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Wasted potential: The show
Remember: Rebecca drew cp of ed and Edd from EENE
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twitter would be that way sir
Absolutely, the show never knew what it wanted to be. Plus, the Gems are a genuinely cool and kind of unique concept for an Alien species.

Alas, Spesbians
All I wanted was Greg and Pearl to be a canon couple. All the bullshit that happened in the show wouldn't matter if they got together.
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I still can't get over how they managed to make Aquamarine and White Diamond such great villains, only to do absolutely nothing with them later.
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>All I wanted was Greg and Pearl to be a canon couple
Eh, it got close enough.
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There was a lot of ways SU coulda gone. They didn't choose the worst ones, but didn't always choose the more interesting ones.
The one thing i learned from wasting my life with video essays is that "Wasted potential" actually means "It's not exactly like how i personally wanted it to be".
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The video essay ruined a generation of shut-ins.

Anyway. The character edits are fun.
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This moment in Stuck Together was pretty epic with Topaz ready to overthrow her boss. It's just too bad that she decided to pussy out of poofing Aquamarine at the last moment because of hesitation, instead of going for the jugular immediately.
The show needed that one example of when an enemy can not be talked down or reasoned with and you must actually employ force to defend your peaceful ideals.

Also him and Spinel should have fist fought on top of the dumb virus construct like it was fucking metal gear.
Makes more sense then a lot of shows. Two people bonding over the death of someone close to them is a pretty common thing.
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If you could snap your fingers and have the canon style be with the eyelashes, would you?
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Sure if I knew how to snap my fingers
Thats pretty much it, but nothing wrong it that, some times the fans had good ideas too.
I made fanfics about a race being exterminated by the gems and the only survivors returned to earth for revenge. Never posted them, i think i didn't even save them somewhere.

Looked cool in my head

Even with the information that gems only killed planets with non inteligent life, it could be done, because gems didn't care about the race, peridot first saw steven as more like an animal than a being of the same intelectual level, gems could easily ignore if a race had language and still consider them unintelligent life.

Also thought about a race created by victims of the gem empire to be predators and eat gems. They would be parasite-like and work with biological organisms by showing them everything the gems done to their homeworld, recruiting them for their cause.

Considering my English is really bad i just gave up hue. Wrote in PT-BR and the plan was translanting it after that.
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>I must go to war with my own species in order to uhhh preserve Earth's organic life
>when I already made a zoo for the same purpose
What was her fucking problem?
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>peridot first saw steven as more like an animal than a being of the same intelectual level

Also she didn't get impressed for seeing a non gem being able to talk, if gems only killed non-inteligent life she probably would just know non inteligent life and act like someone seeing a talking dog, if peridot did read about humans she wouldn't get confused and talk like "steven" is the name of an entire species.

But i'm thinking about things too much.
>but nothing wrong with that
The Crewniverse encouraging fan interaction is one of the reasons why the fanbase became so awful.
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I guess you could consider than an L.
Zoomen cock just ain’t the same
This show lacked a really good plan/vision and would've benefited from being shorter like Gravity Falls or Last Airbender. Way too much filler and oddly too much story and lore in other parts. Episodes were lopsided due to bad board artists, way top much political and LGBT stuff. LGBT would've been fine if they just stuck to Pearl and Garnet but they got retarded and kept pushing more weirder shit as it went on. It was a great idea but very poor execution imo. It's not what I thought we would get after season 1 ended.
I think what makes SU Future appealing is that it had a definite episode limit, which made the storytelling more coherent and consistent.
The problem stems from when people insist that their personal views for a show is the only correct view and hates on a show when it doesn't pander to what they personally want.
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Creators allowing fanbases full freedom without any tard wrangling has ruined the cartoon community.
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>Lars going on a space adventure
>but wait, how does Sadie feel!
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Sadie was a fun side chracter, but a lot of more sadie focused episodes had some boring choices

I liked the idea of not going in the obvious route, but creating a Poochie out of nowhere to just deliver one speech and fade away felt kinda dumb.

Felt really forced a stranger getting exactly what steven was feeling without even talking with him.

I get it, sometimes someone who's out of your circle is more capable of seeing the big picture,
but look at this dud, he's clearly made with no love.
Man, don't mention it... and the end of the first season was so good... but then filler, and season 5 happened...
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>"okay, they had to take over the earth to make gems and fight the war. so, who were they fighting?"
>"who were they fighting?"
I like how literally all of the problems of the show could have been resolved if Sugar just kept her fucking boarders in line. Literally all of them. Art inconsistency? Boarders being allowed to deviate heavily from model sheets. Townie episodes? Boarders writing them as self-contained stories separate from the gems. More childish dialogue? Boy howdy you'll never guess which episodes Sugar didn't work on and let her boarders write without oversight.

Literally every time Sugar actually stuck her hands back in her own series it got the show back on track. Every single time. You could even tell when she'd personally board a scene because her art was so much cleaner than fucking everyone else's. Imagine a Steven Universe where the showrunner actually made the series keep to a tighter narrative, had more gem interactions, and didn't waste its time dawdling around with shit like Onion and his merry gang of fuckwits nobody gave a fuck about. Sugar was too soft of a showrunner and the whole series suffered because of it.
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i swear there were a lot more embarrassing posts from Zuke out there
>didn't waste its time dawdling around with shit like Onion and his merry gang of fuckwits nobody gave a fuck about
kek yeah there are a good handful of episodes which feel like backdoor pilots. the art became ATROCIOUS at some points, it's unreal that they let that through
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Newest art
Also they live together
Faggotry: the show
You know damn well what the problem is. A zoo is not remotely the same as being free; it's a gilded cage. Everyone not in that zoo would get killed; countless billions of lives, not just humans, but every plant and animal, all wiped out forever. Pink saw how utterly fucked up that was, and didn't want to support planetary extinction. I still think "um, ackchyually the gems never encountered inhabited planets before" is a load of horseshit, and one of the worst cases of bad writing the series has.
>and didn't waste its time dawdling around with shit like Onion and his merry gang of fuckwits nobody gave a fuck about.
I think that's the best description of Onion Gang I've ever seen. What a shit fucking episode, feels like everything that the series did wrong condensed into its purest form. Awful writing, awful art, terrible premise, what the fuck were they thinking
I'd like to think SU runs on Transformers logic where intelligent organic life is just fucking weird since the the rest of the universe if full of sapient robotic lifeforms
>what the fuck were they thinking
They weren't.
Not canon
Possibly, at some point they thought themselves, why Steven wouldn't ever play with other town children, even try to communicate normally. Especially if we consider him super-communicative and "open". And so thay added that onion-mutant and other children.
Cannon. Steven leave town, then it appears that he needs money to survive, while he has not even papers - and made a right choice to return back home to his gems.
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>it's not easy being white
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