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I really thought the whole somewhat-creepy schtick with the Morays was that they had to re-integrate with the Director in order for it to get information about the outside world because it had isolated itself from other avenues of communication.
But she can just call the Director up in the middle of the night with no apparent issue or delay.
who the fuck is Claire saying that trash?
>her-dur no free will
the only people who say that are psychopaths
I don't read this shit, what am I looking at?
A redhead with massive tits under the sheets explaining free will to a booger woman?
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It's basically the paradox of "what is a soul."

If our brains decisions are simply chemicals that we cannot understand are do we truly exist or are we simply justifications made after the fact.

The counter argument is "fuck you I'm here pussy and I can prove it because I'm looking at you and calling you a pussy." I think therefore I am.

Clare is basically saying science can't prove a soul exists but since people act like it does its a moot point. The robot, being a robot, can't accept that because if that's true then there's something about them they don't understand which can't make sense because they can look up their blueprints and see how they're made.

TL;DR Robot asks "do i have a soul" monkey goes "No idea but bananas and sex is great so who cares?"
The entire concept of "free will" is so ill defined it's best not to waste time thinking about it.
There is no facet of potentially interesting worldbuilding that Jeph will not accidentally discard for the purposes of making a joke. Maybe it's something along the lines of the Director absorbing the Morays to get direct sense data and a higher fidelity of data transfer than is available over robot wifi, but he can still talk over robot wifi.

But then why not talk to Yay directly? Questions abound.
Maybe the Director did it for the lulz.
oh he's definitely a shitposter and knew that an overly casual airgapped message of "hey quit your bullshit, you are the smallest fish in the biggest pond" was the single funniest maneuver possible
Besides the point, but it sucks so bad that Claire says, "I'll tell the director I'm very disappointed" and we're to understand that probably literally fucking means something in this strip, since reality bends to her fucking will in all things. Claire goes up to the powerful super computer and shames it and it's gonna go "uwu I'm very sorry"
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Moray go back to sleep in my bed.
Those are her knees, genius
no, you're just a bit behind the times in philosophy/science/ religious concepts of omniscience

tl;dr free will is almost certainly an illusion brought on by the fact that we can't see the future, even the future is, on the macro, pre-determined. if you're the type to believe in an omnipotent, omniscient deity, or at minimum, believe that omniscience is possible, then you -also- don't believe in free will; if the future is already known, then everything anyone ever does is already known, and thus you cannot deviate from what is already known. if you -can- deviate from it, then it is not actually known. this doesn't actually change anything vis a vis typical human relations, don't lose too much sleep over it.
this flies in the face of the old rule. The reason the Director made Morays was the implication it kept itself disconnected from the internet and world. And so whenever it wanted to learn something, it made a Moray, it learned about it and returned.
Thank you for re-stating the comment you replied to. Very productive, very worthwhile.
kek, you fags will defend this trash til your dying breaths.
i don't have a problem with moray being able to relay basic messages. the "original" moray's job was to take a lot more info than could be easily communicated to the director, who is hyperautistic and can only communicate with most others via basic statements.
no defense, it's just... not giant tranny tits there.
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Defend? QC sucks shit, see you all tomorrow.
it's a tranny dipshit, nobody here would ever defend this disaster
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We've been over this free will bit before.
>>145515845 >>145516165 >>145516182
No, let the little bitchboy find out for himself who Claire really is so we can laugh at his stupid ass later on
she was trying to placate an AI's annoying existential crisis by going "I don't know either. I'm not having a crisis about it though, so you shouldn't either. Let me go to sleep"
She didn't say that though she basically said 'fuck if I know' when asked the question directly while half asleep. She didn't walk into a room and say unprompted that free will doesn't exist, debate me.
Isnt the red haired one the ugly tranny?
Look at it. Look at the size of that goobots ass and thighs. Look.
i would love to have a pretty tranny gf like Claire.
I'm going in!
"Does X have free will" is one of those "probably yes/no, but you can't change it either way so there's no point worrying about it," questions.
As far as neuroscience goes, we basically have definitive proof that free will is an illusion - the only reason it's "basically" is because no one wants to be That Guy, but the evidence from multiple experiments of greatly different design is pretty conclusive.
Free will isn't *burp* real Anonymorty, it's all just *fart* chemical reactions.
The proper way to communicate with the Director should be via tentacles, aka "Dream of the Fisherman's Wifi"
I'm just here for the robot tits dude
and you'll be here with us every step of the way too for some reason lol
It would make sense that they could relay simple information through more mundane means, but by absorbing a Moray the director gets every detail, almost as though they had experienced it themselves. The morays are for fucking. They are how the director has sex, and every time they send out a new Moray, it's like experiencing their first time all over again.
Why is everybody fine with the director murdering its children? Do AI not actually have rights in this setting? You'd think at least some of the simpler bots might be upset about about the director making sentient tools and eating them later when it really has no good reason to be doing so.

It's like that sentient assembly line that tried unionizing but even worse. AI rights only matter if it's a human that's trampling them I guess. Yeah the goobot may be fine with it now but when they only have lived a few years on cube Island with no independence or experience of the outside world it calls into question if they're really making an informed decision to be consumed.
'Everybody' is a strange statement here, as I'm not sure it's clear just how many people actually know this is a thing. Given how secretive the Director was shown to be pre-Claire meeting, it's possible even the Cubetown residents largely aren't really aware of what happens.

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