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(Claims the negress)
They’re for Mandark.
Lee Lee was already into him
Dee Dee is for Mandatk
>Timbox summoning ritual
They become his personal footslut servants.
Dee Dee too.
Lee Lee was canonically into him in both the show and the comics
I only remember it from one episode of the cartoons, where was it in comic form?
Those 2 are straight up gorgeous.
does anybody here even recognize him anymore or is he just one of those 'everything that's been said has already been said' cases
Last time I even heard what he was up to was several years ago now
I saw him last week. Newfags are always gonna newfag though.

When theyre 15. Meaning younwant to jack off to them but as stupid Americans you cant cause youre feeling uncomfortable, while we eurolads see them as adults by then
There never was any 50s aesthetic in Dexter nor in this pick. Youre okay fag?
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They would be his harem girls. Lee Lee would be his hiyakasudere and Mee Mee his tsundere. Dee Dee would be bakadere.
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Mandark could never handle Dee Dee.

Mee Mee and Lee Lee would take turns breeding the Alpha Dexter
>willingly takes the worst one
good riddance
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Dexter's father has shit genes.
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They could always use that clone machine
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What they would look when they grow up
damn the new powerpuff girls reboot looks kinda odd
Correction they are the G.I.R.L. Squad
They could also clone themselves to do multiple Dexter clones. I'm wondering if Dexter keeps the other clones for his own personal use.
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how so?
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when youre trying to fight the giant monster but your sisters friend snuck into the cockpit
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Lee Lee already has a crush on Dexter. Like thats canon
I don't know what those faggot words mean but they fill me with unbridled rage.
Why didn't Dexter get Lee Lee and Mee Mee to help him and Dee Dee fight the monster instead of his parents? At least they know about his secret lab and keep it a secret.
GO! GO! Dexter's harem!
Is that Lee Lee or Buttercup?
Now, i appreciate personal taste being a thing, but trust me on this, as one white-boi to another... Black bitches change your fucking life...
That Anon is tripping.
Does your mom knows she gave birth to a fag?
Well Lee Lee and Buttercup do have similar hairstyles
The only ones who showed interest in Dexter were Lee Lee and Dee Dee.
>They could also clone themselves to do the one and only Dexter
Only Lee Lee.
Isn't Lee Lee already into dexter? With that doe eyed girl I guess dexter is a Asian girl magnet
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Where my hoes at?
What the hell did dexter hit them with the Bimbo ray?
Mee Mee showed interest when Dexter had that beard
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When Dexter uses some reality warping machine and he ends up in a world where Deedee rules everything. Deedee has him thrown in the dungeon and he thinks he is screwed out of fixing things only for Leelee to bust him out. She also makes a comment prior of having a weird soft spot for him when he is first brought in
That's an understatement. That's why I avoid them
Beards are cheating.
Dexter has the best of two worlds for Lee Lee. He's a nerd like an Asian, except he's not Asian. And he's a ginger
Is that Bleedman?
What about Dexter and Lee Kanker?
Isn't he like part Russian based on his accent? If so Russians are technically Eurasian.
Grown up Mee Mee us gonna totally be into Grown up Dexter.
Dexter one bad mother-
>Shut yo mouth
I'm just talking 'bout dexter
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Did Dee Dee show interest or considered some interest for that exchange student?
>nigger tongue my anus
Kankers are gross
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I like to imagine Dexter roleplaying as a cowboy when in bed with these two
You sound like a fag thinking trans have rights
Dexter and his two slaves. Weird in cowboy times both would have less rights
Cowboy times
Mee Mee a slave
Careful anon.
I mean both could be slaves, lee lee is a yellow man to them. An you were either a slave or indentured servant or just super racially profiled
Who knew dexter was such a secret chad
The real question:

Which one of them prefers anal?
You know, I never thought about it before, but how would things change if Dexter and Dee Dee were the opposite ages?
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>Thicc cute asian

Dexter won...Mandark in shambles

Lee Lee pregnant by Dexter before she even graduates high school.
Are you blind?
Dexter has his eyes.
>I mean both could be slaves, lee lee is a yellow man to them. An you were either a slave or indentured servant or just super racially profiled

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Now draw LeeLee heavily pregnant by Dexter at the prom
Proof of bad genes. Dexter is nearly blind without his glasses
Mandark is into stick thin blondes.
DeeDee is into her brother so Mandark still losses
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What a lucky bastard
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That picture is probably older thenost the anons in here
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Nah my Vanilla Gorilla. Black coochie will take you down a dark path. Pun intended.
she's for Eddy
Dexter should have tamed those two as a warm-up before going after Dee Dee.
Dexter has enough self respect to not stoop so low.
Is DD and her friends going to be Dexter's Harem when he grows up?
sauce where?
tooopnsfw leads to nothing.
Just imagine...
I learned something new on 4chan
asians really are model immigrants
>green eyeliner
CCS is a good time...
I feel safe in assuming it's Mee Mee.
A genius that could get any high paying tech job must be appealing to Asian parents. Only problem is that he isn't Chinese.
This is just my autism flaring up, but I can't help but think how Dexter is probably a little too young to eventually end up in high school at the same time as Lee Lee.
Buttercup I couldn't find the Lee Lee art.

Esseicks actually.
Dexter's allowed ot make bad choices
Dexter's 8. 8 year olds are typically in the 2nd or 3rd grade. I don't think Dee Dee is ever specifically given an age, but since she's going to the same elementary school at most she's a 6th grader. So 6 years later she and her gang could be seniors and Dexter could be a Freshman.

Of course the obvious answer for peerage is that Dexter, boy genius who is nothing but revered by his teachers, could skip a grade. I recall hearing at one point 3rd grade was the most commonly skipped grade, but damn if I can't find any publications on the practice.
also theres no way Dexter actually goes to Highschool
Dexter actually skips a grade in the Savino seasons, the joke part being he ends up joining DeeDee's class.
Must've skipped that one. I only remember the one where he goes straight from elementary school to college.
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It's a cropped porn comic. Mee Mee is giving Dexter an under the table handjob. I'm not sure about the weird images on the borders though, I didn't see those in the full image.
Lee Lee is best girl.
a classic from a forgotten age
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Who else should be in Dexter's future harem?
how would it have turned out if he shrank to spy on their slumber party
Grew up with a younger sister who's friends all wanted to fuck me, its not as great as you think. I know /co/ likes to fantasies about it but being a 16 year old and having a bunch of horny 12 year old girls wanting your dick is super fucking awkward. One of them used to sneak in my room and watch me sleep.
Suedunnem/Sue Dunn Emm
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Mandark's sister.
>younger sister
There's the problem.
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Canonically, isn't Lee Lee already into Dexter?
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She could be a good science partner.
I only recall that in one comic. I'm pretty sure Dee Dee's friends aren't in as many episodes as Mandark, and Mandark isn't in that many episodes.
The sleepover episode was very obvious about that Lee Lee at least considers Dexter to be very cute.
he Powerpuff Girls, The Test Sisters, Ben 10 but only when he's a girl alien`
Should have appeared more
No. Ego Trip also set Dexter's slavery under Mandark in stone. Maybe he got some as an adult freedom fighter.
I had an older sister too anon. They had the same reaction to me when I was 12 or 13 horn dogging on them. Fact of the matter is teenagers don't want to fuck people 2-3 years younger then them on average. My personal experiences are why I think all the Dipper/Windy fags are retarded. It like yeah a 15 year old girl probably would want to be see with a 12 year old boy.
DeeDee takes more from her dad, while Dexter from his mom. each share the same walking style, Dexter and Mom move their feet back and fort very fast while DeeDee and Dad walk with a heavy step.
Prototype Mandy.
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These two for sure. They were definitely tsundere for him.
>Dee Dee
>Lee Lee
>Mee Mee
>Lisa the Babysitter
>Midge the waitress
>Becky and Gwen from the school bus
>The goth spider girl from the school bus
>Katka from the James Bond episode
>Ms. Physics
>Agent Honeydew
>The blonde and the sunglasses-wearing sister applicants
>Neighbour lady
>The sporting goods store girl
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Surprised no one has brought up her
Creepy-eyed girl grew up to be Jenna Ortega

"She's too good for him"
Is this a joke or was the va really Jenna? But yeah crazy if true

No one is to good for best boi
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Needs Dextor's Mom, Mom's Rival, Miss Wimple, Oceanbird, Dexter's Japanese teacher and Dee Dee's ballet teacher
Nice art.
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Only when he spoke French.
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There's surprisingly little shipping between Dexter and Mom. Especially with how popular she is.
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Im still around on Twitter, I just don't post often. Here's some art I did for anon when the thread
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What about Computeress?
Isn't Oceanbird Mom's Rival?
I'm gonna need you to post your socials, this is official police inspection.
>No. Ego Trip also set Dexter's slavery under Mandark in stone. Maybe he got some as an adult freedom fighter.

I don't believe that's the only future. I think that's one future among many. If I'm gonna fanwank it isn't gonna be the hard determinist fanwank
Incredibly sexy. Dexter is a lucky guy.
there used to being plentiful when WWOEC and other sites existed, then the modern Internet happened and much was purged
Nice ass
dipping into crossover territory a little, the PPG would be good ones for this sort of thing
Nah, I was referring to the blonde that mom fights in the supermarket over the last pair of gloves
KYS wannabe janny
you need to make more dee dee STAT
Surprised these two never met
They made an episode called Dexter's Rival, Deedee's Rival, Dad's Rival and they're all about the Astronomonov family, but Mom's Rival is not....
Is this a meme for ants?
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>when they grow up
Dee Dee and her friends are all about 4-5 years older than Dexter. That poor kid is gonna get the absolute shit molested out of him in his tweens.
interesting synthesis... go on
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You mean they're not already>>145478419
More of this pls.
he's just american
he fakes the accent
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Why she so thicc
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Here you go anymore idea/requests?
x com tooopscoop
Idea's pls!
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Whoops fixed nose shading
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Could you do a pinup for Mee Mee?
And he does it into adulthood too. Dude's a dork.
Did you let her know that was weird as fuck?
Do one of Mee Mee domming Dexter, after she sneaks into his room while he's asleep and carries him off to an undisclosed location.
Just Blossom is fine.
Yeah, it's weird. You'd think they would've done something with this, but nah.
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Workin on it, hopefully b4 thread dies it'll b done
A little too complex...
Nice, make sure her soles are light-brown colored, adds more real feeling to it.
>No post in the database has the ID #122328
what was it?
Just stick to the domming part then
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Here's one: draw Mee Mee kissing Dexter similar to the kiss Scary Spice gave in the Spice Girls music video Wannabe.
>Scary Spice gave in the Spice Girls music video Wannabe
God damn is that a throwback
>Eng was drafted to the Union Army in 1865, despite his political affiliation to the Confederacy. Eng’s conjoinment to Chang prevented him from enlisting in the army.
My fucking sides.
...More? Or at least source?
Yeah they both function as inverses as one another. She's has a genius older brother and he has a ballet older sister. They'd be interesting to see how they would interact.
Lee lee & Mee mee footsies
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Can Dexter really handle all three at once?
Would he even want to? I'm not implying he's gay or asexual, I just think it would be out of character for him to be so interested in sex even when he hits puberty.
Dexter had many romantic interests in the show. So he's definitely not asexual or gay
Dexter definitely makes a brainwashing/love potion inventions when he starts puberty. So he definitely got these EE girls tamed
I can still hear this.
I prefer Buttercup because she's rude like Dexter and that would be fun
So she. I was a freshman this junior liked to sit on my lap until she felt I had an rection and then would grind on it. Something like that?
Damn thats hot
Unless he has a formula for unlimited stamina and endurance, then yes
After a few nights of being drained by them, he'll definitely invent one.
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Anyone know where Lui Ra Ta posts their finished work?
More Lee Lee feet.
With Science!
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kek. These "gangsta" crap always makes me laugh
I like this. Source?
>justice league
should say the justice friends
The justice friends are real though
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Surprised you haven't posed the Girl Squad in the iconic Charlie's Angels formation. Either that or maybe have them cosplaying the Totally Spies
That's an episode
Dee Dee is for me. First girl I ever had a crush on, warped my little mind.
I used to hate her, she's kinda starting to grow on me recently.
Is this slop? Kinda looks like slop.
IT is, the give away is the random lines and the crystals that do nothing.
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I started one but it totally sucked. I've gotten better since then so I'll try again.
Incredible stuff. This Mee Mee will definitely be giving Dexter jungle fever.
Most kids did because they “were” Dexter, but she imprinted on me right away and I was always happy to see her arrive, even if it was at the expense of Dexter.
Excellent, good job.
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Becky and Gwen. Plus it may have been as a mocking joke, but Becky apparently shares the same Trigonocalculus class with Dexter, so she may actually have some brains. She's just a bitch
Stirrup knee high sock incredibly hawt
very nice stirrups
Who's becky and gwen?

Also yeah I loved dexter's friends especially in that one star trek ep

>Pic rel
Why did they have so much aura in this one pic
Dee Dee being a yandere for her lil bro
They should've appeared in more episodes; they are one of my favorite cartoon alpha bitches.
OR here, this game out very good, thanks for giving her feet the right shade.
*came out very good
Teenage Mee Mee cornering Teen Dexter to the wall seducing him
Have mee mee, lee lee, and dexter recreate this Simpsons meme but with the girls wearing these outfits except dexter: >>145478028
That's if they swapped genders, but still kept their original personalities.
They're the two girls on the bus, Becky is the blonde one. And his friends have that because they live for their show. Also, the boy as McCoy had a funny southern drawl in that episode and also had a good eye for women.
They only appeared a little bit, but they did make a good impression.
Oh the girls that bullied dexter, also yeah that he did I miss when young boys could have crushes or be into girls. But I guess the boy with a wandering eye is seen as a bit controversial.

I did like the southern drawl but wait isn't mcCoy Irish not southern?
He was, but this was a Star Trek parody episode, so their McCoy can be different. He was likely playing it up though, as he and the glasses friend had different voices in the D&D episode. The blonde one with the stutter only appeared in that episode as well. Makes me wonder how Dexter even got them to be friends with him?
looks cool man
Forgot the image
I remember seeing fanart of these two.
this maam is green
Why are you gay whore.
YEah the kid's pretending to be DeForest Kelly as Bones so he's putting on a southern accent. I htought that was pretty clear.
Probably invented them whatever they wanted. Remember when he made that Major Glory action figure? Maybe he made them action figures
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I don't know, Dexter's not so cheap nor desperate to invent things for people just for them to hang out with him. These are guys, nerds even, who willingly hang out with Dexter. And it's not as if Dexter is completely asocial, the chef and Irish kid both had very friendly and amicable conversations with each other. If anything, it's likely through a shared passion of being nerds and just liking each other. Besides: the glasses kid is into the LARP and playing his role, the blonde kid is tall, lanky and has a stutter, and the brown haired one ripped open an NRFB at a public convention while being a horndog. I don't think any of them are likely near the top of any social totem pole. Then again, these are my own assumptions and inferences, so you could be right as well.
I mean he probably just found some kindred nerd bros. But yeah forgot it was just a parody not the actual show.
They all are ride or die bros though
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WIP This one is turning out way better. Will do a hornier request after.
I kinda love this idea
These can be combined, might be a while before any others get done.
Dexter canonically ends alone
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GIRL Squad vs WHOOP when?
>Both are misled that the others are evil spies trying to stop them
>They spend most of the episode fighting each other before realizing the real villain pitted them against one another to distract them all
What does that even mean?
Yeah. Even if they were mostly one off characters, like the other characters of Season 2, they were pleasant to watch alongisde Dexter. Going back to >>145559252, he has: Mordecai as his geek bestie, his D&D friends as his nerd friends, Lucky and Pierre are good friends with funny accents, and that bully even became their friend. If we're lookjng at Dee Dee's friends and Dexter as teens, then I think they'd stick around as well. Besides, I could even see Lucky helping to bankroll Dexter's industry and inventions with his family's gold and wealth.
He must be talking about old Dexter at the end of Ego Trip.
You mean because he's like 100? Yeah everyone dies alone
I think that Dexter learns to be friends with people, but probably has a hard time. Anyway, one of the things I like about FusionFall is that once he becomes a successful entrepreneur, he becomes sullen and withdrawn until the events of the game, with people only knowing the face of his company. It's a shame we never got this show, because it would have been fun to see how grow
Excellent design. Well done.
Dexter was too busy rebuilding the world for having a relationship. Everything else is fanwank
You think he can't do two things at once? Besides that's just one future
this movie was so good.
He could clone himself and assign each a task?
if by Task you mean potential romantic partner, then yes.
Ego Trip was the definitive end of Dexter's Lab. That's how Genndy envisioned it
100% reminds me of how sad I was when FOP finally replaced chester AJ RJ and boil boy. Mc need friends with a bit of character to them so they can bounce off them and have some male bonding.

Really we realize Dexter was a lil rizzler and social butterfly with a few autistic moments. An Dee Dee was just the annoying sibling with few friends. Even her two best friends preferred messing/playing with dexter
Uh uh no one cares, creators don't have the final say in their creation
All the free art has been amazing.
The gradual degredation and non-existence of FOP's supporting cast was a terrible sign of the show's decline. The supporting cast helped to give Timmy character and add to the stories he was able to have. Like the one episode where Timmy has to choose between Chester and AJ when they both prefer different superheroes.
it helps that Dexter was never rewarded for his bad behavior
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Do they still lick criminals?
Really the decline was when they stopped giving them characters besides the main trio. I feel the best part of the early seasons were how it felt like they cared about every character. Trixie got to have eps and scenes showing she might be more than just a bitchy popular girl, tootie had eps that made her not just a annoying lovestruck girl. RJ had that military dad, the boil boy schizo boil, and of course chester who was always a fan fave which again shows why butch is good at writing concepts but he really needs to but out on his stories. Feels like every one of his shows benefit from him not being in the writing room.

Yeah dexter was more likely to be abused for that
Only Dexter gets the lick treatment.
What do the other two terms that aren't Tsundere mean?
Alpha Dexter got that way from exercising like crazy underground
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>Dee Dee: nightgown
> Lee Lee: crop top and pajama bottoms
>Mee Mee: preteen-sized footed onsies
It says a lot about each one.
What do they say?
Hiyakasudere comes from the word "hiyakasu" (ひやかす), meaning "to make fun of, ridicule, or make rude and mocking remarks". This is in contrast to the English "tease", which means "to playfully provoke someone", and in the case of this dere type, to "playfully provoke someone in a flirtatious manner".

Bakadere (or ahodere) isan anime archetype used to describe characters who are childish, innocent, and clueless. These characters often embarrass themselves trying to impress their crush. The term comes from the Japanese “baka,” meaning “foolish” and “deredere,” meaning “to be lovestruck.”
>preteen-sized footed onsies
Mee Mee doesn't really acts like a girl that would wear an onsie
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And yet...
It's looking niice, thanks for picking the idea, even if you already had attempted it before.
I second this, it would be a fun crossover mishap, the best kind of crossovers desu
Adult Dexter could yeah
>Really we realize Dexter was a lil rizzler and social butterfly with a few autistic moments
So like most people.
Weren't him and Ben tight in that game?
Well not everyone has this many girls and people trying to hang and interested in them. He's got a diverse cast of friends
They don't care as long as the guy's successful enough, and Dexter will for sure be.
Just retcon him and DeeDee to be very close in age. Girls mature faster than boys when they're kids. My sister was taller than me for a bit until puberty happened.
my assumption has pretty much always been Dee Dee(and thus her friends) is about 2 to 3 years older than Dexter(based off the opera episode and how old Dee Dee seemed to be when Dexter was born)
Why is Mee Mee and Lee Lee mogging Dee Dee so hard? chocolate and rice seem so much better than vanilla...
Vanilla is too basic /co/ has grown bored of it. So now they obsess over the other flavors.
Yeah, Ben and Dexter had a pretty cool commercial, I thought it was a fun bromance desu
Quite very diverse of a character don't you think?
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Diverse casts of characters used to be cool.
Difference was the diverse cast back in the day had substance. They weren't just a prop.
The problem is that you're a retard. They aren't substituting diverse casts for quality; the quality is just lower because of constraints put on creative talent.
Agree to disagree sir.
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Hips for days.
And ass for nights.
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This isn't an agree to disagree thing; you're just a racist retard.
The "talent" ain't talented nor skilled. Just a bunch of nepo hires who barely do their job.
Fuck off, honky.
Sounds like youre racist towards white people, anon
May I ask why you think I am a racist? If your trolling though good show sir.
Because calling "diversity" a "prop" is what retarded nazis do.

these two specifically. See what I mean. Head empty, bowels empty, pants shitting retards.
46%, up the numbers
Dee Dee is probably blindingly beautiful.
If you don't mind me making a request Lee Lee in sling bikini would be nice.
I wish Sue dunn em still made art. His shit was really good. I hope he's still among the living.
I was actually wondering the same since it seems like all her lewd works seem to be WIPs on that account.
You know who I really liked and wished was still making more deedee content? trollie trollenberg. That guy was fucking amazing
>trollie trollenberg
Mr Cheetach? Isn't he dead?
>trollie trollenberg
Yeah, he is. I just learned this.
Now I feel bad.
Gonna rub one out for King Cheetah. no one will ever draw giant pepperoni nipples like him
who's the artist? They look familiar
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That Lee Lee beams so much soul.
Like that she just copies how her friends act but is actually a lovable goofball.
So lee lee is officially the best girl???
I'm surprised nobody made an amphibia crossover with them.
Damn they really are just the amphibia girls lol
Time gap between Amphibia viewers and viewers who remember Dexter's Laboratory.
Lee Lee is best girl.
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Anymore background cuties?
Why does this remind me of that Centipede dee dee set
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where's their Deedee stuff? I can't find it on the usual places

Nevermind found it. It's just the one image. I thought it was a whole set for some reason
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Dexter will be long gone
They're cute.
sisterly love
sisterly thiccness
Smeet, I'd kiss you but I'm not that kinda guy
Thanks Smeet. You seriously have to appreciate the friendship
More of this please
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Neat pic, love the expresions
Found some lost King Cheetah Deedee art. Rest in peace king.
Now I wanna see thick versions of Lee Lee and Mee Mee
They should have made an episode that just focused in Dexter interacting with Lee Lee abd Mee Mee for day, maybe Dee Dee is somewhere and Dexter is with her friends for some reason.
In their debut they wore the same outfit as Dee Dee. When they change to different color?
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Dexter should never be drawn as handsome. He's a funny little goblin.
Can he be drawn as cutesy?
More unique designs.
These girls, his one off harem
Dexter steals Dee Dee's friends what a chad. But could be fun though ep would probably end with dexter in a tutu or something knowing gennedy
Sweet, nice to see you again
Did you end up with a three day from that thread a few weeks ago?

Here's an idea how it would have played out. Dexter's family are visiting relatives in another town but Dexter has a cold and has to stay so his parents pay Mee Mee and Lee Lee to babysit him and care for him, but he has fears they will do what Dee Dee does, but to his surprise they do a very good job and he learns they have more common sense than his sister, and they even clean up the mess Dee Dee did to his lab the other day and finds they care for him, and in a day they help him recover and he appreciates their bed side manner. It would end with him sleeping as the two kiss him on on both his cheeks good night.
I noticed something about the three girls, both Dee Dee and Lee Lee's ballerina outfits have the same color scheme as their pajamas, where Mee Mee's are different. Her ballerina outfit in purple while her pajamas are yellow.
Well that's weirdly wholesome ending and not mean spirited to him lol.

Kind of like it definitely see it being one of the more 5-7 min sketches than a full 10-15min one but honestly has potential to be nice.
I'm pretty sure FusionFall Dexter has a ton of wedlock babies just from being a successful businessman with tons of dosh.
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Did you forget what he grows up into?
Fusionfall dexter is the true canon dexter
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Which thread? Iunno. But I got somethin else.

Yeah okay, cause we're gonna take a cartoon seriously.
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Ta-dah, my own Dee Dee rough sculpt to use for any conceivable angle. I've only got about fifty hours of experience with Blender so I don't think I'm ready to handle retopology or rigging just yet, but it's a start, it's enough to feed back into doodles.
>Yeah okay, cause we're gonna take a cartoon seriously.
Alright, he's not a goblin then.
I think so too. He's certainly interesting.

Enter at your own peril, child soldiers for a war
That maybe Dexter could have prevented,
If his hubris wasn't a fault.
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Nice. Why'd you pick Dee Dee off all characters? Not one of the Loud girls or a sonic girl?
Based on your past art they seemed like your bread and butter picks, I think I've only seen one or two Dee Dee pics from you before the two in this thread.
That's a good smug Dee Dee
Very neat. Looking forward to whatever comes from this
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1) Dee Dee's design is incredibly simple
2) That being said, artists struggle to draw her head from various angles because it's angular and stylized.
3) She's from a well known cartoon and I was surprised to find not one decent model of Dee Dee anywhere online.

I went with the height and proportions of season 1 but with the streamlined features of season 2. I don't like the jar-head look of season 3 where she's got no neck.
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>I don't like the jar-head look of season 3 where she's got no neck.
Naturally, If you said you liked season 3 designs we'd have to run you out of town
I'm convinced, this weg would have been better if it was even more of a straight up Dexters Lab ripoff
It's weird how much worse the season 3 designs look
Kinda would like to see an episode where Mee Mee or Lee Lee babysit Dexter
Good on you for going for Dee Dee, and the early-season design no less
Lol as someone once said fusionfall was one of the biggest fumble of CN.

The concept of a CN multiverse was so great. I hate microtransactions. But it was a free to play game could have been like WoW or something. Or how nicktoons games or KoH was. They literally had so much raw potential with fusionfalls it's depressing how it ended. Even punch time explosion didn't hit as hard as fusionfalls fandom did.
Yeah think it's best with both, then we give them a solo ep each that fits them specifically
I think in a few episodes it is established both Mee Mee and Lee Lee have more common sense than Dee Dee. So I can totally see Dexter getting along with them more than Dee Dee.
Dexter says "I wish mee or lee were my big sisters" just them being his sisters as dee dee seethes in a bush watching. How dare they take her little brother
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Oh yeah, that is so cool.
Nice you're making kino these threads anon

Or she would tell this to them>>145478419
Kind of a bad sister for letting them lol, she should nut up and do it herself
Maybe if Warner Bros. will stop shitting the bed... or maybe we could just nationalize Warner Bros, and someone with a vision cna do something.
Dexter's first experience was with Lee Lee. She'd come into his bedroom during a sleepover and neither said anything. He knew what she wanted and she knew he wanted it. The entire ordeal lasted only a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity for the both of them. And when she was done she snuck back into Dee Dee's room and Dexter was left wondering if it had even happened.

It had. It became a regular occurrence. Everytime she slept over, Lee Lee would sneak off to Dexter's room some time during the night.

But time went on, Dexter went public, became a overnight billionaire and Lee Lee came around less often. Sometimes he'd lay awake at 3 AM after a long day of work and wonder if he ever really had a chance with her.
And do something about Zaslav
Who licks him?
There's tons of it if you looks into the porn sites.
Missed a dot between I and R
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Thanks for pointing that out
Honestly yeah this, Warner is the only cartoon company that has sold so many of it's IPs for literal tax write offs. Mega XLR, Infinity train and many others. It's literally insane and stupid even disney for as shitty as they are don't sale IPs as much as warner has.

They really are dead in the water at least CN is especially with all their shows slowly going to AS and the studio closing. It's so crazy that Zaslav and the last few presidents have literally ruined one of the biggest cartoon companies in less than a decade.
w..what d..did she do to my boy? also feel like your confidence should go up as a billionaire
Well would you look at that. Neat
Extremely based. Thanks for the delivery.
It really was. It really FELT LIKE A MOVIE, too, unlike the Powerpuff Girls one.
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What does Dexter see when he spies on Deedee's sleepovers?
All three.
how/why is adult (buff) dexter bald while elderly dexter has hair?
It's a wig, he shows it off when they ask that same question in Ego Trip.
Nubian one has dsl
Oriental has a lickable tummy

My man Dex hit the jackpot
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I like Mee Mee's mom
Why does she look like Buttercup
That's oddly specific

Mmmm gawd dayum.
That is a nice chocolate.
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We need Dee Dee's Mee Mee's and Lee Lee's (theoretical) mom together for pics like >>145554107
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Super cool
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You know, she did... it.
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Thanks dudes, here's another Lee Lee
Hope to see some Mee Mee ones as well
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Sweet babies! Thank you my good man,
I mean she wasn't much older htan him
your leelee is cute AND sexy,
perfect, made to seduce dexter.
Great design. Love it
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Thoughts on a sexy action girl pinup with Lee Lee for the R in G.I.R.L.?
Underrated mom
can you give her matching lipstick?
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Where can I find your art, you made this thread to he honest
That's what they always say but you are going away for a long time Lee Lee
Metal Slug lady was always cute
I really like the Lee Lee resurgance
It makes sense to be surprised she wasn't always second to dee. But guess dexter's mom really became a cult classic milf lol
my balls
How did he get his hair back?

Lee Lee nine months pregnant and Dexter is the father
If you don't mind me requesting, can you do Lee Lee sending an implied nude selfie of herself to Dexter?
cutest design

I'd like to see more of Mee Mee and her mom
Kek, she's just a reskin Dexter's mom.
This implies that there is also an Asian Dexter's Mom.
Requesting Lee Lee lewdly enjoying a phallic popsicle.
LOL I really think a Dexter harem anime where all his various kids come to live with him would be kinda fun
We only like asian girls here anon
The Test Sisters have twins, the Powerpuffs have triplets but Lee Lee's just got the one and he's the smart one.
>Makes me wonder how Dexter even got them to be friends with him?
Fluctuates with the episode since there's no continuity. Sometimes Dexter has some friends, other times nobody wants to even so much as speak to him.
>phallic popsicle.
Like clockwork orange?

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