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so why did people hate him again?
Total Manlet Death
he's an abomination. what kind of dog walks upright like that
They’re jealous of him.
James Gunn ruined his image forever out of spite.
My friend is a decade older than me. He was a little kid when Scooby-Doo was in it's prime. It was scary stuff to him. Then Scrappy came along and changed the whole tone of the show. He calls it "Snarfing" based on Snarf from Thundercats. He seethes about shows getting snarfed.
They didn't. He was beloved by actual fans when the appeared in the late 70s early 80s.
It wasn't until the irony poisoned 2000s that people decided that everyone always hated him. Real fans stood up for him but our voices were washed out by mobs of soulless post 9/11 retards.
His appearance in the Velma show is proof that only people who hate scooby doo at the core hate scrappy.
They hate the whole franchise was want to ridicule it and its fans but also want the money from a big ip. Scrappy is just an unfortunate causality from their hate.
>obnoxious one-note character who was antithetical to the nature of the show.
>obnoxious one-note character
Not true
>who was antithetical to the nature of the show.
How? He was a talking dog in a show that already had a talking dog.
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Scrappy Doo was a hero.

We just couldn't see it.
Ha! You wish! Scrappy was brought in to replace Fred, Daphne and Velma with one joke reanimated over and over again. The original Scooby-Doo was canceled shortly after his arrival. He was brought back for 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo, but he was only the second worst character in that show.
>contrarians don't exist
>Not true
> Look at me. I'm Scrappy. I'm going to run up to the villain and act like an idiot forcing Scooby to come bail my ass out EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
Scrappy brought nothing to the show. Ever.
>replace Fred, Daphne and Velma
Wrong. He was brought in to save the shows ratings which he did. By a lot. He was used a lot because people loved him
Typical modern retard. His proactive nature worked well with the cowardly scooby and was useful as a story mechanic to get the gang in trouble.
Why dont you tell me about velma's many varied jokes? "I cant see without my glasses" and um oh yeah thats it.
First post worthy of being best post
autistic not muh shit
I mean this is quite factually true like or not he literally saved the series
literal forced meme
It's because of

a) his first season on the show, where he was inserted without warning into the regular Scooby-Doo format and added almost nothing; watching those episodes made people hate him because he's like Larry on Pinky & the Brain, a new character fucking up the familiar formula.

b) After that season, Fred/Daphne/Velma were dumped, the mystery format was dumped, and they churned out cartoons with Scrappy, Scooby and Shaggy running around in wacky situations. Scrappy was so prominent there that he even appeared in the backup segment (Yabba Doo). So people blamed Scrappy for losing the show they liked.

By the time they brought Daphne back and went back to the mystery format, these problems had largely been solved and Scrappy was a decent character. Tom Ruegger, who was story editor at the time, said:

> In his first season, with Lenny Weinrib voicing him, Scrappy was obnoxious beyond belief. He was so off-putting that he created a "jump-the-shark" situation for the series.

> But, once Don Messick took over the voice of the character, Scrappy mellowed out considerably and was sort of likable. He was still feisty and always ready to defend his uncle and friends, but he wasn't an A-hole.

But his first impressions were very bad and that defines him for all time, though it's stupid that Warner Bros. refuses to use him.
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Scrappy may get all the hate but I always thought Scooby-Dum was the worst offender

What an embarassingly bad character
He was annoying, but not bad enough that he had to have an entire campaign against him. Also the passage of time does not make his inclusion better. Velma is an affront to nature, but Scrappy is still annoying.
>so why did people hate him again?
They're too stupid to understand the character is designed to appeal to children, not adults.
I didn't? He was just another character to me.
Rahl arr boh ralkin about? *5 seconds beat of stock jazz music* *laughttack*
For the same reason people love forced mascot characters now. You could very quickly see Scrappy's inclusion as a cashgrab and in that vein it feels very cynical. He got better as his run went on but he never got the stink of "he's just here to bring in my little kids to the scooby Doo franchise. He's basically the Jar Jar Binks of the 70s/80s.
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I don't hate him he's funny
That scene where he balloons up and gets a big bouncy belly made my peepee laugh
Kids should enjoy scooby doo. Its for kids. Not for retarded autistic adult to complain about how the funny cartoon isnt serious enough
>he's just here to bring in my little kids to the scooby Doo franchise
Scooby-Doo is for children.
He upped ratings for his first season when he was an addition to the existing formula. Ratings subsequently plummeted again when they refocused the entire show around him, ditch half of the core cast, and learned the wrong lessons.
It's not just a case of "kids liked him, adults hated him" because even kids only liked his first season and stopped watching after.
He was massively popular at first, which is what lead to his downfall. If you go through the list of shows after his introduction, you'll notice that Fred, Velma, and Daphne all get phased out, to save money on their voice actors, as he gets pushed even harder.
It's ultimately a case of suits not understanding fans. When fans complain "There's too much Scrappy. We want the old gang back," suits hear "Scrappy is the worst thing ever. We want you to talk trash about Scrappy from now on."
When I say little kids I mean like 6 or 7. Like if you're a 10-13 year old who liked Scooby-Doo, you would be annoyed that they were appealing to what, from your perspective, is a small child. It's easy to forget when you are an adult but middle school aged kids HEAVILY look down on elementary aged kids, or media aimed at them. So yeah something can feel like it's made for "little kids" and turn off the audience of older kids by doing it.
Anon, Scrappy didn’t replace nobody. Fred, Velma and Daphne were still on the show for 2 years after Scrappy arrived.
Then the writers ran out of spooky stories and just threw Shaggy, Scooby and Scrappy into misadventures and hi-jinx for 3 years.
Then Michael Jackson’s Thriller got spooky back en vogue for little kids again. So they put the trio plus brought Daphne back for more spooky adventures for two years. Even bringing Fred and Velma back for a couple of episodes as guest stars.

Then Ghostbusters mania came out and blew up, so they then put Shaggy, Scooby, Scrappy and Daphne into Thirteen Ghosts of Scooby Doo series as ghost hunters.

After that, it was the 80s movie trilogy and they got rid of Daphne again, since each movie had a new cast for the trio to interact with.

Then they nuked all continuity since “kids versions of longtime franchises” were the rage, and created a Pup Named Scooby Doo for three years, as going back to the beginning. So no more Scrappy.

The franchise went cold as Cartoon Network was created and Hanna Barbera shifted focus.
Then with reruns airing in Cartoon Network, and a hilarious guest starring on Johnny Bravo as a parody, Scooby mani was back in full swing. And they never brought Scrappy back except to mock him.

Scrappy was never hated, only to jerks who want to rewrite history.

People forget he was brought in because the whole “Scooby and Shaggy running scared antics” were getting old and tiresome.
Honestly, the first scrappy season has some top tier episodes. The Ghoul, the Bat and the Ugly is excellent!

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