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Why is he so small
that's what she said
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plap plap plap Garnet plap plap plap
Is Garnet meant to be Black?
This show has alot of hiatuses
The modern animation industry, with is reliance on low cost outsourcing, has blurred the lines between storyboarding and key frames. If the writers, who are not animators, make a scribble to give a rough sense of where the characters are standing for a scene the korean animators they outsource to will ignore the model sheet and draw *exactly* that scribble. Because that is what you sent them and told them to draw.

The Venture Bros guys famously figured this out and mentioned said an interview "If we include shading in our drawings before we sent it to them, they shade everything and it looks great. 10 times better. If we don't shade, neither do they and it al looks unfinished."

Steven Universe is full of wonky, off model bullshit all over the place because different episodes were storyboarded by different people, none of whom were artists and most of them didn't realize that their poor drawing skills would translate directly into the finished product.

isn't Garnet around 8 feet tall?
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The boarders developed this weird infantilization thing with Steven as the series went on, which became particularly noticeable starting in the latter half of season 3 and just got worse throughout the show's run until Future where they obviously couldn't really do that anymore. It was both visual and in regards to how they characterized Steven, Onion Gang probably being the best example where he suddenly starts acting like a preschooler. As to why this happened I couldn't really say, but it's a really harsh contrast compared to season 1 where he had a whole arc about becoming more mature.
Apparently he's 6 months old and already walking! What a precocious young feller!
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There has never been a show with height inconsistency like SU.
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You just haven't looked hard enough.
Gamagori is different, because the fact that he is always comically big compared to whoever else is in the room is the joke. Thus his exact size from scene to scene changes, but the point is that he always remains 'too big'. He is literally introduce in the first scene of the first episode squeezing through a door and basically inflating to fill the room. Its so over the top that literally no one could ever imagine that this was not intentional.

Comparing this to poor storyboarding is just dishonest.
KLK was shit but its size inconsistencies were obviously intentional. Credit where credit is due anon.
Are that vaginal lips.
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She also just liked it and thus encouraged it to happen.
She was from that part of fandom that enjoyed identifying who animated what scene based on the little differences so she thought it’d be cute if you could do the same with who boarded what
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You said it. The original Steven Universe series is a weird coming-of-age story in that its focal character somehow appeared to grow MORE childish with time. It was nice to see how he became more emotionally mature than all the elders around him (Gems and humans alike), but appearance still plays a part in how the audience will perceive Steven's arc.
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when will Rock-hard-naldo catch a break?
Anyone else find Pearl dangerously attractive, or is it just me
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i'm a /freak/ at heart
but one must admit
>pic related
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Top right is 3 and bottom right is 6.
6 kind of just seems to be doing an expression so it's hard to actually tell.
You probably weren't being a beta about it, but other people pointing out Kill la Kill meant it and Steven Universe is a fag show makes your post distasteful in mine eyes.
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One of the few times humans being into gems is brought up outside of Greg or Steven is the (skeezy?) mayor calling Pearl "the pretty one," or something. Pearl with the high strung manic mayor would be attractive. She'd organize his work to the Oval Office. Fun story idea. Her actually dictating a lot of presidential policy as "suggestions" which fits into her being a authoritarian control freak and him mayhaps being a little spineless.
because steven trooniverse cared far more about selling LGBT propaganda to kids than it did about consistent animation
No it's not just you. I really like her too. She's about the only thing making me want to come back to this series and finally finish it.
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Big lady
I want pearl to be my controlling mommy
See that's not gonna work because Pearl's main defining characteristic is she desperately wants to be controlled without having to clean up and carry the weight of her dom's fuck ups.

Pearl could never mommydom unless it was to like feed someone else to her own dom because she wants to *be* dominated. The show is pretty clear about that with how much of a neurotic mess she is over Rose leaving her with just a pile of bullshit to deal with.

Pearl would only dominate you to make you into a better slut to present to whoever is holding her leash.
If Steven and the gems were the only ones that change shape all of the time and not like, everything else, it would have been genius. They are shapeshifters and that's my primary way I justify the stupid looking shots the show tend to have.
That's normal. Pearl is conventially feminine in both personality and appearance. A lot of people think she would make for a good wife and they can probably counterbalance her neurotic tendencies. That's probably why the ship with her and Greg seem so popular. It instinctively makes sense for a lot of people and feels narratively fitting for both characters.
Why are some of the character designs so fucking terrible?
Pearl is pretty neurotic, but she's not really dominant, at least not normally. I could see her acting overtly controllong with those she acts as a guardian towards, like she sometimes did with Steven, so I suppose she can be a "dommy mommy" in that respect. Pearl acting too protective and obsessive if you were sick seems well in character for her.
The crew likes to experiment. And the thing with experiments is that they sometimes result in suckiness.
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They really dropped the ball with the later designs. I assume they were trying to veer away from the initial concept of the gems being magical space women, but the end result is a lot of designs just looking ugly
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Another watermelon fan design
You can really tell that all of the Diamonds had their designs finalized relatively early on compared to the other gems that showed up around that time. Most of the later gem designs almost felt like they came from another show, but the Diamonds would have looked right at home in season 1.
Yeah it seems like after a point they were actively trying to go against the idea of all the gems being attractive rock women by making some ugly and weird looking ones. Strange choice. I mean, I get experimenting and how that can be fun but I'd think they'd still want to at least make appealing looking characters.
I fucking wish I had a gf that big compared to me. I could stand up and comfortably fit under her crotch and between her legs.
What's even worse is when you look at modern western story boards vs Japan it's literally night and day. I can't blame any animator for not understanding what the fucking SU crew wanted because it honestly looked like napkin scribbles.
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He can’t be stopped
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I wish I could play up the fact that I'm a product of Rose Quartz and still have her gem, playing into Pearl's unquenched thirst for her whenever the opportunity arises. "Rose might not be here, but I am" kind of talk. Gradually shift her thirst from Rose to me, eroding down Pearl's emotional core to the point where she started to have her own thoughts about me.
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Imagine if Garnet had this outfit?
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Yeah WD felt like a return to the earlier seasons especially with her more mystical feel. Anyways it’s not like they didn’t experiment with the older gem designs it’s just that they had the through line of resembling women while still having unique bodytypes.
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Close enough?
That sounds like cope to me
Yeah exactly, a lot of the later gems felt like they were increasingly throwing the idea of them being women out of the window.
diamond milk.
It’s a workout outfit
I miss the eerie, mystical feel of the first two seasons so much. Like Mirror/Ocean Gem was straight up horror about an imprisoned gem and implying that the CGs might have done evil shit. The whole sense of a whole Empire being out there and the CGs being a broken group of survivors, trying to clean up a battlefield of a planet thousands of years later from wreckage and corrupted monsters felt so good too, really gave a sense of scale of a single drone or technician of the Empire was more than enough challenge. The whole thing felt like entire dizzying webs of secrets and lore out there, waiting to be told.
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I think part of what sunk later seasons is that after the saiyans arrived, nothing was ever magic anymore. It was all purely science fiction, and only ever framed in that context. Fantastical technology, but just that: technology. Whereas earlier on its all temples and mystic artifacts and shit.
We knew it was technology, but even that was presented well, with the current Empire and its technology being ages ahead of the old one and even that was fantastically ahead and well-characterized. The sci-fi part was a natural outgrowth and better writers could have handled it well.
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>the ugly fat gremlin with the dopey face is the one who twerks im a kid show
>SABERSPARK defends Sugar doing ED EDD and EDDy porn while shittalking loli artists.

I hate rebbeca sugar
Don't forget that the mystic artifacts completely disappear after season 1 despite playing a major role in multiple key episodes.
I liked that one unironically
Amethyst is hot i liked when she twerked
She's alien rock creature combined from two smaller alien rock creature and they're almost certainly artificial in origin, you do the math.
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Based, Ammy a qt
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My wifey
I mean based on her attitude, mannerisms, character design. Not that.
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Because rebbeca was too much of a pussy to enforce reference sheets to the artists despite that being part of her job
I like that one tho
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Hheheh, why would anyone find the most conventionally attractive Gem attractive hahah

weirdo lol
>the most conventionally attractive Gem
Now I'm no knocking Pearl, don't get me wrong, but most people are plebs and don't appreciate a nice big nose like she has. The most conventionally attractive gem is easily Lapis, along with probably Blue Diamond if you ignore her size.
Sure, Lapis and Blue Diamond are probably higher when it comes to the physical aspect, but Pearl wins out in personality. Lapis is mostly an unstable downer and Blue Diamond is also an unstable downer. The worst wthing you can get with Pearl is her being overtly anxious. Plus, she appears more often than either character. Additionally, I think Peridot is somewhat up there too. Below or above Pearl when it comes with most people.
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I remember someone here once posting about the idea of newer homeworld tech working similarly to lapis’ mirror where specific gems embed themselves into tech to control it. Which would both keep a certain mystical charm to the gems and also reinforce the dehumanizing “cogs in a machine” philosophy of homeworld, using gems as literal tools
She has the most content on rule 34 out of the three main gems.
Hell she probably has the most in general
you can recognize the character can't you?!?!?!
Humans can recognize faces in bowls of cereal. Doesn't make it a good rendition.
>petting a pearl like a cat
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Fucking children's show format and the ineptitude of its makers. I know that my autistic view of how this series should've played out would've never materialized but it's still a little painful.
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Pearl is probably the most normal and feminine gem both in appearance and personality. I’d say she’s the most waifu’d gem if peridotfags weren’t fucking insane
it's okay anon just wait fifteen years and it'll get some reboot by a power-hungry autist who isn't detached from production
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mmm big black beautiful butts
Jeff and Joe's Steven freaks me out.
Its fine on its own, but next to the others it looks too manic. Also its the only one of the 4 that appears to be looking at you
Did they seriously not look at that and say that's wrong.
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There's a scene where he's a literal giant who has to shake hands with another character using a single finger.
That's the whole joke, he is bigger than most things in the scene he is in
KLK used this a lot, at times it felt like a shit post
Kill yourself.
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What did they mean by this?
I think you should hate Shitberspark more in this situation, but you can hate Sugar too.
Garnet is two lesbians in an overcoat sneaking into an R-rated movie
>8ft tall dounle trouble

You could tell the animators had fun with this one
What a horrible mindset. What's the point of a model sheet at all if you can just ball park it and consider it on model?
So he'll fit inside, of course.
>SABERSPARK defends Sugar doing ED EDD and EDDy porn while shittalking loli artists.
Ok, this is the second time I heard he's pro pedo, just tell me this is fake news because /co/ hates him already so I can stop caring about this being real or not.
I couldn’t stop noticing the amount of buttshots she got in s1 soooo
yeah, it ain’t weird finding her attractive
>”o-other shows have height inconsistencies!”
>posts fucking KLK
>where Gamagori’s height inconsistency is the entire fucking joke
Plenty of cartoons get the proportions and height a bit fudged. There were plenty of better examples to use than one where that was the whole-ass point.
This is Rebecca Sugar's first and only experience as a showrunner, and her loose grip on guiding the show's creative direction yielded variable results.
Funniest thing is, if she is just a bit more controlling, bit more draconian, less permissive, less friendly and the whole thing is more in the flavor of S1-2 and under tight control, then she would have made an absurdly good, decade-defying classic and went on to have an illustrious career as a showrunner. She tried to please "friends" and they ended up sabotaging her shit with shipping and memebarn shit. Such a good lesson why you have to run any creative project with Captain Bligh lest the idea guys gather and infest it. You need to have the spine to say "No. Fuck your ideas. They are not non-binary, they are not in love, none of that headcanon shit gets into the show. Sit the fuck down bitch, I'm the showrunner and creative director and MY ideas are happening here"
Someone should have called Rebbeca ablest or something because I can feel ocd forming in my brain.
Rebecca Sugar gave the only black woman the fattest booty
why not
No she’s clearly red stupid
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Yeah it feels like the show was originally setting Steven up to grow into being a proper leader of the CG both physically and emotionally. But the show gradually shifted from being a action show with a emphasis on compassion to a SoL where singing and crying can fix everything.
man this fucking concept art rocks
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can't remember specifically if I mentioned it, but I did have that concept kicking around for my spin-off. Bloodstone (in pic) would have a mech that required relinquishing the light form to use and have her Gem act as the brain and power of the machine. and a different gem that is meant for a later surprise reveal that I will not bring up here just in case my dream of making my spin-off actually materializes
That's Kill la Kill in a nutshell. Like the visual gags they did with Nui where she would act like a 2-D paperdoll. That actually takes way more work than drawing her normally does, they went out of her way to animate her MORE in order to pull off the gag of her LOOKING WORSE. Thats how you know they were committed to the bit.
he needs more pizza
Is this the biggest cope in animation history?
Its the animation equivalent of the quote about 'nobody cares who pumps the tires on the batmobile'. Its creators resenting being asked to turn in higher quality work and putting it on the fans as being wrong and unreasonable for daring to ask them to do better than the minimum.
I imagine it is Robin or Alfred who does that though, like you can fill in that hole yourself pretty easily if you have a basic level of understanding of Batman,
I hate him applying that mindset to SU because it just doesn’t work lol
For a more wacky cartoon I feel it’s fine, but for SU it just borders on being ridiculous at points. Like it’s telling that seeing this image >>145449163 made me realize how much I miss s1 steven and connies proportions
I can only assume that you have no idea what the context of that quote is and are acting purely on surface level understanding of it.
Yeah, I don't get it, I just wanted to put it out there.
What I always found funny about that quote was that the 1960s Batman show actually did answer who pumps the tires. They're self-pumping and Batman just pushes a button.
Why is this even a thing? Flapjack did this as well.
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I love Rebecca Sugar's art so much you have no idea
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It's funny how you could always tell when she boarded a scene, because the character art suddenly massively improved. I wish she actually made people keep to her own model sheets, her art's honestly gorgeous and if the whole show looked like that it would have looked so much fucking better it's not even close.
Maybe its show dependent. A show like Flapjack doesnt take itself too seriously so the different styles is alright. SU can have relaxed and goofy moments, but the show does try to be more than "just another episodic cartoon" so people are more critical since it's seen as a show that takes itself seriously.
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What I've seen of SU is restricted to some YT rant videos about how it's trash, and Steven Universe: The Movie.

I will say this: White Diamond is a pretty cool design.
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White Diamond has a pretty HAWT design!
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holy shit the originals are so bad
the remakes have soul
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>it feels like the show was originally setting Steven up to grow into being a proper leader of the CG
If you read the End of an Era book Sugar and the staff talk a lot about how they DIDN'T want Steven to be considered the leader of the gems. Their position was always that Garnet was the leader of the crystal gems and that Steven was the "heart" of the team. CN executives meddled with the show often during production and pushed them to swap Steven and Garnet's roles, saying that the show would be easier for small children to understand if Steven was the leader. They compromised, Sugar had Steven act as leader during the arc where Ruby and Sapphire split, and in exchange the execs allowed the show to have a gay wedding episode.
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Im Batman Returns we see bruce repairing the batmobilr after it gets screwed up and splitted up into the Batmissile, so we can assume Bruce does it himself.
Didn’t one of the OG storyboarders get into hot water for waifufagging her?
These were literally manchildren.
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Fucking great artist, wish he still drew SU.
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Had a sick theme two. Same she only got to be a villain for 15 minutes
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>british accent
>loves power for the sake of power
>villain of a very ominous arc
>felt like a genuine threat
>"did they specify ALIVE?"
>100% immune to Steven's lovey dovey shit
I will never stop being salty on how they wasted and nerfed potentially one of the best foe Steven could've had because time was running out and Sugar choosed some hippie newbies to write Future. Look with how much hatred Steven was looking at her and how smug she's about that
There was an AMA here a while back where anons that worked in the animation industry talked about the creators. One mention that Sugar was a nice woman with abhorrent opinions. Looking back, I don't it was just LGBT opinions this person was talking about, it might have been also how she ran her show.
Considering he can canonically shape shift they sort of have an excuse
got a link?
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Sounds kinda like how Pen Ward's unwillingness to assert himself against his storyboarders led to Adventure Time losing what made it special. A lot of these showrunners just lacked the chutzpah to keep their cats herded, or were unwilling to stick with their vision come hell or tumblr bullies.
>Hamster eating banana.png
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If you're evil and you're on the rise
WOAH MAMA. YEOWW! sauce on the artist? have they made other gems? this is seriously good
Ofc silly
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It’s made by a dude named hantabe on deviantart and seem to still be making gemsonas occasionally
There actually were some shippers of Pewey on tumblurgh, which of course caused some Pearl stans to rage and cry that it was corrective rape of a lesbian gem. That was only prepping them for more rage over the concept of Grearl.
In western animations, creators are called "Creators" because they have zero control about the animation workflow, no Director or Producer.
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>tfw your show gets ruined b/c you refused to yell at a bitch who cuts herself and is swayed by the opinions of fifteen-year-olds
aint no way you think 5 is best. Gokus head is tiny af
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Not him but I think this might be what he's talking about
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Where on the scale is Peridot in this frame?
can something be "off model" when the shows creators have flat out said they hate that attitude and "if you can recognize the character, they're on model"
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Was the perfect quartz truly the best villain that Steven Universe ever had?
Pen was the one who brought this evil on the industry by replacing members of AT's season 1 crew with randoms trying to get into the industry he liked the tumblr art of.
The natural result of blowing your budget on hiring musical guests to voice some of your characters, notice how Garnet has the least amount of appearance among all the main gems.
One of the only things of note RS had done for years before the Amphibia cameo was make a communal house for other animators to do feels jam shit. Its super clear that Sugar is all about that divine femininity shit, cult style.
Amethyst is SO fucking lucky...
I miss Steven Universe even if it did turn into caca
Damn, this shot really reminds me of that shot from the Digimon intro where Graymon bursts out of a mountain.
>Perfect Steven
Oh, how cute, she named it- OH SHIT!!!
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Steven should've been an adult.
Your point? Gumball's ongoing hiatus before S7 goes live in 2025 is long enough to encompass a multi-season show. SU's hiatuses don't come even close.
>SU's hiatuses don't come even close.
It's not the lengths of said hiatuses, it's the drama that surrounds them.
>Beach house from the pilot
>Literally a favela-tier shack attached to an ancient temple
Still, that's way better than hiatus long enough to kill off most of show's community.
Nah she’s just an alien doing blackface is all.
What makes it even funnier is that she's far older than the concept of blackface.
>As to why this happened I couldn't really say
I don’t about the rest of them but wasn’t one of the female storyboard artists a legit pedo, I feel like that has something to do with it. I also remember they pulled this same crap with Connie even though she supposed to age like a normal human and in Future I swear the only signs that she aged are that her arms look thicker, with Steven they could at least get away the “he ages depending on how he feels” bs.
It's an ESL spammer that posts that in every SU thread.
Yes and I hate how butch her outfits became towards the end of the series.
So then this is what inclusivity does to a series? Damn.
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Kek I can’t believe they went with this design when the whole point of the episode is that Steven feels young and immature compared to her.
I’d like to believe she inspired it.
More like Korea has no fucking idea what they're doing hence why they got replaced by Snipple.

To quote the animation industry's lord and savor John K.

>There is no point in animating in Korea, because you get nothing creative out of it. (Studio Mir excluded). They are really there just to move model sheets from one position on the screen to another.

>What we call Korean animation is really just inbetweening.

>If you do send them specific customized key poses (which most studios don't) they won't use them anyway. Or even if they do they will tone them down so badly that it takes all the life out of the cartoons.

>This causes you to lose a lot of time and money in retakes.

>BUT! The problems with trying to get service studios to use the work you send them are so immense and expensive that it has finally dawned on me that it's not worth it. I don't care whether the service studio is in Korea or a block away.

>In a post Studio Mir world it's sickening that nobody is catching up to them, seeing that Voltron:LD is only $90,000 per episode and Lego Elves:SOED being less then that. You think that studios would be catching up to them as was the case with Disney in the late 20s (this is what killed off Felix the Cat in 1930), Warner Bros in the mid 30s and TMS in the 80s but instead of doing the right thing (catching up with Studio Mir) they shit all over the industry by making the 70s look like the 50s.
>hates SU
Could it be Gumfag himself?
Amethyst walking by on her way to snuggle with me.
>Pearl walked through the halls of Beach City Hall with an unmatched air of elegance. Her outfit was always the same: a perfectly pressed black pencil skirt, an immaculate white shirt, black heels that echoed with every step, and a pair of thin-rimmed glasses that, though fake, added an extra touch of sophistication. Her job as Mayor Dewey’s assistant was not only flawless, but it was she who truly kept everything in order. She organized schedules, drafted speeches, and solved problems Dewey didn’t even know existed.
>Meanwhile, Mayor Dewey focused on what he did best: appearing in front of the community, smiling for photos, and delivering speeches, most of which were written by Pearl. However, his attention had lately shifted from his public duties toward something, or rather someone else. Pearl. There was something about her cold, calculated efficiency that fascinated him, and Dewey, in his usual clumsy way, couldn’t help but fall into a whirlwind of failed attempts to flirt with her.
>"Pearl, have I told you that you have a special talent for… well, organizing things?" Dewey said one afternoon, trying to sound casual as he handed her a small bouquet of flowers.
>"Thank you, Mayor," Pearl replied without looking up from the computer. "It's my job. Do you need anything else?"
>"Uh, yeah... I was wondering if... well, would you like to go out for dinner with me tonight? Just you and me, you know, to talk about... important city matters."
>Pearl frowned and looked at the mayor over her glasses. "Thank you for the offer, Mayor, but I don’t understand why we would discuss work matters outside of office hours."
>Dewey scratched his head nervously. "Well, it’s not just… work. I thought we could, you know, relax a little."
>But Pearl had already returned to typing on her keyboard, completely ignoring the meaning behind Dewey’s words. The mayor sighed, failing once again.
>Day after day, the attempts continued.
>Dewey wrote ridiculous poems, which he read aloud in front of her, hoping for some reaction. "Pearl, you’re more efficient than a spreadsheet… and brighter than the lights of City Hall..." he began, but Pearl simply interrupted him with a dry, "Do you need me to review any reports, Mayor?"
>He sent her small gifts, like mugs with motivational slogans that Pearl always politely thanked him for, but then stored away without further comment. He even hired a local band to serenade her, hoping to catch her attention somehow.
>Nothing worked.
>Finally, after weeks of accumulated frustration, Dewey decided to do the unthinkable. One afternoon, as Pearl organized the papers for an upcoming meeting, Dewey knelt in front of her, his eyes full of desperation.
>"Pearl... please... tell me what I have to do to get you to have dinner with me!"
>Pearl stopped typing, and seeing him on his knees, raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, Mayor?"
>Dewey sighed deeply. "I’ve tried everything! Poems, gifts, songs... I just want to invite you to dinner. What do I have to do?"
>Pearl remained silent for a moment, and then, for the first time, something clicked in her mind. "Oh… now I understand. You wanted to invite me to a social dinner... not to discuss work."
>"Yes!" Dewey exclaimed, excited.
>"Sure, I’ll have dinner with you, Mayor," Pearl said with a slight smile of understanding. "Although I won’t eat anything. I hate human food. Next time, you should be more clear and direct from the start."
>Dewey was left speechless, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. The situation was completely absurd, but at least he had gotten what he wanted. "Y-yeah, sure... I’ll be more direct next time."
>Pearl simply went back to her computer. "Perfect. Now, would you like me to review tomorrow’s itinerary?"
Gotta reassure the crazy lesbian fans that their dyke representative comfort character isn't at risk of leaving them, so they can stop sending Sugar death threats over the Grearl rumors please and thank you.
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Yeah the post-CYM designs generally felt weaker as a whole. Peridot finally getting a Star outfit was cool at least
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the lapis thread dropped off the board (fucking finally)
now I would like to remind any anons who recall it of my proposal for a weekend SU thread
and I can try to drawfag. emphasis on the try
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you think greg would use 4chan
i bet waterwitch threads would go crazy
You are arguing with autists, anon.
They are incapable of reading between the lines.
Why are you posting deviantart fetishes here
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Well... At least they got Ruby's height correct.
Suprised they got spinel being a entertainer correct… kind of
All the FUCKING people.
yes but i never understood how considering Ruby & Sapphire both act pretty white
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The final show's art style was just more polished and streamlined overall (remember the controversy when they first revealed the redesigns?). Steven's house as we know it still looks put-together, but it's presented in cuter packaging.
Do they ever give a explanation of the temple and why it’s so weird even by gem standards?
I wonder how popular SU fanfics are at this moment.
They didn't have a problem with making sexy rocks in the later seasons. Part of the point of the corrupted gems was that they were all weird fuckups or rejects
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I find it funny when people make jokes about the show like picrel considering Aquamarine was conceived specifically as exactly this
Seeing John fucking K. of all faggots mewling about Inbetweening is peak fucking irony. Regardless of anything else he's saying there, that's fucking hilarious.
>the animation industry's lord and savor John K
damn now that's what i call art!
I understand what he means in the context of comedy. Ian's episodes in season 1 were chock full of goofy off model shit that worked well with his stye of humor, and I enjoyed OK KO's off model jokes, too. Obviously, there's a distinction between purposeful off model scenes for jokes, and OP's example where it's just the storyboarders and the animators having a serious miscommunication.
>appears in one episode
Any sane person on this earth would want to make Pearl a loving wife.
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Holy fuck that connie on the bottom left
what the shit
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They should have given the gems lashes
No, John Kricfalusi.
No, but if I had to guess, the gems have access to bigger-on-the-inside doctor who tech.
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Why didn't Gregory go into construction work instead of running some car wash nobody goes to?
I use to have the headcanon that structures like the gem temple and handship were basically alive with the giant “heart” also acting as a brain allowing the structures to morph and adapt to the needs of its inhabitants. Taking this idea a step further homeworld would have basically been a giant living Ecumenopolis, always changing and demanding more biomatter to keep the system afloat. So basically the living wall idea but less dumb.
Zuke did groom someone younger to be a girlfriend, it gets kind of ignored except when it gets brought up here every now and then since most cringe about Zuke by SU crits is "crazy bitch thought Lapidot was in the cards" and the Peridot fidget spinner post.
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Who has the best ass between them?
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Depends what you're in too
Amethyst clearly
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Garnet > Amethyst > Peridot > Pearl

Sorry, Pearl...
>this is supposed to be a woman
Concord lookin ass
Thank you Ted, that was the joke
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I hate how they rejected this idea because "the idea of Steven having a perfect form would go against him being already perfect as he is."
Amethyst, then Garner and lastly Pearl
Because until later in the franchise, Steven did not age, just like Gary Coleman, Diddy Kong, and Strong Bad.
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At what point did you realize Amethyst is the loveliest?
>Greg Universe
Cured me of my fear of getting fat or bald. As long as my cock doesn't shrink I'll be alright
I always known.
Gamagori's size changing was a gag. He was the only one too, in SU it's everyone who's changing height.
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Went from a cute and friendly design to a broken, ragged one as a result from the torment of complete isolation
>Went from a trusted friend to arch-nemesis well beyond the scope of all the other antagonists in the series
>More than willing to destroy the loved ones of the one who was unwilling to end the torment of aforementioned isolation
>Learned to create intricate machinery from scratch
>Capable in direct combat, despite not being intended to display such an ability
>From nobody to a nightmare, basically
>A guaranteed central role in the show's movie

How did things go so right, bros?
Rob is the best simply is
Why is Rob so perfect bros?
Rob is better than Steven universe character sadly......
This dude has a great art style, wheres he in the world?
Rob is better you dum faggot
There's a pretty big difference between natural differences in art styles between individuals and shit just being outright wrong.
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assfags have completely proven themselves to somehow be worse than footfags at this point
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Rob solos kys low life scums
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That's a name I haven't heard in a while.
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I love when Steven pointed out that she's the most mature Crystal Gem. 10/10 character growth
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Christ we dodged a bullet with those original Pearl designs...
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Agreed. While I do think the pilot art style is better than what we actually got, as a kid i hated it mainly because pilot pearl looked like ass.
The zoomer idea of living your dream, even if it leaves you broke.
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My nigga.
It could've been so great.
Are those the concept designs for the Diamonds? Because those look way better than release.
>remember the controversy when they first revealed the redesigns?
I remember that shit like it was yesterday. Ian JQ had to reassure fans that this Sugar's decision and not something enforced by the network. It was a whirlwind of a time, but things got exciting when background art started being revealed.
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Fan designs I’m afraid. Here’s some official concept art of peridot though
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It's funny how two little triangles improve the character designs by 1000%
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thank you anon. these are excellent refs for my idea of bloodstone.

If Cubedcoconut ever did a Pearl/Lapis fusion, I'd die from dehydration from cumming.
One thing I don't like is that Rose's leg ship looks like modern gem tech.
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>act white
Not real, you have no culture
Blue, my beloved....
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She's alright I guess
Made for snuggling and breeding
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Man I wish that was me
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LOVELY armpits!
Who left the Murdercock unrestrained?!
Rebecca Believes in John Kricfalusi's philosophy of staying off model.
Luke posting
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Consider smol blue
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Nope, I like my Diamonds with lots of MASS
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>accepted by season 2 that townie shit would always matter first over anything gem related
>still had hopes that they would deliver in terms of gem worldbuilding because everything from that point was still nicely put together

>That Will be All ends
>the magical part of the gems practically disappears
>the designs of the newer gems get increasingly worse and more basic
>the "more alien" designs they were alluding to were just sentient objects like perfume and gossiping walls
>homeworld itself turned out to be nothing but a couple of crappy backgrounds and a bunch of random constructs haphazardly puked onto the sets
>basically anything gem related takes a sharp nose dive in quality
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Because Sugar doesn't use on model size sheets.
..oh my stars
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Christ that’s embarrassing

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I've only watched YouTube videos shitting on SU, and I caught the SU Movie when it came out, but it's obvious those designs on the left are better (probably ditched for being harder to animate). The multi-colored layers on the shoulder piece are very reminiscent of stones with multiple layers of varying colors, like agates.

The actual show ended up not being full of agates.
About one consonant off.
Reminder Sugar said in the artbook she made the show as an escape for "people like her". It was literally a deviantart SoL AU given a budget.
>deviantart SoL AU
"Slice of Life", though it would be funny if "Shit outta Luck" was a genre too.
Last I heard of her she was on Young Justice and is now on MAWS. She's gone pretty radio silent on social media though, and last art you can find on some socials is animesque rule 63 Cobra Kai fanart.
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>"Slice of Life"
Fuckin' hell; OF COURSE.
Sometimes I can see an acronym I've never laid eyes on before, and it instantly clicks. Other times, I can look at one I've seen before, and its meaning is impenetrable.
7 feet
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Oh, and "shit outta luck" WAS the first thing to pop into my head, but I knew that couldn't be right.
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There’s also proto-spinel
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If there is a model, it can be off model
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Okay, this is epic
Garnet looked so good in the episode where R and S first fused
The pastel colors and fluffier hair was so much better than her normal look
> Amethyst in a Sadie Killers shirt
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You just had to be there

>>Korean animators
Is it true that Rebecca Sugar went to /co/, if yes i would like to see proof
I heard she apparently appeared around summer in the other threads but unsure if she showed up in the /co/ threads as well during that same time
It's so frustrating, it was almost a genuinely really amazing show, those first two seasons were one of my favorite things ever. Then it alll just got dumped and turned into a disaster
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And here’s a jade fan designs
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>show is from stevens pov
>he grew, so now everyone else looks less tall to him
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It's BRILLIANT, this some 4D Chess shit right here
>Pearl/Lapis fusion
Which one?
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Depends on the storyboard artist
She was reportedly a drawfag but I've never seen anyone actually post art of hers from that era. We know for a fact that a LOT of the Adventure Time staff used to post here though, and Ian JQ has outright said he browsed here, so it wouldn't surprise me in the least bit.
>Easily Lapis
But she's boring as fuck
Pearl is far more attractive, and yes her lovely long nose is a extensive part of that.
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Pearl is my favorite gem, but she carries that big caveat of being a slave to Pink's whims and desires and never actually managing to get over that. Absolutetly buck broken the poor girl
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no, not just you
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Reminder that wander handled pacifism against a genocidal main villain than SU
And she's a rapist who craved Garnet's sassy black strong woman don't need no man cooch and tried to homewreck a relationship between midgets.
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Mmmm Blue
Well, if you spent millennia getting cucked, what would you do?
They look like bobbleheads kek
But why does he see himself as a bobble head?
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Blue's great, I can't go back to lesser gems.
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such a bad bitch
where the fuck is Aang
Go into Rose's room and use it to create a construct of her and spend a significant portion of time fucking it.
It was stated in the show that there was only one world war? How comes?
Or did Rose seduced Hitler into not partaking in nazi activities?
whatever became of the zuke?
>Rose seduced Hitler
Oh, so THAT'S where her portrait comes from!
Last I heard she had a credit in some recent cartoon. Which is kind of crazy since it's known she groomed a minor.
>Japan does Pearl Harbor
>Germany DOES NOT back that retarded plan of theirs
>Germany does not declare war on the US
>Germany is left alone to conquer the mainland
>Soviets get utterly crushed due to not being able to retreat into Siberia due to there not BEING a Siberia
>WW2 doesn't happen because it was two separate wars: The Pacific War and the European Conflict
>world is now a better place because Jews have been truly exterminated
>elections only happen on the local level (Dewey Wins)
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>also Pearl was most definitely helping with all of it thus removing any chance of the Nazi War Machine failing
Wait a minute, if there was no Siberia, doesn't that mean Attila and the Mongol invasions of 13th century never happened?
Gem korp takes me back
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She's got the nicest feet at least.
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Not comparable.
Wander was a space hobo with no relation to Lord Dominator. Aside from his magic hat (that he stole, because of course he would), he can't do more than annoy his detractors.
Steven Universe is, through his gem, a member of the uppermost ruling caste in the Homeworld gem empire.
Is that a smile or a lower lip?
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>steven dismantles a evil space empire through the power of… nepotism
bravo sugar
Yeah, he should've tried to kill them! It's not like the diamonds are essentially immortal creator goddesses with a potentially galaxy-spanning fleet of soldiers.
I used to be obsessed with Pearl when this show was still airing. She's so goddamn beautiful

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