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Results of the rematch poll will be on October 3rd
Shadow vs Mewtwo 2 incoming
When's the first episode coming out?
They're premiering it at a live event on October 3rd and then it will go up on youtube on October 6th. They're revealing what the match is tomorrow.
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Who wins?
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Why do they keep deleting the threads? Someone is just going to make another one. Is it a Euro or SEA janny that's responsible?
Bets on what the first ep will be (Omnidock, Eggser, something unshown)? Kinda thinking its Omnidock if they're wanting to start off strong
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Lol forgot to say what's good, anons
Jesus vs Carnage
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Damn I got sloppy. Minor fix
It’ll be something they haven’t shown yet, they said as much.
I don’t think you got to it before, But Asa Mitaka (Chainsaw Man) Vs Claire (Claymore)
lol it's perfect
Shouldn't Timmy and his Fairy Godparents be facing Grim, Mandy, and Billy?
Speaking of which, can you do Timmy, Cosmo, and Wanda vs Grim, Billy, and Mandy?
3 - 0
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Did it
While that is sick, and I do hate being picky, that’s Yoru.
Ah, nice, thanks Thumbnail Anon.
>/trash/ threads
Ah, sorry that looked like the girl. Do you have a pic of Asa specifically so I know which one she is?
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Here, I'm guessing it's the girl without the scars
Yeah that’s her. Thank you!
Doraemon is for Keroro Gunsou.
You don't need to composite Popeye, I'm pretty sure everything is canon for him.
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>Entire Avengers lineup including Thor and Carol outright unable to handle a Superman ripoff ramming full speed into the planet to bust it

Takakura "Okarun" Ken Vs Itadori Yuji (Dandadan Vs Jujutsu Kaisen)
Also make sure it's transformed Okarun, please
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>Luffy when Popeye with no spinach turns him into a tire
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Ok, time for a real match-up.
This makes all those Thor is seven quintillion times light speed calcs hilarious.
Hyperion would one shot Superman btw
... laundry.
Am I misreading or is it just saying that he's moving so fast and eratically and is such a small target that they can't model his trajectory and can't intercept him before he hits? Seems like more of an anti-feat for their sensors than anything.
He’s moving at sub light. If any of the Avengers could got 1 nonillion times light like death battle thinks it would be easy shit to intercept him even given the size of the planet.
Plus even Thor says the feat would be daunting for him, implying his highest levels of power can’t go beyond olanet
1c let’s you go around the planet 9 times in a second. A billion light speed Thor shouldn’t be worried about an armada of less than 1c Hyperions.
...for ANTS!
The basis for that speed calc doesn't even make any sense. Ares was moving in a time stop. The Planck thing was them trying to convey that time was so immobile that not even it's smallest increments were occurring.
...after he kills Clark and moves in with Lois.
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I just read the issue, they say a few times that actually modelling his trajectory to intercept him is the hard part, and that what they'll do when they find him is the secondary problem. Indicates against nonillions times light-speed or whatever calc, sure, but I think Thor or Carol could be significantly faster than light and this would still make sense, especially since they say he's going just under light-speed and so is experiencing heavy time dilation.
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The TV shows, comics, and movie are their own thing. They are separate from the comic strip lore. But when most people use Popeye in versus debates, they are using composite Popeye.
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Oh how embarrassing
It works with Carol and Thor being a little beyond c, even 10 times c, but not at death battle speeds.
pretty sure it is, they always get deleted around euromorning (I think)
H-H-He can ALMOST go lightspeed......
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This is how Dragon Ball fans think the low tiers of their verse are in powerscaling debates
Rusted Knight vs The Last Ronin

You just know Jaune is toast.
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My autism kicked in and this conversation got me wondering if it would be possible to actually get a number on this. Looking up says you can see a human sized object from 3 km away in clear conditions like a vacuum. If Thor or Carol is flying straight from the earth to pluto, 5 billion kilometers, that means their vision to spot Hyperion is like a cylinder of 1.41e11 km^3.

The cross-section of earth is 1.28e8 km^2, and Hyperion could strike any point on the planet, so the total volume he could be in across 5 billion kilometers as a cylinder would be 6.4e17 km^3.

(6.4e17)/(1.41e11) means Thor or Carol would have to cross 5 billion kilometers 4539007 times to cover every possible spot Hyperion could be in, which equals 2.3e16 km of distance.

Even assuming Thor and Carol are a million times lightspeed or something, that's 299792458000 km/s. Time = Distance/Speed, so the total time it would take to search that whole volume would be (2.3e16)/299792458000 = 75702 seconds, or about 21 hours, against the 5 and a half hours they had in the comic. Someone like Thor I think probably has abilities to track people beyond just normal human eye sight, but this quick shitty calc also ignores that Hyperion like they say in the comic isn't moving as a straight line and is a constantly shifting target whose position is constantly changing.

>TLDR assuming I didn't fuck any unit conversions up, the upper limit for their speed where they still reasonably couldn't find Hyperion in under 5 hours if he was just in one place is 5 million times lightspeed or something
I don’t think Jaune wins any matches
Doesn't he have magic armor and aura shields along with other stuff? Then again the turtles tend to deal with wacky shit across iterations so I guess it depends on what Ronin's opposition was. He definitely seems more trained up as Jaune was mostly just on tard management
I can't wait for Pikachu and Charizard to respectively end up in the Oxygen and Ozone clubs and for Mewtwo to have his win taken from him
Man you're late this time.
I don’t think Rusted Knight Jaune even had a sword
Laughs in Lucario and Machamp
But Ash beats Yugi. We discussed this last thread.
>something something attacking Ash directly/mind crush
Both are things that Gengar and Snorlax can defend Ash from automatically because they’re not going to let their friend get hurt. Mons regularly act on their own for the betterment of their trainers, this is common in both the games and anime.
Hyperion's path can very easily be narrowed down, since he has to account for planetary movement over the five hour duration of his flight. They could effortlessly determine his starting point, and from there it's just a matter of tracking. The main issue is assuming Hyperion can perfectly make these calculations so he can impact with earth. We also have to assume he's travelling in a straight line, and according to their description of his acceleration, that Hyperion can't make sudden course corrections (like Superman could).
Mumen Rider?
Exodia, Horakhty, infinite kuriboh wall, spell binding circle, swords of revealing light, power armor, monster reborn on gengar etc etc
Exodia instantly wins the fight tho. That’s literally his ability.
>b-but he lost Exodia!
Didn’t stop Part 3 DIO and his eyebeams
The space between Earth and Pluto is essentially completely empty most of the time, he wouldn't have to account for any kind of planetary movement. They say in the comic that because of time dilation, from his perspective he's only taking a minute to get to Earth, so any turns he would be making would probably be across massive distances.
He doesn't even need Exodia. Horakhty accomplishes the same thing but more over the top.
And that still leaves a Snorlax with Protect who can defend Gengar from those attacks, as well as a Charizard and Pikachu fast and strong enough to slip past Yugi’s monsters to attack him directly.
Can’t win if you lose.
Kek, what a bitch
>Brain Control on Snorlax
>Charizard and Pikachu get cucked by infinite kuribohs or magical hats
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>Charizard attack Yugi directly
kek good luck with that
So just kill them or take control of them and Ash is completely defenseless
>returns them to their pokeball
does Ash's Snorlax have protect?
Earth and Pluto orbit at different speeds, anon, and cover millions of miles in minutes. It doesn't matter how empty that space is - if he doesn't account for this, he misses his target. He has a necessarily proscribed path determined by his start and end points, and travelling at a known speed and acceleration. Finding him would be simple highschool physics.
...which will leave Ash defenseless, yes.
From the perspective of someone like Hyperion moving at light-speed, it would be extremely easy to spot Earth and then just slightly shift to hit it. You can see the Earth from millions of miles away in a vacuum. A quick look-up says that the Earth moves only about 70000 miles an hour, or less than 10x its own width, which in the context of crossing 5 billion kilometers is nothing. I'm just going off what the comic says, where they say they can't accurately track him down and intercept him.
Oh no! Not mind control! If only Pokemon in both the games and anime haven’t broken out of status effects just by being really close to their trainers! Nooooo!!!!!
Impressive feat, how does it stack up against Charizard flying around the planet in seconds?
>kill them
Ash has more than four Pokemon, you know that right? Greninja and others make for fine replacements if his others go down, and controlling them is barely going to be effective (heh) when, again, strong bonds make that sort of stuff go away.
None of this counters the fact he's on a proscribed path and is easily located via simple calculation. It's even easier than tracking meteors, and we can do that no problem irl.
Marvel's just weak.
>Charizard flying around the planet in seconds
I mean if you want to be a fag about it then Yugi just has full on time stop and card text wank which dunks on dex wank
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>Ash gets out all his pokemon
>Attacks Yugi directly
>lmao Mirror Force
>Ash's entire team is immediately wiped out at once
>Well if you wanna use feats then I can use statement wank
???? I mean it doesn’t really matter because I doubt that Yugi’s going to react to a near LS Flare Blitz tackle from a fat red dragon, but how the fuck is using Charizard’s feat of flying around the planet “being a fag”.
>Ash [acts OOC for no reason]
>Yugi [uses a card that gets negged by Protect or Charizard flying at him]
Like the first anon said, I think it's more just an anti-feat for their sensors and ability to track things than any kind of power or speed factor. Hyperion could be anywhere in that massive area of space, but for a series like Marvel tracking someone like that moving at light-speed should be easy. If Thor didn't think he was strong enough to stop Hyperion even if they found him, I don't see why he wouldn't be more concerned about that as opposed to just finding him in the first place.
>If only Pokemon in both the games and anime haven’t broken out of status effects just by being really close to their trainers! Nooooo!!!!!
Can I see the specific pokemon in question doing this?
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Daily reminder that Itachi would make Goku stop breathing because his brain would be moving too fast for his lungs.
The only thing Ash has going for him is his own wacky physical strength which becomes moot against duel armor anyway
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Hes the solo king for a reason
Boot up any Gen 6+ Pokemon game
Get a Pokemon
Become good friends with it
Let it get poisoned, slept, paralyzed, etc etc
Watch as they love you so much that they shake it off and go back to fighting normally.
Game? This is Ash and his team from the anime. Not the game protags.
No reason to not use logic from both. And even if you want to stick strictly to anime logic then Gengar would be immune to any and all mental fuckery and could snap the others out of it by just factory resetting their bodies with soul removal and re-entry.
>walks over and tears up yugi's cards
Pikachu literally shakes off poison multiple times.
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>Hall Jordan? Never heard of him but I like my women mature and female.
>No reason to not use logic from both
Of course there is, they're two different continuities. Now I'd like to see them do it
>confirmed to be the strongest Fucning non fused Dragon Ball character in Sparkling Zero
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Lord of Lords forgives Carnage. Carnage kneels before his one true lord.
Goku vs Superman 4: The Quest For Peace
Jack Black Minecraft Steve VS Roblox Kanye West
Last one is canon, Mr. Satan saved the earth from that monster Cell
Goku (God fusion MUI Kaioken times 20 universe tree absorbed) vs Superman 4.
He gets mogged by King, who one-shot Garou, a being far greater than Cell
...leaving Ash completely defenseless because Yugi can command monsters without cards.
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>Bring me the crybaby bitch Devilman!
He was the final villain to be revealed
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Ash can survive this.
How about this?
Anon, this nigga doesn't even fuck.
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Why would you post this.
idk, he looks like he fucks a lot
goku, on the other hand...
Furries and scalies both get the rope.
Children like Hal Jordan? I know. I made it very clear that he isn't a pedo.
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Anon, why are you thinking of fucking children anyway? Seems off...
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Bruh don't do that to me
Those fucking scrimblos have names?
The CHAD in Black
The CHAD in Red
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Ethan Hunt vs Dom Toretto
Both job to the colorful CHAD
Aside from FEH what are some other fraudulent gacha games people use to scale
Why are symbiotes so hot?
Fate would be the single most fraudulent
that megaman gacha shit
watching megacucks use it to cope is always funny
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This horrible garbage ruined so many of my Saturday mornings.
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No one who acknowledges phoneslop is a Mega Man fan
Venom and his children are...STRONG...
Explains why every time I see X Dive shit getting pushed it's by Mexicans.
Speaking of which, why are there so many Mega Man fans from the third world?
Never watched this, why is it bad
>dark multiverse fodder
Barbatos victims.
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Who the FUCK can defeat the symbol of truth, justice and the american way?
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Not canon
SuperGOD tanked that btw (even though Venom is infinitely multiversal)
SuperFRAUD did NOT tank that btw (every single atom in CHADvel is OUTERVERSAL layers above JOBtive Comics)
I remember reading this.
There was an official Mega Man comic from Brazil. Real wacky shit. I think that increased his cachet in those regions.
I do not remember reading this.
I don’t remember reading this.
Kek I remember when this happened.
This didn't happen.
This canonically happened.
This happened
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It’s a complete insult to Tex Avery and everything he represented. The pacing is slow, the jokes fall flat, and it looks nothing like one of his classic shorts. None of his iconic characters are there, and the animation is subpar. It's the textbook example of mediocrity.
fodDerC and FAGvel are both universal at best so it tracks
CHADvel and BEASTC are both outerversal at worst so this tracks.
I don't recall this event.
SHITvel and fodDer Comics are barely planetary, so it tracks
GODvel and DIETY CHADmics are both boundless so this tracks.
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>WEAKtective Comics
Not worth Marvel or DC’s time.
>Naruto vs Luffy
>Yusuke vs Ichigo
>Joker vs Giorno
One of those three.
The STRONGEST verse in ALL of FICTION...
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Who should fight Baki besides Ohma?
… in the wall level category.
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>solos Wan Piss with his universe level table
kek Wan Pissers just keep taking Ls
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He made Boruto bleed by blaming his face against this table.
...has yet to be posted in this thread.
Drugs must be fun
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Not even the strongest organization with those abbreviations.
...that wall is the Source Wall.
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… because CHADlien X erased anything stronger than his verse.
>Wood level

Yeah that tracks
Wood is universal in Naruto.
…’s wall level category.
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Every time I see BOREuTARD he and his series looks more and more shit. On the brightside, it means that he beats One Piece!…in terms of looking like trash that is.
Kek, canon
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>Drag on Balls fags getting uppity
Yet, it only takes Itachi to solo your verse.
Who could have done this? Who could POSSIBLY be strong enough to defeat the GODLIKE being Alien X with but the most paltry fraction of their strength? I almost dare not say their name, but it could only be....
>Non canon SHITboot
...boundless levels of WEAK, that is.
I remember the many times xhe said this.
Luther Strode
Kek, based, canon.
>S-S-Sasuke, did we defeat Goku?…..
>N-N-N-Naruto, that was only Tao Pai Pai…….
>Non canon SHITboot
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___ ______
...Alien X, but from Omniverse.
If it's a reboot, it's not only canon, but replaces the previous one. Sorry about that.
I see you avoided saying Itachi
Remember, Halcucks can become HalCHADs as long as they
That means it's not canon to the relevant version of the character, the one that was posted earlier in the thread
It's like if someone posts Superman from the comics and you reply with DCAU footage
Four Arms.
>Stop bringing up the comic book character on the comic book board!!!!
It means it's the only acceptable canon. Deal with it and stop crying over it.
Riveting arguments right here
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>DC is canonically universal at max because of how weak Perpetua is in the reboot
Cortana will EFFORTLESSLY warp Vega's mind in the rematch, and send Doomsissy to the dimension of torture and pain, where he will have his anal virginity taken by a demon.
>American break hours
>Thread quality instantly plummets
>send Doomsissy to the dimension of torture and pain, where he will have his anal virginity taken by a demon.
Nobody in this thread......
>EuroSISSY is seething over AmeriGODS
Luffy truly said this.
>comes to he HALLS
>attempts to distort them with porn delusions
>Luffy out of NOWHERE
all of you are gay
What prompts this behavioral pattern?
I do love being called a good girl by men bigger than me >.<
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>say something bad about Luffy
>He's offended
So predictable
I'm a huge Ben 10 fan, that should be obvious
Ben is a 10 year old you sick fucks.
Kek I remember when Cortana said this after Vega defeated her.
no, you're a falseflagger who has a nuclear meltdown when a character he doesn't like is mentioned
imagine wasting your time writing garbage like this
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Do you think Naruto could freaky beat Luffy in arm wrestling?
>Touristsissy is crying
Like every "I remember when (thing)" or "(thing)bros...." post or similar: severe mental deficiency.
One of these characters has enough strength to activate a volcano and it’s not Naruto.
>generic seething post
>too afraid to directly reply
>Touristcuck is having a melty
>Superman from the comics
the mainstream versions are the tv/film versions. normies do not read comics
Who the FUCK invited this BITCH to our threads?
Damn, Pikachu sure is strong.
This but unironically
VSBW lets the CHADS of /dbg/ live in their rent free 24 FUARKING 7.
did you really feel that offended
I love how the only Fairy Tail rep is the retarded snowman dog
>Touristfag meltdown
/dbg/ jobs every day BTW
Plue is from Rave Master child
/dbg/ WINS every day btw
Going by the time frame for the pic, it’s early 2010s which means Fairy Tail
SameBITCH...../DBS/ is DEAD and BURIED. Moe won.
>MoeBITCH bringing up /dbs/ out of NOWHERE
Yup yup yup, /dbg/ won AGAIN
are these threads always like this
Only canon reply ITT.
no, they're good until someone decides to pick a character to seethe over and details the entire thread with the same derivative unfunny posts
>/dbg/'s "greatest achievement" is copying the posting style of a literal scatposting third worlder den
The previous thread was better, and it was deleted
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Sometimes there's an actual decent thread going where people are actually discussing the characters in normal fashion and everyone is polite
Then those threads mysteriously get deleted
Why is Blast a part of this page?
Literally who is Blast
People don't care about that match up. It will be a spiteful rematch.
Ben vs Hal
Yang vs Tifa
Doomguy vs Masterchief
You can tell t's the one from Rave Master because his skin is more yellowish and he's eating a lolipop
But Shadow is a beloved character, people want to see him
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winning the game with Exodia is not an action, you can't respond to it so that instant does literally nothing
G1 Shockwave vs G1 Starscream
Who is weaker
Magic is for literal homos and trannies. I don't know the rules to care.
We were literally just discussing Ash Vs Yugi (relatively) normally.
it's honestly kinda pathetic how literally every single fight involving Master Chief descends into him having to be bailed out by Cortana
Which by the way is outside help if Cortana uses any feats she did while not currently in Master Chief's suit
I'm fairly sure a version of G1 shockwave successfully killed both Megatron and Optimus Prime.
Assume it's cartoon Shockwave
>one of Ash's pokemon uses brick break
>Shatters the mirror coat
I don’t know about all that but Doomguy lost.
>genuinely correct comment on chief's capabilities is made
>halobitch instantly deflects with a generic "BUT HE LOST ON THIS WEBSHOW" post
I think the previous thread actually had sort of a discussion about Bondrewd vs Professor Membrane, and now it's gone. Pity.
>Doomkek has an immediate meltdown over being reminded of the score
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Mirror Coat and Magic Coat is a constant aura/barrier, whereas Mirror Force is a reflecting attack. Now if it was a card like Astral Barrier, I could see the argument
I'm no "Doomkek", sissy. I'm just making an observation.
You don’t even need to go that far. Snorlax negging it with Protect or Pikachu literally just overpowering it with 10-100K volts would be enough.
Despite being wanked into being an outerversal chad I can’t even kill a zombie with a single punch, who am I?
What were Cortana's best feats done while inside Chief's suit?
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>it's outside hel- ACK!
>literally only able to do that in a specific area
>uses brick break
Traps has speed beyond that of monsters' doing battle and even if we equalize battle destruction with card destruction the effect goes through anyway.
it is not even a monster effect to begin with
Alien X...
Hard Light exists everywhere in the universe.
Doomslayer…… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSRl13DRPf8
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You're just mad because Doomcuck is very telefragable via hacking.
Everyone from SMT...
>Snorlax negging it with Protect
it wouldn't work
it is not a move, it is a trap effect. it also doesn't target, it instakills and affects all the opponent's monsters
>FRAUDslayer can’t refute the video
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in theory something that would work is one of Ash's pokemon using snatch or magic coat since those have priority which would be on the level of counter-traps
...'s victim Hal...
Why did you post this image of me (BOUNDLESS BEAST btw)?
Protect works against non-targeting moves, non-damaging moves and instant-kill moves
it also has increased priority which would make it even faster than traps
That's not what their problem is they just can't pinpoint his exact location. Also that's his travel speed not his reaction speed.
Snatch isn’t even in the anime and none of Ash’s Pokemon know the cost moves in canon
Nothing sadder than seeing the threads get clogged up by people replying to these sorts of posts with characters that live rent free inside their heads. Imagine filling out captchas for that.
It's the same Cortana. She didn't gain any special power from going inside the Domain.
Funny thought

>pokeballs have been shown to capture any objects
>mewtwo has telekinetically controlled improved master balls that can capture anything instantly
>chaos emeralds have been show to change size

Mewtwo captures the chaos emeralds before Shadow uses them
the fact that it already has 3 different "(character that makes anon upset)..." replies is just sad
what happened to these threads man
Ah but Mirror Force isn’t a move by a monster. It’s a trap, it would be like saying Protect could stop an ongoing status effect or item
that said if we go by anime, no matter what Yugi does, Ash can just tell his pokemon to DODGE
Nothing chadder than seeing the threads get filled with scholars replying to these posts with wall level jobbers that don’t deserve any respect, imagine not filling out the captcha for that.
>Bleach's return is well celebrated with new lore content in the TYBW anime
>Burn The Witch is allowed to serialize at Kubo's own pace
>Is most likely getting more animated content after TYBW, with the hell arc in the manga coming soon
>One Piece is still at the height of its popularity and Oda somehow made an A+ arc with Egghead after the debacle that was wano
>A remake of the early saga by WIT coming next year
>Sucessful Netflix series that's actuallly good

Meanwhile Kishi's sci-fi manga got axed in 43 chapters and Boruto is a fucking mess of a series.
Were you crying while you wrote this?
what? that's wrong. it doesn't work, for example, against perish song.
once again I will remind you that a trap is not a monster so protect should not work
when pokemon summon The Weather, does Protect protects them from The Weather?
It's an active effect though and in anime protect has been used to deal with environmental effects and items being used by trainers

I mean if we're going to get really pedantic about this pokemon can't be in attack position so mirror coat wouldn't destroy them
Were you crying while you wrote this?
>instantly parroting
But in reality
>no one cares about Slide Showch
>no one cares about Shit the Shitch
>One Piece is in fucking ruins and the story can never get better
>Boruro is actually pretty nice
K, b, c.
Didn't Death Battle put Carol in under light speed like significantly slower by using her Ms Marvel days?
Wow impressive but I don't think this was even meant to be thought out. Characters moving fast and being able to solve the plot in less than a second has always been a problem it's just one of those things that we're just going to have to accept. Carol deals with characters that are nowhere near how fast she should be going now since she can fly to other galaxies in seemly less than a day. That goes for a lot of stuff too.

in anime protect has been used to deal with environmental effects and items being used by trainers

One, going to need sources on that, two, going to point out that Mirror Force could be considered more similar to Destiny Bond


I don’t see how. We’re talking equalization. Spell-Binding Circle wouldn’t count as an attack by a non, Magically Hats wouldn’t count as an attack by a mon, why should Mirror Force
it doesn't work against perish song because perish song is an attack that specifically bypasses any and all defenses, even substitute
that's not an indication that protect wouldn't work against instant kill moves (it does) but rather that perish song's unique effect is to bypass any defenses
if Ash's pokemon used perish song against Yugi they'd also bypass things like magical hats

Cards that protect your monsters can be used to defend against mirror coat so it does not have the perish-song type "bypasses defensive abilities"
>/dbg/cucks are crying again (they will never reach /dbs/)
Comic writers have no sense of scale.
I share a planet with people that convinced themselves that One Piece is anything but a terrible story.
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>Nothing chadder than seeing the threads get filled with scholars replying to these posts with wall level jobbers that don’t deserve any respect, imagine not filling out the captcha for that.
What exactly did she do in the Domain?
Why is there so much of this
mirror coat in anime works by launching a destructive bolt at all pokemon in attack position
and yes protect would protect against spellbinding circle since it targets the pokemon using protect, it wouldn't work against magical hats because magical hats targets the defending monster

protect by the way does protect from destiny bond if it's being used
But one can also Mirror Force also bypassed traditional defenses. In Yu-Gi-Oh, it doesn’t matter how high a monster’s defense points are, if there’s no effect going on to save it from destruction by card effects, it’s no go.

Not to mention, negate attack is the equivalent of Protect in Yu-Gi-Oh and wouldn’t stop Mirror Force either
Planetary level table
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>>Nothing chadder than seeing the threads get filled with scholars replying to these posts with wall level jobbers that don’t deserve any respect, imagine not filling out the captcha for that.
mirror force doesn't bypass "cannot be destroyed" effects though nor does it bypass monsters being shielded
and if you activate an effect that protects your monsters from being affected by trap cards in response to mirror coat being activated, your monsters are safe from mirror coat
They look like that and they say that
Kek they look like that and say that.
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>>>Nothing chadder than seeing the threads get filled with scholars replying to these posts with wall level jobbers that don’t deserve any respect, imagine not filling out the captcha for that.
kek, he looks like that and he says that
Pure copium, Kubo and Oda have been on a roll while Kishi is like a fish out of water
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>>>>Nothing chadder than seeing the threads get filled with scholars replying to these posts with wall level jobbers that don’t deserve any respect, imagine not filling out the captcha for that.
Kek he looks like that and he says that.
>is an attack
it is a linger effect. I cannot consider it an attack to begin with
>not an indication that protect wouldn't work against instant kill moves (it does)
well, for starters. those pokemon are not killed much less utterly destroyed.
Protect defens against damage which is something trap is not doing
protect would work agains Osiris' second mouth attack but not against this
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>>>>>Nothing chadder than seeing the threads get filled with scholars replying to these posts with wall level jobbers that don’t deserve any respect, imagine not filling out the captcha for that.
Kek, he looks like that and he says that
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>>>>>>Nothing chadder than seeing the threads get filled with scholars replying to these posts with wall level jobbers that don’t deserve any respect, imagine not filling out the captcha for that.
>this post broke /dbg/
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>>>>>>>Nothing chadder than seeing the threads get filled with scholars replying to these posts with wall level jobbers that don’t deserve any respect, imagine not filling out the captcha for that.
well protect at the very least is a defensive move which would put the pokemon in "defense position" which in turn would make it an invalid target for mirror coat

protect doesn't defend against damage by the way, it defends against all effects, including nondamaging effects, instant KO etc
And yes instant destruction and instant KO can be used interchangingly because again, if you are going to go purely by yugioh terminology pokemon cannot be in attack position to begin with
if you're going to equalize you can't selectively equalize and say destruction effects and OHKO effects aren't equalized

there's also other things that can render mirror coat less effective such as the variety of attacks ash's pokemon have used that are both defensive and offensive at the same time or shield them from attacks while attacking or just flat out destroy enemy attacks
>"cannot be destroyed" effects
which is something no pokemon move has ever shown.
there many Monsters that cannot be destroyed by battle, effect destruction gets them.
Imagine defending /DBG/ when it's literally just bootleg /DBS/
You will never be scholars
Took over it, made it unstable, made the Warden into her bitch.
There's a passage in the book that claims she was causing the Domain to shake, but I'm not in the mood to look it up now.
Other feats include being able to calculate the future and make very elaborated plans in microseconds.
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>the sheer amounts of TRUTH in this post DEMOLISHED death battle general
Mirror Force is explicitly known as a move that does not target actually. And Protect prevents an effect from being applied only if the move is coming from a monster card. Which it’s not since again, this is Yu-Gi-Oh
Kek, based, canon.
Goku tanked that
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>Imagine defending /DBG/ when it's literally just bootleg /DBS/
>You will never be scholars
Goku did NOT tank that
He's he did.
>thread is in complete chaos and MY HERO is nowhere in sight
That would imply Goku has a brain. Which isn't true. Therefore not canon.
he says that and looks like that
>he's he did
>He's he did
I'm right here, anon.
KINGlien X WARPED YOU and your entire VERSE.
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The STRONGEST is now here to ensure the halls become peaceful once more.
something like sturdy absolutely would protect against destruction effects
by yugioh's own standards only dealing damage is an attack
SHITren isn't even the strongest in his verse. Get that fodder out of here.
>yugioh terminology pokemon cannot be in attack position to begin with
it wouldn't matter. there yugioh monsters with no defense, and monsters that by effects can attack while in defense position.
pokemon take position when they use a move. that is clear when those critters dodge or attack in the anime.
CHADren is the strongest in all of fiction, put that champion in the museum.
K, b, c.
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>ERASEDren jobber babble
...strongest at the "balding bitch who lost a minigame and got erased" contest, that is.
Only cuz he was tired
Plus Link Monsters don’t have a Defense Mode either so they’re always treated as in Attack Mode
...of being such a faggot.
>Contest RATku wins every single year out of NOWHERE
yes and protect protects against things that do not target and in anime protect protects against things other than pokemon attacks, such as when mewtwo used it to block ash from punching him and deoxys-D used it in the movie to protect it from falling debris

in the anime it's not treated as something that specifically blocks attacks but rather a forcefield that protects it's user from anything and even has been used to protect things OTHER than the user by the way, which the game explicitly doesn't allow
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We are HERE at last, anon.
>SHITren is crying
>JOBren cope
The DESTROYERS of Video Game developers.....
The LORDS of server shutdowns...
>FLOPaze, SHITcord, and BROKEenas are here
The entire thread is about to go bankrupt....
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Popeye vs a Billion Lions. Can he win?
>CHADaze, BEASTcord and LORDenas are here
The entire thread will FLEE from their sale counts.......
>by yugioh's own standards only dealing damage is an attack
effect damage is a thing
>Fight billion lions effortlessly win
If we’re arguing anime then in Vrains, Mirror Force makes monsters blow up without contact, which a forcefield wouldn’t necessarily stop
Revolver was Vrains' only saving grace desu
Don't forget about us!
WALL LEVEL west should have lost btw...
I mean, yeah, the one from the reboot does nothing, while the one from the original continuity is literally omnipotent.

By the way, what games have you guys been playing recently? I'm going through Transformers Devastation and DMC5 again. Both very fun games. I imagine most people here also like action games.
I think it's the brand that got damaged there, more than anything.
Playing Doom with some Complex wads, all the ridiculous monsters and weapons are too good to pass up on.
Modded Doom is always a fun time. I already set things up in my new PC a while ago, but I haven't really decided which WADs I should play. Any suggestions?
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I didn't give you permission to speak, BITCH.
And it added fart jokes.
Could always give Project Brutality a try, also the Complex Doom wads that I mentioned, there's some fairly OP monsters in there though, just a heads up if you don't like being oneshotted every now and then, I'd recommend Doomseeker for multiplayer autism but the servers there seem to be pretty dead these days, only one that really has a decent population at all times are those autistic Megaman deathmatch wad servers.
Thanks for the recs, anon. I'll look into them.
Jebe vs Khalid ibn al Walid
this wasn't THAT big of a flop
i think
I'm a big fan of the Nobody Told Me About Id mod, it's like a big remix of classic Doom gameplay that homages all the Build Engine games of the era.
I... am a loser...
Every entertainment medium that isn't video games....
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I don't know about all that but SUCCESSborn has the strongest hax ability in fiction.
...' superior, known as everything else.
It's okay American comic books, one day you'll die and from your corpse something better will rise up, maybe that way you will be able to finally win against the Manga industry
enough with this weird tribewarring
hey, baby~
Looked it up and it does indeed look cool. It's going on my list.
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Not so fast
>It will be a spiteful matchup.
>Brings up Ben vs. Hal and Yang vs. Tifa.
Yeah, it's a goofy match-up, but at least Shadow vs. Mewtwo would be a fun time.
They're going to use Ash being too stupid to hypnotize as a feat to counter Yugi's mind hax
Doomguy vs Chief falls in the same category, why did you exclude it
it's even worse as unlike the other three Doomguy really did not win with what he had then
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>fight SISSYza needed to rig
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You Dope
>slurpza is getting uppity
That’s just for mind control, not all forms of mindfuckery, see Aizen vs Madars and Dio vs Alucard
got BTFO straight out of /dbs/ again, friezasissy?
Sounds valid, maybe Yu-gi-JOB should stop being street-tier.
...Because he's standing on the winner pedestal for beating MegaTRANS!
Is this what the anti-woke digimon stuff was about?
...at the "biggest sissy" contest, for which Megatron only signed up because SLURPza got on the floor and begged him to.
>JOBatron is crying over his loss to the superior EMPEROR
>SISSYza started crying at MegaCHAD
>MegaTRANS coping and dilating over the mere existence of CHADza
>KWABza can do nothing but SEETHE before MegaBEAST's excellence
Realistically could Frieza genocide the entire Cybertronian race after defeating Megatron and losing more than half of his body?
Probably not
He can take out the normalfag popular only versions of Transformers but shit like IDW and the Unicron Trilogy will rip him a new one.
which version
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>turns your favorite verse into Sushi
He doenst have any feats to beat Yuji
He's contractually obligated to lose. His only "wins" were team battles where he was barely relevant.

He have no magic, nor his weapons are magical and his sword is broken. His shield have a repulse field nowadays, but, any of the turtles could easily give him a beat.
...in her imagination.
Ash has been possessed and hypnotized at least 4 times in his show. He's able to resist it.
>He doenst have any feats
Wow, just like BUILDINGLEVELdori WALLji
How many JJK chapters left
They like Alita vs 2B. That's about all I thought was interesting from today's ballot banter.
No, they’re going to use the fact that Gengar acts as an anti-mindhax shield that can keep Ash safe from that sort of stuff as an argument against Yugi mind fucking him.
2, I believe.
did yuta die?
>they acknowledged 40K
How plausible is for the IP to get an episode now?
Poor chief though
It'd be cool for a faction vs faction fight.
Tomorrow is when they reveal the first episode right?
That's the current speculation
one episode should be fine
This is probably them testing the waters with 40K, Titus is relevant and it's a safe/kind of obviously requested match to cover.
You said tit-us
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I think they are somewhat even stat wise
-subsonic+ speeds (Specifically he can always run at 100kmph) situationally he can move at 90% the speed of light by entering power lines or electronics connected to said power lines (he can't fight or react at these speeds but he can use launch himself from the power lines at such speed)
-Building level AP. Constantly shown to be able to explode houses after running through them, scales to The Evil Eye who can effortlessly blow up multiple houses with a single attack and destroyed from the inside one of the arms of the Great Kinta (a Mech similar in size to the one in Picrel), and can take down Youkai and Aliens who are also able to Obliterate buildings
-Multi building level Durability: Scales to The Evil Eye who tanked a Laser attack who devastated multiple buildings, Scales to Airi who survived being blasted nonstop with Misiles strong enough to level Houses and destroy large buildings, survived crashing on a UFO who partially destroyed a abandoned School/hospital
-Subsonic speeds. Lacks any good Speed feats but was equal to Maki pre awakening and she was fast enough to catch a bullet with her bare hands (although this is likely due to her predicting rather than actually out speeding the bullet because of her later scaling)
-Large Building level AP. He obliterated a entire building by throwing Sukuna into it, and went Head to head Against a weakened Sukuna who even in that state was able to effortlessly topple buildings in his short fight against Maki
-Large Building level Durability. Even before his awakening he survived being punched across multiple buildings at the start of the culling games, after that he could survive a fight against Sukuna who was a casual building nuker even when weakened.
What pushes things in Yuji's favor are his versatility and Regen.
Who wins this
Titus hard stat stomps but Master Chief has dura neg via promethean weapons like the incineration cannon and binary rifle shooting anti matter
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>We get Emprah VS Dark Schneider instead
Titus completely dunks on Chief. Even if you get into book chief, your average book space marine shits on that too let alone a named one.
Yuji withstood Sukuna’s oven attack, where’s his credit for that?
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Denjibros... don't look...
Spave Marines are not that tough, anon.
You're mixing AP and DC btw
His AP should be way higher due to power cliffing Hanami and Jogo who are city block level minimum
One no sold getting stepped on by a Titan which are 40-140 meters tall
I’m gonna kill myself
Don't do it anon
>One no sold getting stepped on by a Titan
I'm pretty sure it was a Primarch who survived that and not a Space Marine
>IDW and the Unicron Trilogy
What makes these versions do strong?
It was a Terminator actually
Titus. Master Chief isn't even the strongest Spartan, just the 'luckiest' and The Space Smurfs are infamous for having plot armor out the ass
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Steve is for Bowser.
Now let's see the speed section.
Beta Ray Bill vs Dragon Shityu
God forbid Chief fought Gabriel Angelos. He was from an RTS rather than a shooter, but that bastard tanked attacks from everything 40k could throw at him, and personally beat several greater daemons to death with a hammer. Titus is no slouch, but he's only fought Orks, Nids, and Chaos, Angelos fought just about everything available in tabletop during the first DoW.
>Yuji withstood Sukuna’s oven attack
No? Choso died so he could survive the oven attack.
>His AP should be way higher due to power cliffing Hanami and Jogo who are city block level minimum
Actual delusions. Jogo and Hanami would effortlessly beat eos Yuji.
What can Yuji do to survive Max meteor?
He should still scale from being able to damage Sukuna
Gege stated Yuji could kill Jogo in 5 black flashes and that was Shibuya-Culling Games Yuji
A extremely weak and almost dead Sukuna, he doesn't scale to full power Sukuna.
If he lands that, also Jogo still has better feats than him. Even if he can't survive 5 BF from Yuji he would still be more powerful
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This was from volume 6 so it's not even Shibuya Yuji
A weaker earlier version of Yuji had the AP to kill a disaster curse
>Using Todo as a crutch

>Yuji needs his big bro to actually accomplish anything
Why is he so pathetic?
Sentry and Blue Marvel get the job done, but Hyperions biggest feat is just holding two earths away from each colliding with each other and they still ended up blowing up, Superman blew a planet away just by picking up and flying with sunlight just barely touching him and being massively depowered
I wanna go on a omad diet tomorrow but I’m scared brehs….
Joe Palooka vs Lil’ Abner
New thread

Doesn't refute the AP
It literally does because he needs Todo to even Kill Jogo.
You know what's actually awful about this? As of August, this was 14th in the top 20 games by sales in the year 2024. I'm sure Space Marine and Wukong knocked it down a few pegs, but the fact it still flopped while being one of the better performers shows that gaming is having the same problem that Hollywood is, absolutely bloated budgets leave no room for profit unless it goes absolutely crazy in sales.
It says on top idiot
Do you think Todo is dealing 90 percent of the damage with one strike or something? Yuji is still doing most of the damage
At least it was considered a flop
Imagine a world where they see it a success
Damn nice, thanks TAanon
Np, anon

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