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Scattered Pieces #1
>Sonic and his friends are forced to deal with the aftermath of Clutch's grand scheme!
>While some set out to seek justice, some stay behind to pick up the pieces.
>What unlikely pairs will join forces?
>Which bonds will be broken?
>Who can be trusted?
>A new chapter in the IDW Sonic the Hedgehog series begins here!
Lanolin's totally gonna turn out evil, or at the very least have a bitchfit and leave the Restoration. Good fucking riddance.
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such a generic summary
What does the head dyke talking about Silver have to do with anything I just said?
Well, that is technically acknowledging she's a hack.
And she's the one currently writing the comics.

And that's as far as my conjecture goes.

(NTA, just in case)
Why the fuck do my posts keep breaking?
Anyway I think Clutch might destory the restoration and this is how they're gonna timeskip out of the Forces status quo into post-Frontiers.
Lanolin will go nuclear.
Nah, because Tails mentions the Chrismas party that's Jewel's setting up for the Restoration in the during the "Surprise Gift Exchange" TailsTube, and that's apparently post-Frontiers
what a clown, no confidence, no skills no visions no nothing
>ian's the writer
You people can finally start blaming him again. Just wait a few months.
i don't care if she throws a bitchfit as long as tangle, whisper, and jewel still call her out on her bullshit and stupid decisions
i can see it now
>clutch and mimic are revealed
>lanolin shifts the blame on everyone but her
>everyone else brings up how she's been harboring a known shapeshifting psychopath and refused to listen to anyone else, caused property damage and potenial danger to other racers in the pursuit of the phantom rider (while also stating how hypocritical her berating of silver's "recklessness" is because of that), and her being just a mondo stick-in-the-mud bitch in general
>she starts screaming incoherently and runs out sobbing
>comes back a psychotic military official who seeks to "bring order" by subjugating anyone who disagrees with her
>Sonic and his friends are forced to deal with the aftermath of Clutch's grand scheme!
>grand scheme!
Honestly I think I mostly just hate having a large part of the current canon revolving around a bad idea from an awful game.
I wonder if it's a Zavok situation where nobody likes it except some lead dev at Sonic Team who insists on keeping it around.
I'm pretty sure he's been ghostwriting Evan Stanley's stories.
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>>While some set out to seek justice, some stay behind to pick up the pieces.
We heard you guys loved that Restoration so we made a story about the characters trying to restore the Restoration.
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>refused to listen to anyone else
Everywhere else, you're right, but I will defend her here
What could Clutch possibly do that would simultaneously allow him to stay at large (characters seeking justice) but also cause enough "aftermath" to require other characters to "pick up the pieces"?
This guy needs his public image to work, if he does anything big his gig is up.
>silver is back
that shitty character just won't go away.
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Crash his ship? Theres smoking rubble.
If the King Pin guy has to fake his death, it really limits his influence and soft power.
He stays as long as Nakamura works at Sega.
Mimic the gonna kill Lanolin.
Fuck him. Makes that shitty hog and then taints blaze with that faggot.
Not to mention the proof Whisper was talking about getting was blowing the guys head off
That seems excessive. If she were to go bad, she would be stoic the entire time, only starting to crack once the others defeat her
Looks like we can stop speculating, Surge and Kit are definitely on the redemption-path, meaning ruined.
How smelly are Surges feet ha ha ha.
Surprised we got a preview for 76 before 74 and 75
He's also been stealing the coupons in your mail for fast food restaurants.

Unless they fuck it up and decide its not worth trying anymore.
Silver as portrayed by Lythero and co would be great though.
Ruined how?
I think this is going to happen too, the cover of 75 has a city in flames and what looks like the ship. Though I hope he's got something that can make him an actual threat in a battle if he's going to fight personally in the next issue, all he's done all arc is stand around menacingly and it's getting really hard to take him seriously.

>he'll turn red any second now
>aaaany second now
It might be interesting if Surge gets on the path and realizes she has to deal with the reality that Kit is still stuck as a co-dependent psychopath.
faggot, it's the annual
I think it's weird how she dodges all queries regarding Lanolin. I wonder if she self-inserts as her...
She made lanolin domming silver porn one time
What sort of queries is she getting?

Sheep, not cow.
You serious?
Doesn't mean she can't have cow tits, you autistic retard
Also, shut up BoCo

Oh, thats what you meant. I thought you meant, like, the other kind of farm animal. Nevermind.
I dunno, just assuming here. Lanolin's not a very popular character and she's the head writer.
It's possible the heroes/public fuck it up one last time, but I'm not betting money on it. Holy shit, what a bad call from the writing team.
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>say thing is happening
>actually it's just a guess
Props for honesty, but why?
I don't go on social media. I made the assumption because she hasn't said a goddamn thing regarding Lano's reception. Ian has, ABT has, but not Evan.
Didn't Ian create Lanolin?
Maybe few people outside /co/ care all that much about Lanolin's issues.
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>MORE clutch/duo shit
>MORE amy/tails in the background snorefest
>MORE Tangle/Whisper/Lanolin and fucking Belle in the forefront
Just inject the slop into the audience’s veins at this point
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meaning ruined.

There was nothing there to ruined, they got ruined as soon as they where shown to not be a problem for Sonic and tails, not to mention the whole fucking getting beat by a bucket and slipping on some lug nuts incident and Kit running out of water. At no point what so ever has Sonic and tails ever treated them as a threat. So at this point Surge and Kit are comedic reliefs villains, Scratch and Sniff where more of a threat to Sonic and tails in the PM cartoon.
Worst of all is
>Part One
No, ABT did and then Flynn made her a turbocunt and then Stanley continued with that.
Slop usually indicates it's low quality content that people still eat up.
No one wants this shit at all.
When will we stop getting Restoration garbage?

Never, Ian and Evan need it to have a Freedom Fighters expy, because they can't move on.
Now,w Stanley made her a turbocunt. Ian only wrote her for Urban Warfare, where she was portrayed as cautious and a bit tough, but also fair and more likable. Lanolin didn't start being an outright bitch until Misadventures.
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What I don’t understand is, if they want Amy to have a plain little sidekick who walks around with her on her “talking to npcs” adventures, they could just use Cream.
At least they had kindofa fun dynamic in Battle and Rush. She’s much better suited to this “make friends with Don and Belle and Chaotix” stuff than Tails the highspeed battle mechanic
It is insane you of all people are bashing it.
>we're not getting Frontiers or Shadow
>we're not getting anything new until #100
>4 or 5 years after Frontiers or 2 or 3 years Shadow Generations
...why would I care then?

The Restoration itself isn't a "Freedom Fighters expy". It's just the Resistance from Forces but it makes no sense to call them "the Resistance" after the Sonic Wars.

The Nu-Diamond Cutters are closer but who knows where that's going go with Lanny being a giant retard.
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What's the problem exactly? Sage? She's fucking garbage. Oh yeah, such a travesty they aren't having shit from the rehashed nostalgia games. Shut the fuck up.
When Sega lets them move past frontiers
NTA but I don't care about the new stuff either but for a comic that's supposedly so heavily mandated, it seems weird that they were able to just opt to not play ball with the Shadow cross promotion that's making it's way into EVERYTHING, even the Fall Guys clone and Roblox game.
Still waiting for my Diamond Admirals that I requested weeks ago
Flynn said the comparison to the Freedom Fighters makes sense.
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My guess is they want Surge and Kit breaking into the games beyond Dash and becoming series mainstays. If they're too evil it's harder to justify keeping them around. My bet is they'll be stronger versions of Rough and Tumble, punks who like fighting Sonic, but at the end of the day they aren't terrible people. I could see the arc ending with something like:

>You know what? If you wanna kill me so badly, fine no biggie. But leave my friends and innocent people out of it

Even if they do a full-on redemption and become friends with the gang, I don't see why that would be such an issue. Sonic has already forgiven them and they haven't really done anything yet to cross the line into irredeemable.
Because once you take the bad bitch part of Surge away, what does she have left?
>itt: chudcels complaining about a woman because she's a strong girlboss and...
>checks notes
>a bit mean
>Being girl Sonic
That's Amy
>Being girl Sonic with super speed
That's Blaze
>Being canon Scourge
>Being more character Sega can Vault after one game
Dat, yeah dat.

On that note, if Surge & Kit get into a mainline game, doesn't that also make Starline canon?

Not necessarily. Although I don't think Eggman would have the skill to make them.
>>checks notes
>>a bit mean
What the fuck does that mean?
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>if Surge & Kit get into a mainline game

Not happening.
Yeah it's kinda soft acknowledged that Eggman only does Robots and isn't as smart as his Grandfather (hence him making Shadow Androids instead well, actual Shadow clones).

Surge & Kit are basically Shadow Androids but I don't think Sega is gonna let Eggman kidnap a couple kids and turn them in Android 17 & 18. Even Infinite was originally gonna be "born in a lab" before they backtracked and made him just a guy with a Ruby stuck in his chest.

Sega could, of course, resurrect Starline. That's still on the table.
I like Lanolin.
>what does she have left?
Calling it now, there's gonna be a miniseries or upcoming arc or something about Surge and Kit finding out their mysterious past with the help of the Chaotix detectives

Isn't IDW already canon?
IDW is considered canon, but it can't reference anything made after Forces.
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Extended Canon. Think like Star Wars Extended Universe.

Sonic the hedgehog canon:
Video games by Sonic Team
Most video games by 3rd parties
Most of Sonic Spinball

Sonic the Hedgehog extended canon (Can be decanonized at any time):
IDW Sonic
Sonic Channel Stories
Shadow the Hedgehog Manga
Most Sonic tie-in animations (Colors, Shadow, TSR)

Was never canon:
All American localizations until Sonic Adventure
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM)
Archie Sonic
Sonic the Comic
Sonic the Hedgehog (OVA)
Sonic mangas
Sonic X
Sonic the Hedgehog movies
All of Sonic Boom
Sonic Prime (Blame the writers)
Sonic Mania Adventures

Stuff Sonic team imported into the games:
Dr. Ivo Robotnik (American canon)
Amy Rose (Sonic Manga)
Charmy Bee (Sonic Manga)
Metal Sonic using life data (Sonic OVA)
Shadow's Limiter Rings (Sonic X)
Sonic liking Chili Dogs (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog)
Ray's blue shoes (Archie Sonic)
Team Hooligan aka Fang's Gang (Archie Sonic)
"Let's Do it to it!" (SatAM)
Badnik (American canon)
Super Badnik (Archie Sonic)
Vector's Crush on Vanilla (Sonic X)
They are weaker than Metal Sonic.
Damn, so Sonic Underground is canon? Based
What about the twitter takeovers?
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Why would someone complaining about a character make them a chudcel? I mean some people are inordinately angry and it's fun sometimes to make fun of them but there's calling a Sonic fanatic an autist, which is normal, and they might even be a bit sexist. But then there's calling them a depraved mysoginist wretch.

Seems like some nerds are trying to make themselves look better and less nerdy and pathetic than other nerds. Anyway forsake Sonic and embrace Gunpla.
It's b8.
Shut up chuds
Lanolin is a GREAT character
You're trying too hard
New to IDW Sonic, looking through this issue, the art is good, story from what I can tell is serviceable. Is there any point in following this series right now or should I wait for a new arc to start?
Most of the series is boring drivel that never progresses anywhere, mostly due to Sega's mandates on the game cast. Art is neat, but that's about it.
If there's one story I CAN recommend, it's the Scrapnik Island miniseries. Otherwise, just skip
Why not just start reading from the beginning
It's fine. It loses most of its steam after some of the early arcs, but I still just like seeing more of the characters, especially now that the games basically don't have anyone outside of the trio, Amy, and Eggman. It's biggest problem by a mile is that for a comic about Sonic it moves slow as fuck, the inconsistent release schedule and long arcs are made so much worse by the fact that it's basically a 50/50 chance on if the plot will even move forward at all.
It's not like it takes a long time to read though, so you might as well try it.
Folks love to complain about Lanonlin but my god Surge and Kit are such horrible additions, both Ian and Evan clearly have no fucking clue how to handle them.

They could have just given Scourge tits and called it a day, but instead we get this floundering pair of idiots.
The Metal Virus arc was compelling. Everything since has been middling garbage.
Do we know if metal virus was a repurposed Archie idea
IIRC yes, presumably with Vore Dingo in place of Starline
>Honestly I think I mostly just hate having a large part of the current canon revolving around a bad idea from an awful game.
Except we'll be in that exact spot "post-Frontiers" as well.
Well for starters, Ian and his cohorts only see Cream as the designated angst-bait. When they can't torture her for cheap melodrama they just want to keep her as a background character because "she's just a little girl! She can't be part of the action!". They just conveniently ignore the time she outright destroyed Eggman's entire base.

Also the main issue with Amy/Tails is that it isn't Amy and Tails, it's the boring caricatures the writers made up with nothing to bounce off each other. The dynamic would be just as boring even if Cream replaced Tails, because IDW Amy is generally boring as shit.
If Tails Tube is after Frontiers does that make everything in IDW a prequel?
this is also because Evan wants to force the "Sonic, Tails, Amy" team the amy sector of the fanbase kept clamoring for. She's done this since the Illusion Tower arc. Because they got split up, therefore Evan sees this as the time to have Tails and Amy interact and prove Amy's a good fit for the team, but like you said Amy is a boring caricature now so they don't interact over anything
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Both sides getting exposed is kinda cool
It's more like amy with tails has never been interesting in the slightest. not back then or now.
I remember they were a frequent focus in Sonic X, usually with Cream and Chris around too.

I also remember their dynamic being pretty weak.
NTA, but Surge becoming a hero means its over for her. She has zero potential of being interesting ever again. She'll just be an generic anti-hero, of which we have plenty of. She'll be shelved soon enough and we'll never see her again because we already have several dozen heroes. Sonic barely even has villains anymore. It's just Eggman and the Six. Clutch is a joke.
Why are people talking about Ian returning as the head writer? Is he actually coming back or are people just that sick and tired of Evan at this point?
The thing that made Surge fun was that she was a total bitch and she enjoyed it. Making her a protagonist will strip that away from her.
They already stripped it. When clutch, a literal who normie, threatened her she broke down like a bitch. She turned into a goodie goodie two shoes because of a few cheers.
There was a small chance she'd backtrack from that at the time, but that's not how things went.

Now shipshit is truly all she has left.
What's wrong with their handling? They look fine to me.
This entire fucking reformation arc. In a few fucking issues, they went from
>Sonic is a fraud who only wants to "redeem" people to prove he's right, let's burn down him and every one of his fanboys
>Being good..is le good! We are le heroes now! Thank you Amy and Sonic!!!!!!
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I dunno guys Starline’s dialogue was all Meta about them being reboots n shit. Seeing them learn how to exist as players in this big stupid game world sounds interesting enough to me
>I mean every threatening person we ever encounter is already like that, fuck was the last time anyone in this series needed to develop?
NTA, but she still doesn’t fuck with the restoration or sonic, I like the idea of finally potentially having some neutral characters. Anti-heroes blah blah I want mercenaries in it for themselves. Waaay back in the day when Rough and Tumble saved a village only to eventually become asshole dictators of the place was kinda sweet
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>The Metal Virus arc was compelling
It's the worst part of IDW Sonic by a country mile. So much of this comic's issues can be traced back to that dogshit arc, and it effectively killed the pacing of this comic by suddenly raising the stakes so astronomically high it's impossible to follow up on.

Imagine if Avengers Endgame happened immediately after the first Avengers movie. That's basically the Metal Virus.
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It is really weird that the war from forces is directly affecting the entire structure of the society we view, and the virus is mentioned in comic as having seemingly not happened
>why tf have we never seen like a memorial wall full of randoms or something in this series? Just something like that would be cool way to confirm how fucked everything really is
Scourge is preferable to this bitch.
Your picture brought back memories of this
Assaulting a veteran for touching your shoulder is beyond being mean.
Why are you so upset?
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That reminds me of how surprising it was that Carrey’s Eggman didn’t suck ass
>Ben Schwartz is a good voice actor, he just has one damn voice so it’s hard not to hear every other role he’s ever had
>Jimbotnik trying to fight Charmy
>"Stinging, I see. I was unaware that the Chaotix... ...were stingers!"
>That reminds me of how surprising it was that Carrey’s Eggman didn’t suck ass
I mean, all the jokes about Jim "Carreying" the movie were not, by any mean, an exaggeration.
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As a big fan of this little buzzer seeing him sting the fuck out of Jimbotnik and he goes all loopey n shit would be hilarious
Boom Amy and Boom Tails were funny together. I can't tell if Tails insults her on purpose because he sounds so innocent.
More background characters ahoy! Issue #18 time!

(Sorry if it's too bitcrushed)
Whoever drew 73 is good at reaction image faces.
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It is a very pretty issue
>Tell me whisper doesn’t look sooo cute in her big ol jacket
Just not a lot to talk about, whole lotta set up for 74 and 75 which I’m exited about…but I mean what’s they’re to talk about this month other than anything from before just kinda developing more

Whisper is always cute. Her big poofy jacket just makes her extra cute.
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I hope they keep it I don’t like that cape she wears, her whole soldier/phantom of the opera thing makes no sense with an open shoulder no sleeves half her titties out shirt either. The Jacket and baggy pants works so much better with her haircut and the colors make her makeup look not so out of place with everything else (Who tf matches their eyeshadow with their combat cargos?!?) Least this way it matches with the rest of her blue tones
>not to mention now her mask matches her outfit instead of just her weapon. Which imo always made it look like she just took the mask and gun from someone else instead it being made for her

She wears makeup?
>whole lotta set up for 74 and 75

Historically, IDW Sonic has put more effort into setting things up than they have for things they were setting things up for in the first place. Expect to be wholly disappointed.
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Ain’t like Rouge’s eyelids are naturally blue
>also I hate hate hate those long as sleeve gloves girl wot are you doing ??

Huh. Figured those were just part of her eyelashes or something.
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Trust me I’ll find something to enjoy. I just fucking hate waiting this long for another 30 pages
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Surge is so cute bros
also does this count as her first win since she successfully fucked over Sonic and Clutch
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Whenever her eyelids are actually open you can see she has eye makeup on both eyelids. Least I’m assuming unless she has grey skin and hairless eyelids
>her stupid cape is just a collar it doesn’t even have a hood I bet that thing isn’t shit for rain or cold hahah
>"she's just a little girl! She can't be part of the action!"
>absolutely fucking busted in Advance 2
>joined in on her own AGAIN in Advance 3
>was part of Team Rose, storming the Egg Fleet in Heroes
>showed she was still brave AND capable in Sonic Dream Team
Fucking hell, the only reason I can think they don't want to use Cream is because of loli shit.
Her first win was beating the living shit out of Whisper and stealing her wisps.

A shame she's gonna be lame from now on.
She's cuter with her hair down.


They probably don't use Cream because the "cute loli" archetype is not big in America, where she's not particularly liked.
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>all this Clutch hate
>"Miss me yet my dear anons?"
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I’d say it would. She can’t give him a real
proper fight (yet) but now she knows she is fully capable of at least fucking him over
>for a character with an intro arc and one in development as a side character I’d say fucking over our hero in even a small way that lasts past one fight is an accomplishment
>and letting herself get her ass beat to do it is kinda freaky
The don't want to use Cream because she's too little to corrupt without being noticeable right from the start.

That, or maybe Cream is to Evan, what Tails is to Ian.
>They probably don't use Cream because the "cute loli" archetype is not big in America, where she's not particularly liked.
Yeah, Cream isn't a super popular character here, and the people that do like her tend to like her more for being "cute" than anything
I think Clutch is okay (Wish he had some fucking powers), but man do I miss Mogul. It was fun having a Vandal Savage type motherfucker running around doing centuries long plots

Yeah, I liked her plan in this past issue. It was pretty clever, and I hope it's a sign that she's going to start fighting smarter, not harder
Or Americans hate her, and they don't give a fuck if Japan likes her or not.
Probably. Hell even just saying her name “Cream the rabbit”….imagine saying that out loud nowadays
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Hi dad!
Nah, that won't happen. I can see people calling her out on her hypocrisy, but looking to forgive her, but her being hard on herself to the point she leaves the Restoration

If anything, her resolution is going to be learning to have a bit more faith in her comrades and to not be such an insane perfectionist/busybody
At the very least Mogul was capable of throwing down when he had to. If I remember right Clutch can't do the same.
Clutch has his gun, but hasn't really been in protracted combat thus far, relying more on deceit and trickery to get the upper hand and get away

But in both instances, he was very much on the backfoot, so who knows

But yeah Mgoul was SIGNIFICANTLY more capable of throwing hands, making him a much bigger threat. It also made his mindgames more fun, because you knew he could throw hands, but there was clearly a reason he wasn't
>tfw we will never see more of silver with his daddy mogul
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Anyone has the edited version of this one where Vanilla explains she named Cream after her favourite activity?
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You're going to get shit because you're not allowed to enjoy anything Archie because you just can't apparently, but I do miss Archie.
I just, can't bring myself to care the slightest bit about IDW. It is hands down the most boring version of Sonic out there.
It's so boring I honestly don't want to see something like Frontiers touched by it. I personally really enjoyed it and I do not need shitters like Tangle or Whisper to spend 15 pages crying instead of adapting any of the actual story.

>It is hands down the most boring version of Sonic out there.

X says hi.
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>I just, can't bring myself to care the slightest bit about IDW.

Then why are you here?
>It is hands down the most boring version of Sonic out there.
IDW has its low points, but it's far from this. 75% of Sonic X Season 1 (and a lot of Season 2), Sonic Prime, and arguably Archie Post Adventure and pre Tossed in Space are significantly more boring (I defy you to recall anything from that period other than school shit, Mina, and Green Knuckles)
>adapting any of the actual story
What story? The one where sonic and friends boringly talk about old shit?
I wouldn't call Prime Sonic boring, just frustratingly stupid.
Wait, is Cream really that unpopular in the West and that popular in Japan? (I mean, given she is a loli it's natural, but considering the Sonic franchise questionable popularity in Japan...)
Exactly. Giving Clutch a Senator Armstrong moment where he uses stolen Egg-tech to power up or restore his youth or something might be the only way to make him a semi-credible threat at this point. As it is he's the main antagonist of the arc but has less menace than the comic relief skunk goons.

I don't think they're going to do any more direct game adaptations. They'll just timeskip at some point and Sage will suddenly be around.
>also does this count as her first win
she'll be crying begging sonic and co to be friends within 2 issues
Cream is most popular with coomers than any other faction of the Sonic community, and people tend to ignore the fact that Cheese is the one who does any actual fighting when she's around, not Cream herself.

Meanwhile Marine the raccoon, who strongly embodies the very nature of Sonic's appeal as an enthusiastic adventurer who wants to brawl, is lost to history.

She's a squeaky voiced, polite, cute loli. Thats Japan's thing, most of America finds it annoying or creepy.

That said, she's not much more popular in Japan either, because they don't give a fuck about anything Sonic.
She was made to appeal to Japan, idk if it worked though since noone likes Sonic in japan. She is unpopular in america though
Prime Sonic as a character is frustrating. Sonic Prime as a show is ridiculously boring. Seasons 2 and especially 3 are almost entirely dedicated to spinning their fucking wheels until they decide to end

Season 3 alone has 3-4 episodes you could cut and lose absolutely nothing
Yeah she's not super popular in America. Sonic is a franchise aimed at young boys, so a young girl sold on her cuteness like Cream is gonna be way less popular than other characters, especially other female characters like Rouge/Blaze/Amy, who are way "cooler" (and more attractive from a purely aesthetic standpoint)

>I don't think they're going to do any more direct game adaptations. They'll just timeskip at some point and Sage will suddenly be around.
Yeah this is exactly what they're gonna do. At MOST you'll maybe get Eggman summing up Frontiers as an explanation for why she's around
For what it's worth, Frontiers apparently did really well in Japan, and it's slowly gaining popularity there. Still way more popular here
Cream is a very boring character. Her only real appeal is for pedo shit art. She’s just meh in official stuff.
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Actually yeah, why is Marine so unpopular compared to Cream?
Annoying in her first and only appearance, and said appearance was on a handheld sequel to another handheld Sonic game

Way less exposure and way more annoying of a personality essentially
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>Sonic Prime as a show is ridiculously boring.

I'm honestly surprised they cocked up Prime so badly. It was a formula proven to work time and time again in the Sonic franchise but the people making it clearly had no idea what the fuck they were doing.
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Exactly that’s why I’m always a lil peeved about people talking about “she lost her meaning, she’s ruined” she can’t be world stopping right out the gate and she got her ass beat and embarrassed cause she actually for real in her written character has had no time to develop her skills against real challenges
>give her time to learn how to be Surge, y’know? Who knows maybe she can be a trickster villain or some shit, last character I can think of fought with any type of trickery or flair to overcome a foe was Starline
>and I always loved characters who fought smarter not harder. Dodgy little shits like rogues in Fantasy stories
>or y’know…bugs bunny
IIRC she was a little divisive but had her fans around the time she was actually showing up in the games, but she's kinda Negga'd right now where Sonic Team doesn't like her or let her show up much and it's kind of hard to build or maintain a fanbase like that.
Question about prime, did Nine just fucking die at the end of it? I heard they made it where none of it happened. If so that’s grim
People LIKE Surge because she's rude, crude and proud of being a straight-up bitch. You can't make her a protagonist and keep all of that without it coming off as forced.
Nine restores Sonic’s timeline as well as keeping his own and everyone else’s intact.
He basically could have done that all along, but they had to force a big fight so he didn’t.
Prime's ending was incredibly vague and noncommital as to the state of things, there's really no solid answers to anything.

Thats Man of Action for ya.

Why anyone watched Prime after they fucked up Megaman I'll never know.
The problem with Sonic Prime is that it's just a regular Man of Action show with Sonic's face stapled on it.
For as much shit as I've given Surge in the past for jobbing, I do enjoy that she's a character that's having to learn to become a threat.
People compare her to Scourge, but people forget that Scourge worked because before he became Scourge, he was bitchass Evil Sonic who sucked at everything (and actually jobbed WORSE than Surge)

Me personally, I'd be..fine with her getting redeemed into an anti-hero, but if she does, I do want her to keep her edge, and I'd like her to at least get one last arc where she gets to be a legitimate threat before that happens
Honestly I don't have a problem with her not being in constant BURN THE WORLD mode anymore as long as she still hates Eggman, Sonic, and the rest. She can have heroic and villainous qualities as long as she's still willing to fight just out of spite, and I think this issue showed that with her exposing Clutch and Sonic on live TV because fuck 'em.
>Why anyone watched Prime after they fucked up Megaman I'll never know.

Because their Mega Man series was blatantly a reboot of things which made people largely dismiss it from the getgo.

Sonic Prime meanwhile at least looked like it could be set in a game without affecting too much, but then it turned out the people making it weren't very familiar with the franchise at all, on top of being bad writers.
Too see if anything in the comic captures my interest again? I'm a huge Sonic nut and I want his content to be good, or at least passable.
When Surge and Kit first showed up I jumped back in, but then got so disappointed by them I dipped back out. Threads like these are a good way to see if anything might capture my interest again.

Honestly, yes.
Seeing Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy just, sit down and talk, have an actual meaningful interaction about themselves, their relationship to Sonic, mentions of the past that were more then just "HEY REMEMBER THING???" how frustrating it is being stuck as a digital ghost. Talking like actual people with their own desires, to make them stand out, to have a moment where Sonic and Tails watch a society get fucked Nuked. I fucking loved it. It treated them as actual characters and not just "haha sonics friends!!", and just, not treating everything as a fucking joke.
And despite having the same writer, I have not once seen anything even remotely as interesting in the comics themselves, and I know that even if Ian got to write it, he would fuck it all up somehow.
Eggman somberly talking about Maria and his family is hands down one of my favorite moments in Sonic history. THAT is the kind of shit I want, and what IDW absolutely refuses to even remotely touch.
I’m kinda confused about surge. As many times as they try to deny, she’s obviously the scourge of the book. But now she’s becoming gooder and just another reformed baddie. So like what’s the point now?
Sonic shit talked her the whole time he was beating her ass and he’s still a hero

Or like Inyuasha or bloody V from cyberpunk. Total assholes but heroes in their own right
>You can't make her a protagonist and keep all of that without it coming off as forced.
And that's why Evan is aiming to redeem her
Evan just wanting to tell a female-focused redemption story, a usual piggybacking off the Sonic franchise as her way of doing so.
exposing them for what? This doesn’t hurt Sonic at all, it’s just Surge getting her ass kicked without effort
You’d have a point if she ever “learned to become a threat”, but she doesn’t. She only jobs worse and gets portrayed weaker and less intimidating every single time she appears
before he became Scourge he was always and often winning fights against Sonic such as the impostor arc and his first appearance, the only time he ever “jobbed” was a gag comic about Antoine. And after he became Surge he was just a vehicle for Ian to wank off Sonic constantly.
We don't know they're redeeming her. She might try and fail for all we know.
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If I had to choose between bad bitch Surge and Redemption Surge, I want bad bitch Surge. Bad bitch Surge is fun (in theory.)
it was doomed the moment they gave her a sad backstory that shows the Surge we see is just the result of brainwashing a normal girl
How do we know Sega would even let them redeem Surge and Kit? They're (unofficial) game characters, if Sega wants them bad they'll stay bad.
>the Surge we see is just the result of brainwashing a normal girl

We know Surge was brainwashed, but we don't know if she was always a smelly sharktoothed cunt or if that was the result of Starline's brainwashing.

Just imagine if it's revealed she was always that way even before Starline happened.
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Me too dude. Even if it’s after they’ve become Anti-heroes or whatever and it’s not about world ending but just her being like “it’s because I hate you.”
Sega doesn't care what they do with the comic OCs as long as they APPEAR to be following the guidelines. It's not like the mobile games featuring Surge explicitly describe her as a villain or anything like that.
Surge quickly lost her point when they scrapped all her motivation. First she was a replacement hero for Sonic who would kill Eggman. Then she hates Sonic and Eggman and wants to kill them both because…uh…she got her memory wiped and Sonic let Eggman live so Batman should kill The Joker. Then whatever that schizophrenia was when Surge is stealing Whisper’s wispus, I think it was just “my memory wiped so that mean everybody bad because noone rescued us” and something about Sonic is a fraud for being a hero, then KIT does it and says “durr Sawnic bad because ackshually Surge is alive and uhh he doesn’t need me as a friend when he has Tails”, then she acts like she has to beat Sonic and Eggman because “they won’t leave us alone!” when they’re just trying to collect the wisps, then she acts like a woobie who is forced to hate Sonic and Sonic is le perfect and never does anything bad ever, now she’s a hero and just wanted people to like her and accepts Sonic is the best or some shit

She has no character, she’s just a dumbass “punk girl” trope with no motive or direction. They don’t know what to do with her, so her character is weak
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Yeah dude. That shit was great. I'll yell ya. Love moments like this. Love how the friends are just still just "MUH SONIC" . Love how the forced eggman family shit is. This is truly PEAK
Definitely man I was not expecting her to manage to say fuck you to both of them at once, that’s kinda what this series is missing. A sense of “Fuck You” and I hope that’s the type of villain Surge gets to be
>This doesn’t hurt Sonic at all
This, I'm sure the writers are gonna come up with some bs for the in comic audience to be mad at Sonic for, but really look at things
>you live in a world that is under constant threat from a fat bald guy and his machines
>this fast blue dude comes in and smashes his schemes time and time again
>now said blue dude is messing with Clutch's big event
>"Huh... does this mean Clutch might be bad?"
Hell, that's how Jet and his crew knew shit stank.
>They don’t know what to do with her,

Evan is fully aware of what she's trying to do with her, it's just it's so counter to her intended purpose that it feels nonsensical.
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Of course the author of ghosts of the future wouldn't be satisfied having to write silver while staying within the mandates, when IDW goes under i hope she puts all her pent up creative vision into finishing her comic in the least sega-friendly way possible
Honestly, the funniest direction they could take her if they do redeem her is that she does try to be a hero, and while a part of her wants to do it for the fame, another part wants to do it to prove she's better than Sonic

So in contrast to Shadow who's focused on just "getting it done", Surge is a much, MUCH bigger showoff in her "heroics" to the point where she inadvertantly makes things worse a lot of the time

Her antiheroism comes in both from her being edgier, but also doing it out of spite/gloryhogging

I thought all character changes have to be submitted and approved. And big stuff like sexuality and alignment have to be part of the character pitch.
Yeah, but being superglued together wasn't part of Tangle or Whisper's character pitches, and yet here we are.
>after they fucked up Megaman
>show makes an evil clone of Megaman
>"Oh so Bass shows up in the show"
>it's not Bass, and his name is Namagem
Jesus that was fucking stupid.
They wanted to make a Jason Todd character without implicating Sonic too much in her evil origin or it would make him look bad, and after she criticised Sonic a little they scrapped that too because it made Sonic look bad. Now she’s just retard without a cause, same as the other Lesbians
weird how crazy people go for shadow redemption but when it's surge redemption it's suddenly a problem.
Yeah shes going to hero cuck Sonic by being louder and more flashy.
She also probably not going to do the forgiveness thing so she might get like a "New green sonic is better, new green Sonic gets things done" Even though her getting things done is in the brashet and most direct way possible
How do you conceptualize "Evil Mega Man" and not draw upon the at least THREE fucking versions of that concept that already exist?
Oh absolutely, which'll honestly make it fun, if only to see Sonic realize that this is how everyone else sees him
Shadow was literally designed to be redeemed, Surge wasn't.
Honestly I’m pretty sure Surge and Kit were meta commentaries on fan stuff anyway so having Surge be the psychopathic glory junkie Sonic usually is in absurdist fan animations would be pretty damn funny
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is the worst of IDW better than the worst of Archie?
Well, actually, Shadow was designed to be evil, change at the last minute, and die forever.

Heavy debates within Sega took place deciding if they should bring him back or not.
Yes, by far. but that doesn’t make it good
He redeemed himself within SA2's story.

I actually wish he'd stayed dead.
Because he was supposed to be a hero from the start, created to help cure diseases. Then a bunch of shit happened (and Gerald fuck with his memories a bit).
Yes. Absolutely. It's not even a fucking question. Even the dogshit Jet and Whisper story from the annual is significantly better than anything from Archie 134-159 (Stargazing and RTAI excluded)

IDW's lows are bad. Archie's lows are unreadable, and I say this as a hardcore Archiefag
Oh it would. I don't think they were made to be commentary on fan stuff exclusively, but it's definitely a fun angle to examine them from
her being a victim always meant that was in the cards
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Wait wait wait is Surge having a decent point why stuff like that Lanolin comic has to be unofficial twitter shit
>”Just keep surviving” and “Running from this lunacy” would be Kino ass lines
Part of her original victim story is that she hates Sonic for enabling it.
Joining their hero side and discksucking Sonic’s lectures about “redemption” is nonsensical if she blames Sonic’s lectures for why she got memory wiped
People absolutely hated how Tails did nothing in Forces when compared to him in the previous games like Sonic Adventure 2, so yeah, seeing him acknowledge that and want to actually improve and change as a character, without regressing, was pretty peak. It was a criticism launched at them that they took to heart and talked about with the actual characters.
Though I suspect you also just, either didn't play the game or didn't care to actually read what the characters were saying, because it is the exact opposite of "MUH SONIC"
Like, how is Amy or Tails wanting to make their own mark on the world, separate from Sonic, still just "Muh sonic!" They didn't even remove Amy's love for him, just her maturing and wanting to do more then just chase him endlessly.
The only character who felt off was Knuckles. Although, thinking about how he was in charge during Forces, him being so obsessed with being a good military leader does make sense, as that is exactly what he failed in doing so before, to a horrible degree. Which, actually, was another massive criticism against Forces now that I think about it.
Actually, damn, it does fit because they are keeping in mind the previous game and keeping a sense of continuity.
Man, this really IS Peak!

And as for Eggman, I'd argue Sage is just the result of fans seeing Eggman upside down, making up Eggette, and then Sega going "Oh damn that's a neat idea lets do that." So I can understand the hesitation, but when you consider just how MASSIVE an ego the man has, where that ego comes from as implied by Frontiers (which as I said, one of my favorite moments in the series.) and how his love for Sage only ever developed out of personal pride for being THAT damned smart, I think it fits.
Though I also don't think Sage should become good like what Frontiers was implying. The white and blue coloring isn't nearly as good as her red and black as well. But I don't see an issue with Eggman having parental instincts.
How would you make jimbotnik as evil as egghitler?
If Scourge was in IDW, they'd have an arc where he decides to stop being a jerk. And even start calling himself Sonic again.
Nah, that comic was more just ABT exploring her a bit. That and I highly doubt Sega would be keen on a comic where a heroic character just contemplates shooting Sonic's fucking head off, as interesting as that'd be

Eh to be fair, Scourge in Archie was pivoting to one of two directions: death or redemption
This is now a tails abuse thread
He was regressed the entire game into a damsel in distress and Sonic’s shitty cheerleader. That whole sequence for all the characters only existed to jack off how Sonic “inspires” them to stop being such pathetic useless retards with his “boundless wisdom”, but not really because they still don’t do shit but cheer for Sonic. And it’s even more flagrant in the jap dub where Sage watches it all and narrates how amazing Sonic-sama is for inspiring such weak pathetic nothings with his genius words of deep philosophy.
And it’s 5x as worse because Ian tries to excuse Forces and say it’s normal and fine that Tails was painted as a coward because Tails is just a kid so he’s naturally “inconsistent”. It wasn’t normal or fine at all for Tails to be Sonic’s buttkisser just because he’s 8 and Sonic isn’t, it was dogshit, and Ian is a fat hack.
How would you react if they excused all that by saying she if was part of her mental problems. Would you be mad?
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Dam shame, Bass got cucked TWICE when it came to an Western produced Megaman show, since Ruby Spears wrapped up production just when Megaman 7 was coming state side.
Return to twitter, tasteless troon
It's like how Metal Sonic took until Sonic Boom to show up. Just a combination of bad timing and really, REALLY baffling creative decisions. Shame too, because Bass with a good VA would be so much fun in a cartoon
Scourge is too pathetic to reflect.
He knows hes a punk ass bitch who needs his Jail Dom to be his boss.
>He knows hes a punk ass bitch who needs his Jail Dom to be his boss.
Which is why it would've been real interesting to see what would've happened when Fiona left (because she was clearly leaning into it by the end of Lockdown, and her default solution to any problem is to book it)
a little because then all of this was pointless, but at least from there on she can develop a real motive
Ian thinks characters breaking down and stating all their flaws like it was read straight off a forum and then changing the subject after that moment is character progression.
Probably just beat up all the Suppression Squad until they cower and beg Sonic to save them again like pussies. He’s only ever “pathetic” when it’s time to wank Sonic off. Even Jules’ only comeback to him was “if you kill me then muh son Sonic will beat the shit out of you so THERE!”
or he’d beat up the Destructix and they’d do what he says. When Sonic’s not involved he’s a villain-sue, that “multiversal kings” line and Sonic bringing it up in Iron Dominion made me cringe
>Even Jules’ only comeback to him was “if you kill me then muh son Sonic will beat the shit out of you so THERE!”
Eh, it was more him (unknowingly) leveraging his crippling daddy issues and being someone who actually called his bluff
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No it wasn’t, it was literally him saying he’s not afraid because if he kills him like he did to his own dad then Sonic would beat him up. No bluff, no daddy issues, just Sonic being wanked and Scourge being le afriad of an angwy Sonic
GOD that entire scourge arc was so cringe
like an edgy “what if this character turned evil wouldn’t he be so keeeewll and beat everyone up???” fanfic actually written out by an adult man
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Did any of you buy the IHOP promo meals while they were in stores? Were they good?
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>after she criticised Sonic a little they scrapped that too because it made Sonic look bad

Makes me wonder how they'll deal with Lanolin. Because after surge, she'll be the one complaining.
I climbed onto the table, dropped my drawers, turned around and shat on the plate right in front of the waiter and he didn’t bat an eye. Just watched it all
I think it'll turn out like this >>145514448 The only question is if she leaves for half an issue or if she's gone for a while
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>1660 calories
It’s what Eggman would’ve done
How big is that sandwich? I don't eat a ton of fast food but 1660 calories for what I'm looking at seems like a lot.
If Eggman's suit didn't have a double purpose for some sort of betrayal or evil scheme, then this arc will actually be shit.
Lanolin is the most entertaining character in this book just for how comically atrocious she is
Like “how annoying can we possibly make this character be?” It wouldn’t be as bad if she were clearly an asshat everyone hates but they paint her as if she’s just a lightly flawed friend
I think they’ve forgotten Eggman was in this story, he was just there to provide some clothes then he disappeared
Yeah the complaints I've seen about her not being a proper threat because she keeps losing fights don't make sense to me.
>held her own pretty well against Sonic and Metal Sonic once she got a powerup, to the point it's implied at one point she stopped Sonic's heart
>the whole point is she's an inferior copycat to Sonic made by somebody who only had a superficial understanding of him
Surge isn't a villain in the same way Starline and Mimic are, she's a victim lashing out at the world and now she's trying to find her place in it.
Oh I like this one.
>Eggman attacks the city in his latest machine
>Surge and Kit arrive to save the day to the cheers of the villagers
>Eggman is left running with his tail between his legs
>Surge and Kit insist on "generous donations" for saving them, leaving the village borderline penniless.
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Thoughts on Kit? With all we've seen would you say he's a good character?
Wait a sec I just thought about something
>they ask him “where the fuck did you even get that suit or that board?” And he has to no irony say “Eggman helped me fuck up the sporting event that’s supposed to prove to the civilized world we’re not in a continuous apocalypse anymore”
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is the blaze from silver's future in 06 a different blaze from sonic rush? Is there just a second blaze behind the curtain we're never allowed to see for narrative reasons?
Ok so you only took a surface level look at those conversations and nothing more.
Just, completely ignore how they are talking about wanting to change After being restored back into a state where they aren't just digital ghosts and can actually do something again. Which, while you had a point at first, was another criticism Sega took to heart and tried fixing with the DLC making them all playable and actually going around doing shit.
And Tails IS still a kid. I don't see the issue with taking a bad character moment no one liked, and then making the actual characters talk about in a way that feels natural, like two brothers.
And God forbid the big main Hero of the series acts inspirational. It's not like we've Ever seen Sonic do anything like that before.
Well, besides stuff like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rK_z-BSEDA
Or any of Sonics themes in any 3D game. Like, actually read what those songs say about Sonic before you act as if he can't go around inspiring others to do better.
Frankly the more I think about it, I don't like IDW because I know Ian can be a damned good writer, but I haven't seen ANY of that in the actual Comics. Just, generic bullshit and crying lesbians.
>>Surge and Kit insist on "generous donations" for saving them, leaving the village borderline penniless.
Meanwhile half the village is either flooded or currently on fire.
He's fine, but Surge is just more interesting. I think it stems from me not finding Tails that interesting, so by extension Kit's kinda boring, especially since he's just a Surge sycophant

I think the most interesting thing to do with him would be him turning out to hate the idea of redemption all together and trying to keep Surge evil, with that causing a rift
They're the same Blaze. 06 is kinda canon but also not. It's weird, don't think about it
Blaze is from a different dimension. 06 is just some dumb bull crap that doesn't make sense..
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>we'll never get another globetrotting game like unleashed
>we'll never get another game with level design like SA2
>we'll never get another fighting game
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Tails being a kid does not excuse making him useless, it has never been a factor of his personality that “duhhh he’s young so he’s inconsistent and making him a snivelling coward is normal teehee”. That’s not what Tails is at all, young or old.
And none of the friends did ANY shit in the dlc, they just fetched Sonic his chaos emeralds while Sonic soloed all the bosses, spoke to the audience again how amazing and inspirational Le Sonikku is for tanking the cybervirus so much better than them while they flopped over and died from it instantly, at the same time all the Ancients Bosses were, then were reduced to LITERALLY cheering for Sonic from the sidelines while Sonic soloed The End.

But god forbid any of these characters be more than just cheerleaders to make Sonic the cringy corporate mascot look good. Nononono, they can only SAY that Sonic has “inspired” them so that Sonic can look good, say that they are naturally cowardly because they’re young and immature and Sonic the hero isn’t, then cheer for Sonic when he saves rthe day. I must have forgot Sonicfags only want the shitty friends to be Sonic’s cowardly cheerleaders and for every scene to be them writing poetry about how “deep” and “wise” the cringy cereal box mickey mouse mascot is
Same problem as Charmy and Tails. They exist as extensions of another character. Not even partners but bloody accessories basically most of the time

I like him cause the idea of his powers are sick and the idea of a little ass kid existing in this messed up world is cool. But how much can you tell about all these characters when an issue is like 30 pages long?
I headcanon that solaris was such a massive threat to time and space that, in the bad end world Silver is from, things are so beyond fucked that everything is breaking down, so one day Blaze just finds herself there.
>to the point it's implied at one point she stopped Sonic's heart
This isn’t implied at all. Nor that headcanon about “she’s an inferior copycat by guy who doesn’t understand”. She was just a science experiment hyped up to be the series’ first strong bad guy then keeps pathetically jobbing because the writers are afraid to ever make Sonic lose, or even struggle at anything
>Kit will be good when he finally snaps and becomes the psychopath he's implied to be
said the increasingly nervous Kit fan for the tenth time this year

he's alright, his design is decent and his powers are cool but his design isn't as good as Surge's and he can't really do all the drowning he wants to because this is a comic for children and Sonic Team would say no anyway
even Mimic, the only character in IDW with confirmed kills, did it by locking his team in a room with killer robots offscreen
This is lowkey one of the reasons I loved the old Shadow the Hedgehog game. Running into other characters doing their own thing was cool and made them all seem capable. Fuck the game even implied the chaotix trusted Charmy to be capable enough to be on his own

This series needs another game without sonic as the playable character. That’s what I hope the end of Frontiers was implying with Tails wanting to go off on his own
The “Starline doesn’t get what makes Sonic and Tails work” idea might be fun, for like 1 issue or 2. But I don’t think this is ever implied in the series proper, Sonic just beats her because he does, she doesn’t have any design flaw he doesn’t. And even if he did it’s no fun making weak bad guys that only exist for your good guy to effortlessly beat up and get a medal
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Both surge and kit are basically pic, they aren't nearly as interesting as people want them to be.
Sonic was never good
>we'll never get another fighting game
This one hurts. The genre is a perfect match for giving some of the extended cast time to shine as playables, but we don't really get much in the way of spinoffs these days and the only part of Sega that's shown StF any love in decades is RGG Studio.
>we'll never get another RPG
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In most shots he’s in his long hair looks stupid
Here gaijin we give you repackaged Sonikku Generation again, this time with Shadow. You rike.
Most if not every Sonic character is like this if we're being honest. The fanfic we write in our hearts is infinitely more interesting than what we are given by those in charge.
*[EVERY SONIC CHARACTER EVER] are basically pic, they aren't nearly as interesting as people want them to be.
It's implied enough, at least on the Starline side. It's not explicitly spelled out for autists so it's never going on the wiki but Starline's most consistent character flaw is that constantly underestimates and oversimplifies anyone he thinks he's ""using"" because he's actually stupid as hell. That specifically fucks him over every time but he never learns until it kills him.
I do think that Surge and Kit being deeply imperfect copies based on surface-level observations isn't really explored as much in their characters though.
I can't tell if that picture is meant to represent you, or me, as you are coming off as the ass-mad Sonic fan angry over a bad writing decision made years ago, utterly refusing the attempt to have the characters talk about it and try to bring Tails back to the state you want, while also trying to imply I like something for the exact opposite reason I actually gave out.
Again, just surface level observations being drowned out by hatred and anger so that none of it means anything in your mind.
And again, have you just, never listened to any of the 'Sonic themes' in the games?
Have you ever actually heard what songs like Live and Learn are trying to say?
Hell, Sonic being an inspiration to his friends isn't even a new thing. That is LITERALLY Tails backstory.
Cool as world. Whole lotta content. Has to revolve around one motherfucker.

Fuck when was the last time a story followed a different character. Probably imposter syndrome when Surge and Kit got a shit ton of pages without Sonic on them
This is why I think a Sonic Universe styled comic would do this comic so much good. Some of the best IDW stuff has been the stuff focused on side characters in annuals

Hell, an IDW Sonic Universe WOULD be a good place to test new writers/artists
Tails’ backstory is being “inspired” to come along on an adventure and fighting giant robots, not saying “yeah i guess i’m a pussy because i’m young, i’m naturally a pussy and it’s normal for me” then sitting on the sidelines cheering for Sonic while Sage and he and Eggman too turn directly to the audience and say “Sonic is the greatest. Sonic is so deep and wise and cool. Only Sonic can fight. Please buy all the Sonic toys and tell all your friends how much Sonic has inspired you.”
The latter is what Frontiers is: Tails and Amy and Knuckles and Sage and even Eggman being neutered for endless cringy Sonicwank for Sonic self-inserters
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>Step two. Replace the so-called "heroes" who stand in the way of progress.
>by controlling the "hero-vs-villian dynamic", I can shape the world through the theatrics they've become so accustomed to
>Sonic is undeniably the hero of the world, but I can't just build a better Metal Sonic. I need that style and rougish charm. Surge will replace him, I will keep her bravado on a leash
>As there are design flaws inherent in Sonic...Kitsunami was modeled after Tails

Literally the first few sentences in Imposter Syndrome.
>and try to bring Tails back to the state you want
How about letting Tails and the others actually DO something instead of just being damsels for Sonic to rescue snd then “inspire”?
Sonic is such a shit character, god. a bloodsucking parasite who needs every other character to be reduced to his fanclub to look “cool”
Frontiers is all promises and that means absolutely nothing.
Where in here does it imply how and in what ways Surge is made worse than Sonic, anon?
Sonic just beats her up because he’s the main character and the writer wants him to be better than everyone, not because Surge has a glaring design flaw that is exploited
>but they had to force a big fight so he didn’t.
I mean, it wasn't like it came out of nowhere. From the moment they met, Sonic didn't treat Nine as his own person - he just saw him as Tails, and a copy at that. Nine grew to like Sonic, but the latter rejecting his offer and continuing to compare him to Tails finally made him lose patience.
I'm not really sure what you're trying to tell me with this
The worst part about reading Surge as she came out is that Ian and Evan were hyping her up with their usual #knowingsmile bullshit to be a big deal and what fans were hoping for when they kept asking for a strong idw villain.
There was a funny time someone asked if they had electricity/water powers because Sonic and Tails are afriad of those, Ian replied with #knowingsmile or said it was a spoiler or something, then later after they came out said they never thought of that and it’s just a coincidence.
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Absolutely the amount of cool as background characters n things. I mean shit Lanolin began as someone thinking the background NPCs should have some consistency. That alone implies a crap ton of the places they went don’t consistently have the same people there. How on earth can Lanolin have lasted this long but not brought one close friend with her into the cast? The dramatic in me imagines everyone she knew prewar is dead by now

I mean shit take any kid character in the background of this series any look if the adult they’re with looks anything like them. That’s interesting to an overthinker like me.

Do the streets have crime on them they would have to for big criminals to be enemies for the heroes.

Shit I don’t think anyone on page as ever mentioned losing someone during the war and that’s cause they’re all powerful enough and all they’re friends are too that the last time anyone lost anyone isn’t even cannon anymore (Cosmo from X)

Like you see this in pic related? We don’t even get to SEE the one pilot who made it and basically saved everything if you think about it
And none of this even came close to actually happening in the story.
>yeah i guess i’m a pussy because i’m young, i’m naturally a pussy and it’s normal for me”
That's not what he said, at all. Sonic is the one who tries to comfort him with being young and being ok with asking for help. Because Sonic is his older brother, and when he had a moment of doubt, Sonic did what any good brother would do, and help convince Tails that he was wrong about himself, help remind him that he Has done good before, that he has helped out massively, that he's saved Sonics own ass many times, all in a way that feels natural to come from Sonic.
Like I said and will keep saying, a surface level observation that you refuse to have any kind of actual understanding of.
All of that is well and good and could easily be expanded on, but it's also a great way to avoid cast bloat in the main book, since instead of feeling obligated to have the Chaotix/Blaze/Silver/The Restoration as a whole show up in every main arc, they could just be off in the side book doing their own thing.

It's an easy way to expand the world and give the rest of the cast consistently fun stuff to go off and do.
They probably don't feel comfortable writing longform stories with just the game characters at risk of a random ruler-slapping from Sega potentially undermining the entire story.
That's the beauty of Universe though, you don't have to. Just do what Archie did and give them 2-4 parters
>Starline created Surge and Kit as copycats of Sonic and Tails without really understanding Sonic and Tails.
>That's just headcanon
>Here's a few quotes from Starline about how he see's Sonic and Tails as replaceable cogs in a machine that he can replicate for his own ends
>Um...What are you trying to say?
True true cast and story bloat is a killer at times. More side books would be sweet.
A Universe book for idw really would be the best. Tired of the EVERYONE IS HERE thing in the main book. It's not cool even cool anymore to do that.
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>Starline created Surge and Kit as copycats of Sonic and Tails without really understanding Sonic and Tails.

I'm not sure if the implication was Starline was autistic, or just stupid.
He understands them just fine, they don’t lack any important qualities Sonic and Tails have that lets them win. His clones just are weak because the writer wants Sonic to always win
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Right? Like why the dick is a princess and a time traveller with telekinesis moving boxes and supplies n shit. I get it makes the most sense to have an old friend of his (like fucking Amy) bring up his habit of making enemies friends but c’mon

Not to mention y’know how hype people would be to hear their favourite character was getting a universe book? Shit I would read an entire 30 pages about Kit snooping around the restoration base one night after everyone is asleep imagine the character shit they could do with that. Could have different art styles n shit. It would be sweet
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Holy shit, that's bottom tier fanfic naming... even "Bad Megaman" would sound better, and I wish I was kidding.
They just don't have the money to make it a consistent aside ocasional minis
>they don’t lack any important qualities

Except the most important ones, genuine trust, admiration and cooridination between the two.
Tails should save Sonic from cowering and yelling for help against some Egg Pawns, then tell him “it’s ok that you need me to save you all the time Sonic, you just need to grow up is all”. See how well that goes over
I must have not read the page when Sonic beats Surge using “genuine trust, admiration and cooridination”. Seems to me he just hits her and she jobs without effort
Sonic didn't need Tails to beat Surge, but Surge needed Kit just to beat Metal Sonic, which isn't even worth bragging about anymore.
That also doesn’t show she lacks “genuine trust, admiration and cooridination”, at worst it’s that Starline made the clones weak because the author wants only Sonic to be strong.
Or more realistically it’s because Metal in idw is strong, and Sonic needed Silver to beat him too in idw.
I don't miss Archie at all; hell, part of the reason why IDW sucks so hard is because of the fanbase's absolute refusal to just let Archie go. This comic was made with established Archie alumni with the explicit goal to graft as much of Archie as they can salvage into the game canon. We have a knockoff Scourge, scrapped endgame arcs from Archie clumsily shoehorned into a brand new canon, Archie characterization of the game cast that doesn't fit canon in the slightest, tonal issues out the ass, contrived moral questions and melodrama, etc.

Imagine if this comic was made to be a genuine fresh start for Sonic comics. No Archie baggage, no Archie writers, none of it. I doubt it would've been spectacular, but it sure as hell would've been better than this dumpster fire of mediocrity.
Are you literally Starline? Surge and Kit are unstable lunatic failures because he replaced their entire personalities with "speedy asshole" and "obsessive support". That's all he sees so it's all he gets. He made mindless caricatures with mental disorders and wonders why they aren't cutting it as his heroes.
Heh... her tits are huge
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>Metal in idw is strong
They aren’t cutting it because the writer makes them weak and sonic a mary sue. Surge doesn’t lose because she’s an asshole, she loses because Sonic just beats her up while giving her a pretentious lecture.
Sure that’s maybe their personalities, but it’s not why they lose or why they’re weak, they’re just Sonic and Tails but with added powers, the bad writing is why they lose.
Yes? When is he not?
Guy already was beating Sonic before and Sonic needed Silver to help him
Don't forget the story being centered around the Not Freedom Fighters in Not Mobotropolis
I passed on them since IIRC they were just renamed items you could find on their regular menu.

IHOP used to do good tie-in menus but they kind of lost the race to Denny's if their Beetlejuice 2 menu is any indication.
Again, they say literally the exact Opposite of what you are trying to claim
Like, have you actually played the fucking game or even watched any of the cutscenes?
A massive part of the games story is that everyone wants to move away from Sonic and do their own thing, not out of any hate or malice, but because they want to do the same thing he does and stop being those cheerleaders you keep bitching about.
And while yes it is because Sonic inspires them, again, that is not a new idea for this franchise at ALL
It's like bitching that characters like Superman inspiring others to do good and be better people
Eggman himself talks about how characters like Amy and Tails are so caught up in Sonics ego they aren't reaching their full potential, which is something they talk about with Sonic. Something they want to change. They want to stop just following and actually make their own mark.
And bitching about how they don't do so in this game, the same game that has them all trapped by elements in that very story and literally unable to do anything, something that for each character sparks this very train of thought and a desire to go out and do something alone, I really fucking hate saying this now and days because its meaning has been nearly completely lost, but do you just not have any sort of media literacy?
"Growing up means being reduced to a pussy who needs Sonic to save him" is literally beat for beat the exact Opposite of what Sonic and Tails actually say to one another.
And as for Sonic being able to withstand the virus, beyond the simple fact that he is having literally every single bit of corruption forced into him by everyone else to give them a chance for safety, this is the same Sonic who has on multiple occasions faced off against monsters and Gods capable of destroying absolutely Everything.
There is no Sonicwank as it is just, naturally Sonic. The same Sonic who faced entities like Solaris, the Time Eater, Chaos, Dark Gaia, and of course, The End.
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>I doubt it would've been spectacular, but it sure as hell would've been better than this dumpster fire of mediocrity.
Probably... I do wonder if the Archie baggage is direct result of Sega's wishes, or a successful pitch from Ian and the remnants of the Archie team.
If I had to guess, probably a mix of things. The Forces setting was absolutely a Sega thing, and I imagine that they were asked to incorporate the Resistance as some sort of ongoing entity, since it's technically perpetually After Forces

Ian and co were likely responsible for making the Restoration as big a thing as it is, though that was probably helped by the Resistance already containing essentially every important heroic character already
SEGA was never good
SEGAn deez nuts
I don't know what to tell you, man. Surge is an emotional wreck who constantly makes mistakes from constantly seething with blind rage and shuts down when faced with a problem she can't punch her way out of, and Kit is a one-track minded robot of a child that's so dependent on Surge that he's constantly distracted to the point of non-function when she's not around.
While the meta reason is because Sonic Team says Sonic can never lose or even look bad, there are actual justifications for why they're inferior in combat. I think you're interpreting greater flaws of the comic as problems with the actual characters.
If the show had the balls to make Sonic choose between his home and the death of everyone created by the shattered crystals, the ending would've been interesting.
>I don't know what to tell you, man. Surge is an emotional wreck who constantly makes mistakes from constantly seething with blind rage and shuts down when faced with a problem she can't punch her way out of, and Kit is a one-track minded robot of a child that's so dependent on Surge that he's constantly distracted to the point of non-function when she's not around.

Yeah, but if that's supposed to be interesting, it really isn't as presented.
> start of the issue, they make an announcement that they will take care of the Phantom Rider
> The commentator just cheering on them when they fight Phantom Rider, even saying stuff like “will surge be a hero and defeat him?”
> surge exposing that she were ordered to defeat Phantom Rider and it’s supposed to be bad for Clutch

I feel dumb because i feel like i am missing something very obvious, but why revealing that she was ordered to defeat the phantom rider is bad exactly? They were blatant about it
My guess
>No one actually knew Surge was hired by Clutch, to everyone there she’s just a racer
>showing that A: clean sweeps hired her
>and B: that Sonic is the phantom rider
Basically makes it look like the restoration and clean sweeps put on a giant race no one actually had the means of winning for the sake of zapping money out of the people and likely convincing them that shit is at least sort of okay now
>meaning Surge just made clean sweeps and the restoration look like massive scammy assholes
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So uh…what’s gon happen to Duo?
>unless their robo eyes record shit Surge and Kit can’t prove nothing but they still know who he is.
>all lanolin knows is Whisper and Tangle knew it was Sonic in that suit
Duo’s probably pretty happy about that
Unless Surge and Kit have some way to fuck with this guy he’s probably sittin pretty
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>I fucking loved it. It treated them as actual characters and not just "haha sonics friends!!", and just, not treating everything as a fucking joke.
Fuck off, I'd rather have a Sonic game that doesn't take shit too seriously over utter drivel like pic related.
I agree with you, but you posted Ai shit so kys.
he's still there in next long arc after this starting 76, so yeah lol
>I'm not just a damsel in distress anymore!
>she says, while LITERALLY only appearing in the game to be a damsel in distress
I mean if we wanna be meta about writers we should be meta about game development it was cause they only had the budget to fully flesh out one character you see those mods of people trying to string together playable Amy, Tails and Knuckles?
>The Forces setting was absolutely a Sega thing
IIRC, that was actually Ian's idea.
Clutch has positioned himself as just a generous benefactor- this shows he was manipulating events, which will make people inherently doubt him. In addition, the Phantom Rider turns out to be beloved hero Sonic, so now people will be asking "did Clutch know this when he said to destroy him? Why would he want to destroy Sonic?"

For Sonic, it's bad too, in an immediate sense- his plan depended on the idea of him not being caught being the Rider so that he wouldn't be taken off the race, and he's been acting the villain in a way he normally wouldn't. It's not as bad, obviously, but enough that he gets an immediate response of "oh no".

For Surge it's bad, as it shows she was also working for Clutch, but it easily could instead show she was trying to expose him and play her off as a hero trying to help the race by showing off the villain controlling it behind the scenes.
I doubt that, they had like 5 years to develop it and even in the dlc where they revealed they had implemented ability trees just like Sonic's, they didn't do shit in the story. They just didn't want them stealing Sonic's spotlight, which makes the faux girlbossing hilarious because it's so fake
>I mean if we wanna be meta about writers
I don't want to be though. I'm sick of Ian's writing only being capable of meta commentary, because he's such a shallow writer he has nothing else to offer.
He's probably gonna be (happily) keeping up the facade, assuming he isn't found
>Can avoid any fallout from Clutch eating shit
>Can rat out Surge and Kit if cornered
>Can continually fuck with the lesbians
Huh, really? Always assumed it was Sega going "Tie it into our recent game". but then again, it does give Ian a chance to write in his comfort zone, so it'd make sense if he chose that
What has Duo even done so far?
He caused an argument with Silver.
He made The Phantom Rider look slightly meaner than before (which is kinda pointless if Clutch didn't want him to be revealed as Sonic? What does smearing him accomplish then?)
all this time and he's just been a minor annoyance
He bigged up Lanolin and proved her opinion that their "heroes" are bigger threats than anything else.
You could very well be right about the spotlight. Fuck when was the last time someone else got it, 06 and Forces? Not a great track record
That could be a fun angle for Duo. Joining the Restoration to fuck with Whisper initially, but soon realizing that Lanolin is far more easily manipulated and can be leveraged into a potential longterm asset
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I kinda forgot Duo is like her little whooby
>you know what would be fucked?
>if Lanolin didn’t even care
>she’s like you’re a mercenary and we’re the only safe path away from Eggman. You’re more dependable than wah wah the wolf and Jingle jangle over there
>and probably Surge (who one shot tangle this issue) and Kit (who was able to prevent every other member/racer from stopping Surge at any point) out of it
Ha how’s that for neo-diamond cutters
causing a small argument between platonic lesbians is the highest IDW's stakes can go
Reminder that the arc will end with Lanolin apologizing and all we be forgiven.
>utterly refusing the attempt to have the characters talk about it and try to bring Tails back to the state you want
You want know the most effective way of doing that? IGNORING IT AND MOVING ON. Just tell a goddamn story where Tails does shit, it's not fuckin rocket science. Having Tails mope about being shit in Forces accomplished nothing but drags his shitty "character arc" into yet another game.

Frontiers does nothing but promise the "next game" will be better about basically everything. But why the FUCK should I believe that when the story they decided to tell in the here and now is garbage?
next arc maybe. Duo's still a thing next arc
Reboot after reboot after reboot later we have a mega cannon and we trying to. Who knows maybe after 30 years it’s time our characters get to grow up a bit
because noone understands they're only moping in this game to show off to everyone how le wise Sonic is. It's not actually about improving the sidecast, it's about making Sonic look inspirational by talking down to them. If it wasn't obvious from how every line Sage speaks is about how "amazing" and "incorruptible" and "profound" Sonic is, it's even more obvious in the jap script where she watches those dumb monologues and basically says "Sugoi, Sonic-Sama can even make such worthless specks like them feel better"
*which is to say, next game will just be a return to usual. They'll be back on the sidelines cheering, doing nothing and telling Sonic how inspirational and deep he is. They probably already will be in Shadow Generations, in the fight with the Time Eater
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On that note it would be pretty sweet if the other characters got some love in the new game. Heck maybe I’m easy to please but having a buddy character help you fight shit was pretty cool back in the day
same man. I recently played through that Enix Guardians of the Galaxy game with my brother, the teambased combat is fun as shit. I'm completely disillusioned with the excuse Sonicfans make that "oh they gotta perfect Sonic's gameplay first before they let any other character in"
>Shadow the Game multiroute
Despite the flaws that game might have had, the multilinear routes were pretty ambitious, and, for better or worse, I think they managed to nail it, even if not possible route endings could be easily swapped with the Last.
Right? In hindsight I can’t believe they were able to do that. Circa 2005 the ability to play a level and get a different level after that than someone else was bloody unheard of on console. Hell even nowadays most choice games are based on choosing presented options instead of actually doing something in game

A shame the game itself plays like crap.
That’s lowkey what I think the problem is. Sonic has to be fast fast fast. But the roster of characters they have could make sweet action games over and over again and they can’t because they’re bound to being in the sonic universe
As did golden eye and every Zelda game until the GameCube but we still loved em
First, the fact that you're comparing decades old games just to defend Frontiers speaks volumes about that game's quality. Second, I played those games recently, they're genuinely well made and hold up extremely well. I can't say the same for Frontiers, that game was shit on release.
Nice bait, not taking it though.
We're talking about Shadow's game, not Frontiers.
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Naw the 19 year old shadow the hedgehog game had branching paths and buddy characters. I genuinely could not tell you if that was in frontiers
Sonic has had a buddy character since 2, dunce
How long has it been since we got to see two hero characters fight something at once in a game
Leaking information to Clutch. During the races hes been reporting to him in person after every race. After the Silver accident, he got a job to help Jewel with her paperwork.
>Taking feedback? Hack!
You people are insufferable.
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That bastard...he's using MY savings to fund Drogune!
There's only one man who can save us ...
If you don't see this as setup for them to go full heel again by #100, you're a moron.
Sonic Forces.
>her resolution is going to be learning to have a bit more faith in her comrades and to not be such an insane perfectionist/busybody
She's not going to get better before she gets worse. Her problems come from an inferiority complex. She's going to trust people even less and start projecting her misery harder.
She's designed to be a punk.
Nothing's more punk than opposing the man, no matter what form it takes.
Is that why you thought that was the game I was talking about? Did that one have branching paths?
I'm not whoever you were talking to.
I'm just saying Forces literally had a buddy mechanic.
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Nice ____ thread Sonicbabs.
Why thank you
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Her two most redeeming qualities.
Nah, It'd still be ass. The problems are hard-coded into the way the current writing crew views the comic. It's pure advertisement, very pretty and fun in the moment but lacking the vision needed for even mild artistry.
Please back this up with a source.
For posterity's sake.
Any cute background characters these past few issues?
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Page 2.
I can't even lie
That cracked me up good.
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>tfw undercover but your squad leader is getting increasingly sexually inappropriate with you and you gotta decide whether to jeopardize your mission and report her to H.R or let this crazy bitch groom what she thinks is a teenager
I've got a few of these made for fun but for now let's continue with this issue cute OCs.
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>Anarcho-capitalist implied child trafficker just kinda tries to buy the government
Very much enjoy the idea of this try hard loser actually being scared of the sheep kid.
kid? I thought Lanolin was like 25
No one has canon ages until Sega says what they are.
No way is she that old.
The ages are kinda retarded in Sonic and make no sense. Everyone's either way younger than they act like or way too old for their design.
ABT art
Mimic is 32. Ian wanted him to be a teenager, but Iizuka himself mandates that Mimic be an adult. Thats why Ian never bothered to give Starline an age or say how old Lanlin is; Sega would just override him.
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>tfw you feel empty inside aside from the filth but now you gotta make sure that exploitive pervert isn’t ever alone with this little boy or teen girl

Kit is so fed up with this shit.
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Sorry for the long wait, had to eat.

Anyway here on the bottom left you can see best waifu of the year. are they male? Female?
For such a good design I don't really care.
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>Walks in on them in bed and Surge calls him a creep
So simple yet so effective
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>tfw turns out those kids’ dad was probably 10x worse than Lanolin and now you’re the only man in a messed up four-way of…”pleasing” people you shouldn’t and now you really do wish they just executed yo ass
Yeah bottom left is female.
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They gave Duo the pride ride.
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I instantly fell in love with this ditsy tomboy bitch who tried to burn her own village down
Did mimic and lanolin... you know...
He was actually one of the only Archie OCs I liked, so yes.
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>Duo can’t protect Kit all the time without anyone thinking he’s the weird one
>Surge and Lanolin getting closer oh god Duo can tell the green girl is letting her guard down and not paying enough attention to the fox boy
>Kit starts getting worse and more snappy and withdrawn
>Duo…knows why…he can’t say anything
>is supposed to be calling out a cycle kept going by Sonic
>Sonic throws his "muh freedom for everyone" text wall at her
>comic pretzels into proving *him* right
Green fraud
His problem is he's not autistic enough yet wants to follow the path of someone fueled by autism.
That issue where Eggman is playing with toys and Starline is just watching in bewilderment is a great summary. He just wasn't autistic enough for the job
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Ahem, back to the OC ride.

Is her friend an echidna...? The faux ears are confusing me.
Does anybody know what's up with the echidnas anymore?

>Does anybody know what's up with the echidnas anymore?

Knuckles is the only one left. Do not dare insinuate otherwise.
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Alls I’m saying is the second this dude shows up she’s all confident and bantery
>and initiates physical contact with him a lot
You know what people are like after some good “stress relief”
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And who the fuck is Teria?
The IDW creative team would not be that stupid to use a "borrowed" echidna OC... wouldn't they?
Judging by the things on her hair those are dreads instead of weird head tails like knuckles has, my guess at least is she’s just a dread head hedgehog
No, Frontiers went out of its way to reinforce the "last of his kind" thing. So Sega is pretty strict about it.
Oh without a doubt. Hence why I said I imagined her outright leaving the Restoration. She's absolutely going to think she's not good enough and either double down on her current mentality so hard she pushes people away, or outright leave because she thinks she's a failure who should've never left home

She'll come back, but she'll have to practically be dragged back
Mimic being an adult is objectively the best decision. Both because his design screams "adult" and also because this 32 year old man beefing with children half his age makes Mimic one of the funniest Sonic villains ever
SA2 reference+Japanese battle cry
He had autism, just the wrong kind of autism. It's the thing where autistic people hate someone who is a slightly different kind of autistic than they are.
What's funnier? The idea that she genuinely doesn't know and feels betrayed once he reveals himself, or the idea that she knows but doesn't care/it just makes it hotter for her?
I don't understand why this is such an uncommon point of view on the Sonic comics, among fans, when it's verifiably true.
So much of the discussion is team Archie vs. team IDW when it's literally the same content and sensibilities repackaged. Yet I cannot express distaste in the current IDW arc without being accused of being an Archie loyalist.
I'm glad the Archie continuity is a thing of the past. But there's a through line between both publishers that goes beyond continuity, and I really think that sentiment is one of IDW Sonic's biggest issues
It’s a reference to this
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Had to fix that the moment I saw it.
She knows, but is so desperate for companionship, she lives with it.
maybe she's a tenrec? Surge with her quills down looks pretty similar (aside from her black forehead but that might be because she's a different kind of tenrec)
It is really funny to picture her not giving a shit. Like
>please please please can we just have normal se-
>No. now turn into Zavok with two dicks
Her black forehead is only for the Ashura reference.
>Anyway here on the bottom left you can see best waifu of the year. are they male? Female?
Female knife throwing maid https://youtu.be/vS_a8Edde8k
Actually yeah dude you probably right, her nose is smaller and snout is a lil pointy like Surge and she has a big mouth and teeth like her too
She rationalizes it however she can.
>it would make sense if it was him, but it isn't
>it's not like he'd kill me anyway, I'm different
>I think I read somewhere that cats can have tentacles sometimes
>Duo was initially trying to get in to fuck with Whisper and the Restoration, and banking on using blackmail and manipulation to stay in
>Now he's desperately trying to get the fuck in because this sheep won't leave him alone and she keeps him by her side with blackmail of her own

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>The thread is still going
Well. Last panel with OCs, if I missed some it was because they were not eyecatching or anonymized like all the security grunts.
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>”wHy does everyone keep saying that? I liek gwerls tuu!”
Look at this guy in a thread he doesn't like and being a bitch You're like this in every sonic thread you are in. Fucking kill yourself already man.
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More characters should have cool jackets and hoodies. They all look so comfy
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>as a sucker for a love story I also do really like the idea of a good ol “oh no I think I actually love her, ouch my icey heart
At the same time I just wanna point out this is clearly Lanolin’s personal room they’re in in this scene
Oh look, JenHen's lesbians.
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True that, oversized jackets are great.
>Personal room is solely training and propaganda
Huh, interesting
>>as a sucker for a love story I also do really like the idea of a good ol “oh no I think I actually love her, ouch my icey heart
Now that's also a fun/really funny idea
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Some Sonic wiki page says that it's an OC and it belongs to some fan. The character is supposed to be an echidna. But the artist of the comic didn't want to to suggest it's an echidna, so he tried to draw it as a cat whose ears are covered underneath a hat. The colorist did not color that part as a hat, though.
Can Silver's rep even be salvaged at this point?
She's in the core cast age range, meaning she's still a teen. People who are older are designated as such and mentioned by the staff (like how Mimic is in his 30s).
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Embarrassingly I forgot to post the edited version... Still Amy's cute ugh is a highlight to me.
There's some great meme faces in this issue.
I wish the Forces avatar builder had put more effort into animal types and body/face shapes instead of 500 garish "funny" clothing items. I'd even take the removal of the mostly useless species bonuses if I could choose weirder species or have body types that aren't "tall lanky tube".
I can't be the only one that thinks it's really weird to have playable bears that have absolutely zero bulk and hedgehogs that can only have short quills.
They should have done it anyway. Giving them ages only makes things funny at worst.
Silver's only popular with Silvaze fans at this point, for obvious reasons.
>Steve Buscemi with the skateboard trying to relate to Frankie Muniez and Melissa Joan Hart.
Mimic and Lanolin marriage when?
>I can't be the only one that thinks it's really weird to have playable bears that have absolutely zero bulk and hedgehogs that can only have short quills.
Oh no I hate it too. I'd much rather have more variety than superfluous bonuses
>Imagine if this comic was made to be a genuine fresh start for Sonic comics.
That's kind of why the new arc is actually working: all the bits and pieces are actually new. Surge isn't just filling Scourge's role anymore, Lanolin's deal is something fresh, stuff is actually HAPPENING.
>stuff is actually HAPPENING.

except that stuff isn't interesting.
I liked this month's issue.
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>*Shocked* HHHNNMgggghhh harder!
>now lemme tell you like this here, green. I likes ya; and I wants ya. Now we can do this the easy way or we can do it the hard way. The choice is yours
>No! NONOnU Kit! Kit! Help me!
>oh oh now I see you choosing the hard way
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what goes on behind those doors gives Tangle nightmares...
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It deadass has been too long since I laughed like that from something in a 4chan thread dude,

>also I never realized how fucking funny this panel looks till your edit
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I started with these edits on paint 3d only for Sonic panels, there is something in this franchise that lends itself to parody far too easily.
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I've got a few in my folders.
Is Eggman ever gonna show up again in this arc? His involvement was very...brief.
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He must be keeping himself for the grand finale where he comes barging in an even bigger floating ship to ram Clutch's limp blimp out of the sky.

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>Duo like “you have no idea what I saved you from you twinkish little elf boy…”
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Uh wrong pic. I just really like his little cry face in this one
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Holy fuck wait this started as a meme but now as I re-read some old stuff for the sake of it the first thing these two did was make googly eyes at each other
>and then with no warning at all Lanolin big times Tangle in front of him. With no provocation AT ALL
Why make him a adult?
>So, Lanolin. Any cool Restoration secrets?
>I got one just for you. I'm into bondage *wink*
>C-cool...(Clutch isn't pay me enough for this shit)
The right call to be honest. He looks nothing like a teenager. On the meta side I also imagine Sega didn't like the idea of a villain with confirmed kills being a minor.
I know lots of people didn't like Eggman not bothering with precautions on the Metal Virus, but I feel like that's the best way to show off their differences. Starline is the 1500 ELO chess player using the mathematically best moves, while Eggman is the 2500 ELO player using the latest cheese strategies he thought looked cool. Starline might seem like the better player at first, but Eggman is the one with a passion for the game inside and out, while Starline just wants to win.
Why are these better than the actual comic
Ask Iizuka. His looks maybe? Something about him being a confirmed killer?
Ah I remember this one. The "Not an Echidna" fan OC.
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Here you go!
Am I the only one that hates lanolin, no matter what route they go
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Ah dude thank you, genuinely
Parody is so good with this series. Something about cute characters taking themselves seriously is absurd enough but I swear it’s how much I genuinely like this series that makes me like parody like this so much

>”I’m sorry Mrs. HR department”
>”You know my name is Jewel, Silver”
>”I just really wanted to maybe suck off that cat guy if he’d let me”
>”Yes your texts to him which he has passed to me were incredibly graphic about what you intended to do with his various..’boy holes’ as you called them”
>”…you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take?”
are we back to shitty lineart again?
always did, mogul was fucking kino. cluth doesn't hold a candle to him.

>You're useless, Kit!
>Ian wanted him to be a teenager
Why? That's fucking retarded, he's supposed to be a war veteran FFS.
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lol fuck did she think was gonna happen
so is Whisper and she's 16
He was scrapped from Archie where he was supposed to be a powerful edgy teenager. War vet in his 30s didn’t come till IDW
Of course it is, because once again this comic just couldn't help itself. I bet they expected the audience to clap like a bunch of damn seals for adding in this MEMBER SA2 moment.

They can add in the Teriaaa and all these "totally deep cuts" that are just memes or shit you find on a damn wiki page, they yet can't even be assed to get Sonic's basic intro catchphrase right. Ian and Evan are such posers it's sickening.
>they didn't put in the thing that makes me clap!
Not knowing basic characterization that's consistent between games is a far cry from a random meme sound from one specific game that's explicitly put in as a reference.
>Why? That's fucking retarded, he's supposed to be a war veteran FFS.
So is Buddy and so is Whisper. 16 year old war vets are the rule, not the norm...which has very grim implications for Sonic as a franchise
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Sorry for the lateness I had things to do.

Thanks, I took a lot of inspiration from the "Exterminatus Now" webcomic (I also had a bit of practice making memes for a sonic oc quest.)

A few rounds on the bag and then a few rounds on the bag
That’s a cute opinion, did a Youtuber give it to you?
Nice well I'd love to see more of this bro
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Is this YouTuber in the room with us right now?
Just remember, the opinion of the average Youtuber and the average anon are exactly as shit because we're all cut from the same cloth. Sonic the Hedgehog rots your brain and cock, this isn't news.
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What a cute phantom rider fangirl
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Congrats, Quint is no longer the worse mega-man-but-bad character.
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No. Archie's can at least be redeemed in a /co/ storytime. IDW's is just plain nap time.
it's all about the vision. you need one to make a great comic.
>it's all about the vision. you need one to make a great comic.
Anon Official comic book writters are not allowed to feedback from the fans.
That's Fleetway, not Archie. That unicorn wizard dude just shows Tails an illusion of Eggman as a test of character.
they aren't even allowed a vision either.
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I appreciate y’all in these threads. I like talking about nerd shit
...If who dies?
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>Surge & Kit redeemed.
>Lanolin about to go on her anti-hero arc.
I think I love this comic now.
You're soulless
Lanolin clearly has an arc coming
Surge Kit redemption is based and good and your seething only makes my erection harder.
No one cares about Scourge. Everyone loves Surge. Deal with it Penders.
>I'd be..fine with her getting redeemed into an anti-hero, but if she does, I do want her to keep her edge,
This is how I feel.
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>You can't make her a protagonist and keep all of that without it coming off as forced.
Yes you can. Thats literally fleetway Sonic and people love his character.
>Surge is Fleetway Sonic
Finally someone said it. She quite literally is. Except she's less abusive to Kit than Fleetwaynic was abusive to Tails.
Wish they never revealed Duo and Mimic as the same person. Because later on, you can make readers wonder if Mimic was Lanolin or Lanolin was never real and Duo was just a regular mobian.
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It’s a parody of Tails Tube on TikTok
He’s talking about Cosmo, Tails’ love interest from X
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What was fleetway Tails like?
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Fleetway Tails was basically just tails. But he was willing to get his hands dirty if he had to.
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The shapeshifter stuff could definitely have brought a lot of confusion and mystery
Both of these unirionically sound like stuff Surge and Kit would say respectively.
>Surge: "You realise drippy, of course, I'd have found a way to beat Metallix... Even WITHOUT your help!"
>Kit: "YOU'RE the hero Surge. Everybody knows that!"
Also Fleetway sonic had a bit of an inferiority complex when it came to Fleetway Knuckles.
Which matches Surge's feelings with Sonic to a degree.
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britbong speak for whining.
Its just that she is a loser with no idea what she is doing
And yeah fuck feedback real artists dont need it
>And yeah fuck feedback real artists dont need it
I know this is bait but I'm still going to tell you to kill yourself.
I'm glad they're redeeming Surge but I hope they'll keep her edge in the same way as Fleetway Sonic. Where he's still a hero but he's an arrogant attention whoring, rude, dickhead.
That's how Surge should be.
If they kept Surge as a full on villain she would have no future.

>I'm glad they're redeeming Surge

We don't know that.
You mean Anti-Hero
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“Hero’s calling” sounds just wishy washy enough to be ironic
>Another sodding month, till next time folks
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I thought Clutch was supposed to be this guy
He makes it to Mobius, perfects Roboticization, and goes full SatAM
I remember how AoStH Robotnik made a portable Roboticizer in the shape of a ray-gun. Does this make him smarter than SatAM Robotnik?

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