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What level of autism is this??
That's nothing, I've seen worse
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Advanced autism.....
These are rookie levels of autism. Back in my day even trainboy54 was low level autism
>Superwhy's James Earl Jones impression is so offensive that Princess Pea's stomach ulcer practically explodes and she is unable to ask Superwhy to stop being so fucking racist
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I swear there's a whole fucking breed of special kids like this. They all share similar traits and I could go on about them for a while but the short list is:
>Usually Types Like This
>strangely specific videos
>videos relate to cartoons nobody has seen in ages
>bad animation, uses goanimate
>names are always some shit like "BowserAndFriendsStudios2012"
Youtube is trying to push "small creators" but instead of reccommending shit I'm interested in, I get videos like that, just pure unfettered autism. What causes it? Its not even all that harmful its just so bizarre.
Nothing is more autistic than The Loud House fans
It's real autism and not self diagnosed teen autism.
The dubs tell no lies
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My reaction that James Earl Jones passed away at the age of 93.
It’s probably a kid give them a break
Autism like this in the wild is amazing, finding content like this with like <100 views.
What kind of 17 yo still watches super why.
2005 means this "person" is 19
>James Earl Jones died? But i had a antivirus
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>Klasky Csupo 2004 Logo in G Major
>What kind of 17 yo still watches super why.
Most of us are a lot older and watch shows for younger audiences.
JEJ is dead? Since when?
last week
since the ninth
hee hee hee
Messing with these channels is my past time.
Aspie who had to use the special ed room for homeroom and spent time as a peer tutor here.
The further you get into autistic territory, the less the autismos like tension and plot related stakes, because of this, little kids shows are often shown to them as a placating method of sorts. Those shows are designed to be calming due to the hyperactive nature of little kids and that transfers over to autismos.
It was the thing you saw a certain horse show hater constantly losing his shit over, the shows and such shown in special ed classrooms are usually picked based on the most easily stimulated kids in the room. So stuff like Paw Patrol and Sofia the first is huge when you get to even more moderate levels of autism
yeah but not shows for literal preschoolers.
You didn't have Protogent, saar.
>free like video
>Channel name is BluesCluesYesCaillouNo or some shit in that general format
Average day on deviantart
I watch deadwingdork streams and he actively seeks these people out. There's a whole subculture of severely autistic adults and naive (and likely also autistic) children who make these videos, and it's basically impossible to tell which age group a particular individual belongs to until you see their face.
It's fascinating stuff, if you're into freakshows.
OP is a fag who stole this from another autist on twitter
Yeah, I watch a lot of these 0-10 view videos just for the hell of it
even if they suck I appreciate YT showing them to me aside from 1mil+ algoslop
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You know, for how much twitter subhumans blabber on about inclusivity or whatever they sure seem to be throwing these autists under the bus in the name of virtue signaling for James Earl Jones' death. They literally don't know any better and are terrible at social situations, what do these twitter idiots expect from them?
painful truth is that a LOT of 4chan threads are just reused op images from twitter/reddit for ragebait
I've seen some guy just post reddit replies for (you)s
The most surprising thing I ever saw on a DWD stream was a Blue's Clues youtuber who had a wife and son.
It's mainly just autist with a lack of self awareness mocking another random autist for what they believe is a lack of self awareness.
I found this guy posting on bbw-chan.
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My reaction that James Earl Jones passed away at the age of 93.
I thought that was some kid's scalp from the thumbnail
Why are all Loud House fans like this?
Every single one.
Fellow fatfag autist here, I really hate stumbling upon that guy. Makes me feel ashamed of my own fetish
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bbw-chan used to be great, but recently a bunch of fucking little kids & furfags have been shitting up the site and creating useless threads for stuff that doesn't need one.
His content, especially the horrorcow aspects of it, have convinced me that children should not be allowed on the internet
A lot of them are just oblivious to board culture in general and don't know what they're doing, then you have some random idiot creating threads to beg for a single picture
Please don’t tell me this specimen is pushing 50
My only exposure to this show was through incest bbw porn posted offtopicly on /co/ so I didn't realize that it was an actual cartoon and not some weird OC universe like Raisins or Angry Marines that 4chan made for several months.
it sucks man. I want to enjoy some fat bitches and the board is just overrun by these crap threads
>thread made from a Twitter post
fucking sad
Lol there's a degen artist i follow but some fag had fo give away their secret DeviantArt account, now they have the remake one when nobody is looking
Why is deviantart like this
Rookie levels
Mollyhaleismyfriend or whatever on deviantart? Thats real autism
today i will remind them
I've sort of believed that for a while, but when you see people like Sonicsegagamer feuding with 11-year-olds at age 28 it really cements the idea.
Children should probably never have unsupervised access to the internet before age 16.
If this artist is the same person I'm thinking about then it's her own fault for being demented and deleting her own accounts every 2 weeks even though no one said a word about her
With stuff like Sonic, Smash Bros, and Pokemon, you have twitter grifters trying to shill 4chan leaker posts they made and make implications that one of them is true for easy likes.
Then you have gullable retards trying to report back rumors to here waving it off as potientially legitimate, creating a cycle of bottom feeders getting easily persuaded by some shill leaks.

The public space is just that retarded.
No clue.
what on earth does this mean
Yeah the artist is reprehensible but im only here for the art and nasty. They should fix their own bullshit but i don't want them to stop sharing what they got either
This type of DA-tier Autism makes me lose it.
>what do these twitter idiots expect from them?
Autists hate other autists who are slightly more autistic then them.
Its that simple.
I never understand why these threads send me into a laughing fit so bad.
My hypothesis with the studio shit is their malformed brains are addicted to patterns and sequences they can repeat ad nauseum. Trademarks, dates, titles, even fucking logos fall under this
Everyone became an incel supervillain
Dude one of them stumbled their way onto /trash/ and has assured the fatfur threads will have a dedicated dumper for the rest of fucking eternity.
because thats the unfortunate thing about these autists - this shit is their lives and dedicated 100% of their time on this one fixation of theirs.
>Autists hate other autists who are slightly more autistic then them.
can confirm. i point and laugh at ms paint furry fetish porn because im smart enough not to post my ms paint furry fetish porn online.
Its soul!
The human soul showing its true form!
Wildcat worsened the /bbfurries/ user experience for me. The mouth-breathing fuck can't help but make new threads for hyper specific shit that could easily fit within a general. He's also into cubshit, and has engaged in harassment toward artists he's obsessed with. Many posters hate him, and he is incapable of understanding why.
I think the "1976" is merely him imitating a company's established date without understanding its purpose.
Fuck Wildcat.
Plenty of autists are obsessed with routine, and that also manifests in a liking for formula—that's why DeviantArt's filled with countless low-quality "[character] reacts to x" images and people like MollyHaleIsMyFriend making hundreds of images of the same obscure cartoon character "sitting" in the backs of cars.
Say what you want about DA but that site having no quality control makes it have more freedom than basically every other art site especially furaffinity
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Seriously, what causes these poor souls to act like this.
It's autism.
It's always autism.
I love how the sonic fandom shat on the kid in sonic x who was meant to be sonic's human friend and bridge to the human world even though the movie did the exact same thing and no one fuckin cared.
Sonic fans tolerate Cyclops because he isn't treated as some normal relatable best friend for sonic‚ he's just his dad.
I have the knife now motherfucker.
Most of Chris' haters consists of angry overreactive manchildren who deluded themselves that this character is somehow the sonic franchise equivalent of the anti-christ even though he's just the most basic, bland, run of the mill, child self-insert, anime protag out there. Until somebody show's me a clip of him acting as entitled and annoying as Caillou then I will never understand those autists.
Any other calming shows that were used besides Paw Patrol and Sofia the First?
>palestine flag in username
Okay if these people actually gave a fuck about that then why waste energy on random autistic person instead of ZOG. On the other hand are any of these fuckers going to donate any of their own money to any of the hundreds of gofundmes from palestinians or are they just gonna spam gore of kids getting blown up by ZOG on their timelines and accuse you of being a zionist if you dont like seeing it?
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Its disturbing to be cursed with the knowledge that somewhere on this planet there is possibly a middle aged adult that has an unironic hyperfixation on cocomelon.
Zimsisters.... it's never been more over...
What the fuck is Kid vs Kat doing there? It's a good show.
I think that is very common and regular.

I see that profile everywhere.
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to be fair the Sonic movie handled it alot better then "hurr durr rich kid has no friends despite having friends oh but his parents aren't around oh wait that doesn't matter because his uncle butler and maid are also he get's isukai'd later on to sonic's world"
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Could be worse.
>invader zim
>kid vs kat

shit taste, the others are bad though.
i fucking hate those G major youtube poops. they take no effort to make, and autists have been flooding the site with them for nearly 17 years now. it makes it impossible to search recently uploaded videos on certain subjects because they outnumber the relevant hits 10:1
their slacktivists/virtue signalers none of them actually care they just want to look good so they can be in the in groups.
Why are all autists/downies always named Tanner?
You know what, Athf episode where shake meets Chris Hansen after meeting a young girl
I'm still sad that most of his adventures with Phineas and Ferb are lost.
isn't barney a live action series?
just do it anonymously.
Chris is better than Tom, his ugly wife, and his idiot coworker.
t. Chris.
they really, really didn't.
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>Calling Tika Sumpter ugly
I’m gonna sound like a turbo autist here but Sonic even having a parental figure he wants to make proud is completely antithetical to what makes him a cool character.
Chris Thorndyke sucked and got the most part Sonic X sucks ass, but at least Sonic was still a free spirit who played by his own rules and his rules only.
The 2nd Sonic movie starts with Sonic being told he has to be a good boy and listen to his mom and dad and the lame little fucker actually does it.
Sonic fans are probably the largest base of autists on the planet
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As a sonictard myself, I can tell you that the 3 big problems with Chris in X were
1: He had almost everything a kid his age could ever want or need, but still felt like none of it compared to the sheer fucking ecstasy of Sonic the Hedgehog looking in his general direction.
2: Chris was given a fuckton of screen time, so a fuckton of the otherwise half-decent show focused on a character no one cared for.
3: Helen exists.
There are other reasons, but these are the most important ones, Chris was a mistake.
Sonic fans named Chris tend to be infamous.
>free Palestine flag in screenname and presumably bio yet advertises being a fan of the new (((dreamworks))) flick
Who fucking knows.
>autists hate other autists
story as old as time
Now that's autism kino.
This. He deleted the vid because jackasses seriously went to his channel to bully him even though it's clear as day he's on the spectrum.
Some douchebag attention whore on twitter put a literal retarded person in the spotlight.
>see this thread
>think to myself "Who the fuck is James Earl Jones?"
>look him up
>he's the voice of Darth fucking Vader
Man am I glad I checked who he was before making a fool out of myself on the internet, that'd be embarrassing.
He didnt delete the video though....Stop making crap up.
DA is super unmoderated, nobody gives a fuck what you post unless its truly illegal shit. There's also effectively no standard there, which means everyone will post whatever the fuck they want, leading to little kids making godawful submissions (can't even call them art) & shitting up the site with them.
For every good piece of art there's like 1000 of these.
holy fuck is that protogent?!?
>screen recorded from a fucking video on youtube
>kinemaster watermark
>screen recorded from a fucking website
>bandicam watermark
>literally just a still image with the kid saying yes or no
>10,000 clips in one video to show the reaction
>wondershare watermark
>reacting to completely false news

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZjVsdRbZB8 here's one for example
Kek. Love that meme
i don't hate them
for all their many faults they're authentic and not slop
That's quite ableist yikes
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I found this gem a week ago
How very cheesy
Every once in a while I get the weirdest shit in my recommended feed because every once in a while Youtube puts some "new" shit in there that only has like 100 views and came out an hour ago.
I remember seeing a fucking King K. Rool vore video in there a few years back.
There a crypto scam discord being advertised here on 4chan where the guys claimed to be affiliated to the official Cocomelon brand. I aways think about it, who was the target audience for that? There was also that ad where their NFT mascot was just Marge Simpson without a nose
>who was the target audience for that?
no idea, i presume adults into cocomelon are either autists or abdl fetishists, and neither seem like the type of person to be into crypto
> There was also that ad where their NFT mascot was just Marge Simpson without a nose
Post it
That would actually be Kino
I love autismkino, bros
not that guy but probably pingu and thomas the tank engine
That's pretty funny.
the thing about thomas the tank engine is that everyone into it loves the crashes
I went to his channel and couldn't find it.
Abandon all hope ye who enter:
For me it will always be this movie long effort https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8FUFVy8vYU
This Andrew Auld guy, let me tell you.
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He did delete the video because twitter dipshits were bullying him. I hope that subhuman who started it gets a taste of his own medicine in the future, fucking double standard rat.
I remember a guy in a thread found one of these youtubers where instead of doing reaction videos with cartoon clips he beats up his cat instead
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that faggot's timeline is pure cancer AIDS and a big reason why you don't mix politics with zoomer autism. i'm glad these people live in a hell of their own making
I never know if these guys are 12 or 40
kill them
Anon I don't think they were ever being touted as YTPs to begin with, not from what I remember anyways. I'm not denying the possibility maybe there were a couple that you say with the YTP label
kys tm
I would point out the hypocrisy of you making a stink about this on fucking 4chan on all places
but not without also pointing out the hypocrisy of Twitter being such a 'uwu pwogwessive safe space fow minowities alike' only to pull this sort of shit
it's exactly like what happened with the chuggaaconroy situation
Go back to Twitter, you fucking tourist
some ytp fag came up with the label. either way i don't give a fuck, it's a stupid genre of videos that's almost old enough to vote and the people who make them need to be put into rubber rooms with no internet access so they stop clogging up youtube search results
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>youtube autism thread
Time to summon the old gods.

>remember /co/ showing me this dude back in 2011
>he's still doing vids daily
>fuming with rage because the person with severe intellectual disabilities has trouble with proper social behaviors
Raisins is from South Park.
>implying it's not just something parents put on to ignore their kids
Im not normally a violent individual but out of all weird faces ive seen in my life, I specifically want skin this freak's face alive with my bare hands and light it on fire. but then again, even touching it would leave me repulsed.
how does that exclude it from not being shit? if anything that makes it worse
Despising autismos is the morally correct thing to do, yes
Transphobe this, Homophobe that, racist outside my window, (Insert random politics slop, doxxed, le groomer, pisscord, "This bad thing an e-celeb said 9 years ago", ect) Every damn time. I fucking swear xitter zoomers have created one of the worst terminally online echo chambers on the internet. Almost as bad as reddit.
Kinda unrelated but does anybody remember the 'I live alone, I fear I may die alone' Deviantart guy?

I still wonder about that guy, I hope things are better.
do you think we'll ever heal
it's starting to pour outside of xitter from what I see
the tumblr purge and covid sure went hand-in-hand in creating such an atomic fuck-up. I won't deny how "toxic" 2016-2018 was yet I'd rather go back to that period because you could actually have fun
Some guy on Deviantart that posted drawings, stories and a scanned image of a face once.

Man, I wish I could find him, I hope he's aight. He seems pretty down most of the time.
He was some 70+ year old guy on DeviantArt who wrote journals about how lonely he was and will probably be dead soon, I wish I had screencaps of his account, they're probably somewhere in the hundreds of cringe and autism threads we've had these last few years.
he represents us. we're all annoying and self centered and obsessed with fictional characters just like him
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>do you think we'll ever heal
man it's weird as someone who never saw much of it before it got to where it was now to stumble upon actual artists who once posted there like pic related posted some work he did for tmnt 2003
it's really cool to see it once was like a precursor to artstation in that regard
on the flip side, you can also run across actual famous artists who still upload but they fell into the easy generic furry fetish art money trap, shit's heartbreaking
if you count that you may as well count all the youtube kids content farms
huh, i've never seen tismo's that dislike zim
the rest are par for the course
>has nearly the same amount of subscribers as videos
>videos are toys moving around via stop motion recorded with a camera out of 2008
>vo is nearly unintelligible
something about this is fascinating, and a little offputting
Poor parenting
The sad thing is that this person, lame as they may be, comes off as rather naive and childish (just like the person they're complaining about...) compared to some other Twitter fandom slacktivist zoomers. Some of those people have truly, truly awful personalities. They would throw this person under the bus at the drop of a hat.
You guys think the internet is making it easier for people to stay at an immature or does it just allow already immature people to embarrass themselves? Someone like Chris Chan probably wouldn't really fare much better without the internet.
I am thankful my autism is controllable. I might have trouble shopping and cant really leave my house due to sensory issues but at least I'm not this level, I can kinda function on my own and have a little bit of a ticking brain in my head.
Met people like this irl, you can just tell something ticks slower or not at all and they wanted me to be all buddy buddy with them when I'm only slightly retarded. It was awful being forced to talk to them as they were so very slow nothing going on upstairs at all outside of this avant garde shit. Its not even interesting as they are all clones of eachother.
At least there was one spergy girl that was more my speed of retard. Constantly said shit that worried me though.
>At least there was one spergy girl that was more my speed of retard. Constantly said shit that worried me though.
Such as?
Talked about liking the tase of blood, how she had an online boyfriend in some fucking sand country, openly said how she constantly felt no emotions, pretty sure she said she had violent thoughts as well. She was the only person that would talk to me so I took what I could get.
On top of that when I invited her round to my house to play video games both her parents came along, we were both teeenagers and both my parents were at my home. My parents even said her parents were weird folk.
I hope she's doing well.
bitch deleted the tweet

see what your seeing is my base form and this, this is a super autism, now this super autism beyond the level of super autism also known as super autism 2 and this...IS TO GO...FURTHER BEYOND.
Me in the left
a bit of both, it really showcases how immature people are below the surface but it also makes people think that's normal behavior thus encouraging said behavior (example the "quirky" girls who pretend to be autistic "tehpenguin of doom holds up spork" level shit) when IRL they wouldn't be caught dead speaking like that before the internet poisoned them with "irony" and at a certain point it stops being ironic.
kill them
they think they'll become some big name
The behavioural rat race.
>What causes it? Its not even all that harmful its just so bizarre.
I would say probably the autism
sub 100 view videos are the best because they haven't been stripped and removed by YouTube yet if they're actually something kino. Also no annoying traits that popular vids are forced to have like saying "unalive" and whatnot
>aside from 1mil+ algoslop
Yeah, i miss the days when the best performing videos were just barely above 1 million and lesser viewed videos were more likely to appear in your recommendeds
Based, Chriscucks have been on suicide watch ever since Thomas Michael "Chad" Wachowski forever cemented himself in Sonic lore
Which is weird because in the first movie Sonic understood that his mere presence put people in danger and was willing to leave for Tom and Maddie's safety. Then when Sonic 2 starts he's doing this superhero stuff and it's like he's a completely different person and has to learn all the lessons from the first movie again.
Chrisfags dont exist. There are only people who don't care about him and accepts that he exists and there are autists who pop a blood vessel whenever they see him. Tom is only canon to movie lore.
There are probably some Japanese fans of Chris. His character works better over there than here.
it took me a while to realize this was a fetish vid
hanging from ledges? wut?
Getting your first boner changes the outcome of your life, it can be looking at the girl you like in class or at a cartoon character eating onions whole. We don't all get to choose.
That's an oddly specific kink, also his two most popular videos have a bit over 10 million views. How strange.
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How common are cartoon schizos vs cartoon autists.
When it comes to general populas, schizo-spectrum and autists are about even yet there seems to ber very few cartoon schizos of note.
I don't just mean schizophrenia but anyone along the spectrum like schizoids, schizotypal etc.
I'm not in deep with or knowledgable about the esoteric lore surrounding obscure cartoon YouTubers and animation weirdos but it seems like it's always autism, never schizophrenia "spectrum".
I mean, this over representation of autism among cartoon fanatics or lolcows could be due to autism (especially moderate to low functioning) being really hard to mask while many schizos can mask or medicate to an extant... or maybe it's something to do with the hyperreality of animation and how it appeals far more to the autistic mind.
Anyway, genuinely curious what you anons' thoughts are?
I love going on these autistis community posts and keking at the schizo bable about "all 1 million channels will be deleted by December" or just looking at their shitty below-grade deviant art drawings
that's probably due to schizo's tend to focus on physical art for the most part while autists do digital works, that's why you see whack ass paintings more then you do videos, though they do occasionally do work with digital/visual mediums from time to time and you can find it if you know what and where to look though schitzo stuff tends do be more "artsy" while 'tism stuff is more childish/latching onto a single idea and repeating said idea over and over which more often then not is something they enjoyed as a kid which quite often is fetishy.

schitzos also tend to be more talented.
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Based CHAD thorndyke completely mindbreaking stunted manchildren for decades to come after he fucked sonic (and probably his other friends) offscreen.
most of the time is both
the inner child never went away
Sometimes I wonder if maybe I'm the retard.
Unsupervised children
You're on /co/, that should be a hint.
They do get mad if you post porn or aged up cartoon characters.
If I were schizophrenic I wouldn't want to be in the limelight
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>his ugly wife
kill them
Many such cases
Is this a curse? I just got this in my recommendations.
Sometimes I think I'm autistic then I see the stuff that actual autistic people do.
Still better than Smurf in Hand
>Until somebody show's me a clip of him acting as entitled and annoying as Caillou
This kind of sounds like channels I’ve stumbled into except they’re always dedicated to fetishes like hypnotism or sneezing.
This is like a caveman's art. If you remade some of these pictures in a cave in southern Europe you could easily make the argument that they were painted by a Neanderthal.
This stuff reminds me to Thank God I was born normal
What even is this?
Like I said, it's modern caveman art. 10,000 years from now, archaeologist will be trying to understand what this picture means.
Anon I normally hate niggers but Tika Sumpter isn't ugly at all.
I miss classic Tails Gets Trolled. The "new" stuff is fucking cringe.
Homer solos
I love how these guys take two screencaps of characters, put them together and call it a fight.
What type of genre of images are these called
since collage is too broad to describe it
Pretty much , the level that posts those kinds of videos are pretty much as far autistic as you get before reaching the demographic that can’t even properly communicate or at all (or the severely autistic or whatever you want to call them)

The levels go

Honors student aspie

Less intelligent aspie (same social awkwardness and hyperfixations as the previous group but they just stay in regular classes or only get in higher classes for one class exclusively which will either be history or math) (also any below this point pretty much become neets regardless the second they graduate)

Autist(in standard classes but now at the level where they’ll be in like acedemic support or whatever their school calls it and the regular classroom tard wranglers might breath down their neck a bit)

Really autistic (more obvious autistic voice has magnet for the class president popular group girls (granted this applies to all of them and then those girls claim they’re autistic in college or highschool during their trauma war phase)
Sped class autist
Eternally 7 autist
Non verbal autist
Incontinent autist
Full Retard
They’re the ones that fake having autism , in turn they don’t actually like autistic people so this shit pisses them off
The kind that results in them growing up to be an uncaring misanthrope after trying to figure out how to emotionally relate to neurotypicals without proper guidance and only ever being punished, mocked, and demonized for it
I mean the adult ones are lost causes like this one and usually were too autistic to even get in the band kid tranny lesbian autist clique that a lot of them (lower fuctioning aspies especially) go to as a last resort in highschool
They're called "users"
I didn't use that word because I didn't want to explain what it means.
But yes, they're called users.
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>chikn nuggit
9 times out of 10 the autists who claim to hate rule34 on that website always has some sort of weird ass inflation or fetish art in their gallery/favorites. Pretty ironic.
gumball would not be mad about internet porn
there's an abundance of autistic children on deviantart dedicated to the mission of purging the internet of porn it's very beautiful
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my sides
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>Watches HTF
>Cartoon characters having sex? That's too far
I found out that all these autistis are all beefing with the exact same guy for some reason, he even has his own dedicated hate seal
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Holy shit
KEK it's the same dude who made the schizophrenic chris rant.
This happens a lot. There's an autistic guy on youtube who goes through different names depending on what his favorite movie is at the moment (insideoutfan2001, trollsbandtogetherfan2001, etc.) and a TON of other autistic people on youtube hate his guts. All it takes is saying the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time and you'll be public enemy #1 within an extremely small online community of gigaspergs.
Or that bunny girl show
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Oh my God! Devianart is now just 20 kids making shitty collages and circklejerking each other?
It reminds me when a bunch of autists formed factions and turf wars on thetopten.com to gerrymander tons of lists into shitting on obscure youtubers who gave bad reviews on Sonic games
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>I made a patreon
I wonder how much cents she is making per month
why is kuckyweck zosky simp such a fucking faggot like holy shit there was the time where she would just spam /co/ for attention back in 2021 then she pulls some rocko ren and stimpy oggy shit out back in 2022 with daily spaming husbando spreging and now suddenly shit like rockos modern life ren and stimpy catdog camp lazlo is now dead on co but really kuckyweck is a terrible artist as she makes the "skill" most art and cringe furry underage deviantart meme tumblr drama porn that style is no meme to be popular with as kucky is a cukc that merely gains the notoriety from his shitty ms paint lines which gave him the style meme nutering in the terms of the minus8 autist but this is not the conclusion. kuckyweck is just a "CWC horrorcow wannabe" troll by acting as an toddler rapist and saying its just edgy dark humor and jump from 4chan /co/ schizo drama to get an famous e celeb lolcow old internet hatedom in dreams she gain noteriety from fans who hop up on her spam threads and write " fuck off kuckyweck" and follow her to the rest of his deviantart days but leaving them in the dusts of short attention span around them thanks to her and his shitty obsession with the kaput and zosky nicktoons network shows like holy shit that shit was fucking dumb shit like she didn't even shill that dead show and now the spam were left years later so much fcuking tryhard in the godam spam and now she flushes it for some swaysway breadwinners duck pickle n peanut sanjay and craig hated shows shit like what the fuck are you those fucking 2014 goanimate deviantart "top 10 worst animated series" cartoon reviewers you autist like seriously you arent even subtle about becoming next birdie drama chris chan goonclown tier internet lolcow /co/ schizo in terms of trolling like holy shit dude like get a fucking real job instead of larping on the internet and as soon as you realize shit you do is poinless same for birchyfunbags lunamedia spencerfag guy augie dogie pluto shroomeister
Yeah I don't know why so many people act like this, and this is coming from a fat fetish autist mind you. Like is it because there's no nudity or something?
>Like is it because there's no nudity or something?
A lot of these people are sex-repulsed and don't make the connection in their brain between getting horny when they see a fat chick inflating like a bicycle tire and and getting horny when they see a fat chick with her tits out.
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All Loud House fans are like this.
Not enough people know about the whole Deviantart stamp community. It's a bizarre subculture on an already bizarre site filled with numerous other bizarre subcultures. I guarantee you that a majority of stamps never get used by anyone; many of them, like the one you posted, are just the Deviantart autist equivalent of virtue signaling.
The loud house was a mistake.
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imagine letting a sperg live rent-free in your head while he's busy watching toddler shows, lmao
Yes, people like that do really exist.
They like HTF but not the blood or gore which is a massive oxymoron.
What unsupervised internet access does to a mf.
that's literally the same as things like South Park or ATHF that somehow amassed a great chunk lefty xitter autists in their fanbases yet bitch and moan about how problematic the show can be. especially in the case of south park
But isn't that the main joke of the show
can somebody explain what the fuck is this anon talking about?
They only like the artstyle and characters.
The "joke" goes over their head.
we use 4chan
Loud house autism is one hell of a drug
>Invader Zim
>Kid Vs Cat

Shit taste. everything else on the list I can agree sucks though.
This art is good enough quality not to count.
I'm a caretaker for a cousin who's just like the autists in this thread.
Every day I have to remind myself "at least he's not Pamperchu" in order to go on.
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Every single result of google images is the main character hugging someone (most often Joy which who i presume is the creator's waifu), most of his work seems to be characters hugging each other over and over actually
My mind went directly into thinking it is a fetish think, but a small part of my constantly shrinking dark heart gave me the assumption that maybe the creator just wishes his imaginary friends could hug him, which made me incredibly sad
>kym as a source
I hope more get made just to fuck with you.
>said the abnormal tribesman as he was thrown into the bog by his fellow villagers
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it's not like there are better options
>one of them stumbled their way onto /trash/ and has assured the fatfur threads will have a dedicated dumper for the rest of fucking eternity
This kind of shit is on this very board, too and I hate it. You've got autists that'll just bump threads that are constantly falling off the catalog without actually trying to discuss anything. I can tell them that they can just make a new thread if it dies, but they just go "no" or become deluded that I'm trying to kill the thread. There's nothing worse than seeing a thread you were enjoying get a bump and entering only to see some autist bumping and deleting over and over again.
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>names are always some shit like "BowserAndFriendsStudios2012"
Every fucking time.
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I remember that the guy responsible for this is a adult that for some reason has ambitions of making Feady Jey Go the most extensively covered show on TV tropes
Oh boy, I can't imagine the amount of people who ended up having weird fetishes/kinks cause of how uncensored YouTube algorithm was back in the day
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I think one of my favorite recent artists I've found is this one guy who uses an edited Squidward as his OC.
Nothing substantially horrible or anything but I just find it really really funny
>t. chrisfag
didn't he say that he deliberately exaggerated the nightmare fuel page because he knew that "this toddler show is surprisingly dark" would get more attention on the site than "this toddler show is really good actually trust me guys you should watch it"
There absolutely are better options. You picked the bottom of the barrel, you retard.
i don't understand the caption under the image. is there something going on in the image that i'm missing?
>Squidward but ragtime era
shota probably
nobody gives a shit autist
it's scary because the lighting is spooky and he's making an evil face
you're scared, right? aren't you?
>it's scary
is it?
>you're scared, right? aren't you?
no anon you don't understand look at the red lighting and the evil expression it's CLEARLY SCARY
it's meant to be scary so that means you should be feeling scared when you see it
that's how emotions work, right?
and i'm supposed to be surprised that something this scary actually aired on pbs kids? is that what you're getting at?
wtf anon censor that shit, children use this website
>Diego but in the deviantart era
There's this one guy who posts various updates from Cartoon characters. He often uses my favorite anime character Astro boy. This Really fits the bill of the thread.
Posting a classic.
I’m not condoning him but it genuinely sounds like he knows what he’s doing.
>t. projecting autist upset at g major fads
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I still wish this was an actual ongoing comic
They're just autistic kids, or just kids. You'll have no control over it, but some of them will just grow out of it, and some will maybe not. I honestly don't really care if some kid born in 2012 is making stupid videos where they clip random shit from some nick jr show or make some dumb goanimate thing and upload it, I was doing similar-ish stuff when I was 12. A lot of this is just the modern evolution of dumb stupid things kids do online.
the only difference with kids on the internet now and kids on the internet before is that kids before would have other places to offset their autistic cringey shit such as flash game sites like club penguin/neopets/miniclip or newgrounds for some of them. Now those sites don't exist so the only thing kids can do now is post shit on deviantart and youtube and tiktok. They don't have places to distract them and keep them busy from making as much dumb stuff.
>im not racist, here’s a list of every racist I think of myself as
These USERS man
I never noticed that pattern...
Doughnut lord is an overall better character but yeah I don't get it either.
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>Invader Zim
Gir bros...not like this
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unironically I agree it's just so absurd that it wraps around to being amazing.
there's a " furries did 9/11" joke there somewhere.
A lot of people tend to say it's "unfiltered autistic manchildren" and while I do agree there's also the possibility that these are kids, as young as 8, with unsupervised internet access I know because I used to do this same type of shit at this age
I still don't think any deviant art autism gets worse than fandom wiki autism.

The supernanny fanon wiki, smurf fanon wiki and the pooh adventures wiki all come to mind as the worst rabbit holes.
How old are you now anon?

>The supernanny fanon wiki, smurf fanon wiki and the pooh adventures wiki all come to mind as the worst rabbit holes.
yeah but the kids who aren't autistic (or have very good parents/high functioning) tend to move away from those things while autists have DA accounts that are +10 years old that obsess over the exact shame shit over and over I have heard tale of many kids deleting their DA accounts later on as they regretted their actions/grew out of doing that shit.
basically those wiki's got taken over by autists since there's zero moderation to the point where people started using it to make shitpost characters that don't actually exist.
Less intelligent aspie reporting for duty
>autism thread
>anons post fetish shit
took me a second to parce what the fuck I was looking at.
it does go hand in hand.
But I like Pingu.

I'm not saying that what you said isn't wrong, but just that there are times that these DA shit is not all bearded men playing smartschoolboy9
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There's a side to me that's glad that I'm not like this, but at the same time I physically cringe at myself because I couldn't draw nor write whilst trying to do so but never having the ability to properly do so which I tried to do years prior, but those were on a different board, I've had interest with drawing when I was younger despite being horrendous at it, still am.
self-aware enough to realise the awkwardness of what I'm doing but just autistic enough to fixate on pointless bullshit.
But it's less funny when the answer is "it makes them horny"
I feel like my brain is gonna implode. What is this.
What's the most autistic fetish? Not the most degenerate or gross or sexual. A fetish that can only be comprehended by one on the spectrum.
I don't think anything is ever going to top floor tiles. Maybe cartoonish flattening, where a character gets crushed into a pancake.
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>Loud House weight gain
Things aren't looking good for imaginami studios.
>Deviantart stamp community
People are still making stamps? I used to see them being made and used a lot back in late 2000s to early 2010s on DA.
I'll never understand flattening.
If this picture didn't exist back then people today would say this was made by AI.
why are they like that anyway?
Post more like this
Been a influx of toon deformation fetishes lately. Flattening, stretching, cubing and marbeling for shapes or extreme suction effects and spaghettification. The consequences of cartoon violence were unexpected.
>People are still making stamps? I used to see them being made and used a lot back in late 2000s to early 2010s on DA.
Outside the a.i slop clogging the site, the community there really feels like it's frozen in time in the 2010's internet, never evolving. It's really fucking weird.
> self-aware enough to realise the awkwardness of what I'm doing but just autistic enough to fixate on pointless bullshit.

Worst of both worlds. Sometimes I wish I was a more delusional autist, then at least I’d be able to fully enjoy my own bullshit. At least I can write and draw decently.
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Today I will remind them
sorry for making fun of the youtube poop equivalent of macaroni art buddy it won't happen again
>the community there really feels like it's frozen in time in the 2010's internet
must be a pretty decent community then all things considered
What in the fresh hell.
Smurfags are so damn weird. You rarely seem them and they are barely documented on but once you get a quick whiff at what they are like then you will never forget it.
/co/ and /co/ adjacent autism is special.
It was made by an AI, just a few years before it became more advanced.
Maybe we all need a hug, anon
You have not seen shit until you've seen what Vic George has to offer.
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My favorite types are
>channels that post nothing but clips of action scenes from cartoons with "health bars"
>channels that post nothing but hundreds of network bumpers from Disney, CN or Nick but with logos from other channels pasted on
>channels that post nothing but hundreds comments under vidya OSTs, writing Pooh's Adventures tier fanfic shit like "Freddie and Timmy Great Adventures 7 OST - Dark Dr. Neo Cortex Battle Phase 3"
this exact thing is a big problem with tvtropes
lot of embellishment for the purpose of justifying one's like or advertising it to others
this guy is pretty discerning for a autismo
This guy gets it.
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For me it's the tornado kink community
>t. kansas native
It was a she
An extremely autistic girl
Not a tranny either
>>channels that post nothing but hundreds comments under vidya OSTs, writing Pooh's Adventures tier fanfic shit like "Freddie and Timmy Great Adventures 7 OST - Dark Dr. Neo Cortex Battle Phase 3"
only real niggas remember Jimmy Kielbasa commenting under Mario Galaxy OSTs
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deviantart people hate it because allegedly the kid is abusive to the cat or they felt bad for the cat. idk anymore
a lot of autists hae extreme empathy for characters for some reason and it culminates in them hating any "abuse" onscreen

t. autist
>>channels that post nothing but hundreds comments under vidya OSTs, writing Pooh's Adventures tier fanfic shit like "Freddie and Timmy Great Adventures 7 OST - Dark Dr. Neo Cortex Battle Phase 3"
Great! More physical media faggots!
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I know the feeling.
how the hell did they get away with blatantly stealing from a kids show?
kill them
>Worst of both worlds. Sometimes I wish I was a more delusional autist
I don't
This type of stuff makes me content with my autism with just failing to blend in.
Is that why the "mean-spirited" crowd is still shitting on shows like CatDog 20+ years later?
it's also why they all want to hug and kiss meg griffin
Oh my god this guy
He's very interesting to me because unlike most Deviantart autism types, he's actually decently competent, but he's still a glaring example of this sort of online cartoon autism at work. And all his animations are drawn in some program that make them look sort of like Dingo Pictures films.
I think he said it was TVpaint.
>DA autists are taking the side of an evil alien trying to murder a child
What the fuck? Have these people not watched the show?
>channels that post nothing but hundreds of network bumpers from Disney, CN or Nick but with logos from other channels pasted on

Let's not forget about the ones that post the same exact crap, but with added ""effects"".

Captcha: PAT0
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I hope he isn’t going out and taking advantage of them
He also animated a version of that Itsy Bitsy Spider short film but with Powerpuff Girls characters.

And he has this AndrewTopia Kids "Play-All" thing where he shows off his past animations and scenes for a dozen movies that will never get finished. And one scene from "Fairly Odd Quest" is just straight up lifted from The Fox and the Hound, where the Dog gets hit by the train, he literally used footage from the movie, but animated extra light effects over the train.

I rented Fox and the Hound from my library and the train scene came on, and I was like "so thats where Andrew got it from."
b-baka?!? dieGODS, i kneel....
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you don't get to post on /co/ then larp as a normal guy; you're as much a freak as everyone else here
"I didn't know that uhhh, Wario was my boss."
>I get videos like that, just pure unfettered autism.
That's exactly what I'm interested in and I fucking love it. Takes me back to 2007 youtube.
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These videos are honestly just sad to me.
I feel like these autists should get cartoon shows made for them that appeal to their specific narrow range of interest and sensiabilties but actually teach them how to be functional adults and improve their lives.
I know even high funtioning autism can be debilitating in ways but I don't think it's good for the mental wellbeing of these turbo autists to let them run wild and completely indulge themselves in their kindergarten cartoons and childlike hyperfixations. It's not really amusing to me since most of these chronically online Deviantart autists are very depressed and live in poverty.
This dude is honestly to analytical and introspective to be as low functioning as he appears. He's probably had a shit upbrining and poor education that stunted his intellectual growth. I feel like at minimum a quarter of these verbal "turbo autists" are in actuality moderate to high functioning. This sounds crazy but in my experience with autistic people growing up I noticed the stark difference in intelligence and ability to mask between the ones with wealthy parents and the ones with poor parents.
You're telling me you don't wanna see her NSFW art?
mid to high level autism if they're older than 10. I've still seen worse.
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Sometimes I wonder if this is how normal people view me
that depends on what you do.
Same, I have certain hobbies and fixations that I know and understand are weird but I don't publicly post them online, not because of ridicule from others but just because of self embarrassment and acknowleding that it's atypical even in spite of being harmless.
I don't have autism, though, I get where some of these people are coming from.
They register things and certain concepts through their repetitive behaviors, patterns and fixations, and occasionally even want to broadcast and share these fixations with others either in hopes of finding a community of people a lot like themselves or just because they're interested in 'X thing' that means other people are also very interested in 'X thing'.
Though there are other factors and things I may have forgotten to list off
I don't think kindergarten shows should be in the same category as shows made for kids 12 and up
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very glad that i did not have access to internet when i was drawing lengthy angry birds fancomic with incomprehensible lores
That sounds pretty great though
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I'm all for ridiculing people on the internet but when it comes to autism like this and >>145455184 I just feel bad more than anything. They're clearly either literal kids or really autistic. Either way they shouldn't be on the internet or at the very least able to post on social media.
As long as you aren't hyper fixating on preschool shows and are self aware of your drawing skills then you should be fine.
What if I meet half of those criteria?
kill them
Their lack of shame is what drives to the wall tho.
You're just jealous because you wish you could do the same without cringing at yourself
Not true
>weight gain inspires reactions like these
Man you guys will turn into the limpest of limp dick pussy faggots for anything involving this show, won't you?
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Don't forget: you're here foreverial
I wonder why something like this sticks once and forever but a deluge of weird autistic content has come out since and no one cares
Man, this reminds me
3 years of pure inane spam by a very clearly non-functioning autist
reminds me of the deviantrt images with the sad cartoon characters watching 9/11 on TV
kek might actually give this guy a watch
I remember this one autist in an anime forum going absolutely nuclear on people shipping Shadow x Rouge.
I kind of miss this type of autistic rage.
You mean this?
Not what I was talking about but it might have been the same guy.
Holy shit what a fucking nutcase.
>I know even high funtioning autism can be debilitating in ways
not that off
But with a lack of shame it can be liberating
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For me it's the blatant fetish channels that just collate hundreds of chopped up and unedited clips from shows.
The one I aspire for
That atrocious and a painful read, especially if it's real. I wonder how his parents are now and where this guy is now and if he's even still alive because man, his parents deserved so much better than what they got.
I feel bad for this guy, he's sort of a laughing stock on bbwchan but seeing a face attached to the posts just makes me incredibly melancholic for some reason
I get what you mean, I lot of people wouldn't consider someone like chris high functioning, but he is, it's just people think of asperger genius types without thinking that high functioning is itself a spectrum and discounting just how low your typical low function cutoff is; part of the greater issue with autism being thrown around way too much.
Also I wonder if he might be just ESL? With a touch of something else going on at least. Like you said he has a nuance to his thoughts you don't really see in your general autismo itt but his sentence structure and skill is very lacking. Might just be someone with language skill issue rather than global intelligence issues, I've known a few people like that who were otherwise quite normal and even smart but could only read and write at elementary level.
this is one of those like the strawberry shortcake one I desperately hope are fake cuz I can't imagine putting your parents through something liek
fuck got mad reading this shit again, I've had my issues with my mother but holy fuck how can you do that to someone
Unashamed autists with actual talent are the best, I’m surprised no one has brought up the girl who ships her self-insert with buff demon Spongebob

Do you still have the comic?

This is just way more hyperspecific and random than a lot of other weird autistic fetish stuff. The presentation also gives it an oddly disturbing feel, almost malevolent, like it’s supposed to be in an actual book or something. If I saw this in a book I’d burn the whole thing.
>but seeing a face attached to the posts just makes me incredibly melancholic for some reason
It humanizes him. I think people usually engage with other people online in an egregious manner because without a face attached and because of the anonymity on both sides there's a lack of identity at play regardless if it's social media, a forum or imageboard.
Also this isn't some troll or larp, this is a real guy doing real shit, and of all things shit like this.
What’s the strawberry shortcake one?
>third world pedo tranny who wanted /co/ and kiwifarms to pay attention to him
>so he bragged about owning real CP and lusting after toddlers
>backfired because he connected his 4chan names to his off site accounts
>only reason he's not fully doxxed is because the anon who made the connections thought it would be "canceling" him
>tries to save face by saying all his posts were just ironic dark humor and we all got trolled epic style
>continues talking about himself in ESL babble and begging for kiwisharts to notice him like in the post you quoted

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