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*doesn’t get adamantium removed when it’s poisoning him*
How do you remove an indestructible metal from your bones when you don't have a healing factor anon? In a way that won't kill you.
Wasn't the "mutant cure" laced in corn products?
some people just don't want help and are content with dying
I know a guy
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I forgot the image. I'm so fucking embarrassed
He did have some of his hg left, it wasn't completely gone. But yeah, I don't see how he can remove it without removing his skeleton.
>shall I stop eating saturated processed slop? It’s literally killing me
>no. I would rather die than stop eating big corporation slop
How does... Okay let's say his bones are entirely encased. How do you stop his jointed from breaking? Could people rip his limbs off? Are there tiny, hair-thin, chains welded onto each end of every one of his joints? Because even "hair-thin," indestructible is indestructible is indestructible.
joints arent made of bone stupid
>How do you stop his jointed from breaking?
They don't, On the rare instance where writers remember how joints work, it's been shown that he's still vulnerable to getting torn or sliced apart at his joints.
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Yup. Hence the famous image of wolverine ripped in half
So only everything connected to his brain regenerates

What if you lobotomized him and left the removed chunks of his brain out, would they grow into a new logan? What if you tore his brain entirely in half, and left the two pieces out. Would they grow two separate logans? How many logans could you make just from cutting off chunks of his brain to grow new logans?
The corn was used in the booze wolverine drinks, his alcoholism was ultimately his undoing
The corn didn't have anything to do with Logan's regeneration weakening, it was his adamantium skeleton rotting inside of him
The corn used in the beer he drank weakened his regeneration
I'm sure Magneto could figure something out with his powers
Why, he would never do such a thing to a fellow mutant! It might even cause him to lose his nose.
Shouldn't corroded bones instantly kill him from full-body tetanus?
It's gonna be okay, anon.
I thought you were gonna post magneto

Someone watches film theory.
no they explicitly state in the movie that william striker's son did that, it's just putting 2 and 2 together.
Well there's half the adamantium-poisoning taken care of right there.
it wasn't corrosion, it's just the metal poisoning over time

he's still around 200 years old, healing factor getting slower/constantly fighting off the metal/just getting older, simple as
does he sew himself back together with his legs and his healing factor "fills in the blanks" or does he grow new legs without the adamantium coating
The really weird part is that at one point in that comic he gets reduced to a head in a jar that's somehow still alive and they pull the wank that his power isn't just healing but somehow he adapts to . . . anything. Complete bullshitium.
When Magneto ripped all the adamantium from his body, didn't he start mutating? Like, the metal had been dampening his latent mutation, and he turned more animalistic?
This is actually a more legitimate explanation for what happened than the adamantium being 100% responsible after all this time.
That was Ultimates, which was allowed to get away with things that typically wouldn't happen in 616, or else Wolverine would have been ripped apart a long time ago by any pissed off Hulk, or anyone with super strength for that matter.
Had to crawl back to his legs, I forget if it was because it would take too long to grow new ones or he just plain couldn't.
He was basically budget Darwin, it was pretty stupid.
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Im now imagining Wolverine after bone removal surgery, and hes like "Thank you Doctor", and hes just a pile of skin.
By all means, could that work?
Since it's not the mcu high tech, they'd either have to heat it while they put him under and slowly strip it off of him over days or weeks. That or just find a way to put extreme hydraulic pressure on the edges of his bones and slowly crack it from the edge and any damage to the actual bone can heal. If they could get rid of some of it on some of his bones, they could get more aggressive towards the end because his healing factor will start to return.

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