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x files Edition

previous >>145462500
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This but “sadness from Pixar’s inside out”
how would you describe her? sadness from Pixar’s inside out? blue hair blue skin?
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Here is a prompt with her.
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Here is a slightly more on model prompt. The chibi/ kawaii from the last prompt really deforms her.
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Thank you! This is great.
I'll make others lol. I'll give u more
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that's cute lol
i missed the harleys
I'll make more :)
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I tried with bombs, too, but they kept coming out like Xmas ornaments or with random pipe junk lol
Who knew Elsa as a Goblin would be so cute
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whats the prompt for this aesthetic
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Its interesting when you think about it. This was originally spider Qt and than I borrowed that and turned it into another charactor and now there's even more versions of her showing up. Love it and the art style.
that's so adorable how do you get that type of face , what art or description for the face
how u get cleavage
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You just write down (Disney CEL Style) and you get the more expressive and cartoony facial expression.
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Also, there’s a lot of Deadpool variants. Including cute young heroes and such.
I didnt try to get the cleveage she just had it in the pic. I'd love to get more outfits showing more skin if I could.
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I enjoy your world is killer bunny robots. thats great
she's a bunny robot too lol. she escaped
I love it. Turn this into something awesome and keep posting it as it evolves and more scenes happen. Good times. And an escaped bunny robot girl good times. I toyed with the idea of gorilla or tiger robots but havent done anything with it yet. Tho for a b rief second I had everyone in football gear which made for some interesting scenes.
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fuck... how you get that
very beautiful vibrant colors which makes for a great piece of art.
A lot of dogs, but I modified the prompt from
added 'bare shoulders' since it'll do kimonos like that in general, but I got dogged quite a bit coming up with these.
whoops, meant to link this post
yeah that was my post . is the bandage chest on its own?
yep, variation it made itself. Think there's some actual traditional variant of japanese women's underwear that looks like that so it makes some sense it'd just use it.

it definitely doesn't recognize Geta as a valid word for the sandals though, relies on the generic.
Prompt, please?
oh ?
This crossover gives me the chills.

I... Kinda imagine the kind of nightmares Freddy would give to Wednesday, but I wonder if Wednesday's mind would be too terrified even for Freddy.
you gave me an idea. I'll try it out
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Happy to inspire you. I can't wait to see what you are going to create.
Interesting concept. Alice has her own "Zord".

Hey, how about she wearing a robot suit of the Queen of Hearts?
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Female Deadpools also come in different ethnicities. Here’s a Brazilian girl Deadpool.
well it's a multiverse
Yeah, but I don't like the idea of a girl suffering the same kind of wounds as Main Deadpool does.
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Exactly! There’s also a Japanese Deadpool.
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No worries, anon. The ones I just posted, have these superpowers/healing factors that the OG Deadpool has. It’s just that they do get to keep their pretty/nice looking faces when they don’t have their masks on, instead of appearing ghoulish like Wade Wilson does.
Even with a healing factor, there are always scars left in the body. The only way to fully look normal would be attached with a symbiote.
didn't work
Too bad. Well, it doesn't matter.
She looks like an astronaut.
Is this Jessica Jones?
One of the most beautiful pictures I have seen of Kim Possible!
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wtf that's way too cute

what i used was
> clutching oversized bomb (round,iron,sparkling lit fuse)
although the random pipe junk might be a problem with the background
Super bump
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Good morning /co/, how's it going today? X-Files edition sounds fun!

Open up, Anon, Ariel has some new discovery she wants to share with (you)!
Sleepy wholesome sisters.
Cute. Kimonos look nice on Ariel.
More Harley is always good.
Reminds me when I prompted a bunch of cyborg rabbits. They were very cool, but I never got to post them because /v/ hates any hint of anthro.
I do not trust Freddy with that expression.
I think you might wanna put that down.
Ethnically amongus Ariel
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The first result she kept coming out black lol.
She's just excited to share her latest conspiracy theory with (you)!
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