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Another crossover just dropped
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Cool dad
it works well
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I want to see that big dog fuck a woman that isn’t that cat lady because I don’t like ntr even if I self insert onto big gruff scarred broken dudes.
The calico kid cat topping the badass dog.
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meanwhile the kickstarter has 8 days left and is 2.5k away from reaching its next goal
>tfw you asked your bull to babysit the kids while you're on a pity date with your hubby but hubby doesn't know so you need to get him out of the room quick before your instincts kick in
Seeing how a man draws vs. a woman is pretty interesting. What's emphasized, what's not. How the male artist made Joel even hotter.
The dad looks much better in this style
>even hotter
Handsome dad
You made me do a quick proofread. I can confirm that I made no typos.
Aww what a softie
ntrfags on suicide watch
Jesus Christ at this rate make it a movie
someday this bitch will die. I can't wait for this day
This has femdom potential
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>the stick has little footprints on the beach
>that isn’t that cat lady

Cute swingers
Is Brutus not her dad, or does she call him the way Bart calls Homer?
Porn has ruined your brain
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oh boy here we go again
Okay this got a laugh out of me.
Brutus likes long sticks lmao
Bruh, porn has twisted your perception of reality.
NTRfags in charge of understanding their own fetish
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>thanks for babysitting
This makes me horny.
Literal cuck greentext above and yet you ended up being the faggiest faggot itt
There's nothing more pathetic than a wannabe janny.
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Rare janny W
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great now I need to bug drawfags for more fran in that dress
He would never cheat on sticks
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It could use a cleavage
not you, never you
They got a 3rd child now?
The girl kitten is Brutus' kid
missed opportunity for a boston terrier guy giving her the side eye in the last panel
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me in the background
>cat loli
There's a few missed opportunities. Just imagine if the hipster fox wasn't around.
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The average donation [calculated as total divided by donors] is $71.97.
el cucko con la realidad alterada
She's adopted
The characters are not anthro in their own comic. They're an ex-military dog and a kitten adopted by the same family.
I don't get it.
>thinking about kids with all these hot adults
extremely gay
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Two of those adults are men.
Catmom and catloli at the same time is the only reasonable choice.
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>Pixie and Vincent
>Fran and Brutus
Looks like a draw to me.
>Takes every opportunity possible to not engage in modern twitter politics
>Makes this comic referencing how people keep trying to get them to do so and to tell said people to fuck off
How can someone be so wonderful on the internet?
It's not that deep.
It's a joke about moms having to constantly listen to the cartoons their kids watch, you gigasperg.
The faggot cucks, easily
Then leave.
anglos for belgian fries: "french fries"
anglos for tongue kissing: "french kiss"
anglos for anything that isn't anglo and has nothing to do with the french: "french"

anglos for Swiss Army Knife: "multi-tool"
No, it's a joke about how she pays more attention to her kids cartoons than [current thing] political outrage, you spedophile.
Incest foursome????
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I am pretty sure we just call the little oval ones that can't tun into a pair of pliers Swiss Army Knives.
>[current thing] political outrage
seems like that was your own deduction there, shitzo.
Swiss Army Knife is a trademark of Victorinox.
The multi tool depicted in the comic is a Leatherman.
Why would /co/mic fans leave for some seething incel?
I'm pretty sure it's the obvious "mom" joke in the "mom" webcomic and not whatever meta nonsense with zero context you made up in your head, but you clearly don't want to be convinced so believe whatever you want
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>anon accuses someone else of having a case of rent free political brainrot
>ends up proving he has it more than anyone
>Organizing a march for all the stuff that's been happening on TV
Why must you turn this board into a temple to your lies? Does it make you a happier person? A better one? Does it fulfil some emotional need from your childhood? Or is it purely about 'winning' internet arguments regardless of the truth of the matter?
What makes a man like you anon? How do other people avoid it happening to them?
not reading that lol
keep coping predditor
>Has to shove his fingers in his ears to ignore the facts
I accept your concession
So how long till someone makes an edit/redraw where the dad stays behind and the dog goes on the date with Fran instead.
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Her friend is kinda cringe
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He looks like he either shed twenty pounds or is currently using every ounce of energy to suck in his gut.
And the bonus panels?
When did you realize joel was hot
Classic /pol/
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not my proudest fap
Up on Patreon for only 5$ a month, thanks for supporting! :)
Why would any decent person want to see catdad getting cucked by dogdad, when catmom has two perfectly available holes catdad and dogdad can use at the same time?
Because by the time they manage to dig out cat dad's microshrimp under that 600lbs bubble of pure fat, the kids will get married.
Because I don’t like ntr unless the guy really deserves it.
>unless the guy really deserves it
So you should be ok with cat dad getting keked
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>decent person
how does he deserve it anon.
No he’s fine. He’s normal. Unlike shitters like dipper Marco Ben etc
>dress loop starting to fall off while her make up gets runny
I'm going to cum
Don't you have large sticks to lick
>translation: any fictional dad in media deserves to be cucked by default of being the dad regardless of how good he actually is to his family
I want to see him get cucked by a scary bloodthristy human male not some faggy dog.
I wish to see Vincent shotadomming the hipster fox lady
>I want to see him get cucked
>scary bloodthirsty
so every thing that you are not so you can self insert as such, thanks for telling the class
>I want to see him get cucked
Unbased, hipsters are cringe
>hmofatso finally admits to having cuck fantasies
Better do that than neglecting the gym and self-inserting as people of your body type like a certain someone
it is literally this
This is based. Self inserting as actual cool looking badasses>>>picking the beta losers and pretending they’re womanizers.
You guys are mentally ill
Is he-who-must-not-be-named in the room with us right now?
the problem is when
>beta loser
is purely a headcanon extrapolated from nowhere solely to satiate your fantasy
Joel has come off as anything but a beta loser
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>Joel has come off as anything but a beta loser
>Morbidly obese
>Shit dad, the only time he did something right was ignore the little shit
>Unironic manchild
>Desperate to look cool but It doesn't work
To name a few things.
>inb4 b-b-buh he scored and has kids!
That's only a problem for 4chan users
I’m not talking about cat dad I’m talking generally.
when and where
>>shit parent
>>unironic manchild
>>desperate to look cool but it doesn't work
all things that can apply to fran
Im just going off how humans are portrayed in the comics.
>when and where
Apron + he's a stoner irl
>shit parent
So is Fran yes
>unironic woman child
Thing is, when women do it's unironically cute and endearing so it's okay
I don't remember Fran trying to look cool
>he's a stoner irl
well then that faggot has officially made me lost the fucks to further defend his fursona from being the subject of cuckold porn
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yeah i can't defend him any more
it's funny how he's likely doing that ironically but it still comes across as sincere
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I thought this was mildly fun before, but I just now noticed the handle name. Now it's hilarious.
>not the toddler
Stop shilling this stale garbage.
You're that type of guy who loves shonen.
>no art of the dog and the catdad cucking the mom
You furries used to be so based, what happened
Did you draw it? Well done
>Like the pairing of Dog and Cat
>Dislike NTR
Why do people always have to draw cat dad in the picture? I just wanna see Brutus and Cat Mom Fuck, cat not included.
Commission or request it then.
>/co/ furthers an unhealthy obsession with cuckold porn and cat moms
That pic has been posted literally in every thread about this comic.

This pretty much tracks. Was watching my two year-old nephew over the weekend and his general activities involved:

• Climbing tall objects and then trying to kill himself by falling off
• Putting his stuffed bear all the way into his mouth and then trying to kill himself by choking on it
• Doing a running dive onto the swing and then trying to kill himself by flying off it and getting impaled on the fence
How does him suddenly not being in the picture make it not NTR
the implication that she's cheating on him is there regardless
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Seeing these next to each other really emphasizes how screwed up the contrast in Litterbox is.
>screwed up
it's the style
whether you like it or not is up to you, personally I don't get how it looks ugly, but its intentional
Because I can ignore the implication.
That's not a stick 0/10
Based NTRfag
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>Based NTRfag
Brutus and Pixie are from the most wholesome comic imaginable, and in that comic they aren't related. Sadly, the cheat/cuckfags latched onto him the second he showed up in this crossover.
Whatever works. I love shota doms and adult subs.
I prefer in reverse, the mom being an openly cuckquean (the star butterfly type of cuckqueaning) as she gives permission for the dog to fuck her cat husband right in front of her as she sits in a cuck chair.
I swear to god i spent an hour on this profile to find if it's a really elaborate prank and I'm still not sure.
It's been over a year, are you still complaining about the contrast?
He's not always in the picture though
too saturated
I don’t think I like the fox, she comes across as a champaign liberal.
HIPSTER, that was the word I was looking for. I really don’t like her.
Champagne Socialist and Limousine Liberal are pretty funny terms, I don't have any other pointed political put-downs however
I wish morbidly obese could apply to Fran too.
You could always call them by their technical term, losers.
Please seek professional help
I don't need help fapping to kinky porn but thanks for the offer.
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The only sensible post in this thread. Exploitable panel >>145482823
fox and giraffe are hot
meant for >>145493498
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pedo cat
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1.5k remaining
And you only like this trash because you want to fuck the cat mom, retard.
>I really wanna watch that big strong daddy fuck something
Yeah you're definitely gay
Catdad finally slimming the fuck down.
I want to see her peg the dog.
Does Paw Patrol not have a deduction ambulance dog? That sounds weird.
Then you would need to make stories with injured people. That could frighten little Timmy and then her mom would get angry.

The second-to-last panel of the big dude yearning for the stick was actually pretty funny.
based trek dad
Kamala is your president bow.
That's gay
Women can't be cucked
Wrong. That's what cuckqueaning is for.
they deleted it.
i saw it back when the pic was first posted.
then when i looked for it again with twitter advanced search (musk killed it lmao) it turned up nothing
The superior option is Fran and Joel both on Brutus with him barely able to keep up with them both.
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wait, shit nevermind i misremembered

>Not having erectile dysfunction
The most fantastical part about all these ideas.
Why can't it just be without the cucking? Fran leaves Joel and gets with Brutus some time later.
As a Trekkie, this comic offends me. Any true Trek fan would know the difference between the Enterprise D and the Enterprise C.
And now he's even hotter
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the comments are pretty good
the first time i found out it was an ultra-religious university or something i was chortling like a tard
Maybe it's because this site has broken my brain but that it's an extremely jewish-centric account called UOHCUNY just adds some extra weird funny spice to it
>German Shepard
>ptsd flashbacks
>dog tags
This dudes a nazi right?
I'd imagine casual racism would be an even greater problem in a world where you have different species of animals, let alone breeds living side by side.
He's astonishingly in shape for a guy who would be well into his 90s if he was.
i own one of these. it doesnt get this reaction from people, sadly. but then its a chinese version.
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Saw that coming a mile away
He's the dog from call of duty
Do you guys read cat mom's dialogue with an accent? I have since I heard Chessca's real voice
nigga lay off the porn
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It's very easy for me to forget that Litterbox comes from a British writer, but then I catch little details like this and it all makes sense
Which is funny because she's said that she sees her as an american several times
post joel
This is something I'm confused about. I know she was born in Britain, but does Fran, or does Fran not, have a British accent.
This matters a lot for the anthology I am crafting.
>wtf how can a comic from USA not be full of woke shit?
>turns out it's not from USA
well mystery solved i guess
I've always wanted to own a real Swiss Army Knife - like an actual Victorinox. The closest thing I have is a cheap pocket knife I picked up on vacation. Are they worth the price?
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it's okay when every single anime does the same thing though.
i remember Zone's FLCL flash having the option to turn off the layer that does this, that's when i realized this.
Depends. Are you actually using it or is it an accessory?
Anime actually looks good
Today's the day the LSMark Litterbox crossover stream happens
I'm not watching that cuck, stop shilling.
That's the thing. It'd be nice to own, but I wouldn't know when and where to use it. I'm not what you would call an outdoorsman.
>let's the Millennium Falcon slide to humor his kid
>would not cross the line beyond
based Trekkie dad
Then fine get the most expensive brand with the little cross and red plastic. Wear it on your belt. It'll look good. Anyone who actually uses multitools will tell you they go through 2 or so a year and whatever they have that has a knife and saw works just fine. You can lose it in the woods or it'll start to get dull and there's bo reason to sharpen in maintain it when another one is only 20 bucks.
Reminder that their older kid has a genetic mutation and is sterile... if his cat colors are anything to go for.
You really believe this when they are talking anthro cats?
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Definitely needs more cat friends
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his dad's tiny dick is already bad enough genetics
The implication that the prey/predator dynamic still exists scares me.
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...what with the anon insisting about small dicks? Is him projecting? Rape victim perhaps?
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It is only played for laughs. The cats are seen eating candies and vegetables, cats and animals don't eat poptarts.
No, but it's still something to shitpost about and see what replies come
Ah, fuck. Broke him.
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>it's just a joke bro
Reminds of some anon's hilarious post about how Chesca does good world building (she wings it)
Cow mom sexo
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Well, it's not him drawing the comics.
The mom is the one making the comics, not the dad. It is reasonable for her to not know this shit.
Chesca's a trekkie too
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Post full nigga
>anons legitimately can't tell that this was a joke account
bleak reminder of how stupid this board really is
Oh well then she dumb.
Stickchads...rise up
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What happened to the previous babysitter?
Died from disgust
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see? played for laughs.
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I'm convinced she's also a lesbian
>hey DOG
>look at the stick
he's racist
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Wonder where he got it from
well, in my defense, i didn't read all the other shit they posted.
still, i wish i didn't know that. it was funnier that way
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well, she is a cheeter
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Why is she so obsessed with the simpsons and why does she believe she can make something just as good?
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>the memesons
>good after s11
uh anon...
Obviously she means early Simpsons when she talks about them
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las creaturas...
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>kickstarter cancelled because creator is going to federal prison
many such cases
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It's actually a reference to Mézga Family, she is so giga-brained she knows the real origin of the couch gag.
I doubt they give a shit after 30 years
Likely it meant "do not show this to people since it spoils the movie".
It looks like a joke. And they don't have an actual link to any actual website or information, which a church would have. So, it's a joke.
Nepotism or who did her mom fuck to get her this job?
Eh, statute of limitations and the like
CUNY is a public university in NYC. It just means City University of New York.
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>he actually believes this
most crimes "expire" after just a few years anyway, no way someone would have a problem with this, although she could look up the legal things in her place about it instead of "hoping".
centaurworld is good
silenced for being too based
it's just a Simpsons joke you autistic fuck
as she has to do is crush him under her massive ass.
And then rip massive gas
That or knock his noodle legs down, a direct punch to the belly would reflect it and hit her
see, she just outsmarted you with her gigantic brain. notice how there are only 2 kids instead of them quickly making one more just for this joke, it all adds up.
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this is the kind of shit you will tell to the creator in a con just to make them feel confused and uncomfortable.
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yeah and he should make a onions face while shes doing it like the one at >>145489402
Didn't an anon deliver Joel art in a litterbox thread?
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Trips confirm
>Can't cook
>Is a bad mother
Why do we want to fuck this whore again?
Cute platonic friends
and I want more
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>Why do we want to fuck this whore again?
at this point (you) are the one getting cucked...
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Impossible, I don't self-insert as Joel.
>Why's dat guy stawin' at Mommy's tail?
Cool! I made another since you liked it so much last time, I was only waiting for you to show up. https://files.catbox.moe/z2o74q.png
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sure thing, pal
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A bowsette cosplay is a based choice
ZAMN! Fran gets to see THAT every night?
>muh "self-inserting"
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>bowsette outfit
jesus christ when was this one made like 2019?
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Here's a consolation prize.
IDGI, is that supposed to be loss?
kind of a stretch
Nope, I've never even heard of that series. Have known of Litterbox comics for a pretty long time though, I think I first saw some posted on /v/ in 2018 or 2019
If you watch the livestreams they've been doing they talk a lot about how there's no middle ground for cartoons anymore and Chesca wants to make something for kids that still has adult humor and not strictly a kid or adult thing, and that's what she views the Simpsons as. If I remember her words correctly she quoted the Simpsons as "the adult show kids would watch"
Adult humor doesn't belong in kids shows
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horrible memes never die
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Halloween is around the corner. What nerdy and of course 100% family friendly cosplay should Chesca wear next? I'd say Vampirella is the next logical step.

Last year actually.
i know what you are
Either she follows all the cosplay whores or she visits /vg/!4ttn0
since the kickstarter is ending and 20 of the comics are gonna get dubbed, what do you guys wanna see dubbed? I'll vote for it since I'm one of the backers
Cock too
Imagine the softness.
Most relatable comic. Except I tend to give tasks that are impossible to mess up.
NTA, but can you please draw some dog dad?
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good for you kid
Right? He looks great! Like he truly looksmatch with his cute orange wife. The broad shoulders, thin waist, bulging chest, shapely legs because he's been blasting the bike, the big goofy smile because he can't see his own sex appeal he's just happy to be there, her big grin because she can appreciate all the changes he's been going through and how, ultimately, she and her husband present a functional and well-adjusted household while this dog guy is a single dad and doesn't have the same luxuries.
>being able to play games together and genuinely enjoy one another's company
>if the kids were there or not they'd almost certainly be loving one another and performing close activities like this
Cute af
man remember when this shit made this site unusuable for like 3 days exactly for mods tamped down on it
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What if it's really subtle and inconsequential, like the "doubloons" joke from SpongeBob?
i like this one
Domestic shorthair violence

Looks him straight in the eye while he does it too
You wouldn't have survived the 90s era
Dumbass zoomer
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he looks so at peace in the top left lol
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Arguments against racism bring up how the differences between races are purely aesthetic and how factors like intelligence have more to do with socioeconomic factors. It doesn't work in this universe because your neighbor will straight up be from a different species with its share of distinct characteristics. It's similar to Zootopia but less retarded.

There's a comic where the boys are causing trouble and the father accuses the adult scolding them for being racist for not letting the cats be cats. It's still seen as a bad thing but I don't think acknowledging that dogs like sticks is a big deal, it would be like offering tea to the British guy.
I haven't been reading this for the past couple months, when did this girl cat get added
What's the story there
At least it's not kevin and kell. That comic gives me the jibblies.
Starting NOW
That's Pixie, who Brutus befriends and protects in their original comic where they're pets. Here in their anthro forms for the crossover she was adopted by Brutus.
I don't get it?
I still see Bowsette cosplays at cons
anti-racist arguments don't work in any universe.
it was a horrible, shitty forced meme. just because you coomed to it then and (for some reason) now almost 6 years later doesn't change that.
i bet they still think burger king foot lettuce, among us and the vine boom spammed a million times are funny then
Big fan of her cankles.
Stop being so fucking mad at an attractive rule63 design.
who's mad, besides you
i wouldn't marry this bitch even if she was the last female in the whole planet
Did anything interesting happen?
Stop fapping to trannies
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>no u
damn destroyed in seconds ,':^)
You know what I hate? Furry webcomics with a drawing style that looks like straight up porn.
At least we got a new crackship.
He's seething.
It's not the 90s anymore grandpa
your dad?
>he doesn't know that pet foolery secretly draws porn on the side
He should draw them fucking
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here catfuckers, I combined all the panels into a single image using imagemagick's montage command
montage xover2-1.png pf2litterbox2.jpg xover2-3.png pf2litterbox4.jpg xover2-5.png pf2litterbox6.jpg xover2-7.png pf2litterbox8.jpg xover2-9.png pf2litterbox10-.jpg xover2-11.png pf2litterbox12.jpg -geometry 1024x1024 -tile 3x4 xover2-montage.jpg
Our middle aged cat plays with the new young cat I thing the young cat is the inciter.
Of course he does because thats what it fucking looks like. It creeps me out when porn furries draw save webcomics. I'm a sick fuck but I at last dont deny it.
Someone should draw him fuck the boys because thats what the artist is probably into.
Reducing the guy to a babysitter just to own the shippers is wild desu.
Sauce me up on this claim
>thats what the artist is probably into.
Which one?
The one who wants to fuck anthro dobermans.
He's a german shephard, retard
Didnt bother enough to check again.
"Enticing" is still misspelled in the last panel. How have none of you noticed this? Should I change my name to Black Chaku?
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>"Enticing" is still misspelled in the last panel
>childless friend tries to guilt trip her friend with young children into going to a nighttime event presumably during the week
the worst type of friend. father of a 2 year old and a 6 month old and it’s insane that my retard friends can’t comprehend that I can’t go out and drink of a week night, even weekends are a toss up
nice projecting bro you really told that png
You sound miserable.
>Mother of two is wearing a makeup and a slutty dress
>Childless fox friend is dressed in normal casual wear
>At some shady pub
What did she mean by this?
>im miserable because daddy doesn’t want to go out drinking all night leaving his young children at home after working all day
Sorry I love my kids and your dad never gave you any attention. I assure you nobody wants to go to your fucking comedy show or see your awful band
How common is this?
I spent like 13 years in a daycare as a kid and none of the little kids ever ate anything that they weren't supposed to.
>how common is this

Why do you think they write a warning on every product. Murricans are so retarded, their kids swallowed Pokeballs they found in happy meals. How anyone could have the idea those are edible, especially at the size they had, is beyond me.

Or they just let their kid choke on shit to sue.
Weed makes your kids retarded.
I was 5 shoving crayons in my nose because it was funny, sounds like you lived in a really boring neighborhood
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I didn't know imagemagick could do that.
Thanks Anon.
Anon when you score with a woman you love and you have your kids and your house and everything, there's literally no fucking reason to go out drinking, it's not actually fun.
meant for >>145519423

but you can both hear that message, drinking was never fun, you just lied to yourself
Chochi that horny bastard.
>You don't have to hang out with your friends when you're married.
That's some pussy-whipped mentality right here
>I can't hang out unless its at night and drinking alcohol

you sure you have friends and not just enablers?
Ask the guy bitching about it.
>Marrying a woman who isn't your friend
Come on.
>He believes you can be friends with a woman
>He believes a wife can replace your friends
oh no no no...
>he believes he has any friends to begin with
This is why we’re all going to die alone.
You will die alone
I have my wife and kids and we are laughing at you right now.
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Then you are more pathetic than the other anon for still lurking here. Fucking loser. Does your wife know you're a fucking loser? Do your kids know you lurk in /co/ pedo threads?
you sounds like a sad individual
And you sound like a cuck
>He doesn't lurk to check what his kids might be into
I have a real reason to be here, unlike "i hope i die everyday" which is why you are here.
Thats not true, I'm here because I hope everyone else dies everyday. ESPECIALLY those who are breeding the next even MORE retarded generation.
Like kids say, keep malding.
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>I lurk on a coomer board that doesn't even watch cartoons to see what kids are watching instead of doing research myself
What kind of excuse is this? What kind of parent are you?
lmao, as if 4chan was representative of anything, this is the lamest excuse ever
normalfag larps are so pathetic
yeah being a neet that wishes to die is less pathetic. What are you doing when your neetbux run out and your parents die mr success?
Teething babies will chomp on anything, it’s part of development. Think about your daycare, if it was professional all the toys were probably big chunky things that kids can’t fit entirely in their mouth, and the youngest were corralled to a section where they couldn’t access anything they could choke on. You can’t leave marbles, Lego, popcorn or grapes around kids younger than three.

My kid was in the water playing with a foam pool noodle, and a toddler in floaties bobbed by and bit off a chunk of foam. His parent grabbed it out of his mouth, but he still got a solid piece. Even things you can’t swallow can cause problems; Boomer kids got lead paint poisoned brains from chewing on windowsills and crib rails.
Proof, now.
>Go get the Red Bull cans. That stuff goes through me like water through fabric (ooh, I'm already thinking about how it'll end).
>red bull cans
Post the edits
i agree.
now, sexual orientation pride flags on the other hand...
How many fans do you think she has?
Kinder Surprise eggs were literally banned in the USA because they couldn't comprehend that they contain little toys.
Enough to keep making content with till the sun dies out.
i really wonder why they don't just make chewable toys for kids, dog toys are literally built to endure that and avoid choking too
You should read Housepets
God why is the husband so fucking hot?
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next kickstarter goal was reached, next up they will make a comic book if they somehow get 10k in the remaining 6 days
He's drawn that way
this squirrel is berry cute
I want him to be my hubby
I'm a regular on /trash/, it was almost unusable for weeks.
Weird way to announce that you're gay.
thumbnail makes it look like he's pissing on something
The little cat just shit in the sandbox
>He would allow his kids to come in contact with a bitch that willingly teaches them bad stuff
I bet your mother is like her, oedipus
that's a girl anon
Probably not that many, I can't imagine there's that many other Frans in the world.
how so?
Cad the animated series incoming
lost respect for these guys after they featured raging red-headed retard LS Mark
>t. followed their comics since 2019
I love slutty cat mommies.
She's a blind supporter of any indie slop and it annoys me
according to the recent livestream chesca said she also works as a call center person? Or something similar to that
What? Where does she get the time
God Chesca just can't herself but make lore up randomly
here's the clip actually
>Fran does tech support, sort of just a at home job, like either phone support or on a computer chatroom, that kind of support.
So I guess the sci fi horror shit is just a hobby. Thought she was publishing it.
drinking is for people that need alcohol to cope with their depression, there are many healthier and even more fun outlets that I'd do a hundred times over before succumbing to a literal toxic liquid that your body hates being forced to consume.
Fran is tech-savvy?
sounds like desperate excuses, maybe Onlyfrans is more likely than it seems.
Crazy. I had a sister who did that, she'd just say "if you don't like it, don't look." I didn't want to go blind from closing my eyes and she threatened to beat me up if I told mom.

It's been near 35 years..
How old were you both at the time?
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Ah, the dog dad
white women
Strawman fallacy.
Mike, is that you?
> ... she threatened to beat me up if I told mom.
I hope that she was significantly older than you and and you were preadolescent, otherwise that's pretty pathetic.
Even with the stipulation that I couldn't strike them, I was easily able to overpower my female cousins when they needed to be knocked down a peg or two. Picking them up and holding them upside down or spinning them around for a few minutes usually took the fight out of them.
>there are so few competent fathers in media that women literally cum at the sight of a cartoon dog being a good dad
And yet our boy Eddie gets laughed at.
Fran or Nicole, who's the more degenerate.

If you've seen the mud fuck series Matcha did, you know the answer
Brutus is far more enjoyable when cat mom draws/characterizes him. I mean look at the other panels. He's just sitting there. No different perspectives. Nothing creative done with the layout. Just flat. Boring.
Stop hiding behind meme illnesses anon, alcohol is just addictive.
>I had a sister who did that, she'd just say "if you don't like it, don't look."
i know tech support jobs are not the prettiest thing, but i don't think it's so bad you need to close your eyes for it
>Brutus is far more enjoyable when cat mom draws/characterizes him
That's the wonderful power of lust
unfortunately these are kind of terrible
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>fucking in mud
>then piss
>then piss drinking
>then shit implication
What level of derangement causes people to even entertain such depravity?

And don't get me started on the other set.
The irl fran needs to show her soles.
humans don't have toe beans what's the point?
>Liking beans
Dominatrix Fran making him beg for a stick
shit taste
>giving brutus two sticks
How nice of (You).
>Americans wake up
>quality of board drastically declines
>That's the $200 tier :)
Based Pythagoras.
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She needs to show off her cleavage more often
*Her husband gets to motorboat these.
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Every guest at that party most likely did and maybe more
Man I hope one day her nudes get leaked. Tits like hers deserve to be seen by all.
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Me with her feet.
I want to see how comic accurate her ass is.
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what the fuck
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I thought this was a degeneracy contest, not quality.
considering >>145489402 i guess i cant blame her
I'm hyped for her cartoon
I'm hyped for it to not go anywhere
I never mentioned daddy. You’re a projecting fag.
> Murricans
Isn't the creator from the UK?
She's been living in texas most of her life
I don't want to check the archives what was it?
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what a lovely couple
I can see not 1, but 2 beards in this image.
He's calling him gay, I think.
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I thought the right ear was the gay ear.
You really need an earring to tell you that guy looks like a giant faggot?
No, but the earring was the thing being pointed out as an indicator.
she's not from the US but she's currently living is the US
her hubby is an American
IRL she has one but she thinks her self insert character does not
It's a meme just like the sock rule.
Y-you mean it's still gay if the socks stay on?!
Can't stop think about Americans huh?
I'm sorry, anon...
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Fox is obviously a lesbian, that's how the butch ones dress.
I'm afraid so, the only way out is to make sure the balls don't touch
I am a backer and I haven't seen these stretch goals
The beard and mustache combo that looks straight from a gay magazine gives it away already
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>pedo cat
not quite..
Someone edit pedo Joel in there

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