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The usual.
Also ignore and report obvious posts by tree man
reminds me of the annual spongebob comic that gets posted every halloween, you know the one
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I use to think this artist was the coolest dude ever and all he did was ignore me

which, I was a bit of annoying kid so fair.
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>ignore me
you actually contacted him online? i mean to be fair most artists don't really wanna engage with underages god remember when that was possible? i miss the pre common era web
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are you guys ready for what i'm about to show you
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>Small girl

oh boy a pedo post

Nope fuck that shit, that shit unironically disturbed me more that whatever Garth Ennis tried to do in Crossed
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not gonna read the rest of this fucking thing. just wanna let you know that whoever created this genre of horse show fanart is a fucking subhuman.
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the end

i hope you enjoyed this story (that i did NOT write!) about small... plush like... creatures, that bare no resemblance to equines of any variety, are legally distinct and wherein everything that could be considered board unsafe has been censored for your viewing convenience and to avoid breaking any rules in this (on topic!) comic (!!! it's a comic!! remember that! on topic!)
thank you
>i hope you enjoyed this story
lmao no
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Thread appropriate image:
Yknow apparentally people jack off to this
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I'm gonna sperg out for a moment but I dislike when people's first reaction to anything odd is "this MUST be porn"
Yes I know that's not what you said, you said SOME people jack off to it and I'm sure some do, I'm just using your comment as a catalyst to go off on a rant- it's so annoying, and frankly boring, when people's first assumption at looking at weird shit is that it must be sexual in nature, because it's such a simple and primal explanation that removes all other, frankly much more odd possible reasons. The idea that someone isn't wanking to something makes it way the fuck odder than if they ARE wanking to it, because it forces us to think what else it could be, and to really wonder what drives someone to create something like that, a thought process that isn't required when it's as simple as "it make pp hard"

Ok rant over thanks for coming to my blog, have pic rel as thread tax
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what am i looking at here?
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You really didn't need to post that
A modified Bloom and Barbie doll for a crackship nobody but a handful of very autistic people like.
well? which ship?
Who are you fooling lol
Nia from ICS and Lacey from Lacey Games.
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See what I'm talking about? It's just easier to settle in people's heads than to wonder what else the reason could be, and it's also forbidden to question because if you do the first assumption is that it's (You)'r fetish
it's like a cultural ritual of sorts where you can't deviate from it and say "ok but IF he's not jacking off to it, THEN what could the reason for writing this be?" It's fascinating, it raises questions about what other pleasures a person seeks in life through the creation of weirdo art, or what other kinda bone it tickles other than the one in their pants, or what their odd unexplainable reasoning for doing something might be. But no, the common response is "But they ARE wanking to it" case closed won't be opened anymore. It's bland beyond belief.

Inb4 yeah yeah I know I just cemented myself further into this pit of fuck
>typing alladat
>pleasures a person seeks in life through the creation of weirdo art
Uh huh that shit tends to attract a certain crowd who get it up to gore/animal abuse it's not just blatant thats actually what is
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Why do I even bother to explain anything?
>typing alladat
nta but what the fuck is this iphone baby meme of 'many words bad' are you people actual illiterate insects or is it just retort to say you won?
>are you people actual illiterate insects
Reading comprehension is dead and smartphones wrap words in a way that makes paragraph look bigger and longer giggity so they can't into it
> or is it just retort to say you won
Also yes
Nobody wants to have conversations anymore people just want to "win" conversations because they assign all their self worth to these victories, that's why they look for random arbitrary game point gets, like "You said/did X and that was the secret losing prompt so you lose and I win!"

It's an immediate sign that someone's a retard and you're wasting your time talking to them
I used to annoy bunch of artists on DA and other sites by being overly friendly. But it was worse to them because I was also ESL kid and probably spoke in the most broken sentences.

I also have a vivid memory of e-mailing dude who wrote a helpful GameFAQs walkthrough. My intention was to thank him but I understood english slang wrong and probably just sent a guy a confusing swearing mail from a snownigger country.
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kek i imagine it like one of those cartoon skits where a guy reads a dictionary for some foreign language as he's attempting to communicate with a foreigner and goes "hmm how do you say 'this is some killer cooking, may I come for dinner?', ah there it is, found it!" "Yes may I kill you and cook you for dinner after I come?"
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not that weird, just not too well animation
this gives me the same feel as those shoddy web animation where some figure repeats a motion over in over in big, slow exaggerated movements
He wrote a paragraph in response to a short reply, he didn't need to over explain it, especially not when he already made the same point previously. It's not even "words bad", it's more like why reiterate the same thing twice? He could have left it at "See what I'm talking about? It's just easier to settle in people's heads than to wonder what else the reason could be, and it's also forbidden to question because if you do the first assumption is that it's (You)'r fetish" and it still would've gotten the point across fine.
>it's more like why reiterate the same thing twice
because people are passionate about the shit they wanna talk about you fucking normie gaylord
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>normie gaylord
Ehm rood
I am not clicking any more of these images
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>Woa dude did you just sexualize a regular everyday object by making it a generic looking vaguely-implied-but-not-confirmed female creature with a big booty and eyeshadow? Woaa that's so unique, I'm- I'm just so.... So amazed by how... Creative it is................. Zzzz........
Oh great it's probably some obsessive faggot showing us the art of some artist he's hyperfixated on
>Implying it's not the artist himself
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Tree man?
Schtick like these is the reason why 4chan have a bad rep.
That's the reason yes no other reasons
ignore that other anon, you bring up a good point and i completely agree with you
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This is the weird shit thread abd that stuff is weird shit. I don't see the problem
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It's the reason we have a bad rep with normalfags, yes, but it's not the worst thing about 4chan

Birchy post, report and do not engage
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if this was still 2015 or something i would've believed that every anon who happens to regularly post plenty of the same artist's art is just giving us a look at some weirdo content, but nowadays i know better, and with obsessives like b*irchy running amuck who literally only hyperfixate on certain artists not because they make any interesting content, but purely for petty reasons like personal beef, and choosing to air it out for us all.... i just don't trust it anymore when someone regularly posts the same art in these threads over and over, especially if it's not THAT weird or even weird at all, it just screams "the context you're missing out on is that i had an argument with this artist the other day and now i'm nuclear butthurt so THERE! i showed their art in the weird content thread, nya nya nana nana i win!" behavior
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Being on /co/ is like being in an oldschool loony bin, where, much like in history, only about 1 out of 5 people was actually insane, and the other 4 were gaslit into thinking *they're* the crazy one
Everyday is a fucking adventure in figuring out who's really the loon here
Well then define weird art instead of being weird about it
Ok here's an easy definition you can follow: Nothing that (You), yes specifically you, personally, will ever post. Just you. Alone. Now leave, bitch, vamoose.
kek imagine showing this to an outsider who doesnt know about 4chan god i wish we still lived in that world and them wondering why the fuck you censored a small candycolored horse
Weird response
I post shane because I like his weird art. There's no motivation behind it besides I have a lot of it downloaded.
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Why is this so fucking long
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why *wouldn't* you want more of a good thing? (:
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no singular image will ever do that thread justice
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what's weird is that this isn't even the first thread, pic rel was posted before it but it got no responses
is there anything older? was this done a few times and the first time just didn't get any traction? or are these images really from elsewhere
I want to look at weirdos in the wild not have you dance around in front of me for attention.
Dammit Birchy go away
if you guys wanna see weird check out the recent avatar the last airbender thread, idk wtf is going on there but op is on some shit
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>It's jizzle my jewhole
I don't even know what that MEANS
I keep seing this image, and I genuinely don't understand. Can someone pease explain?
you mean anon's reaction image? it's a lego piece that kinda looks like it has a face and like it saw some shit, is sighing and then looking away
youll have to elaborate or gtfo
A classic
The artist's of the comic username is RingOfFire
I see....How do you know that?
I used to lurk on (now no longer accessible) fluffybooru.org
There's fluffy-community.com nowadays, but it doesn't feel the same
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how is it less possible now when literally everyone is online? Different anon btw.
in all honesty I found some of the more tame fluffy stuff enjoyable if macabre
but the vast majority of it consisted of horrific fecal focus or genital mutilation which is just unreadable alongside some of the more cruel stuff being hard to read
i feel like if you belong to a faction of a community that willingly calls themselves abusers, you should reevaluate your life
You are fooling no one
4chan is not and will not ever be what you think it is, pedo freaks have always been outed and shit on and told to fuck off and kill themselves always full stop.
see this is the shit that really fucks me up
this was like more than a decade ago on deviantart.
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You're a bitch. At least baby monkey people are funny, you're just a miserable thirdie.
Carlos lower part
BTW you're supposed to read this in the tune of oppa gangnam style
Post the screencap
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the only saving grace is that i found the uncensored version and he killed himself out of his own volition after hearing that she wanted to throw him out whereas i thought he had a change of mind, wanted to live again, and died.

the fact that this is a positive says a lot about the motherfucker who wrote and drew this garbage.

I hope there is a God so that He can cast His judgement unto this worm.
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This more /tv/ or /lit/ related but it still fits.
Anon got a fetish from Willy Wonka and decided to tell the guy who played him about it.
i sincerely hope for gene's sake this did not occur
the worst part is, this is probably not the only time this happened to Gene Wilder.
Having to deal with obsessed weirdos with no social skills is just part of being famous
its a lego piece that looks like he's sighing and looking away sorry for you autism
Hey man, it's MurkHellsing here.
I'm still the coolest dude ever. Stay mad lolololol
am autistic, went to autist school, can confirm from experience that many autists tend to have strange yet nonsexual fixations just as often as many autists have strange sexual fixations
not gonna lie i was expecting that comic with the blond hair girl and that creepy step dad who abuses her.
you're not murky, he was australian
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We truly live in a society.
also here until jannies delete
he's the sword comics guys now.
I know that was just a test. I'm from New Zealand.
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So was that
Hi Murky
You never returned my calls.
Oh hey, it’s that underground chick from Oracle of Seasons.
Please tell me that this didn't actually happen
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Reformat those run-on sentences into something humans can easily digest.
>You need to request membership to the 'Controversial' group to see this topic.
Lovely. If you're still here, could you dump the uncensored version on catbox or something? Thanks in advance.
>can't win a match because teammate is intentionally cliffhanging themselves
Crappy Eddsworld ripoffs
more people are o so less 1 to 1. if an artist has 1000 people online trying to get to them, they probably arent going to get to you. or not remember you if you did.
Was his text not in an australian accent?
The odds that MurkHellsing, who hasn't gone by that name in 20 years, would show up on this particular day in this particular thread because someone found his old art on deviantArt is slim to none. He's probably 45 now, he has better things to be doing.
I miss fluffy threads on /b/..
he makes that swords comic now.
Weird? Weird.
what the fuck
This is actually kinda cute, I can imagine myself doing this.
/co/ are usually weird. What are you talking about?
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I'm fascinated by this type of super complex torture
The kind that's just pure violence "lmao axe to the head and eat your babies" is boring to me, I'm not fond of cartoon gore but it doesn't fuck me up either it's just doodled in my eyes
But the stuff that's THIS extravagant and off the shits? That's what's curious to me, because I wanna know what drives a man to make it, the thought process they have, and just the fact that someone went and thought this up

I guess what interests me about fluffy abuse is less so the content, and more so the people who make the content
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>people who abuse actual real world living animals are better in your eyes than people who repost crude drawings of cartoon characters being abused and also [memespeak]
fucking hell, baljit, put down the monkey and hammer and reconsider what you just said
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I wonder what the "popular" fluffy artists are up to these days. It has been 10 years since the peak of that community.
How does people turn on by this. It just down right ridiculous at this point.
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>sees something that isn't obviously fetish
maybe it's not made as a fetish then? or at the very least not a sexual one?

i cannot believe that 4chan of all places cannot conceptualize the idea of an autistic fixation wtf happened to this place?
Read filename
Why can't it be both
it can, sure, but the normies that insist everything even slightly odd MUST be someone's rod polish material won't accept that something seemingly odd can ever not be sexual, or anything besides sexual

i'm not even saying it can't be sexual, just that there are other options too
I don't mean this as a joke when I say fetishes like cliffhanging, yes something as autistic as that, can be a fetish as much as someone's world building comfort fodder
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kek you delivered the point i guess but i feel like the specific way you chose to illustrate the mouths probably says something about you
idk what
it just
probably does
That happen so oddly fast.
you must be one of those /u/ weirdos because this ship is frankly disgusting
>2 - He knows the pleasures of life (Spaghetti and special huggies)
Made me chuckle for some reason

Fluffy torture is the most vile shit, I still remember running away from it like the plague back in the day when it was posted ironically and unironically everywhere I went
kek! not this again...
What are they trying to accomplish here?
Yes, finally someone gets it.
nta but
1. i don't even know what the ship is but why would that matter?
and 2. i'm guessing he meant he would customize dolls like that, which i have to agree it seems fun

when i was a kid i customized my dolls but it was less... elegant... like this, and more like "barbie is getting chopped to bits and turned into a human sacrifice lmao"
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Clearly they wanna hang all those darn spooks
That reminded me of a classic

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Look M8 i can bear the Fluffies stuff but HOLY SHITBEVEITY IS THE SOUL OF THE WIT.
These annying pauses are to just elongate already Long comic.
are you roleplaying?
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ok for this one you need to visit different wing of the asylum.
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maybe ::::> Maybe not ;;;;>
Im just mad when Edgy stuff drawns out and Goes straight with no set up.
>need to visit a different wing of the asylum
>just a fucking hoi4 meme
>not even about a good mod
Go back to /vst/.
Don't tell me HOI4 for is not a magnet for mentally ill.
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>i customized my dolls but it was less... elegant... like this, and more like "barbie is getting chopped to bits and turned into a human sacrifice lmao"
are you some weirdo girl or something?
no i'm a man
maybe that's the part that's throwing you off
Some maybe. When I used to look at this stuff in 2015 it would give me a warm pleasurable feeling in my solar plexus and on my brow between my eyes.
I found out from /x/ that it’s something called LOOSH harvesting, it’s the transmutation of energy. This is what the SRA of the elites is all about.
not him only place i can find this classic is reddit
https://www.reddit.com/r/fluffycommunity/comments/ijgm0l/charming_by_ringoffire_full_story/#lightbox ring of fire stuff was good for smarty abuse but sadly most of it is hard to find.
>click link
>mature content and i don't have a reddit account
kek thanks, i might as well make an account on the fluffy website at this rate
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>the fluffy abuse comic is still up
kek unbelievable

yknow if you guys wanted more you couldve just asked
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Here is by far the oddest thing I could find on the Fluffy website right now, that also manages to skirt the rules on account of not actually showing a single horse technically

Yeah, I don't know either
oh a fag ok got it
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idk what you're bothered by here retard
Anon probably has issues with you owning Barbie dolls as a kid but doesn't question why a kid who's clearly more interested in torturing them than playing fashion would ask for fashion dolls
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>having the option to pick and choose what toys you get
lol that's some rich kid shit, i was a poorfag i owned whatever came my way second hand and i made do
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What's this?
There's a noticeable overlap between the fluffy community and the baby monkey torture community, since both have an affinity for calling small helpless animals "rats" and saying they deserve torture/death due to being "demanding" and their "tantrums". Something something cute aggression, it makes it kinda hard to dismiss how disturbing fluffy stuff is when they don't seem to confine it to fantasy only.
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>Couldn't cancel Lenstar and tried to call him a groomer for dating a 20 year old
>Has burned through multiple accounts because he's too much of a little bitch to handle criticism
Didn't mean to reply to the schizo
What ever happened to him I wonder he just got up and left.
Birchy post, ignore and report
youre making the assumption that its the same people
>they don't seem to confine it to fantasy only
what makes you think that? just because two groups share similar posting styles and cultures doesn't mean the one that's drawing silly absurdist cartoon animals get beaten is just as bad as the one physically beating actual real life animals
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I'll be honest with you buddy pal that sounds like some e-drama and idk what it's about but that kinda shit always stinks
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Just ignore it. I've just learned to ignore it, like I'm done dude.
Nikacado is skinny now
Same here even making fake AI to try and scare him off isn't working it's like he's worse and I can't message him because he's locked all his accounts and all for some mid woman
Y'all really gonna let him hijack this thread? If it's even him?
I'm the anon who made the "dick pic" I made as a way to get him to stop and now it's even worse, I think it's best for him to just air it out, theres nothing that can be done
Maybe the mods could ban him but no this board is just a schizo playground now
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>using ai to make a fake pic
You guys are more pathetic than the schizo you're making fun of just use a filter for fucks sake
Change www.reddit -> old.reddit
and you can view 18+ subs without an account
I pretty much never say this about anything fictional, but these stories do read like people who want to torture, kill, and rape young children and babies and wish they could. Yeah the animal abuse thing, but these animals talk and sound like babies and toddlers and are “bratty” kids insolent enough to want to eat and live.
I'm more saying the fluffy stuff is a precursor to the real life stuff. When silly cartoons aren't enough, they switch to more tangible suffering. And it's not a baseless assumption when they literally use the exact same terminology and mental justification.
Just ignore him I can't take it anymore dude should've have even faked that image
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Femcel jumpscare
Shouldn't have fake that image
Sorry I'm so agitated right now and all because some schizo got rejected
You all are obsessed, learn to take this e-drama shit off here we're not your personal blog.
90% of it is one guy samefagging like crazy
I don't give a shit just keep it the fuck off this board or just fucking ignore him.
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What thread did you post it at?
This channel is wierd
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why, exactly?
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what a piece of fucking shit, look at the fucking hovel
We all know the only reason you post these is because you secretley like spencerfag, birchy
Yeah he needs to get his ass kicked.
Who's that?
your new skit where you pretend to not know your own name is stupid
This is better than anything the hacks at WB could make
nta but ANSWER, ASNO.
I know a lot of people in the comments are clamoring to get this person beat up IRL or whatever, but I feel like they're coming on too strong. I know these "___YES ___NO" people like the back of my hand and they're always really on the spectrum. Not saying this is good but this is clearly the work of someone whose mind is fucked by the 'tism and I feel we should keep that in mind
Okay then don't tell me, I'll just forget about it.
Whats the point of posting it all censored? Ur gae.
>Their still up.
I'm more mad that they lost to him and just disappeared
3 words:

Simpsons Porn Comics
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I want the rest, unironically for the plot
Why is she spilling weird juice
My question is why such a genuinely non-functional retard would be allowed around small animals

This happens all the time, regardless of the ethics or morality of lolcow culture, the things lolcows are often allowed to get away with is sickening, like does nobody see the things these people do and say "hey, maybe this raving lunatic should not be around children, or anyone for that matter"

It's even less excusable in the highly publicized cases. Everybody knew who Daniel Larson and Chris Chan were and what legitimate crimes they were committing before their respective big arrests. The Larson one is especially pathetic since he only got in serious trouble when he made some glowie angry.
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Who is this blonde bitch and why do I keep seeing her?
Obsessed stalker spamming shit
Oh so you know? What's her name? If she has one.
Yes I'm aware whats the characters name?
You guys will believe anything.
I guess I'm not getting an answer oh well.
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Never will anon, because you incels don't deserve it
The fuck is that guy doing to Star's leg? Are they sewing their pants together or is this some weird fetish thing?
It looks ai generated the others look fine but it's the way her legs are drawn are throwing me off
Is this a self insert?
I don't think you will reach anything by constantly spamming the same handful of drawings
Then make new shit. Also who and what?
is that kevin spencer?
>Also who and what?
You tell me, you're the one spamming, not me
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I have no idea what you're talking about. Its just art anon, not like the artist even is here anymore.
Whos the nigga with the black hat
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Then why spam?
Well maybe they'd stop if somebody was nicer. But that'll never happen.
Keep going this shit gettin interesting
And don't ya mind me I'm just lurking
The artist who isn't here and won't see it?
Ignoring the drama, I actually like this ship semi-unironically
Acknowledging the drama, I'm not a fan of this ship.
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Well then begin.
So you're telling me if the artist who's art you spam is nice to you she'll stop?
She won't though. Too hard for her European mind to handle.
Maybe if you stopped spamming she'd be nicer
Is she supposed to come through the screen and suck your dick?
I just want an apology that's it, I quit spamming months ago and as soon as that retard with the AI dickpic lied it sent me into an endless loop.

I tried to move on but I guess it's impossible.
Fuck it
I made it because I was told to by someone who I'm not gonna name, they said if I did it you'd leave the site in embarrassment and have a meltdown

I'm sorry dude
Apology accepted, now I need one more. Probably will never happen.
Wasn't there some Onceler fangirl?
Yeah from like the old days of YouTube why? I'll look it up hang on.
Found it.
It's just like one of them Invader Zim AMVs.
No one cares, go waste your life some more
I found a Gravity Falls one that has some pretty decent art
What are your thoughts on these.
Here's one. https://youtu.be/Mvu7Y_y4MaI
Man this era I miss.
Whats insane is that this was uploaded before most users here were born
Sad we will never see it again because sperging schizos get to roam free on this board
Back then things were better, you didn't have people telling you how to speak and what not to say. Truly a wasteland.
Well he did stop after the apology from the other anon so maybe he might stop for now
These channels fascinate me
I'm done, I got what I needed.
That bipolar schizo will always come back because he's on the wrong meds
Nah I'm done spamming. The anon who made the fake dick pic apologized so now I have no interest in doing it anymore.
Just like that huh
Maybe apologize to the artist you have been spamming next
If she was here then I would. I'm not gonna just throw an apology out into a void.

But fuck it.
I'm sorry....
I'll need time to come up with a longer apology.
So you have been spamming HER art because SOMEONE ELSE posted your dick
Makes total sense
If it wasn't for that incident I would've already have moved on.
Again I'm sorry for the image and now I feel bad because I realize I made this go on longer than it should've
Who even are you dude? I know you said earlier you were told to do it, so who told you?
I'll dm you, you have Twitter still right?
Same one. I even unlocked my DMs. Don't start shit again.
I won't
You are fucking retarded, I hope nothing good in your life happens to you
Oh wait I forgot we all know you have no friends and spend every minute of your life on this board and have an alcoholic mother who abuses you
Fucking knew it, thanks for telling me. I won't say anything for now.
Normally I'd make a comeback about Helvetian culture but I'm gonna be nice today.
Just dont tell them who I am
Secret is safe with me ^_^.
Nah you're nothing but a piece of shit who made all the good posters leave with never letting go of your personal drama and dragging it here
I hope you die
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Yeah but why respond to me? There's plenty of other namefags to go after.

Anyways see ya later.
Bye again Im sorry
No other namefag is this insufferable
>Anyways see ya later.
I thought you said you'd stop
Nigga, we had a dedicated lolicon board before we had /co/, it was like one of the first 3 or 4 boards before getting deleted

Not a big fan of drawn kid fuckers but not only were they always a sizeable portion of the userbase, they are a good portion of this very board
Does the weird melting happen in the show? Its less weird if it has canon origin but i dont know if it is
What is this cringe for ants?
I cannot believe mods have allowed shit like this to fester for years, what a unbelievably embarrassing sight
And the same shit is just going to continue tomorrow
Imagine carrying this around for decades

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