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Recently started watching this show, and I'm enjoying it much more than I thought I would.
The character designs are charming, cute art style, and just the atmosphere is pretty comfy to watch.
It's a shame this show rarely has fan art.
Also why wasn't this show that popular? Felt like it could've been a hit at DA and tumblr when it aired at the time.

Also post more Birch Small.
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Someone post the comic.
Oh, what the hell, I'll give it a try. The style is pretty cute.

I've found myself unironically enjoying simple nonsubversive slice of life shows lately. A few years ago, this kind of thing would have bored me to tears. I think the social isolation I've been experiencing since graduating college last spring is getting to me.
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She cute
>Felt like it could've been a hit at DA and tumblr when it aired at the time.
And that's why. It felt like an attempt to get the DA and tumblr audiences and nobody wanted it. /co/ had a few threads in an attempt to scrounge up a fanbase for it but they didn't last very long. I only recall Birch and the other girl getting yuri art. Now it has a niche because it's tone and humor are reminiscent of those bygone days.
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>Asuka but good this time
Just one good breeze and...
What would Birch think of anime shows/culture nowadays?

I feel like she'd actively dislike isekai stuff.
Thanks for the collage. I'm gonna use it as reference to draw her.
What sorcery is this?
Update: I can definitely see why the show was so hated. The writing is uninteresting, and the art is a lot less endearing than it is in still frames. It feels like it actually was made by a bunch of 14-year old girls from 2008, which is sort of interesting, but I don't think I could sit through any more episodes.

It's not for me, but it certainly wasn't made to appeal to people like me.
The problem is that it looked like it was designed and animated by deviantartists who learned to draw from a "how to draw anime" guide. And it was a show about a weeb. The people who draw like this and act like that would prefer a better animated show that portrays weebishness in a less openly embarrassing manner. And normal people just thought the style, animation and subject was meh. Although writing is apparently mid teen sitcom stuff.

Also it apparently did OK in Canada, even won some awards.
They really hit a goldmine with her design. It may look over designed, but at the same time it has an iconic look to it.

It's hard to describe.
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This alongside Mikey made such a big impact on me and I don't know why. I guess everyone had that phase of "getting into anime" and it was super cool to see western animators copy the style.
>It's a shame this show rarely has fan art.
Agreed. Also a lack of fanfics too. Might have to just write up a couple of stories to fill it then.
I will never understand why she has shorts on over her pants. Why wouldn't they just draw her with tights or leggings like in real life?
>Sandra with her hair down
Why didn't they do this more.
Birch is probably insecure about her figure.
This shows creator has a sph fetish
Wait, what?
she's totally Marisa Kirisame
Sandra best girl.
>Dresses like a goth but doesn't act like one
What is this called again?
Mall goth
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She looks like she fucks American men
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She cute.
How is the author and creator of this series?
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>Birch is probably insecure about her figure.

My headcanon is that she's self conscious of her small chest and wants to have babies so her boobs can swell during pregnancy.

I was waiting for this to get posted.
>She looks like she fucks American men

She's from Canada, so probably not.
Them bitches always taking weekend trips south of the border
>Also why wasn't this show that popular? Felt like it could've been a hit at DA and tumblr when it aired at the time.
It might've if it aired 2 years later, but the anime parody concept played straight was still cringe to anyone. Tumblr was also barely still growing at the time.
There also wasn't enough cute boys. Mr. Towes. NotBeastBoy was kind of cute.
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Birch is cute.
post more Birch.
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>To do as you pleased
You live in Phoenix not Caracas magi, get your shit together
The show was aesthetically interesting, there was some decent chemistry, but it was made by 40somethings who weren't closely enough connected to the fandom it was supposedly aboot, er about.
If it had taken more risks like directly referencing anime of its timeframe, it would have done better. Points for character design and personality, points deducted for not using "Three and Me" as the title (the literal translation of "Trois et Moi," the original French title) in favor of the intensely narcissistic-sounding "My Life Me".
It had potential but it needed a stronger showrunner and less Canadian tax credit entitlement propping it up.
huh? what's the problem? Its like 114 degrees today, give me a break.
I think he means your grammar errors in the text. Hand writing the script is awesome but type it in a doc file and use a spell checker before that.

also pls draw more of the birch comic.
There's a comic?
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there's an idea of one, and I'm hoping magi will draw it because he is making Birch look adorable, sexy, innocent, and thirsty at the same time.
Yeah I remember going to write some Birch/Sandra fic years ago and being surprised to see there was literally not a single fic on AO3
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her spidey-sense is tingling.
I miss this type of dude, I wish I could pull off this fashion now.
I know he fucks to this
Hey, I drew that.
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>Also why wasn't this show that popular?
I think that it's because the show is aimed at teenagers, but makes a lot of fun about teenagers. Teens have really fragile egos, and showing them off as being selfish and short-sighted probably didn't appeal to them as much as the writers thought it would.

As for anybody else, there's obviously budget problems so the animation isn't high quality. Nothing else is great so it ends up forgotten. Hell, there were a few years where people thought the whole series had been lost entirely.
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post more birch
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so cute
Brutal mogging.

No wonder Birch and Sandra are always at each other.
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W-Why did he do that to his cousin?
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So is it true 4chan is the only place on the internet that cares about this show somewhat? I checked the archives and there are a decent amount of threads about it.
>those freckles
Yeah it's unironically completely forgotten everywhere but /co/. Back when it was on /co/ attracted the attention of the show's creator and she was not happy
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She saw /co/-made porn of the show or something?
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I'm in love
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So how common were people like Birch was back then? I'd assume most of them are probably fat, but did they act like Birch though at least?
>fat birch
You mean, teenage girls who had some minor drawing skill and thought they were going to become mangaka? Pretty common. So was obsession with anime and shopping at Hot Topic. Not everyone was like that but there were a few you'd find in any large group who could draw some simple anime faces and thought they were the greatest artists.
need moar sandra
and sandra hate-fucking birch
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full pic?
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Did art for her
Blessed Birch thread
She has a Naruto belt buckle.
kawaii oshirichinchin
thank you based anon
I made these with the old 720p encodes. I kinda meant to re-do them with the 1080p ones but I've never gotten around to it.
do it, faggot.
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Anonymous is being mean to me!
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you used the wrong image, faggot.
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noooooo don't cyber-bully me!
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Birch eating a banana.
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>Now it has a niche because it's tone and humor are reminiscent of those bygone days.
This is what I like about the show, as someone who discovered it through /co/ a couple of years ago.
>/co/ had a few threads in an attempt to scrounge up a fanbase for it
It was a parody of the interest in My Little Pony
Just search paheal for my_life_me, nig.
also, it's futa on futa.
Also probably that /co/ called her self-insert Birch the worst character.
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she called 4chan something like a place of a thousand tiny penises.

>Also probably that /co/ called her self-insert Birch the worst character.
iirc she was modeled after the creators own daughter, or so the lore goes. which would explain why the show is like 6 years too late.
>why she has shorts on over her pants.
Because it's hot
Is Birch really anxious in the show that often or did the guy just cherrypick clips
Why did you give her visible teeth
Just curious
but Birch is the only character /co/ seems to care about?
It's funny how women don't want to be sex objects but always fire shit like this from the hip at the earliest opportunity.
>The problem is that it looked like it was designed and animated by deviantartists who learned to draw from a "how to draw anime" guide

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>Is Birch really anxious in the show that often or did the guy just cherrypick clips

She's a teenager with little self confidence. What do you think?
Yeah I also watched through it a few years ago and it was honestly funnier than any of the Disney shows that were dominating /co/ at the time
>weekend trips
If only... Canadian girls literally just move to LA, Miami, or NY - leaving Canada full of incels (who can't just marry out).
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Anyone has any recommendations on who to commission for more My Life Me artwork? by artwork I mean porn
what kind of stuff do you want to see?
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very consensual unprotected fornication.
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holy shit, more wedding dress Birch please.
Is there an editable version of this?
What you seem to be forgetting is that legitimately nobody outside of /co/ knows this show existed.
>what kind of stuff do you want to see?

anything from being used as a human urinal to holding hands while walking down the beach watching the sunset together.
i also wouldn't mind taking ideas cause I'm not very creative, but I just want more MLM porn.
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