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ITT: characters who did literally nothing wrong, it for some reason people hate them
I don't hate her. She's just infinitely inferior to Atom Eve is every conceivable way.
She was shit in s1 but got redeam for s2 (watch the show)
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>wait a sec, no one actually liked our sassy black cunt rendition of Mark's gf for the cartoon? well shit, let's just change her personality for the next season lol!
He didnt stay in his own universe.

He doesn't belong in 616 no matter what BS they do with Molecule Man. He doesn't work in a universe Spidey is alive nevermind overcrowded with others that don't belong in 616.
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Not only is picrel completely in the right, but it's nice to have a character that doesn't constantly suck Sonic's dick. In fact, she should be the new protagonist. Only chuddies will disagree.
I swear if the writings make her a villain or do something that portrays her in the wrong, I'M QUITTING THIS FUCKING BOOK FOREVER.
Calm down, Ken.
>Amber supposedly knew Mark was a superhero
>She gets mad at Mark and acts as if he's not a hero like when he fought the cyborgs at their campus right in front of Amber
>When he finally decides to tell Amber she gets mad at him because he didn't tell her at the very start and breaks up with him
>Only wants to get back with him after witnessing OmniMan beat his ass on live TV
Amber would have made sense if she never said she knew he was a hero. Because if she knew who would get mad that their boyfriend is saving lives and one of those lives is yours. And if she lied about knowing, she's still a piece of shit because she wanted to seem smart that she figured it out to feed her ego.
Calm down, Evan.
She's a whore that decided to date Mako for no reason other than he looked good when she could have dated Bolin who was a better fit for her.
Sorry, no one liked her because she was selfish in expecting Mark to abandon people in danger to help her at the soup kitchen. Both are helping people, in different ways. She was a fucking cunt thinking her way was more important than his. Mark was already guilty about it, but made the right decision. Seems more of a bad stereotype that women require all your attention into what they are doing or you don't really love them.

Lets not get into the subject of her being upset Mark kept his identity as a superhero a secret. Bitch should have some sense of how the world works. bad people know you have friends and family. Bad people come after said friends and family This is why people in authority like cops are always afraid, reprisals.
>for some reason
I was almost willing to forgive her attitude, for guilting Mark for not telling the truth, even though she claims already knew.
But then she came to Mark after his father committed homicide, Omni-Man forcing Mark into a fight killing innocents, beats Mark up, leaves the planet, and then Amber says
>"I guess I wasn't the only one being lied to."
Why the fuck would you say that?

They wrote an unlikeable narcissistic girl boss, and she was probably a primary reason for the extended season 2 rewrites, as it's a bad look when your primary black girl main character is hated more than actual villains.
So Urgot is going to be one of Ambessa's soldiers that gets left behind in Zaun and used as entertainment by vengeful Zaunite?
A lot of complaints about Miles would go away if he simply had a different codename.
>This ain't one of your rom-coms, Jack! In the real world, the bland pretty boy gets the girl!
Miles is the new face of Spider-Man. Get over it.
Ah, the Liara / Amy Rose method.
Miles is bland and inoffensive at worst, and at best. Petercucks are simply uniquely deranged.
The change felt a little bit forced ye but not awful
The change makes sense seeing that she saw her recent ex-boyfriend get beat within an inch of his life to protect Earth.
This! So much this!
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Imagine beaing this much of a faggot.
Takes one to know one.
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He just wanted a historically accurate faire.
Replace the scene where she says she knew Mark was Invincible all along with her expressing hesitation at being with a superhero who regularly ends up in the hospital with serious injuries and most of the complaints about her disappear.
I don't have a problem with Miles conceptually. I just wish he came after Peter was an adult and passed the mantle rather than being another hero also named Spider-Man.
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ITT: men calling female characters written by other men whores

if they're whores that's cause a man wrote them as one, you do know that right
They said that about Ben Reilly too
Ben Riley had the same face though.
Shit bait
If that's the case, he should be selling a lot more. It's embarrassing that the old, boring Peter moves more copies and fills more theaters than fresh, hip Miles.
Yeah, I don’t know how petercucks manage it. I guess being the beaten wives of capeshit causes some neurosis.
Miles being a bland nothing is like 80% of the problem, anon. If they would actually give the guy some defining traits and decent stories instead of inorganically pushing him for over a decade maybe he would have more fans.
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>Miles being bland
Peter Parker is the original bland boy.
it's all because superheroes have to be as unassuming as possible.
She could also have figured it out later, so at the time she didn't know but she figured it out sometime during season 2.
But yes, her knowing the whole time is clearly BS.
I don't know what's worse, his shit opinions or the fact he practically committed manslaughter.
Is that really it?
Alright fine, sell me on why TV Amber isn't a completely ass character
Peter was far from bland when he premiered, and basically pioneered the young superhero genre.
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Then how come the Spider-Verse movies are the lowest grossing Spider-Man movies of all time?
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Still better than the Sonyverse.
dare I say the amount of time I've seen brainlets defend her on account of skin color alone and write detractors off as racist chuds
I’m not talking about how good they are. I’m talking about how much they made.
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>ITT: characters who did literally nothing wrong
There is no good example in this thread, all of these characters have reasons to be hated.
She caused the apocalypse.
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He didn't work in his own universe either.
I know it's a popular talking point that "he was better in the Ultimate Universe" nowadays, but it's a bullshit one. His stories were bland at best, bland and retreading the old ground at worst. He was always a diet Ultimate Peter with none of the personality.
what's your point?
Very bold of you to illustrate that kind of point with a Vivzie character, lmao
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To add to this: There's a reason why he's almost always grouped with other Spider people in his movies, games and comics.

Hell, I highly doubt Spider-Verse would have been as highly regarded as it is if it wasn't for both the animation and multiverse/crossover stuff
Post his wedding with Samurai Jack.
Baby Huey
Shut up you retarded faggot.
they're niggers.

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