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With Beetlejuice Beetlejuice in theaters after all these years giving us more of a look at the Lydia's life and the afterlife of that world, what do you think Lydia and Beetlejuice from the Animated Series' lives would look like 30 years later? Do you think a new animated series would have been better than a movie?
They might as well give us what we want and have a new animated show starring Lydia and Beetlejuices daughter as she gets into shenanigans with some boy.

Like Gothic Star Vs.
Beeltejuice "anime" or anime that actually does something interesting with Dolores instead of just having her suck off a bunch of dudes
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well! i wonder who the father of her kid would be.

what a mystery....
Why not just do goth Star Vs?

Weird safe kid makes friends with an insane ghost girl that causes chaos.
Everybody secretly wants this ending
So what is the deal with this movie
Because then Wes get both a Goth Star Vs. And a confirmation that Lydia and Beetlejuice did indeed have SEX
From what I've been hearing, Lydia's since been traumatized from what happened in the first film, but she has to suck it up and deal with BJ again when her daughter starts getting into a bad spot with the afterlife.
It would suck.

It would be woke with alot of awful Trump puns and a ton of trans black characters. Lydia would be the girlboss. All the white characters would get the blackwashed Twitter Tumnlr treatment, & Beetlejuice would be useless & the butt of jokes despite his super powers.

I really don't want this series revived in this awful timeline. Let the animated series stay in the 80s/90s where it belongs.
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if anyone has more art of these two, i'd love to see it. goth girl and her gutter corpse adult boyfriend...
Will never happen as far as the movie is concerned.
This is one of the like, 3 plots. Give me a sec and I'll write you up a better synopsis.
As long as the new movie has multible sexual harassment scenes it's kino in my book
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No thanks. The cartoon is perfect and timeless.

>Lydia is the host on a ghost encounters TV show and has a relationship with her neurotic manager. She still sees and talks to ghosts, but she's also kind of a pillhead now because she still sees apparitions of Beetlejuice. She gets a call from Delia, who is even more of an off-the-deep-end artist than she used to be. Their relationship with each other is much better now, which Lydia admits changed when Lydia got rich and famous too. It turns out Lydia's dad is dead.

>There's an animated sequence showing the dad dying. The actor is not in the movie. He gets killed by having his head bitten off by a shark.

>Lydia reaches out to her daughter but they barely speak since her dad died on a river in the amazon after he and Lydia divorced. Lydia's daughter doesn't believe in any of the ghost shit, especially because Lydia says she can't see her dad. Lydia's daughter is isolated from her peers and picked on. Lydia and Delia come and get the daughter and take her back to the house from the original movie, which is where Lydia's dad lived.

>The daughter pokes around in the attic and finds a photo album of photos and the model of the town. Lydia tells her that the Maitlands "found a loophole and moved on" explaining why they aren't in the movie. The daughter finds a flyer for Beetlejuice's Bio-exorcism services and Lydia freaks out and yells at her and bans her from the attic.

>She goes biking around town and falls through an old fence and crashes into a tree, where she meets a handsome boy in a treehouse. They bond and he invites her to hang out with him. Back at the house, Delia is turning the funeral into a giant performance art piece. Lydia's manager publicly announces his engagement to Lydia which she accepts because he guilts her into it, which pisses off Delia (she hates him.)

Because fuck you,
You guys remember that the original Beetlejuice movie was a bout a perverted asshole evil ghost who wanted to marry an underage girl as a deal for his deeds? how the hell they were able to make a cartoon when they made him into a prankster imaginary friend?
i think it's even funnier how much girls like him and ship them together in spite of (because of?) him being a perverted asshole evil ghost who wanted to marry an underage girl


I forgot this part but

>Earlier, before Lydia goes to get her daughter, there's an accident in the afterlife where a bunch of boxes of "unclaimed parts" are broken open, and a woman puts herself together and staples herself back together. She shows that she can eat souls and kill the dead permanently.

>In the afterlife, Beetlejuice is running his bioexorcism company. He gets calls from ghosts and his company is operated by shrunken head guys (who the movie treats as its marketable Minions characters but they're not actually in it TOO much so they don't get annoying.) He talks about pining after Lydia and how he keeps trying to contact her. He gets a call from the afterlife police to come in. Willem Defoe plays a guy who used to be an actor who played a cop who is now a cop (and is one of the best characters in the movie.) He asks if Beetlejuice knows the woman, but he says he didn't - even though she wrote "Beetlejuice is mine" on the wall in Danny Devito's goop.

>Back on Earth the daughter goes to see the boy. His mom is in the kitchen and dad just watches tv, and we don't see either of their faces. They hang out in his room and look through all his 90s records and stuff. He has a copy of The Handbook for the Recently Deceased that he says he bought at a local yardsale, but she thinks it's just more of her mom's nonsense. He invites her over the next night before the wedding on halloween to give out candy.

>Beetlejuice is panicking and having his boys barricade his offices because he's afraid of her.

Beetlejuice origin lore incoming next post
BECAUSE they retconned out his malevolence and made him into a mischievous goober
Because Beetlejuice is a fun antagonist in the movie and is incredibly easy to make kid-friendly.

That's about it.
oops forgot spoiler


>Beetlejuice was a graverobber in plague times. He fell in love with a wealthy woman named Dolores who meets him while he's robbing graves. They got married but on their wedding night she tried to poison him and eat his soul because she was a member of a cult, so he chopped her into pieces and killed her. (presumably he died of poison at this time.)

>Lydia confesses about the Beetlejuice thing to her manager. He, being a touchy feely therapy guy, says she is repressed and says "Beetlejuice" three times after she told him not to. Beetlejuice pulls them into the model and terrorizes them. There is a scene where Beetlejuice makes a pregnancy joke about Lydia and her belly inflates really big if you're looking for fetish content (it pops into goop and a baby Beetlejuice comes out and crawls around.) She is able to return home, but Beetlejuice makes it clear he's still watching.

>On Halloween Lydia drops the daughter off at the boy's house, even though it's kid of shitty and run down (he said his dad got laid off after an accident and is on disability.) She goes upstairs with him and he admits he doesn't want to give out candy and they make out. She's having the night of her life until she realizes that she's floating a few feet off the ground.

>He explains to her what she didn't realize when he shows her the scar where he broke his neck: he's a ghost, and she can see them. He says he really likes her though, and they can be together - and as a bonus, she'll get to see her dad again. They open a door to the netherworld, but she's got to say a little incantation before she can enter.

>Back at the house, Lydia talks to the realtor about selling the house. She mentions dropping her daughter off down there, and the realtor mentions only not being able to sell one house on that street because it's a murder house. A boy murdered his parents there then fell out of his treehouse and died.

How would an animated series go if they followed the movie more strictly i.e. Lydia and the Maitlands are the MCs while Beetlejuice is the antagonist (albeit slightly less rapey)?
Beeeeeeeeeze nuts
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as such?
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Holy shit this sounds horrible.
I hope they don't touch the cartoon.
Cute sloppa.

>Lydia rushes to the house and encounters the dead parents' ghosts, then goes up to the room only to catch the door to the afterlife closing. She goes back home and summons Beetlejuice, and demands he read to her what the incantation in the book means. He says that the daughter agreed to trade her life for his: she dies, and he gets to live again. They just have to go to the netherworld to trade. Lydia asks him to help her save her daughter, and agrees to marry him if she does. It is implied somewhere around here that he needs to be married to escape Dolores. This is where the scene of him bombing his way into the netherworld happens. The cop guy puts out an APB for Beetlejuice for bringing a human into the afterlife. They go on the run. Beetlejuice points her to where she needs to go then steps away "to go to the bathroom."

I forgot to mention that

>earlier we see Lydia's dad go to a laundromat before going to the waiting room. His whole head is bitten off and his arteries are leaking blood. It's a little in bad taste imo as far as replacing the actor. Dolores comes in after him and kills the laundromat guy and steals a wedding dress, turning it black.

>At the immigration office in the afterlife, the boy takes Lydia's daughter to get her paper's stamped. She starts feeling bad and he says he feels good, and admits what he did to her. She freaks out but the guards drag her away to be deported on the "Soul Train." However, she sees her dad working at one of the counters (he has little piranhas eating him.)

I'm not supposed to tell, but i'll slip one in for ya: KINOGRAPHY


>Back on earth Delia buys a bunch of defanged snakes to record herself on her husband's grave doing a thing for her art. It turns out the snakes weren't defanged and bite her in the neck and kill her. She goes to the waiting room and throws a tantrum, but even though she's rich and famous they won't let her get her way. She says "she knows people" but they won't listen, so she summons Beetlejuice.

>I should have mentioned earlier that when Beetlejuice breaks into the afterlife, all the shrunken head guys escape to town and go play around in it, going to shops and riding bikes and stuff. I feel like a lot of goofy scenes here got cut because these guys definitely seem like they were going to be the marketable funny guys but maybe they didn't want to get in trouble for shrunken head stuff (notably they do not have bones in their hair or use the safari imagery). Anyway the manager gets a ride with the priest, who is drunk driving

>Lydia gets to the Soul Train (which has neon signs and a bunch of 70s black people dancing around at the station) which takes you to the hereafter, just as her daughter is thrown on board. She pulls her off as the guards, police, and Dolores (who I forgot to mention earlier saw Beetlejuice's office where he kept a photo of her) all convene on her. They escape out an Emergency Exit which takes them to the moon of Saturn where the sandworms live.

>Lydia's ex husband saves them from a sandworm and pulls them into his house. He talks about how much he loves her and how they need each other, and how he looks in on them from time to time. (I assume it's implied that he deliberately does not show himself to them, but it doesn't say either way.) They go back to the station to try to get her soul back, and the dad tries to stop the immigration ticket counter person from stamping the boys ticket - but he fails. The boy brags but the the ticket is just making fun of him because the ticket guy was Beetlejuice, who opens a trap door under the kids feet and sends him to a firey pit.

>The dad leads them to a closet which takes them up to a mauseoleum near the church, where Lydia is supposed to marry her fiance. For some reason she says "If I don't do it now I never will," and is dead set on marrying him despite never wanting to before, though I guess it could be explained that it's to escape marrying Beetlejuice. The movie doesn't say.

>The manager meets her at the church, but then Delia and Beetlejuice arrive together. Beetlejuice gives the manager truth syrum and he admits to only wanting to marry Lydia for her money so Beetlejuice gives her a big boxing glove to punch him. He puts her in her old wedding attire and sucks the rest of the guests into their cellphones in scenes where they make faces that look like the Maitlands made in the original (this is imo the most tacky "remember this?" part of the movie. Very stupid looking.)

>There is a song-and-dance number to this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sD-zTwi3_GU where people dance and sing along, while the police come and raid the church. Dolores comes in too. Beetlejuice freezes the cops and the daughter opens a portal to Saturn and a sandworm comes out, which Beetlejuice has eat Dolores and the manager.
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Lydia is best goth magical girl, she even has her own transformation sequence.


>The daughter points out that Beetlejuice's contract with Lydia is void because he took her to the afterlife illegally. Lydia unsummons Beetlejuice and he inflates and explodes. They find out Delia is dead and the police take her back to the afterlife.

>In the afterlife Delia reunites with her husband and she whines about how ugly she looks (his entire head and upper body is gore)

>Lydia quits her show and goes traveling with her daughter. Her daughter meets a boy dressed as dracula, and they get married. Lydia is at her daughter's childbirth, where Baby Beetlejuice pops out and violently murders two doctors.

>Lydia wakes up scared. Beetlejuice rolls over to comfort her.

>Lydia wakes up scared. It shows the empty spot in the bed next to her.


My notes:

>excluding a few other characters and focusing on the women and their relationships works okay but I don't feel like it does enough with it. Delia is good but a very different character from her old movie version, and I think her and Lydia's non-blood relationship is actually an interesting angle.

>Dolores is TOTALLY wasted. She is barely in the movie and has like maybe 3 lines. The movie trailers all made it look like Beetlejuice vs Girl Beetlejuice which it is very much not.

>The scenes with Lydia's ex husband feel really saccharine and focus grouped. I don't think it's bad to have emotional scenes but he's too perfect and not portrayed with any kind of tragic distance that makes it hard for the characters to cope with.

I liked the cast, I liked all the characters broadly speaking, it generally looks pretty good, but it feels simultaneously empty and pulled in a lot of directions. I honestly feel it would have been better as a tv series or something.
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice with Val Kilmer or George Clooney?
Anon, no…
Someone on /tv/ that saw the movie said that it felt like they took years of aborted ideas and scripts for a Beetlejuice sequel and mashed them all together into a 2 hour movie. And having gotten back from watching the movie myself, I have to agree with that opinion.
I absolutely agree with this except for the fact that we know a few of those earlier script treatments were WAY worse. There's been a "Beetlejuice Does Hawaii" script around for years that iirc had Chris Rock attached as Beetlejuice's rival
slop me up with more beetlejuice content but you don't have to do a movie again. Give me some cartoons or TV shows or something
The sequel really has no reason to exist. As is, it's a mess. It should have taken notes from the animated show & make Beetlejuice Astrid's friend while he's hiding out in the living world from his ex-wife. You can write some plot device reason that lets him haunt her & Lydia without his ex-wife able to get to him easily. That way we get more Beetlejuice & give Astrid an actual character.
Also if we're gonna write out the Maitlands for obvious age & Alec Baldwin's murder shooting then they should've done the same for Lydia's dad. His actor didn't return because he was arrested for child related sex crimes. Should have just had him been long dead so we can ignore everything about the dead dads plot.
was thinking about just posting lyrics from
but decided to be immature instead.
For people that ship Lydia and Beetlejuice: does this movie cure or treat that particular itch?
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Remember when Tim Burton used to joke about making a sequel about Beetlejuice going to Hawaii and having to win a surfing competition?
Yeah that would've genuinely been better than this soulless cashgrab simply because it'd embrace its sillyness. I might still get merch.
I don't trust anyone in the modern industry to make a half decent episode, let alone a whole ass reboot of the cartoon.
Man I hate the musical's Beetlejuice look. Get rid of the beard. Give him longer swept back hair.
IMO they should have just leaned into it. Like the whole middle part of the movie felt like it should have been them having Odd Couple adventures together where they bond, which would have made the scene where the two of them team up to punch her fiancee in the face some weight.
Is the Beetlejuice musical posted anywhere in full? I've seen Wonka and want to see that one and Addams Family.
It had a lot of little pieces of things that were cool and I wanted to see, which is why I think if it wasn't all stuffed into a show and they didn't have to worry about getting actors back they could have done something good.

It fails on a lot of levels but I don't really hate it like I would some other movies just because of the casting and the general craftsmanship of everything but the script.
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best friends forever end
go watch Drop Dead Fred if you want that kind of end.
The worst part about this long awaited sequel is the pedophiles coming out of the woodwork for this film. Ruining the friendship between a ghost and a kid.
I have been thinking of Drop Dead Fred this entire thread anon. The scene where she gets a giant Beetlejuice boxing glove and punches her fiance is nearly identical to the ending of Drop Dead Fred if I remember correctly.
anon people have been shipping Lyds and BJ for longer than you've been alive.
I been alive longer than the franchise. Dont try and spin this creep shit on me.
Dude, the show had an episode where Lydia seduced Beetlejuice in secret and later revealed it to him with a smile.
The creators shipped them. The supplementary material shipped them. The fandom shipped them. There's probably fanfics older than you out there.
shush Zutara faggot
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Go pound sand(worms).
>Lydia refuses to tell Astrid about BJ
>BJ entices her and makes friends with her behind her mom's back
the'e bffs not bf/gf go back to ao3
There is at least one crappy full show recording but it's not from a good angle. I don't understand why these companies won't just record & release full showing blu-rays/dvds. They'd make so much more money that way but they'd rather scam people to scramble for tickets to see it live.
Samefagging will get you nowhere.
The finale of the first movie literally comes down to Beetlejuice wanting to marry Lydia so he'd be free. Even tries again in the sequel.
hate to tell you this but there are more fans of the cartoon than the movie
the cartoon literally has them as BFFs
Yes! You get the vision!
My point is blame the movie for the shipping & inspiring the cartoon that pushed the angle even harder.
But it didn't. The movie did not have any other intent of shipping BJ and Lydia beyond just getting married to legally get out of the nether world and into the world of the living. Lydia only then agreed to wed BJ after a seance goes horrible wrong destroying Adam and Barb because he had the power to restore them with a deal.

The cartoon did not work in making BJ and Lydia as being friends completely separate from the first film.
I know. I'm a fan of the cartoon. The cartoon that liked to hint at something more going on there. The cartoon made by animators that literally drew Beetlejuice fingering Lydia in their free time. That cartoon.
Now go back to twitter. I'm sure you'll get lots of updudes for hating an innocent ship that most of the fandom either enjoyed or was indifferent to.
Intent doesn't matter. It lit the sparks of the fires of shipping.
this is cute
I'm just gonna say it
If they let Ezra Miller do The Flash then there's no reason the principal from ferris bullets dayoff couldn't be in this movie.
He wasn't the main character & they found a way to literally deface him instead. Ezra & The Flash movie situation also made it something too big they couldn't can despite everything.
Ezra Miller was a menace to society with under age fans and was protected by big corporate money. That principle guy was a has-been that had child porn.
A guilty verdict is a good reason
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So the cartoon is still better than this shitpost of a movie got it.

So what happened to the shrunken head guys at the end of the movie?
either the cops rounded them back up off-screen or they escaped into the world and could be coming to YOUR HOUSE
i loved this show growing up
i love chris oniels cringe story about the theme song lmfaoooo
which means evidence was found but not yet prosecuted in court of law
>i love chris oniels cringe story about the theme song lmfaoooo
which is?
I've just started watching this out of curiosity both because of the movie, and because he was added to MultiVersus recently.
So far I'm surprised that it's genuinely funny at some points. And I'm a sucker for that weird 80s cartoon jank you see in shows like this, or the Mario and Sonic cartoons.
The shift from the movie version of the character's relationship to the one in this show is funny, but makes sense considering it's a kids show. I wonder how the shift from
>"Marry me, child, to let me out of my afterlife imprisonment"
>"Hey now we're goofy BFFS wacky wahoo pizza ghost"
took place in this timeline.
So... anybody got the shrunken head cup holders?
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Probably someone liked the aesthetics but not the dynamics.
Lydia: who's your best friend?
>Though I know I should be wary,
>Still I venture someplace scary;
>Ghostly haunting I turn loose…
they are 2 cute
Oh yeah, the actor that played charles turned out to have cp, didn't he? I guess that's why he's not in the movie despite still being alive. The maitlands (baldwin and davis) would be fucking hilarious if forced to act together in the present
The animated series was better than the movie.
the fuck happened between them? I faintly remember reading Davis refused to return due her age
Have you ever wanted to know why Beetlejuice's fingertips are red in the cartoon?

Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20080513161621/http://www.bjsroadhouse.com/id85.htm
Lydia learning to coexist with her four parents while beetlejuice has a different plot each week to get someone to say his name 3 times. New ghosts-of-the-week come to lydia for help in most episodes, which is how the family plot and beetlejuice plot are tied together.
his uncle asked him about his favourite song
chris fucking started humming the beetlejuice theme song
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So maybe we'll get a non-shit re-release of the cartoon?
I’d rather not see Lydia or her daughter get blacked/pooed/beaned by modern Hollywood.
Unfathomably based.
I didn't even get my Lydia action figure.
>But, if you could see those adult pics I mentioned, you would see that people didn't have a problem with the two of them getting together -- young or old.
If only those could've been leaked
I'm sure at least two were leaked. It was one of Lydia either growing giant or Beetz shrinking, and her breasts maturing a bit. It was drawn in a storyboard sheet.
Or maybe I'm from a parallel universe.
probably not for a while. Companies really love digital shit now, not physical releases
the greatest thing to come from this sequel is the reveal that winona ships it too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvG-qcP7Kf8&t=190s
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>There is a scene where Beetlejuice makes a pregnancy joke about Lydia and her belly inflates really big if you're looking for fetish content (it pops into goop and a baby Beetlejuice comes out and crawls around.)

my kinda movie
oops. winona talks about it 3:10. guess i didn’t paste the link right.
>probably not for a while. Companies really love digital shit now, not physical releases
Sadly true, but I hope discotek gets the rights and not another shit shout release, that company doesn't care about the quality of anything they put out
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>Fingering a girl who's on her period and then choosing to leave the blood on your fingers forever because you like the girl so much
Jesus C H R I S T
80s/90s cartoon people were just up for anything huh
So what's the movie like?
I saw the movie last night. It was pretty awful to be honest You could tell the writers who wrote this movie have been riding for Netflix because that’s exactly what it feels like a really bad Netflix movie.
This honestly, I feel like a reboot or “revival” of this would have to serve as some kind of moral lecture about why a girl like Lydia having an adult male friend is wrong and creepy, which no shit it is. But instead of handwaving their best friendship for the sake of cartoon fun, girlboss Lydia would have to idk kill Beetlejuice early on to make a point about how it’s awful and pedo while giving the audience a lecture about how it’s wrong and Beetlejuice is literally Donald Trump. And then the rest of the cartoon would be her having morally responsible adventures.
im gonna be honest with you man this is schizo shit
Was the movie really as bad and a story mess as all the people are saying?
It’s an exaggeration for effect sure but generally now things do have to be much more politically correct. I just don’t think the old show would have gotten made today.


I summarized the whole thing here. It's alright. There are parts I liked and parts I didn't. I'm glad I went to see it and I'd watch again if I wanted something on for company while working but I wouldn't like, schedule a screening of it.

It's one of those things where if you really want to see more of Beetlejuice this is your lot unless we get an animated series.
It sounds like it has too many characters with too little screen time, so that part is a mess, but the humour is as completely fucked up as expected, which makes it good.

I think either Burton or Keaton mentioned that they wanted Beetlejuice (his character) to absolutely not give any fucks about being politically correct. Which is, honestly, a breath of fresh air if true.
>perverted asshole evil ghost who wanted to marry an underage girl
To be fair I think he did that just to be free. You know, getting his underworld-green card. But on the other hand, he didn't hide his feelings. It could be chocked up to him playing it up for laughs as a wacky character, but who's to say. The man was a sleazy car salesman type of guy. Maybe he does have limits. Maybe he doesnt.
what would you expect from a guy who watched The Exorcist 167 times?
I have this set. I wish there were a more resent better quality transfer. maybe this recent resurgence from MeTV Toons and movie sequel will give us it.
I'm seeing it this weekend regardless of it being good(not likely) or bad(most likely).
WB just did their own DVD release ahead of the new movie, plus the show's on Tubi now.
>plus the show's on Tubi now.
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At least there's the new vinyl figure at Five Below
Why didn’t they get the oringial Beetlejuice writers for the sequel? Why did they use the guy who wrote the Netflix Wednesday.
Because Wednesday did well
because they movie was in production during the writer's guild strike
how fast do you think movie get made?
Original Beetlejuice writer died in the 90s iirc. Remember, the original movie was 36 years ago.
Burton also said he wanted to retire, but Wednesday was popular enough for him to reconsider.

I'm hoping to watch this for the Danny Elfman music, but after hearing it has impreg scenes I'm now definitely interested.
Wednesday was an awful Adam’s family story thought. None of the charcater act like they should. Wednesday is trying to be a hero and is psychic? Mortishia dislikes Wednesday? The Adam’s are a “perfect” family. The whole gimmick is they are the most caring family in the world but to the outside world they are weird.
>movie was made during strikes
Well fuck! No fucking wonder it feels so unfinished.
The strikes kicked in a couple of days before they were supposed to have finished shooting.
Nevermind then. Movie has no excuse. Other than maybe the ending being a rushed dream sequence.
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She's so based
Yes. It's essentially Nancy Drew but with Wednesday. The Addams Family elements are the weakest part. Except for Fester & Thing.
There's a couple things that I liked about the family dynamics. One is that Wednesday clearly loves and respects Gomez, and isn't afraid to make it very clear. That's exactly what I expect from the character.
Now, Morticia and Wedny bickering a bit isn't necessarily a bad thing in my eyes since teenagers "are supposed to rebel". While it does go against the traditional Addams Family dynamics, I think the problem was the dull execution and not the concept. Having some kind of conflict between them only for mother and daughter to emerge with a stronger bond is a good idea, but the show made it seem petty and tiring.
These 2 are basically Wednesday and Uncle Fester. i can see their train of thought.

haven't seen the neflix stuff tho
It was petty. Wednesday didn't want to live in her mother's shadow or expectations.
I have this boxset. Saw a newer boxset in Wally World. How different is it from this one?
The cartoon was medicore even in the 90s. The movie didn't get good reviews either. Too many damn puns in the cartoon.
you sound like a retard
What's that? Sorry i can't hear you over the sound of faggot black cock in your mouth. Have you tried not being faggot for a change? No one wants black fag woke shit in our nostalgia, Paramount shill.
It's a what-if scenario if the cartoon were revived in this woke era. But yeah it would suck. BTW there were a ton of cartoons making bad Orange Man jokes. The Animaniacs reboot wasn't the only one.
I remember Animaniacs. But who else did it?
South Park
The 7D
Wendell & Wyld
Harvey Birdman: Attorney General
The Simpsons
South Park was throwing punches left and right so I forgive them.
I don't even know what 7D or Wendell are.
They still make Harvey Birdman? That shit is old enough to vote.
Ah yeah I remember the Simpsons had AOC too. It's depressing.
Not with Trump. They did nothing with Hillary & Biden before or after the election. It was all lazy Trump jokes.
The South Park boys honestly believed Hillary was going to win which is why the first episode after the election was The First Gentlemen's Club that they had to hastily rewrite along with the rest of the season, though the finale alluded to Hillary's ultimate plan to milk guys on Mars farms, something weird of that nature.
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>South Park was throwing punches left and right
Every time a centrist says that X person or group pokes fun at both sides it always jokes that go like this
>The left: Look how silly and stupid they are but ultimately mean good!
>The right: Look how evil, violent and selfish these people are!
Obviously the "stupid but good meaning" person is always going to look better then the violent psycho.
>Footfags managed to train AI to do feet better before hands
It was a real mask-off moment, in case you hadn't spotted the signs decades prior.
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Sort of makes sense if you think about it.
Even for the fiendest of footfags, the amount of different poses feet can make is limited compared to hands.
I'm just glad I can make slop of my waifu.
Everyone misses that Jeffrey Jones also tried to proposition an underage boy for sex.
>The strikes kicked in a couple of days before they were supposed to have finished shooting.
uh huh
I believe everything Hollywood says...
you already know Tim Burton didn't want to make a sequel
the rights holder forced their hands because Hollywood is literally a shithole of franchise farming slop
Filming being mostly done before the writer/actor strikes doesn't really dispute the argument that Hollywood forced Tim Burton to make nostalgia slop anon.
The movie was in development hell for decades and only now when Hollywood be crashing because of the pandemic closers, inflation and various strikes. It was certainly one of those causations unless Tim Burton is black mailed into doing it when not wanting to.
no one can keep track on every degenerate celebrity anon
Also blame WB for botching their DC cinematic universe by letting Snyder & Ayer lay the shitty rocky groundwork that fell out from under them.
It's definitely a product of "Well we got Michael Keaton to come back and be Batman again, better bring back the other big 80s movie he did for us" thinking.
Which was a product of desperation after the failure of their DC cinematic universe. It all goes back to Snyder.
I will never forgive Snyder for wasting the best Superman we've had since Reeve.
Also apparently he wanted Batman to cuck him too.
Exactly the kind of shit I mean. Snyder should only be handed actually violent grunge characters. Not the entire Justice League. It was a mistake to hand him the reins of the universe like that.
>feet better
>still puts left foot on right leg
Admittedly human artists also make that mistake.
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Did it leak already?
Much doubt. Gen alpha & zoomers are not into watching TV. The cartoon was a thing because back in the 80s, there was Saturday morning cartoons of everything, & i mean Everything. And the cartoon was mediocre for its time too. It just not gonna happen.
South Park went woke in 2014
nah it was cool
>animaniacs commenting public events
so i take it you were too young to remember animaniacs?
>has a pet cat (her familiar)
>is friends with a demon (Beetlejuice)
>performs chants before summoning the demon ghost
>dresses in gothic clothing
>crystal ball in her room (witchcraft)
She's a witch.
Animaniacs was always shit
Who gives a fuck about Trump thou? He is an awful person. Let them shit on his pedophile ass.
Fucking stupid ending
Jokes aren't funny when the person telling them is obviously very mad about the subject.
He didn't want to marry her because he was into her, he even said it was a greencard marriage at best. He just wanted the rules on him taken away.
He absolutely wanted to fuck her.
>We've come for your daughter, Chuck.
>I don't wanna do business with you deadbeats anyway. The only one I think I can deal with is Edgar Allan Poe's daughter. I think she understands me.
And then he gets so horny he goes to a whore house.
Animaniacs trying to be "topical" was always its weak spot.
no you just grew up into a retard who seethes about your imaginary friend getting insulted
Because she was a stupid manipulable teen that he could talk into marrying him for the rules thing. If he wanted to fuck her he would have just fucked her.
Beetlejuice may be an ephebophile but he is not a rapist.
But the funny thing is that in the original script he does try to rape her, they dialed that way down.
Name 3 "topical" memorable gags from the original show.
>dodging the question

But it sure makes you mad when people are still dunking on him, and even he is visibly seething.
He was in the original script.
>Disney bad
>Fox bad
>the latest WB movie
Seeing that orange fuck get huffy puffy like a 5yo is funny thou. Literally a man child. I cannot believe faggots voted for his spoiled bitch ass.
>looking at merch listings
>There are figure sets for the waiting room and immigration hall
>Spoil delia's death and the dad being dead
>"I hate it when people make fun of me"

Don't forget that he said this to his supporters.
You can tell how long this movie was in production because it has a Baby Beetlejuice in it to ape Baby Yoda
I'd be huffy puffy too if i had to deal with our current new world clown world dystopia. This timeline is a joke.
It's not meant to be cute though.
To be fair, i never saw much animaniacs.
Baby Beetlejuice feels more like an ad for the Spirit Halloween Zombie Babies then a Grogu copy.
So memorable you can't even quote them. Thank you for proving my point.
Pinky and the Brain was the best part of Animaniacs.
NTA, but you never asked for a quotation, slimy scumbucket.
The whore house was a distraction, remember?
If I ask you to name 3 gags I expect you to at least tell me what the gag is about. You don't have to give me a perfect quote or an episode number and timestamp.
But if the best he can muster when asked for three memorable gags is just three generic sentences then I'm right: Animaniacs' topical humor was weak.
He was feeling "anxious" first and then he saw the house.
Do you think they'll make a third one just so we can have the title Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse?
Nah, Beetle juice made comments about Lydia being cute in an earlier scene
I didn't realize the Prince was a recurring character, but damn this show was good.
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You should have ordered more beetlejuices, anon
Wynona Ryder (as Lydia) was my first crush. Did any of you have a crush on her?
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>underlined HELMET
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>this is all we got
cute old lydia
And the quality? Because the old DVD looked so bad sometimes lydia's webs aren't visible
WB probably wants to but it really depends how this one does financially. Critically I don't expect high praise.
HAH! Amazing
I wish I had better quality screenshots for that lora's training dataset, feels nice that someone liked it enough to make all these nice Lydia pictures.
Wait, are you the creator?
If so, thank you. I've been proompting non stop for days.
The prince was a copy of the title character in Burton's short film Vincent.
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Awesome! Thank you for using it, this is probably my favorite >>145303087
I'll probably re-train it to separate her normal outfit from the school uniform, just put them together back then and it wasn't a good idea.
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I can already hear her voice.
Do date I wonder how come the Maitlands were not in the cartoon.
Val Kilmer would be fun to watch as Beetlejuice.

Maybe Bateman too.
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i like these designs. i've drawn them again
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Well I personally like it this way, but I wouldn't mind having two different loras.
Now I need to learn to have multiple characters in the same picture. I saw a Ruby Gloom lora somewhere...
Kick ass!
Kinda hot but very cute
Bob died for your sins.
This is kinda gold. Would like to see this sort of dynamic.
Can't he not speak anymore? Like, wasn't his throat permanently damaged?
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just a boy and his undead all powerful poltergeist gf
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My professional indie photographer wife is relevant again.
Very cute. Made for loving /ss/ & cuddles.
Even at horror conventions I keep find that famous sticker of Lydia and Beetlejuice kissing and its proudly displayed its already normalized and nobody GAF
its over
It sucks that we will never get to see such honesty like that anymore.
Its a well known secret that everyone in the entertainment industry likes em young and jokes about it among friends to cope with not being able to act on it to save their careers/freedom.
This is like a perfect adult joke in kids cartoons that they will never get until they are adults
I'm currently watching the series all the way through for the first time so I'm sure the 4k blu-ray will come out as soon as I finish watching
Correct, he can't speak above a soft whisper without a voice amplifier.
The problem was that the family was separated from each other which weakened the dynamic when the 90s movies had given them time together before the separation in the second movie giving the writers to get into the groove of how they should be
Nice to see they gave her some tasteful thickness
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gee, i wonder
fuck off
t. Beetlejuice
You know all the perverted autism fetishes you see online? Before the internet was super widespread all that was concentrated in cartoonists.
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some one ask him to bio-exorcise all the faggots off the board
I hated how he looked in the cartoon
and the women
>His name has been said like 56 times
>Has not posted a single time in the thread
Lurk more BJ
"Kid when I said to use the growth potion this isn't what I ment"
>"Character Growth, ya know I hate it. Pfft."
>"Looks like you're getting some character development, too!"
Movie sucked. It wasn't horrible the whole way through, it was actually great for the first hour, but they failed to capitalize on what they were setting up and the entire wedding was just a "REMEMBER THAT?" from the original movie. It was a far worse and more meandering version of the 1988 wedding scene. You initially watch it seeing all this new shit they're doing and thinking, "Oh, they actually have a story they want to tell". There's a ton of new characters, they're not just hamming it up with Beetlejuice for easy money, they're setting up new relationships and arcs.

By the end of it, you realize most of these characters served no purpose and THREE OUT OF FOUR of our villains were dealt with by just sending them through the floor.

Lydia didn't need to be rich. Delia could've been rich and sending Lydia and her family money. Lydia could still be the crazy ghost-seeing lady without a TV show. The whole manager character wasn't needed. The kid killer was a cool idea, it gets Astrid into the NeitherWorld, but he's too easily dealt with and they definitely could've had a way to get Astrid in there without him.

Also, weren't all the workers in the Neitherworld supposed to be people who committed suicide? Why does Astrid's father work there?
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Exactly. All the plot points are rushed meandering wastes of time. The movie should have focused more on Beetlejuice. If they wanted to do the dad plot then maybe don't even include the actor who they didn't even rehire just to deface him, for one. Then for Astrid's dad, have him just passed on to Heaven or just implied missing & lost. Have Beetlejuice take advantage of that to befriend Astrid.

Willem Dafoe's character is completely pointless & Delores was such a waste of a villain. She has all this build up & seems impossible to catch. You can do something with that by giving her master tricky ghost powers just like Beetlejuice because she's a cultist or something. Then you make the finale them fighting with wacky reality warping ghost magic. Completely remove Lydia's show manager & the show element. It added nothing. Big waste of time.
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I just think too much time has gone by now. The perfect time for a Beetlejuice sequel would have been around 1992-93 at best. Keaton was still young enough to have that kind of energy needed to adlib a crazy shifty gross guy and make nonstop one liners.

the current movie just looks like the same old studio desperation to make another dollar off more 80s nostalgia like they have been doing for years. It's not as bad as 80 something Indiana Jones fumbling around or 70 something Rambo still trying to look tough.
>It's not as bad as 80 something Indiana Jones fumbling around or 70 something Rambo still trying to look tough.

The makeup under the wrinkles is still obvious unfortunately.
But, hey, BJ is supposed to be literally 666+ years old, so Keaton playing him at 72 makes him look younger, if anything.
It's exactly that, yeah. The big difference is Keaton as Beetlejuice was an antagonistic role from the offset rather than the hero so making fun of him is fine. Unlike with how they butchered Indiana Jones by dragging him through the dirt. It's still a way too late sequel trying to cash in on nostalgia. There's a LOT of callbacks to the first movie. They really either should have done something new, a reboot if they were really desperate, or do what sequels used to do of just doing the first movie but bigger & better. It doesn't.
Movie was a letdown, script felt like a product of development hell - just a bunch of ideas cobbled together from other scripts. The original is just a simple, clever, fun concept. This movie is none of that.

Keaton was fine but sounded old at times. Dafoe was funny. The therapy bit felt like classic Beetlejuice but almost everything else was meh.
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>The left: Look how silly and stupid they are but ultimately mean good!
>The right: Look how evil, violent and selfish these people are!
Time to take the hint
I guess it works with Beetlejuice and Keaton. BJ can look even dirtier and more disheveled and it's not that much of a problem.

Definitely true of Indiana Jones when it was a tired old man still pretending to go on wild adventures.
I think the character was still there. He was still doing a lot of fun things despite his age. When he teleported to draw the bomb, saying "FREEZE" in the megaphone, the "spill your guts" gag, his eyes popping out when he sees a phot of Delores, suddenly appearing behind Delia, the giant truth serum needle, sending everyone into their phones, etc.

The pacing and story were the issue. Astrid, Lydia, Delia and Beetlejuice were all solid and their performances carried the bad story.
Those are all things that didn't revolve around physical comedy with Keaton pulling the weight. He's actively trying in the movie sure but you can tell he's not as lively. The voice is the most obvious part besides his wrinkles showing his age.
the last Rambo was pretty good though. Nam vet setting up his own bunker killzone to kill mexican drug cartels while blasting Five to One from The Doors on the loudspeaker.

How are the flash content farms this damn fast at churning out quick toons for a tie-in anyway? They are already dropping tons of Beetlejuice related things all morning.
They've probably been working on them for a while.
The power of autism and nostalgia, Mr. Dubs.
Magical Girls are just witches that cast spells to blow up monsters of the week.
Witchcraft is magic but not all magic is witchcraft.
I know from experience, they're using VERY simple rigs. And they don't really care about getting the animation super good. Just make the rigs, focus on dialogue, and limit how much time you spend on each shot.
Val Kilmer basically lost his lower jaw to bine cancer. The man is retired.
We knew the movie was coming out for months, that gives them enough time to cobble something together and have it out on time.
This one is actually not that bad. They seem to have a lot of Sonic content that is hit or miss though.

Looked like they were making more interesting stuff around this time a year ago. wonder what happened.
That's weird because one thing everybody says is that it takes 30-40 minutes to even get started
Has anyone ever drawn Lydia as Claire Redfield?
Yes it wastes a lot of time setting up to get Lydia & Astrid to the house in the first place.
Fairly specific, so I don't think so.
There's some AI sloppers in this thread, maybe ask them.
Or pay a fucking artist like a normal person.
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Cursed image. I don't know the artist
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>Beetlejuice put Lydia in a lewd outfit at least once
There were comics?
This show would look nice in HD.
Its depressing, man.
they did that with a bunch of 80s movies for 80s/90s kids
we were just tougher back then and could handle it
everything from Centurions to Pirates of Dark Water to Beavis & Butthead to Big Trouble in Little China to Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure got comics.
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Didn't we have a fucking Rambo cartoon of all things?
Yes, I think it also had book tie ins. I remember reading a blog back in the day about them.
Lewd outfit joke AND making fun of the CCA? This is too based.
Sad to think we probably won't ever see a higher quality version. I'd like to think that the rise in interest the sequel could bring may inspire a rerelease of the animated series, but that's a ridiculous long shot.
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Wynonna and jenna are so fucking hot i want an intergenerational goth three way between them
these were one of those toys I would always find at yard sales
There's a higher chance with Warner Bros than some, but if they didn't do it for beetlejuice 2 than they probably won't ever do it
>we were just tougher back then and could handle it

A lot of the rules around kids tv were not in place yet, that changed in the 90s when parents groups argued for stricter regulation of the content of kids television.
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I can only hope AI technology keeps advancing and some autist with an army of gpus decides to upscale the whole thing.
>plus the show's on Tubi now.
Wonder how it looks. Streaming tends to cut corners, but on the other hand they don't have to compress a bunch of episodes on a DVD
If Beetlejuice is owned by Warner Bros, then how come the cartoon wasn't made by Warner Bros Animation like Tiny Toons, Taz-Mania, Batman: TAS, Animaniacs and the others?
Warner Bros. saved their in-house animation studio for the good shit (Spielberg, Batman, Looney Tunes).
Wasn't Batman outsourced to Japan?
Yes. And sometimes Korea for the really really cheap looking episodes.
I've watched a couple episode from various seasons. It looks real good quality. Keeping the aspect ratio. Wonder if these are newer master transfer copies.
I misspoke and said "animation studio" instead of "animation production studio" (inlcuding boards, backgrounds, character designs), to which their bigger projects were usually done in-house and used up most of their resources. Compared to Beetlejuice, a lesser IP at the time, whose entire production was done at multiple studios.
I quite liked it and the movie moves so quick that the parts that don’t stick the landing imo are out of sight in a jiffy, also the performances are solid
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Not to mention
>using a stick a lift up Barbara's dress to look at her legs and panties
>trying to grope her breast
>as the snake popping under Lydia's mom looking up her skirt
> the aforementioned being anxious and the whore house
>him groping the sawed in half magicians asstiants leg and trying to grope further up her thigh.
All three looks good.
That's how the musical ends?
I hate musical adaptations. The nepobabies that make them suck out the soul.
Cartoons were far more restricted through the 50s-80s, in the 90s things loosened up.
Beetlejuice was only distributed by WB, it was owned by The Geffen Film Company who, along with Tim Burton, cut their own deal with Nelvana.

WBA hadn't been formed yet when the deal to make a Beetlejuice cartoon deal was inked.

It might have alsobeen a legal thing since Beetlejuice was co-owned by Geffen Pictures.
Beej a cute
Do not sexymanify the sleazy ghost man.
>Wonder if these are newer master transfer copies.
Maybe that's the new warner release previously mentioned?
MeTV Toons aired a marathon today, the ABC seasons looked like old tapes, but the FOX season looked crisp.
This is Amercia baby I can do whatevar I want
>MeTV Toons
I dunno where to even get that. I haven't used tv channels in a decade
Only watched half of it last night cause the girlfriend wanted to go have sex, but I cheered when Delia died and was hoping the scumbag manager died too, thanks for letting me know he does.
She phoned it the fuck in this entire movie
Obviously, I knew that was coming as soon as the movie was named Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
They just didn't care back then. How did Beetlejuice even get approved?
Can't find any reviews of the new DVD. I wonder how the picture quality looks
Is this actually a collection of the full series?
What, a show about a lecherous dead guy that hangs out with a little girl seems odd to you?
Your far too late to be saying that
To the musical's credit though the lead actor does a decent job bridging the Keaton Beetlejuice and the cartoon Beetlejuice.
as you would for a movie the director himself did no want to do
>terrified of offending minorities with classic safari imagery
>but it's totally okay to have a Christian religious figure drunk driving
Yeah, that sounds about right for a modern movie.
because tim burton worked with them on wednesday and after that shit filled plot holed mess they somehow got the job
Cartoon Beej is adorable and perfect husbando material.
Shush. Unlike the Inceler or whatever his name was, Beej has a personality.
>The pacing and story were the issue
which is why i am confused how the writers for wednesday got the part that was the same issues as wednesday
>no porn parody of lydia
Plot holed?
Wednesday had the relief of being multiple episodes rather than being a movie. It didn't feel rushed in it's plot points because of that to me.
watch wednesday with out stroking your dick you will notice the show has horrible issues
>wednesday figures out the hyde takes HUMAN BODY PARTS as trophies for kills
>sees the therapists locket in long haired kids room
>assumes he is the hyde immediately

>ancestor name is Goode Addams
>That means her first name was Addams

its stuff like that, the writing was shit, but no one cares because jenna was so good as wednesday
Those aren't plot holes, it just sounds like you didn't like it
She jumped the gun but that's natural when you find an incriminating item in someone's room along with him saying he has nightmares of the hyde.
so your saying the writing not being consistent isn't a plot hole? they say the family name came from goode addams, except that would mean her name was Addams Addams, not even getting into the fact that she was a female.

Or again having a character find out the villains MO and then forgetting the KEY FACT is a big plot hole

I can list more too, like how she says her brother can be just as dangerous as her, but in the first episode he is shown weak and defenseless

Or how she accuses her parents of planning .for her to go to nevermoore, when she got herself expelled. And no its not "you are forcing me to go here" she knew they wanted her to go there it was her own actions that got her expelled

It is a poorly written show on par with Riverdale, where the contradictions for convenience of the plot are ignored by the fanbase
that image doesn't change the fact Goody is Goody first name, not last name, maybe they googled it and heard it was old timey for miss and assumed it was like how we use miss now but it isn't
Anon it literally says Goody is usually an honorific & thus may not be her actual name.
Those aren't plot holes. Just mediocre writing aimed at the average viewer. You know, the people that will give the show free advertisement by uploading tiktok dance videos.
I agree it's poorly written but it's not Riverdale levels of bad. Also it does have some nice aesthetics to go along with it so that alone puts it miles ahead of the competition.
...yes? let me explain lets say your name is jane smith, you would be Goody jane, not goody smith, you didn't go by your last name during the time period. So her first name would be Addams, that the point. Goody addams means her first name is Addams, and they say she is the originator of the family name meaning her last name is also addams, meaning her names is Addams Addams.
That's your issue with it? You know last names usually came from the first name or your profession right? Johnson meaning you were John's son.
I just got back from the movie. It was just the right amount of unhinged. Also appreciated some of the subtle nods towards the animated series.
>Bridging the gap between the Keatonverse and the animated series
Oh fuck, anywhere I can watch it?
>No Latino dub

fuck my life.
The latam dub was actually kind of decent but at this point feels like lost media. I don't think I've ever seen any release of it.
>subtle nods towards the animated series.
What? You have to be joking. I can't imagine them actually referencing the show considering how different it was from everything else.
It exists
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R.I.P. Bob
So before all the Amber Turd shit, Johnny Depp was going to be Astrid's dead father who was married to Lydia Deetz. That would be the only explanation for the cameo to a no-name who played in his place. Really wish it were him. Would had been more impactful with him next to Winona Ryder.
Astrid should've been adopted.
Lydia should've married Beetlejuice.
It would've been funnier.
Was the movie really in develop for that long?
Literally no proof, but it is a logical assumption. This is Hollywood and Johnny Depp burned all his bridges.
A sequel to Beetlejuice has been in the works since like 1990. This version of the movie has been in development since 2011. The original script was written by Seth Grahame-Smith (who is still credited) before being rewritten and shelved several times between then and 2019. Then the Wednesday writers rewrote and cobbled together the scripts into the disjointed version we ended up with.
Go to bed Winona.
I believe it, and you can tell they mish-mashed a bunch of shit into this single movie. The entire Jeremy side-story felt resolved to fast to easy. It seemed like it was going to be it's own movie.

Also they wasted Monica Bellucci.
I don't believe that. Tim's always stuck it out with Johnny.

Now this I do believe & it would make a lot of sense.
I knew it was the case when Bellucci is introduced as the big bad of the movie but then disappears for most of the runtime, shows up at the end, and is taken out immediately

>Now this I do believe & it would make a lot of sense.

Yeah, the wikipedia page breaks the whole thing down further, but that's pretty much the gist.
>I knew it was the case when Bellucci is introduced as the big bad of the movie but then disappears for most of the runtime, shows up at the end, and is taken out immediately
It was pretty shallow, and underwhelming for someone who was supposedly married to Beetlejuice and is some powerful cult leader who eats souls. Seems like a bigger bad than what we got in this movie.

This movie was literally wasted potential, but filled a void of nostalgia.
Absolutely. They establish her as this massive threat and then she just does nothing, goes away and then gets eaten by a sandworm just because they decided that they needed to make Beetlejuice the main antagonist at the end again
The Beetlejuice cartoon actually scared me as a kid, and that’s because sometimes Beetlejuice would make a wacky pun, but then he’d suffer because of it.

Like he’d say “I’m losing my head!” or “I’m going to pieces!” And then his head would pop off or he’d fall apart into a pile of limbs and he’d just start screaming.
This reminds me of when my parents wouldn't let me watch the movie because they thought i'd be scared. Then I was at my aunt's house one time she wipped out a vhs of it and I said
>my parents won't let me watch that
and then she said something like
>well your parents aren't here
I watched it, wasn't scared, loved it and still do. Thanks for bringing back the memories. Can't wait to watch the sequal.
Also I know I said I wasn't scared but that damned tree sculpture apears in my nightmares on asemi-regular basis
Literally the same kind of experience I had. I must had watched the movie the very weekend the cartoon was premiering. I remember being all into the spooky fun stuff and it was a Halloween weekend.
Yeah and I also remember begging my parents because it was Tim Burton (I share a birthday with him)
Sadly they don't go as hammy as the cartoon or use the pun jokes/magic but he does seem to draw more inspiration for his voice and body language from the cartoon.
>I don't believe that. Tim's always stuck it out with Johnny.
Tim Burton has also been given a lot of free reign in his movie direction. Maybe they have some blackmail on him to. For good or for worse, Johnny Depp was out and Tim Burton could not do anything about it.
Is not even on HBOMax? kind of think of bit. Warner was pretty shit preserving their latam dubs of Tiny Toons and Animaniacs, because the audios heard in HBOMax sound quite busted.

Even Disney preserved their dubs of the Disney Afternoon shjows available on Disney+, even Bonkers which was very elusive before.
There's a porn parody called "Beaverjuice." It's really shitty and low quality and looks like it was shot on VHS in someone's garage. There are clips on YouTube.
I remember watching this show as a kid, but I don’t remember anything about it. How does it explain Lydia and Beetlejuice just hanging out together kkke normal?
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>How does it explain Lydia and Beetlejuice just hanging out together
It doesn't
I am so tired of that guy.
It doesn't. The series takes place a year after Lydia and Beetlejuice met and it just rolls with them being best friends. Makes me wonder how that version of the movie and their meeting went.
This sequel was 30 years over due, and 10 years to late to have Johnny Depp be anywhere near a Tim Burton film..
It feels passive aggressive. The studio said that Tim Burton couldn't use the actor because of the controversy so Tim Burton put him in the movie as much as possible without actually using the actor himself.
The first Pirates movie was too much Depp for me. Think that's been more then 10 years.
Johnny Depp has been in nearly all of Tim Burton's flicks. A cameo as Lydia's husband and Astrid's father was the role he was going to play before they removed him from the billing years ago. Johnny Depp's name WAS on the billing. I knew it, everyone else familiar with the these actors, and Tim Burton knew it. No reason to have some no body play Astrid's dad instead of SOMEONE like Johnny Depp himself.
nta but depp in pirates works. i just pretend it was just one movie and that was it.
Delia Deetz telling Lydia she missed her bratty goth daughter was touching. I'm sitting there like "YES!!" and was hoping for a turn around. Winona did not want to be there.
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>Thinking of words to improve this review but I'm RACKING MY BRAIN trying to come up with something!
I never thought it was supposed to be in the same continuity as the movie. The cartoon is in a different universe.

I do get some strange sense that both the musical and the sequel somehow took inspiration from the cartoon, though. The tone of each are somehow more similar to the cartoon show and while Beetlejuice and Lydia aren’t BFFs, both have them with a much more significant relationship than her very briefly being a random pawn and they work together a bit more genuinely for a time.
I just want a modern animated series where Lydia and BJ are friends with some kind of overarching plot. Like the Mystery Inc of Beetlejuice.
This is good but he should be actually opening his skull up to show his brain screaming as it’s actually stretched out on a little torture rack.
Only if it's not cheaply animated.
I wrote a fanfic like that many years ago and swore I would turn it into a comic.
I won't.
you should
you're 100% correct but I could not come up with a better phrase
not a pun king like BJ
wish I were
It includes Beetlebabes shipping and I'm scared of getting cancelled in today's climate. I'm also not removing it because I like it.
Just have Lydia grown up, and there you go. Its not the first time a mortal fell in love with a specter that is hundred of years old.
Beetlejuice 2: The Search For More Money
That would be pretty cool. Though I don't know who would even air something like that anymore. I would assume it would end up being a Cartoon Network show but they're in a weird spot right now.
Even aged up Lydia is controversial nowadays.
But it's canon now.
the only people who would cancel you are zoomers. Women love that shit.
Fine, I'll get good at drawing those two. Hopefully I can get it started for Spooktober.
Hard to say. Has 10 DVDs instead of the 12 of the Shout set. But Shout is usually shit quality so plus/minus 2 DVDs isn't a great indicator, but more discs is usually better.

Nobody has posted anything about the quality anywhere, which is odd.


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