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Going to be storytiming everything from COIE to the end of Johns' run.

Previous threads:

>>145384986 (COIE 1-10)

>>145405679 (COIE 11-12, Flash # 1-10)

>>145441700 (Flash #11-19)

Now to continue Messner-Loebs' run.
Mothers, amirite?
I dont remember flash being such an asshole as a personality. I always remembered him as a good hearted hero. is this from the 80s or 90s or something? he's kind of a dick
>being such an asshole
How so? To answer your question this is late 80s/early 90s and I do think he gets better as the run goes on. Just curious on your thoughts specifically
idk maybe im used to the kind cares about everyone flash of the jl cartoon and how he's presented better in the comics. these 80s/90s version of him seems more selfish and less caring overall about people. its idk... I guess I really need to go back and read thru these 80s/90s flash comics since im not used to him seeming so cold towards things in a way
keep in mind this is wally when first getting the costume and all the stuff he's already been through. I do think Wally becomes more warm and a family person as it goes on. I recommend sticking around, he really grows to be like what you're referring to especially in the Waid era where there's a whole court case and how Wally blames himself because he never had to choose between saving 2 groups of people (he couldnt investigate a burning building and save people from almost dying due to a collapsing elevator so he asked a cop if anyone was in there and the said no, but it turns out a woman was in there and had major burns so she tries to sue him.)
the clipper making her write to not commit adultry 1000 times is kinda hot
bumping for some wally goodness although to be honest im mostly only familiar with the waid stuff
i barely speak to my mother. i probably should
honestly I love Baron's and Loebs' as well. Worth reading for sure.
jeez i wonder if this is what us NEETs look like to normalfags
thank you based op
thanks for the bump anon.
Last one before limit!
thanks bob
love it... enjoying these old flash stories is good stuff. alot more entertaining than I realized.
That's it for now! Any and all bumps appreciated for other readers, otherwise we'll continue the run next thread!
Thanks a ton for posting all this. Really helped me pass some time tonight and made me realize I need to go check out 80s/90s flash and see more of his story
np anon. honestly one of my favorite things about Wally is from Baron to Johns' he just had solid run after solid run.
Hartley is best boy
I somehow missed thread #3.
We're up to the point where the Messner-Loebs run is starting to get good. From this point on the entire series is mostly excellent for a long time.
this is wally west as peter parker
You think Wally's bad here, you should read Justice League Europe. He and Crimson Fox basically had a competition to see who is the most annoying sex pest.
Pre-Waid Wally was ALWAYS very blunt. That was one of the defining aspects of his personality. Waid just dropped that out of nowhere and no one after him ever attempted to bring it back.
He's more normal, more human, more relatable in his early decades than what people are used to now.

He's also only like 19 or so during all this
He started getting more tactful late into Loebs run and early Waid stayed fairly consistent with Loebs characterization.
Waid's great, but I prefer Loebs. More grounded and a more fun supporting cast.
What Waid did with the speedsters was pure gold and I don't think Messner-Loebs came close to topping that, but I'll admit that ML wrote Wally himself better.
Peeg HAAAAATED Wally for his douchery in that book and I wish they could've continued that. We need more heroes hating other heroes for petty reasons.
Is this the greatest single volume of an in-universe ongoing monthly superhero comic that DC ever published?
You can read it from issue 1 to 250 so problems, and while Baron's character was rough and Waid's second run was mediocre, none of it was truly BAD in the way Bart's run or Van Jesen/Venditti's run were
*no problems
and technically 247 but whatever
Easily the most consistent single volume of an ongoing superhero comic hero. You can read from issue one to 247 with little to no major dip in quality or inconsistencies in characterization.
In-continuity AND ongoing? I can't think of anything better that fits both of those criteria.
I'm going with 2nd. Ostrander's Suicide Squad is 1st for me personally (plus it never really falls off, unlike this after Johns leaves). Although I will say that this being good for like 20 straight years is a more impressive accomplishment.
I hope not. This never really gets good.
Ostrander is the only good SS run.
>Barbara loves Karl!
who's wally?
Wally western
Beside the point.
No it's the whole point. Suicide Squad is complete ass other than Ostrander but the worst this entire 247 issue volume got was mediocre and questionable post-reboot-characterization.

Only thing that's comparable is Claremont UXM and Daredevil.
But the Ostrander volume of Suicide Squad doesn't have any other writers, so it's a moot point.

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