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What comes to mind when you see this Lil fella? is he over or underrated?
how tumblr made him gay
I want to smoke weed with snufkin while watching smiling friends and bridge kids
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I wish I were him
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At least Moomintroll has some kind of obsession with him, it's like his other friends simply don't compare and he's always expecting only Snufkin so the rest could just fuck off for all he cares. Not even Snufkin felt THAT tied to Moomintroll, the guy was happy as a lonely free spirit and is able to be perfectly fine by himself.

But no, Moomintroll needs him all the time.
Anon the faggotry was baked in and you know it.
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It's a mutual friendship.
Tove almost never drew him with hair in the strip so its always weird seeing him with hair in adaptations.
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>how tumblr made him gay
He's a fuckin' commie, of course he's gay.
Cool little fella that tumblr faggots pretend is some gay crime living icon. If the bothered him, dude would tell trannies to their face they don't pass, would hate terminally online losers, and wouldn't hesitate to pull a knife or gun on anyone annoying him
premium fuckbuddy material
Proof? I've only seen him as an environmentalist, eco-lover type guy.
Unironically kill yourselves.
he kewl
>It's a mutual friendship.
But a one-sided obsession.
You'd be lucky if someone like Snufkin even bathed at all.
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>What comes to mind when you see this Lil fella?
when you are young you can be kinda obsessed with someone you admire without being a homo.
moomin tourism lol. takes seconds to find out about the author and what inspired moomin and its characters. no need for tenetposting.
It was written by a bohemian lesbian who based characters off people she knew, like the local slur with 20 kids she didn't take care of, or a dude she was attracted to.
Doesn't change the fact Snufkin is defined by wanting isolation and hating unnecessary rules and authority, so if a man in a dresses called him gay and demanded Snufkin call him ma'am, he'd tell him to fuck off
>same seiyuu
>so if a man in a dresses called him gay and demanded Snufkin call him ma'am, he'd tell him to fuck off
This just feels like you're projecting your own ideals and values onto the character. I don't see why he'd care, since calling a guy ma'am doesn't restrict or hinder his lifestyle like walls and signs do.
I don't want to be that guy but Snufkin doesn't give a shit abut society's conceptions of anything and he would not accept you trying to be authoritative of him.
Still if he was requested to call a guy "ma'am" politely, he would do it with no bigger thoughts about it, it would fit his usual "be and let be" ways.
If he's already calling someone "sir" or "ma'am" he's using honorifics in the first place, which is itself a social construct based around respect and adhering to a level of politeness. He could always just say "Hey you over there" if he really wanted, but regardless of his personal views on freedom he's generally a polite person and wouldn't see a person having a specific honorific they'd like to be called to be some authoritarian attempt to control him, if he was already gonna call them something anyway. And definitely wouldn't tell them to fuck off over it.
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This. Snufkin was inspired by pic related whom Tove was engaged to at one point. He apparently really owned the pointy green slouch hat.
From what I remember, I think he is portrayed in an overly positive way. Snufkin has his ways. His ways have their flaws and failings, and he has made peace with that. He doesn't tell other people to be like him. But in the media he is always framed as the interesting and wise person whom you should emulate. Whenever he appears he displays more skill than anyone, calm and confident, and solves everyone else's dilemma or sadness with a sentence or two. His words are treated as truthbombs.
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Snufkin is Mymble and Little My's brother, so I think he ought to be a ginger instead of having brown hair like most folks draw him. Then again, all of his other siblings are female, so who knows?
Snufkin apparently has a reputation among the smaller critters in Moominvalley as being this wise and wonderful person. He's not very comfortable with it.
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He's their half brother, since his father is the Joxter, while Mymble and Little My have a different father. That'd probably explain different hair colour.
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>instead of having brown hair like most folks draw him
It's the anime's fault.
Easy on the mayo bottle there, Snufkin
I don't quite remember his purpose in the story. What was he about? Was he just some bum the Moomin family knew that showed up from time to time?
>little My is older than Snufkin
>still wants to marry him
Kill yourself
Yeah, he flies south with his social security check for the winter to do amphetamine at Riviera.
I wish women loved me as much as they love Snufkin
That's hilarious
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Being sexually attracted to moomin characters is disgusting and you should be ashamed anyways fillyjonk is hot
>Was he just some bum the Moomin family knew that showed up from time to time?
Correct. His hobo nature is considered admirable although the Moomins love the comfort of a settled life. (However, note how often the original stories are about their settled life getting upset by some type of disaster and everyone livens up.)
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But her and Moominmama are both pretty good.
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Snorkmaiden is cute but too much of a hoe. Moominmama is the solid choice.
Snufkin is also Moomintroll's best friend, and the conflict between his settled life and Snufkin's wandering one is a major plot driver for the stories.
The season of Spring or Fall.
That's when I usually watch the Moomins
It's only bad and insult-deserving to be attracted to the male characters, the females are ok.
Young Gandalf, or possibly Wotan
That he's canonically a bastard child who has trouble remembering his own sister's face?
Is Moonin the most Chill franchise in all of /co/?
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Sometimes a little too chill.
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The Groke is not into Snufkin, she got someone else in mind.
Fairly rated, even /pol/ and /v/ loves the Moomins
Visited moominland this summer, Fillifjonka was played by a rather stacked chick.
>you're projecting
Rich coming from people who call characters trans or gay because they are despite there being no evidence or any relevancy to the character/story
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Fuck that's amazing. Any pictures?
Such a peaceful franchise and you guys still find reasons to be assholes.
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Such is the nature of this place unfortunately
Fans are definitely WAY too fucking obsessed with him, but otherwise, he's still an entertaining/interesting character.
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Because terminally online people see a happy funny cartoon and project their own politics onto it and call you a bigot when you try to argue it’s just a cartoon
I unironically
bought a harmonica because of Snufkin.
What are some songs I should learn?
I'm also looking into spending some time working in some faraway land, like Washington/Oregon, Wyoming, Massachusetts/Maine
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I'm going to Moooom
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>what comes to mind
tenderly kissing younger boys
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Anyone else play the game? It was pretty simple but still entertaining, and very pretty.
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IIRC there are notes for "All the little animals have bows on their tails" that Tove wrote, you should find those. (That's Snufkin's festive tune that he plays at parties and so on)
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>Little My
>literally just a drawing of the Mymble
for what purpose
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if I lived in the Moominverse I'd probably think he was hot
fan artists dont want to draw her like the little gremlin she is.
pls dont come to washington its inbred maga hell
that's a very cute Mymble.

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