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►►Vote: https://forms.gle/NRECn83dDrmsxg5M6
—TIMER: https://itsalmo.st/time-for-quarterfinals-3aep


►Nomination Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JqAx_JUs5ZsPoHcELwZJaMm0AbChcpUZA43UgZDYgJo/edit?gid=0
►Qualifier Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12rbjffcRh6985pDuQEIiF9bjO6uqMmU6eOl4oqKa4og/edit?usp=sharing
►Round 1 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGgk7LwGqjg7mcAcyaGiU28lSj5j_I1_1-NZmClWOpHKfDnA/viewanalytics
►Round 2 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfpb-Sahyp-d2t3VVvVXmKA_6wDsYVkH2OStqlRV6i66-f1Ig/viewanalytics
►Round 3 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfyW60CEIglA6xDiW-v9bUlDhDH09PF9LyuMxsZenZ3wnmwfA/viewanalytics

►Bracket: https://challonge.com/msco2024

►Detailed rules and info
https://pastebin.com/dKkEugw8 (embed)
>No new threads are to be made until this one archives

►Character Judges
Yotsuba & /co/nrad!
Jenny XJ9
Hope Corgi

>Ballsanon !!TSeJH+Shkly
>Coayynon !!HfHRhjBcrKX
>Cumanon !!ZdHQK9oM3JM
>PenisAnon !KoAd713y0Q
>Samaritanon !!LKu0yr+rtFu

►Nominations: >>145410341
►Qualifiers: >>145431393
►Round 1: >>145450994
►Round 2: >>145473384
►Round 3: >>145492195
►Round 4: Current
►Previous: >>145506547
Vote for Pomni
Chel is ugly as shit
for the love of fuck let this one stay up
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God please let this one stay up.
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please please PLEASE for the love of christ can we not shit ourselves for one round
Thank fuck. Hope that Stats wannabe fucks off now.

Went for Nani and Gwen instead, but can respect your choices and reasoning here.

>Incredibles is a great film but that was carried by Bob, not Helen, hot as she might be, and she's too quiet right now
Much as people joke about Bob being silent, if either had to return I'd rather it be him. Enjoy both as characters, but on top of his return having more entertainment potential I could also buy him as a winner. Elastigirl is a pick that makes sense on paper, but in practice I'd rather an old guard take it over here if we did get a more silent pick.
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Vote for Nani!

And I hope this thread stays up!
Finally, a good OP image
The boxing art is good but WAY too much good art has been ignored
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Are we safe now? if so. Vote marceline! embrace the nightosphere!
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OC anchor
100% chance the "good" one was deleted by the anon himself.
So the revolution failed?

Fucking retarded spoiler who made that bait thread lol.
Please post more of her I beg you
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Remember to vote your conscience and to not let trolls or thread drama influence you. Otherwise they win.
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Please don't delete this one it's a legit thread be chill janitors please
For a second there, I thought you idiots had actually gotten the tourneys banned again
......not like this
Remember if you feel upset about the results try fingering your butthole. It feels really good and you'll be relaxed after
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Vote for Peter Pan's fiery fairy!

Here's hoping
>when its obviously a derailment
Kill yourself
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Sure thing anon! hopefully itll be her time next year!
Reposting the slaughter chart once more since the last thread was fake.
Vote Chel
Not sure if he's going to try again or not, but hopefully he fucks off now. Not sure what even pissed them off so much.
>Fake threads getting real threads deleted
Yup. It's good to be back.
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So, a human huh? People may confuse you with that Gwen Stacy girl by the overruse of that name. I like your outfit, even though mine remains unmatched.
Real question, would it be best to permanently retire him as the one-and-only "king of losers"? He got the 47 match, suffered the BBC banwave, and had pretty much the entire finale to himself. Anything further just seems like it would be a downgrade.
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revolution faggots get nailed on a cross and tongue my anus.
This is such a googoogaga jingle keys tier meme and I really hope recapanon ignores you
I tried…
>threads have been so unhinged and schizophrenia riddled that fucking Dale is the voice of reason
Only on Ms. /co/
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Heh. Those jannies. They sure are actin like clowns.... like... clowns... CLOWNS? CLOWNS? CLOWNS?
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Things are a bit of a mess right now. Bjt I've got my hopes for Marceline and Pomni.
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Kill yourself
that's not how the meme works, retard.
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Organizers can you guys PLEASE make your OP's before these threads archive so you at least have the change to post them before the derailers?
Where's barred and bottom, they are the only reason I'm here.
We need complete campooner death
Do not let up Gwenbros
If you haven't voted for Gwenpool yet, do it now because were are NOT safe against Tyr'anhee by any stretch of the imagination but we can still do this.
Are we safe?
wtf why would MDfags say this
You made a Chel falseflag thread and a Kim falseflag thread go fuck yourself.
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We can wait for the thread to archive then make a new thread for the Ms. /co/ 2024 tournament aaaaand it's gone.
Who is the actual worst contestant left, and why?
>everything I dislike is derailment

What was derailment was you fags making a proxy thread to throw everyone off and buy time.
They tried that in the past, Jannies used to delet the new threads while the old were still active.
password is niggers
Boo fucking hoo. You're not ever going to be Stats, and going off the way you handled this you're not even equipped to be on the level of a bitch like NightShiftAnon.
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Enjoy your vacation.
Why do Pomnifags keep spiting out the waifus
Do better you silly boy.
Jesus Christ I'm begging for some actual order here! Also I'm begging for your Pomni vote.
Maiden of /co/ / Ms. /co/ Bottom 128 Tournament Round 4:
Anchor fucking when?
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>not falseflagging, i swear
(You) for trying to derail the thread into arguing
Now that's a slogan with gumption!
>this thread has been pruned or deleted
/aco/ is not a sensible board, that's why Ms. /aco/ should be turned into Ms. /trash/
Seems like it, an actual organizer made it and no fake ones where posted before it.
i'm going to include it now that you've said that
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Well GraphAnon, the best thing to do now is admit defeat, step aside so you don't suffer a Temp or CAPA style embarrassment, and wait in the wings until someday another situation like what happened in R1 this year happens where you can take over when they least suspect.

And you would have won if not for that third party motherfucker counter-couping you. Just don't be stupid with OP images
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The fairy's battles get tougher and tougher.

Up against the queen of darkness, all light will be swallowed by the night... but even now, hope exists.
You just have to believe.

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Vote for your Vampire Queen Marceline for round 4!! let's take her all the way!

Crybaby https://vocaroo.com/1dlVSHpSas1E

Crazy https://vocaroo.com/1dfOrjZGYiIv
Mods rigging it to keep current regime in power for more corruption
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never try again. do yourself a favor and go back to being Anonymous.
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oh shit
Fuck. Off.
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Well. You heard her. Guess everyone's killing themselves.
So turns out this fag that tried to brigade, hijack and get this banned is from /a/
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cyn is so sexy
Who is the actual best contestant left, and why?
Dude quit trying to smear pomnifags, they weren't the ones having the meltdown over the wedding and they sure as shit aren't the ones with the reputation for being assholes. I don't know if you're an angry Chelfag or just a chaos shitter, but try shutting the fuck up for once. Fucksake this is embarassing.
This. All hosts fuck up badly enough that the thread would support an ousting someday. And I don't want /tnt/ to pick another host again. Just wait in the sidelines. The moment will come
>And you would have won if not for that third party motherfucker counter-couping you. Just don't be stupid with OP images

I'm convinced it was a host who pulled that. Good trick I'll admit. Oh well.
...said no one ever
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I knew Statsanon. Statsanon was a hero of mine. Anon, you're no Statsanon.
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The losers from the previous round have been taken care of. Who will be next?
For all indents and purpoises it has, which is when Loona won
Holy kek
your favorite
Nigger in what way is this shit not derailment?
>poorly impersonating an organizer
>poorly made
>most importantly using older round OPs
Kill yourself you braindead shitstirrer.
I don't think Pomni has a chance against Chel but I voted for her.
Kek. Armstrong hated Chel so much that he gave Pomni his nanomachines.
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This might be the toughest match yet, both characters are very popular here.
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fixed version
There are no angry "Chelfags," Chelanon, it's a bunch of blatantly obvious falseflag autism.
Name another contestant would gain from smearing both contestants.
i've been doing my laundry the past ten minutes, what happened?
naggers actually.
dunno if trips are that old but /a/ once again ruins everything
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Pretty shitty show i assume
Well that's 2 to the KD ratio of failed coups, we're officially 2-2 against the establishment and 0-2 against Plus4chan. At least you didn't fuck up as badly as TempAnon.

You deserve full scorn for your picture choices, I get your probably a troll who didn't have a ton of time to get serious, but go find a better one. Bad OP image is like the number 1 killer of this along with bad timing.
Who is the actual contestant left, and why?
Is Ty Lee's foot supposed to look that big?
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Go Pomni!
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canonically she is one hundred percent heterosexual btw
don’t let the woke msm fool you
It's amazing how the opposing competition gaslight people for sympathy by crating this evil force of Chelfags
There's no such thing as chelfags. Just anons that vote for the sexier character.
Somone (with presumably good intentions) made a thread early to prevent derailers/trolls from making threads early
>this specific OP told jannies to delete his thread when an organizer makes a new one
>janny still deletes the real one.
A shiny new donkey to whoever brings me the Traitors head
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The Comic Girls Alliance stands strong. We lost Wonder Woman and Jinx this round due to forced in-fighting, but our other rounds triumphed. Keep voting for a Comic Ms. /co/
Nice. I would have voted for Lucia in main, but I didn't look for her.
revolution faggots demonstrating why a coup is such a shitshow that never ends well for anyone
Tbf the coup in round 1 failed almost entirely because nobody put their money where their mouth was and even tried to make a thread. Which is strange cause the outrage then was waaay more heated than what spawned Graph
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ENAbros where /we/ @t?
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Vote for Bibi!
Please stop encouraging trolls like this
(someone get the Ritchie image we used with Temp)
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As much as it'd be nice to have an /a/ tourney it's hard to feel sorry for the /a/utists for having stuck up janitors when they harbor complete cunts like this.
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Would really like to see Tyr'ahnee V.S. Gwenpool, my dear boxing drawfriend.

I believe that's foreshortening. Or something like that.
pure autism
There are only two possible futures
>ENA vs Pomni finale: Battle of the indie cartoons
>Jessica vs Chel: Battle of old school babes
Which one will come true, that even I cannot see.
>Vote Chel
already did
Password for Barred?
They have one but in /tnt/ so... no one participates.
The finale is obviously going to be ENA vs. Jucika.
It was supposed to reference Kim's funny campaign
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>overthrow the previous host and take his position
>inevitably fuck up as a first time host
nice "plan", you cock gobbler.
/a/ will never have a tournament and I'm happy they never will when they spawned trash like you who hate people having fun
Jokes aside we do need to overthrow the hosts at some point. They oversaw NSA and we know for a fact now NSA was a gigarigger and campaigner.
Anon was drawing with one hand.
I blame Dan Quayle for telling Cum not to get in that thread
I'd kill for a Starfire vs Blackfire ending just for the vibes
So it was the /a/ host...
Okay, now that the thread is (hopefully) secured, we remind you that Quarterfinals is the designated swimsuit round. Reply to this post with a picture of your girl in a swimsuit for us to use in the next form. Fanart obviously allowed, but try to keep it reasonable.

You can also request current pictures in the form to be changed to yours.
You should slap a sold sticker on those drone girls for me so nobody else tries to buy them. I'll come back after the tournament with my pick'em up truck to, well, pick'em up.
There is no Chelfags
There is no Pomnifags
There is no MDfags
There is no easter bunny
And there is no queen of England
It's all falseflags you fool!
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Last dramapost
What is up with retards here wanting to coup the organizers so badly? It's only caused chaos for the past few hours and gives actual derailers the chance to ruin the tournament.
It's a perspective thing
>And there is no queen of England
too soon
GraphAnon used the pic I was going to use for Kim as his OP
Knowing how Ms can be I predict we'll get neither of these and instead get another old school gal vs an indie pick.
it’s probably not even the worst board for a tourney—I can’t even imagine how many shutins would kill themselves during a ms. /vt/
bonus points if the candidates discovered it was happening and started shilling for themselves
Are the bottom and barred gals allowed?
It's going to happen when some anon who follows the steps from the prior thread (the one with Mr. Frog Fight Fight Fighting) at a time when the hosts have fucked up, makes a good OP image, and just...does it. No pre-warning no rallying the troops just fucking does it.

Graph failed because he fucked up the first thread's image and timing and then failed the second time due to another poor image choice PLUS N.O.P.O. This whole thing still showed the Jannies will not go apeshit and kill everything, first thread posted that doesn't have a horrible OP gets it. It's a Beer Hall Putsch and it's shown what to do and what not to do for the next anon.
I only just remembered about Ms /co/ this year.

What have I missed so far? What's the big controversy this time?
Kill yourself nigger.
>b-but da hosts trigger muh autism!!!
Literally no one cares, they are infinitely more preferable than the "revolutionaries" who might end up killing the tournament.
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hey it's okay if she's bi. I like women too lol

A Thousand Years https://vocaroo.com/1h41Hu0IN70C
We're not the ones doing Bottom and Barred, so it depends on what their respective hosts say.
Pomni vs Chel is just a battle of someone who’s pure sex appeal and someone who’s pure cuteness.
I picked the latter. What about you?
You know how there are people out there who are very vocal critics of certain media, but then when they try themselves to make something it ends up even worse than the shit they were criticising? It's sort of like that. Some people just get a big head because it's easy to sit there doing nothing thinking you know all the answers and could do things better than everyone else. But of course, they can't and any attempts to do such a thing always fail.
The plan works, we just got a complete retard to do it
Schizos have breached containment.
They have some weird personal vendetta against the organizers for some reason.
I'm not really sure due to the age difference between the last post and everything after it. using a trip only once and dropping it for 6 YEARS and suddenly bringing it back seems like it was a freak coincidence.
I'm nervous poole boys...but i'll still stand strong
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>Temp is still crying like a bitch because his attempts to get the /tnt/ picked hosts keep failing
Can't happen as at best they'd face each other next round.
>No Ty Lee
Man, this is annoy
that is NOT Jucika
The plan was solid, I blame the utter moron handling it. That's like trying to take over the USA and electing a brain dead old moron to do the job
Drama is mostly out of tournament meta shitflinging. Spitevoters, Old vs new/Silent voters vs campaigners, people wanting to overthrow the current hosts for some reason, etc.
Well, you just missed a bunch of "revolutionaries" trying to coup the tourney and getting a bunch of threads massacred in the process. Also Chelfags getting REAL antsy over a wedding or something.
Honestly you didn't miss too much
>Organizers didn't open qualifier forms for a bit which got people to flip
>Brisby didn't qualify so people flipped
>Weird ENA top seed
>DTVA, Murder Drones all get BTFO early as usual
>Pomni and ENA are the two remaining modern picks, and outside an Adventure Time gal it's all traditional millennial picks left
>Yearly attempted hijacking by a loser
That's really it, not too eventful
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If someone draws OC then replace this with the OC but I found this for Tink
>Pomnifags still trying to twist the wedding to suit their memory
We already traced Graph, he's from /a/, not Temp this time.
This board, bar none, has the most schizos for any blue board, somehow having more than /tv/ and /x/.
Every fucking thread has some lunatic that has developed some weird personal vendetta against a certain show/comic or poster, so they feel the need to start shitting (metaphorically) fucking everywhere when their off their meds. And it's getting worse each passing year.
Took the words right out of my mouth and explained better than I was going to top tier post
Drink piss loyalist bootlicker
>Cyn isn't there tied up with the other girls in Round 1
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Graph's from /a/, but Temp's sorry little ass is in this thread too. >>145513834
>Frieza is a Marcychad
I vote for whoever has the larger breasts. It has not steered me wrong yet.
Although I'll admit the Helen/Jucika round was a difficult one to decide on.
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Don't worry, shes at the back.
back to /a/
you will never have a tournament
I kind of want Blackfire and Starfire to be the final two. That would be kind of neat.
Their pick lost, jealous of the OC or just plain schizo
Kill yourself.
The chance of it working is less than 0% and will most likely kill the tournament.
I rather have a group of slightly retarded organizers over a singular retard with down syndrome that dosen't know what he is doing.
I can take a swing at it if need be. I've had some ideas to get the tourneys running better.
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You're lost without her.
You shouldn't have let her go.
Not happening
Best-case scenario, they meet in quarterfinals
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Starfire anons, you guys ok? One of them used you for an OP, meanwhile my fanart with Shego gets offered up to some wingnut. You good? We all good guys? I don't want this to turn into a shit fest. You're a classic, we're a classic, let's just have fun.
Chel wasn't even facing Pomney at the time, sped.
No one cares loser.
Not with that stupid image
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Yo I was gonna post my own Marcy pic but yours is pretty good too.
I fucking hate I still get who you're talking about, what have you cracker fish waifuers done to my brain
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We've got a long road ahead of us, Chelbro...this might have inspired a writefag idea
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That anon was making computer file name posts last thread, can't be him. Temp's permabanned so he'd have to be phoneposting

Is it supposed to move? It's frozen
Wait, which drawing did you make? The "Thanks for your votes" one or the one where Frankie sits on Shego?
the more the merrier
If I get an idea sure and yeah it's foreshortening
Let me guess; is it more Chel x Loona bullshit
Reminder: You lesser waifus should hurry up and lose so you can try again next year.
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Azula's fire burns on despite the loss. Grey Delisle fans, it's not over yet.

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ENAbro btw
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I leave for ONE HOUR and you guys try to to do a coup attempt? What are you even upset about? The hosts this year actually have nothing to do with the drama for once. That's all on us
Do tell.
Vote for Gwenpool!
It's an salty /a/fag that tried to hijack and get them removed
Just schizo things.
Fun fact: We are currently at over 100 more pieces of OC than we had by this point last year! At the beginning of round 4 in 2023 there were 233 pieces of fanart; at the beginning of round 4 this year there are 343 pieces of fanart.
Kudos to all the drawfags, writefags, and vocaroofags for all the amazing work you've been doing this year!
Are there really any "lesser waifu's" at this point in a meta sense? Everyone's either an old returner or in the case of Pomni a huge current hit.
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It's cool. At least they were too stupid to use it. Could be worse, Chel and Pomni's fans can't be in good shape. I feel bad. May the best girl win Frankie
They nearly killed the threads by waiting five minutes to make a thread. GraphAnon had to save it until he fucked up by referencing that one RP.
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and when it happens again there will be another retard again. Do you see ANYONE posting in this thread with the braincells required to run this shit? At all? Some faggot with zero experience tried running an /a/ tourney, and his bullheaded tard pride ensured that they would stay banned on that board. Then there's temp with ONE-HUNDRED-AND-FUCKING ELEVEN bans that got the boot for life. But the one thing that joins retards together is the idea that they're doing something smart and righteous, and all of the sudden you have droves of gibbering neanderthals that don't know what the FUCK they're doing. If we were dealing with Nightshift "Emails" Anon, maybe I'd be less harsh on you. But the hosts we have so far have been courteous and more importantly LEARN FROM THEIR MISTAKES. There hasn't been a Round 1 results fiasco and they came into the thread to own up for that mistake. You damnable parasites just want nothing but attention and can't grasp how running the circus really is. I'd say you should all kill yourselves, but not even the dead deserve to deal with such faggotry.
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What the fuck you guys. I was planning to save up my energy to argue about Jucika later this round.
In case you haven't noticed there's now a 5-minute wait to start threads
There are other problems facing these tournaments they still haven't fixed
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I don't think she'll make it, but if she does definitely from this scene
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Let them seethe, they can't do anything but cry because their attempts to hijack the tourneys failed and can't risk doing it again without getting ban hammered.
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The Germans and their local collaborators in Montenegro fought against the Yugoslav Partisans. After the Germans withdrew from the Montenegro and evacuated towards Austria, the fascist leader Sekula Drljević attempted to create a government-in-exile in the neighbouring Independent State of Croatia (NDH), which was a German quasi-protectorate. Drljević also created the Montenegrin National Army, a military force set up by him and the Croatian fascist leader Ante Pavelić. However, his government-in-exile, known as the "Montenegrin State Council", was dissolved after the fall of the NDH government.

Montenegro was later taken over by the Yugoslav Partisans of Josip Broz Tito, and became part of Democratic Federal Yugoslavia.
An area of the Italian governorate of Montenegro was occupied by German forces in September 1943, after the Armistice of Cassibile, in which the Kingdom of Italy capitulated and joined the Allies. Italian forces retreated from the governorate, and from neighbouring Albania. German forces occupied Montenegro, along with Albania, and the territory remained under German occupation until Axis forces evacuated in December 1944.[1]

During the occupation the area was administered with Wilhelm Keiper as the general representative. He was initially subordinate to "Military Commander of Albania and Montenegro" Theodor Geib until spring 1944. After this time, Keiper's Montenegrin area command was independent and put directly under Commander-in-Chief in Southeast Europe Alexander Löhr. Ljubomir Vuksanović became head of the National Administrative Council established in October 1943, and officially appointed in November the same year.
>Ever since Coayynon stepped down from hosting /aco/, there is no way to continue it.
I don't wanna make any promises so don't quote me on this but I've always been more interested in the /aco/ tourneys then the average man. Mayhaps sometime
how do you tan fur
>NSA is trying to find her way back to the tourney
You are literally from /a/ and need to fuck off
Really hoping Tink pulls through, she's had a great run both this year and last year
By the way if she wins, will she have been the lowest seeded Elite Eight member ever?
now this is podracing
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>Cyn isn't there tied up with the other girls in Round 1
She broke out. She's in your walls. She's coming. Approaching your location. Let her in.

Not if I have anything to say about it, AND I DO!
You can never go back to the way things were before...
For fucks just take your meds for one day, is that too much to ask, ONE DAY
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Toonforce magic
>TLDR We are so lucky they are so very fucking stupid
Anyone could try hosting at /aco/, but we did everything back then. We removed eastern characters, used stealth threads. Everthing. And threads still got pruned. Coayy was scared it could risk a ban or something worse.
Who fucking cares? It's not impeding the progress of these tournaments unlike the "revolutionaries" who might actually end up killing the tournament if they had their way.
I wouldn't mind actually making that Toonami ruling a thing. It would work out for everyone involved.
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Nice try, dumbass
May I see it?
I don't want slots being taken up by stuff like puppets and kaiju.
I love Frankie but I fucking hate Grey Delisle.
>All these schizophrenic and worthless tripfags coming out of the woodwork at the signs of a potential hijack
Y'know maybe NSA wasn't faking anything during that one time where this exact same thing happened.
You RUINED the bit.
>derailer is just now spamming random autistic shit
Man this is just sad kek.
Didn't Temp's tripcode get leaked by some guy with a manual cracker running all his typo codes together?
We don't want your /a/ ass here
You aren't funny and never will be
/a/ will never host a tournament and you're the reason why
I think your gif is broken
Yeah she's a cunt
Just one time... Please stop trying to ruin the tournament Judypoopdickdinotempradionutsbros JUST ONE TIME.
Don't say his name or that means you're obsessed with him
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Let it be known that we at F4G news have always supported the establishment and our current hosts.
These worthless worms have got no power here, it is I THE ONE AND ONLY ONE GUY who will run and rule these tourneys forever
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Yeah I know. I was just gonna post a Marceline image below the arrow for the funnies.
Chel is taking the role of Armstrong, what an>>145513691
incredible happenning
Why is she wearing ENA's dress?
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I'll be back later. Hopefully the threads calm down. Stop this nonsense
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>the tournament should potentially be killed because there is greyzone /co/ stuff in it and that triggers me into a autistic rage
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I think you mean Judypoopdickdinotempradionutsbros Woolworth Carrington von Schumacher Chanel Astor Livingston Compte de Saint-Exupery Mountbatten Windsor Armani Roosevelt Von Trap Wykeham Hearst Montgomery Rothschild Johnson & Johnson Disney Dolce Gabana Von Walmart II Montgomery de Volkswagen Geico Vanderbilt Lannister van Burean Butterworth How I Met Your Mother Dubble Bubble Louise-Dreyfus Ludwig Morgan Stanley Dumont Lamborghini Forbes Zuckerberg Winthrop Winfrey Remy Martin Fitzwilliam Kennedy Motel 6 Pornhub Fairchild Pritzker Davenport von Apple Monty Python Ellsworth Aston Martin Burns Quimby Scorpio Ziff Spongebob Hilton DuPont Kinkaid Winslow Coors Oviatt Marlboro Pembroke Huffington Bush Mellon Sinclair Mellencamp Starbucks van Dyke III Montgomery Marriott Barrington Chatsworth Big League Chew Chesterfield Kensington Longbottom Bottomtooth Nottingham Burgermeister Meisterburger Tudor Hapsburg Rockefeller Onassis
wrong, it was already me.
As the 125th seed, Tink making Top 8 would make her the new lowest seed E8 ever, beating out Xavier's 115th seed Top 8 placing in 2022... and also Morrigan Aensland's 120th seed Top 8 placing in the same year.
But it's not a seeded bracket so it doesn't count as impressive
Pomni and Chel try to bullshit their way out of getting sacrificed by ravenous Ms. /co/ fans who can't seem to decide who's falseflagging who, so for the sake of fairness, they're killing both of them!
Maybe some kinda fruity heart-to-heart about how the two both want to "escape", Pomni from the Circus and Chel from Dorado. We'll see.
Funny too cause it wouldn't feel oddball at all. Overdue actually.
Not /a/ dummy. I have /co/ waifus too.
Mothra is not a cartoon.
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>ENA in the Elite Eight two runs in a row
I want to believe, it'd be doubly impressive because she doesn't even have the Dream BBQ boost
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...What? What the fuck is happening, who are these people. Are you replying to yourself?
>check desuarchive
Oh... oh you are not a good fella, are ya
>Mothra is not a cartoon.
Yeah but grandfather rule, whaddayagonnado?
>beloved character voiced by a shit person
Tale as old as time
But characters transcend their actors
I want to get rid of that stupid rule. If you want them so bad, vote for a white list.
Where's the barred link
What makes Grey shitty?
Also Mothra doesn't even qualify anymore, almost a shame she always had funny posters when she was around
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she is working on that mr Lolong
Kek you can't help your autism but out yourself for one minute "Graphanon" aka Kaguyanon from /a/
You need to get rid of the show limit. It screws over otherwise popular picks
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Vote for
>Queen Tyr'ahnee

You want to see them in a bikini right?
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5 and you are raped.
I miss round 1
Not really no.
Your not an organizer so your opinion is worthless, piss off faggot.
Not the first time this year either, just ignore it.
I would also like to know because I've never heard anything bad about her before, unlike Tara Strong.
is YOUR girl a gamer, anon?
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I would, not gunna lie.

Thank you based bondageanon.
Don't forget, it's only downhill from here too!
Barred is here

Shut the fuck up you fucking retard are you trying to make people who want retarded grandfather rules out look bad? Propane's never gonna get delisted because of dumbasses like you.
literally worst possible picks
Thank you for having my fetish

we all want to believe
Things an anime site, you're bound to pick up one anime waifu. I'm primarily a /co/ chad though.
Yeah that's another rule I want to get rid of.
That could change.
That one guy was right, round 1 really is peak. Just a bunch of hopeful guys trying to get their votes through the gate. Before statistically half of them become bitter and autistic.
She's exactly like Tara lol.
>Retarded /a/ faggot is also a filthy casual waifufag
>Having multiple waifus
No cares, literally one fucking cares, it's never fucking changing.
>Propane's never gonna get delisted
And that's a good thing
Literally best possible picks.
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Jucika loves Matthew Littlemore!
I'm trying to fight for your side, although technically Propane falls under meme jurisdiction.
Who are all these random namefags fuck off
Would tripfags fuck off, I just want to see people talk about cartoons
>more than one waifu
Propane will probably never qualify again, it barely qualified this year after missing last year, and then it proceeded to job unceremoniously round 1
Propane is out of gas so to say, the meme magic is dead
Kaguyanon bros...
It's just the same character over and over and when one of them gets the crown another one will take it's place which I assume will be Panda
I think you should all vote for Blackfire and Starfire or else you hate Troqs. And I can say that word because they gave me the pass.
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Found this gem
Bejitabro btw
Yes let’s go back to talking about whether Chel or Pomni’s fans are falseflagging. Much better discussion.
It's literally in the image, dude
Here is the barred poll. WHAT'S THE PASSWORD?!
>Jacob Lenard
>Matthew Littlemore
>Doodle Toons
idk what's more embarrassing, the person spamming this in the threads or the fact I know who all three of these people are.
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Do you think Chel will resort to using magic to maker her rear four handspans wide to win the tournament?
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>else you hate Troqs.
I mean, yeah.
A joke is good once, but if anons can't capitalize on it on the same year then they won't have another chance, that's how Fang won all things considered.
Always happy to help
fang won because of fotm and hostrig
>I want to take what /co/ voterbase voted for and discard it for what rules I personally decide
Yeah no one wants you to post ever again lmao
That's hardly a discussion, its obviously Chelfags, Pomnifags are alongside MDfags and those guys never falseflag
It's pomni's fans btw.
aging well
....Ok ya got me there, but the rest need to listen to me!
You're severely autistic, so I think I already know the answer, but I have to ask; have you tried just...applying normally for the position? Instead of trying to hijack an existing tournament, inconveniencing everyone, shitting up the threads, and generally making a fool of yourself? All this 'larp' about being a revolutionary; you made a thread, mostly copying what the existing hosts had already made. And you didn't even bother to do it right!
You can't 'take over' ms. /co/ like this is a fucking coup. It's a public event.
it's poopdick fags. it's always poopdick fags.
Exactly, my point being that if she didn't win then the support would've dwindle the following years.
It's actually Propane fans. They're a fuel for fire, they desire to see the world burn.
Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear green hoodie-jackets.
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>How big was the gyatt, Huemac?
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>having ENA dreams again
Bros... she's calling for me again...
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Hang in there lil jester
This bitch shat everywhere.
>Gay or not gay
But which is which?
Isn't that the BBC guy
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i don't know about you guys, but i love me some pomni
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Nominating Guy Gagne (Turbo)
This, so much this! Why wont anyone listen to us anti-poopdickers?
Why is Cyn so fucking erotic?
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>Azula losing to ENA
Honestly didn't expect that.
I feel retarded. When I put her name before it didn't work
Don't give this faggot ideas.
The fact that we all agree Fang was a FOTM meme pick openly shows how much Chel needs to win this.
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The schizophrenic are rarely intelligent.
It's shame we don't stab metal spikes into their brains anymore, at least that calmed them down a little.
where's recap
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Jester? retseJ
The finals will be Frankie vs Gwenpool
t. Knower
>do not use or repost
so what you're saying is Propane will win when the KotH reboot comes out and is somehow good kek as if
Do we need a recap yet?
The Pomni GETs don't end.
It's Jucika vs. ENA.
As a metaknower you can see it a mile away.
That would legitimately be one of the best and kinoest outcomes.
Why is she balding
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It's true; I've been using my one year off to play Spider-Man 2 for PS5. You can probably guess why~
>Pomni went from GETting dubs to quads
Donkey kong will recap at the end, as always.
Fuck it. If Pomni actually manages to beat Chel I'm just throwing everything behind Pomni to win. Ms. /co/ must learn to live with its rash decisions again.
…for the jobber tournament
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Canon swimsuit btw
don't threaten us with a good time
love this fuckass gif. Horse
>The finals will be Frankie vs Gwenpool
God I hope so
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Does falling in love with a gummy alligator make you a scalie?
Pomni is only happy when she's in a swimsuit.
She isn't. That's her hair part.
That'd be so kino it's unreal
I don't think she will, but if she does make it to E8 I fully intend on riding this clown car to the bitter end
i don't know what the finale will be
t. non-knower
Wtf Pomni is playing Snoot Game?
Unfortunately there's not that much art of Pomni in a swimsuit so this is the best one that I could find.
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link to the bottom tourney?
God it'll be a worse matchup than last year's finale (now that we know it was almost certainly host-rigged)
>Daffy gripping hard
Tyr'ahnee subs
Oh silly Kiryu! Well let's just hope Ichiban can qualify this year. Maybe he can get the schizo buff too.
Why are Pomni and Optimus in specific so good with digits? What's the link?
No it will go down probably the the exact same minus the host rigger reveal months later. A mid campaigner favorites face off. Not many are particularly happy but no one's really bummed and seething either.
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They are hype and kino.
both are suicidal
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All in on Pomni!
color scheme
It's being kino
well for pomni it's because she's stuck in the DIGITal circus
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The 2019 tourney is still my favorite one, the chaos that followed was simply amazing and the only schizo on it (fusefag) was actually funny unlike the ones we have today.
It's not surprising /co/s PPH started tanking after it.
Riggatron will job btw
pomni and optimus is reminding me of jack spicer and gwenpool
Imagine losing a race to a snail. KWAB.
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This but with a picture of James Timothy Possible on the bikini bottom.
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>psychopathic monsters supporting each other
The leader of the Autobots, everyone
>Why is a (computer program) and a (Robot with a superbrain) good with internet coding?
Geeeeeee anon, dunno.
Frankie Foster
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somehow, someway, things will get worse when the kiddy gloves come off in the E8
Sugar Girl
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>it took this long for the frankie fatfags to show up
Did the literal shitposting scare them off or something?
Who's getting muzzle'd?
and the falseflags begin anew
same as it ever was
It's going to be absolute aids, expect a massive flood of falseflags and derailing.
I would have made Fang replace the cow but kek nonetheless
Ren and stimpy should have been qualified for round 1 for mr /co/!
Starscream. Check these
Maybe they should've supported an actual waifu that isn't ugly.
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Damn, Frankie is back to being beach body ready having taking that atomic shit. I envy her bowels.
where does falseflagging both sides for fun lead?
It's time we admit Fang was a poopdick pick.
Half of them were kept in check by Cheesecake Anon and left with her and the other half didn't want to get accused of falseflagellating (that's me). Frankie hasn't really had a free round to mess around with, her whole bracket has been stacked.
Do the falseflagers ever realize there's not a single moment in history they are actually funny?
I always felt that Frankie was overrated and elevated by Zone's porn parody. She is not bad or anything, I like her. But overrated.
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Consider this Frankie
5 and Chel gets muzzled
nobody cares cunt
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Allegedly the onceler guy behind the fatfag meme found Christ and fucked off from this website. I just hope he's finally free. As for myself, I'm not in the mood and the moment has passed a while ago. I'm a better anon that can keep his impulses in check.
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Wooooo, another round down, Starbros! Lots of strong candidates left, so don't lose steam now. Let's get our favorite Tamaranean to the Elite 8!
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5 and Pomni marries Chel's ass.
How is Pomni psychopathic?
>Optimus does what Batman could never and kills his genocidal enemies before they can take more innocent lives
are pomni's tit's REALLY that big?
Wait you mean we aren’t supposed to be doing this because we’re angry?
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>Was the most talked about contestant in 2020
>Was frequently mentioned in 2021
>Wins 2022
>People are ass-blasted about her in 2023
>People are ass-blasted about her in 2024
There anons who say she wasn't that impactful in these tourneys.
Traditional waifus always make better queens. Fang is a just a novelty pick; could have had a real Queen of /co/…
Maybe it's your favorite who's overrated?
Frankie has definitely had the hardest bracket besides the absolute Hell Zone that Tyhranee went through, the only easy match she got was against Ruby Rose which was still a hilariously unbalanced match, you have the textbook definition of a powerhouse versus perhaps the most infamous qualifiers jobber, I'm surprised it wasn't even more of a blowout
But enough about Chel
I think the appeal of Frankie is the relatability factor. She's not a space alien fighting crime or a robot, she has no magical powers, she's not a secret agent; she's just a 20 something wagie that's in a job that kind of aggravates her that she got because of a relative. A lot of anons probably lived that experience.
I'm not horny but I must cum
Pomni's open mouth is right there
But anon, she got the le epic Genndy show!!! We gotta vote for the ugly dog because her show was epic!!!
That tends to happen to shitty winners yeah
>I haven't seen this show in forever, who was James?
>look it up
….You're a real sicko, you know that?
you're ugly, faggot.
fuck no they aren't. it's gaslighting off model fan art in an attempt to curry coomer favor
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I care, and I have a refined palette when it comes to waifufaggotry. But I can't believe I missed the qualifiers this year. Was there anyone shilling for W.I.T.C.H?

Nah, couldn't be.
>You had plenty votes, 2022
>You let other women make a fool of (You)
>Why don't you do right, like some other anons do?
>Get out of here and get me some support too

>You're sittin' down and wonderin' what it's all about
>(You) ain't got no support, they will put you out
>Why don't you do right, like some other anons do?
>Get out of here and get me some OC too

>If you had prepared two years ago
>(You) wouldn't be lurkin' now from board to board
>Why don't you do right, like some other anons do?
>Get out of here and get me some votes too

>I fell for your lies and I took you in
>Now all you got to offer me's a (You)
>Why don't you do right, like some other anons do?
>Get out of here and get me some love too

>Why don't (You) do right, like some other anons do?
>Like some other Anons do...............
Frankie's bracket has been harder. Shego and Starfire are more consistent powerhouses than Johanna, Dominator, or Judy.
rolled my eyes when I looked it up too
he commuted a war crime and killed a pleading man who was defenceless
5 and Pomni marries Jetstream Sam and Battler
They're only war crimes if you lose
enough with the numbers
Zone’s porn animations are overrated, putting aside the rape that a lot of them which I’m not into the dedication to imitating a show’s art style exactly makes the entire thing feel weird when he proceeds to ignore the frame rate count of the source material, all those TT animations that use clips from the show before switching to Zone’s homemade animation always throw me off with how drastic the uptick in frames is.
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And even then Ruby theoretically had the might of an entire alliance behind her and the Lapis factor of being a potential upset, it's just the alliance was busy falling apart and not working together since SusieAnon broke up their cohesion by kicking out Cheesecake

It's falseflagging for some of them, but some of us just want to get our jollies off like the rest of you. Frankie just has a lot of em. It's just you have to be careful and not do it in a tight round and all of Frankie's have been potentially risky. Even Ruby
This ENA vs Jessica match hurts man, they're both in my top 3 for most wanted characters in the top 8 and I love them both very much
Brackets are a cruel mistress
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PRECISELY! He deserves to be executed at once!
fuck it
person below is getting crucified
rolling for gets is a fool's errand. the machinations of the universe will bestow repeating digits on the worthy. they come not a post too late, nor too early.
They hated Jesus, for he spoke the truth.
When the hell did Blackfire get so popular
The fuck, I tried googling "zone newgrounds frankie" to see the animation and the literal only result on google (with safe search off) was the friday night funkin subreddit. I just wanted to watch it because I've never seen it.
Primal wasn't even that good. At least El Dorado remembered as a classic. Who even cares about Primal these days?
>the alliance was busy falling apart and not working together since SusieAnon broke up their cohesion by kicking out Cheesecake
I still wonder what was up with that, was the reasoning that Cheesecake was not worth keeping due to dragging them down and making them look bad by being a literally who and failing to qualify or something? Even if Cheesecake never qualifies at least her drawfag supports the rest of the alliance. Unironically kicking out Cheesecake probably made Susie lose because she only lost by 2 votes
comicfag year
Hurts like shit, this had me like for 4 matches of this round alone. My only solution to this is to flip a coin.
that's not Jesus that's one of the many fuckers that got crucified back then because that was what they did instead of regular executions
>JOBatron sympathizers out of NOWHERE
No worries Frankie anon, it's all in good spirit.
Her anon left last night.
Could have avoided all that had we gone with the real winner
5 and Pomni rapes everyone who tries a get
Earlier I left a post saying that Blackfire has been leveraging her rare chance to qualify while Raven is out, but now I realize i was retarded because DC has no franchise limit so she could've theoretically qualified any year. I guess this was her merry one.

Either way impressive performance
Speaking of, was that fanart with Shego from this year? I haven't added it to the gallery yet because I don't know if it's old OC or not
Fnf and it's consequences has been a disaster for the NG community
Yes enough about the real ms. /co/ 2022
It should be on rule34.
People usually forgot about her in the rush of qualifiers, so this is actually the very first year she successfully made it to bracket.
And on top of that, she's basically Starfire, an already popular character, but evil and goth, on a board where being evil and/or goth makes you very attractive.

Really, the most surprising thing is that she didn't qualify sooner.
Always was. Just needed the right bracket and nomination pic.
>Primal wasn't even that good
First season was, second season was ass
Starfire is a strong competitor and Blackfire is just a sexier Starfire with attitude



Nobody's gives a shit about El Dorado either unless Chel comes up then the coom spam happens
She has the same edgy goth aesthetics niche that Raven fills so Raven being out likely made her a more viable pick since she doesn't have much competition for that role now.
At least it didn’t got to shit in the second half lmao
Bullshit, Its tough to be a god is a top tier song and the two leads are more entertaining
From what I can tell the original Susieanon started the thing that eventually evolved into the alliance back in 2022 when Cheesecake was at her strongest, Tiff joined in 2023 and with Ruby interested and some anons on /tnt/ pushing XJ-6 SusieAnon tried to purge the weak link. Didn't work out since Tiffanon and Cheesecakeanon were good friends and Ruby sided with them.
Personally I think Susieanon was pissed about having to sit out last year to Tiff and was hoping to reap the rewards of being the only R1 survivor and got greedy. (Not the only issue though, Tiff fighting Vexus R1 split off a ton of her supporters and weakened that so she couldn't do much for backup anyway, and XJ-6 didn't even have an anon Susie just chucked her in)
I wish you faggots would stop shittalking a good movie just because you don't like a waifu's fans.
Why hasn't blackfire turned her opponents into slaves to be bought and sold?
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lots of hornyposting this past year
Fangfags really are pretty little bitches
Who do you think should win? I think it should be Chel but I'm cool with anyone winning. Except Gwenpool

Zone really was a big deal though. /co/ used to be filled with his stuff but its calmed down. Now I see anons talk about Frankie outside of zone. Unfortunately, XJ9 never broke free of the zone curse. Now we are a bit more spoiled for choice with Derpixion, Speedo, and Diives , etc. But it used to be if you wanted 2D porn of reasonable quality, you were watching Zone's stuff.

Blackfire is extremely hot, and is loved by /co/ for years. Doesn't surprise me, but I don't think she'll make the finals.
The first season was carried hard by a dumb gimmick
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She's just Starfire but evil, goth, and with a dominating personality
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>Oh, Cheesecake, you couldn't catch me not watching her! Cheesecake this, Cheesecake that, WHERE THE FUCK IS CHEESECAKE FROM
This; I hate the fact that such a meme pick made it this far. Hope she gets blown out.
Is Batman a war criminal if he finally decided to kill the Joker after he was pleading for his life?
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>An animation of mine gets the OP again
First half or like 2/3 of the second season was kino and on par with the first season
The boat arc was whatever but it's really just the ending that was a WTF, because Genndy really sucks ass at endings apparently
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>Lute's still in barred

>Cheesecake anon trying to bring the discussion back on topic in the middle of last night's shit threads
Commendable. I respect him a little more for that.

Depending on how many comic girls move into elite 8 we may be going into Defcon 3 on the comic win alert state
I don't want Propane ever winning, but I dislike them a little less after they were shown to not be behind the ENA tranny falseflags.
I would love for Starfire to finally win the title since she came second in year 1 and has routinely come close. That said, she's got some really strong competition, being up against Nani or Blackfire if she wins this round and either of those two have a good shot at beating her.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if Blackfire beats her out because she's basically Star with attitude
No but seriously, we can't let Fang get the nuclear codes.
I Don’t know why there’s a ton of boxing art but I want to request to anyone that J/aco/lyn or Jenny as one of the announcers for the boxing ring match
Just gotta say, you should vote for Marceline in this round everyone, she's great.

After trying to draw marceline singing karaoke, my ancient surface pro died so I guess that not gonna be happening lol. unlucky, guess I'll just stick to posting covers.

Crushcrushcrush https://vocaroo.com/13igM5QeP3Vf
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Rigging you out this instant.
He was, and I could see why back then, nowadays though he's just another really high quality porn animator, or rather he used to be one, seeing that he's given up on that in favor of pursuing a twitch V-Tuber career. Though with all that said even if I don't care for his porn animations Zone-Tan herself is really hot and fun, I'd be happy to see her get into the 128 bracket.
>a sexier Starfire
Is she really if she doesn't show her belly?
Cheesecake Anon gave the link eventually http://creamybeamy.comicgenesis.com/d/20050727.html (albeit she said this comic from the same author was http://muertitos.comicgenesis.com/d/20040921.html ) and then something about how a different anon storytimes them and that's where she found them.
I couldn't quite follow it all, but I'm sure someone here is bored or psychotic enough to read the whole thing
Adventure Time is the single most damaging piece of animation in the history of the medium also all the characters are cunts
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We already had a sexier Starfire
Jenny was the referee in one of the boxing fanarts
I was there for Tulio and Miguel adventure while everyone else only remembers it fondly for Chel moving around, the butt thing with the armadillo and the implied sucking off Tulio scene. Don't say it isn't.
I agree someone should draw blackfire selling her opponents to slave owners
You're a meme pick. Gwenpool is great and even making Round 4 again has been overdue for a long time fo her.
Get new material.
then J/aco/lyn
not it
I'm in the discord
Fangbro btw not sure if that matters
I'm trans btw.
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You should think Tink instead, because big things come in small packages
I can try to add her in one of the ones I'm working on again.
I don't have strong feelings against her but maybe someone refresh me on my /co/ history. I remember when she was first introduced a little under 10 years ago, /co/ shat on her constantly. If so it's pretty funny that the board loves her so much now. But maybe I'm misremembering.

I hope not, I like Blackfire but Starfire mogs Blackfire hard. /co/ should only take their bad girl fetish so far.
Says you I liked the movie for them too, Tulio and Miguel were kino, it's like they cut out one of the Eds and squeezed enough personality into both for a film's run time to make it work, and boy did it work.
Fangbro btw
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>Captcha: WTFK2
>comics genesis
Wait how old is Cheesecake? I assumed this was some tumblr girl crap
Everything is going according to plan
Gwenpool has likely just had more people actually read her source material instead of seeing her as a cheap cashgrab at a glance, which is a reasonable conclusion if you know nothing about her besides her name and appearance. Her initial full run is just really damn good.
Is it weird that I like Chel but despise those two?
holy shit there are only 2 truly barred picks left. please, /barred/ bros. save this tournament
These new toons are just really good at giving people strange erections.
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Top picks to win
>Tinker Bell
>Jessica Rabbit

I'm cool with them winning
>Queen Tyr'ahnee
>Helen Parr
>Kim Possible

I don't hate them, but ehhhhhhhhh
>Nani Pelekai
>Frankie Foster
>Lola Bunny
Toonami chads, our plan is working like a charm
My big thing will come in her small package
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Extremely weird yes given that they're the main characters of the film she's from, how the fuck do you like a secondary character from a movie when you can't tolerate either of the MCs?
Respectable taste
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I can't stand male character period, especially when they get close to a girl I like.
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even discounting the cheesecake anon being overzealous, an alliance works best when all its members are roughly equal in viability. otherwise it feels like some members are leeching off of others. cheesecake is not just less popular than susie and tiff, she is EXTREMELY obscure and even after multiple years of campaign most people still don't know who she is.
cheesecake anon was also the most gung-ho about the alliance. it's easy for those not in the know to see all this and assume the TQS is some fag attaching an obscure character to other more well-known picks to artificially inflate her popularity. it's all-around a bad look for the alliance.
But kicking her out? After she gave them OC? Couldn't they just talk to her campaigner?
Yeah I'm about the same except Jessica, she falls under the Betty Boop fiasco.
Her comic started in 2005.
>secondary character
Fangbro hands typed this
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Has this ever been done before???
Chel is not a main character retard, she shows up around 15 minutes through the film and a good chunk of her scenes revolve around Tulio and Miguel, she's a secondary character.
>retarded tripfag hates Gwenpool
not surprising, just another reason to vote for Gwenpool
I would bump up Tyr'ahnee and Frankie while knocking down Jucika and ENA to I don't hate them tier.
I really love these
Gwenpool is more than a meme anyone who says otherwise is a faggot
She's a waifu in a waifu contest, that holds more weight than being a "main character".
Well, at least I’m glad that fucking Tinkerbell is finally out of this shit.
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Dubs and Pomni will
Based Captain Hook
Get her ass best by Chel
will what say her iconic phrase?
Drown in chicken grease
well, it's possible...
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With mine you shall become part of my army.
Dude get the fuck over yourself, saying what a character's role is in her source material isn't a bad thing.
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be on TV
I'm imagining what kind of banter Chel would have with the other winners in waifuhalla
>Besties with Jenny, the best winner we've ever had
>Be neutral if still friendly with Betty Boop
>Clown on Mrs. The Monarch for being a pity vote
>Absolutely hate Spinel, Wuya and Fang for being riggers and shits on them every chance she gets
Eat a pinecone
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Reposting the D2 tile for another anon, for when MapAnon returns
Eat ALL the eggs
Betty Boop winning is fake as fuck lol
If dubs you have to write a short fic about Chel getting fat
Taking your dubs and Chel kicks the riggers out of waifuhalla
Nice Emily Prime, but isn't the tile supposed to be 200x200?
You dropped your dubs
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gwenpool for the win
you'll never get dubs
Bringing up men in a waifu contest is tho
If dubs Chel is the only thin one and everyone else who’s won has gotten fat in retirement
i have stolen all the dubs! mwahahahahahaha!
This. Johanna is way more iconic and popular than that no name FOTM.
Um you do Bob
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All your dubs belong to mars!
Looks like you're up, Bob
>Syndrome got the dubs for Mr Incredible
What a nice guy!
Cut it out, Syndrome
Holy fucking based
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Mr. Parr, I got some great news for you!
. . . the Lola that fucks . . .
If dubs Pomni and Chel both shit
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Would you side with a girl that wins the gummy gawks?
She's a winner
You dropped your dubs
you will fuck your wife bob
jucika SUCKS
Frankie bros, they stole our gimmick…
I love retro graphics
Jucika and Helen
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Fuck that; dubs decides who gets to fuck and kiss my wife Trudy!
die by giving too many rimjobs
Sorry Syndrome but Bob is fucking both his wives.
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Frankie Foster
Congrats bob
Steven Universe
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I'm so tired of these IC gimmick shitposters bros.
Still Cheesecake.
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Vote Pomni this election.
Let me guess, FUCKS?
Tl:dr me on this tournament so far
No more dubs, jannies aren't having it
>the guy who finally gets dubs is just confirming it
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I just realized something about this, there's a character that’s a looney tune and a character that looney tunes, funny match.
I don't understand why it matters. Why would anyone care?
Venom and his BSC
Pomnifags cheat
Your waifu LITERALLY tongues my cock btw
>Every single character that Chel has gone up against has gotten AIslop
because Mr Incredible isn't a cuck
No more dubbing, anyone dubs in the 4 posts affter this and they have to read the whole comic Cheesecake is from
how about trips?
Pomni victory for told in multiple gets
like this one
How about dips?
You mean saying that they'll get dubs, or just any post that actually has dubs?
It's a falsefag that chelfags are doing or shitters are doing to ruin the credibility of opponents
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Now that you mention it, that seems very fishy.
Yes and…?
a cheeseburger
>immediately blame the Chelfags
Why do you want them to be your villains so badly?
It's extremely suspicious that it's only chel's opponents
I just want the gay psyops to go away for a single thread, is that too much to ask for?
Oh you'll never actually know
Alice also got AI slop, get over yourselves
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That IS very odd.
>stop noticing!
It's just suspicious it's specifically only chel's opponents and I said it could also just be shitters just trying to cause chaos I'm just pointing out suspects
Would your waifu enjoy JJK?
How do we know it's not Pomnifags doing it to psyop people into going against Chelfags?
>AI art
Dubs decides who buttfucks this guy
She did I didn't know it just means someone is just trying to cause chaos then and not chel fags
Probably, Gojo's one of the most blatant "horny woman bait" characters to come out out of shonen this decade.
happening happening
The amount of autism here is why people are becoming silentfags, F.I.Y.
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So what you're saying is, >>145513554 was right and we shouldn't let shitters change our mind? Because it could be Chelfags, it could be chaos shitters, or it could be people pulling 4d chess against Chel. No way to know, so best not to make decisions based on it.
I don't think any of the pomnifags would besides aren't there people falsefagging as pomnifags and chelfags? it's more likely someone trying to the stir the pot
See, that's what the Chelfags want you to think! The Chelfags are prentending that they, the Chelfags, are being falseflagged by Pomnifags to get more sympathy for Chel!
Here's the slop, and here's the bait.
Then there's the slop, and then there's the bait.
Then there's the blop, and over here's the slait...
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she would probably love JJK and be a huge Gojo fan lol

Decode https://vocaroo.com/1cAJC8fehbyQ
I think Marceline would like Choso more.
The freaks do come out at night
Now you're getting it that being said I already voted before the drama bullshit so I care less
None of the gayops in these threads are ever gonna be a reason for me to vote against a character, but it's still annoying to see people acting like cunts.
Based, that could be our ticket against campooning
Gurren Lagann is the best show of all time and anyone who can't see that deserves pity
>muh campooning boogeyman
Who is this ugly shitter getting spammed now?
I will not reward unironic faggotry
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She'd have a "he's just like me for real" moment when she gets to him in the anime lol, but like the anon before said, Gojo is woman bait lol.
He took the path of the sage
campooners already got BTFO the first two rounds.
Now it's just the strong. As it should be.
I enjoyed the Tinkerbell movies.
If there's any tournament round that ends with these permanently banned, this one has a strong case to be it
Miss /co/ does tend to get a little quirky at night...
ENA and Pomni aren't strong
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Being a widowed hobo who's afraid of using his powers isn't very sage like.
>#1 fucking seed
>giga FOTM hit that passes the auto-spite test
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I'll say
The anti campooner Stacies will see they get eliminated
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Please be me with the fish porn.
It's actually exactly sage like. Read the Tao Te Ching. Gurren Lagann takes heavy inspiration from it.
MD fags are supporting Pomni, that makes her campooner by proxy
Is there a worldwide shortage of anti psychotics today?
Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with the goldfish poster.
I would say bullets.
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So how was your day?
"campooner picks"' are really just supposed to describe lower tier and oddball characters that get hugely boosted by campaigning and thread meta. I wouldn't call anyone still in a campooner. There are some a little more thread and history-boosted than natural (like ENA) but at this point everyone's proved salt.
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>gets mogged by Jessica Rabbit
Nothing personal kid
If you haven't already, make sure you vote for Phalia in the Barred tournament.
fuckin busy at work, then learned my tablet doesn't work anymore. fuck wednesdays lol
ENA's winning it. Jessica Rabbit's always the jobber.
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Honest-to-God Chel fan, here.

I roundly condemn Chelsperg and his views. Chelsperg does not represent the thoughts or feelings of the actual Chel fan base.

I'm in love with Chel, wish to marry her, and have children with her.

Thank you for your time.
the time has come to take it back
to win the game and sort the stack
the bridge the bridge, we've crossed it fast
in close pursuit, the pack the pack
I still think that conceptually Pomni and ENA still represent the fundamentals of a campooner pick
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Who says we're the ones dying?
I had my classes. This tournament was a neat distraction even if chaotic from my usual.
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Spent it keeping a 24/7 eye on Ms /co/, as I always do with every major tournament, and just like last year if this wasn't the tournament I'm interested in the most I would stop to preserve my sanity.
are you fuckers going to acknowledge the damn spam or do you just want to continue arguing?
Pomni is something unqiue in the bracket which is just being a super fucking popular newbie that can even break through zoomer spite. ENA has had such consistent strong runnings at this point she's at most Grievous tier lite campooner-esque.
I have no idea who you're even referring to when you say Chelsperg.
>spam schizoposting
>falseflagging and anti-campaigning
>trickle of OC
>tiny bit of genuine arguments and discussions about the merits of characters
This is all completely typical of these threads around the 4th round, into the 5th and maybe even the semis. Then in the finals things get slightly more heated, then discussion shifts to Mr, and then we all talk about how great of a time we had.
there is nothing new under the sun
Is this the worst ever Ms. /co/ so far?
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Acknowledgment cannot stop it, but ignorance as a strategy does not work when even one of us breaks the mental shell. We must simply tolerate it and continue, the forces necessary to stop it are not at our disposal.
A Pomnifag trying to falseflag
You say that every year.
...Is he gone?
Every year is every year
That's the worst thing you could do.
Still too campooner for my taste. Definitely going with Jessica to keep things safe.
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Just been camping these threads all week, and occasionally swinging by to /a/ for a MHA storytime. I have a headache and need to sleep.
there have been worse moments in other years but this year so far has been the most consistently awful
I'm always by your side
The huh?
My waifu... no you aren't you jobbed in round 1......
It's a fun tournament ruined by 3 retarded faggots. Unironically despite Elon Musk killing Twitter, /co/ isn't full of the cool people there. Darn /pol/ ruined all chances of /co/ having more cool users, they all think we are all /pol/ citizens.
This is a good list to keep an eye out for campooners in next month’s tournament. Just as novelties have no place in a waifu contest, husbandos have no place in a bro contest.
I don't want to jinx it, but I think he's gone. Looks like jannies finally got off their asses and dealt with him.

You can't see it now, but pic related
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what's been so interesting this time through? this is my first one actively caring about.
I'm nominating Gil Nexdor for Mr. /co/ he's the ultimate hot boy. Please follow my campaing.
Same, my girl jobbed hard, still can't her past round 1 lmao
But maybe that's a good thing, to not get involved in this
Yep! Working on a swimsuit one now for hopefully the next round.
I wonder which one of you I am
This word sounds like fucking baby gibberish
Nothing specific about this year, I'm just a massive waifufag and a cartoonfag so I'm the most invested in Ms /co/ out of all the major tournaments.
It's made up by people actually angry at artist drawing for their preferences, of course it'd be babyish
>"underage" characters are banned from being on the wiki
You joke but I'm already working on a list husbando campooner picks that could prove troublesome.
I kinda wish Mr. /co/ was old enough to have been around during peak Oncler-mania. Would have been a sight to see
Anyone who gets angry at "campooners" is just mad nobody wants to draw for their ugly bitch
I'm not joking. I'm a Gil Nexdor-fag. I will campaing for him.
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Onceler would have jobbed, maybe get a decent seed and then get stomped in Round 1 because most Mrfags are men and aren't gay or bi.
My waifu is so hot she doesn't need art
I can only give her digits.
How do you faggots have this much energy to be mad over a fucking waifu popularity contest over the course of several days god damn.
She don't need it, Chel's image has probably been soiled enough by the last round-and-a-half that Pomni will likely steamroll her anyway.
Severe autism.
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Vote for Brown Girl supremacy!
This. We don't do female shit; it's a tournament for men, hence why people are speaking up against campaigning.
You did it anon, you gave her digits
You don't get it, some people WANT to be mad, and that's the main reason they come here. That, and to hopefully make others mad as well.
You have the Emmy's, the Annies, the Oscars, there isn't anything like this for cartoon characters. Plus, is better than having depression.
can someone spoonfeed me the answer to the voting
Just stop, you retard

No tricks, this is.
No normal man cares about the Emmy's, Annies, or Oscars for anything other than gloating.
Sorry ma'am
"Delicious brown" people creep me out
That's probably how MAWS Lois
Do you mean people who use that phrase, or are you talking about the people described that way?
Think about the kind of people that would be participating in a waifu popularity contest for several days here in the first place, anon.
So uh
any idea on who we're voting for Ms. Literal Who? Seems to be a tie between Meg Griffin (in a wig) and the 3rd Scooby Doo chick so far.
thanks fellow naggers
>Bejita BTFO
I looooooove chocolate
But I can't eat it because I'll get
but it's sooooooo goooooood
The brown girl anti campoon squad
N i ggers without the spaces and lowercase n (plz don't ban me mods, its the actual pw).
It's gotta be Pip. The only voters she got were from how ridiculous her name was, she was nominated under a vandalized name and nobody noticed until after she qualified, and she was on the receiving end of the biggest blowout in the tournament thus far.
>Jessica Rabbit
>Queen Tyr'ahnee
>Kim Possible
ok I voted
I'm one of those people and I'm the exact opposite, there is maybe 1 or 2 picks in every single year that would actually piss me off if they did well and they're all joke or spite picks that get voted out early, I'm neutral at worse with everyone else and I tend to like most of the 128, how anyone can muster that much energy to be mad at a passable list of picks is beyond my ability to comprehend.
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>"Hey Queen T! Sorry took so long to respond, but speaking of your outfit it's surprisingly tricky to put together."
>"Kind of have a few notes on it though: how do you move in this? I'm honestly terrified to move an inch out of fear of something slipping."
>"And it's FREEZING! I wasn't a great student but it's supposed to be even colder on Mars, right?!"
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Go to bed, Brian.
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Praise the Lord
Frankie! You will pay for what you did to disrespect Alice!
I am very scared for what may happen if Pomni actually wins, especially since that outcome becomes more and more likely with each round.
>what may happen
/co/ gets what they deserve
>Wonder Woman lost to female Redditpool
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what are you implying anon? im sure everyone here is displaying perfectly normal behavior lol
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now this guy gets it
This; I can't believe her fans are okay with a shitty alliance with a terrible character.
God is a retard
You're not a waifufag, just a casual.
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I'm not scared. I EMBRACE the circus. I SAVOR Caine's adventures
Even we don't deserve Fang 2.0. We need to vote against Pomni to stop this.
We vote against this too. Lady Redditpool shouldn't have gotten this far on memes.
I’ve been waifuing the same girl for over 5 years, nearly 6 now.
He wouldn't ask if he understood how it feels
This poster gave your waifu syphilis
A cool new winner that's actually likable for once since 2018?
Pomni and Gwenpool are fine you overdramatic faggot
Why? What has t'Lord ever done fer me?
I understand what it’s like to get disappointed, I don’t understand what it’s like to get assmad over them losing.
Redditpool is never fine
Pomno will SAVE US
Do you unironically believe Pomni would go down that way?
What's wrong with Dr. Mrs. The Monarch? Was it just the cancellation boost?
It was exactly that; fuck pity picks
Sorry, Pomni I got so excited for circus power I made a typo
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I propose that Pomni and Chel each try on one of these earrings. Surely that'll solve their differences!
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Aight, well. Everyone vote for Marceline! Those of you who just woke up, or those of you who haven't voted yet, vote vote vote for the queen!

Aint it Fun https://vocaroo.com/1ffp95UVsL5Q
The former option
Still smarting over Fionna's loss
I second this
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Is there a chance that Pomni could actually win against Chel?
but Mr K you're Jewish
I feel for you, but marcys still in the race and needs all the support she can get
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Why is she so rude?
no he's crustacean
jucika SUCKS
you're reddit
If a Vocaroo gets made of this scene, complete with the rubber chicken honking
Chel is old news. Pomni's got this.
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the hacker known as reddit? Here?
Phantasma’s pretty popular every spooktober, pretty sure this isnmt the first time she got in either
How strong would they be?
Reminder that Pomni literally can't die
Administering punishment, please hold...
For the Martian fans, my worst Marvin impression.

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Decided to make a doodle for Tinkerbell this time
You did good fiona
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You people are being disgustingly aggresive towards Jucika. Yes, I know her. And never did there live a kinder, more generous woman. She is an overflowing cup, filled with the very cream of human goodness She's always been a sweetheart.... in all the time I've known her, she's never done anything immoral....
oh no
Don't worry, she's got an angle.
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...unless maybe the PRE-SCHOOLER'S BODIES IN HER SHED?
I have only come here to vote and post some bantz every now and then this time around what the fuck is going on?
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mhm. It's true.
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How could she...
Ahaha look at his tiny head ppfft
Lolong will win.
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Of course, it was planned all along...
Just checked. It isn't.
someone stop Handjob Harry
Just checked. It is. She gutted them like fish.
Haven’t been here since the end of round 3. Did I miss anything?
Handjob Harry for Mr. /co/
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And.... He's never done anything........ Illegal....
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You think you know a girl
gwenpool sucks desu
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yes this is the campaign
fifty emails
and your waifu's gay
coomers posting asses
check these digits again
they illustrate
but they can't win the round
retards falling for the falseflag now
seething accusations
schizo marriage
rig the ballot now
ENA should be the one leaning over Jessica. She's 9 feet.
Nice throwback to this >>145516485
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>Not having an angle
How will JuciKEKs ever recover?
well they're both referencing a dragon ball cover
based post-hardcore chad
Yeah but nobody can wrap their head around that.
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And those would be?
who won that? I don't go to /v/
Hmmm, you did it Goku.
How is this thread still up?
When Goku has died
You get really pissed 'cause he owe you dragon balll
So you call Ghöüstbusteir™
"Hey, please, Ghöüstbusteir™
Hey, my goku has died
he owe me dragon balll, extract soul please."
They tell you, "Who the fuck is this?"
You tell them, "Get my goku's draggy balls now, you dumbass!"
make up your minds
It's Reimu, Reimu won.
it was a tie
Tifa stomped
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There are still threads below this one on the bump list.
I'm jealous The Queen of /v/ is superior to Ms. /co/
It's impressive how hard Tifa got stomped that year, was it like 63%?
It's basically the mr. /co/ of /v/.
854 to 535, so 61%
They're jealous cuz they can't animate their nominees beating the other in a funny fashion lol
/v/ has shit taste, how did this literal who beat Tifa?
oof Chun-Li vs. Tifa...
>literal who
Touhou is site culture.
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It was a containment pick, to ban Touhou from ever winning again
Maaaan I miss the Early /v/ 128s.
or maybe I'm just 'tarded 'n spoiled from all the /tnt/ ones idk
Reimu is the one character that kind of behaves like a /v/irgin
Female character*
Just wait until you hear about the year after that one...
JOBdo is somehow even more of a finalist jobber then Johanna
I don't feel comfortable knowing I share this board with /v/irgins....
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The job that changed the course of history
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>stares at you
Jillsissies... What were we doing?
I have no context for this, what's wrong with the Recette win?
She had a shitty campaigner.
What ISN'T wrong with Shitcette Lemonass from Reshitter An Item Slop Tale winning?
She only won because of a degenerate pedo drawfag that doesn't even really care about her in the first place.
Phalia is better than Morton.
And if you want salt, she can give you just as much, if not more, and look good while doing it.
It basically began the entire campooner-majooner meta debate.
Gets for Palm Knee
112th seed literal who from niche oldfag game sneaks through the bracket and takes it all, with help from the campaigning of an unironic and unabashed pedo
Her victory resulted in aftershocks that affected /v/ tourneys for the next several years, including a surge in aggressive campaigning and alliances
/v/ was drunk on the hype of loli elite 8 and when they sobered up they regretted it
That's actually a pretty good argument.
meant for >>145516686
>aggresive campaigning
Furry Elite 8 for Ms. /co/was unironically better despite the "rigging" (which probably isn't even true because fuck NSA).
Capitalism HO!
Aerd aside, people regret how little impact Recettear had compared to other options. It had its place on older /v/, but it’s still a smaller impact than a lot of other games or series. Madotsuki is especially seen better in retrospect. Queen 2021 was a fun spur of the moment, but many feel the results from it were a letdown. Both Midna and Curly Brace being better-received winners afterwards has also hurt Recette in retrospect.
Just too niche and not much to give credit for besides being niche and heavily campaigned.
nah loli's are better tbqh
Funny how several of them weren’t even true or confirmed lolis, like Mado or Marisa.
Talk about Ms. /co/.
Sounds like Fang desu.
If Spinel had won in 2021 instead, people would see her far better in retrospect.

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