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Toonami Drinking Game

Naruto Story

Tweeting Info

Toonami Bumps

New Shows
Rick and Morty: The Anime - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctDiUGwcTXg
Uzumaki - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ivmweJQaco
Lazarus - https://hypebeast.com/2024/7/lazarus-anime-2025-release-window-info
Rooster Fighter - https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2024-07-25/rooster-fighter-manga-gets-anime/.213588

Toonami Hours Update
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Watch Rewind! We have underage girls drinking alcohol and kissing older men!
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We need Daima Balls on Toonami
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Post YFW he didn’t do a thing for Naruto’s sendoff despite saying he would
I don't want to respond to ritualposters.
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Its cold outside
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Hello fans, we are here yet again for another installment of “Worst Toonami Performances of All Time!” Last week, we had a ratings delay, and it seems we have one this week too. Uh oh. I’ll keep an eye out.

12:00a - Rick and Morty: The Anime (sub) ?

12:30a - Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Village ?

1:00a - One Piece ?

1:30a - Naruto Shippuden ?

2:00a - DBZ Kai ?

2:30a - Ninja Kamui ?

3:00a - My Hero Academia S6 ?

Current top 10 worst lead ins
1. Blade Runner - Black Lotus 141 0.05 (1/29/22)
2. My Adventures with Superman S2 141 0.07 (7/6/24)
3. Ninja Kamui 141 0.07 (5/4/24)
4. Housing Complex C 146 0.05 (10/8/22)
5. My Hero Academia S6 148 0.07 (2/11/23)
6. Demon Slayer: Entertainment District 157 0.08 (1/20/24)
7. Ninja Kamui 162 0.10 (3/2/24)
8. My Adventures with Superman S2 164 0.08 (7/13/24)
9. Demon Slayer: Entertainment District 164 0.08 (1/27/24)
10. Ninja Kamui 165 0.08 (2/24/24)

Five digit premier club
1. Naruto Shippuden 69 0.02 (1/29/22)
2. Naruto Shippuden 70 0.04 (2/24/24)
3. One Piece 78 0.04 (3/12/22)
4. Naruto Shippuden 79 0.03 (1/29/22)
5. Naruto Shippuden 81 0.04 (5/4/24)

How do we feel about Demarco doing nothing at all for Naruto’s final episode?
I'm actually starting to like the R&M anime.
No, he said they had "long planned" for what they'd do when they hit the end of Shippuden.

Still turned out to be a fucking lie. Welcome back, Two Piece. Glad to have you, but I wish we could do without you.
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first night without naruto how we feeling?
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you dont HAVE to respond, but we'll respond to you all the same.
Honestly? Free. Been feeling it all week. I no longer feel a commitment to the block. Like I can finally drop it with no regrets
i still find it to be utterly incomprehensible, i think im starting to understand how its all over the place time wise, a la slaughterhouse 5, gonna wait for a png tuber to do a video essay explaining the timeline
There’s that word again. Why would it need a sendoff? We have a lot of Boruto to get through still
I'd say I'm gonna miss the Hinatafag but Shippuden ending isn't gonna stop him. Just like Food Wars ending didn't stop the "megumi stinky" poster
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>pls understand we worked so hard on this
>ignore how many shows we commissioned and were finished in between then and now
Who on earth wants B0rf back?
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I never thought we would reach this point. It just feels strange. We probably won't get a replacement for it so there will just be a weird hole in the block for awhile. I mean OP won't be doubled indefinitely but I don't see them picking up another long runner either.
>"on the next episode of rick and morty THE ANIME... it's all about BETH!"
jesus as if i need more of a reason to avoid that shit
Naruto is airing on Rewind so you can find him there :^)
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It's strange. I was never a fan of Naruto, but it's been a staple of Toonami for years. It feels weird that it's finally gone after so long.
Demarco. He doesn’t care what the audience wants
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>No more Naruto tonight.
Well, Uzumaki replaces it on the 28th. But that’s only 4 weeks
It actually isn’t. At all, Beth isn’t show in the episode at any other point. The kids actually tell her to stay behind immediately after what the promo shows. No idea why they framed it as a Beth episode
I want to see /tg/'s reaction to Naruto and Sasuke vs. Momoshiki and the Kara arc.
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The best time of the week has finally arrived! Toonamy may only be half an hour long, but it's still a good way to wind down with Daemon Slayer until Spooky Spiral Show starts up
Anime Beth is better than normal Beth at least.
All those years of it being on every night is now just a memory. Naruto Shippuden on Toonami is now a former concept. We will have people whether shitposting as newbies or actual newfags who will only know Shippuden on Toonami as some piece of history trivia for the block and nothing more.
its funny i recorded the last episode for goofs but now i have a plan to:
1. read the whole manga series
2. watch the whole anime series except last episode
3. watch the recording i made to see how long it takes and to judge how much time has passed

wish me luck yes i will brace myself for the pain arc and all of the filler
>implying TG would watch that slop
The impending end of Shippuden made a lot of people more tolerant of it. Zero people are gonna sit through Bort
A few specific sakuga episodes arent worth the four more years of Naruto filler hell around them. Remember, the show ended up cancelled just like Bleach and Black Clover.
Is that the one where Sasuke makes friends with a dinosaur and has a stronger emotional bond to it than he does his wife and daughter?
>Suggested to him by Flying Lotus
I'm reasonably certain that guy was the best friend of MF Doom, the guy who scammed Faggitman twice...
I wish MHA would be eariler.
did you fuckers let me get so drunk i was talking about bean plant based sauce and forks last week?
>Using mo-cap, building everything in CG, and then re-drawing every frame by hand
That just sounds like a waste of time.
Acting like she's now really cool and badass when the series started with her being abusive and neglectful will never not be fucking embarassing. It's not like it was even something they acknowledge, she just goes from being a shitty parent to being "worse... you're smart."
Black Clover wasn’t cancelled. Anime doesn’t do multiple years of filler anymore. It got too close to the manga so they ended it until more is ready to adapt
So Demarco is the TV network equivalent of Francisco Madero?
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>wake up
>see this

wat do
>That just sounds like a waste of time.
Faggitman's specialty then
Consistency I guess since it's just rotoscoping the CG.
It’s a rerun retard, why do you even care?
>Anime doesn’t do multiple years of filler anymore
We're talking about Boruto and you're still naive enough to say that?
>Demarco-sama anime project very hard please send more money and give more time
>6 million dollars and another year? That’s a start
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>started on the block in 2013
>mfw the inevitable Bleach rerun
It's better than what we have, retard.
tell her to say sweet nothings into my ear and bury my face in her chest
Didn't they literally put Boruto on hiatus recently for the exact same reason?
Flying Lotus is a little more successful than Doom. He is the host of FlyLoFM radio station on GTAV
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>Beth isn’t show in the episode at any other point. The kids actually tell her to stay behind immediately after what the promo shows. No idea why they framed it as a Beth episode
Either they meant Space Beth counts as just being about Beth or I wouldn't be surprised if some intern got an outdated episode synopsis since it seems the production of this series is retarded.
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Hey /tg/ how was your week
How can one man be such a brainless faggot holy shit
Wake up again.
You can get DeMarco to do anything if you're black
>ayo cuh jump inna oncoming traffic pls
I saw Flying Lotus at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Space beth is barely in it either. Most of the episode is about Rick. Space Beth is only seen at the very end recovering Rick after his battle
>king of the hill was going to get a bluray set some years ago but one of the mergers don't remember which fucking up everything got it cancelled
please give koth bluray
10 year anniversary of #Notyourshield. We should get one of our "black" anons to ask him to quit.
Went to some tiny anime con in bumfuck nowhere and all I got was a comprehensive knowledge of Touhou
Aren't you out of touch now? The weebs have moved on from Touhou, they're all about mobages like Blue Archive and whatever the current shipgirl clone is called.
sleep cycling again
>last week sober by 4am
>drove to ihop at 5am
>thought i would be eating alongside old people
>but it was all nothing but drunks and drug addicts and some truckers
>been going to bed 5>6>7>8pm and waking up by 4>5>6>7am

hey was that in upstate NY with the sexually aggressive suika and the really really fat patchouli?
Touhou is still popular even if it's not as dominating as it used to be.
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I got a yeast infection. Yay
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Toonami isn't ready for Bort to come back
Clean your cock you fat freakoid
I think it's extremely funny that you replied so fast. Thanks for always being there for me, dude.
I take regular showers. Do you?
what the hell kind of mind breaking was this
Honestly the show is fine. You just have to completely forget you're watching Rick and Morty. It blows my mind how serious this show is. It's serious as a grave. I almost respect it for having the guts to be so tonally different from the source material.
Yes, I don’t want to become an “anon stinky” meme
>sexually aggressive suika
It should have been MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I'm not a professional Smash player so yes.
how often during the day and what times?
She was probably a hamplanet
I shower while watching Toonami.
The show is extremely reliant on knowing niche R&M lore and factoids to appreciate. Next weeks episode is about Mr Nimbus and Cronenberg Jerry. You can’t appreciate that if you don’t know regular R&M
Glowy spotted farming information about shower use
My brother in christ this board is the ritualpost mecca
I read someone explained it like it's if the Director is a fan of the actual series but wanted to make his own super serious fanfic where they tie up all the DEEP LORE implications but as an anime. And yeah that's basically it. I'll finish it. I don't exactly hate this show as a fan of anime and Rick and Morty. I'm just astounded at how there have been almost no jokes in the past two episodes at all. And how that seems deliberate. The tone of the show is serious with some dark comedy on the side and that's both weird and courageous to do .
I feel ripped off, but all of you guys' sendoffs made it worthwhile.
I watched a Turkroach hold one of Konami’s biggest yearly events hostage today for a demand of $35. So that was funny
Why did that commercial just describe a woman's period as if it were ingredients for food. Did they seriously have to advertise the explanation of mucus walls or whatever? Are you literally just not allowed to eat and watch TV at the same time now?
Show us the Pickle Rick tattoo or stop posting.
They had a sendoff for Family Guy, why not Naruto?
So the finished product is technically entirely 2D? Not some kind of blend like Demon Slayer?
I was wondering why in the trailer some of the movement seemed to have that characteristic CGI look. I guess it's because they were rotoscoping CGI.
I'd like to see the director's take on FLCL.
my original gangster i must ask you this question, what possible use would a government agent find in the surveyed information of how often the viewers of a late night anime tv programming block take showers?
What >>145321531 said. As much as I jeered it, and as much as I'm excited for Two Piece, there's a going to be a big Naruto-shaped hole that won't heal for some time...
Met trigger studio animators last Saturday at a Convention and got one of them who worked on the Chocolat Cadabra Music Video to sign my Artbook of it with a little doodle of one of the girls.

She was so surprised to see me show her the book and happy I loved it
It's not covid, it's being lazy.
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sengoku youko on toonami when?
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They started using red liquid a few years ago. All downhill since then
Never because it sucks since Mizukami is a hack.
Are you a lady within 5 IQ points of mine? Preferably lower?
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My current favorite part of the Toonami experience are the POOPH ads. I love hearing the guy just ramble on and on about "feces" and the smell and saying POOPH multiple times for a minute straight because there is no fucking advertisement money for this block anymore. Literal "Grandman can you come out to play?" "Catch me if you can kiddo" tier.
Lady(male). Close enough?
approaching 35 in a couple weeks. i think i need to end my bad habit when it comes to hentai.
Please tell me the Rick and Morty anime is flopping.
Pooph actually had not been on during Toonami hours for a long time until last week. Our usual long ad was the BOOM boner pill guy
I fucking hate the low quality mic clipping every time he says that. It's seriously too loud and amateurish to get that much air time.
That shit will be back trust me
First week did OK. We haven’t got ratings since though so don’t know more than that
is that girl from that obnoxious commercial that aired a decade back with someone's grandma?
the only thing flopping is my dick on your sister's and wife's faces
They offer Cialis now, so instead of re-record the commerical with the old guy, they just fed the same script + cialis to the tiktok AI voice

Fuck you guys, it looks good
literally why? for what actual purpose? reruns at the very absolute back of the block? have they not gotten their money yet on it? ask yourself these deeper questions before you make assumptions
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What anime world would you not wanna be stuck in,also I'm ordering ramen anyone whan anything?
Is this a copypasta?
Critically, nobody likes it some people tolerate it. Ratings, TBD because they haven’t posted ratings in weeks
no offense but why do people like this? I'm nearing 35 and even I don't like it.
>I'm ordering ramen anyone whan anything
*future wife my apolocheese gave you too much courtesy of assuming you had tied the knot still piping your sister tho
It doesn’t look good enough for 5 years of delays
I'd prefer more general horror rather than grossout shit with earworms and the like. I mean it's not like I can fault the original or the adaption for doing it, but I'm really not interested in 4 15 minute episodes on top of "duude damn this is fukin sick look at the giant earworm eating his brain" tier horror. The spiral thing itself is unique enough I don't see why they needed to go for anything else.
i wish toonami had The Clone Wars again.

My sister is married and I'm dying a KHV.
I'm insulting Demarco's apologia, not criticizing the adaptation I haven't seen. Besides, I have a policy to never watch trailers given how they exist to decieve viewers and ruin the experience.
>Soi wars
Uh no
just pretend they only started working on it a few months ago when they heard demarco was coming to japan
disney made it into soi wars. especially after they bastardized ESPN.
Trailers show the absolute best of the best. Just look at how choppy and boring R&M anime has been despite showing a high intensity promo for a month
I always figured you were a larp character.
Its the prequel era, it was crap from the start.
>Mo-Cap into CG into CG Rotoscope
This sounds insanely wasteful of time, talent and money.
>it still retains the 100mg thank you very much line for some reason
Made me laugh at least
you didnt tell me you were dying of Koi HerpesVirus, my sincerest condolences, still piping your sister tho
It's over anon, i have the high ground
Prequel tie-ins pre-Disney are almost universally good, dumbass.

A what now?
Here. They didn’t cut it right so there’s a fruit juice pouch ad in front of it

Some naruto would be nice
Yes, a classic /mu/ copypasta. Often used with other celebrities but the original version was about Flying Lotus.
is tom one hundred percent bone free? like the lobster? like the worm? like me?
No it wasn't. I'm sure it was somebody else.
Given the time of the year, I’m surprised we haven’t seen any political ads at all on Toonami. Is the block really in that bad of a spot that not even they will throw a few bucks for these hours to say red/blue team BAD?
we all know how bias Demarco is about Trump and the right wing party.
He has one bone. Ask your mom about it
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That you are just pretending
He's a robot

Oh. Nope.
Exactly. So why he isn’t running ads every break for ol Oakland Kam is surprising
I won the drawing to get tickets for the Nintendo Museum next month but realized I fucked up and put the wrong country code (put the japanese one by mistake) meaning I made all those long distance calls, signed up for skype and moved my sim cards between phones for no reason.
What's this?
How big is TOM's cock?
i think we might get two blue vortex anime instead
I finally might actually watch the block to the end now that I don't have that sleep-inducing speed bump to kill my buzz.
>shitposting as newbies
here we go
Yes because there is so much excellent content after Naruto such as…
Alright Boco,Have it your way
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There's basically nowhere you could live in this world without fucked up horrific shit happening to you.
how the hell are we already at this point again? did Covid cause a time dilation?
>naruto is a sleep-inducing speed bump but somehow the reruns of kai, kamui, and mha aren't
It looks good but the thing being a few short episodes that definitely won't cover the entire manga has me wondering what the point even is. At best it will feel incomplete.

I got nothin' to hide.


I hate harem anime, so...any of them.
>next thing on toonami block to end besides Demon Slayer will be MHA season 7
i wonder what toonami would look like next year
You're right, there's nothing really worth watching at all. I guess I was speaking hypothetically, if they bothered to put anything comfy on the end of the block, I'd be able to enjoy it, now. I don't see a reason to keep going past One Piece and honestly One Piece is in such a grueling slog at the moment I doubt it'll hold my interest.
I actually like Rick and Morty the anime. I don’t understand any of it, but I like the punk atmosphere.
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I blew my shot at a real date because I fumbled my spaghetti
>gas station qt has been getting really friendly with me
>I come in daily during the workweek to get pizza
>checking out
>haha anon, pizza once again?
>oh yea this stuff gives me crazy diarrhea
>uhh ok
>gives me my change and looks at the floor
>doesn’t talk to me the next day
All girls care about is someone with iron bowels
It's just what R&M needed, really, some fresh outsider perspective on the concept.
I think the point was as a demo. Like the IGPX microseries. The hope was that it would attract so much attention, all of Japan would collectively call Demarco a hero, and throw money at him to produce a full series.
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All 4 episodes are 22 minutes
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I don't understand how you can naruto a sleep-inducing speed bump while you continue watching one place
In October we will have 3 simultaneously empty slots. Should be more worried about what it looks like next month
Once about every 1-2 weeks.
I can’t believe they did nothing for Naruto’s finale
why do i have so many tabs open from archives from threads i don't even read or save from?
I really have zero reason to look forward to more MHA episodes. It sounds like the girls are destroyed, the focus is on retards and their problems I don't care about, and then all that just for whenever they actually get to the last episode for Deku to have a courtesy ending and nothing with Ochako. Where Toonami ended is good enough, I don't want the rest. All the good will of this stuff was wasted.
This going to be the fourth year of holiday stalling tactics because they have nothing for the last 2-4 months of the year. This should be expected at this point. Just prepare for lots of marathons and reruns and long stretches where it's not worth tuning in at all.
Just last week I cleaned my browser of tabs like that. They went back 5 years, goddamn. Just let go anon, it will feel better that way.
I've already read the manga for both, so I have zero interest in watching Naruto knowing what a shitty ending it has (and really the entire time skip was garbage), whereas One Piece does have good moments here and there that the anime, unfortunately, tends to ruin.
Yeah, I really did expect something simple but something nonetheless. Maybe they didn't say anything because they didn't want to waste money on both a last episode night and an inevitable marathon night to get what they can out of what they still have the rights for later.
what are the chances demarco will air Crisis of Infinite Earths
They’ll slap Invisible Flight Gurl in there but that still leaves two openings
you fucking clown
you absolute buffoon
You poor bastard.
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whats her endgame
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i forgot we'll very likely have to deal with this as if maws wasn't enough
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eat shit
I was under the impression that they were about 12 minutes each but still there are three volumes with quite a few stories in each volume. There is no way in hell that they can make that work with just four episodes.
She wants to find a hulking adonis of a man to pump babies deep into her inviting womb.
Sex unironically
Giving me one of her bras as a friendly gift.
to find a man who will make her happy, have you not been paying attention to the end cap segments?
But we got Demon Slayer last year
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Dying with no husband
Zero. DC doesn’t even bother using the block to shill now
oh right that reminds me of that merger that failed.
Kill yourselves
Lads should I buy one of the 12 foot tall skeleton Halloween decorations?
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Here's a Taisho era secret for you anon!
Mitsuri doesn't wear a bra!
you wanna know my secret. i have an addiction to porn.
It depends on how sophisticated the CG is. For example. 4 22 minute episodes you mostly need like...2-3 hours of mocap for poses. Then you can convert it into some pretty rudimentary CGI models with the mocap capturing the motion. Then the redrawing is where you actually add the details. So it's basically like having all the storyboards/animatics finished and you're just adding details over them.
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That’s not a secret we all knew that
Actual insider here. They’re airing The Killing Joke in promo for Joker 2.
Well, I guess that leaves us with only one option, milking her
i abused myself too long
Wasn't there another Junji Ito anime made in the time it took for this to come out?
I believe you because it is almost time for the DC movie marathon
Except they aren’t. The schedules are set in stone until 10/19

At least larp in a believable way
We haven’t had DC movies forced on us in over a year

Plus, they can’t take any breaks right now because R&M, and soon Uzumaki, can’t stop
The Junji Ito Collection. I didn't watch it but I heard it wasn't very good.
Why does Mitsuri just get with legitimately anyone there
Because she's old
She'd be like 98 right now
idol culture
Thought you meant here
i'm an idiot
>it's so fluffy i wanna diee!
the true sign of a dead franchise, referencing a random line people really liked 3 movies ago. boy i sure am glad that's in every on demand trailer now
She's crazy strong. Like "shatters your bones with a hug on accident" strong. It intimidates a lot of men, who want a wife that won't literally break their spine in bed.
You got me
so whats replacing naruto?
We'll let you know as soon as we find out. So far: nothing.
guess they were not ready
Men want a gentle girl. She has big milkies but also has superhuman strength which turns men off

Also she has pink hair which on multiple occasions has been cited as a huge negative
Ok who the fuck is the black guy all the adult swim animated bumpers are about now? There's this one where he wins a race over everyone, one where he gets possessed by a phone call from his mom while watching adult swim, and one where he tries to slay a meteor and fails. Who the fuck are they going to for these.
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Is Naru the dumbest girl on Toonami currently?
Uzumaki is its replacement. In that it will remove the second episode of One Piece that is currently filling its slot
But what if I suddenly want to read the Yugioh storytime from 4 years ago?
How much does it cost? There's a house down the street from me that had a couple of those last year and they definitely looked spooky in the dark.
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>Men want a gentle girl.
That's a dying preference if ever there was one.
She also wants lots of kids, so you dying / being crippled after one night in bed disqualifies you as marriage material.
>cute girl is talking to me
>better mention literal liquid shit blasting from my asshole
You need to be institutionalized.
shes not dumb, shes just lonely
If you get it from the store, it’s $300. But also has a strict 1 per customer limit as scalpers resell them for $700-$1000.
Not in Japan. Especially not in the time period that Kimetsu no Yaiba is set. She's like the antithesis of what the average Japanese man wants in a wife.
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The only hot anime girl on the block, basically.

>b-but Nezuk-

don't be weird, dude
>She also wants lots of kids
my dick is pathetic after porn consumption.
Give him a break, he was on topic
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I also want multiple kids
Twins even
If she's the ends of a means then by god I'm going to make sure that dream come true for both of us
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>Not in Japan.
Have you not noticed the trend of the gentle girl getting bunted in various series?

>I also want multiple kids
>Twins even

Anon I don't know how to tell you this, but anime is not real life. It's not even close.
>various series
You mean that one singular example you hang on to like an autistic retard? In vaguely canon artwork and not even the show itself?
Where's Hinata?
Likely getting Raikage’d
Anon you will not survive. She isn't just "really strong" she is freakishly strong by the Demon Slayer Corps freakish standards. There's literally like 1 person in Japan who might be able to not get totally wiped out by her in a contest of physical strength, and he's a monk so no marriage.
having children is scary because you don't if they will be retarded or wheel chair bound
Boco, you're the weirdo for religiously hating children.
just like my modern day games
Try not fucking your family members and old people, then.
Have you considered breeding... outside the family?
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Starting in 30.

who the hell names their company sweet baby inc?
Are you pretending to be retarded or do you not understand the concept that real people make these shows and their bias is what affected them?

Last week or so someone also shared a thread to Bleach's anime about Orihime and diminishing her source material. And the week before that the Bort artwork was only one example of how the anime kept removing Hinata from everything like being the only mom to train her kid in the novels but she was the only one excluded in the anime and how the director explicitly said he didn't like naruhina because he "couldn't relate."
>this american dad episode
is community college really like this?
>Anon you will not survive.
I will survive
because those kids and her will need a father
Did Demarco say anything about Nardo during the week?
They can check for that stuff before birth and if it’s detected you just abort and try again
What's a Naruto chatroom?
does anybody here dream about children that don't even exist? what's that about
>Hinata this Hinata that
>also maybe a tiny bit about Orihime which is likely more for the sake of time than anything else
Any other examples or will you just bitch about the same thing for years? Pretending it’s a widespread issue when it isn’t
Hanabi bitches!
No. All he talks about these days is politics. Don’t expect that to change till November
No because he's a NaruSaku fan and he was so anally devastated Toonami ended up completely ignoring Naruto and Hinata in all the final bumpers and gave the ending no acknowledgement. Demarco later cried himself to sleep hugging a dakimakura of Sakura.
That's your instincts screaming at you that something's not right with the way your life has been working out.
Might be November 2028 depending on how things go
has there not been a single new episode of american dad since the strike last year?
>children that don’t exist
Those are your potential children that you shot into the toilet while watching a Japanese girl get fucked in the ass
Eh block, and possibly even the network as a whole given its current management, will be gone long before then
but i've wasted so much life essence over the past decade. I can't even get aroused anymore.
How common that stuff is has been grossly exaggerated for decades. I'm just old enough to remember that in the 1980s it seemed like everything aimed a children had precisely one wheelchair-bound character, no matter how many characters there were. That was obviously due to politics rather than anything remotely resembling reality (the Americans with Disabilities Act starting to fuck society up in ways we're still feeling the repercussions of wasn't long beforehand).
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It's a fad from the mid-2000s where twelve year old girls who liked naruto would write fanfic using windows movie maker, with the premise being that it was a chatroom the naruto characters were using. I decided to put some on instead of music this time, in honor of Shippuden.
As I said, something's not right.
then i'm doomed then. almost 35.
Some people are really really against that. They intentionally give birth to circus freaks then try to virtue signal to everyone around them about what it's like.
This just turned me into an ancient man.
reminds me of the naruto stand up comedy amvs
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If you actually research it, it is considered an issue in Japan. I'd give you another example but I don't want our resident retard to start spamming the thread the second the series is mentioned. It's another long runner but it's also not a Toonami one. The heroine is basically erased in the manga and supplimentaries because of bias.

I think One Piece does well by both Robin and Nami. I personally haven't heard of any biases for Nami fucking up anything for Robin. Does anyone even care about who Luffy fucks to that degree?
>Imagine people not killing their kids. What assholes!
Been rewatching Venture Bros and just thinking about the money Demarco spent on this dogshit rick and morty anime or barely longer than an ova Uzumaki fucking makes me furious. The network will fund dogshit like this but won't step up to bat for one of the best cartoons on television.
>watch nart finale on toonami
>"big brother neji... i am getting married..."
>remember the anniversary animation removed her from neji's death scene
come to think of it, pornography ruined my memory.
I think it's more assholish to birth a kid to a life of suffering with a heinous disability
If ony Venture Bros was anime, he could've brought it back
I thought you were supposed to associate conversation with what the other person was saying so they know you are listening
what were we talking about again?
You can blame that on Mike Lazzo leaving. He was the only reason Venture Brothers was allowed to stay on air despite the massive hiatuses.
>17 years ago
Where do you think those people are now?
who knows, eventually the web 3.0 will wipe everything before 2010.
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>google alzheimer's
>link is purple
Happily married with children, watching anime on Saturday nights as a family.
i can't even remember most of my drawing ideas anymore.
Thank god
Even if we accept that idea for the sake of argument, it's far too slippery a slope that quickly gets us to killing people for having the heinous disability of not being convenient at the moment.

But this really is off-topic so that's all the discussion I intend to have on the subject tonight.
just means you're on a Four Swords adventure
>google chrome deletes history that is over three months old
One Piece is written in a way where none of the cast feel like pairings. Luffy is too stupid for romance, and the only two girls are a girl who loves money so much she wouldn’t hesitate to prostitute herself, and a 29 year old who is just too ahead of age of the rest of the cast
VB had piss poor ratings almost its entire run and kept getting more seasons purely because Lazzo protected it. VB fans are the biggest victims
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Your wife.

Firefox on mobile does the same. Why would you need your own history? That's only for tech companies and the NSA to know
If they're anything like the girl I met on a dating app last year, they went to high school anime club a few times, their friends never contacted them after graduating, and then they spent a decade in medical school and became nurses. They haven't done anything fun since high school and live with their mom, dad, and two younger brothers. They probably still live on youtube, which is where all those 2m+ view crunchyroll videos come from.
Try Vivaldi, you can customize how long it retains history.
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Your wife
Any questions?
Shocking as it is, a lot of these people just migrated into normal life in their 20s. Even those girls that were huge weirdos
forgive me
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>likely more for the sake of time than anything else
Not when it's just sentences that aren't about time but are about character context and intent being downplayed. Same shit both Naruto and Boruto did. They'll still have the scene and a line of equal time, but the line will be altered to focus less on the character the staff is biased against. This is anime production 101 honestly. Everyone's just used to it unless you go into threads on /a/ where people will still bitch about it either as proof that character is shit or proof that character is good and was sabatoged.
A good parent would keep their kid far away from anime so they don’t repeat the same cringe
Do my wives get along?
I prefer Hanabi
this part was a bit much
Yea, any One Piece porn with Luffy immediately takes me out of it just because I can’t envision him caring about sex at all
I remember recording this on my shitty flip phone so I could listen to it again when I was away from the computer.
>16 years ago
I feel like I'm turning to dust.
Hinata gets jealous.
otherway around
>went to high school anime club a couple times
>all of them were unbearable cringe weirdos so I stopped going
>month later the anime club gets shut down
>turns out the guys roofied and raped the singular female member
Guess it was good I stopped going
Not counting the standard rash of trolls that saber-rattle LuNa vs SaNa, there's a bunch of people who really want Luffy with Hancock, Zoro with Perona, and Sanji with Pudding. Nobody's got a strong preference for whoever Nami or Robin end up with, though.
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Rei is mean
>Guess it was good I stopped going
I mean, I think it's unlikely that they would've raped you as well.
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The entire episode was a throw back to the rock lee spin off. Including Neji as they did was necessary to pull off this vibe.
>>turns out the guys roofied and raped the singular female member
Luffy and Hancock doesn’t work because it’s a gag how desperate Hancock is for Luffycock and Luffy just does not care.

Zoro and Perona feels lazy, like just because they lived near each other for the timeskip they have to hook up
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>Guess it was good I stopped going
Good how? you missed out on the sloppy seconds
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Your princess
Any questions?
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Or removing scenes with Orihime, just to insert completely new scenes about Rukia instead. Putting source material on the chopping block for one girl to make time for new scenes they want for the other.

Why is there so much fucking cum?
Unexpected, then mundane, then shit
>3 day weekend for Labor Day (I already have Monday off so I took my extra day off on Tuesday) Went to camp during a cold day, to fix a dock that was having issues. Still not fixed.
>Got a new schedule for work that guarantees I have Saturdays off now, still a split, but I start an hour later at Noon.
>Turns out I did well enough at work so I'm not getting shitcanned (yet)
>Getting sufficiently hype for Dragon Ball Daima releasing on the same day as Sparking Zero so there's that. No word on Crunchyroll getting it subbed, dubbed, or if it's gonna wind up on broadcast TV in the States, but if it does Toonami would be the most logical spot.
>Worked 4 days, they sucked
i forgot that labor day happened
Could've been better, could've been worse.
Managed to stave off depression after getting to spend time with the gf.
Thought someone died outside of the park I got to, but it turned out it was just a druggie couple loitering to the point that paramedics were called.

All in all, a quiet week.

Ha, those losers wanted IchiRuki to be the endgame so bad.
Why did Kubo allow this?
no wonder she's so evil, a squadron of pretty boys at her command and they'd all rather argue with each other than even considering "petting" her
Are there really people still malding about the final pairings in shonen that ended 10 years ago?
when does the good anime come back to the block
Kubo didn’t give a shit. Too busy drawing the main cast /fa/
What an attractive and kind man, I should definitely let him put his penis into me.
He knew it was pointless anyway. Let them do what they want, he knew what the end game was.
>Nobody's got a strong preference for whoever Nami or Robin end up with, though.
Sounds like they're ending up with each other, then.
Rick & Morty anime is good
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I like to imagine how pissed off people are that the bread and milk factory won but I have no interest in ever looking at a Bleach thread in my life.

Yes, especially the anime staff that work on continuations of those stories ala Bort or Bleach coming back.

You have no idea.
Whatever happened to the lesbo? Did she ever get access to Orihime boobs?
It's the option a bunch of people joke about supporting. I'm still put off by how it violates the "no inter-crew romance" rule. Sucks how there's no alternative given their purpose as eye candy rather than real fighters.
I would hope they'd not be so immature as to think that way by the time they have children. I'd probably be disappointed though.
According to the porn I watch that’s exactly what happens
and that's how a middle schooler fell in love with her future husband who's in college?
Lets see, among the Hashira her options are a chaste monk, a polygamist with 3 wives, her mentor who died, an autist, a double autist, an amnesiac autist, and a stunted gynophobic who was raised by a matriarchal cult. She's better off not committing and dying alone.
oh god you just reminded me of something. will these kids have social media?
I don't think she even showed up after the post-Aizen timeskip.
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It's FIIIIIINE. It's not like they fuck and have a kid.
>her mentor who died
the fact he died to Akaza and what Akaza does till the end of the series is just.
Every day except Sunday
Did his wife hate Orihime winning as much as Kishimoto's wife hated Hinata winning to the point of heavily berating him? Does he even have a wife?

That end tag was adorable.
There are things a person could talk about that are associated with pizza that AREN'T diarrhea.
fuck i want to take a nap so bad but not sure if i would wake up in time for demon slayer
good to hear. it would be messed up if a unicorn who's actually a man showed up.
Set an alarm.
set an alram clock
i legit sleep through those sometimes
that slow movement from Tux
Set 7alarms
usagi being kissed by an adult wouldn't fly past these days
Yes. Infants are growing up with tiktok. There are "cool uncles" who get their 3 year old nieces iPads.
Make it so that your balls receive an electric shock when the alarm goes off.
Rig up an alarm that punches you in the balls when it goes off.
How do we know Tuxedo Mask is an adult? He's in disguise, he could be anyone.
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>i'll arrest you for your romance scam
Tuxedo Mask could be in this thread right now.
that was such a funny gag for the opening recap, i hope they do it some more in future episodes.
Of course they will, it’s child abuse to send you kid to kindergarten without the latest iPhone pro max model
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Gen alpha is so screwed.
Them entering the workforce might be what finally causes society to collapse.

But he didn't do anything.
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When was the last time normal Toonami had swimsuits? Food Wars? Rewind is beating the fuck out of the normal block.
holy shit she falls in love with this villain
But it was the first thing that came to mind cause it really does give me diarrhea
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Sure it would.
There's an anime coming out this year where a 10 year old gets married to an adult.
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There wasn't a swimsuit episode in LycoReco?
But then there will be cum everywhere
He isn’t even watching the videos, what’s the point?
They have swimsuit merch but not an actual episode
Closest would probably be the Lycoreco in Hawaii
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i seriously can't believe how fucking big mitsuri's breasts are
also can i just say how fucking amazing the animation on them here is, the asymmetrical bouncing is heaven
You don't always need to say the first thing that comes to mind.
You should think about what you want to say and consider how the other person might receive it.
Like if a girl says "I love dogs!" and the first thing that comes to your mind is how you saw a WebM on /gif/ the other day of a dog being beaten to death with a shovel, do you think it would be a good idea to tell her that? Or do you think maybe you should try to think of something else related to dogs instead?
I dont think there was actually.
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Stars above, who is the perfect waifu for me? Tell me now. Yes, just like that, stars above. Beam the information directly into my brain. I see it...! She's...!
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so you're saying there's hope for other such manga to get an adaptation?
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>we've seen them naked but not in swimsuits
I don’t know if she likes dogs or not though
[video unavailable]
Probably not that one in particular, but in general, sure.
lol What was that?
Okay I thought that was just me
what the fuck
wow, hypocrisy usagi
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>Probably not that one in particular
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not including nami i can never tell if one piece characters are wearing swimsuits or their underwear
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on AS or the stream?
A real human person would understand eating shit that fucks up your stomach because it's just that good and would understand. She wasn't a real person, anon.
Stimulation. Playing Minecraft is too boring, he needs to be listening to videos too. But he also needs to constantly cycle through the videos because they're not worth watching if they don't grab his attention in the first 0.5 seconds.
It's like those videos that put Family Guy clips alongside Subway Surfers gameplay or "satisfying videos" clips. Can't just watch Family Guy, you've gotta pack as much stimulation in there as possible.
I got that on the west coast feed of my Dish TV signal like 30 minutes ago. I forgot I was on WC due to KoTH so I switched it over to east coast again and I've been looking away on mute the whole time so idk if it happened again.
Weird that can happen and it not be a livestream issue but on actual TV. Get your shit together Dish.
How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning?
Watching it on my TV.
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Correction, there are *2* anime coming out this year where a 10 year old gets married to an adult.
this girl is like that one girl from cardcaptors where she's in love with the teacher
I'd guess he's doing that simply because that's what he's learned by example that he's supposed to do.
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anybody wonder why we have middles school girls walking out at night in the city?
That girl was even younger and the teacher reciprocated so it was extra scandalous.
It's very realistic. I've seen two different herds of literal, actual mesugakis in the last two months. They were loudly talking about how they fucked this or that older guy and how scared the older guy was because she was only 13.
holy shit this guy looks like arvis
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What the fuck
I guess I’d be kind of hungry
why the fuck did they do that, what is wrong with clamp and always trying to do weird outlandish relationships?
>what is wrong with clamp
They're women, anon. They're all freaks.
how the hell is she in love with this man? suddenly we now have a third party against the man.
How do these kids stand being in school when they have to focus on one task?
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They don't get married in that one. The reincarnated wife manages to get her husband and child to move on.
how do these kids save the world at night when homework is their one priority
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Hope the week has treated everyone kindly.

I persist. Nothing great, nothing bad.

How goes for you?

It is sad. Still haven't seen the movie.
Still, I suppose it is impressive we got 7 seasons of more or less similarly high quality. Do feel like the New York stuff was finally hitting its stride though. That was the big hiccup to me.
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Rei is hot
Where did that mask monster come from, anyway?
I'm only half-watching.
Anon, the attention spans of schoolchildren in the 2000s was already famously so bad that many people, probably in this very thread, grew up drugged.

They don't stand being in school.
Wait this is one of those series that looks like lazy coombait but is actually a serious and depressing story?
When women write about a younger girl with an older guy it's ok. When guys do it, it's wrong. Those are the rules.
It hasn't really registered to me that it's over. I feel like I barely saw it somehow. I mean there was some chunks of times where I couldn't watch it period but I've been watching it basically ever since mid to late 2015 and I rarely ever fall asleep.
It was the gay dark general's minion he had following Nephrite.
What about the current generation of parents who won’t put their kids on drugs because they grew up that way and know what it feels like?
>she's filled with evil
ok but whats the excuse for the guy in chobits being forced to be a virgin forever because he's literally not allowed to fuck his robot in the world of robot fucking because THIS robot will automatically be deleted the second he touches the tip of her vagina?
“I won’t give my child Ritalin” types always crack eventually when they realize how fucking annoying their kids are 24/7
You need to throw bones to the NTR doujin industry now and then.
>that kid who made high pitch screams over dead batteries for his remote control car
>more [video unavailable]
>still got audio
>Video unavailable
And then what? Does she just disappear? Does she go off to live her life somewhere else and grow up a second time?
>Video unavailable again
Fuck is going on at Adult Swim
The main story of it is the wife dies, but about a decade later, the child is basically briefly possessed by the soul of the wife. The husband and daughter want things to go back to how they were before. The wife realizes that she's basically stealing the body of this child, and is trying to get them to move on. It's 110 chapters of discussion loss, grief, and how to move on after the death of a loved one. It's not coombait in the slightest.
Same here. Why the fuck is this happening on TV? Does everyone else have Dish too or is it Adult Swim HQ fucking up for everyone everywhere?
I really hope for your sake that you're just acting retarded on purpose right now.
is the HQ in Atlanta or in Burbank?
She was basically a soul possessing the child's body. The child has no recollection of what the wife does. The wife eventually ascends to heaven when the husband has moved on and the daughter finds someone to marry, and the father decides to dote on the granddaughter in the end.

The child goes back to living her life, but has a diary from the "fairy" who borrowed her body.
>No one posted Usagi's pantyshot in the Rewind thread or here
Falling down on the job.
works on my tv. sucks to be you
>Also she has pink hair which on multiple occasions has been cited as a huge negative
That gag is shit, I don't know why they do it.
Pink hair in anime is literally the best when it's on girls like Kanroji and not on ones like Sakura. Anime is the only place you can properly have THE female color used for hair and it work, and not just be disgusting like real life colored hair. I wish Naruto was the show that would mock the pink hair.
i wish there was a way to make multiple screen caps without having to go back and forth
>toonami is 30 minutes long
Grandmother's doing better, had a visit with my brother who lives far across the country, and work was pretty tame this week now that summer's technically over
I don’t know how I would find out if she liked dogs or not just seeing her at the gas station. They don’t allow pets in there.
Oh nice, your actually watching those.

I have a distinct memory of one where Garra fell in love with a oc that was just whatever image of a generic anime brown haired girl the uploader could find
I can’t jack off to this. Dont give your series an UOOOHHHH title if its just gonna make me sad
I always put it on mute and used its slot to look at porn, I decided to stay true to tradition and fall asleep last week before it came on.
It’s a Japanese culture thing. And color hair but black is seen in a negative light. Either on boys as a sign of delinquency or on girls as signs of being a whore.

This same culture will immediately turn around and fellate blonde hair Americans though because they desperately wish to be them
I spent an hour or two last Sunday watching them. They're genuinely awful. I couldn't find the ones I remember though, where they play DO YOU BELIEVE IN MIRACLES when Orochimaru comes on screen.
>they’re genuinely awful
That’s how you know they are real
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I wasn't expecting that.
So is the wife only present for a portion of each day? Or is she possessing the body constantly and living with her husband and kid and the host girl's actual family have no idea where the fuck she is the entire time?
So are we really not supposed to desire Mitsuri because of these traits? None of the stuff mentioned earlier in the thread makes sense.
>pink hair
it's traditionally feminine and cute
>she's not actually gentle because she has warrior strength
most of the girls in the show aren't really the gentle type. nezuko is half and half but she will help kill if she has to. the little girls at the training hut still have immense strength too as seen when they're destroying the boys' limbs for excercise

The only reason I wonder if because what happens to Mitsuri by the end is so fucking awful and unsatisying that I'd believe we were never meant to really like her in some twisted way.
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Unless Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick were involved, I'd be just as wary of a Venture Bros anime. Not that there can't be neat anime based on western properties, but Adult Swim shows just don't really work with that. Sure, VB always had a decent budget throughout much of its lifespan and had a decent balance between action, drama, and comedy, but as we've seen with the Rick and Morty anime, it barely feels like anything like the show. And while the anime does feel more tolerable since it's not punching the 4th wall and going "aren't we so zany and subversive? bet you didn't expect us to drop ANOTHER plot device and abort it like a 20 year old having her fifth abortion. right, you dumb motherfucker who expects payoff? wubawubalubdubdub"
Demarco will bring back Bort.
So you won the tickets, but you won't actually be receiving them?
Early Sakura is so hot.

Well, Sakura in general is hot. But early Sakura has Inner Sakura
Jesus, that's just unnerving and sad
When I was younger me and my friend would take our pillows and pretend one was Sakura and the other was Hinata and have sex with them.
its obviously staged as a meme
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*teleports behind ur shota*
Cute. That's WAY less gay than what I did. It's a miracle I ended up straight.
>you best start believin' in cyberpunk dystopia stories....
>Spectrum app channels aren't working
Well shit, good think I can still watch Toonami through the Adult Swim Simulcast
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Holy shit, this is that one Neji image I was talking about. There's a a gif where he's edited to be stretching a pair a panties with that exact face. I haven't seen that gif in 17 years
>mocking mitsuri for her pink hair
it's the lime green fade that i don't really prefer but it's not even that ugly either
Doc doesn't like anime.
She literally disappears for days at a time at points while she acts as wife for the husband. Midway through the manga it scares the girl's mom, but the wife is trying her best to move on as fast as she can.
So now that Naruto is gone, when am I supposed to shit? I was doing it during One Piece so id be empty by Naruto time
You've clearly never interacted with gens z or a.
Maybe in that vid, but not like there aren't actually kids like that, just too absorbed into their phones and tablets. Makes me glad some of my relatives who have had kids decided to avoid giving them phones the moment they were out of diapers and actually wait until they're at a point where a phone is necessary to have
Why can't you still do it during One Piece?
Shit your pants when you feel like it. Its the Toonami General way.
Why would I want to? I hate their broccoli hair and new fangled lingo
the concept of death and the afterlife is messed up once you think about all those lives that died young for thousands of years depending on the environment. post book of revelations is a bigger mystery; will there be another big bang after this universe? will it be the same? honestly how many universes are there that contain us?
First I'm hearing about that, especially since VB has had a few nods to Japanese media, granted the older kind like giant robots and kaiju stuff
If your kid doesn’t have a smartphone in kindergarten they are immediately behind the pace of their peers and ostracized from the group since they can’t join group chats or play games together
>new fangled lingo
it's basically social media ebonics
Shit during Rick, watch Demon Slayer, then go to sleep
Hinata is weird.
Meaning they'll be able to grow up well adjusted and not dependent on an overpriced trinket, gotcha
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Its been with us for so long. Toonami just doesnt feel the same without it. Supposedly we are better off without it, but I just dont know.
I'll never understand how you guys manage to shit on schedule/
just like marriage
Because there is nothing after it. The whole reason I was shitting then was so I’d be ready for the next show
This makes the most sense I guess but it sucks having such a short night
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It's not a gif but I found this using Yandex
>Meaning they'll be able to grow up well adjusted
They won't. They're damned both ways. If they are given the tablet, they grow up with brainrot early. If they aren't, then they can't socialize with anyone and grow up maladjusted from not having friends.
>we're the only generation who knows what a keyboard is, knows what a folder is, etc.
>zoomers and eventually alphas wont know what any of these are.
i feel like everything we learned is going to die.
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People are still complaining to this day about how sexism ruined Sakura while also simultaneously saying she was always actually the best.
>well adjusted
>don’t have any friends because they didn’t have the device that allows them to build bonds outside of school hours
It’s like if you didn’t have a gameboy or Pokemon cards, you were missing an essential piece of puzzle needed to interact
No, they'll actual develop real social skills and not be brainless twats that flip out every two seconds because they can't see shit schlock vids
the problem with tablets and the internet as a whole is their identity is basically the internet. i think world war II was a mistake.
The only solution is private schools and living somewhere where all the parents are of the same mind to not give their kids smarphones until they are much older.
Which is basically unheard of.
>implying kids can't interact by visiting each other
>crazy message boards
They had to be referencing 4chan right?
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Just knocked my brain back to 07-09
>they'll actual develop real social skills
With who? Everyone else will be speaking to each other via ipad. Nobody will talk to the kid without it. They'll be put on the fast track of "mature for your age" > friendless > incel.
>social skills
>try to talk to little Johnny
>since your kid is an outsider it’s short and sweet
>little Johnny returns to the main group where they discuss the memes they shared last night or whatever mobile game they are playing together
speaking of schools, why is it every year no matter the grade they teach the same thing? or am i having memory loss? our culture today is removing what society enforced us to learn whereas we have kids with LGBT books in schools.
Morty is posting with us right now!
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Is there supposed to be a single other message board known to the mainstream in the current day?
Yeah, haha, let's hang out with the guy who doesn't have what we have, haha...
That's how it's always been. What's important to one generation is rarely useful to the next. There are people at work who spent 40 years of their lives working on a particular computer system we're desperately trying to replace.
Nobody wants to visit the weirdo who they only see at school. It’s like you have no idea how kids friendships work
Gee, their parents who would be teaching them things instead of letting a hunk of plastic and electronics do all the "work", which amounts to just hearing junk from shit videos by meme lords who will be irrelevant in 4-5 years
aren't we getting a little political here?
It's the final stage of computers becoming commercialized. Average person doesn't know how their car works, don't need to to drive to work. Same goes for televsion and entertainment.
Computers are just for work and phones are entertainment. If they can click the button to make it go, what else do they really need?
>it's somehow impossible to learn things unless it's from a phone or tablet
Not an argument, tardo
Keep projecting and being wrong
>why is it every year no matter the grade they teach the same thing?
Because actually teaching means some kids may fail, and that can't be allowed to happen because it will reduce the district's budget. So retards are passed no matter what, and now you have high schoolers who can't read at a 2nd grade level.
blonde hinata only works when the hair isn't radioactively colored like naruto's
plus the middle background image of her looks like a shitty dragonball face
Because the school system, as well as importation of a certain demographic, means kids in 9th grade can’t read a picture book so they have to teach kindergarten level reading in high school
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Toonami time has arrived once more. Hope everyone is doing well this Saturday night.

In the grand scheme of things, I suppose it went okay. As okay as one can be under certain circumstances. Not really much to report. Got some birthday gifts, but that's about it. I think my favorite was a purple tie-die shirt with ghost pokemon on it. It's so weird and different from anything else I've worn, I love it.
i hate how kids are obsessed with these stupid internet memes and being exposed
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We are the last generation that was taught cursive. Heard it was phased out shortly after I left elementary school.
Better to grow up maladjusted than with brainrot. They will learn to hate the world and all other humans, as they should.
Cursive was overrated as hell anyway
They only taught cursive in my elementary school for people who were still waiting to leave at the end of the day. I don't know why. By the time I got to highschool half the class knew it and half didn't so the teacher couldn't pull his cursive required method.
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>can't argue, just make baseless accusation
How do we know that's not you?
Cursive is kinda useless at this point anyway
How do you know this? You don't have kids do you anon??
I hate to break it to you but that was the same bullshit in the 90s. It's why I hated history class, because they just went over the same shit over and over again, never in more detail. Just the basic shit, every fucking year, maybe with like a semester of world history detailing the most bare bones european shit at best.

Fuck cursive. I have to look up plats and deeds written in the early 1900s and that bullshit is impossible to read. Nobody can write that shit well.
I randomly remembered that existed and spent like 2 nights trying to find it

My dad was genuinely shocked and annoyed that I graduated school yet didn't know cursive
My grandmother uses it alright, but she's old and so was probably taught it by competent teachers from her time
The argument is over. Now that I know it’s the baiter I know that nothing said beyond this point matters, and the initial discussion was entirely pointless
what's the point of cursive?
When was the last time cursive was useful? I get it's important from a historical standpoint, since most peeps wouldn't be able to read the declaration of independence and other original documents without it, but beyond signing documents, it's barely relevant. What would a non-obscure use for cursive be today?
I do. She is in second grade though. I do feel like some of the shit she brings home is redundant or too low level for second grade
Whatever, if you're going to make insane and baseless claims, then yea, guess the argument is over since you're a child who can't argue for squat and just say "bu-but the kids will totes be ostracized"
so i'm not going crazy. god remember having to do those school projects like have those bulletin boards or wasting a powerpoint presentation? i bet kids don't even know what a projector is.
Just put curly shit on your letters and nobody will know the difference. Everyone sucks at it. My dad's signature might as well be Sanskrit.
My grandma has the worst fucking print handwriting I have ever seen. I found some writings she did probably 50 years ago and they are in the most crisp, clean, straight cursive. It’s astounding how good she was at writing at one point
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God I fucking hate cursive, swear learning that shit permanently fucked my penmanship.
>you will never wake up to this
Well obviously, he kissed a dude, that's like gay 101!
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so I missed recess and got yelled at by a cunt teacher because of my sloppy cursive for nothing
It’s allegedly faster for writing. But that doesn’t matter because everything is typed or done on a tablet now
Same. I had to take extra classes for it in second grade and my handwriting never improved in either style afterward.
I won the opportunity to purchase the tickets. Now I have to wait until everyone claims their tickets and then it's first come first serve for the remainder.
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>I do.
>I hate to break it to you but that was the same bullshit in the 90s. It's why I hated history class, because they just went over the same shit over and over again, never in more detail. Just the basic shit, every fucking year, maybe with like a semester of world history detailing the most bare bones european shit at best.
You need a very rare and specific set of circumstances to understand that sort of thing. My teachers in high school would stop the curriculum to answer questions that peeps had, the peeps themselves would even help out if their country was relevant to the question, and even my priest in elementary school was a historicist, and I learned so much about the world from them.
I find that hard to believe when the thing seems to hinge on being able to link all the damn letters into some kind of "pretty" mess, meanwhile, I can write out my own full name in like 5 seconds or less
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Less than thirty minutes until Toonami starts, what have you been doing to pass the time? Mostly just playing Helldivers 2 after family has been over for most of the day. Chaos does not describe how it felt when the all arrived.
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Honestly, I've practically forgotten how to write in general anymore. Who the fuck WRITES?
Yeah, well, one of my history teachers called it the war of northern aggression, if that's any indication on how bad it was.
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>I can write out my own full name in like 5 seconds or less
wow, v-very impressive anon!
Playing Death Stranding, or more like watching since it's raining and it'll be a few minutes before it ends and I'm not in the mood getting molested by ghost babies and having my shit rust
I watched the finale of Rozé. What a DUMPSTER fire.
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Trying to play Spess Mareen 2 but the servers are jank
Sakurabros... We are not as pretty as a boy.
I would think most people can do that unless they're cursed with some ridiculously long name where each part is like 10+ letters each
Ah, a true Code Geass show.
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streaming chamber of secrets while playing through hogwarts for a fourth time. plants and potions bro
Hey, HEY. It may have been forced to basically start from a clean slate due to schedule changes, but OG Code Geass didn't feel that garbage.
CoD beta has actually been fun so that's been occupying the bulk of my day
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>Finale wasn't the finale, we have two more epidsodes, tune in in 3-6 months.
>Oh lets end on giant melodramatic cliffhanger.
Big Run is happening. Must defend the concert venue.
Businesses still demand use of it for a signature.
R2 didn't have a cliffhanger ending
Playing the demos to card-en-ciel and zelda: age of calamity
When’s the last time a non-H anime had the balls to give us covered erect nipples?
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>only shows i'll post about tonight are demon slayer and one piece
damn, this night is going to fly by, and thank goodness because i got no sleep today. it might be the same length as slayer, piece, and naruto, but for some reason switching gears to focus on a third show just takes that extra fraction out of my energy
It's so rare I can't think of the last time I ever saw erect covered nipples in anime.
Playing Trails through Daybreak, I miss Rean-sama.
Only R1 had that feeling and the intention was to have a second season. The problem is the execs changed when it aired so the whole plot had to get "reset" to justify retelling stuff that happened in R1.
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>Only here for two episodes of One Piece
What can this be called or compared to?
Drug addiction? Stockholme Syndrome? Masochism?
Sasuke trembles with excitement when he sees a burly man
Damn, I just realized. Naruto was one my jerk off break shows as well. Now when do I jerk off?
This needs an update.
Actually working on my story.
I've been working on the introduction for months
>anime rick and morty is more story oriented
>regular rick and morty is just insanity
wtf is going on?
Honestly, if you wanna watch a "Rick and Morty anime" just watch Space Dandy
>he doesn’t jerk off to the huge breasts during One Piece
I was born in 2000 and learned cursive, my brother did not though
>rick and morty into rick and morty into rick and morty the anime into demon slayer
i was thinking about how much has changed in the past some years. family guy used to be our lead in and now it's on fucking comedy central. cleveland show has been on comedy central for so long i genuinely forgot it was ever on adult swim until right now. futurama was here and then it left and now it's back again. king of the hill was here then it left and it's been back again too. shippuden is gone after so many years and will be a distant memory like everything else. it didn't even get a sendoff, it's just... done. squeakus died four months ago. uzumaki took like 5 years to come out, its 4 episodes will come and go in no time, and it'll be just like every other original is right now where it's in the past and no one ever fucking thinks of them.

and im still here
It is always strange to hear someone was born after 1999 for me, I dunno why.
One exists, but I can’t post it since that image was part of my hard drive deaths.
Happy birthday, Robinbro. Sorry it couldn't happen under better circumstances, but I'm glad you got some enjoyment out of it.
mitsuri stinky
>tfw you will never be this hard-boiled
nezuko stinky
anyone who posts after me stinks

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