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Look how James Gunn massacred our Guy.
This movie is going to be so bad
He looks like a dick. Which is how he's supposed to look, which is how he's always looked.
this still a superman movie?
Explain what's wrong with it
I get the feeling James gunn doesn't get the nuance in JLI Guy and just wanted him cause "lol funny toxic male idiot"
He's there for Nathan Fillion to chew scenery like some aging nerd's favorite Whedon shit. Was he in Doctor horrible or something?
Gunn is going to shit on every other character just to uplift Superman
There's one or two anons here that work overtime to shit on all things Gunn.
And sound unhinged doing so
>"lol funny toxic male idiot"
That's literally the extent of Guy Gardner's character and why we love him so much.
Fillion is way too old now.
Snyder lost
At least he has an actual suit and not some glowing abomination like Ryan Reynolds had.
Who cares?
He's an alternate universe Guy Gardner anyway, it's not like they're going to put him in every other DCU project or give him a solo movie or TV show. Hal and Kyle will be the main DCU Green Lanterns, if the leaks are true.
No, he has a heart to him, he’s not just an oaf
And Fillion, famously an awful actor, couldn't pull that off right?
He turned Adam Warlock into a joke, i don't know what people expected.
>Gunn wins
and now it's our turn to lose.
Maybe Ice will be a sexy MILF
This. Imagine turning Guy Fucking Gardner into a joke. A character with possibly the most gravitas in the DC Universe save for Princess Diana.
He’s a Whedon actor who never really broke out, not really impressive
>Princess Diana
Right, right.
>Imagine turning Guy Fucking Gardner into a joke.
Imagine thinking anyone ever treated Guy as something other than a joke. So this fella who routinely takes throwaway joke characters and gives them some nuance and personality, takes on the running gag that is Guy Gardner.
Surely this can only end in disaster.
I'm interested because Superman IP doesn't seem to be the type that would mesh with the kind of humor Gunn has.
he's right though
His face looks like he's wearing mask. The costume is okay but the style is too similar to Mr Terrific's
That's just standard Guy character progression
It takes a bunch of comics to get any deep from Guy Gardner, you want them to speedrun it on a movie just because of your feelings?
So to the people pretending a goofy-looking joke character can't be turned into a nuanced, relatable one, you should go watch Super.
>Green Lantern
>is white
So you never actually read JLI
That costume sucks ass…it looks like a cheap motorcycle outfit.
I did, you keep namedropping it hoping that there is something in there that validates your point, but there isn't. He was the comedy relief of that fucking book.
The movie where the message is to be a proud cuck?
Both costumes, as well as those of all the characters, are horrible. They are both baggy the best style for both of them would be like a second skin. but the designer is the same as X-Men 2000, do you understand how James Gunn only picks on the worst?
Nathan Fillion is at least twice as old as Guy should be. and that belly, I think James Gunn doesn't know that this is a men's land and doesn't belong to the fag category he's used to. This movie has already lost any relevance with all these images and the terrible female skeleton casting.
Like James Gunn?
If that's all you got from that movie, you're too stupid to be debated with.
>this is a men's land
Good morning, Sar.

That nothing. He wrote in the nova corps in GotG and completely wrote out the nova force.

Guy is going to be running around with just a baton and green lantern energy is only going to be a slightly glowing badge on his shirt.
Guy has always been a punching bag and don’t act like any of you ever gave a rats ass about Kendra or Metamorpho.
Gunn is a s.o.y auteur like Taika Waiti and the John Wick guy who isn’t Chad Stahelski. They have a “unique” style that’s been co-opted by everyone until it’s become the norm and now no movies have any gravitas
After 40 years of shitting on Superman to uplift everyone else oh well
he was, but context matters
the one day he filled in for hal jordan his power battery exploded in a trap meant for hal, he was sent to the phantom zone and tortured by zod and sinestro for years, meanwhile hal nearly married his girlfriend
the bravado and abrasive personality is his defense mechanism, he has a soft heart which is why his childlike personality comes out after getting ko'd by batman (also for the humour), and he genuinely does care about ice and his JLI teammates, and kyle rayner.
Johns changed his personality a bit and gave him more leadership attributes
Why does his ass deflate in the left panel but in the right one, his ass is normal?
>Hal and Kyle will be the main DCU Green Lanterns, if the leaks are true.
What? What about John?
>don’t act like any of you ever gave a rats ass about Kendra or Metamorpho
I could've if the director wasn't so set on shitting on every obscure character for a laugh.
This movie isn’t about Guy anon, and these moments that show his good side are few and far between or usually relegated to GLC books.

Ok so you’re just shitposting, got it.
The idea is Guy, Hawkgirl, & Terrific are working for Maxwell Lord. These are corporate uniform costumes. I get the idea. I think it's stupid regardless. Moreso the problem is he's too old to play Guy long term. So they're gonna end up having to replace him with John or Kyle down the road.
I love Power Rangers: Time Force.
>I could've if the director wasn't so set on shitting on every obscure character for a laugh.
Gunn has done more for obscure characters than basically anyone else in the industry.
>inb4 he turned them into jokes though
People actually connected to characters like Groot and Peacemaker, so no.
What boomer rock is Gunn gonna breakout for this one?
King Crimson?
>but the style is too similar to Mr Terrific's
That’s the point. They’re a sponsored team under Lord.
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fuck you tourist
>Actor has been the main character and several TV shows for decades at this point
>Never broke out

He looks like an idiot, perfect for Guy
Why is Gunn remaking Mystery Men?
Nathan Fillion really aged like spoiled milk.
Dumbass. Literally everything said is facts. Doesn’t matter if you personally hated those interpretations, virtually nobody cared about Groot or Peacemaker before their movie debuts.
gunn is inept at making serious films
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Look how James Gunn massacred Eve Teschmacher

Genuinely curious what his deal is. We have a team of people who dress like Mr Terrific? And the logo looks like JL? Hawkgirl implied this was costume v1 so I imagine that something changes by the end
And they still don't care, they care about Gunn's versions.

They're literally casting them right now. It's like thinking Tim Drake is the real Robin because he's on Young Justice, they farm out the lesser characters for teams.
Um, one punch?
I don't care what some casuals like.
>. It's like thinking Tim Drake is the real Robin because he's on Young Justice,
bizarre comparison, when Tim was on YJ he WAS the real Robin.
Hell even in Bendis' YJ, it was when they were considering writing off Damian.
Let's raise our hands and make a giant Genki Dama to save Wonder Woman and all DC girls from the hands of that bastard James sonofabitch Gunn
its like the time Spider-man joined the F4 and got that white costume that matched their white costumes. its still ugly regardless, but it makes sense.
that wig is pretty bad
Green Lantern 2011 CGI costume looked better
If this was 20 years ago when
Fillion filmed Firefly id be all for him playing Hal. Hes too old now, especially to commit to a franchise contract. Also these costumes look way to close to Guardians of the Galaxy, nobody gave a shit about guardians back then but this costume does not suit Guy at all or any green lantern.
They're casting them for the Lanterns SHOW that's UNRELATED to the Gunn movie universe.
Why can't they just make a nice simple superman movie?

No? That was the Berlanti show and we got a bunch of castings that are no longer. This is in the Superman-verse

I was referring to Bendis and no Damian never went anywhere, we saw how Tims popularity (with his real fans) cratered when they made him a homosexual (and not with Connor specifically)
Yes. There's no casting for more Lanterns in the Gunnverse right now. Check your information again.
I mean he's a green lantern. He's one of six humans they deemed had a atrong enough will to police the galaxy. You may as well complain that John Stewart fits in more with the black community than anyone else
You can actually go stream Superman (1978) right now, or its sequel. Me, i'm excited so see some lesser known/adapted characters inhabiting a lived-in world of heros and super science.
Because that is how butts work, anon...
People always have better-looking butts when they're stepping forward or flexing.
Modern DC demands that the audience know about Batman, Superman, and their amazing friends before they get their own solo projects.
Something about that suit is odd
So Gunn is a Superman fan on /co/
>Verification not required.
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Well hopefully his character will be intact.
I really have mixed feelings about Fillion as Guy Gardner like I think he’ll have fun playing guy and it’ll be fun to watch him be guy but he’s incredibly miscast and should have just been cast as Hal as he’s a perfect Hal
Oh right, I forgot that rape when it's a woman doing it is hilarious!
David Bowie's Starman was playing on set for the scene where Superman is meeting with school kids.
Ugh, This movie is gonna give everybody Diabetus.
Fillion is like over 50yo. lmao
What the hell is DC doing?
>Mr. Terrific has a 10/10 outfit, right down to the FAIRWAY sleeves
>rest of the JLI has generic outfits that just look vaguely similar to his
I mean I KNOW it's supposed to be intentional due to the plot but it's still annoying.
>I get the feeling James gunn doesn't get the nuance in JLI Guy and just wanted him cause "lol funny toxic male idiot"

That IS JLI Guy. He’s only nuanced outside of JLI.
The person you’re responding to? Unless you admit you’re just a schizo talking to yourself.
guy is an asshole
Didn't stop him from casting Michael Rooker as Yondu.
Will put 70 filters over it like any DC movie.
>baggy costumes on set

Your first BTS pictures new fag? How can you be so confidently retarded?
>I mean I KNOW it's supposed to be intentional due to the plot but it's still annoying.
You're only annoyed because you're mentally retarded, dawg.

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