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>overbearing nag
>sounds like a chain smoker
>weird blue beehive hair
>three kids
>almost every notable male character in the show has wanted to bang her at least once
Seriously, why? Does the fact that she's loyal and a good cook place her above most of the women in Springfield?
>I've had a 103 degree fever for the past six months
men have the innate ability to mute women in their heads
a woman can be talking directly to us and we'd hear nothing.

>Does the fact that she's loyal and a good cook place her above most of the women in Springfield?
>normal marge
>hair goes down
Name a Springfield Woman who'd make a good wife.
There was Maude, but she's been dead for over 20 years now.
Her unironically, with Brandine beimg a close second
Maude feels like she could be a shrew

Ruth maybe? If she could forget about her ex-husband
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Hoover is best girl but for some reason I also find the sect girl really cute too
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I want her sisters to femdom me and make me worship their feet
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>doting mother
>unique voice
>big curly hair that probably smells real nice
You're watching The Simpsons wrong if you DON'T wanna bang Marge.
Her voice made me realise something as a kid
There's a lot of cutes/sexy women with the Simps
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Isn't Marge canonically a major hottie, at least by Springfield standards?
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She's canonically decent-looking.
yet for some reason all the R34 is just Lisa and Jessica Lovejoy being fucked over and over and over
Now to be fair Helen Love Joy always told us to think of the children.
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90% of porn artists aren't willing to put in the work and research, so they'll just target whomever's in the main cast/is the first image result when you Google the title of said cartoon.
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>>its dead for over 20 years now.
it's just a little dirty, it's still good.

marge gets point for being part of the family.
if you are looking for personality, most women in Springfield are trash, for looks, marge is not even on top 10.
>Jessica Lovejoy
And she was in only one episode
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>for looks, marge is not even on top 10.
I'm gonna run you over
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Any hopes for Season 36?
Julie Kavner won't last more than 3 episodes of it.
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lol, try it.
marge is not even in the top 10 of Springfield milfs.
that mean im not even counting the non-milfs.
marge is even lower on the list.
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Nobody mentioning the best Simpsons women
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this is sloppy as hell and may have even been made already, but idc
men are weak, marge is based.
Doubtful. It's show repeatedly throughout the show that she'd ditch Homer and trade up in a heartbeat if she didn't have to deal with the handicap of being a single 30-something mother of three getting back into the dating scene.
Hoover has been ruined since Edna’s death. The writers went a decade without replacing Bart’s teacher permanently (they should have kept it as Ned IMO but I guess they saw the window to add a black female to the cast and ran with it). so writers gave Hoover more screen time, which just meant we saw how pathetic and desperate she is.
She’s tall and slender, yet still with notable curves, and whilst a nag was generally nice. Most Simpsons women early on were either fat, sluts, fat sluts, or absolute bitches like Helen. It’s only as the cast grew that more attractive women came with it, but early seasons, Marge is 100% one of the prime catches of Springfield
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Margechads RISE UP
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erin is pretty hot
That's what AI's for!
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>He doesn't want to bang a domestic goddess
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Right? OP is a fool
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bros, I'm scared...
With a body like that, she can get away with any hairdo.
most simp women have good bodies
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a decent couch gag or two
cartoon moms always look too perfect and curvy while IRL most of them are fat and gross
Not really. In the earlier seasons at least, she's never referred to in-universe as being particularly hot or attractive. The only time she got major attention was in the episode where she had huge tits, and that was for obvious reasons.
>IRL most of them are fat and gross
nowadays sure
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I love Marge so damn much y'all
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i've always loved that name
She's actually a weird mutant rabbit
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This episode almost made me cry...
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neat seeing old simpson character sheet
A stay-at-home mom who has no qualms with cooking, cleaning, and childraising is honestly such a rarity nowadays.
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Quirks aside Marge is prime wife and mother material. And she's hot.
>batman and magellan crossover never
Compared to the other moms in the show she is a 9/10
I'm emulating it tonight for some nostalgia
she is the archetype of the perfect wife.
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what about this milf?
she had like 7 kids, and was a good wife.
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Marge is hot BECAUSE of her quirks, get it right anon.
healthy libido wife material
Sounds weird but I really like it when a girl has a raspy voice, kinda hot for some reason
She's slender with decent curves, and she's always wearing a strapless dress that's showing off her shoulders and is snug around her bosom. Men also fall for the "proven to be good parent material, so let's bang" instinct just as much as women do with unattended fathers, so as long it's not one of those times where she's caked in kid filth or they're actively screaming nearby, it does work for her.
Shes drawn to be conventionally attractive in universe and her hair is because she was designed in the 80s.
right. she's sincere. She's not trying to be someone besides herself.
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They didn't slow down with that first aspect in modern episodes.
>Expect actual discussion
>It's just a simping dump thread
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You are so beautiful to me...
I'm sorry I just don't get the appeal of potatoes.
See, you guys get it.

If you want a hot slut Springfrield is full but Marge is just an amazing life partner.
I drew bunny Marge, and that is all I can do.
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The movie reminded people that she's a mother who had three kids.
I got a girl like that right now, thing is she's originally from China. She's still works but is willing to stay with the kids when we have some.
America has ruined the nuclear family and it's sad that now people feel like being a traditional mother is a bad thing.
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She's got the moves!
>discussion about other milfs in the show
>discussion about how great marge is
I don't know what you wanted but this thread is going exactly how it was intended given the OP.
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Bob's Burgers movie shoulda had a scene like this with Linda. We were ROBBED
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This is what a cornfield looks like honey

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