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I don't know if we will ever get a movie like this one ever again, a movie that has the balls to kill off most of the cast from the first 2 seasons including big names like Optimus and Starscream. Closest i've seen to a modern equivalent is Avengers: Infinity War but even the Thanos snap doesn't have quite the same impact as this movie did back in it's day because most knew it would eventually get undone in Endgame.
I have to admit, Optimus's death scene had me crying as a kid. And the Decepticon rebirth scene was so unnerving. Watched it again, 20 years later, and it's still fuckin great. Same with the soundtrack.
It’s legitimately awesome that a cartoon created to sell toys could be so good and get fans emotionally invested in the characters.
Ironically if they didn't do this, G1 Transformers would have lost a talking point that kept it relevant compared to other 80s cartoons and Optimus wouldn't have as much of a legendary status.
Yeah and the best part was the same mindset has been applied to later incarnations of the Transformers. Just look at how beloved characters like Dinobot from Beast Wars, Strarscream from Armada, and Prowl from Animated are.
>it would eventually get undone
So did Prime's death, and the Transformers who stayed dead weren't selling anymore.
Prime's death was undone because of the backlash it received.
"toy shows are bad" is kinda bs anyway. The ratio to good to bad ones is about the same as it is for cartoons not based on a pre existing concept.

Does Street Sharks suck? Yeah, so does Fanboy and Chumchum, but Mighty Max and Jam ruled. Like yeah, there is some level of cynicism in knowing what you're making is essentially an advertisement, but that doesn't mean the people writing and coming up with these stories and characters don't care as much as anyone else working on another show or comic, if not more in some cases.

The whole argument is about as silly as when people who only watch Family Guy dismiss anything that isn't an "adult sitcom" as having no value because it's "for kids"
Which is funny because the Backlash was almost entirely parents and Hasbro not understanding they'd gotten by accident something most artists would kill for, for people to love a character and be so invested that losing them actually hurt.

I've never met or even heard of a single person who was a kid at the time who'd seen the death of Optimus Prime who didn't look back on it as a positive, often landmark experience with them and it's usually held up as the centerpiece of arguments for the film being a legitimate piece of artistry, however flawed, but retarded soccer moms only saw that it made little Timmy cry and stormed out of the theaters.
Yes, and they still undid it.
It's pretty much because it was "to sell toys" that it ended up like that honestly. If you go back and see commentaries, interviews, etc. There's no personal stake in the concept and a huge workload on a tight timeframe, so the bulk of the people who worked on it seemingly just doubled down on putting as much soul and work into making it something quality for the audience as they could manage. They fucked up plenty and there was a lot of corporate mandates, but the essence of it not being "for them" and needing to stand on their own effort in their eyes IMHO makes a pretty strong contrast with how a lot of shows these days are almost always the creators jerking themselves off and being satisfied with whatever the result is.
I've heard a lot of OG fans say they cried over Optimus. There is a section of G1 fans who still hate the 86 cast too for taking over

I didn't really care, cause I was seeing the movie at the same time I was seeing pre movie episodes, so I didn't have any greater attachment to the old cast than the movies, but you do hear from those people in the fandom sometimes
The difference between Optimus' death here vs the Infinity War ones was that at the time, no-one outside of production knew that Optimus would've been brought back in S3 which ironically they ended up "killing" him again only to retcon it again for the finale. I'm not saying all those Marvel heroes turning to dust don't have impact, it's just that there's no way anyone believed they were just gonna lkeep Spider-Man dead i mean come on now. Granted i think they made a good compromise in Endgame with who they killed off in the end.
>at the time, no-one outside of production knew that Optimus would've been brought back in S3
Yes, and rather than stick to their guns the studio caved in and undid it.
No to mention the GI Joe movie came out soon after. And Duke was supposed to die, but the removed it and said he was only in a coma.
Exactly, that was only done because of Optimus' death was received at the time. It does show how much people cared for him as a character, i mean outside of maybe Bumblebee, he is the face of Transformers.
Not a cartoon, but in terms of shows made to sell toys, Kamen Rider has done it for 20 years in a row
I don’t know if it should happen to other shows though. I wouldn’t want an X-Men 97 movie where all the main characters die and we spend the rest of it (and future seasons) with newcomers. Not to mention I know this place would call it “woke” if that new team had women and people of color
Also technically they were still selling Optimus Prime toys even after wanting to kill him off, it's just they were white and bundled with a car carrier which they made up a new character: Ultra Magnus
I wonder what /co/ thinks weather toy product cartoons have more soul than newer ones made by people with "passion". Shit like owl house, big city greens and all new junk seem so lifeless even compared to 90s cartoons that were walking comercials
>90s cartoons
>walking commercials
Holy shit, the anti-zoomer meme is true.
The most popular cartoon of the 2010s was a Hasbro toy show, it just wasn't Transformers. The Adventure Time and SU people will always have to cope with that
Optimus' death scene lost all meaning to me the moment the Junkions put Ultra Magnus back together.
Not exactly. People hated Rodimus and rightly so since he was portrayed as a loser.

This sums it up nicely.

The irony was that they copied the script of the GI Joe movie to kill off Optimus even though the GI Joe movie was released after it.
Yeah, that's honestly the biggest flaw of the movie. It doesn't really make sense, like yeah it showed Galvatron being badass but we already saw him kill Screamer
>portrayed as a loser.
He was a kid drafted into being a chosen one who had worries and doubts. They tried to make a nuanced character and 80's kids weren't ready for it. No wonder America is so far behind Japan in animation writing.
All he ever did was whine about how inferior he was to Optimus.

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