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Reminder Dipper is a little kid who is around bad and worse people, and girls flock to him for moral guidance and strength.
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Reminder that in the show, he didn't get anyone.
He got Pacifica in the beyond the show.
No he didn’t. He can crush on her but they’re not officially an item, just like Candy and Wendy weren’t.
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Still lying huh?
They have have feelings for each other, that's enough.
Don't forget to post the new Book of Bill stuff where Pacifica gets comfort from just from having Dipper's phone number, and it helped her to sleep.
>y-your lying!!!
>can only post dipper having a crush on her just like with Candy and Wendy, and not being a couple
So i’m right then, thanks for proving it.
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>bring people up (pacifica) while putting other people down (family)
why is this a common trope
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This is some shit Mabel or Soos would do, not him.
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I don't think you understand Dipper's character
Pacifica's whole character was "duhhh rich people bad". And Dipper's just a self-insert of Alex Hirsch's views on everything. So Dipper's only way of bonding her was "duhhh your rich family bad because they're rich, but you not quite as bad only 90% bad". Twas the same with Mabel in golf wars
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is this the thread
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Not really, just her. And she is all he needs.
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I miss b-ballanon
Dipper is one lucky guy
I meant to say
What makes Dipper a "nerd"?
Anons will probably refer to his interest in the paranormal.
into d&d
Makes a math equation to win the girl.
That's an overstatement. But I think if he quit tying himself in knots, he'd be fine with girls. That comes with experience.
Plays videogames, d&d, no friends at home, wimpy and scrawny and short, can’t talk to girls, not confident, high squeaky voice, scared of getting beat up by bullies like Robbie, Wendy and Mabel and sometimes Soos bully him (the squeaky voice episode), puts on a “smart” facade to try and look cool
She gave him a small hug because he said a generic nice thing once when she was crying. I wouldn’t call that “flocking”.
Dipper's the last person to be biting someone like that
also thinks he’s good at chess but is actually an amateur, is insecure when people tell him he’s not even that smart, carries a notebook around pretending to take notes on things and look profound
I like the way Dipper's outfit is drawn
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Some anon who dated a pacifica type, came into a pacifica thread and told us about his story, he then made a bunch of requests at a drawfag who never delivered and we never heard from him again
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Dipper will eventually get cucked. Pacifica loves old man cock.
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>She gave him a small hug because he said a generic nice thing once when she was crying.
>then basically flushed like a tsundere afterwards and spend being joyful in his company

Plus he thinks he's a nerd himself.
it also wasnt generic, it was specific to pacificas situation of having horrible ancestors and feeling trapped to be another continuation of it

>nd spend being joyful in his company
pacifica just being happy playing around with dipper without the need to be formal and proper was cute
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pretty much this
>then basically flushed like a tsundere afterwards
This is a lie, she never blushed at him ever
It’s incredibly generic. He’s just repeating back what she said about her rich family being le ebil and saying “duhh just because they’re rich and evil doesn’t mean you have to be if you learn your privilege”
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>This is a lie, she never blushed at him ever

Yes she did. You are a liar, kys.
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She gave him two hugs. But they also did other things, like monster adventures and throwing Bill stuff down the river together. t
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Kys, this is wholesome thread. No brainrot retards allowed
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>phoneposter spamming reaction images
Proving im right. Robbie gonna fuck Pacifica and Dipper will say “it’s my fault, she was too good for me, i was a creep for even trying” just like what happened with Wendy
You mean Robbie lil bro, dipper a lil BITCH
Dipper is for Mabel only
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>Robbie lives rent free in shit spammers, like the virgin he is
>dies alone and cucked by dipper and being indirect victim of dipper by bill
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Nah, kys
I like the Girl Robbie that autist used to spam a lot back in the day.
Hes been a good boy
There even a bunch of Loud House VN games, where's a Dipper game so I can fuck all the GF girls?????
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What did Bill mean by this?
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Dipper's outfit works as a paranormal investigator team's uniform
For those who think Dipper won't end up with a girlfriend: Should Dipper go gay?
That dialogue is so stiff and awkward.
>dipcifica thread
Its way too early to be this based /co/.
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>le iphone cuckspammer
the way in which he approaches his interests and the world around him
Every word he says.
>Pic related
>Lucky Pines boy
moar from this artist?
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What a waste of a character, good thing it will never happen, I mean, come on we talking about the manlet here, I'm sure even the new thing from bill's book is something that someone else insisted on.
>short shorts
>knee-high socks
Jews are white now?
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I think Dipper is the type who’d enjoy getting rammed by cock
Nah if theres one thing Hirsch loves its writing about his favorite little dorito man.
Robbie is a lot of things, but I don’t think he’s a pedophile.
I mean he was willing to use mindcontrol to keep Wendy so its not out of the realm of possibility for him.
Robbie would get arrested for child rape
And who the fuck is talking about dorito? I was talking about a specific part that has focus on two things that we know the manlet hated to write about.

I can already imagine a plot where Dipcuck is so desperate for the town's bicycle that he uses magic, drugs, paranormal contacts or magic drugs sold by paranormal contacts to drive Robbie crazy for his sister Mabel, her friends and even Pacifica, all to habe proof to give to the officers and "get rid" of Robbie so he can try and get Wendy.
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have gay sex with your twin brother
Mabel’s the one who drugs people into rape.
Good point, Dipcuck finds out about Mabel use of that potion and decides he is not above his sis, tries to use something similar and more complicated because of his ego, only for things to go worse than he imagined.
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Stop giving attention to the cuckspammer
Now keep posting cute shit
A willingness to use mind control is unrelated to what a person finds sexually attractive. It's possible for a person to be bad in one way without that person also being bad in all ways it is possible to be bad.
Robbie cucks need the rope, he's destined to die. So Alex gave us fans a boon not to care about such a emo virgin. Kys dipper haters for trying to drag him down to your level along with Cuckie Virgintino
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Dipper would be a superb Psychologist for kids, while Pacifica would be the wealthy breadwinner of the the two
Alex loves shipping Dipper and Pacifica.
weird how instantly this ship took off, especially weird as they don't interact again the whole series. Maybe a passing word but not even a mention of this episode or some budding friendship.

Wonder why it worked so well just remember this ep single handedly weakened the hold pincest had.
>>145523855 #
Alex underestimated it's impact to fans and how appealing Dipper was with a girl who he wasn't smitten for yet still showed himself around. It was lightning in a bottle
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imagine the married life. imagine the slow dances, the romantic dinners, fishing together for hours, drinking beers until they pass out, walks on the beach at sunset, visiting faraway countries and holding hands in public, because no one, at least there, knows
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He knew how powerful this ship was.
Also it makes perfect sense storywise as Dippers crush on Wendy was meant to help him improve as a person and lean to just be himself so when he is fully himself with a girl his own age the chemistry is instant.
True and it allowed dipper to be a lil chad, plus their banter was 1000x better than any wendipper ep. Sad they had just one ep and comic about them.
Yeah true both also are kind of the asshole kids so their banter and personalities create a unique dynamic. Like a fucked daphne and fred lol
A real girl no matter the age wouldn't react to sincerity like this
Thank God this is a cartoon and by default exaggerating real life
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she's not blushing anywhere on that page, retard dipcel
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Reminder that Dipper and Dipperfags are all retarded
damn, I think this is the first time I've seen full sentences in Thai. shit looks like something outta the Codex Seraphinianus
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>For the first time ever, freaking Bigdad finally ships the same couple I ship
>Also for the first time ever, he doesn't make the girl the one with the biggest tits and ass in her respective universe
I'm both laughing and crying at the damn irony
That's what your mom says about you when you come in a Dipcifica thread
Sure. But with who?
Nice makeover, Dipper
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Can a ship be so popular that the author has no choice but to make it canon?
Yes and no. Harry and Hermione was arguably more popular than Ron and Hermione at some point, but she decided to stick to what she chose from the start.
She was just foreshadowing her life's work of making trannies seethe is all
Alex more or less has accepted it as "soft canon" since he either puts it in or has allowed it to be put into every piece of post finale material. He just in general doesn't really like shipping and wants to focus more on mystery stories and lore expansion.
They're so cute together.
This looks terrible. Was this AI trained on content farms?
No. Ichigo x Rukia was really popular in the Bleach fandom, but it was never made canon.
that's bullshit anon, whole episodes of Gravity Falls were dedicated to shipping like Soos' girlfriend or Love God or Mermando. Until it actually happens it's the same status as Dipper and Wendy
Wendy should have a threesome with Dipper and Mabel.
I guess more he started to hate shipping because its all he ever got asked about from the fandom.
He also flipflops on shit constantly so its hard to exactly naildown Alex's feelings towards certain subjects.
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Where in here are they officially a couple, anon? I and the rest of the functional adults itt don’t see it
NTA, but it at least confirms mutual feelings, which is more than the other shipfags can say for their ship.
lol’ing at calling yourself a functional adult
Doesn’t mean much, a light kiddy crush ain’t gonna help him more than it did with Candy or Wendy
You cling to like 3 jpgs desperately trying to say this is “proof” your jewish manlet cartoon self-insert totally didn’t go out a kissless girlfriendless virgin after 2 rejections in a row and getting cucked by Robbie because *checks notes* a girl gave him a small hug in a comic after he said a generic nice thing to her when she was crying
I’m only here to tell you you’re a retard
How the fuck did Soos have more success with girls than Dipper? Aside from actually having a girlfriend and kissing a girl, he also catfished Dipper for the lolz on Dipper’s incel e-dating forum in Book of Bill. Absolutely savage
She would with Mabel, she’d say no to Dipper and replace him with Robbie in the threesome
Yeah, but if they both like each other, it will help. Candip and Wendip were both one sided, Dipcifica is mutual.
Because Dipper's entire existence is controlled by a man who wants to keep him squarely in the cuckcage right alongside Finn.
Candip was mutual, just dipper freaked out over it at first. But it was Candy who got the ick from seeing what a coward and pussy Dipper is who’s desperate for female attention. It’s not gonna help when Pacifica feels the same, seeing what a pussy and a liser dipper always is, since her only moments of affection are when she’s crying and she won’t be crying 24:7
Why are you all posting like such faggots? Post art you cunts.
We need to discuss the actual characters, the art it too often OOC
She doesn’t like Robbie, NTRfag.
She was his girlfriend and got jealous when he was with Tambry, lol
She prob should have warned Tambry that if she tries to breakup with Robbie he will use mindcontrol to rape her.
And afterwards she's all but ignored him, robbiecucks btfo and will die alone like him
Eh, dipcifica is weaker than Candy.
Candy actually liked something about dipper, his confidence, even if that was fake. Pacifica doesn’t actually admire or like anything about dipper, he just happened to be there at times she was emotionally vulnerable. I can’t see it going any furtther when there’s no quality of his (weak, scrawny, ugly, cowardly, immature, poor, condescending) that is actually attractive to her. She literally was more attracted to Ford than him
No she didn’t, she’s still hovering around Robbie and Tambry for the rest of the series
She probably was mad her friend was dating her ex. Chicks get pissed over shit like that
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Pic related is better
Yeah, and she’ll never get mad or jealous regarding Dipper, because to her Robbie is an attractive man and dipper is not
She this less of robbie in the end of the series. So you are full of shit.
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Theres some absolute kino pornfics of this paring
She wears his hat, who knows what will happen if Dipper grows up and she will get attracted to him(seas9n 3), she did find him attractive when she was a kid herself.
No she doesn’t. The last time Robbie has a role in an episode is Wendy getting jealous over Robbie and Tambry because she still wants Robbie
Meanwhile she will never get jealous or in love or even enough to date him for little manlet dipcuck
Your still a lying beta cuck shit poster, no one takes you seriously.
When he was older than her
But he’ll always be 2 years younger and in Wendy’s eyes that makes him unnattractive and not good enough for her unlike Robbie
Plus if she does it when he’s older that would be grooming, chud. That’s why she said she’s too old for him to ever have, not to wait until next summer, that he’s just flat out not good enough
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Dipcifica>Pinecest>Mabcifica>Wendip(but only if Pacifica or Mabel are also involved).

All other ships simply do not apply.
Watch the series bro. Robbie asked her to be his girlfriend; instant yes and lingering jealousy. Dipper asks after a series of buildup; instant no and telling him he has no chance and should know it
Robbiechads why are we so much more attractive to women like Wendy than dipcucks???
Because Wendy has bad taste.
No she doesn’t, she’s willing to date every boy and man in Gravity Falls except dipcel.
>No she doesn’t
>She wears Dippers hat im the end she doesn't wear robbies clothing
>she is over robbie forever and never really liked him

Robbiecuck will and always remain a virgin and die one
dipper is an effeminate (looks like Mabel) midget (boys their age in the show are taller and musclier than him) scrawny (can’t lift a twig) unintelligent (fakes being smart and can’t do simple math) unconfident pussilanimous pushover who accepts that women are better than him (Roadside Attraction). There’s nothing about him to like
That’s grunkle stan’s hat. Robbie already fucked Wendy when she agreed to date him LMAO
>She's the town bike and that's a good thing!
Alright then..... Also, Robbie is just ugly to me, sorry anon.
>But he’ll always be 2 years younger and in Wendy’s eyes that makes him unnattractive and not good enough for her unlike Robbie
>Still wears his hat and values him over robbie forgetting robbie ever happened.

She might as well join Dippers harem. Since he's the main character and robbie is a minor cuck side who will die early.

Watches series she grows over these side flings and values Dipper like the hero he is. Kys anti dipper fags
You are all virgins like robbie, Alex says he wants a threesome between dipper, Wendy and Pacifica a recently.
This. Women (Wendy, Pacifica, Mabel, Candy) all like dominant men in the show, ever Candy was turned off by seeing how weak and pathetic dipper is and Mabel also bullies him for it. They can say it’s because of his age or whatever but the truth is a more suave confident chad who is dipper’s age would’ve gotten Wendy
And Dipper is just ugly in-universe, uglier than every boy in gravity falls Wendy dated
I don't disagree with you but the fact she dated Robbie in the first place says she wasn't exactly cultured lol
Gravity Falls isn't exactly brimming with attractive guys to begin with but Dipper is cute and nice at least. Robbie is just acne ridden and kind of a jerk. Its all subjective anyway.
>rejects dipper, tells him he’s not good enough for her and should know better than to think he would get a chance, dates Robbie while knowing dipper loves her
>b-but she traded hats with him so she’s basically in a harem!!!
Dipcels are so pathetic and desperate lmao
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Obviously women like Wendy prefer “jerks” like Robbie over softboi creampuffs like Dipper then lmao
>tfw even Robbie got kissed while dipcel is forever kissless
What is your major malfunction?
Misinformation about Dipper and the show because your jealous he's got girls into him and most became his friends while incel loser types like stan and robbie go and blow it and die alone

This is supported by Roadside Attraction. When he pretends to be a “confident badboy” like Stan he has a chance at getting a girlfriend, when he apologises to Candy and cowers like a girl against the spider she doesn’t like him anymore
I mean they probably do, although whether those women are worth your time is debatable. I chalk it up also to some women liking certain types of emo guys. Not that those can't be attractive, Robbie just doesn't do it for me.
>She dumped robbie soon after.

Not much of a chad robbie is.
No he isn't. Stop lying
I'm not jealous, I'm happy for Dipper. I personally think him and Pacifica are OTP but I can enjoy shipping him other characters like Wendy. Hell, I wish there was more Dipper and Tambry stuff out there. All I'm saying is that Robbie ain't attractive. Maybe its just me.
>he's got girls into him
What girls?
You're posting fanart. No girl in the show is lusting after that dipstick
>he says, posting a short chubby loser who got rejected in the first place after Wendy spent weeks dating and having sex with Robbie
In general
Rewatch the series. Dipper lost his hat in episode 1, that’s just one of hundreds of the souvenir hats Grunkle Stan sells
Not listed, Pacifica
She was nice to him because he said a generically nice thing to her when she’s crying. The only character pacifica ever lusted for or was attracted to is Ford.
>Dipper lost his hat in episode 1, that’s just one of hundreds of the souvenir hats Grunkle Stan sells
>Dipper kept said hat as his trademark hat through the series thus is his.

We already know Pacifica is physically attracted to older men just like Wendy was. And she thinks Ford is hot because of his bodytype which is buffer than dipper’s skinnyfat midget body. It’s unironically over for dipper, if all he has with her is “i…i can say nice things to you if you’re crying”
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>She was nice to him because he said a generically nice thing to her when she’s crying.

No she was smitten and attracted to his personality and kind hearted actions and personality. She likes Dipper and Ford looks like older dipper. Done being stupid?
Pacifica Pines has a nice ring to it
>she was smitten and attracted to his personality
When nigga? When she wasn’t crying Dipper’s only personality is being a schlubby condescending soiboy who thinks being “poor” (middle-class) is cool. She’s only ever anything with him when she’s crying and he’s generic.
>and Ford looks like older dipper
Nope. Older Dipper looks like Alex Hirsch. Hirsch has drawn it himself
>Mabel will forever more mock her by calling her "peepee"
>fan wiki
Souvenir hat he had for a month.
Why do you pretend to be black?
Anon i believe he was calling you a nigger
>When nigga?

Also pic related
You can go shoot yourself
best ship thread
>So you're a butler. What does a butler do?
>I buttle.
It's literally the protagonist and his hat is his most iconic item. Kys disney wikia is confirmed.
All this backfires when Dipper finds out that teenagers and policemen don't have any problem with 15 year olds dating 13s, and it was only Wendy who thought he's a little baby bitch who's too young to ever have a chance, and so Robbie cucks him with Pacifica too
Also journal 3 calls it his hat.
no it's not, it's literally a fandom wiki written by fans. It's literally there in the url. There's an edit button for anyone to write anything in it
none of this is being attracted to his personality, this is literally referencing a time she was crying and he said a generically nice thing, exactly like I told you
Seek help.
How come tranny doesn't ban the robbiecuck?
it's the truth tho
>posting Robbie's girlfriend who rejected dipcuck
>Sources from the show are posted as official canon on the wikia
>no one but the mods can edit it

You really are autistic, aren't you?
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>this is how californian dipcucks actually think the world works
Wendy mindbroke you lmao
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No you are a beta cuck virgin like robbie is, that's the truth
it's a fanwiki, literally everyone with an account can edit it. Also mods are not writers on the show, and barely anything there is cited with a source
What's your fucking problem?
I'm genuinely curious now
She likes him more than her parents confirmed in the comics, this is canon
Robbie got two girlfriends tho. Only man in the series to never have one is dippercuck
no, she had a nightmare about bill cipher and so threw away some paintings of bill cipher. He's a soiboy who only said a generic nice thing to her when she was crying in hysterics
>it's a fanwiki, literally everyone with an account can edit it
>literal sources from the show notes, journals and databases confirm the info
>Nobody can edit the wikia but the mods
which sources, anon?
and everyone can edit the wikia, it's not locked
Read >>145545731
Dipper will die a virgin
he's a total pussy repellant

Dipcifica fags are delusional
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>Headcanon misinformation from troll
>literal snake from comic, journal and new website pacifica episode that she values dipper dearly and affectionately

Again seethe
Answer the question
read the comic it's from yourself.
Exactly like I said: this is literally referencing a time she was crying and he said a generically nice thing. She is never attracted to dipper "dearly or affectionately" at all, but she is attracted to Ford.
Ford will cuck Dipper with Pacifica just like Robbie did with Wendy. Dipper will apologise and say he's not worthy of Pacifica anyway, just like he did when Wendy rejected him
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Post favorite dipcifica wholesomeness pics
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To bad she still likes him tsundere baka style. She would do this for sny boy and you underestimate how people warm up to Dipper just by getting to know him

>>145545589 To bad she still likes him tsundere baka style. She wouldnt do this for any boy and you underestimate how people warm up to Dipper just by getting to know him
Bigdad is a blessing
Wendy likes Dipper and Mabel a lot, and considers them some of her closest friends, so I think they’d be better together.
Being the town bike that has broken up with every sing guy she’s dated is not a good thing. If anything, Dipper dodged a bullet.
Ok pedophile.
They fucked after this btw kek
Dating a 12 year old while you’re 16 would have most people disgusted, and it can be considered a crime if any sex occurred, or any nudes were exchanged. And Stand and Ford would probably murder him.
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This is exactly why nobody should get more GF after 2016
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Pacifica secretly being into fantasy games makes me think she'd grow to be okay with Dippers wacky adventures.
Check the damn wiki that's where the sources are. But you're a retard shitposter. So nope hope for you.
>Order of ships
>Wendip only if Pacifica or Mabel are also involved
Extra based
>All other ships simply do not apply
Unfathomably based
Reminder that you are a fucking retard deep into your 30s obsessed with a cartoon for kids about kids that was cancelled almost a decade ago and had less than 40 episodes you fucking pedophile move on already.
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The teens are 15 and Dipper/Pacifica are 13. No it would not be considered a crime, and highschool kids date between years and have sex all the time if you don’t live in hipster libcuck california or have ever had a soxial life outside of twitter, Hirsch.
>and Stand and Ford would probably murder him
And then Einstein would clap and give them a nobel prize. But in reality, highschoolers do this all the time, and Stan if even cared to get his fat ass out of his lazy chair would cheer Robbie on like when he cheered for Robbie beating up Dipper
I know, right?
Fucking robbiecucks
Ok jewish manlet
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Your mom never loved you
Banjabu dipcifica is the hottest it can get.
Noone will ever love Dipcuck either
Since Pacifica had the hots for Ford from first sight that means she wants older men too.
I'm afraid it's gonna be Wendy all over again for Dipcel
Did he request good shit?
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>your retarded
Retard confirmed
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Cute and canon!
Canonically Robbie’s slampig
Since you're retarded, you only proved my point.


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Robbies a dead virgin. Btfo robbiecuck
>Canonically Dipper's slampig

>deleted his post because he can’t speak english
So this is the power of low iq dipcucks…no wonder Wendy and Pacifica want a smarter cooler guy like Robbie
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>he says, posting out of character fanart
Dipper apologises to Pacifica for not being good enough for her while Robbie cucks him. That’s who he really is
new schizo?
>and then Dipper wakes up all alone in california, remembering Pacifica’s onlyfans pic with Robbie from yesterday night
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Tranny janny's new discors girlfriend(male)
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Simply irresistible
Hes a good boy. Like Clark Kent but more awkward
Wish we got more scenes of these three together solving mystery incidents and helping each other out.
I love their "obvious" respect for each other.
Dipper should have had more adventures with non-Mabel characters like Wendy, Pacifica, Soos & Ford towards the end to further strengthen his desire to stay in GF and Mabel’s paranoia about being left alone. Would have made her desperation that lead to Weirdmigeddon more believable.
Instead she has 1 bad day and brings about the apocalypse.
Mabel’s just completely irredeemable.
A lot of cool things from the show sadly seem like they'd come up just when its about to end
He already has a good reason to stay. In Gravity Falls he’s a paranormal investigator with friends, and he has none of that in Piedmont. Who’d want to go back to being a nobody with no purpose and no friends?
Holy fuck, why the jannies dont kill this anon?
I just want a cute dipcifica thread but this cuckbrain keep going and going and going and going
Discord girlfriend(male)
Go back to your containment shithole AI faggot.

Captcha is 20STDS, which I hope you get
Yeah probably!
We at least have fanfiction to fill the void. Anyone know good ones?
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yeah like 6-7 good stuff, nobody ever delivered
should be a permabannable offense pretending to be a drawfag
This thread went to the shitter now?
Can we make another thread?
It going back to normal, BTW why you like this ship?
NTA, but, honestly? Northwest Mansion Mystery really did a miracle in changing the way one saw Pacifica as a character. The change also didn't come straight from that episode alone, the seeds for us viewers were laid in "The Golf War". Another episode that Matt "The Amphibian" Braly directed.

Afterwards, I started seeing Pacifica as a more tragic character that needed to be rescued, and I liked the idea of Dipper being the one to do it. Then others started shipping her with Dipper and, more or less, I boarded the ship.
at least you got 20 STDs
Very beautiful
He's secretly more Mabel-y than I thought
Any drawfags out there? For realsies?
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Blame Hypergamy for women getting dry by all that and wet for football players. It's not our fault. Nerds make the world go round. Reality does not exist to facilitate women's gina tingles induced by displays of physical strength, violence, domination, or resource provisioning. You legalize brothels and watch how fast their pussy power evaporates.
You do realize this is a 12-13 year old so why are you so hard on him. The fact he's faced monsters stronger than him and came out on top3 plus out smarted a god in his own dream scape means he's more man than most real life men.
He still got more based than you and robbie end the end of the series. He definitely got laid when he grew up by all those girls. Robbies in jail or dead and Stanley probably dead from joining his crazy ass monster hunter brother dying miserable
It wasn't a deliberate decision
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>girls flock to him for moral guidance and strength
Why didn't they back then though?
He didn’t fight monsters & demons back then.
They are probably lurking.
>>145568466 We are.
Lurking and waiting for a request only to completely ignore it because we aren't 100% on board with it or it's too hard
This. I'd ask for a request but someone wants Mabel every time and it's just not gonna happen.
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Stanley Mobile
Not to worry, some of his Pacifica art is EXTREME DONK stuff.
Pregnant harem.
RIP. That one with Pacifica extremely pregnant, view from below - hard as diamonds, every time.
He's definitely gonna get pacifica REALLY pregnant.
Good man, good man.
Wholesome pics like this I like. Don't care for the coom stuff.
How about something simple like Pageant Pacifica
Maybe Mabel has a crush on a pair of cute twin boys. She chooses one, Dipper goes with the other

He's the only boy his age in Gravity Falls (from what we see)
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you will never know love if you think about others like this
Damn priscillas baby prescotts maybe
self-insertroons really do write shit like this and see nothing wrong with it
What do you want drawn?
Mabel would always be nearby.
Really need more bondage fics
Pac doms of course
no, you're supposed to develop an iota of self-awareness and realize that maybe, just maybe, you were bullied for a good reason, you subhuman freak
He would not complain, he wants Dipper to inherit her riches
>stan taking issue with Dipper being creepy when it could result marrying into wealth
He’s done a lot worse for a lot less.
>so i can "contribute to society" or whatever?
Considering that our civilization is decaying, that would be nice.

>its my choice if i wish to forgo it, is it not?
Well no. It's not optional. Anon was being metaphorical.
Did anons manage to archive all the art he made for /co/ and /aco/ to the booru?
I have no idea. I've only ever seen it second- or third-hand, like on rule34. The site's unusable without AdBlock now, but at least the RSS feeds work.
Which site?
Paheal, but I sincerely don't recommend it now. It serves pop-under ads, sneaky tabs, a million ads per page. You need AdBlock Plus with great rules at a minimum.
Some of his stuff on the booru. If any anons have his work feel free to upload them.
A fuckton of shit just got purged off of it. Wouldn't call it a reliable spot anymore.
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Very nice.
How about Pacifica and Dipper kicking a Bill Cipher piñata
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Likely scenario
What was it? Can someone upload it to the booru or catbox please
Just Pacifica in some dress
source? Looks beautiful
>He was a boy
>She was a girl
>Can you make it anymore obvious?
because theyre cute and wanting to see 2 young people be together is hardwired into us biologically, contrary to faggotry
Oh this one is ooooold
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No idea why it got deleted, it's not even nsfw.
Maybe I shoud've marked it as spoiler(?
Dipper never had to bounce off an equal up until that episode.
It took off because Dipper is himself. It’s the one girl he can stand up for himself and the one he isn’t faking who he is or being weird about it. He can have some confident because he isn’t intimidated. They are very equal characters and they bring out better attributes to each other when together. She doesn’t need to be a snarky birch and he doesn’t have to pretend he isn’t a complete nerd
It’s not really about fucking the rich blonde as much as Dipper can be Dipper and Pac can be Pac with each other.
Besides Pacifica Dipper could have worked with Emma Sue if he didn't mess up.
What pussy were you pulling at 12?
Your mom’s.
What are they names anons?
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Snoopy and prickly pete

Or probably something close but stupid like mertel and digby and their straight laced pop pop stewart
>Paheal got purged
The fuck happened?
Anons i have an idea...
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It's a perfect storm of all the tropes basically working together in conjunction with the already solid baseline writing the show provides.There's the whole nerd/queen bee appeal, the enemies to friends/lovers appeal, all of that jazz. Those are established dynamics with a lot of appeal right.
But there's also the fact that as people have already mentioned, the progression of Dipper actually being paired up with the one girl he didn't actually care enough to put up an act for actually works in favour of his arc after Wendy turned him down. Then there's the development on Pacifica herself, but that's nothing that hasn't been explicitly stated in the Northwest Mansion episode.

One thing that I feel people scarcely mention though is how similar the two actually are. Dipper has a bit of an ego himself, though not to the same level of Pacifica, and doesn't outwardly antagonize people with it, we do see that Dipper does constantly think that he's smarter and more capable than most people, due to having access to the journals. He's also pretty fucking vindictive, to the point of going after her just to shit on her parade with the whole town founder thing, even after Mabel forgives her. So it's not completely an oil and water thing with them there.

Picrel. Didn't get completely purged, but a lot of material that were there are now gone. Someone probably got careless, or some fucking idiot posted links of the place in places he shouldn't
I like Dipper with Emma Sue much better than Pacifica, I hate what they did to the latter
Read the file name.
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today my mystery loving boyfriend of the eternal youthful summer and i will be going to the fairgrounds. i can't wait to see what fun our town has in store, & plan to munch down fried down & sip on some ice cold lemonade while dipper wins me a big plushie at the carney games! ^_^
His theme song wasn't that bad

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