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Why is Jinx missing her bands in the holes of her shirt piece?
She's coming undone. Pun intended.
I saw him seem to be in good physical condition in his emo era. After that, with the new trailer images she looks skinnier, what do you think is the reason for that?
Vi/her fuck I hate this keyboards
She's burning all her clothes to make a clean break and start over.

Probably because she's mad that the Enforcer said her pants look like a half-eaten circus tent!
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Shit happen in episode 6 i guess.
Either one of two thing. Poor diet due to specifically drinking her meals and not getting enough caloric intake

Or two
Diversity bullshit where they took Vi's femininity away to apease the blue hair alphebet mob because god forbid women look curvaceous and beautiful while not looking like a fat pig.
Is that sapposed to be warwick on the left?
Maybe, the tree hideout or Viktor's place are the only places the sister can keep a cyborg werewolf that loses his shit constantly while they decides what to do with him.
>taking him to the tree
Unless he is guarding the sewer ways, i don't think that is a wise idea to have him in with the civilian population. Especially with kids being present who easiliy can cut themselves with out realizing it, and civilians being taken in after getting the bloody shit beat out of them :/
Yeah, maybe it's wiser to keep him in the mines, sealed it off and search for someone who can help Vander.
X for Jinx. I believe she's killing Jinx in this scene. Destroying everything she became in the past 7 years. Killing her ghosts. Maybe even destroying everything she had left from Silco. She doesn't need him anymore.
Agreed. I can only think if that is him, then he was summoned. Other wise maybe it's this big mamijama. And he looks to be roiding out on shimmer like Vander was in 103.

Which come to think of it. Ambessa is probably shimmer roided the utter fuck out of her soliders.
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>How could Noxians betray us? I even allow them build their tower of Sauron and other hundred fortified positions around the city!
Yes that's Warwick, the arm is the literal size of the individual next to him.

The conflicts for the last 4 episodes will likely be:
> Ep.6 Burning of the Tree
> Ep.7 The Zaun Uprising
> Ep.8 Noxus vs Zaun & Piltover
> Ep.9 The Arcane Awakens
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I have a feeling that this Vi is going to die and another from a different dimension will take her place.
So if ep 9 is the magical war, how the hell do they intend to finish the series in 45mins? WTFFFF
There not. Either a movie or another season.
>Singed makes shimmer for Noxian army
>new noxian shimmer army
>Viktor comes in, and uses his minions to molest Noxian army.
>turns them all into his drowns and sacrifices them to the void.
why is the council room so close to the bridge? One would think that with all the shit that happens in the bridge they would move to a safer place
I just realized that if they claim there's a giant time gap between Arcane and League of Legends, they can end with the characters in any way
>Jinx is a hero now but in the course of 10 years she goes full crazy
>Vi will live in Zaun now but in the course of ten years she ends up back in Piltover
>Viktor just ends as magic jesus but in the course of ten years he becomes a robot who hates humanity
>Jayce is just a simple racist now but in ten years he becomes a super racist
and so on...
They did move. Underground.
To have front seats when they shot zaunites in the bridge, but pretend they have no idea shit was so bad.
What are you talking about? The gap is 7 years maximum, and I honestly don't think they'll leave things that ambiguous. They probably tell us directly what happened, or they only give us a time skip of a maximum of 4 years, since reaching the exact moment with all the lore is too much, and they would also waste many stories.
big time gap + leaving things ambiguous gives them plenty of room to tell more stories in other mediums. You're crazy if you don't think they're planning a live action Arcane movie right now
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People should begin to stop specking everything is going to line up with their current LoL counterparts perfectly. It's going to be similar most likely, but in the end Arcane is going override current game canon and maybe they do some changes taking advantage of the opportunity that it's essential a popular retcon.
Singed probably is summoning him with this dead animal so after the hug he would go crazy and run to him, and Vi, Jinx and Isha would follow. This is how they meet Ambessa and Cait.
there's one giant problem with your expectations though, revamping a game isn't as easy as just writing on paper. They would have to redo main skins, redo voice lines, redo bios, hell maybe even redo all official character art. Why would Riot take the time and effort to do all that when they can simply connect both stories through a time gap
>live action
Please god no.
The same reason the do revamps with older champions, to generate hype around it.
they generated massive hype by just releasing skins inspired on the show before, easier than just redoing everything
Changing the bios in the web and some artworks is not so hard as doing a new skins, which they likely going to do to capitalize in the hype. If they bothered to make Arcane the new canon, you really think they wont go the extra step?
They didn't unify the canon just to please Arcane, they did to honor all stories, it would be a bad move to just change everything and not honor the League of Legends canon
They only thing they are going to change are the things affected by Arcane, You cant have both old canon and Arcane fighting for relevancy. It's not the first they get rid of old canon and it's not going to be the last.
She’s missing all the x’s from her costume, her neck piece is gone. This is where her rebirth happens. Something has happened to everyone who’s close to her this season: Sevika, Isha/Janna, Vi, Vanderwick. Some thing bad happens to all of them in episode 6.
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i still love you maddilyn
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Hmm. That would be interesting. Isha dead. Savika dead. Warwick captured. Vi captured.
I can see Jinx trying to break into a prison again and thinking the same technique will wotk again. But Caitlyn will have already released her, planning a pinpointed strike to nutralize Ambessa. Ambessa already predicting Caitlyn would turn, sets up traps around her home and other key areas.
>But Caitlyn
Great fancic
Hey, vi had to get her gauntlets some how
So we see Vi with new gauntlets and black armor. We see Cait with the same armor and dead Maddie. We see Vi in said armor carrying Jinx in enforcer disguise, Vi in said armor with Ekko with pink x on his chest, Jinx in shark costume in her flying den with pink xes, Jinx burning something without her x band on chest.
So what is sequence of events?
In s6 shit hits the fan and as a result Jinx burns her "old personality" also Vi is back to enforcer. Then Jinx tries to sneak in to Piltover in disguise again and Vi saves her ass again. Then we have some regrouping and Piltover Noxus fight with Noxian ships attacking Piltover and Cait with her ass gun firing back at them but losing anyway (bye Maddie), then we have new Jinx (after chat with Ekko) with pink x and Zaun coming for rescue?
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We definitely will get Ekko, Vi and Jinx fighting together.
New gauntlets and armor for Vi suggest that Cait is involved too.
But what she is looking at in the trailer? Noxian ships? Vi and Ekko flying? Jinx flying?
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changing clothes = changing personnality.
you know the girls.
final result is in the pic.
it might be the Runeterra Famous Bikini Atoll Suit.
hopefuly, there will be a nipslip.
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So Jinx is teamed up with Ekko based on the paint on his clothes. And Ekko is teamed up with Vi based on the fact that they're literally right next to each other. And Vi is working with Cait based on the uniforms. And they're all fighting Ambessa? Told you fags that she was gonna be the big bad of season 2. She's gonna die.
At some point you have to account for the fact that Ambessa leads an assault on Viktor's hexcore camp.
Instead of creating a crossfire of conflicts, they had decided to direct all the hatred towards one character. What a shitty writing
Not gonna happen but if you look at her splash art in the game she has the fattest ass. I really wish they kept that. It would even appease feminists because they're intimidated by big tits.
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it's not exactly that.
too cold.
you need more warm-up.

pic unrelated.
Something happens in 6 that forces everyone togther. If it isn't the tree then it's the bridge. I don't know how Jinx would escape.

Ekko comes back and tries his time thing to save the tree but i guess it doesn't work right and blows up some what.

Ekko meets with Jinx and makes his speech.

Jinx cuts her hair and burns her clothes

Warwick and Vi being nicked alongside a bunch of others will lead to Jinx trying to break in.

I think sheild bro will approach Jinx about getting Vi and the others out.

Ekko will supply air back up to help distract the guards.

Ambessa wises up and lets only her Noxian gaurds in on killing anyone who approachs the prisoners.

Caitlyn or fish bro springs Vi out and gives her gauntlets and armor, that matchs the whole team.

While escaping Vi and other witness Shild bro is killed and Jinx in enforcer gear gets the shit kicked out of her by Noxians which inflames tention with the enforcers.

Fighting starts.

Vi goes to save Jinx

Fish bro goes on ahead with out Vi to capture Ambessa

Caitlyn and Maddie are there to provide ground support sniper fire while vi and others escape.

Noxian ship shows up and its the same one from the memorial services.

Caitlyn tries to shoot it down but is spoted.

Embessa fights both of them, kills Maddie, stabs Caitlyn.

Ship shoots at building causing it to collapse, we see fish bro die, while Vi is escaping with sister

Warwick is unleashed and demanded to target Caitlyn.

Vi and Ekko flying and taking out torrets ment to fortify buildings.

Jinx flying around comes later at the end of episode 8 where she embraces being the loose canon.
It was kind of obvious it would happen though. She killed a little girl. Riot fucking hates her for it. There was no way Ambessa was ever going to survive season 2.
Hopefully it comes back once Caitlyn starts feeding her.
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Atleast some does..
Oh yes, we have also hexgates turning into Viktors place. Is Ambessa attacking Viktors place or defending it?
Convince me I don't need it.
I don't see her ever being in control of Viktor's church, so I doubt she's defending them. I'd love to be proven wrong, though.
all it's gonna do is collect dust. physical media is over

get a poster or some other merch instead
that is one point.
Ambessa's not the only antagonist since there's a hextech incident going on.

i have not a single device to watch this.
yet, i'm gonna buy it and offer it.
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this is the appropriate pic by the way.
So ep5 family reunion will be short lived. Vandervick will be a reason two groups meet and Ambessa will betray Cait. And somehow will leave with Singed, Vanderwick and Isa. Or Isa will die. Maybe this is a moment Cait will acknowledge that back then it was Vi and Powder in Jayce lab. Maybe she will give up on her revenge already. Maybe she won't and things get worse. At the same time Jayce will destroy his hextech or it starts malfunctioning because of his hammer, and also we will see Eko and hamster back so they will bring a formula how to make arcane tamed and build new weapons for Vi and Cait later.
Now, why Ambessa has black hair? Did Singed give her something that made her younger?
And when Mel is back?
The trailer is very misleading but
I think the only things we can say with 100% certainty is that Ekko and Vi are fighting against Noxus on Piltover territory
We know that Ambessa is fighting Enforcers, therefore Enforcers have turned against Noxus
Ekko is marked with Jinx's symbols, so we have a strong hint that they're on the same side, therefore Ekko, Jinx and Vi are on the same side fighting against Noxus
If Enforcers and Ekko, Vi and Jinx are fighting Noxus , that implies that they have joined forces to kick out the external threat that is Noxus

All the above would explain why Vi has gauntlets and a new armor with the colors of the new Enforcer outfit.

The unexplained:
The hexgate being corrupted and appearing in another dimension
Would Cait really accept to fight on the same side as Jinx?
Why do Vi and Caitlyn have new weapons, what happened to their previous ones? Destroyed?
How Jinx and Ekko start to work together again?
That black shadowy figure in the throne room of Noxus, is it a character for the next season?
Why Sevika and other Zaunites don't appear on Act 3. Sevika dead?
>That black shadowy figure in the throne room of Noxus, is it a character for the next season?

It's Leblanc
It ain't over for them
Keke zero chances when cait sees Vi in her emo fit
Another question
>where's Isha?
>why did Jinx cut her beautiful long braids?
> Jinx flying around comes later at the end of episode 8

We see the flying fortress in the same scene a Noxian ship is in the background so they are still around. But I highly doubt that Noxus will remain the major conflict of the final episode because they've alluded some arcane catastrophe since the very first episode and that is still the case with the season 2 leaks.

> Why Sevika and other Zaunites don't appear on Act 3.

How dare you forget about the Chuck scene. Although if anyone is biting it in ep. 6 Sevika is the safest bet.
The Chuk scene is from episode 4 isn't it?
Will vi finally shower?
Hair dye came off so yes
Jinx gives her a shower and new clothes
They've tried their hardest to hide the connection between Isha and Jinx's relationship so we won't know until they reveal a clip of them early or when the episodes officially release.

As for the braids they probably have it burning with the rest of her "Silco Jinx" accessories in a baptism ceremony that is suggested by Ekko in his heart to heart with her. Probably to shed her self-serving Zaun killing identity and become a true Zaun heroic patriot.
Jinx doesn't give a shit about that nigger
They will have their sister moment finally
She has firelight green paint on her as well as their symbol on her mast.

Ekko is marked from head to toe in her paint. Even on his mask that he has strapped to his knee.
Ha, they do foreshadow this don't they
Are you implying that they have a shower scene before Cait...
alternate timeline, ie: ekko's fantasy
Yes. CaitVI has sailed and sunk like the titanic
I look forward to it. There is still some powder in there if the trailer is correct
Same one with the Noxian fleet and black armored enforcer Vi?
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>>why did Jinx
sometimes, life's a bitch.
sometimes, hard choices are made for the greater good of humankind.
Jinx saw cait naked before Vi did kek
Nah Vi doesn't need that back in her life
ekko plapped jinx
kek she did
so did maddi
No, he WILL. We will see it. ep 8
Good the more anti-Caitvi scenes the better. Vi can do so much better.
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Jinx bathes Vi
Vi cuts Jinx's hair and dyes it pink
Big agree. Besides Sister moments are adorable. I assume with what is going to happen to Vander and what might happen to Isha they will need eachother

That tree burning scene also looks like the scene after the factroy explosion, where jinx has the bloody face. This time Vi will be there for her sister though
We got the same idea brotha
And Vi is carrying an unconscious Jinx running away from an explosion
Either it's a deception and they caused the explosion or Vi is saving Jinx's life here
I'm all here for their sisterly bonding t b h
where is the new haircut pic?
I used to be a shipper. Now friendship ended with Caitlyn. Vi new best character. She can do, and deserves, better than that fickle whore Kiramman.
besdies Cupcake has Nolan
Oh I like this. Vi correcting the tragedy she couldn't prevent last time and saving her baby sister from the enemy.
What do we think the timeline is?

Does Ambessa betray Cait in Ep 6 an then Enforcers as a whole in 7 and 8? Do we think she sides with Viktor to defend the hextower?

Vi, Jinx, and Ekko could raid the tower beforehand, save enforcers, and then take part in the final assault later. Do we think they showed the final ep or just ep 7/8?
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Caitvi will be endgame, deal with it
I say Cait betrays Ambessa in episode 7 but is on Vi's side after whatever tragedy happens in ep 6. This gives Cait and Vi the easiest access to the new Enforcer gear.

> Do we think they showed the final ep or just ep 7/8?

Hard to say but they didn't spoil anything from the final episode last season so my gut says no.
here's where she sees herself in the mirror isn't it. she's not happy with herself at all
in another scene, she's staring at the Jinx's wanted poster and sees herself reflected in the poster
Vi held a mirror in front of her (figuratively) and she went nuts
Jinx has hank hill ass
Alright listen, If Vi and Jinx are raiding the tower and stealing enforcer uniforms and gauntlets, there is no way the ship happens. Keep in mind their is also the Nolan left to deal with.

Vi will also probably be busy taking care of Jinx and dealing with Vander trauma because that man is gonna die and be reborn as WW
There is a lot to deal with in 4 eps. Jayce, Ekko, Jinx, Heimer, Isha, Vander, Amebssa. I'm not saying its impossible, maybe there will be a kiss or a hug. But its unlikely. There are better things.
She isn't happy but shes still being manipulated. She has to let go of Jinx and see that Ambessa is big black bitch. Ep 7 I think will be that point
That's her face on Vi's dick
That's biologically impossible. Vi is a female.
You're a pure soul if you don't know the context.
i'm convinced.
It's a old hentai comic with Jinx, Vi, and Caitlyn. This was before Arcane and the reveal that Jinx and Vi was incest.
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A girl is a girl. They don't have penis.
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Whatever you say
Vi has >50% more upper body strength than Jinx, naturally. She's a chem mutant with a penis.
> There are no chicks with dicks just men with tits!
Ekko VA does the same thing what's you point ?
Timebomb will be endgame
RIP Lightcannon. I would have been fine with either or.
Saw some good lightcannon fanart. Ill have to find it when I getoff work
>no niggers.
>women with plastic dicks.
that is degenerate.
That's Japan
Men are degenerate for not being nearly as hot as women.
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Literally everything that happens in S2 is in direct contradiction to what was set up in S1, literally every single thing is directly contrary to the growth and arcs from S1, you can pretty much ignore it even happened

What the fuck were they thinking, this would crash and burn in any other medium but since it's the best 3D animation ever made everyone will make excuses and claim it's the best thing ever
Female writers, not even once
The animation is the only reason im watching. That picture with Vi reaching? so good
Nah they're tight lipped about anything that actually happens, and Amanda was too overt with her timebomb teasing
It will happen trust
Good morning sir
Vi will get the new gauntlets in act 3.
Jab -> no soul -> ???
tbf she's also a Catradora fan. Timebomb has tried to kill eachother for years in this story with the "chick" being small titted mentally ill psychopath that has her hair cut during their redemption arc. With the heroic goody good who doesn't have what it takes to end her because he still cares.
Not anymore
Just ep 7/8
If she died fighting Vi its so over
They made time for Ekko to talk to Jinx. They will make time for Caitvi
Chill, Maddie will survive
It's in Piltover so Caitvi already reconciled. Still, killing her would be a meh move.
The writers said the season ends unhappily for everyone, so don’t expect any character staying a hero for long
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They didn't. They actually said caitvi shippers will be happy.
>Ekko teaming with Jinx
>Ekko saved Jinx, she beat him up for it
>Zaun and Piltover team up against Noxus >Ambessa is the main enemy
>Ambessa burned down a tree
>Isha and Sevika are dead
>Meddie is dead
>CaitVi endgame
>Jinx in prison
And this is just the first things that come to mind from that two minute trailer. This is the most spoiler trailer I've ever seen in my life. That is, they had a leak and decided that they need to add more? Seriously, fucking idiots
>Isha and Sevika dead
broke my heart
>Meddie is dead
"No one else needs to get hurt" - I have a feeling she'll be in hospital.
Are you stupid? She says this in ep 3
Thats fish dude. No ass.
You mean episode 201 when Vi is trying to convince Caitlyn she can take on jinx alone.
Yes heh
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Fish dude dies too, but in another location
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we need Caitlyn to analyze the ass to confirm
Only difference is he doesn have the black breast plate yet that everyone else has.
It looks more like Nolan. I dont have my glasses on though
That's a uniquely lesbian dynamic
The most recognizable part is her blue-is undershirt that sticks out from under her uniform. It's her. 100%
So Jinx and Ekko are going to be in a lesbain relationship? I'll take it
If she dies fighting the noxians it'll be really lame.
That's why I think they'll release the episodes all at once, they gave a lot of spoilers in this trailer
She dies fighting Vi and Jinx potentially
No they won't. Stop with that BS. It also ready scheduled for 3 weekends. We will need a week cool down between arcs.
her last words will be: Caitlyn you need to stay with Vi, I know you love her
Or just doesn't die at all. Caitlyn won't let her.
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lmao I doubt her and Vi are together before ep 9
scheduled for 3 weekends
its her
EP 8
Caitvi sex before battle
If that is maddie, why the fuck are they taking out all the ass in the series?!
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Gonna take a lot to convince me they make up before then. Uneasy allies during the final battle to take out Ambessa, Epilogue Vi becomes Deputy
That would only make Caitlyn hate them more. And Jinx is supposed to be "good" now.
Maddie 100% but maybe she is not dead but badly hurt
the writing of s1 was already shit and if you liked it you are genuinely two digits IQ
I'm glad they managed to make a season so bad even you hylics couldn't ignore it tho
Yes, they will. Latest trailer reveals act 3 which is something they never did before. They kept act 3 of s1 under the rag until act 2 finished airing. They have 203 that will piss people off 1st time. People who seen leaks would start posting images of Caitlyn and Maddie which would piss people even more. On top of that, they're going to piss not only caitvi shippers, but most importantly Jinx, Vi and Caitlyn's fans. Those are 3 big fanbases there. If they won't release a whole thing, plenty of people will simply not pay netflix to watch it. If they don't pay netflix, they don't pay riot. Simple af. From strategic and business pov, it's best to release the whole show at once. Add China posting the show is going out on November 9 - there's nothing about it being in acts. Last time it was known act 1 will premiere on a specific date, act 2 and act 3 later.
So it's probably ep7
8 or 9. They're back in Piltover.
9 will be arcane/Victor vs the rest fight
We are all talking out of our asses and are probably wrong
And they probably expect to release it as such still because fuck the leaks. Their going to make us wait. Deal with it.
I doubt there is anything in 9 here. Beting this is all between 6 and 7.
Viktor vs Jayce, Haimer and maybe Singed. There will be 2 big fights in the finale and they will probably switch between them like they did with Vi vs Jinx and Jayce+Ekko+Haimer in the void. Piltover and Zaun vs Ambessa is spoiled in the trailer. Viktor vs Jyce only slightly.
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No way in hell they would ever release act 3 in a global trailer if they were going to release the show in acts. Deal with it.

During the geeked week we're probably going to see more of act 3 to slap the leaker in the face even more.
what does this mean
To those who've seen the leak and are familiar with League lore, without spoiling too much, how different is PnZ becoming compared to the base lore?
This. This. This.
> If they won't release a whole thing, plenty of people will simply not pay netflix to watch it. If they don't pay netflix, they don't pay riot. Simple af. From strategic and business pov, it's best to release the whole show at once.
Less than 2 months and so far no announcements about what will happen in the series.
Releasing everything makes it easier to digest the series and ignore the mistakes throughout the episodes.
Riot misleading
Nothing that those of us who have seen the leaks don't already know.
Vi is blinded by her love for Pow/Jinx still and can't kill her?
>another Jinx motif
And when they don't? Don't let dissappointment slap you up side the face too hard. Leaker ain't shit since the videos leaked weren't finished.
Doesn't fucking matter about netflixs bottom line since Arcane's season won't be on Netflix after this.
Bruh, both things can happen, release in acts or full release, neither is certain, this is just a thread discussion, chill and go get some fresh air
I've been waiting for arcane s2 but the leaks and the trailer look like it's from another show. Like, there's too much and at the same time not enough, plus I can't root for anybody. I hate when I know a show is good but I can't appreciate it, especially when I liked s1
>People who seen leaks would start posting images
yep, it's already a problem on twt and Riot has already gotten a taste of the chaos that will ensue.
Yeah you right anon bro, haven't had my coffee yet. Delt with little shit leakers like this in the industry before.
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hello Donald MacDonald.
this series is not made for your poor little brain.
further more you should stop eating MacDonalds.
It is not wealthy, not for your corpse, and for your brain neither.
Also, any crumb of champions cameos?
>Netflix legend: "It's too late to point the finger now"
Basically, everyone has screwed up at some point and will have to deal with it, there's no way to change it and you have to accept the consequences. Everyone will come together and fight a common enemy and forgive the shit that happened before that.
That Jinx is fucking Vi and she don't like it in the pooper :(
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Swain. Can't LeBlanc with out him showing up somewhere
I really don't understand, I've seen the leaks and I don't understand what the context of this poster could be, I think it's a bit misleading.
>Would Cait really accept to fight on the same side as Jinx?
after Ambessa betrayal and using Vanderwick against her, the rest of them will make it obvious to Cait she was being played; she wont like it but she'll have to team up with Jinx to help drive out Noxus from Piltover

>Why do Vi and Caitlyn have new weapons, what happened to their previous ones? Destroyed?
Jayce still alive, might have to set aside his hunt for Viktor to defend Piltover vs the Noxians, leading to Dread Enforcer Vi's new gauntlets and Cait's hextech rail gun

>How Jinx and Ekko start to work together again?
assume arcane Ekko time-travels/dimension hops and from encounters with his own selves deduces he needs to help Jinx in his own timeline (also learns how build Z-drive during his disappearance). Maybe he catches a glimpse of the Ekko/Jinx ship in another timeline (fan service wish), or something what gives him consolation that in another life they're not mortal enemies, even if arcane Ekko and arcane Jinx aren't a thing
Yep Sergito bro! Misleading!
Re: Caitlyn’s new weaponry and VI’s gauntlets - maybe Heimer helps them, not just Jayce . Maybe Heimer finds Sky’s notes and Victor’s and Jayce’s and figures out how to use hextech without pissing off the arcane
>And Vi is carrying an unconscious Jinx running away from an explosion
>Either it's a deception and they caused the explosion or Vi is saving Jinx's life here

idk, there's nothing in those frames to suggest that's Jinx who Vi is carrying over her shoulder and they already did the hot swap outfit trope in the jail scene, seems silly to use it again

at least in the jail scene you could see it was obviously Jinx with the exposed blue hair sticking out from underneath the helmet
geez that was quick
The enforcer Vi is carrying has blue hair
ep 4 several people dyed their hair blue, it could be one of them and not necessarily Jinxa since they will all fight Ambessa. This scene of Vi carrying a person is part of the sequence before she jumps with Ekko, she has the same marks on her face
Occam's razor. It's probably caityln.
The helmet could have been added for trailer as a misdirect.
Light blue hair? Caitlyn? Nah
where? it looks red to me desu. couple frames later that's blue sky behind Vi's right arm
So Swain hasn't done his coup yet because that happens after Singed defects to Noxus. So hit arm hasn't been cut yet and he hasn't' gotten his crow demon pet yet.
blue sky, not blue hair
Just went through frame by frame. And yea am wrong def not caitlyn. Outfit doesn't match up. It's most likely a generic enforcer, outfit is exactly the same. Probably not jinx cause she is suppose to be flying above them at this point I think.
There is a screenshot with a clearer view of the blue hair
jinx is flying above them. You can see part of the lair in the scene with ekko.
you mean blue sky kek
Someone please explain to me because I'm a retard!
Ambessa will betray Caitlyn, she will get Warwick and she has Singed, what's the advantage of taking Piltover?
The hair in question. Colour is questionable desu
Hextech. She'll likely side with Viktor
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>Sis don't look...>>145312144
face is not jinx
ehh, you cannot even see the face...
No I definitely agree. Random enforcer most likely.
It would be funny if Jinx kill another Cait's love one.
She might, Amebssa might who knows. Vi probably dead or amnesiac at the end too
>Vi probably dead or amnesiac at the end too
Noooooo, stop
Sorry. Looks like they are making her like the game Vi so possible. AManDuh said CaitVi happy though so you guys will win
some say
How will she fail this time
lightcanon died the second Arcane was released. They did a good job teasing it for many years but ever since Arcane, everything has been focused on putting Jinx with Ekko. I guess hiring people from outside who liked timebomb, or saw potential in it, to manage the series was them shooting themselves in the foot.

To be fair though, Jinx and Lux work better as crazy friends anyways. Romance would kinda ruin their fun dynamic.
She doesn't have amnesia, just says she doesn't remember many things from her childhood and the part she remembers she wishes didn't have.
>life in Stillwater was so cool. why did i leave? i'm in hell those days. where is my wife at?
You know where her wife is at
having fun with her new gf kek
Sorry no champion will die
haha can't see the face at all

but yea that's blue so idk, really they're gonna do the stormtrooper swap two times within 2 episodes, groan... t b f they don't usually show enforcer hair unless there's some visual hint like in the jail desk scene
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Scorpia, Catra e Adora
So you're saying Maddie does leave Caitlyn.
I'm still finishing watching She-ra, but there are many similarities.
One of them is that Catra stays focused on her work and Scorpia is always by her side. I haven't gotten to the part where Scorpia leaves yet.
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fucking hell you might be right. Amanduh loves catradora and this is a scorpia, catra, and adora similarity. So retarded and trash
The show sucks dick if it does this
I really curious what the context is, if this is really Jinx
Whoops. Sorry for spoilers then.
The part where Catra leaves Adora crying, very similar to Caitvi's 'break up'
It's not jinx. Her bangs would be flopping out. Also she's flying above them in a different outfit.
Yep I see it all now. You could also say Catra mind control from Hordak is similar to Ambessa Cait manipulation
jinx has short hair now though
It's ok, I know they both get together in the end
catra e adora
Yep. Might be a jinxer with a warden uniform for protection
Her bangs are the same length.
Well if Catradora got together in the end, and everthing is so similar then CaitVi might as well too.

Stupid shit, good job AmanDuh
Amanda asked Noelle for her notes and said "I'll change it a little so it looks different"
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Blue hair
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red hair. who could this be???
hot pink** my bad b
Vi too sadge
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They ganged her
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Final Vi ? Any clue where her should pads went? Why she has small gauntlets?
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>ep 9
>Jayce vs Viktor
>Human vs Cyborg (or superhuman bcuz writers are hacks
>Its a tough battle with enforcers and tech cultists joining in to help
>Both are left exhausted and crippled
>Viktor attempts to retreat to Zaun
>He comes across a ledge that leads down to his old home
>It yearns for him but before he takes the first step
>Am I interrupting?
I think that frame of her crying and reaching out for someone in the trailer might b close to her final outfit
I think I get it boys
Jinx dies
Ekko turns back time
Everyone else think shes dead
She goes to Zaun and becomes the loose cannon
Theories on why jinx is flying over piltover. Other than to make a statement.

Possibly is carrying a payload to drop on hexgate. Or maybe the flying machine is the bomb and she's gonna crash it into the hexgate.

Anyone that knows the lore. Does the hexgate exist in lol? And if so is it or has it ever been destroyed?
Warwick will die or can't be controled. She will go after hextech
Ooh yeah!
Shes gonna kick Noxian ass and is dropping firelights on em
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Hmmmm. Vi still looks dirty in the trailer. Doubt they fuck, Cupcake likes clean Pilties
Wrong. Caitlyn likes Vi's Zaunite scent, something she doesn't find in the other girls in Piltover.
they did kiss in smelly stairwell. But Vi was much cleaner back then
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Chinese promotional text along with Vi's poster
>"I will definitely save you"
>love and hate blind our eyes, is it too late to point the finger?

China also has an official release date, November 9th
Jinx dies confirmed Nothing goes right for Vi
and looooook, no indication of the release in acts!
kek bro is still on this. I enjoy this discourse as I do not mind acts or all together
>"I will definitely save you"
Jinx to Vi
>love and hate blind our eyes, is it too late to point the finger?
Vi to Cait or Cait to Vi
Sexy. Need more of this kinda Vi.
I will definitely save you...
Vi to Cait
Cait to Jinx
>save you
Jinx to Vi
>>love and hate blind our eyes
It will be a phrase from Caitlyn, just like the one she said: oceans of tears and sweat
This interpretation gives more meaning to the poster, love and hate blind us
Vi captured in Ep. 6 and Jinx vows to save her.
I don't think the second line is a quote. It's just referencing jinx covering vi's eyes. Yah know like 'see no evil.' And jinx's missing finger.
The 2nd line is in reference to Vi. She gets blinded by hate and love
Love to cait, hate to silcos goons
Yea. Something needs to happen to reference the poster of jinx possessively hugging vi.
So, is this confirmation that we will get all the episodes in one fell swoop?
If vi gets captured and released by Caitlyn or Jinx that is so fucking retarded. We dont need anymore parallels and we already got a prison break
just misleading and y'all cooking your brain cells over it
But hasn't the first act already shown we're getting more parallels
Yes and its boring
Then what's your retarded prediction through the quote? And don't say Jinx sacrificing herself in the finale cause that's far more retarded.
>Jinx sacrificing herself in the finale cause that's far more retarded.
that's exactly what's going to happen
Season 1 was full of parallels and people couldn't shut up about them sooooo...
I personally don't care either way.
What do they mean by this?

Post from Netflix Philippines
We need this to appear in s2 at some point >>145315926
Jinx protectively holds Vi. Then we have this quote " I will definitely save you"

Jinx is sacrificing herself to save Vi
Well she saved her from alcoholism and self destruction didnt she?
I agree also

Sisterly bond is stronger than some weak romantic bond
Naaaah. She just needed her help with vander. It's not the same. If she cared she coulda reached out to vi way before that.
wait until Caitlyn open her legs to Vi
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i bet even on fucking /co/ nobody will grab this ref.
fucking fags.
fucking illiterates.
It did end up being good for her though. She has someone (s) to protect now
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You think they'd put a quote in the series finale on a poster to spoil another suicide attempt. I thought you hated parallels.
when did jinx attempt suicide in a finale?
Well yea. Just saying I wouldn't consider this the penultimate act that jinx needs to perform to save vi. Her going to vi wasn't for vi's sake only, it benifitted jinx as well. So not the same imo.
Nice hibbityhoppity.
She literally tried to perform a suicide attempt using the quote from the first season 2 teaser dumbass.
All of you thinking that this is gonna end happily for Vi and Jinx are gonna get a real punch in the gut
Based on what Ella said, yeah. This isnt a happy story
Doubt it will be. But doubt any of the champions are dying in the end no matter what they try to say.
THIS. It's so obvious this season
what's the point of letting people think she's dead if she's gonna just go back and tell them she's alive?
Vi and Cait reconciliation not until ep 9... those sucks :(
This. Season 2 needed a 3 year rework, aka the same treatment season 1 got during development
If anyone dies it probably won't be for long. Time magic, hextech magic or chemtech and they're back. I can see someone dying at the end of an ep and coming back the next. Like cliffhanger at end of act 2 or something.
It allows Vi to move on from Zaun and become the deputy
Told you idiots they arent getting together. Shippers and your whining
Will laugh my ass off when the sex scene is them
It's been strongly hinted Vi becomes the Piltover enforcer she is in the game. Like, some S1 promo posters teased at how does she go from a Zaun kid to that...For her to choose that, I take she loses everything else so that's miserable as fuck.

Caitlyn can end up becoming sheriff and establishing the wardens, that's as happy as it gets for her considering that at the end of the series Piltover is probably wrecked, she doesn't achieve her revenge and she's lost a lot more than she's gained.

Not so sure about Jinx and Ekko's fates

Ambessa probably leaves Piltover, Mel might die and that + drifting apart from Viktor might cause his asshole-ish personality in the game.

But who tf knows anymore. We're all delusional here.
I'd agree if it wasn't because Amanda is the biggest caitvi fag and she loves lesbian drama
but if she comes back then the internal conflict starts again, you're back at square one
Nah. We already see what happens to vi losing everything. Self destructive, depressed alcoholic.
She has to make up with cait at the very least. She joined the first time for Cait. Some people theorise she works with cait but stays in and patrol Zaun. That makes the most sense.
She's an enforcer but she's protectig her own people. Also can still keep in touch with(keep an eye on)jinx and ekko much easier.
People wont understand this take dont bother. They think Enforcer Vi = bad
I sort of agree with that, but why would Piltover have any say about Zauns security after they get their independence?
Vi deserves to get the Cait pussy
But Cait doesn't deserve hers.
Put it this way then. Vi is doing her own thing separate from piltover jurisdiction but works alongside cait. Like vander and Grayson. But Vi is acting as an actual police force in zaun. Maybe she has her own team. Eg. Shield bro.
>get your dirty place away from me!
Big agree
That would work
Caitlyn doesn't deserve a pristine virgin that has had her maiden head safe by being locked away in a castle dungeon. May caitlyn get herpies and clap because she only deserves street walkers. Vi deserves a good loving partner who listens and may it be either Sarah or Saraphine.

Low key i can imagine Vi laying on Saraphines lap while being sang to to help drive away all of Vi's night terrors and bad memories.
Love this because ive been saying Vi x Seraphine for a while
if Jinx's arc was from innocent Powder to criminal Jinx and the from criminal Jinx to hero Powder, then do we have one last one from hero Powder to insane Jinx??
You ever notice a little after the wardens death was leaked that one Vi rape copypasta spammer stopped using it.
Maybe... I've always been worried that in the finale they'll dump all of Jinx's character development by having her mind destroyed by the Arcane in a last ditch effort to save everyone. So she doesn't die but wasted the audiences fucking time.
he still spammed it
With Isha's death, maybe.
Meant for this
That wont happen. Vi is more likely to have her mind fucked.
RIP maddie nono, you were a real one
Caits beloved, NOOO
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I just realized that room is the same room Ambessa is killing enforcers in. Caitlyn is going to attempt to arrest Ambessa and she is going to slaughter the guards. That back ground is a painting.
Youre cookin
How many times do we have to repeat this here... episode 8, before the battle... Jinx has already given us a hint.
God, it's so predictable
They gotta meet before that though, Cant just be like oh heyyy and then fuck
Maddie is alive and beside Caitlyn all the way to episode 8 at least. It ain't happening.
Yeah, the “I know you’re sweet on her, I hope you got a chance to…you know, before” could very well mean they’re fucking before the final battle. Adds up with the ep 8 sex scene rumor.
This as to be bait, right? How does that mean anything. They are allies and work together. Doesn't mean they are still in a romantic relationship.
I enjoy this argument and I agree
Anyone who is a little bit smart and knows Amanda knows that Maddie is just there to create more drama in Cativi's relationship.
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fake and gay.
here's the reference.
Jinx and Lain both schizo. Though I do enjoy this reference
even you will enjoy caitvi's sex scene

I have my doubts though. Ekko x Jinx more likely.
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you'd better.
It is obvious that Caitvi will have an intimate scene, well, or that is most likely. Now the thing we should think about is how they're going to fix all the magical shit in the third act. I say that eps 8 and 9 will be at least an hour and a half long each. In case there is no secret episode.
idk. I didn't care for the Jayce Mel sex scenes don't see how a toxic lesbian one would make me care more.
If people are investing on a character they know becomes insane then it's not really the writer's fault isn't it? This is the curse of all prequel stories after all
They may even kiss, but a sex scene between Ekko and Jinx out of nowhere is unlikely to happen.
Didn't they already confirm the runtime for the whole s2 and it adds up to the same length as s1?
If caitMaddie are still together in ep 8 CaitVi is doomed
Vi's already got her Dread Enforcer gear on so she likely already reconciled with Cait here. Jinx doing Jinx stuff since, hell, it worked 3 episodes ago so why not though this time she gets BTFO but Vi still can't turn her in so she's potato sacking her off the scene

Explosion is probably Noxians beginning their attack on Piltover, Jinx+Vi+Cait+Ekko have to team up to stop them
Maybe Maddie is really alive. Look at Cait's face on that frame. Either Catherine is an even more heartless bitch than we imagined, or Maddie is just passed out. Also no blood either
Bruh, Caitlyn doesn't give a shit about Maddie
how many times do we have to write this here
Then Vi definitely should not be with Cait.
Even as a friend in arms? Fucking bitch. I hate her so much guys. She doesnt deserve anyone
Obv she dgaf about her either
We don't know yet, we have to see the rest of the episodes, but the intimacy between Caitlyn and Vi is undeniable when compared to the scenes between Caitlyn and Maddie, don't be a troll.
Her hatred for Jinx is undeniable and is the cornerstone of her entire season 2 arc. Her love for Vi meant nothing compared to that.
I'm not saying that Caitlyn loves Vi above all else, I'm saying that Caitlyn and Vi's scenes are much more intimate than Caitlyn and Maddie's scenes. Period.
Also this. CupCait can hate Jinx and love Vi
Something big is gonna have to happen to cait, vi and jinx for caitlyn's compassion to peak through again. We probably will get a jinx saves caitlyn scene. At the very least she's gonna give up her vendetta against jinx but she won't forgive her. Live and let live situation. Either for vi's sake or for peace between cities.
That background is a ship we see also when the fish guy is blown up
It would be hilarious if Jinx got angry at Cait for having other gf than her sis
You guys keep talking about Caitvi reconciliation but what about Caitlyn’s redemption arc? even if Ambessa was doing things behind her back she is still responsable for the stuff that happened in Zaun while she was in charge
Loses her Mansion, Council seat, Nobility.
Yes, she messed up and will have to take responsibility for it, I think she will lose her seat on the council.
In addition, she will have to deal with Ambessa along with the help of Vi and the others to redeem herself in the eyes of the cities, Piltover and Zaun.
She will give Zaun independence. Duh
Zaun doesn't need her for that. It's the whole point of an uprising.
Vi loves her. Can u give her a break?? Her life has been a living hell since ep1 s1 Let her have some happiness Even if it's a bittersweet ending there is no way she Caitvi is not endgame.
I just remembered something, what about the Annency promotional image where we saw Caitlyn with black lipstick? Does that mean we will have another final outfit?
And she just uses and abuses Vi through their relationship? Great
Post it or its not real
huh? I don't remember anyone talking about that
Still kinda funny they gave caitlyn who has zero experience, carte blanche and absolute control over piltover.
the theory that vi steals the uniform and armor is starting to look more real no way cait will be on the same team as jinx
You people get more and more retarded everyday
Nah. That’s just the lighting
Bruh, go watch the trailer again
Caitlyn has been shown so far to be a terrible girlfriend. When there are multiple red flags the best options is to avoid them.

Agreed. Maybe when Noxus escalates the conflict but not before.
Vander doesn't agree
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Here the picture
Vander is a dog...
Looks so black for just a simple ilumination.
Vi is not a better gf. She left Cait and then compared her to her murderous sis.
Also killing the kid was only excuse not to kill Jinx. Before Vi didn't care that kid died
she did rewatch
She was blinded by the anger that Silco caused her. Apparently after the attack on the council she stopped being so impulsive.
did you see tbskyen‘s video? he thinks she stole the gauntlets and chest armor
Almost a month after the leaks and the subject is the same: Caitlyn.
Amanda must be very proud of her little girl.
If Caitlyn were an irrelevant character you wouldn't all be talking about her every day, and there are people who still think that Caitlyn and Vi won't end up as a couple.
It's fascinating!
Ok? Who cares what some rando thinks? We are all talking out of our asses.
You can't defend Caitlyn so you blame her victim. You Cait apologists make this easy.
Finally she gets attention she deserves
And why put the badge on again ?? Don't come with the "to be more credible in enforcers eyes", since she could have just steal a hemlet too to be more "discreet" Is Caitvi will reconcile in a romantic way or not ? That is the real question.
I know right? I'm loving it
Caitler doesn't need to be defended, her arc is the best thing that happened to Arcane s2. The rest is boring.
People fail to see the bigger picture. Caitler is a phase to give Caitlyn some life experience and it’s like, so fucking obvious her and Vi will reconcile. Whether they fuck or not, they’ll be on good terms.
No just think it's a shitty relationship, and the writer is a hack for creating drama for the sake of clicks. Like every toxic lesbian pairing.
Indeed, totally agree
Months before the leak happen there were Anons saying that Caitvi kiss was not happening. Almost impossible kek
the trailer is misleading they probably want you to think vi and cait are working together because they show them wearing similar black armor but surprise: vi actually stole them jinx disguise as enforcer before she could do it again
Bad news: Whether you like it or not, it will happen.
The relationship they have was all set up to be romantic so. There is no fckin way they end as Friends i would be so pissed
Use your brain. Why would they reconcile them in ep 9?
Meh. That was probably the best way they thought they could separate vi from caitlyn. Also muh parallel. And to separate vi from jinx. The only other way would have been if vi was playing caitlyn and still wanted to save powder but then we probably wouldn't get depressed alcoholic phase vi since she would still try to reach powder. Giving her purpose.
They met again in ep6. Reconcile in ep7. And seal the deal on ep8
i’m using my brain and maddie is caitlyn’s spotter and vi and ekko are working together. jekko would never work with those mfs
Everyone saw Cait only as awkward cute comic relief with golden heart and seeing her showing other strong emotions is obviously a big no no.
Other characters are ok to beat up people they supposed to care about like Ekko and Jinx or Jinx and Vi, and be immediate forgiven but no, Caitlyn is a bitch with no redemption because she got overemotional and hit Vi with her riffle for talking shit once. Double standards
mfs in question are the enforcers btw ekko would never
And AGAIN why put the badge on ? It's a very symbolic way to say "im on the same road as you again", just like the way she turn it off when she's in her emo/break up/away from Cait phase
Why not? They have a common goal.Noxus. tard
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I love this season simply because it broke the shippers.
They are either in one of three camps now:
The ones coping hard and in total denial
The ones who think the ship is dead
And the ones that hate Cait because of how she treated Vi.
Vifags are vindicated. Our girl is best girl.
do you have more pictures from the same even?
True. However Caityln told Vi the same day she wouldn't change. Then does a 180. Major whiplash.
Literally everyone of those characters you listed have shittier lives than Cait. She can have a redemption just not fuck Vi. It's that simple.
He is so retarded don't even bother. Probably has 10% of a brain
Maddie is Caitlyn's spotter so what if she is?? Are we certain that those two are in a romantic relationship? Or they are just fuck buddies?
then break up again in ep9, classic
They are fuck buddies
i get what youre saying man but no matter what it will never be the same to the fandom because caitlyn is from piltover and an enforcer: the oppressors
Vi told her she was ready to kill her sister. They both lied to each other
If s2 was better done and more interesting we would talk more about other things, but as it is, a toxic lesbian relationship is the only thing worth our time
How? Vi was a moment away from smashing Jinx's head in before the kid got in her way.
Speedwatchers , Retards, and shippers that's all there is here
>a toxic lesbian relationship is the only thing worth our time
isn’t almost like vi is one of the main characters and caitvi the main pairing of the show
Fuck buddies bc Caitlyn gives a shit about the advices Maddie gave her
It didn't happen
>The ones who think the ship is dead
At least some are being realistic
It would be kind of repetitive since they already "break up" in ep3 s2
Lmaoo she didn't listen at all to what Maddie told her speedwatcher
Was what? It didn't happen because the child was pointing a gun in her face. Are u being obtuse?
Thats what the Anon is saying are u speedreading? Kek
We're sort of in a loop right now. We still have no idea how Act 2 ends so we have no clue if Cait will remain Hitler in Act 3.
Jinx is my favorite storyline but its too unpredictable right now because it's predicated to Isha's survival which is in jeopardy in Ep. 6 and 9 since she's not a champion.
Vi & Vander are great but their story is essentially to tag along with whoever.
Ekko, Jayce, Viktor are kind of in plot limbo right now.
And the Hamster will continue being a hamster.
So is the jinx disguise but people insist on being retarded
He said she gives a shit about the advice??? She does not
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it's fucking annoying.
definition of boring is the whole storyline with isha
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the threat ofc.
the adversity.
I don't know how ppl could say that the enforcer body Vi is carryng is Jinx. that is not Jinx bodysize. She is small, Slim.
Bro I need to hire an interpreter for you
They have double digit IQ
>vi jinx working together
>jinx disguised as enforcer before
>blue hair
>arcane fans dont want vi to be an enforcer
there's a threat.
this threat will gather champs, by interests, 5V5.
why don't you see it?
because you're here discussing haircuts and nails like useless women.
Isha's cute. She found a way to break up Caitvi and kept my suicidal bean alive, happy, and find new purpose.
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>Almost a month after the leaks and the subject is the same: Caitlyn.
>Amanda must be very proud of her little girl.
>If Caitlyn were an irrelevant character you wouldn't all be talking about her every day, and there are people who still think that Caitlyn and Vi won't end up as a couple.
>It's fascinating!
Blu-ish hair
Also Vi carrying a random enforcer or even Zaunite in disguise is very unlikeable
What in the world are you talking about
whatever jinx being insane and blowing everything up instead of hiding in her lair will always be more fun to watch to me
She's a warden
LOL. Riot. remember?
>ambessa, cait, viktor, singed, ?
>jinx, vi, ekko, jayce, heimer
Very good, very very good
I wouldnt be weird tho. Vi does have a good heart after all.
>ambessa, cait, viktor, singed, WW
>jinx, vi, ekko, jayce, heimer
No, I took them from Twitter, there is only that.
It is scary how this tracks. It also allows for Jayce to interact with the sisters finally. Imagine a conversation with Jinx.
>El Arepero de Barranquilla
ekko mid
jayce top
jinx bot
vi jg
heimer support
Why are they hyping up Noxus so hard? There's maybe 4 champs from there that aren't complete assholes or psychopaths.
She had 2.5 (Rocket cliffhanger) bombings last season. She did it once so far with the gassing of Piltover. She'll have more chances I'm certain. All that matters is Jinx currently living her best "possible" life and making Pilties miserable for even existing.
VI and Cait on opposing sides actively trying to kill each other is not going to happen.
If she's still hunting Jinx it is. We still need that foreshadowed rematch.
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Yes it is, yuritard
You saw it yourself, she's in the final battle being spotted by Maddie trying to shoot down Jinx's helicopter
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from Reddit
Reddit seems to understand the obvious. kek
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or this 5V5.
the twisted teams.
and Jinx switch side before the end.
Is that what she's shooting at? Proof?
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To add to the whole 5v5 idea I think the "birth" of Orianna will end the hostilities
Hah I hope he's ready
/not this season.
sorry pal.
no Camille either.
no Urgot.
not even Janna.
you don’t expect it, which is why it’s going to happen
>We still need that foreshadowed rematch.
When exactly was this foreshadowed
She's on a high up position and she isn't aiming down at ground forces, she's aiming slightly up
What could that be?

Jinx's ship
>Not under our watch
So it would be:
> Vi vs Ambessa (The Brawlers)
> Jinx vs Caitlyn (The Gunners)
> Jayce vs Viktor (The Inventors)
> Ekko vs Singed (Morality vs Amorality)
> Heimer vs Warwick (The Furries)
Pretty sure that is just this picture.
Ep 4 the beetles
Some folks assume the 'monster' fight jinx puts on for the kid foreshadows her fighting caitlyn.
Vi also jumps from Ekko’s hoverboard and kinda gets in the middle of the lair and there’s like lightning? could be that she got in the middle while Caitlyn was trying to shot Jinx’s lair?
It could very well be, her gloves have a forcefield after all
Taking a bullet from her ex for her little sister, brings a tear to my eye
could be.
but with a modification with jinx and vi. finally.
see >>145318525
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What do we think
How does this workout then
Might be a torrent used for fortification.
Blowing out a Noxus air support.
I meant long-term sorry.
Looks like she's activating something in her gauntlets. Shield didn't go up in between frames and caitlyn's new rifle looks like it would decimate whoever it hits. Alternately the gauntlets were hit by Viktor or his people.
Or they could have done some editing between shots.
does someone who's not already banned wanna break the bad news to her lmao
I don't see Jinx switching sides under any circumstance unless something really retarded happens.
Like I don't know, Singed telling her he can bring back Silco like he did with Vander
That's true I suppose. We'll see. I'm still convinced they're working together though.
I'm banned banned sadly
Agreed. But that body is already gone after 6+ months in the water.
"Specially after the 3 year wait... come on be real... this ain't no telenovela "
Will this reddit defend Caitlyn for shooting at a disabled child with the excuse, "I wasn't going to miss" I wonder.
Silco gets to be yummy delicious chum and provide sustenance for the sea monsters he adored.
lol me too. I got IP/MAC banned. Gonna see if a VPN helps with that
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Exactly so no, it ain't happening
They're flying to defend the fortress. Yeah Cait is trying to shoot it down.
Why didnt it hurts vis gauntlets
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the hextech threatening Zaun.
then she goes against Viktor.
and with the other team.

may be that's waht we see in the trailer: Ekko and Vi seem to attack Jinx, but it may be a concerted action by the three of them, with Heimer, against the Hextech, in fact.
My guess is that caitlyn is shooting at Noxian ships
Why can't yall accept they are all working together to defeat ambessa and probably Viktor eventually. We literally see ambessa taking out enforcers. Why the hell would caitlyn still help her?
roaming jungler spotted
Cause Ambessa hasn't betrayed her yet. We still don't know when that inevitably happens. Besides 5v5 is way more interesting.
Because the trailer is probably misleading us. “Caitlyn is working with them (Jinx, Ekko, Vi)” it feels too easy, too predictable, too obvious
>Besides 5v5 is way more interesting
and regular
>Caitlyn is working with them
the trailer doesn't show this
it just shows Vi and Ekko working together
Yes it does. Caitlyn and Vi matching uniforms
Yea it's misleading ppl that haven't seen the leaks to think jinx is villain again.
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How will Amanda redeem her (and herself)?
People are being blind and ignorant to the fact vi is wearing her badge again.
It's not a fucking dog collar.
Are u stupid? What does that have to do with anything u fool. U saying vi being an enforcer makes her a dog u idiot.
So? that doesn't mean anything some anon pointed out she still wears it during her emo era
My guess is that there will be a plot twist regarding Caitlyn that will explain her previous behavior.
I'm starting to think you guys are being retarded on purpose
"To me, a character has to have the potential to change for me to care about them, and they need to be their own worst enemy at times so it’s satisfying when they finally make a different choice."
Amanda on Reddit
Yea they pointed out it was flipped over. Like you people all share the same braincell or what?
It could be the schizo who argued with himself
>Why the hell would caitlyn still help her?
she still wants jinx? although that doesnt explains why ambessa is fighting enforcers unless is a flashback of some sort
The running theory is wild rune corruption. Better if she owns up to her bs and admits she was wrong.
Caitlyn finally came to her senses? Maybe she put her detective hat on and figured out ambessa orchestrated the memorial attack.
That could make her arc less interesting oh it was not me it was the wild rune oh sorry
Hes saying there's going to be a 5v5 death match just like in the games. Which is bullshit because Riot does do lore stuff like full length books, and they don't mention gameplay at all.
they made some game references this season tho during that scene with heimerdinger and ekko
Could be. Maybe they are losing the fight and Ambessa chooses to leave Piltover with what she has acquired (Singed and Viktors Hextech). Cait furious and starting to put the pieces together tells her enforcers to arrest her to no avail.
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you don't make an interesting story with all your characters standing on their positions like rocks during all the seasons, and all against one evil.
not when you're called Riot.

Forget it the other anon was right. You need an interpreter. What the fuck are you saying?
I think this is the scene where 3 things happen
-Ambessa betrays Caitlyn
-Tree fire is started
-Caitlyn and sees Jinx and Vi working together.

Its soft orange glow shared between this picture and the one with a.bessa looking pissed.
Fuckin told you guys he was cuckoo and schizo
What are the chances of Isha dying??
the only reason why Jinx decided to go to Stillwater was bc the kid was captured.
Isha might die on the attack in where Ekko's tree gets burned?
that would explans Jinx confused/shock look on the trailer, also in this scene Jinx is still wearing the "X" on her chest.
then we get to see a shot of Jinx (0:50) without the X lookin absolutely devastated with tears steaks down her face.
will see who got it right in the end.
2 months.
If she is Janna and the tree gets burned down? 100%
Anon you're onto something
Why would she be Janna?
who might be the one saying "THE ARCANE IS WAKIN UP" ??
one of Viktor random followers?
why are people so upset with where viktor’s story is going? i’m seeing a lot league fans who like the lore mad
Caitlyn's mother
Maybe the kid is the one that doodled on jinx.
The LOL lore is all over the place, it's been changed so many times I'm not sure it makes that much sense anymore. The core elements, however, seem to be the same, so my guesses are:

- Ekko gets his time travel powers
- Caitlyn becomes a sheriff
- Vi stays in piltover, becomes a warden/vigilante
- Jinx goes crazy again
- Viktor continues with his glorious evolution path
- Jayce becomes an asshole
Ok, so this is most likely massively episodes 6 and 7 happening.

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