics setup and an inside job.
What we desire?
The vast majority of stuff you claim the corpos own are at best just platforms for other people to make something worth a fuck.

I want them to remove only what the corpos want and nothing else.

This will leave the place free open and a good place e to host old archived tech and non corp stuff.
What extension?
Works flawlessly.
It's a very silly world we live in
The doomposting / trolling in this thread is really annoying. You're either teens or really weak adult men.

>Brazilian democracy is threatened by what some faggot writes on a microblog platform
That's the most insulting part, that people (including that judge) don't stop to think about. Let the schizos schizo on X.
If normies want to flock to them and read what they have to say, that says more about the opposition to the schizos being full of shot, than the schizos themselves. Learn to play the political game instead of trying to silence someone more charismatic than you.
>after borrowing a book
I'm not making an account.
How did it lose? Somebody save the original Rick and Morty high IQ r/cringeanarchy discussion.
I don't know nor care about what they were saying, but let people talk.
Since people seem confused about libraries, I will clarify. Physical Libraries work through something called first sale doctrine which states that once you buy something the seller no longer controls what you do with it to a large extent although copying is still prohibited under copyright law as well as some other things. Because of how data works digital objects like e-books cannot be moved only copied and thus first sale doctrine doesn't apply. Most libraries work with companies that either make deals with the publisher or are part of the publisher and have licenses to copy the e-books through their programs, often for an excessive fee. The libraries don't pay royalties directly to the author, but if the author gets royalties from the publisher, some of these fees likely make their way to the author, but in cases of physical books the author only gets the same royalties as if anyone else bought the book.
Internet archive lent books under a framework where rather than going through the publishers they would have one or more matching physical copies stored and only an amount of people matching their number of physical copies would be able to read the e-book at any given time. Personally, this is how I think e-book lending should work, but legally it's questionable at best. During covid they dropped the matching copy requirement and that is what started this lawsuit, although I haven't read the decision to see if their whole framework was declared illegal.
That faggot would have looked for whatever excuse he could to censor whoever tells the truth about the supreme court crooks. He didn't just ban twitter, he also set this 10k dollar fine for whoever, ANYONE who used it through VPNs. It's just part of a high ego trip.

WTF Kimcartoon too?
>You WILL eat the bugs.
not worth pirating.
The worst part is sites like Kimcartoon were good for archival purposes. So many more cartoons are going to be lost to time because of companies refusing to make them available. They just want IPs to sit on and do nothing with or use as tax write offs.
>WTF Kimcartoon too?
Kissasian. Animesuge. A lot of general streaming, manga reading, and hentai sites.
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Thank your local data hoarding chad.
>this thread
Kill yourself.
This is what happens when you flap your gums about streaming sites
And this is all happening the same year the Perfect Origin arc is getting an adaptation. Lame. I don't know if it's too late to download everything now but I hope someone does.
What the hell, is that recent? I remembered hearing about Kimcartoon long ago but I just assumed they got rid of it AGAIN, somehow.
I was thinking of rushing some DVD backups of stuff because of solar storms, but that's already another shitshow to worry about.
Not to sound like I'm coming down on the side of pro corporations but there's always been something very disingenuous about people who try to cry that it's about "Media Preservation" when everyone knows damn well it's not. This is about people wanting free shit trying to dress it up pretty. And again, not siding with the suits but at least have the decency to be honest.
>gets immediately assblasted and makes 57 threads when something HE likes changes
kys globohomo
>sounds of this obnoxious faggot gagging on Chuck Wendig's micropenis
Don't we still have until the Supreme Court makes their decision?
Do bear in mind that a lot of these free web activists are leftoids. Its quite politically diverse ackchually.

Don't panic until you see signs of that. Cross that bridge when you come to it.
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Chuck sisters won today
OP is a faggot for fear mongering like this but I really hope this is an isolated loss
Fag, grow a pair and stop despairing all the time.
>It's only a mere iceberg, surely the Titanic will go right through it.
Aw sweet a schizo thread
Nhentai recently got into a legal dispute over hosting doujins for free, against publishers' wishes. They're currently fighting it, with their own lawyers arguing that the case never should have reached court to begin with.
are you crazy can you name even one right wing corporation? basically all corporations support LGBT rights
>it hasn’t been the literal end of everything ever and always the last 400 times I claimed it was
Why are you defending the erasure of decades of history?
They will lose and they will be happy
Corporate shills post here
I can more easily kill him than the bosses.
Careful now, talk like that will get you Chitwood'd these days.
No they don't. They say that they do, to make more money. Come the fuck on.
To be fair, not everything that went down with Megaupload or Rapidshare came back.
You made the mistake of posting on 4chan so they already- GASP LOOK BEHIND YOU
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Honestly, this image could apply to several Anons itt.
Not him, but what's even the difference? Bottom line, they ruined pretty much every franchise they had to pander to that audience, even when the money clearly isn't coming.
Why take down the whole site instead of just dealing with the book side of the site?
They are just dealing with the book side of the site.
>internet archive
>zoro to
What the fuck?
>zoro to
Never heard of this one
a lot of concept art
Show me proof it isnt shutting down then
AI is helping glowies shut down piracy sites faster because normalfags openly share them on social media sites.
It was basically kissanime but but it never suffered from any of kissanime's legal troubles and remained stable from basically its inception until now.
Anon ..they move been here almost since the beginning. There are feds whove seen more of my duck pics then the women and couples I fuck with on sex apps.

It's creepy but there it is.
also vimms lair, shit was up for almost 2 decades.
I already use all my disposable income on media. They can't extract any more money from me. Shit like this only serves to make me more miserable.
Johnny silverhand hand is right
That's the point. They are misery vampires.
Why is Turok black now?
Thanks for not being a fear mongering faggot
So you've been on 4chan for as long as it's been operating and now you're a grown adult who believes in a shadowy conspiratorial satanist agenda protecting immigrants, trannies, and masking 'the real effects' of vaccines from the public. Real.
For now.
Isn't there already a lawsuit over the music on IA?
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Honestly, I don’t know. I think it would have to be something that truly robs the vast majority of the pomp and comfort that they’ve been living in since the 1940s. But I think by the time such a thing comes to pass, the people in charge will have already robbed us of so much that we wouldn’t be able to revolt even if we wanted to.
The best thing that can happen is everyone agrees to stop playing by their rules, and then they’ll have nobody else to mess with. Unfortunately people don’t want that because ideas like that are synonymous with anarchy or communism now.
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anons, i use nhentai every night just to read the english translations, there is any other good doujinshi site? e-hentai takes to much to load the images sometimes
Look, I can care about both. There are a shitload of cartoons I'd never watch on Kim but I'm at least glad they're somewhere out there. Now they could be scrubbed off the face of the earth forever.
there literally is no proof it would be
That dosnt prove anything
There's sadpanda, but nhentai has a better UI/layout and tag system (confusion over the NTR tag aside). Sadpanda also provides neat off-kilter uploads, though, like old videogame artbooks and manuals.
We need a new internet. One where we never let these "people" in in the first place.
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awww babbys first troll... so cute when they are young...
Time to get off my ass and download the Toonheads episodes I'm missing, I guess
Nhentai only hosts low-res galleries and is thereby inferior by default.
Sadpanda's true purpose is archival, which is why people use it for non-smut stuff like official artbooks.
Companies everywhere are trying to push streaming as the only means to watch something. No physical copies. And they can take away whatever they want whenever they want.

When purchasing isn't owning piracy isn't theft.
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Nhentai and Kimcartoon going down suck, but there are other ways of getting that content, it's not truly gone

But Internet Archive is legitmate blow to art presveration and history in the digital age. There is shit there that's going to take years, maybe even decades to resurface again, if ever.

And don't forget the Wayback Machine is part of the Internet Archive, the single most valuable tool we've had to look up internet history is going to fucking die, and there's nothing we can do about it.
A shame, but this is what happens when you fall for the COVID hysteria.
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It’s the library of alexandria all over again. Why are these people so against the past?
Is the hole site and media content or just printed content?
i don't need full resolution images to read doujinshis on the cellphone midnight
>fall for the covid hysteria
>"Hey, more than one people can have a copy of a digital book file"
>"maybe since all the physical libraries are down we should stop pretending digital books are singular physical items"
It is about that though. It is literally an objective fact that companies WON'T preserve any of this shit. About 80-90% of everything humans ever published is already lost. If you want media to exist for the future, you have to do it illegally.

That calll was not theirs to make.
Thanks capitalism.
The brazil ban was done by the government though.
humidity & data rot - surprise motherfucker.
Physical media chads can't stop winning.
Disney funds the GOP retard
Piracy IS media preservation. They're the same thing. It's not preserved if you can't fucking watch it.
The records in the Library of Alexandria were copied and spread around . before it burned down.
God I loathe Wendig like few others.
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>Disney funds the GOP retard
>Does the internet archive even really have anything worth grabbing anymore?
Yes you worthless weeb.

Every corporation donates to both sides.
For once, it actually is so over.

Time for me to make backups…. Hopefully in time…
And bots! Don't forget the bots!
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Literally this.
>back up the site backing up the entire internet
I cannot.
The question is if the IA has the funds to cover the fines. You’re gonna have to donate, bros. For the greater good.
>Every corporation donates to both sides.
Yes, but not Trump side.
Gaiman was not anti IA.
He thought the infinite-lending library was an awful idea for both legal and financial reasons.
He was right.
Then list shit faggot
Check previous years. DeSantis pissed off Disney so they want him out now. 2016 they donated $5m to Great America PAC, and $2m to Conservative Solutions PAC. They were ALL IN on the Trump train.
It's because the average anon's trained on ragebait. They post without thinking.
>Millennial "humour"
Just abolish IP law already.
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9anime still up tho
Literally anywhere else I can find stuff like the Tolkien Bestiary?
Is backup all the stuffs or just printed content?
How much time do we have before the IA gets shut down officially?
However much time it has, you should act like there is a timer ticking down to 00:00. Backup, backup, backup and buy as many drives as you can afford (assuming you don't already have empty spares lying wround). I cannot stress this enough.
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This is embarrassing but a good opportunity to start setting up your own archives for future use.
Always been useful for books, even if they are just lending. I remember getting a few books off of IA for university and saving hundreds of dollars on books I would never read again.
What am i supposed to be backing up?
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I FUCKING called it! Everyone made fun of me being a data hoarder but look who's laughing now! Just need to grab Legend's of the Galactic Heroes [Lazerdisk] and then I'm set!
Normies would unironically defend burning the library of Alexandria if the corporations said that it was cutting into their profits.

What kind of subhuman cattle do you have to be to defend erasing literally every single form of media archive because
Hasn't there been some "group" of Californian faggots pushing to Crack down on piracy?
archive it while you still can
>physical libraries already did that by lending them.
Physical libraries in my city have digital copies you download that self destruct somehow after a certain amount of time passes.
I'm extremely left and don't believe in censorship at all. Feel free to see whatever you want. And also feel free to own up to having said it and the consequences that come with it.
That's the problem with the right. They want to say and do whatever but without dealing with the consequences after. You know who gets away with saying or doing dumb shit? Children. The right want to be children.
It's like when the God Hates Fags church got bombed. Well, you spend decades pissing off as many groups as they did, you can expect one if them is gonna fucking bomb you
I would have never stopped them from saying all that shit. But getting bombed by someone pissed that you celebrated at his brother's funeral (who died after being bombed in Afghanistan) might just be s consequence of that.
so our burning of alexandria has begun.
Buy a HDD, learn to pirate.
This is why gatekeeping is required. Don't fucking teach Zoomers how to torrent. Let them stay ignorant.
>Heh, you just don't wanna deal with the consequences of your actions!!!! You deserved to get bombed!!!
Then surely youbwon't complain when they light up a pride parade in retaliation right? After all, only children don't deal with the consequences of their actions.

Oh wait, that's different? It doesn't count because it's your side? Only your side gets to do bad stuff? I see.
>They want to say and do whatever but without dealing with the consequences after.
They entire point of free speech, is so long as you're not doing things like calling wolf, there's supposed to be no consequences.
This whole "freedom of speech, not freedom of consequences" is some leftist nonsense, to eat their cake and have it too. They just somehow convinced enough people that it's true.
don't forget the ever-progressing porn site bans in different states to where you need to take a picture of your ID and send it to people just to look at a titty now
Anon, you pretending that the entire tech works didn't hide the effects of that mrna concoction says slot.
Musk and Zuckerberg literally spilled the beans.
Jaian is in the middle of having a fit, but oh look, anotherbwestern controlled leader is being put in pla e in a totally unrigged election and it's being flooded with illegal immigrants as we speak.
looks green to me
RIP all the autists dumping entire GBs worth of movies and TV shows onto the archive. You will all be missed. Fucking chads.
better get ready for 2030. gotta grab some more hard drives and start downloading en masse. godspeed, my friend.
The court case at hand has mainly to do with ebooks. So leaving ebooks aside, I seriously hope someone has thought of creating a separate domain for everything else. That would suck if we didn't have a secondary place to access this stuff and most of it was lost forever.
>It will so long as IA doesn't get fucked by massive fucking legal fees people can't help pay for.
I mean furaffinity got over $220k in donations so anything's possible
watch them go after anime porn
Watch all the normalfags cheer it on
My former roommate used to say this incessantly.
Garry, if that's you, get the rest of your shit out of here. It's been two months.
you'lll be having MUCH BIGGER problems such as mere survival, dodging the hunt drones, finding enough food and clean water and shelter. Poor fool, Entertainment will be the last thign on yoru mind.
are you sure it's the whole IA database? sounds like Hachette won the lawsuit dispute over their ebooks being archived.
it's not like twitter was the bastion of free speech, they pretend like it is but they shadow ban anyone they feel like for wrong-think. Might as well be in solitary confinement talking to the walls. same effect
Eat shit, maroon
The rest is going down eventually. Everything is going down eventually.
You sure? Will they just have to pay a fine or something? Why did a bunch of books go to Borrow Unavailable when the lawsuit hit?
heres a (you)

Never come back.
Most likely they will have to pay a fine and stop lending certain books or in certain ways. The main reasonable concern is the fines potentially causing them to run out of money and have to shut down other services.
The worst part is all the shit that you can't get elsewhere. There are decades-out-of-print movies that can ONLY be found there. I don't really care about using the site for piracy, but losing some media FOREVER is a fucking travesty.
Another Alexandria library burning
Multiple times in the past 4 years
What the fuck is going on
And people are shitting on hoarders for no reason
Frog in the pot
Really? I wasn't aware, but I can't be mad because 9anime had BY FAR the best UI of any anime streaming site, legal or illegal.
The funny part will be when companies notice huge swathes of their IPs are losing value because accessing the old content is impossible or too hard now.. I mean it'll be short lived cause they'll soon be done asset stripping and making billion from cancelling project. But for a moment it'll be funny.
someone get this hothead outta herr
>They've already torn up so much the the archive it's hard to imagine what is left to lose.
Care to elaborate? Deleting copyrighted material is nothing new as IA was never a pirating website to begin with (despite so many people using it exclusively for that) and neither is purging sites like KF, 8ch, etc. from the Wayback Machine (people have been using alternatives like archive.today for many years now). Copyright and censorship shit aside, there's still tons of how-to-draw books, website snapshots, interviews, TV bumpers, independent and/or obscure comics and animation that has no reason to go anywhere, and that's only scratching the /co/-related stuff. Internet Archive will remain a flawed yet invaluable resource despite the copytards' blow and it'll just make some things less accessible. You're being overdramatic.
does this affect the whole site, like will youtube links and tweets also disappear?
The case was over the 1:1 system, so their expanding it didn't matter.
/co/ once again proving itself to be the worst board/hobby by killing IA (even though IA did gay shit in the past and isn't completely innocent).
The primary culprit was Chuck Wendig, but he was supported by Neil Gaiman
>twitter banned in brazil

1 down, rest of the world to go.
Do you vote?
>kimcartoon shutdown
what? fuck this gay world
Hey, not all of us are Neo-Nazis, but our voice was drowned out by all of the weirdos trying to mold us to their voice (White supremacy, Republicans, Scientologists, rogue governments, manosphere, etc). That's just the price of freedom of speech.
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This all started from "herkily-jerkily"
Different Turok.
Erm this post is some heckin flibberdyboo and by that I mean by brain ain't exactly BRAINING buster! You're to blame like an angy pupper in a Delli. Extra mustard ma'm?
PS: you need a firmware update in the order of a "shotgun blast to the face"
Someone better have backed up both versions of Bubblegum Girl and R.I.P. Any other /co/ media on there?
honestly at best I’m hoping it’s a similar case to the how they went with the WBB100th episode of TTG

sure it means some pretty beloved things might be gone, but considering the lack of care companies have on the more obscure media (there’s an entire playlist of D+ pepper ann masters on YouTube for christ sakes) i doubt they’d be THAT thorough
Ol Chuck writes like Boarderlands , Forespoken, Life is Strange and Night in the Woods had an unholy four way. It's truly some of the most disgusting garbage.
>kimcartoon shutdown
Faggot was trying to block Ublock harder than YouTube was, get fucked, hope the site owner rots in a cell.
I ‘do’ want free shit, there’s no great moral edifice behind that fact and either is is there any moral supremacy behind people in the rat race of making that entertainment wanting their stuff to RoI.

What ‘is’ agitating for me is simply that laws as written and (failed to be) enforced are not able to to keep up with the fact that the distribution side of media is analagous to the old saying about electricity being ‘to cheap to meter’. IP law as a concept is a failure. It fails in everything it set out to do when first fancied up. The internet’s creatives defacto operate without ip and handle themselves just fine.

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Damn it. It's the only place someone can watch Judas and Jesus online. Ever since Saberspark did his video on it the YouTube upload got deleted. e621 doesn't even have it. PornHub used to have it until the mass content purge a few years ago. This sucks.
You're right, they took horse medicine to get rid of a disease they said it didn't exist
I don't remember this style of writing in NitW
>source: the voices in my head
We still got wcostream.tv, at least
Somebody needs to learn some lobbying and push copyright back to its original duration, for fuck's sake... then those assholes have no excuse
Anything else you want disproven? Like how your parents said they loved you? Or why girls said they only liked you as a friend?
>There's fags ITT who are not literate even thought this is a board for comics and don't get what the case is, what was decided before or what it means
And this is your wakeup call, start downloading the shit you care about. You, like many others, say things then don't do this simple thing that takes a few minutes to simply hold a preserved copy then it gets deleted and lost
>because Muskrat didn't want to ban SEVEN chuderos
It's not even that. Precedent has well established that he follows lawful ban orders when countries give them. But the judge's order violated Brazil's own laws
>horse medicine
You mean the medicine on the World Health Organization's list of essential medicines, which was identified years earlier as an antiviral medicine in addition to an anti-parasite medicine?
the site isn't being taken down it's the book lending service that's ending
your shows are absolute trash
Ah, okay. That means all the other free stuff is fine.
It’s impressive how everyone from Nazis, to commies, to normies hate this guy
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>decades worth of knowledge is being wiped from the internet
>social media platform are becoming more restrictive and centralized
>all while a endless sea of AI misinformation is being produced
I fucking hate this schizo arc
He was literally the biggest spokesperson for this campaign.
>”the internet never forget”
>large chucks of it are already abandonware and the rest relies on just 5 companies not shitting themselves
Well that was a lie
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>Erase history at the same time that AI is getting good enough to convincingly replace it.
It was more of an assumption than a lie. And that notion helped create this attitude that everything in the Internet is constantly being documented, which made people less concerned with preserving things themselves.
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if I say no, you'll call me a supository blackpilled faggot.
if I say yes, you'll call me a conformist goyslop consuming bootlicker.

Consider the following: Fuck you.
He tried to tell us and they killed him.
Even worse, there are average people who openly support the censorship and are numb to misinformation as long as it aligns with their beliefs. It's a hivemind.
And they continue to support these restrictive social media sites with engagement, even though they reduce features, and encourage them to mainly interact with content that's fed to them by algorithms.
The worst part is everyone so wrap up in menial culture war bullshit that no one cares enough to stop it.
>sure the weather is progressively getting worse, no one can afford a house, basic rights are eroding, and the government is blatantly ruled over by inept corporations. BUT FUCK THAT I NEED TO MAKE SURE THE OTHER TEAM HAS IT WORSE
At the very least I can take great comfort in knowing that Chuck Wendig will never be able to show his face in public for the rest of his life
Man, Google Books really mindbroke publishers, huh.
You WILL buy your products digitally. You WILL subscribe to multiple streaming platforms. You WILL NOT STEAL our HARD WORK. If you enjoy something oh I dunno...BUY IT
What was that? Buy a 3D printer and advance my piracy game to include in-game models?
It was over the 1 to 1 system which it failed. Meaning you cannot digitally borrow a book for free
Sadly yes
>Wayback Machine is part of the Internet Archive
The internet archive hasn't been reliable in a while but the Wayback Machine still had some use to it. Losing that is going to sting.
As long as the book lending isnt hurting finances to keep the site up.
Internet Archive is still great for finding old or obscure foreign films with subtitles
Don't forget credit card companies preventing you from spending your money how you see fit. So not only is nothing free anymore, but you'll buy what we tell you to buy.
>Everything bad the right does is actually leftist
Many such excuses
>That's the most insulting part, that people (including that judge) don't stop to think about. Let the schizos schizo on X.
>If normies want to flock to them and read what they have to say, that says more about the opposition to the schizos being full of shot, than the schizos themselves.

A woman was murdered in Brazil because of fake news, old people and normies are too guilible for X shit.
My grandma fell for 2 scams and was convinced about that horse medicine Joe Rogan talked about could cure COVID.
Yeah, even 1:1 physical/digital lending was declared illegal. Essentially, first sale doctrine is determined not to apply at all for digital content because sharing a digital file is inherently duplicating and creating a new one.
>even when the money clearly isn't coming
They made more from their ESG score and investors who pushed these politics. Anything that couldn't survive doing this was either seen as expendable to them or doomed from the start.
>you can say what you want, but I'll kill you
Killing people is kind of censorship of life. This scene that was ironically censored aged like fine wine. https://youtu.be/8TMHIYDHMSE
Why are all these extremely useful websites hosted in the US again
>My grandma fell for 2 scams and was convinced about that horse medicine Joe Rogan talked about could cure COVID.
It was ivermecitin, it's an antiparasitc. It's not simply horse medicine though but I get your point.
It wasn't a faggot who bombed the church. Your argument is invalid (because you have poor reading comprehension skills).
You are not very smart.
>the /v/ thread where everyone was rightfully freaking out over this until some GLOWING individual tried to poison the well by ranting about how we need to ban schools
Ah terrible times…
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>go to page for Lastman
>This item is no longer available.
Well, I'm not sure where else to ask but since is about IA, did anybody download the Lastman series by Jeremie Perin? I cannot find it anywhere else and I'm not going risk my computer trying to get it off of Pirate Bay.
>My grandma fell for 2 scams and was convinced about that horse medicine Joe Rogan talked about could cure COVID.

Let's be real here, if you actually followed the news about ivermectin, you'd see Rogan AND his critics were both morons and now the media is trying to partially walk it back ("it's safe to use but not much effect on COVID" after going "It's not safe to use" for a long time)

These are from this year:
the beast wars AI upscale...
Ivermectin's been being used on people since the 70's or so. It even has topical applications for genital lice. The claim that Ivermectin was dangerous to use was a blatant lie on its face by the medical community. They weren't satisfied with just telling people:
>We have no evidence it'll cure covid stop self-dosing and at least get a prescription for the right dosages if you want to waste your money.
So they ran a media campaign calling it a dangerous livestock medication instead.
>A woman was murdered in Brazil
Anon it’s Brazil this isn’t surprising
Damn I get why most people call this the asshole of the internet now. It’s full of crazy shitheads that think they’re funny or think that the sky is falling every 5 minutes.
The resident retard in my house was pushing this every couple weeks to my parents to "prevent" covid. I don't blame the internet so much as I blame myself for not stabbing that potato in the fat fucking face with all the reasons I have.
Same goes for rightoids.
It was invented in the 70's and approved for human use in the 80's
Why do they continually lie about this? You'd think since the WHO is their God they'd know this.
And retards want more copyright laws because someone is out there prompting furry porn.
and all started in 2008 with baboon obongo worldwide digital inclusion program an next year the death of the old internet
>Haha he amuses me. Let him write Star Wars.
When people start posting addresses. But your mod masters would never allow it.
ivil 145274419
we need a nuclear armageddon or a worldwide civil war that resets the clock back to 1991 alongside its tech, culture and internet.
If it's not in a vaccuum-sealed tome it will turn to dust by the time 40k happens.
By the way, I'm specifically referring to the original dubbed version by MondoMedia, not the one by Wild Side because that one is just amateurish and borderline unwatchable compared to the original.
the last place asstr exists, surprised that hasn't been fully scrubbed yet
>Remove the Internet Archive
>Remove the Wayback Machine
>Defund and remove public libraries
>Defund and remove public schools
>Reel back on lead paint and USFDA laws
All according to plan, now the masses will be made stupid enough to vote [INSERT PARTY HERE] en mass for years to come
>Internet Archive lost the case
Wow I hope they can find it
Twitter didn't follow the Brasilian law. Musk fault.
Scumbags like that judge have been wiping their faces with the law and changing it as they see fit.
Internet Archive are the ones responsible for digitizing Marion Stokes' collection which was almost 40 years worth of 24/7 TV broadcasts, especially news channels like CNN, C-SPAN and the like, going back to the late '70s.
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Okay but why is this all consolidated to ONE archive? This stuff is clearly important, so why does only one place hold it? What happened if they had a fire, or the owner had a schizophrenic meltdown?
Maybe next time you learn to ignore silly books you don't like instead of going full kiwifarms on the author. Then you won't have your precious nostalgiawank archive toys taken away.

Sound good chuddie?
There's more than one, but they keep getting attacked...
Well yes. That's literally what a judge's job is lmao
Lawmakers make the law and judges and lawyers interpret the law, changing it as they see for. I'm sorry that basic civics wasn't something you learned at school. : (
I will slit Chuck Wendig's throat.
>what is pink capitalism
you missed a spot on the shoe, pinko
Online storage isn't cheap and organizing it is even harder. IA costs something like 60k a month to keep up. Cheap for an anthropological treasure but expensive for lobbyists. If I won the lotto or something I'd just set it up in a country the US won't fuck with over hosting the material, like maybe putting it in Iran or the UAE.
>Overstep your boundaries because of le hecking “pandemic”
>Open the door to fuck over access to information for everyone
This is why gatekeeping is important. It's not, explicitly, to keep women or whatever out of things. It's to keep out normalfags.
>Reel back on lead paint and USFDA laws
Didn't hear about this. What specific decisions were made?
You are not very smart.
>The internet’s creatives defacto operate without ip and handle themselves just fine
It's funny that you think that. You automatically get a copyright for your creation when it's done anon.
Unfortunately most women are normalfags
Dude looks like a fucking soiboy. Someone should summon the sharty & make soijaks out of this guy.
The Internet Archive was probably the last bastion to post & discussion information. If they shut it down, then it really is over for the Internet.
Just download everything you idiots.
>>We had a 1:1 library system but were just going to abandon that allow unlimited downloads because covid stops all laws
maybe the law is retarded and so are you?
You, o' fair and humble gentlesir, fair denizen of ze world wide internette, (sit) j'accused of a heckin' grrrmmPHFFFHT, several oopsie-doodles and a bloopityfoo! your FUNishment, should you to deign to a merry jape, is to don the lumpy curmudgeon's baggy trousers!... now, would you like a side of EPIC SZECHUAN BACON with that? :-)
>site starts giving out free e-copies of shit like Harry Potter and Stephen King
>people act like it's some giant evil act by greedy people trying to destroy history for them to lose the lawsuit
Maybe the retards shouldn't have openly advertised themselves as a piracy site and given out books that are actively in print?
The problem is that digital libraries (even the 1:1 system they originally had) literally cannot exist under the current legal rulings, because digital transfer counts as creating a new copy and not actually sharing the original copy.
The reality of the matter, as certified product-selling men like Gaben have stated, is that piracy is an access issue. Rowling is never going to weep for her lost royalties from the people that read Harry Potter for free. Neither is King. And the nobodies that bitch about it were never getting pirated in the first place except on some niche corner curious about whatever IP they're parasitising like /co/.
Copyright stagnates culture. If I can legally summarize a book or movie I consumed for free, I should be able to just share it. No billion dollar IP has ever been smothered of earning potential in the crib by piracy.
>piracy is an access issue! fat Steam man said so!
>he says, as games are still pirated
No. Piracy is an "I want this, but I don't want to pay" issue.
Overall copyright law really needs to be overhauled to handle the internet. As is, so much of internet culture is based around completely ignoring copyright law and until copyright law has adaptations for those parts of internet culture, the internet will continue to broadly ignore it.
you faggots will download everything and keep it to yourself. none of you will be the next IA
There are a lot of games that are literally out of production and not obtainable on PC ports. And a crazy amount of show without physical releases.
IA costs tens of thousands of dollars a month to run.
I'll bring that up with my supervisor. We'll have it shit down in a few weeks after we clear it with a judge we have in our pocket. Thank you
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I love the board game publishers that outright give you links to the tabletop simulator mods of their games on their website, complete with the official art and rulebook and have no problems letting you "play" it for free. They just charge you for the physical box of cardboard, paper, and plastic, because that's an actual tangible asset subject to scarcity. That's the way to do it.
Even worse is you're doing nothing about it that actually matters. Get off your ass
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Digital dark age? Image because not a literature board thread.
And no one is pirating them. Because no one cares about them. You're pirating every new AAA sloppa or big indie darling.
Just like no one is pirating forgotten 1970s Irish author Jimothy McDoohan's out-of-print novel 'The River of Dicks'. They're pirating Steve-o King's new release 'The Devil from Another Dimension Fucked My Wife'.
This "it's about preservation!" shit is the gayest bullshit line pirates love to throw out.
It needs to be overhauled internationally, not just domestically
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You won't lol
You will keep complaining and making threats and doom scrolling
gotta have my free shit. eat the excuse, faggot
Eat shit, I pirated "Eggerland the joy of construction" for the Famicom disc system through the internet because that game never got a physical release and you literally cannot play it without pirating it, as every famicom disc writer kiosk is out of service. I'd buy it if I could, I own every Eggerland/Adventures of Lolo game made for Nintendo consoles as a physical copy but that one CANNOT be owned
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Just gonna pirate some fish and bread for these 5,000 hungry people that wanted to hear me talk. Glad angry fishermen and bakers can't sue me for "lost sales". Living in an era without copyright is awesome.
Just fucking own up to it. I'd have more respect for pirates if so many didn't try to morally justify it with obvious lies instead of just admitting they don't want to pay for shit.
>And no one is pirating them
Wrong. Just because normies pirate popular things doesn't mean unpopular stuff isn't pirated. And even if they weren't pirating it, how does IA keeping copies of obscure things nobody reads not meet the exact definition of preservation?
Find me a new copy of "Saving our Fragile Earth: UNICO Special Chapter" so I can delete my torrented copy since it's still under copyright please.
Furries are all fucking military engineers and lawyers, man. I bet with how much they pay for comms on the regular, they could probably scrounge up a quarter million between just a few of them.
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This. This is how they will destroy us all and search through every single thing we have ever done or posted anywhere across the whole net. Shodan sees you torrenting my life as a teenage robot. The internet is now her, and she has deemed there will be no preservation, no fun, all will be paid for and that which is not still published will be eradicated. Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run, the government will take all that is fun. Any art being preserved, does not their purposes serve.
>I'm extremely left
You could've just said that you're a faggot and saved us a whole paragraph
You hysterical niggers.
You're just losing access to a bunch of loan books, the whole website's not going down and the lending system was shit anyways. This ruling has nothing to do about all the PDFs of old ass books and movies sitting there.
Eventually, Archive will be fucked but it's still there. And if it is truly doomed, then find some other websites to pirate your goods from.
What's your favorite form of piracy?
For me, it's pirating Movies/TV I already own on disc, but don't want to get up from bed to put the disc in my blu-ray player
Oh shit, there's a cbz of Bill Watterson's new book "The Mysteries" in here! I bought the thing when it came out, but I'm glad it's online too.
Remember, rich people are not your friends.
>food analogy with a picture of jesus
yep, no signs of intelligence detected
Nice resolution ya got there, anon.
Pirating a book is like McDonalds. Cheap, convenient, but loaded with fat! But ordering that same book on Amazon is healthy, nutritious, and doubleplusgood!
what's gonna happen to found media stuff?
>she says, unloved and friendlessly
Meanwhile, I just got in from a run, am about to get in the shower then wake up my kid and the missus. We'll have breakfast together, I'll take my son to school and we'll go about our days.
It's kinda funny. For a left wing faggot, I have more of a tradlife than any of the right wing schizos on this site.
I hope the knowledge that no one will ever love you depresses you deeply. :3
Are they actually real? I've never met a furry. At least, not that I'm aware of. I guess it's like heroin. Y'know somebody's doing it, but nobody's admitting shit.
Fakku already does that and he's cancer enough
I wanna beat this faggot to the brink of death. Hes part of the many reasons why shit is going down in this fucked world.
One of the engineers for the A-10 thunderbolt II was a furry named Doug Winger. You have to do serious shit to get that rug money, man. Especially if you want your herm harem.
Why do you think Jesus was crucified?
It's easier to make you feel free when there's no record of what actual freedom looked like.
Actually, if friends of friends count, I had a roommate who had furry friends. They went on a ski trip together and skied in their fursuits. The roommate, to my knowledge, wasn't a furry. He was a faggot, tho.
That's the closest I've ever been to meeting a furry.
what I really fucking hate is that KimCartoon's mirror sites are missing numerous TV shows and movies
>Comparing the shithole that is Xwitter with actually good sites like IA or Kim cartoon.

Shmtbh familia. That Brazilian judge and Lula are based from wanting to save their country from virtual retardation.
You will own nothing.
Schizos call it The Big Reset
All part of the plan
But they provide IRL retardation!
Maaaaaan... I was using it to read Tinkerbell Disney fairy books
kinda funny
Can't you remove stuff from IA if you have the copyright?
wasnt that the point? it was all stolen?
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Ask Taylor Swift and Microsoft
This x10
and I also direct similar ill will to whoever runs WCO for attempting to lock movies behind premium, thank god for the loophole though
bye bye scammer
Oh, you cant find it?
> judges and lawyers interpret the law, changing it as they see for
They're not supposed to "change" the law, moron
Is IA really going to close? I'm still saving things and I appreciate the extra time, however it seems that even though they lost the lawsuit nothing will happen.
I think the situation is that it's at increased risk of closing or downscaling due to financial issues, but it's far from guaranteed.
You can still rip books if you know how
>Precedent has well established that he follows lawful ban orders when countries give them.
In other countries, twitter just limits the scope, but doesn't outright ban or remove the content.
In the Brazil case, it seem like the courts wanted twitter to outright remove and ban teh content.
Unfortunately, the difference has been lost in all the shouting.
What if they just...didn't care and let the website stay up? What'd they do, find out where they live and kill them?
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>Native American Turok
>Not real Turok just a black guy
Why fucking call him Turok?
No, people is just fearmonging.
What need is there to preserve things?
the found media content IS staying up right?
I'm not this anon but I do it just in case I need inspiration to draw so I grab any art books that interest me, calendars even flyers of things I've never seen as long as it has cool art it's enough.
I'll look around a bit on soundtracks to see if I find something that's not available on YT or any other platform.
>if you actually followed the news about ivermectin, you'd see Rogan AND his critics were both morons
All Rogan said was his doctor prescribed it to him(same thing that Cuomo's doctor is doing now). I don't get why you fags are still seething about that minor comment that the media dishonestly spun
>it's safe to use but not much effect on COVID
It's exponentially less effective the later you use the treatment. Most of the trials still show a net benefit overall https://c19ivm.org/meta.html
The hopeless retards that voted for trump are responsible technically.
A liberal court would spare Internet Archive, you know deep down I'm right.
So stealing is illegal now?
No one asked shit about politics, turdnugget
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just archive internet archive before they take it down

This was one of the worst black washings I've ever seen. I don't agree with it but I can understand the flawed logic of turning a white character into a non white, but Turok was a rare mainstream native American character with a great universal hook, why remove that?
Cope, seethe and dilate.
the liberal court currently in charge of your country, you mean?
Okay, I just added 8TB of hard drive capacity. What should I save?
which Chuck "The Fuck" is worse:
Austen or Wendig?
Save the Gum Girl comics.
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"Stealing" is like saying you go to a museum or a library and steal the content with your eyes by looking at paints or reading books to get knowledge, the point of Internet Archive, Museums and libraries is to learn and appreciate the knowledge and culture long lost and forgotten by the modern civilizations, same applies to anything ancient, like books or comics whose authors are long dead, hell look at music, Freddie Mercury said that we could do anything with his music, just dont make it boring, but alas, copyright is just an excuse to bleed the masses and private them of the wonders of the ancient world.
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I refuse to believe this is happening outside the middle east
>pay for authors for their labor.
This has been debunked. Your not paying the people who are responsible for creating the product all of that many gose twoards the directors royalties and or the corporations.
It's the internet man, they can always Google how. The instructions are at their fingertips.
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Oh yeah banning one of our only sexual outlets in the midst of picrel is a great idea. All they do is speed up the collapse.
it's on the books in Texas I think but nothing has passed yet
Righty-o, Guv'nor!!!
Better believe it, Bub!
The land of the free and home of the brave is chomping at the bit.
Won't be long now.
I don't see the point of hoarding data. Why not just buy it or rent if you want to watch or read something?
Because sometimes you legally can't. Content can be region locked and also out of print. Some pieces of media do not even have official digital releases, and survive off piracy.
Very much this

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