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what shows got less interesting as more lore was added?
earth itself, give me one bit of historical lore that is even remotely epic or interesting
hard mode, not america
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>what shows got less interesting as more lore was added?
Legitimately jelly bean rape was its high point
No rape, no soul
OP specified which shows got less interesting, not more so.
A planet with so much water, I'm surprised they call it dirt.
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literally when is this shit going to end.
Fuck off tumblredditwitter
When Oda fucking dies.
Anon what the fuck is the "ice wall"
Here's a question: where does "mythology" end and "history" begin?
It's what flat-earthers call Antarctica.
The Mahabharata
Rick and Morty lore is literally everything you trend-following normalfags claim to want in the show before it "fell off". They're adventures that involve stakes, sincerity, original sci-fi shenanigans as opposed to shallow parodies, and an attention to detail regarding the show's history what with Cronenberg World, the Citadel, the Jerryboree, etc. Practically every lore episode besides the rushed and mid season 4 finale have been consistent bangers.
The increased focus on being sincere, even if they still make jokes, has been a good thing. Undercutting everything with a joke and acting like nothing matters, ever, got tired very quickly.
Ah, the Dragon Ball way.
It's one thing when other characters act like they're bored with things that look interesting to us but it's fine when Rick did the same considering that it was meant as nothing more than him putting on an edgy facade to avoid the pain of being sincere and then getting treated like a sucker when it blew up in his face.

And I may have missed the point a little considering that even if you concede that lore episodes are great, they still had disastrous consequences on the 80% of the show that is made up of episodic comedies but even then, the lore had positive reverberations like Rick being nicer in addition giving him a greatly needed nerfing and Jerry being treated better along with his marriage improving,
Adventure time.
it seems the map designers didn't really consider the scale of the continents they created
even if there's a bit of stretching they straight up call some of these places "city" or "kingdom"
French revolution beheadings were pretty metal
The horse show
Being utterly fair, the origin of all that is pseudohistory where it's kind of a thing of "Well the only thing we think we know about that place is this one city/kingdom" kind of like Atlantis, which originally just referred to one city-state, not a continent.
Hopefully soon. It joined the rest of its generation of anime giants in having a retarded asspull escalation ending already but like with Naruto we're going to be stuck with the totally not a retcon final glowy super form for at least a couple more arcs because Oda has just now introduced us to the definitely always intended shadowy big bad who opposes the child of prophecy that is Luffy and we need to build that guy up a bit and then probably do one big giant war arc to finish him off ala Yhwach or the #TheRealMadaraUchiha/Black_Zetsus_Matter/Bunnymilf@OF.com clusterfuck.

The brightside is that Oda has completely removed any need to worry about writing himself into any further corners because aside from one more Ancient Weapon in his backpocket as a total mystery, he just gave Luffy the power of literally Toon Force so he's basically impossible to beat now.
>if you just check the all boxes then product will be good
You must have unironic autism to believe this.
fair enough
but i think it shows a bit of creative failure that they end up adding more continents and then calling them islands
the first map sparks the imagination because its such a strange concept with all this weird stuff
the last map shortens the scale by over explaining and what they do explain shrinks the continents
Chikin Nuggit
Well the thing is it's a farther end version of Flat Earth retardation, not actually meant to be a cool world building project. But it would 100% be better as the lore and setting for a retro-scifi conspiracy comic/show/game about how shit like Ether theory, the Hollow Earth, and all kinds of outdated science and crazy schizo theories are real.
It's all so tiring
Its so funny that OP fans rightfully clowned Naruto's final arc and ending and now they are stuck trying to defend their manga doing the same fucking thing. At least Naruto dropped all pretense that anybody in the series but Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi and a couple more characters was of any importance pretty early in its runtime. OP is still trying to pretend that Usopp, Chopper, Franky and Brook are totally main characers and not gags who peaked in their introduction and have been going on for way too long.
All of them
i think this ice wall stuff is just a world building project
as in most people making it don't believe its real
16-17th century Europe going through a fuckload of witchhunts that include stories of families being massacred by "werewolves and demons" like with Peter Stumpp, who was beheaded after his confession to being a Satanist for like several decades, or the unknown animal called the Beast of Gévaudan (possibly a lion or hyena) which some sources say killed over 100 people and injured twice as many more
china split and got back together more often than a lesbian couple
I really liked that one Latvian guy who claimed he was a member of a pack of werewolves who regularly invaded Hell to wage war on witches and the Devil so that they couldn't curse the land with bad harvests and to steal grain and livestock from Hell to bring back to the people.

There was a fucking amazing thread on /a/ where a guy reread the entire manga and made a like 200 page document on everything to determine if it really was foreshadowed or if fags were just coping. Even though it's just chapter by chapter cliffnotes it's fucking wild.
Regular Show
Adventure Time
Infinity Train
Rick and Morty
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Teen Titans
Ben 10: Alien Force up to Omniverse
>Regular Show
I suppose if you consider the Romance arcs to be Lore, then yeah. I also thought the serialized stories of the last 2 seasons (The Dome & In Space) limited a lot of the stories they could tell.
>Infinity Train
Good thing the first seasons is so self-contained that there's no reason to watch anything that comes after it.
WHAT lore?? The burrito chick from the movie? The crossover with The Brak Show where its revealed Frylock built Thundercleese? C'mon man, you can say it got worse as it went on without saying it's because of the nonexistent Lore.
Korra was dogshit, but the original series is fine the whole way through.

The rest I agree with 100%.
The Japanese in general. Speedrunning industrialization and handpicking policies from every western country to prevent themselves from becoming another colony after they were forced to open their country up and holding grudges for decades after getting fucked over for not being a real power. Those mfs are built different.
But more importantly, have the breasts grown larger?
Yeah the ATHF bit was bait honestly. I just wanted to see if anybody noticed kek
Luffy basically enforces cartoon gags and rubberhose physics upon reality just by existing so I imagine if they haven't it's just because the gag hasn't decided to happen yet. He's already shown making people's eyes physically pop out of their head. Not the eye-bulge thing Oda usually does, eyes physically jumping out of their sockets.

For added fun, the strongest implication of all of this is that Luffy has essentially been dead since the moment he ate the fruit and a parasitic Sun God's will has been puppeting his body the entire time because of how Zoan fruit works, comments on them awakening being dangerous, and a surprisingly sizable number of coincidences in dialogue and thought choices by Oda over the years resulting in it kinda seemingly like Luffy just got mindraped by the Model: Nika fruit into starting his whole quest to begin with.
I can’t help but thing that a supposedly “best manga” of all time that is still somehow on the number one spot of best selling is just a shitty book featuring characters who are designed either very ugly, too sexual to the point it becomes absurd, plotless they feel at least good but kinda leave you unfulfilled, and a few characters that are at best just rubbish (looking at chopper and usopp), but yeah seeing Imu just come out of nowhere is unironically creating a Naruto-esque ending. I don’t really care anymore due to Oda having a pedphilic sort of shit going up with him (Bonney and Rebecca, supporting Watsuki) it feels like honestly this and Naruto shouldn’t ever have happened, and it’s all true.

Really this is what would happen if you have a series handled by dipshits with potential at first but just lose it after a while
>200 page document
Could we get a qrd on what was made in it?
Normally I'd say you're being too much of a puritan faggot complaining about non-issues as if they're comparable to real ones, but I'm in a good mood.


Main body is here, guy mainly went chapter by chapter comparing multiple translations looking to see just where shit fits together for basically everything and making a note of anything that he found interesting or that seemed like a plot hole or raised questions/funny/etc.

Fun take aways include it being explicitly canon that Nami would infact whore herself out for money, endless fucking examples of the Nika silhouette from random fucking mooks proving it's legitimately just some kind of default cartoony pose Oda draws without thinking, and an endless stream of god-tier one liners.
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Admiral Yi Sun-sin
>country invaded and army BTFO by Japanese
>one of the few people capable of defending his country, wrecks Japanese navy with superior tactics and strategy
>revives badass turtle ship (see picrel on right) and makes it legendary
>refuses retarded orders from superiors that he knew was based on jap lies, gets arrested and tortured, then nearly executed by king's orders
>demoted to common infantry soldier, but still respected by officers
>retarded superiors appoint retarded successor who loses Yi's hard-earned fleet of 150 ships to jap ambush and only 13 ships remain (none of which were the OP turtle ships)
>king panics and calls Yi back and gives him back his old job
>uses 13 remaining ships in next battle and defeats 133-330 Japanese ships in legendary ambush, all 13 ships survive
>later dies in glorious battle from stray bullet, tells nephew to wear his armor and hide his death until the battle ends
He's legendary, basically a LOGH protagonist.
The thing about the whole Nika debacle is that it will always generate controversy since all the pieces for its inception were all there from the pre ts(except awakening which was a post ts thing): Nika as a concept, Luffy's thirst for freedom, the whole D legacy, joyboy being some sort of mythical figure waaay in the background, the phoneglyphs, the void century, the evil WG, etc. However, a lot of these things were either not really connected or only incredibly vaguely so. So, the asspull of Nika was the whole prophecy/destiny aspect being tied to Luffy and thus putting it to the forefront of the narrative rather than incredibly vague background stuff that didnt seem to matter much in the quest of finding the One Piece.
season 1 to season 2

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