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With spooky month around the corner, it's a great time to talk about Coraline's sister film. Or I guess in this case, it'd be a "little brother" film.
The older sister in this movie has some of the best *and* worst porn I've ever seen.
Coraline>Paranorman>Kubo>Boxtrolls>Missing Link
>Coraline: 94 minutes/40 seconds without credits
>Paranorman: 85 minutes without credits
It's shorter than the previous movie
I hate that everyone talks about how "wholesome" Mitch's sexuality is portrayed at the end instead of it being part of a triple whammy for Courtney.
It's a funny moment and more important: the right kind of representation. His sexuality isn't his whole personality.
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Anybody want a doodle? Taking requests if you'd like.
>His sexuality isn't his whole personality.
When people say this, the most generous interpretation is that they mean that characters shouldn't show that they're gay in any way shape or form. They cannot show attraction or have a romantic partner shown. The most allowed is a throwaway line.
The most honest interpretation is that they don't want gay characters at all and are too chickenshit to say that outright.
>the most generous interpretation is that they mean that characters shouldn't show that they're gay in any way shape or form.
Actually, that's the *least* generous interpretation. Absurdly so. The most generous interpretation is exactly what was said, as written. Which also happens to be the most honest one too.

You're just all around silly today.
Courtney braiding Aggie's hair
Give three examples of a character that makes their sexuality their whole personality.
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It's simply a last minute joke on Courtney who's been trying to seduce him since she met him. It's not really meant to be representation.
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Could you draw the old thread meme about aggie being into choking/ having a rope fetish. An involving poor norman
So wholesome! Doing this one now.

That's horrible. I'll probably do it next.
the sister has a huge ass
My impression from the film was that Courtney was so caught up in her own thirst that she never even noticed he was gay. And it's entirely possible that, outside the events of the movie, it would have been clear if she'd been paying attention. After all, a gay guy is more than just someone who makes googly eyes at other men.
This is the correct view.

The guy is gay, but its meant to be a joke about how unaware courtney is and a subversion of the jock trope.
Isn't it also not only he's gay, but he has a boyfriend already?
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That's the problem you can't have throwaway jokes anymore cause fat twitter fujo dykes analyze children's media like it was milton verses
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Lol nice, also yeah took forever to find that pic as it's smeet but you know he's like an apparition he's both everywhere and no where and for some reason no one archives all his art.

But yeah the hanged aggie concept was super sexo.

Here's the text from the green I think I was the one that made it actually I'm a monster

>aggie and norman are chilling on like a date or hanging out she sees a noose or hanging doll through a window (maybe it's halloween).
>Norman thinks oh god this is probably triggering aggie, he prepares to comfort and calm her down
>Cut to aggie's shadowed out face with her slowly and lightly wrapping her hand around her neck as if remembering where the noose was
>"aggie don't worry, you're ok now that was the pas...." norman is shocked at what he sees
>cut back to aggie with a blush and look of a bit of ecstasy and biting her bottom lip.
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I'm no Smeet (bless that king) but I hope I can at least make you smile.
You did anon kek, also are you the anon that did the slave ghost girl meme?
I am! My art's evolved since then. I might do a remake of this sometime. Or something from the greentext like >>145319486

Sky's the limit, and being ambitious is a great way to improve.
>that pic
What about Aggie corrupting Norman?
Nice honestly, I might draw something myself, lol. I was initially planning to practice before the ms /co/. I have a few girls I want to draw OC of to support them. An aggie definitely one of the girls I'd love to see win.

An happy you like the green too. Now you make me want to draw that comic kek was one of my faves.

You aren't wrong sure know I've improved but I don't really feel it's been enough but that's cause instead of practicing I'm in threads sketching lol
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oh man, I'd absolutely love to see you draw stuff. The more the merrier!
>Aggie decides to corrupt Norman
>She's going to use her years as a sinful ghost to corrupt a Christian boy
>Aggie takes off her neck collar with a massive blush
>"See norman this is my bare upper neck, how can you handle my feminine wiles"
>Norman raises a eyebrow in confusions, then pulls his jacket down exposing his neck and shoulder
>Aggie's face turns beet red and her heart flutters, almost keeling over if she wasn't already dead
>"OH MY LORD! n...norman h..how can you be so lewd, please put it away. "
Thanks bro and yeah was gonna post something but, man last few were all nsfw and super bad, definitely could probably do better now I think.

I'll try and do something later tonight or tomorrow if threads still up. Idk what yet maybe the hanging concept or something I'll think about it later on.
Is it bad to say I enjoyed ParaNorman more than Coraline? I watched Coraline's rerelease in theaters last month and it's a great movie, but ParaNorman has a better story overall to me.
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Coraline is a certified classic but Paranorman has a lot of charm, and stands out because it's an original property, rather than an adaptation.
Calm down buddy, no one is calling him slurs or complaining it ruined the movie.
Let's not get too into who's better, and admit they are both the 2 pillars of Laika. One showing how well they can portray things and adapt into a story and other how with enough freedom they can create a great concept and overall story.
Is this official? It's cute but I don't see Coraline and Norman as a couple working.
I think both are great movies, I just like Paranorman a little bit more than Coraline. But just a little.
Yeah Norman's for his great x12 cousin.
and Coraline is for Wybie and his sbc
Wait the little ghost girl is his cousin? I thought she was just some random girl who was haunting the town because she got killed.
sbc? do i even want to know what that is implying
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It's like BBC
But there's one critical change...
I mean they're tangentially blood-related from centuries ago, basically not even related at that point
small brown cock
Yeah part of his ancestral family line on his mom's side.
I can respect it, both are unique especially for the time. They fit that paranormal kid story that was a bit rare until GF made it a big thing.
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The period where people teamed her up with tiff Crust was really fun. Miss that.
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What's the opinion on norman x agatha?
Adorable ship with great art. Sad so many people get hung up on the fact that they're (probably) very distant relatives. They're really cute together.
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Made a new doodle based on the memes and, uh... yeah.

It's kind of comforting to know this is the worst thing I've ever drawn.
>Give her a teen a Pixar mom build
>yet she's forgotten
This is your fault /co/
These have Robot Chicken energy. Good job.
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i thank the lord i dont have a sister like this, i would otherwise be a sinner
A big fat ass built for smothering her brother's face with. And Aggie's, and definitely Coraline's.
Norman is cute, CUTE!
The whole community missed not drawing this fat ass
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I guess I'll just use this thread instead of risking it by myself, but is anyone else looking forward to Laika's next film Wildwood?
They've not shown off enough yet. Considering it's an adaptation & they made Coraline better, there's good chances then can do it again.
I thought they were planning on using older and older MCs, but this seems like they are going back to the horror teen genre after the last bigfoot movie was deemed a failure?
Anyway, as the other anon said it's an adaption and that's a surprisingly good thing. Their original stories have kind of mediocre stories with great visuals, but Coraline was good because it was an adaption and already had a base of what worked and what didn't and they used that to make it better for the silver screen. I'm sure it'll be better than Wendell & Wild at any rate.
On the other hand, Boxtrolls was an adaptation too.
True but that was a young children's book.
Coraline had the author working alongside them, helping them decide what changes needed to be made. Without outside help, Writing is still Laika's glaring weakness.
Boxtrolls was weaker than their other films but Eggs was cute so it's okay
And underaged girls are Gaiman's. We just have to hope Laika learns & grows.
>worst porn I've ever seen.
I'm guessing you mean all the fart stuff.
Is that the British girl?
I mean at that distance you aren't related, it's like people on islands. So many of them are related but you don't have a big get together because it was back in the 1800s or some shit lol.

But yeah definitely cute ship
Damn you mean best kek, but yeah didn't expect you to like the concept this much but definitely hilarious. I feel for them both in this
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Coping with your trauma with sexual fetishizaation is too real.
One day, she won't let him wake.
Thats some cute wholesome shit right there. beautiful
Well damn, also I suppose why a lot of people are into the things they are. Joke is she wants norman to do it until he gets into it and gets a bit to sadistic Also they can be both super wholesome or super dark tragic ship
Cause she'll let him sleep in right anon.....a..anon?

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