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File: Lastman 2.jpg (211 KB, 2048x2048)
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Look at those 2 nice adults, surely they will not inadvertently cause a series of events involving boxing, murder, and evil cults
Is that... a fat black woman?
>you just know
>They lack the critical information
Could bet one of my kindness OP is just a black fat whore trying her hardest to create some meme to feel validated.

Watch Last man, niggers
t. not OP
Ruh Roh
Sigh.....which episode?....
Lastman episode 4
“Get Out of My Mom”
...which one
Lucky guy.
He was until her son walked in
Well I guess the ride had to end eventually. I at least hope he got to finish before hand. So what's the show about? I doubt it's about a buff white guy and a big mature black woman having sex every episode.
What’s described above, boxing, murder, cults
That actually kind of sounds good. And it has a big mature black women getting it? I can get behind that. There a mega?
Idk, it’s on 5movies/up movies but it’s a French show
There’s an English dub just on YouTube
Fair warning, she only appears in episode 4
Is this a Fritz the cat reference?
uncensored: >>>/aco/8490937
Season 1 1080p Blueray with English subs: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci93SnRsQ0s0TCM0WkFqTHo2M1k1OVVVZ0JDb3JfWkhB
(use base 64 decode)
I hope she's sassy
Damn that actually looks pretty good. Thanks anon.
Bet Japan loves this shit. Boxing anime shit
One of her only line is “get out of my room!” After her son catches her getting plowed. So I’d think she would be sassy
2 minute sample (French audio English subs): >>>/wsg/5673544
to show it's not all sex and violence (except off-screen)
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You rang
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This was easily the best thing i've been recommended on here by a country mile. It's an insanely solid MMA tournament arc story mixed with hunting down cryptids and GTA styled side jobs. I have no idea know how they manage to pack so much storytelling into 11 minute episodes. I know some other shows that could take some notes with how to manage their time.

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