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Post the funniest comics ever made
I dont find this funny
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What is this? Sauce doesn't show anything.
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comic from /i/ which started on /ic/.
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Thanks man.
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This the best comic ever.
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Why is he calling him a cuck
James Sunderland was sort of a dick before he met his wife, huh?
kek, this is good.
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She didn't say she would either though.
this is good
really good
I learned to just say thanks and just compliment them back, we both just appreciate the moment and go about our days. I will no longer call anyone a foid ever again.
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fine, ill do it myself
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This page is become way funnier if you know that he's immediately killed her after those words
In English, mongrel.
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>just choose a different sexuality to avoid offending anyone
Well shit, we've come full circle to "it's a lifestyle choice" again.
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I wouldn't date a woman with a penis, because women don't have penises.
This is me but only the top panels because no one ever speaks to me.
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Don't be led astray by this retarded comic, if you behaved like this with a female she would get extremely wet for you.

The secret is just balance giving enough attention to the pussybeing while making sure she feels small and unwanted. To feed her just enough good attention so she wishes for more and more. Microdosing niceness while making sure she feels like the whore she is.

Here is another thing, never take anything a women says superficially as the truth, women never ever say the truth on face value. If she says she hates men like that is probably because she loves them, if she says she hates lolicon is because she fantasises about being a little girl being raped and hates the idea. Women are liars and retarded and will play games with you just because their brains are rotten being their constant bombardment of several hormones thanks to their ovulation cycles. Threat a female like a hungry house cat, they are not much more than that.
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what the fuck why don't I get digits like that
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I know for a fact someone made a Silent Hill edit of that comic and I know I'll never find it again.
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>the joke is racism
Haha so funny and progressive
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This person is clearly not obsessed with Jhonen Vasquez at all
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What a bitch, Am I supposed to believe people just say nice things with no ulterior motives?
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I made these two dumb edits before
I wish these make someone chuckle
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Damn it, I remembered the line wrong. It's "I'm afraid they're not for sale."
It feels like everywhere I go I see weavers art.
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That's not how it works, stooped. If Kira says it, it's fine. That's literally how he got found out. It would make more sense if he said "Kosaku Kawajiri is Kira"
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That comic where Sonic met the joker was pretty underwhelming. The fight with Batman was pretty cool.
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I have a hard time empathizing with ugly people.
Is it just me?
No, not at all.
I thought this was a Death Note reference at first.
Surry, last time I watched part 4 was a year ago and even if I did remember if probably wouldn't have fit cus of my shitty edit software.
Thanks for the correction tho
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Kek, good edit/repost if you didn't make it
Picrel. ANYONE who uses country balls in literally ANY context needs to be relinquished to a fuvking firing squad I'm not fucking joking. Kill yourself you worthless fucking suburbanite subhuman yankee
It’s been a minute since I’ve seen this unedited
the joke is that Goku is Mexican
I did this once after seeing this image. I believed I was strong enough to break the stick with my leg strength once I put it in the bike wheel. I failed
Funnily enough, he actually worked on Invader Zim, doing a lot of concept art for the show and a lot of the comic art as well.
Okay anon I will be sure to use hetalia comics as a replacement for countryballs from now on.
Juniper Lee has some issues...
did that shitty comic really necessitate your incel jonkler rant?
you're a fucking sad sad little man
Is this part of a series?
Something about their designs makes me think that.
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Yes. all too true, all so true. but despite your derison and mockery, despite all those things pointing at me and calling me names and trying as hard as they can to put me down. From the cacophony of vociferating words none of them saying I'm wrong. And none of them can say such because they know is true without realizing.

Like I said, my lovely dear, never take what a female says on face value. There is always more there.

Now begone with you, I shall do my morning push ups and have no time for this.
How can I improve?
>And who the hell is ZUKO?!
There's something really funny about the most violently anti-Fire Nation guy not recognizing the name of what used to be the crown prince of the Fire Nation. It's like if one of those Patriot Front or whatever groups' leaders had no fucking clue who "Kamala Harris" is.
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You're a massive faggot, country balls are good
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bretty gud
what pussy size you got
i dont get it
I don't get it.
This sounds nice, but since this is Australia, I want to know what the caveats are.
I don't get the drill one. I recognize pipe picture and how it isn't a pipe because it's just a picture of a pipe, but why a drill? Can someone help fill me in on what I'm missing here?
As relevant now as it was the day it released.
This comic is so unintentionally bizarre.
HETALIA!?!? Uhh. NO THANK YOU! We're a Countryhumans board!
Why does this comic trigger people so hard?
It's a slap in the face to his core audience. Doesn't he know that bland white people are his comic's biggest fans?
Arrow's Impossibility Theorem.
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But this is one page from a longer comic and is a result of a developing dynamic between the characters. You can't just post one page without context.
>why don't you like racism
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Blobfish edits, you say?
"born this way" was always a lie used when it was convieniant
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I thought it was cool.
The comic literally ends with a hostage situation out of nowhere and the shota's henchwoman had her mommy instinct kick in.
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Yeah, why?
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99% of women wouldn't date a man without a penis
this gave me a great laugh, who is the artist?
The comic's name is Lucky Penny.
It occurred to me that using "species" instead of "race" for rpgs would make more sense.

It would also make the comic funnier, if all you changed was the word race->species
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I gotchu senpai
>he says on 4chan
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name the spiciest pepper you cook with.
Trick question only women cook I solved your riddle sphinx now let us pass.
you will never pass
White people can't admit they can't handle spices
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>not liking chadcism
You misread that one stupid.
There’s more spices than just hot and dirt.
it's a fucking joke you stupid chud nigger
And you can’t handle any of them.
Hence why you’re pissing your pants and throwing a tantrum about a comic strip.
No jokes are funny at least chuckle worthy.
hoe mad you didn't get it
Yeah cause white people have never killed and enslaved for spices.
Oh, some of them did.
Not you though. You cry when you put Frank’s red hot on a burger.
Your palate would be a burger.
This comic is always taken out of context cause there's a 2nd part that's never posted.
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AH frank's red hot, the pure taste of vinegar and not even a blip on scoville. Truly a sauce
Are burgers too spicy for you?
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