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Are (you) a Storm or Vixen type of man?
Both are great
Storm is for wholesome and warm cuddling, Vixen is for hot and sweaty jungle sex.
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rogue the bat
Fuck. Now I gotta jerk off again. Thanks a million.
Vixen for earth-shattering sexo.
Storm is the type to tenderly stroke your dick before giving it one single peck and then letting you enter her.

Vixen will drag your trousers down and give you the sloppiest blowjobs ever anytime, anywhere.
From the thumbnail, I thought Storm was pegging Vixen from behind
You guys have made a compelling argument for Vixen
Imagine sloppily making out with Storm while Vixen grips your penis with her pussy

I bet Storm would feel jealous seeing how crazy Vixen is in bed.
Imagine Vixen teaching Storm how to destroy you in bed
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>are you a town bicycle or exciting relationship man
gee tom i don't know
It boils down to whether you want to be topped or want to top
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>mfw hardly anyone here is respecting women
The fact that most anons here unironically want the whore says a lot about how pornography has ruin men.
Ima disrespect that Mussy you bitch ass nigga
Anon it's more like Storm is way too high maintenance to bother with.
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I reboot Marvel and DC into a single universe and marry them both off to my self-insert OC while they're virgins
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Are you lost?
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I think you are lost.
I just like fictional black women. Black women in real life suck.
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Nerdy black women are mostly fine but run after white guys
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