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Disney has chosen Neil Gaiman’s fate. His career is sentenced to death over the rape allegations

For fucks sake
Is Miracleman paused too?
So I guess Sandman is cancelled too? Did Dead Boy Detectives ever air? Lost interest after the recast
I hate this cunt and his faggy little tumblr account
Good, fuck him and his Netflix revisionist series.
detectives was cancelled after 1 season
no news for sandman yet
Good I don't want movie of one of the few books I liked but I was forced to read in school, Gaiman sucks anyways this is a McDarlane board.
I remember liking the book, but I'm not that bummed since this is modern disney and they'd find some way to fuck it up.
>you associate being pale with death?? You thought I made my inhuman character white so white readers could better connect with her??Raysiisssst!
>bro what if gods were born through belief
>oh, you mean like in ———
>shut up, it’s my original idea.
Who the fuck even is that? Did you misspell McFarlane? That man can't even write his way out of a paper bag. Gaiman isn't even an artist. That's a weird comparison to draw.
Revolutions always eat their own.
Not surprising since they removed an entire episode of Simpsons due to Micheal Jackson rape allegations that had been disproved years before the "documentary" about them came out.
>your honour I would never touch her
>I'm a gai man
>caring about Gaiman's Miracleman run
He really missed the point of miracleman.
>rape allegations

I thought it was just him banging some fan girls and a maid
And Netflix aborted an entire animated movie for the same reason.
>And nothing of value was lost
>thinking it was ever going to be finished anyway
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I don’t blame him. His ex wife was a fucking bruiser. It’s like she took pride in rejecting everything feminine and was shocked when her husband got interested in fucking anyone else who was willing to touch his pee pee without having to peg him or lecture him about the patriarchy first.
that is what he deserves for advocating he destruction of IA
What Revolution has Gaiman participated in and what the fuck does Disney or any other company he's working with to do with it?

I liked some of his work. But I'm mostly glad Terry Pratchett isn't alive so he isn't asked to comment on this.who the hell would expect someone like Gaiman to be a sex pest?
Did he got confused while watching sandman and ended up sending pics to an underage girl?
>What Revolution has Gaiman participated in
I dunno, third wave "believe all women" feminism and all that kind of stuff.
Okay so where's that fucking Spawn movie Todd?
Fuck, I really liked The Graveyard Book. Couldn't this shit have come out after the movie?
>Marry a crazy bitch because the sex isn't bad
>Gets surprised when it backfires even with an "open marriage"

He's lucky she didn't file domestic violence and just wrote a song about what a loser he is instead
I knew he was a faggot when he stole that GK Chesterton quote about the necessity of fairy tales and I saw it credited to him everywhere
Gaiman didn’t rape anyone but if any celebrity has to get falsely accused I’m glad it’s him.
>le modern is always le bad
get off your high horse
I mean he did rape her.
What did you expect?
To not have any repercussions?
bye bye miracle man. The losing concord and dustborn devs decided to return to American Comics.
Why would you be excited for an adaptation of something you enjoyed? Didn't you learn from:
Artemis Fowl
American Gods
Yu Yu Hakusho
Cowboy Bebop
Resident Evil
Resident Evil again
Resident Evil AGAIN
Street Fighter
Dragon Ball
John Carter
The Color Out of Space
Wait, you didn't like The Color Out of Space?
I read the transcript of the maid talking about it, it's weird. He draws a bath for her outside in his backyard beneath a tree, and then later comes out, strips off like it's nothing and gets in with her and they have degrading sex and she feels guilty about it later kek

he made death black for nothing
>The Color Out of Space
This one was alright even if it wasn't much of an actual adaptation. Seems like Lovecraft movies never are.
It's real enough now. He did anything or not, it doesn't matter. The mouse has made their decision. It is death.
The funniest shit is the Tumblr just for photos of girls in bathtubs reading his novels, as specific as it fucking gets, run by someone who writes exactly like him but swears it is not him.
>So, what did you do when the naked man started touching you and acting in a totally inappropriate way???
>I was in a state of complete bewilderment, never having been in any sexual situations before I wasn't sure what was happening and was so TOTALLY baffled about how to stop this or even pump the brakes I instead let him think and do whatever he wanted without contesting it...
Well okay...
Sacrificing on the altar of woke yields no rewards.
>"So how's the wife and kids, Neil?"
>Once an idea has been done in some form it can never ever be used again
Well I should hope you wouldn't need to rip off others for everything...
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>Believe all women chuds.


Every time kek
I like his books and style in general, but damn it, he became such an insufferable asshole who deserves it.
Social media and an explosion of popularity made him preachy. He seemed all right when he had that little blog where he mentioned his daughter, Maddie, all the time, like he was #1 best dad. Googled her now and he literally has nothing about her after 2010, around the time he got serious with Amanda Palmer. What an asshole lmao
>Only one allegation could be considered a rape allegation and it's from the woman who takes meds known to distort perception of reality

I know /co/ likes to indulge in hating "lefty" writers (ie basically all writers by this board's measure) but come on.
You're not even parroting Gaiman right, he said she "creates false memories" #believeallwomen

Here's Amanda Palmer in 2023 kek
how can he do that? he's Gaiman!
>you're not parroting Gaiman
Technically correct.
Damn, does that mean Good Omens s3 will be cancelled too? Fuck his stupid degenerate smug self.
They're not allegations if it's a liberal male feminist.

Tale as old as time. Seethe.
This is some good lolcows content, holy shit

>Amanda: i was about 20 pounds heavier then than i am now. neil has often described the fact that we were not attracted to each upon our first meeting because i looked like a
nice, pudgy lesbian”. i’m not sure i’m going to argue with him."

>Gaiman says he chose to marry Palmer “because I couldn’t ever imagine being bored”.

>November 10, 2010: Palmer hosts a surprise flash mob wedding in New Orleans for Gaiman's 50th birthday. Palmer painted her face entirely white and pretended to be a statue during the ceremony.

>Amanda: ... has to do with psychic artistry and workspace. We're two artists who work at home.... You've got Amanda and Neil running offices, Amanda and Neil needing to make art, and Amanda and Neil needing to be clothed, fed, and sheltered. Figuring out how to place and puzzle piece together all those myriad ingredients isn't easy.

>"We've found the best way for us to connect with each other is just to have a lot of sex.

>Palmer strips off her clothes on the Golden Globes red carpet next to Gaiman.

And bonus
>May 9, 2020: Gaiman's Goodreads account reveals that he is reading a book called "Splitting: Protecting Yourself While Divorcing Someone with Borderline or Narcissistic Personality Disorder." He later claims that his account was hacked by someone has has "a dark sense of humor."
50 is a little old to still be dating BPD bitches.
Artists are really fucking stupid and should be mocked more.
>Amanda and Neil needing to make art, and Amanda and Neil needing to be clothed, fed, and sheltered. Figuring out how to place and puzzle piece together all those myriad

How can anyone be this much of an asshole?
What a pretentious know it all.
Walk in silence
Don't walk away in silence
See the danger, always danger
Endless talking, life rebuilding
Don't walk away
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>[Disney council of fates] You're out Gaiman.
>[Neil Gaiman] Am I?
out when it's out
Do you think Moore cursed the title now?
>But I'm mostly glad Terry Pratchett isn't alive so he isn't asked to comment on this
Sometimes I still feel sad he's gone, but I know he'd have hated the world post-2015. He's better off where he is.
Anything that supports my agenda
Spawn is horse shit so they are trying to fix the script so it isn't horse shit like the comics. Live action Spawn will always look like a loser. He only ever looks cool when drawn. MK couldn't even Spawn look cool. This movie will be the thing that makes Todd finally kill himself.
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>Angela has been avenged
Maybe there is justice in this world
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Believe all women chud.

Gaiman lived by the cancellation. He dies by the cancellation. Like a Greek play
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>can you spare some change sir… Todd? Is that you? Please… I’m sorry about the whole lawsuit thing… I just need some work. Please…
>for the love of GOD Todd I’m homeless and drunks piss on me every night, please don’t leave me here!
and his son he had with her doesn't give a shit which is why he started doing Marvel work again
it's like 6 women now and he's had a reputation for being a creep for like a decade now its not surprising
It’s pretty disturbing. Sixty year old predator choking barely legal teenagers and forcing himself on them when they say no
No. Moore said he felt like he was cursed by it.
Maybe Moore inadvertently cursed it
Maybe the title cursed Moore and Moore cursed the title.
It's curses all the way down.
Gaiman was a massive söy who would absolutely side with women in these kind of scenarios. I have no sympathies for the man.
I figure it's more about Disney being bad at making movies and tv shows that they have to cut back least they lose more money.
Based Joy Division poster
>Writers I never liked get cancelled for something I went against
Feels weird
Objectivism does that to a person
Weird that this lines up with him killing Internet Archive.
Wonder if there's some successful revenge story going on in the background here.
Lefties aren't that good
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I love watching leftoids eat shit
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>lines up with him killing Internet Archive.
I only cared about the audio sandman.
Gaiman really does just strike me as a guy in his 50s who still wanted to act like he was in his 20s.
Phew. Now DC doesn't have to keep pandering to Neil and by the time I'm working there I can do what I want with Death
You’re gonna turn her into a black lesbian aren’t you?
Gilbert was a stauch catholic so I guess its OK to steal from him.
>sex pest?
The definition of "sex pest" is just "man I find unattractive has any sexuality" so anyone with a brain knew this was coming the instant anyone realized there was money or clout in taking down Gaiman. It's just how women are.
Guys would do the same if they could, they can’t though at best they can pull off a Johnny depp.
Before you feel bad for him do remember that if it were you who the Twatter mob was after he'd be right there with them, happily baying for your blood.
Nope Death and Etrigan on an adventure through space and time to combat the infamous immortal the Tax Collector
>special guest appearances by Lobo, Space Cabbie, Jonah Hex, and Section 8
I don’t feel bad for him, I don’t like him as a person but respect a big chunk of his work. I learned how to separate art from the creator along time ago. My hopes is this will inspire him to create something new and good but if he doesn’t that’s fine I still have his old work I like.
Wow that sounds like shit.
>him killing Internet Archive
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He's against free books being lend on the Internet.
Ok so does this make everyone in this thread happy about this a hypocrite?
I f
See: >>145284539
/co/ is the vehicle /pol/ is at the wheel.
>flavour of capitalist treats changes slightly

Fucking amerilards
They were still planning on making that? I thought that died when Frankenweenie bombed.
You went to public school growing up, didn't you?
This. Generally I believe women but this has always come off as fishy, especially since iirc, the initial accusations were reported by a literal who podcast who had a dubious right-wing agenda iirc.
Yeah man, I'm an american and proud of it you elitist snob.
I have literally never heard of this dude being a creep until now.
It's not 6, it's 1 women claiming rape as in actual sexual assault while the others are just accusing him of not being a gentleman.
>while the others are just accusing him of not being a gentleman.
And that's more than enough to get him cancelled.
Live by the sword, die by the sword, either you #believeallwomen or you don't.
All you're doing is showing you're more of a hypocrite than he ever was which makes it real easy to dismiss what you're claiming here.
Know your audience dude.
Good, fuck Neil Gayfag and I hope he starves to death on the street.
>You're a hypocrite for holding him to his own standards
What med we talking about? Anti-psychotics?
Yeah dude that's why you're a hypocrite, for having no real standards.
You can check out digital books from libraries all over, but authors actually get paid in the process. Gaiman objects to copyright infringement that doesn't get him paid.
It would never happen to me because I'm a virgin
I have standards, I'm holding him to HIS standards.
He believes in believeallwomen, so he's being held by his own standards.
Women accused him of being a creep, they're being believed, and he's being cancelled.
Seems pretty cut and dry to me, and seems like exactly what Gaiman himself wanted.
>I have standards.
No you don't because you'll abandon them to suit whatever purpose you want.
Which is funny because before that Gaiman was a staunch supporter of piracy.
Sounds like he reverted back to his previous beliefs of piracy being bad now that he was getting new TV deals and shit.
No, I won't, my standards include celebrating when my enemies suffer, so there is no betrayal of my standards here.
This is like an elementary school argument so which one of you is rubber and who’s the glue?
Neil Gaiman isn't your enemy dude he's just a fucking writer.
>Neil Gaiman isn't your enemy
Sure he is.
You don't get to decide who is and isn't my enemy, that's my decision.
There is a very odd trend of leftists destroying the social contract, then being baffled that people stop adhering to social contracts. Or are you only pretending?
Why do these people call attention to it?

Or do they just lack self awareness and it's not bad when they do it?
God, you're a dipshit.
More like bartering sex for goods/services.
>muh sex work is real work but only until she changes her mind, then it's rape
he's a scientologist so fuck him
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Rockthrow was right again.
>let me put down my phone
>did I record it?
>no, that would be proof, and this works off of words
Cancel culture is guilty until proven innocent.
>Male feminists are cucks
>Actually male feminists are based rapists
Pick one
1: Those are not mutually exclusive, so someone could easily pick both if they want
And 2: Rapists aren't based, and just another reason to hate soied out white knights
>based rapists
Actual rape is still wrong. It didn't stop being wrong just because women have decided everything is rape.
It weakens the word into meaninglessness. If everything is rape, then nothing is rape. We need to go back to being a society that policed our language, rather than try to twist everything to our advantage.
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You will be crying about the nazi board until you are dead and nobody will care.
The game is so hilariously over than any attempt to fix it is doomed. Women have basically decided they value their delusions above all else, and will literally fight their men to import more actual rapists while screaming that boob windows on costumes are the real cause of it.

There is no graceful exit here. There is no moment where they collectively realize what is happening, that it is their fault, and that they have to change it. Instead, things will just continue to decay until they can no longer function.
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Oh I know, there's no going back, and the only solution is forward to collapse. I'm not wrong though about the solution. We just don't get to go the easy way to the solution.
>they engaged in consexual sex but it was too rough
What the fuck is this nonsense?
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Hahahahaha how the fuck is getting canceled real hahaha nigga just date a grown adult women like nigga don't be a creep hahaha
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Nobody said based except you faggots.
If you're a man and you see a woman being raped, keep walking. She's a strong liberated modern woman, she can take care of herself and needs no man.
Adult women also get you canceled.
This wouldn't have happened in Japan.
I would imagine it's 75% projection and feeling guilty and 25% false accusations by the crazy bitches they surround themselves with.
Im glad.this Lgbt mental illness loving cunt is over.
Hope he rots in jail and has his career ruined.

Death of Endless is pale white, you fuck
Based Toddfather
Based beyond belief...
/co/ is a right wing anti mental illness board, cunt
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Thank you OP for supplying this seething.
>right wing anti mental illness

Sounds like an oxymoron to me.
It's over
This is actually cheering me up. Gaiman seems like one of the most preachy faggots there is and I'm glad his kindly old sage act got btfo'd. Thank you for sharing OP
Guess who isn't going to be working on Miracleman anymore?
It even hit the normies on TikTok, they're also BTFO'ing him.

No more liberal pussy, it's tough Gayman bros.
But do you think Morrison will ever get this treatment (and I’m 200%sure he was involved with some bpd cunts in his youth), or his xe/xem pronouns will protect him like a suit of armour?
Seethe and enjoy a penis in your mouth anon
I fuckin hope this mental illness fag gets what he deserves.
Morrison isnt even a good writer, he isnt worth licking Alan Moore's lofers
If he's smart, he'll just stay out of the spotlight. They'll only come after him when there is something to gain, so as long as he's not profitable enough to bother with no woman will suddenly remember him raping them.
>stay out of the spotlight
>Grant "attention whore" Morrison
>stay out of the spotlight
Speaking of, I think Moore of all people is immune to this because a) he already had his share of shitty relationships before cancel culture was a thing and b) >implying he'd give a fuck about accusations.
I think it would probably protect him, they're desperate to never have one of their own get exposed.

It would probably blow over after a little bit.
Gaiman and Ellis probably thought they were "their own", too, yet here we are.
"Their own" is relative. Remember JoCat. The only thing that matters is to them is the amount of clout that can be gained from destroying someone and the risks associated with going after them (including opportunity cost). They do not have any other concerns in mind, including whatever it was that actually happened. If Morrison makes himself a target by attracting attention and/or having any high-profile presence, accusations WILL come forward, and once the mob smells blood in the water it is over.
Yeah but Morrison went all in. Maybe he really does have some bad shit in the closet, so he hid himself fully into the pronoun squad.

That's pretty smart if true.
>>145288688 (SEKAI ICHI)
If it's been a while and he's stopped engaging with BPD chicks, he'll probably be okay. These people get in trouble because it's like Russian Roulette, eventually one of the whores gets dissatisfied enough to contact a media outlet, NDA or not. It has to be the perfect storm of some bitch feeling mistreated and other people that dislike the guy, like what went down with Justin Roiland. It seems like someone really tried to protect Gaiman and he knew it was coming when he set up that charity auction, though.

>t. I know a fag with a wholesome image that thinks his NDAs with OnlyFans lowlifes/troons are going to protect him when his time comes
Moore is untouchable because he's already seen as a crazy old hermit that says whatever he wants. Gaiman was given a guest spot on Arthur for some reason

"You know Ellis, I'm something of a rapist myself."
>right wing faggots are now OK with "me too"
No one was truly against this crap. They were all only protecting their side.
Gives a whole new meaning to finding Gaiman in your falafel.
Moore is untouchable because he loves Little Lulu.
No one is foolish enough to attack her champion
Sandman fucking sucks. Yes, even the original stories.
>Do not bring a gun to a knife fight. We do not want to escalate this.
>So what you're saying is, if I shoot you, you'll "only" try to stab me? You total idiot!
>Okay, I guess this is a gun fight now.
>Rape Allegations
>Started the lawsuit against the internet archive
>crazy cunt feminist wife tried to pay people in exposure
>willingly ruined his properties for woke
Fuck Neil
We're just laughing at idiots getting played by their own system.
If you play with fire, even though people told you it was a bad idea, you're unlikely to get much else besides laughs or an "Told you so."
The problem is the left was eaten alive by the endless purity test that they do to ANYONE who buys what they sell. So even if you’re the biggest bootlicker of the stupid shit they say, the moment you have one infraction they eat you alive. Now I enjoy this happening to gaimen, but there have been stories that at least in PART legitimize the shit they’re doing to him. People like Joss Wheadon and Warren Ellis, didn’t do anything and have just lost massive careers because of it. Now I laugh at THEM because I know they did nothing, but because of the ways they conducted themselves they had no wiggle room to defend themselves
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>A word to the not-so-wise about your little girlfriend:

>Do what you need to with her, then broom her fast.
The leftist cries in pain as he strikes you.
Ellis got cancelled because he was a manwhore in 2009, so no, there are no statutes of limitation in dating bpd bitches
For Whedon, it seemed like the thing with Roiland, he was hard to work with and pissed off the wrong people for different reasons. The "accusations" were just excuses
No, Whedon is an actual pedo. He was banned from being on set alone with Buffy's little sister when she was underage.
Holy kek
These types always write the most weird fetishy shit and then everyone gets surprised when it wasn't an act
>All of Dollhouse
Yeah Dollhouse felt weird to me back when it came out. Imagine if they tried to make it in the current year
Can you share? I didn't watch that shit.
As someone whose never watched it, just read the wiki and you can tell how creepy it came off as a concept
1. I can't tell if you're being a serious SJW or if you're a hud being ironic. You sound like the people you hate. It's pathetic.

2. I want proof that he's lived by the cancellation; show me where he tried to get someone cancelled, or if you mean something else elaborate.

I'm not defending him, by the way. I just want to remind you that innocent until proven guilty.
I watched a couple episodes. Basically there's an organization that just uploads personalities, memories, and skills into women to suit some sort of situation or problem. Literally using them as tools
Just look into the cases against him, I think only two of them hold any actual weight. But why wouldn’t we be happy when the men who suppported this madness get eaten alive by it?
We're talking about other rapists now, you guys already canceled him.

Btw anyone else trying to look for some of Gaiman's works really cheap now? Where's the best places to look for people unloading their collection?
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>He said 'believe all women' and now he's been accused, ha ha.
>I'll say 'not all men' and 'stop the witch hunt' but start one for men I disagree with.

Human "dolls" get regularly mindwiped and implanted with personalities requested by a client for profit
>why wouldn't we be happy when the men who supported this get eaten alive for it
>implying he supported the witch hunts just because of a phrase he used
>like cancel culture does
>abandoning any pretence of basic principles when it's someone you dislike
>like cancel culture does

lmao the right really are jsut as sanctimonious, righteous and hypocritical as the left.
>I cannot believe the man who wrote reverse pregnancy vore in the first chapter of American Gods with meticulous detail is a pervert
>H-he just used those phrases meaninglessly, h-he didn't actually believe it!
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Leftists seething at one of their own being destroyed by the system they created.

Pass the popcorn lads.
He’s someone who I would’ve expected to go to bat for SOME artists anon. He didn’t at any point, so yes there is some schedenfreud I’m feeling about this happening to a legacy writer like him that should’ve been “untouchable”.

Seriously what the fuck do you think is going on right now? This has gone on far beyond a simple “cancelling crusade” and it’s shown itself for what it really is, corporate sabotage. But you’re not interested in having deeper conversations about the way the world works are you?
Sounds pretty based concept ngl.
Love it when people here just talk out of their ass. Amanda is a free-love type, 15 years Gaimans junior, and almost certainly indulged in the allowances of their open marriage.
Don't be disingenuous; saying 'believe all women' is a bit absolutist I grant you. But it is a hashtag, a catchphrase people were reposting to show support for rape victims going unheeded. That is not the same as 'all men are shit' or other witch hunting.

That would be like accusing anyone who says 'not all white people' of being a massive racist, when there were plenty of ordinary people saying that. Or accusing Palestine campaigners of being antisemitic because of an ambiguous phrase like 'from the river to the sea' could mean for some people 'we want the Palestinian terriitories to be unoccupied' and others use to mean something antisemitic like 'drive all the Jews out of Palestine'.

Yes, buzzwords and catchphrases are ambiguous, it's a bit of a problem, and people are unaware, or don't care, about some of the connotations. It's annoying. But the simple fact is, there are some that are genuinely variable in their meanings, and others that aren't, and you can't just accuse people of malevolence based on the ambigious phrases. Compare 'from the river' to 'intifada'. To do so is lazy.

So, no, you cope.

Either you #believeallwomen or you don't.
Neil Gaiman is a believer, so he can go out like a believer.
>who the hell would expect someone like Gaiman to be a sex pest?
It was an open secret in the publishing domain. I think Terry also knew something towards the end, given a few of his books have some pro-bdsm references
Seems the type to jerk it to photos of fertility idol totems desu
>muh art
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You should have taken the pronouns Neil!

This is the ultimate power move of leftism!
>Amanda is a free-love type
When women are "free love" types, what they mean is that they get to do anything they want whenever they want, but if a man does anything then he is manipulative.
Do you mean the quote about needing stories to know dragons can be defeated? I'd be relieved to know it's not really his
All this conversation makes me hope that in 10 years time people will know not to throw stones in glass houses.
Nice paragraph faggot lol
>That would be like accusing anyone who says 'not all white people' of being a massive racist,
You did do that. Constantly.
Everyone is very tired of the charade. You are just evil and so when bad things happen to your side, it is just good. That is the attitude you normalized when you were asked not to. This is now the mess we are in. And you, hopefully, will feel the boot on your own neck that you were so gleeful about using on others.
>He didn't do a thing I expected of him seperate to this
>Therefore he's guilty in this

>You've not mentioned this other seperate topic
>Therefore you're guilty of trying to avoid this.

You're very wrong there. And you sound like a leftist who says that 'not putting your pronouns in your bio means you don't care about trans people', in a way. I love your ironic sense of humour!

Boy, I didn't mention the Disney coroporate sabotage because I was talking about the phenomenon of cancellation. In response to your post talking about it.
It's fucked that ill women like Palmer want to be whores whenever but then start guilt tripping the man when he also wants to be with other women
Men like Gaiman deserve it for being stupid enough to buy into their act, even moreso for dragging a kid into it

>But she was so quirky
The believe all women is a direct evolution of the white feather movement from the beginning of feminism anon. The idea of “the gender war” is inherently anti worker and it existed to split the people in western countries right down the middle. Simply assuming that their is NOTHING to look into deeper into what’s happening beyond wanting to believe YOUR favorite celebrities makes you a larger part of the problem that you can know
Literally their first interaction and he's demanding to be called Master? Even if you argue she should have just screamed no (I'm not suprised desu she's like 20 and probably one of those extremely anxious cant-order-food-for herself people) what makes him think that's appropriate? He's really just gonna blame it all on autism?
Holy seethe!

Everyone look at this they/them that is definitely not mad.
A woman is saying it, which probably means that is not what happened or how it happened.
He thinks lgbt are people.
The council of men has taken his.man card away
I never said I thought he was guilty anon, I just told you that two of the accusations hold weight. Why would you expect random people on an anonymous board have any more power over this now than when this nonsense started. You didn’t listen until someone YOU stan was affected, so why should I care about anything you have to say? Look into the case yourself and see what you believe or don’t, why do you care if people HERE care if this rich asshole gets what’s coming to him or not?
>He's really just gonna blame it all on autism?

Doesn't he say he also has some other disorder? This whole thing is fucking hilarious
Why are there liberals here so desperately trying to defend a rapist?
Is this the new meta? Can I stop believing all women now?

Why are there so many liberal male rapists? This is giving me the ick comrades.
Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
You'd think Gaiman would have heard of that one considering how well read he is.
>I didn't read it
>also insults
>therefore I win.
lol if you insist, nice cope

lol I never did any of that. I'd be interested to know how you can accuse me, unless you're assuming anyone left wing is like that, which would only prove my point about generalising.

At the end of the day you're saying that you're happy to see the witch hunts and so on continue if theyhappen on 'the other side'. Guess what? Even if you're happy to see the other shoe drop, that just means the first will drop after, so the more it happens to them, the more it gets normalised and can happen to you more.

Do you have principles?
He's the one who got jealous of her actually
Kneel. Bye, man!
>the more it gets normalised and can happen to you more.
You moron, the point is that is' already happened to "us" and people like "us."
Now it's just happening to your side, and you're losing your shit over it like a typical retard.
Like anons have said, this is what you deserve, like the post above you says, sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
The what? Who? Anon what are you doing with your time?
Face the wall, underenmench
Keep posting paragraphs defending rapists
I don't doubt it because relationships between narcissistic assholes have fucked dynamics but where is this mentioned
>Do you have principles?
See >>145289504
You started setting houses on fire. You were asked not to do that. You did it anyway, and were so goddamn smug about it. Okay, then you win. It has been successfully normalized. So now we burn down houses. That is how this works now. This is what victory feels like.

I do not know if you will enjoy the new status quo as much as you may have predicted.
>never said you thought he was guilty
OK, OK, fair enough, but the point still stands more generally. It's still something people do.

>you didn’t listen until someone YOU stan was affected
And you base this on what?

>why do you care if people HERE care if this rich asshole gets what’s coming to him or not?
I have in interest in this, I have opinions, and I wanted to share them. Same as you. You don't have to care if you don't want to but you seem awfully passionate about it so I could ask you the same thing.
>What Revolution has Gaiman participated in and what the fuck does Disney or any other company he's working with to do with it?
Gaiman was a leading creator of the 90s alt-nerd scene that was responsible for letting the women and gays into nerdom so they could get their dicks wet via the goth slampigs.
Every step of the way since he has continued that support for the progressive elements of nerd culture going so far as to having a active tumblr.
Disney in the mid 2010s was ideologically captured by liberals getting into key positions for deciding what projects to greenlight and who gets hired and promoted.
This recent canceling of Gaiman is a clear indicator that the culture he helped grow to fuck goth chicks half his ag, has evolved outside of his control.
Now he gets to justly suffer for his lust.
Why are people so determined to defend Gaiman? Is there something different here or what?

It just looks like another dime a dozen male feminist getting caught.
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lol butthurt

that's a baseless accusation

>It's starting to become normalised
>might as well make it happen more
>even though the 'other side' will have more of an excuse
>and people on 'our side' will do it more when there's infighting.

lol pic related
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as an addendum to this post I made, the point here is, this is twitter-tier celebrity drama, complete with the chattering of ill informed keyboard warriors. Twitter really has infested this place.
>Morrison isn't a good writer
Dumbass take
There is always someone to defend these faggots. No matter who it is, there's some guy white knighting a celeb that only gives his time to young girls with self esteem problems
nuh uh, it's playing devils advocate!
Gaimen would’ve been someone I thought had principals, and I’m not even that big a fan of him. You can say what you want but at the end of the day all you can do is read the accusations as they’re been written and make your own determination. I have a friend who when he gets drunk LOVES to bring up David Bowie banging a a 15 year old at some point, he likes Bowie but discusses it simply because he’s trying to figure out WHERE the line is. I tell him to shut up because if I was a 15 year old in the 70s/80s I’d be ecstatic to bang David fucking Bowie.

But at the end of the day it’s about the people who were a part of each tryst and how they feel now, however many decades later. We KNOW that Gaimen reveled in banging younger fans in the 90s and enjoyed the full fruit of his fame. Him not understanding that that could’ve come up and bitten him in the ass the same way it has other quality auteurs recently is his own fault. Its just the examples of him SUPPORTING what’s been going on since the beginning that makes this somewhat sweet
Luckly suicide rates at your side is almost 50% now.
People unironically liked his shit since most of it came from the 90s alt scene.
Didn't all he do was have cybersex? I don't even think anything was actually happened.
>"We should lynch people when women say they bad!"
>"Maybe we shouldn't do that? It can just as easily hurt yourself."
>"You just hate women!" *proceeds to get lynched because women say he bad*
>"lol What a fucking idiot"
>Fucking Einstein over here "OMG You just want people lynched!"
I don't get it, people are treating him like comic Jesus.

Even women call male feminists rapey now, no one is ever shocked anymore.
He should take notes from Mark Millar
>Now he gets to justly suffer for his lust

Fuck I lol'd
It would be hilarious if Millar is the only writer to walk with no accusations against him
Anyone pick up any of Gaiman's works for cheap now?
Where's the best places to look for people selling collections, and any recommendations?
>We KNOW that Gaimen reveled in banging younger fans in the 90s and enjoyed the full fruit of his fame.

I've never been that into Gaiman, but I was always under the impression his reputation was sparkling despite the content he writes. I casually ragged on him once here and got bitched at
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>an evil jew is also a vile pervert
chalk up another one.
>cracking out 'tranny'
y u so mad tho?
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>What Revolution has Gaiman participated in
Why the feminist revolution. Dude became a "feminist ally", aka wolf in sheep's clothing.
Its doubly ironic, because one of the Sandman stories involves Robespierre, the french revolutionary leader who ends up eating the guillotine himself.
>second paragraph
Quite well put, but again, I dispute the notion that he supported most of what you're accusing him of.
Should I unload my signed comics now or wait?

Is he being banned from conventions yet, if so how valuable will his signature get?
You'd think he would've stood up for Depp because they both married BPD nymphos. I guess maybe the dynamic is different, someone mentioned that Palmer seemed like the Ghislaine Maxwell to his Epstein (lmao) though, bringing him new young girls to fuck
>Half-his-age-nanny-FUCKING GAIMAN!

The best part of this is that he deleted this post.
Fucking lmao, what a hypocrite.
If not more so.
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>Has sued the black man he based the character off of, making it his own

This is the most chad thing I've ever seen jfc
They're more mad that he didn't sign up for their revolution.
Based wholesome family man McFarlarne.
Depp wasn't even a wife beater "according to UK courts", because that wasn't what the lawsuit against the Sun was about.
The lawsuit basically just ruled that the article was an opinion piece, written by a third party, in this case Amber Heard, so the sun itself wasn't guilty of libel, even if anything said was untrue, because given the evidence at the time, the Sun had little reason to think it was untrue.
It never made any actual ruling on Depp's guilt.
Todd MacFarland WON
This is war to the knife. Hypocrisy is something only NPCs bleat about.
>I tell him to shut up because if I was a 15 year old in the 70s/80s I’d be ecstatic to bang David fucking Bowie.

The girl who banged Bowie has no regrets but the whole point is that it's not about whether she could consent or not but that Bowie should have been responsible and said no.
OK, funny meme, but always take this shit with a pbig pinch of salt

>preys on underage girls
They weren't underage. That's twitter tier take.

>apologise for child pornography
You might not like his stance that loli should not be illegal, but he never said he liked it, and that's not the same as porn of actual children. To be clear, I fucking hate loli. I don't even like fembois because they look too loli.
/pol/co/ usual idiocy. There's a least one anon that just hates women enough he'll defend any man accused of misconduct
He is clearly baiting
At that point it would come down to the area it happened wouldn’t it? There are states and countries where a 15 year old can consent just fine and other areas where they can’t.
Just because a guy writes fetish shit doesn’t mean he’s a sex pest. I know a couple into BDSM and rapeplay. Wife has a Harlequinn romance novel collection. They’re the nicest people imaginable and love each other dearly.
>this is a war to the knife
A war? You're on 4chan dude, bot the trenches.
I have no idea if he's guilty or not, but seeing someone who's cultivated this culture for years get taken down by it, even though he was warned multiple time, is funny as fuck.
It's like watching a Saturday morning cartoon villain who gets eating by the monster they themselves made.
>The fact is you would rather I be lonely
>In a bathtub with a book
>The fact is you would rather I sat pining
>On our pictures from New York

>I never met a lady
>Quite as pretty as Melody Dean
>And even though I know you are
>A little bit angry with me
>You know that it is you I love
>And you I want to get me off
>But you can only do that when you're here
>And right now you are not

>And the fact is you're selective
>About what you can remember for a start
>The fact is you're just jealous as all get out
>We can do it in the dark

Some of the lyrics from her song Melody Dean which seem to indicate a tiff they got into over their open marriage. I've heard she was also the one who later wanted to close it but I never saw a source. She broke up with him right around the time with the nanny incident.
>someone who's cultivated this culture
Dude did you just turn 18?
>a war to the knife
what does that mean!?
The phase means to fight until the bitter end, out of ammo and all that.
You know that's a crock of shit tho right?
I'm not him, I'm just explaining the phase. Yes, he's retarded.
Hoist be his own petard!
You have any problems with what I said?
If tweets were enough to start the madness of taking people down than his tweets posted about supporting this are enough to hold his minuscule end of support to account
It's like the story of the rabbi and the golem, only the golem is a tranny who rapes the rabbi.
He wrote a fatal unbirthing scene in American Gods that got adapted to live action TV and for that he has my eternal support.
I love this. It’s like when that slimey wapo writer got curbstomped in front of his girlfriend by one of the criminals he defended or when scared limeys and frogs send their daughters to school with rape whistles even as they scrub every critical statement about migrant invaders from their socials. Lefty pain is good. Lefty pain is sweet. It’s a taste of the coming open war.
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Everything like you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about.
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White woman detected
You may have to elaborate on what you mean there.
Uhuh. I'll take your non answer as you just not liking what I said, instead of there actually being anything wrong with it.
but lgbt are people
I said you're full of bullshit anon.
As I said, a non answer.
I've known people like Neil, they'll be over somebody and still jealous because they're so used to being the center of the universe, to everyone kissing their ass, that it upsets them that someone else is getting "their" attention. She probably exploited the shit out of that
>Why are people so determined to defend Gaiman? Is there something different here or what?
Just leddit and shitter rapefugees shitting up the board. Simply call them faggots and suicide-bait them, then move on.
>Apologist for chicken portobello
I actually didn't know that, fuck him.

>Makes black character for diversity
>Sues the man he based it on and won
>Still married to highschool sweet-heart
BASED McFarlane.
Women support gays while still using gay as an insult, curious beings.
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>lost your number, bud
Grant's been with Kristan for a really long time and as far as I know, they've never had anything like Gaiman/Palmer's poly set-up, I don't see it happening.
How to tell me you're on the wrong side of history
>Sandman is cancelled too
After seeing how piss poor their take on Doctor Destiny was, amongst other things, we're all lucky to see it die and never darken our doors again.
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Fuck you're stupid
I don't even know that the fuck this is supposed to be a reference too but I now support Neil Gaiman 110%.
You were that annoying anon.
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Says the tranny supporter.
Here >>145283280 and here >>145283305 and also here >>145290483. His only interactions with this publicly has been in support of it happening. Why should I care when it comes back to bite him in the ass?
Well he supports it as much as you support it anon.
This shit never works and its fucking hilarious.
Neil Gaiman was 60 when it happened?
Poly arrangements, exhibitionists, nymphos, BPD, all that loser shit is for men that have self-esteem/responsibility problems and enjoy the cucking. Morrison has his life together
See here and back to my original point - accusing people of being part of a mob of extremists based on a mild opinion, while complaining about others doing it.
It’s called the slippery slope anon, and someone supporting the downward trend at the top of it shouldn’t be surprised when they’re taken out at the bottom of it
McDarlane creator of Spewn, Tam & Switch and Diolator
Look at you pretending like every dude you’ve ever interacted with hasn’t thought you’re a spastic loser
You are a confirmed rapist
>I've heisted my way to the best seller list once again. And the most brilliant part is: I don't even know how to read!

The Simpsons knew it!
Again, you're accusing him of supporting this trend of witch hunting and cancel culture without any evidence.
He was always open about screwing around a lot and I don't think he made false promises to his groupies. It seems like Ellis and Gaiman always wanted it on the DL and women might say they are OK with it at first but it festers over time.
The evidence is what’s posted, I’m happy to accept YOUR evidence in him EVER attempting to be even handed about this.
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Does Image Comics hire rapists?

>Doesn't marry lesbian freaks, in secure marriage
>Never virtue signals like a faggot
>Doesn't abandon his kids
>Doesn't take away internet resources for poorfags in third world nations and slums that can't afford books

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