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In retrospect, was he doomed to be a villain?
Oneitis can fuck you up
With his appearance, definitely.
Technically no, but most probably yes. He was always a selfish douche but had he never gotten powers he'd waste his life in pathetic impotence and if he'd gotten the reaction he wanted he might play the Hero for the rest of his life, hell had Megamind not revealed he was Space Dad he might at the very least be a petty crook instead of a villain.
He was an unpleasant person and powers or no powers wasn't going to change that.

At the very least he was probably gonna date-rape some girl at some point.
not to go to bat for the psycho but Roxxane should have told him what they were long before he got super powers. The way it's presented it seems like she was willing to pussy foot around it until he was no longer a pathetic loser
Had he not tryed to force it and played hero she might have actually fallen for Titan after Megamind's plan fell apart.
Maybe I'm remembering it wrong but he wasn't committing crimes before he got powers and mentoring from Megamind. I mean the movie even frames Titan as Megamind's mistake that he must personally resolve, and what really pushes Titan over the edge is when Megamind pointlessly antagonises him because he's having a bad day. I would argue that a big flaw in the movie is that Titan is kinda too psycho to the point where his pre and post power characterisation is basically two different people which is not how that works. If the writers wanted it to be believable Hal would've acted like peak tard rage Titan from the beginning, otherwise the implication is that he's not actually a bad guy at heart and the powers and Megamind's influence somehow broke his brain.
I mean isn't the whole point of Megamind's scheme that it was doomed from the start? The man is a natural villain, or has been all his life to this point. He has no idea how to mentor someone into being a hero, he doesn't know how a hero should think or be motivated. Titan was doomed to turn out bad because Megamind has no idea how to instill actual heroism in him. The fact that he was a bit of a creepy dweeb to begin with only meant he was more susceptible to going bad.
no? he was manipulated by a villain and took all the blame for everything while the actual villain got hailed as a hero
this movie is really fucking mean spirited
Megamind didn't get with Roxanne in the end at least
>He has no idea how to mentor someone into being a hero, he doesn't know how a hero should think or be motivated.
thats actually a more subtle bit of foreshadowing about how megamind is destined to be a hero and tighten is really headed towards evil

megmamind knows all the things a hero does and should do, because he really does want to be a hero
tighten doesnt care in the slightest about what megamind is saying, because he doesnt care at all
Hal would have been a hero if he just learned to take no for an answer
Titan was only ever in it for the perks, same with Meteoman but evil. Megamind was the only true hero.
He’s a shy scumbag but he was always a scumbag. He’s selfish and small, and gaining powers just emboldened him to act how he always wanted to act. You’ve completely missed the point.
>Antz (1998)
>Shrek (2001)
>Madagascar (2005)
>Megamind (2010)
>Mr. Peabody & Sherman (2014)
All the non sequel movies created at Pacific Data Images
Metroman wasn't in it for the perks, and he was a real hero.
Metroman was forced to be hero from his arrival on Earth. He was unhappy and unsatisfied goofing off with his harmless little buddy, but he kept playing the part he was forced into until he found an out.
He knew Megamind could clean up his mess and find his purpose being the city's new hero.
Oh so THEY'RE the ones who made the Mr. Peabody movie with the blonde loli.
those traits were harmless until a villain actually started manipulating him
He's Jonah flipping Hill, of course he's the bad guy
That’s irrelevant. There were and still are HIS traits. Someone who wants to do bad things but hasn’t had the opportunity to do them not a good person

Yes. He was never a good person at heart and only had selfish desires (dating Roxanne).
Notice how once Roxanne rejects him his entire world flipped upside down and he stopped doing the super hero sticht. He specifically stated he only did it to get the girl. Tighten was a hack and the worst person to give powers to.
>tighten was bad therefore megamind should get off scot-free and be hailed as the hero for manipulating him
lmao you're literally admitting it. he was a bad person with a bad personality beforehand.
who are you quoting?
a bad personality doesn't make you a bad person
So what does?
stop generalizing. his bad personality makes him a bad person.
Megamind saved the city from a threat much than his usual antics
Titan burned all his goodwill the second he decided Roxanne was do or die for him
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haha remember when people thought megamind memes translated to newfound appreciation for another shitty dreamworks movie?
megamind saved the city from the consequences of his own actions
he doesn't deserve praise
They missed the point by giving Megamind old friends and introducing other villains
Megamind was supposed to be alone and wanting attention and Metroman was fine to retire because the only villain was just a dork who would never actually hurt anyone
>if the man had any power or influence he would do horrible things
>but because hes too much of a coward to actually put his evil desjres in effect hes a good guy
Kek cowards are funny people. They call weakness virtue
"Hey, you wanna go out?"
"Maybe later, see ya later!"
>somehow this make him an unpleasant person for thinking she might want to go out with him later
>trains a super-hero so he has someone to fight
>turns out the hero is a psychopath
he deserves praise for fixing his mistake
Of course it does. Its why Vegeta wears a pink shirt with Bad Man written on the back. Its for the western audience who have no sense of nuance and only see things in black and white.

The kid wasn't bad, he was just dumb. Megamind gave him powers that enabled him to do super human levels of stupidity. It also didn't help he was one note and Roxanne was the only existing woman in that movie's whole universe.
>working class
>physically unattractive
>socially awkward
Yep, he was always going to be an irredeemable monster.
he was dumb, and bumbling, but also malicious. he was bad.

he was entirely self consumed, single mindedly horny while simultaneously indifferent to the feelings of the women he pestered. he assumed might makes right when he was weak, and sperged out when he was mighty and learned that wasn't the case.
Because nobody told him that "the one" is just romanticism, and frankly being obsessed with one person is just setting yourself for pain the moment they say no.
And that's exactly what happened once Megamind defeated Tighten. Seethe
That's the origin of the word "villain".
yeah and that's why it's a mean spirited movie
>bitter incel with super powers gets what he deserves
womp womp
It's a good movie
The only difference between a bad person and a bad person with power is their ability to inflict suffering on others.
Isn’t that what Batman does every week?
it wasn't just the memes, it was a pretty good deconstruction of superheroes as a whole
the second one is just him fighting some new guys
in his current form, yes
obviously there's nothing wrong with being a geek but you've just got to come to terms with the fact that not everyone wants to be with one, so you can either change yourself or look for someone else. if you try to force something with someone who doesn't like you it's only going to hurt both parties. hal is one of those reddit types who think just being nice will get you with any girl and gets upset when it doesn't work.
He asked someone out while being ugly. That is very unpleasant.
I always assumed the superpowers messed up his brain, and once he lost them he went back to normal.

In the unlikely chance the TV show gets another season, I'd like to see them explore it.
>conveniently ignores his desperate cloying and frequent shallow lying
and you guys say women are dishonest
Metroman wasn’t evil, you can’t even say he isn’t a good person because he sincerely likes Megamind and did his job of saving people and didn’t hurt Megamind for several years before quitting, the worst you can say is that he’s selfish for not wanting to spend his entire life being a superhero.
>urbanites have been demonizing working class rural folks since time immemorial
Why are they like this?
Why did Megamind create the white race?
Another plot to destroy Meccaman
All he needed to do was be a better version of himself. Instead of being hyperfixated with one woman.

Women arent special, they are human beings just like everyone else.
>Women arent special

>they are human beings
Yes, because he's a fictional character who was written to become a villain.
Remember that this is the breed of person defending Tighten in these threads
He did nothing wrong and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
God made evil people ugly so everyone would know they are evil
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Who's my smart boy? you are.
Women are dishonest, and beta males are spiritually women, so...
Yes because he had horrible guidance from Megamind and already had a disposition for being a fucking loser. Even Metroman would have his work cut out for him.

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