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Wow, I think the diversity squad might actually be worse friends than the table group.
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Bro's stomping with his amputated stump gotta hurt.
Taeshi your faggy way of trying to draw Sonic-slipper feet is so retarded because you refuse to draw paws or human feet instead.
This dumbass shit is "better" apparently.
My God in Heaven, does this shit still exist?
>bullying victim
>not sue
Missed opportunity really
Wow. Jessica really threw away all the subtlety in the first minutes of the play. And with all the decorations it has to be the final version of the play airing for entire school to see. And react to, and react not well at all. Imagine being Aaron or Rachel watching this
It's good to see that Taeshi isn't selfishly hoarding lobotomies for just the main characters. Even the side-annoyances get a turn with the ice pick.

There I fixed your shitty comic.
Also what kind of blowjobs and rimjobs is Flakops giving to have BCB threads into her own personal shill thread?
Why would that happen? She has a producer credit.
How many cocks did you suck to make this post? Not counting the ones you just sucked for fun.

Good edit though
Is this comic ever going to end?
Calling Jordan a simp is one thing but involving him like that might be over the line, the guy can't even throw a punch
>Jessica is such a psycho bitch she had one of the cast dress up as an obvious expy of Jordan and then had dog-Jordan be such a simp he'd break a kid's leg for his queen
I'd be shocked except holy shit this is so boring.
This made it 400% more erotic, thanks
>How many cocks did you suck to make this post? Not counting the ones you just sucked for fun.

Cheating on your BPD wife is dangerous CarryonCuck.
Youre welcome foot-fag.
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Why..? What's the point of this violence? She can just call the police, Morris is legally obliged to leave the place he doesn't pay for anyways. She, in fact, she should have called the police like any sane person would, since she has already spent her time on the eviction notice.

The "luxury apartment" part also makes no sence. There's no point to include this plotpoint into the script, because Morris doesn't even own this place, therefore there's nothing outright wrong in building whatever she wants on the land she owns.

"I know it's for the best" is also pure degeneracy. Who on Earth would ever think that any high-class establishment is for the "greater good" and not for the sweet money it attracts? Is this a political satire?

Seriously, is this play so shitty on purpose? I can't believe Taeshi really is this stupid.
This is supposed to be a play we're stuck watching that's really about Jessica's ego and issues with other bitches, why is Taeshi framing it like these events are actually happening and important?
Like, what I mean is the way she draws the last panel so dramatically with that perspective, you shouldn't do that shit when the events on screen don't really matter. It's just a dumb fucking play in-universe, unless that dog accidentally stepped on the kid's leg hard enough to break it, making the scene genuine, there's no reason to present it like that.
Pink haired cat needs mating press

I still don't get how Tess is just this fucking rent free in Jess's head after all this time.

It's been a hot while since she left in universe hasn't it?
Why does his little brother look like a girl

Morrison is going to keep paying his landlady for years to come. Except they're child support payments
Because this entire play is a lazy rehash of past events in Jessica's life as told by a retarded teenager who doesn't know or care how the real world works as portrayed by Taeshi who absolutely has no idea how the real world works.

I'd guess it's to emphasize how intensely Jessica still feels about the Tess shit.
Holy shit this background lol
how you can draw for years and this is your best approximation of a house
It's not a real house. It's a shoddy construction made by highschoolers for a play. The badly drawn house is actually accurate this time.
Finally, Taeshi gets to draw something that doesn't exceed her abilities.
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I'm sure Teagan and Morris can come to a mutually beneficial agreement.
If this is Jessica's play, when will the good pink cat make out with Susie, a white cat wearing a pink bow?
That depends whether Jessica is dumb enough to upset replacement goldfish Madison the same way she's gunning to piss everyone else off.
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Not like Madison doesn't know her role. She's a Lucy replacement and the moment Lucy comes out of the closet she'll leave Maddie for the original model
I can't look it up because I don't remember which random chapter Taeshi tossed that flashback in, but I don't recall Tess having anything to do with Aaron's arm getting broken. I mean, yeah she dated the guy who did it but I don't think she was even there. It's absurd that Jessica is still seething about things that weren't Tess' fault and the people closer to the victim got over a long time ago.
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Chapter 61: Pillow Talk, Pg 21
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If only Rachel had heeded the warnings
Madison has been repeatedly reassured that she is not a Lucy replacement, so it would still be a knife in the back.
i almost feel bad for madison because shes basically lucy without the favoritism, but its clear shes just a replacement for Jessica being unable to date lucy.

its a bit of a pathetic existance
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Jessica keeps "accidentally" triggering her fear of being a replacement, there's no way that's not intentional.

Madison just needs a boyfriend that'll treat her right
Sue's play was unironically better than this. Sure she screwed it up by casting Mike and Lucy, but the plot and characters weren't THIS thinly-veiled.

Also, in a sane world Jessica writing this play would earn her a universal cold shoulder from her former friends.
What do you think her coochie smells like?
The sweet nectar of jungle flowers (after they've had a hundred cat dicks jizz all over them)
Ah, I get it now
Jess has to act like a straw man about Tess so Taeshi can finally punish her for raping her precious pet Paulo, this is the era of everyone being autistic retards so the readers pity the Mary Sue once again
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>mfw Jess' author avatar heroically seduces not-Paulo to mentally destroy her angry cartoon scribble of a nemesis
No desire for a trash thread huh?
Wait, Jaiden's supposed to be Paulo?!
It's not impossible, but so far he seems more like a cross between Jordan and Tess' old boyfriend, Roger. The obvious Paulo analog may be yet to come.
Fauna plays a song for Mary
Alright fine I'll make one
Nice representation of a wrong note.
I don't really read this comic, but I think it's nice how it shows the difference between the children from the upper-class and children from the low-class.
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It is up get in there
It was not Taeshi's best idea to write a chapter where her already shallow characters are boiled down into even more one dimensional caricatures of themselves.

I can't believe Mary shanked Fauna immediately upon hearing one bad note. Wonder how she'll pin this on what's her face from the sequel comic.
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Mary probably stabbed Fauna because she has weird ass noodle arms that can seemingly stretch and retract at will. She was just waiting for Fauna to turn her back to her is all.
What if it's about Tess getting her come-uppance since the play is mostly about shitting on her *thus far* ? I highly doubt Taeshi would call out her own female character raping male character. It only works the other way around. Lucy only got a "You know better than that." from Augustus after all.

Besides, most of the friend group probably know about Paulo's sex life since he wouldn't STFU about it and they made it public anyways. I guess now the whole student body may know, but Im almost certain Jessica isn't gonna be called out for her bullshit.
>Taeshi's gaslit by her dumbass audience into thinking her characters are deeply nuanced
>tries to exaggerate what few character traits they actually have
>the needle barely even twitches
Those are normal arms for her age, her bones haven't fused yet
>I highly doubt Taeshi would call out her own female character raping male character.
My money is on the rape getting ignored while Jessica's real problem, we are told, is that she dares feel pissy toward another female character. We already saw this go down with Madison.
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>School's winter play
>One year exactly after Paulo popped Lucy's cherry
Well Paulo managed to keep that so secret even /bcb/ was arguing over what Taeshi meant for years. Imagine if he spergs out backstage and next chapter Lucy comes to school and everyone's gossiping about her and the manwhore and speculating if her parents pulled her from school because she was pregnant.
The problem was more that Paulo and Lucy banging made no logical sense given how little time they had, plus it's weird that Paulo only bragged about honking her chest back at Rachel's party.
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I don't think Paulo would yell "I came in her!" with Daisy around.
He was fine yelling that he got to second base and was drunk, which never made any sense because this was pre-wussification Paulo.
>Plays soccer, is worried about his arm being broken
Dogs are genuinely retarded
No but he would have been more than happy to shove it into Mike's face since he's so desperate to one up him
If that did happen it'd be fantastic if drunk Mike clapped back with "Lucy tried to kill herself idiot!", the shock Paulo would feel learning that Lucy tried to self die after doing the dirty with him would absolutely destroy his self worth. It'd also destroy the friend group, completely annihilating it, but it'd be for the best.
Maybe he's a two-pump chump and is ashamed.
I still don't know if that is supposed to be Lucy in a wig, but her fur is off color due to the lighting. It'd make sense that Jessica would want her to be in her play because of >>145303725 but it's so obviously not Lucy.
Though it would be funny if Taeshi just makes it to where it is Lucy and just flips it off as something "oh it happened off screen, they are still really good friends."
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You're FAT Lucy
throw up MORE you FAT CAT
Probably. Because Tessa is redeemed and already owned/based off of Taeshi IRL girl-crush friend that is like a rich jew or something.
I think in the side comic she drew as a followup, Tessa made amends with Rachel but not Jessica but I honestly don't remember or care or even if know if it's canonized.

Since all these seniors are graduated I can only assume this would work if someone 1) records and puts it on Facebook or 2) Tessa is some raisin at her old High School watching the play 3) Telephone.

I'm not sure why the plays are thinly veiled live-journals for the students and thus open season to shit on them for. At least Sue's play wasn't shitting on other students in such a blatant way - but she endlessly got shit for it.
Jessica on the other hand is so far, writing such a hamfisted exaggeration of events it will be harder for her to hide behind "Muh Art".
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"Let me whore myself out to deal with your bullies, little brother of my best friend whose arm got broken! This will solve the issue.. s-somehow!"
Literally, what the fuck was she thinking?
She gets nothing from this encounter except pissing off Tess and a bad reputation.
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"Let me and my slut best friend fuck your sorta-kinda-love interest! But you'll wanna beat him up, not us for using him!"
Why not? He has as little social grace as Sue, but with less self awareness.
>it's different when i do it
Jessica is such a massive bitch. No wonder she wants Lucy.
I just want to add that this is even more psychotic since she's a lesbian, not even bi.
Using sex as a weapon is obviously awful regardless, but Jessica being a lesbian doesn't get anything out of it whatsoever. On the one hand, that at least means she's not deluding herself about the nature of her motives. But on the other, it means that she's a spiteful enough person to have sex where she gets NOTHING out of it, multiple times, just to be able to hold it over the head of someone she hates. That's legit diabolical villain behavior.
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Flakops brown bunny OC is definitely based off Sandy a bit right?
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How has Paulo not even tried to tap that yet
It be funny if for 2) it's revealed that Tessa is a super senior, but the comic already showed she graduated so that's not gonna happen. Though it would be another option to have her parents be there because they are school staff or aldermen or something, because it's usually the rich parents who do that.

dubs of truth
Yeah it's an extremely bizarre method of enacting revenge. I don't think any real life lesbian would willingly fuck a guy just to piss off another woman.Or throw herself at men to try to get... information? Honestly the Roger-Lackey guy was even more strange and less fruitful than her raping Paulo.
It's some haphazard way Taeshi tried to inject some drama, but it literally makes no fucking sense on any level.
Even if she DID get some information on Roger or Tessa, what the fuck was she gonna do on her own? Fuck Roger? Beat up Tessa - which she clearly lost to her easily in a physical fight.
Taeshi already did a really piss-poor job making her apart of some punk gang in school. Tess never really had enough spotlight to take advantage of that plot-point, so her being a reformed "bad girl" is pretty hollow.
She's just too far and he hasn't had the time, when she visits for Valentines Mike is gonna show up to their dinner date alone while Paulo blows her back out.
>I'm not sure why the plays are thinly veiled live-journals for the students and thus open season to shit on them for.
The parents and faculty of Roseville are weirdly negligent and devil-may-care. It's just one of the many examples of this comic being inconsistent on what it takes seriously. "Sure kids, go on unsupervised field trips, write and direct your own plays, get jobs, whatever"

>At least Sue's play wasn't shitting on other students in such a blatant way
Sue's play at least seemed to be original. From what we saw it was a fairly fantastical fairy-tale kind of plot. She just self--sabotaged it by casting her friends with IRL drama in an ill-advised attempt to be ''helpful'', which in fairness to her, almost worked! Mike offered the olive branch, and Lucy accepted it. Then Lucy decided "nah, time to KMS".
Tess' punk background also could've tied into the Alejandro plotline at some point, along with Paulo knowing him at a young age and modeling himself after him. But those are ancient plot threads that have been buried and retconned.
A shame really
It's that song from Big, you know the one.
Good fanfic material: Augustus just being the distraction for Tess, who is working with Alejandro to get back to Lucy and Mike
> almost worked!
It made Lucy feel fucking miserable for the whole semester. I genuinely believe that Sue made things a lot worse.
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the facial expressions in this webcomic easily beat bcb's.
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>Bleating Hearts is so much better drawn than BCB, the expressions are top notch!

Oh, how you newfags have forgotten. Or maybe you really never knew good art and good characters.
Factually speaking, anon is correct. Bleating Hearts does beat BCB in that area simply because BCB's art is dogshit.
poorly executed ragebait kys
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Completely right. Look at this smile it must be protected.
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>faggotry copypasta response

lol, lmao even.
Anon were you born this retarded or did your mother drop you?
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Bleating Hearts is a slightly more competent retool of Taeshi's artstyle. But it leaves much to be desired. I'm sorry but Bittersweet CandyBowl Jr just is a boring "You can copy my homework" comic. But I guess whatever gets Taeshi less attention is passable.
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I wonder how Taeshi feels knowing that all her other fans are dumber than /bcb/
I'd say Bleeding Hearts comes across more like a BCB that could have been if Taeshi hadn't lost her marbles or given up on improving her craft.
>Bleating Hearts is a slightly more competent retool of Taeshi's artstyle
Well that's the thing people loved Taeshi's early simple style used in the first volumes, and Bleating Heart was exactly what they wanted. It also helps that Flakops established herself in the BCB sphere with her excellent fan art.

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