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>becomes 2024's best new cartoon so far
Have you apologized yet, /co/? Latinos already did
good show. retarded backlash. can’t even say you like it without being trampled by latinx
Sneak peaks of the spanish dub
>Latinos already did
I havent and wont do that shit
not a chicano american born/raised fake latino like most on the internet
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>Latinos already did
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>Romancimorphs episode
>Scooter episode
I smell a dud
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Some days ago a visual novel about a girl literaly named Latina-san was released. This shit portrayed latinos so terribly, it's making the latin american side of Twitter apologize to Disney and Primos (or Oye Primos as they know it), because at least the characters in there aren't actual fucking savages.
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It might be saved if Scoot gets to sing. Bro has been blessed.
What episode is this scene from?
The very first episode, she was using that vibrator and got interrupted.
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Summer of Primos
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What did Myrna meant by this? Was she having an episode?
She still hates the show and her role maybe. It's like the Snow White actress, they fucking hate the job and but love the money it brings.
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But she includes clips of Natasha in the same reel she slips an anti-Primos image in. Is this a certified woman moment?
man she's so weird.
I doubt that
>at least the characters in there aren't actual fucking savages
Chacha would disagree. And you wouldn't even understand her.
>Latinos already did
Who so?
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I wouldn't understand her because Chacha is a literal fucking baby. She has the "acting like a retard" pass.
Fair enough because she still doesn't get past the biting stage.
I refuse to watch this cartoon
No interest in the show anymore? These threads used to have more life.
There's a new episode tomorrow. Expect a bit more activity soon
I can't wait that much! Please, anon, it has to be released today.
It will. In a few hours actually
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The last 2 eps made me uncomfortable, excited and overwhelmed with new characters. I'm personally still processing them. This 1 ep a week format might have come at the write time.
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Sounds good, I'll eat a sandwich until then.
Did they finally realize that Tater does not speak spanish and the theme song was made to reflect that?
art style mog
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Cute LotLot
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I don't think they're that far yet. They did like the El Chavo reference though
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I mean, you are going to get the rest of the batch next week anyway
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Oh yeah I forgot, also that's a golden Tater. I love that art so much. Thanks for sharing it
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Your welcome. Please keep supporting Primos
No we didn't. Take that shit out of my sight
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What did you all think of Serena?
>becomes 2024's best new cartoon so far
What is even the competition? What a shitty year.
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You don't have to tell me twice
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But during the stone age...
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>backwards torso

C'mon, even slop spammers have standards. (lmao)
lol true xd
unremarkable.I hope she's a one time character.
So in the Spanish dub does Tatter not know English, and the rest of the family are bilingual?
Nellie is secretly trans.
>crossdresses as a man
>low self-esteem
>Literally referenced Ranma when they were making anime art

The pieces fit
An interesting theory however, since that so far the characters were written and rewritten to match their voice actors, im pretty sure that Tabi would be revealed as the trans character due to her VA being trans irl
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So adorable
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Why her feet so big
didn't people think WIll Smith was in the wrong for slapping Chris Rock tho?
>characters were written and rewritten to match their voice actors
Reminds me of that FOP A New Wish character that was made non-binary because the VA is also non-binary.
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>European Spanish
In other words a language spoken by humans.
>In other words a language spoken by fags with a lisp

Más maricón es tirarle insultos en español a un gringo.
You know who I miss? Guy being chased by bees guy. Where'd he go?
He was deadly allergic to bee stings and, well... they got to him.
Dang, I didn't even know he was sick
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When's the new episode?
It was coming out today according to Nellie.

I still doubt that.

At the moment that I heard is that most like Nellie, basados , and most said that was ok or meh, but praising as El tigre, Coco, Mucha Lucha... I wouldn't count that quick.
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Maybe when it's over and fully dubbed in Spanish
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I fucking love Tater and the background here but that Helga is very OOC.
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>latinos, specially brazilians, being offended over being portrayed as a cute tanned girl with big boobs
Come on, anon... you can't believe that to be true
Nellie will get the same voice actress as Wendy Corduroy in the latam dub.
>can’t even say you like it without being trampled by latinx
That's because you use the x-word, anon
She's generic as fuck. Also translations show the casual racism of Japs by having Latina-chan not understanding public sex is bad due to being a filthy foreigner.
If you believe for one moment that latinos would be offended by that if the character is an anime girl created by a Japanese dude... you clearly don't know latinos, at all.
And just in case, feel free to treat them as hypocrites if that makes you happy.
Is he wrong, though?
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We legit don't get offended by being called monkeys, I can assure you 90% of the retarded most offensive jokes you will ever see about brazilian are made by brazilians. Twitter may be, but twitter is far from a reflection of how normal people think most of the time.

At same time Americans in general don't know how to joke, is not even that is offensive, most of the time is just plain retarded and stupid. Is hard to make a comparison but is like when you are jokingly ripping and being mean to your friends and the US is at the same time the sorta of guy who gets offended at every joke trying to look PC and the guy who takes too far all the time were is not even funny anymore, is just awkward and annoying. I mostly blame redditors not understanding fully how dark humour works.
You forgot Lord Dominator
It's only a gringo thing to be offended on everyone's behalf.
fuck yeah he is
The voice just fits Nellie. Please let that be the voice actress.
Biblically accurate Monkey D Luffy
MEGA when?
in 5 hrs?

it will be on disney now in an hour
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It's 02:40 AM here but I'll keep waiting.
>becomes 2024's best new cartoon
according to pedophiles like you.
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>/co/ does it's hollow victory lap as the mediocre show is, in fact, mediocre.
I'm just waiting for all of you to drop this one for the new mediocre show.
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I'd prefer a rate from Tater 2.0
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I want to have a sleepover with Tater. She's a good hostess
Why not just regular Nellie?
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The desperation and roleplay is part of the fun
It’s up any mega

I would fucking love to get so many pizza bagels just for myself, she was a very generous host.
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Tater a shit.
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I admit that Primos is superior to the owlshit house. Dykeshit could never.
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never forget primos won
This might be the biggest flop of 2024 you mean... nobody is talking about it, the threads last for weeks solely because of Max necrobumping, it's premiere thunder was stolen by the FOP reboot, none of the shilling videos worked, even Hailey and Hamster shit gets more views

I don't know why the hispanics are so upset about it though, it's the perfect representation of them as a species: lazy, underwhelming, noisy, and classless.
I hope this pilot gets released eventually.
Cant believe how they nerfed my boy Scooter, was it because he was too flamboyant?
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>Primos... le FLOPPED
Nu uh
>was it because he was too flamboyant?
That's what I think. He was definitely going to be a much better character and they just turned him into a shy quiet boi, not the theater kid he was supposed to be.
It's official bros. Our girl Tater... is fucking CRINGE. Also, not so sneaky Natasha self insert.
Is there a mega link for the new ep yet
Dang that definitely is Tater's final form, similar hair and nose shape and all
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Okay, but not as good as other Serenas.
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adultater looking fine
sexy adultater
They simply gave him a generic shy kid to flamboyant kid arc. Sucks but he surely will be just like the pilot by the second season, right?....
>to flamboyant kid arc
Hopefully, the pilot takes place during Tater's birthday which i have a feeling would probably be the season finale for the show
what happened to the mega folder?
someone reported it because they want us to watch through Disney Plus or the channel
Is anybody gonna upload the mega for the new ep
I’d like to, but I’m in the Philippines.
theres a google drive but it hasnt been updated yet
It's okay, LotLot, thank you anyway.
I wouldn't doubt that it was the best option due to her timbre, color and interpretation; although if the 'client' is looking for a voice that is more youthful or childish it would be another case... it is also uncertain if they want to expand to Hispanic nations and focus on dubbing studios in their country (Miami or L.A.) or an international collaboration .
All 14 episodes are in this folder so it's already updated.
Primos is airing right now btw, this is a live feed of the spanish DC
Maybe she is implying that she wants to slap the shit out of her, like Smith did?
I think with that Belle pic slapping Tater is implying something about how the beautiful disney characters are always preferred over a more realistic non pretty character like Tater
The author lost a lot of good will when he revealed that he name the protagonist using AI and the better name it could come out with was "Latina".
>source: Voldemort
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Fuck off Tribefag.
We don't want you
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regular tv is cringe
and the spain dub is trash, like always
Is Liza Koshy the Akwafina of DTVA?
It’s always Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln with this guy.
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>no mega
this is pooter's fault
Don't tell me that she's gonna voice some character on StuGo.
That's what they said about TLH
Where is the Google drive - that's all I want to know so I can watch what I missed.
Join the Primos discord to get it. We can't let it be easily found or else that's the last spot to watch that could get taken down
No, because she's actually black
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Did it air at a different time or something? Usually there's at least live blogging on twitter but, it seems this airing was surprisingly late while everyone was asleep
I'll need the link to that, then. I understand, otherwise.
Liza is apparently half german and half indian so shes somewhat asian like akwafina
>Just Waiting For Episode 15 to drop anytime now
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>They kept the Oye in the title
Pettiness or laziness? It sounds pretty bad either way
I'm not sure if we get the new episode Mega link today.
I think it’s cute!
Either way in EU Spanish it sounds a lot more natural to say OYE than OIGAN bc oigan is for ustedes, which is mainly used in Latin America.
Thanks for keeping me informed, regardless, anon.

Also, does anyone know how to join this show's Discord? I'm looking for it right now.
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You kept telling me there wasn't one.
hope somebody rips this
Someone does need to rip this. I can't watch it on my end like I would like to, anon. Thanks for trying, tho.
I'm gonna watch what I missed, tho (Episodes 11 to 14) - thanks for whomever helped me out there, earlier.
No, cause each of her characters have different voices to separate them them from eachother and different personalities from eachother.

Akwafina just being herself in every voice roles she's in.
She sounds like a sea animal Bojack Horseman character.
I'm sorry you will lose your job to an AI.
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AI can't replicate her cuteness
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The latino dub of Primos should be venezuelan, it would fit the general awfulness of the show
Oh, so it’s a vosotros thing?
The latino dub of Primos should be Honduran, it would fit the general awfulness of the show
Ladies, please. You can fight about which country is worse after you finish my taco plate.
The latino dub of Primos should be Argentinian, it would fit the general awfulness of the show
Stugo sneak peek tonight.
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>Tater: Oye Nellie, dame un pedazo de ese chocolate
Yeah, I know that The Boys dub was Salvadorean, but both are centraca countries so it's the same thing
The script is fine, but that actress can't sing. The one thing latin american dubs always mogs Spanish dubs is in localizing songs.
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The Mega folder and the Drive I'm looking at rn still don't have the episode yet
No Primos, anon go insane
It's so weird how this show is simply not going to get a latin american dub, I've never seen such a coordinated effort from the dubbing community to avoid a property for as long as possible. Disney is gonna tell them to do it anyway at some point.
Anon, that's a meme, when something worse appears, the apology thing is just a meme, people still hate Primos down here.
I guess we're gonna wait until Wednesday when this episode and three new episodes drop on Disney+.
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>we can't post the link because blah blah blah
Just upload the episode in a separate folder or in a different cloud service, ya'll just want to gatekeep. God, I hate it when even ridiculously small fandoms become faggy like this.
The backstabbing is just so weird.
>separate folder or in a different cloud service

>Cousin Bud has an island for tax evasion that he still owns

Well shit now I really want to see capitalist Bud. I hope they include something that confirms him and Gordita have poorfag parents.
... Bro? That mega folder is still missing Summer of Cringe/Taternomics
and now they're giving spoilers too.
I recorded it off Sling, I'm gonna watch what I paid for with my wage slave money.
>song is a titanic reference

>jack and rose sex scene
The only reupload is a discord video file right now. It's still being processed
based schizo making the same thread for 4 months straight.

i'm afraid it's still a mid tier cartoon at best
I promise you'll get the MEGA link as soon as it's ready
No, discord link, no mega link.
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Episode was recorded from the premiere on this server

So....no angry cartel beheadings?
Mi vieja
Who dat?
direct tv dropped disney channel im guessing thats why megaanon hasn’t ripped it
Thanks, finally
That makes sense.
Ooh, spicy.
They got it back recently didn't they?
Other way, DTV contract with Disney ended so the Mouse pulled ABC, ESPN, and Disney stations until a new contract is made. It'll be back, no way DTV will go without ESPN.
>¿Cómo que no? ¡Si tú estabas ahí!
Cable TV seems to be on a race to kill itself
Damn, Primos really is cursed if this hurts the ratings
Streaming is the future.
I could kiss you right now.
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Natasha glazing herself is getting old. Even if she portrays Tater as a clown she just comes up with a different self insert everyone loves.
I hate she is based on the real Natasha because I'd love to draw lewds of her cute design. Maybe with Lita.
Channeling her inner Celine Dion, eh?
Thank you!
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So these are Ksi-meritos, right?
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People have done worse. Go for a shot
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>Some storyboarder: "Yes, Ms. Kline a wide shot of Buela's giggly and sweaty ass is essential to the plot"
Isn’t it basically a Disney trademark already?
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Gotta aim for any possible audience
Latinos got ahead of themselves and thought it was going to have representation when it was another typical coomer incel fantasy; the author clarified things up and while some did get mad, the others didn't care.
Nellie likes death metal.
Man, an Arnold Schwarzenegger and a Willie Wonka reference in the same episode?
definitivamente va a decir "voy a mimir" en el doblaje.
It's like that one Rita Loud House comic
What a cutie PaTater
IracĂ­ Hassler.
This guy is a top tier tsudere
Are we getting the sing-along version of the Big City Greens movie? I don't see it on the schedule.
He wasn't even going to cancel the order last minute. Dude wanted his 1001 lucharitos with the pleasure knowing Tater had to slave to make them.
I'm a relation to Frankenstein's creation.
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Even the song is referencing to "My Heart Will Go On", it's a nice touch.
I like how she grew and ungrew cheek bones seconds apart during that
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If Gordita is the science genius, Bud is the business genius
Shills in full force today
>latinos are mad cause the castilian dub didn’t change it to “oigan primos”
>Like 21 likes in total
Latinos have moved on from Primos so hard it's not even funny
even funnier they got ratio’d by people saying that it’s intentional.
It sounds better in the dub. Tbh watching these Latino characters, in a Latino home speaking full Spanish just feels so right. I want this dub to be uploaded somewhere because it's kind of cozy to watch on it's own
Uncle? hahahaha


oh no I'm being cringe now and too late to remove the mistakes
You just know his dad is also named Bud
of course. Tater's dad is not the cousin.
Speaking of that, Tater's dad got real self-conscious at the idea that Tater may end up making more money than him and Bibi.
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oh my god
This bitch is way too down bad for a little girl. She already surpassed Mabel and she is only nine.
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I'm glad Scooter told that bitch to fuck off with her talmudic ways
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same skin tone but different hair
Forgot to bleach.
I'm just saying but Pacifica also dyes her hair....
This Show's Alright - has potential to be better, tho. The controversy did it a real disservice, tho. Despite that, this is just one more Disney joint I can happily say (even if I don't see it winning any awards here nor there) I prefer anyday over Star Vs Her Own Obnoxiousness.....

Also, I don't mind and actually like the artstyle, unlike most puritans here who want it to look like every other anime out there, so there's that, as well.
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I've grown to find the artstyle really cute and charming
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This looks like the weirdest episode yet
>not being the episode so far, even better than the summer of no sabo or summer of cuadros
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Greedy Tater
Not everyone opinion on shit are dictated by their dicks, anon.
Isn't it also AI generated. It' being a generic porn fantasy would be one thing, but the author not even bothering to write the damn thing themselves, is just laziness on top of laziness.
Is Cousin Bud even a real person, or just a cover for tax evasion?!?!?
Something I noticed about Japanese media that when they focus on a romantic relationship with a foreigner, they love playing up the displays of PDA. Like one manga I read where an American foreign exchange student just went around kissing people on the mouth because that's just the custom over here apparently.
I want her to sniff me like that
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Primo-Limpo-Doopaty-Doo I got a bad feeling about you
It felt weird that we didn't get the typical "Kids get overworked before deciding to quit on their boss" it just went straight too "Nah fuck off not your wage slaves." And Scooter also telling Tater to fuck off with her mass produced order.
His kind peaceful granola personality is only a cover-up.
>Literally still wealthy
>Lets his little sister do science by stealing wires and parts like a scavenger
Aw hell nah Cousin Bud giving me Mr. Beast vibes, "I PUT MY PRIMOS IN MY DESSERTED ISLAND AND WHOEVER LASTS 24 HOURS WINS 1000 DOLLARS"
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Cutie alert!
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Cousin Buds real name? Jeffery Epstein.
Dad Bud is worried Tater is gonna end up like Cousin Bud, their entire family except Gordita are soulless corporate business people
Gordita would even prepare some killer robots a la Squid Game to help.
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good ol' good ol'
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Kinda cute. Some of these girls just look straight out of Star vs
The goddess on the left keeps appearing.
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How much PAIN can one girl take?
Why the hell does miss Mahoney allow/encourage even these children to read these Romancimorphs books
She is a big barafag and wants everyone else to like it.
Cuz she's cool like that
I just realized this scene takes place in the future, way after the summer the series takes place in
Good for her she kept a friend that long then
How so?

I'm happy for her.
Earlier in the episode Ms Mahoney was putting up a poster for an upcoming book and at the end Tater said that she enjoyed reading the book and is waiting for the next one which is in the new poster
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LotLot was chosen for sacrifice.
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patreon tater animation
Give me it
I'll ignore that
>Plz keep these cuties in the straight path and away from any u-know-nonsense.
NEVER! I had to pay the $1 tier for it.
Can I have it, please?

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