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*saves the MCU*
*is incredibly popular*
*destroys the chuds*
but what if I don't care about Agatha? your ratings and representation became useless.
>*saves the MCU*
Deadpool And Wolverine already did that
>*is incredibly popular*
>*destroys the chuds*
You always say that, but in the end we always end up surviving.
Welcome to the post-truth era of media where journos are justified in saying whatever they need in order to propagate the correct narrative.
I'm tired of irony-riddled zoomers.
We get it, MCU is shit. I've been saying this since 2012.
You don't have to communicate like the most punchable retard on planet Earth.
If you give any consideration to the type of people who call themselves chuds when watching, or even worse making, something, you've already lost the plot.
you still get to enjoy her bare hag ass
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I always planned to watch it anyway, as I fall (if only just) into the intended audience, because I like low-budget spooky media and magic. I'm not a woman, and all the roasties and the faggot are annoying, but Aubrey Plaza will do just fine.
It'll be another flop, like the last fifteen flops. If ACTUAL superheroes couldn't save Disney+, what makes you think Charmed 2 will?
I'm sure this review absolutely objective and completely not paid off.
I am not watching a show about the Fantastic Four's baby sitter.
I had no expectations for this and was greeted by Kathryn's bare ass, good job to the producers
I liked that the town despises Wanda and helps out with Agatha's delusions. Also the nude scene. Don't care for the rest.
It's a MCU series which means there's a high chance that the second half or last few episodes will be terrible.
>One of their big mysteries is "Who is Teen"
only a mystery if you didn't watch the first show and didn't catch the leak where they put his name on the Captions, like with the Acolyte.
Well they'll have the reveal that's Billy is somehow there my guess Darkhold shit Wanda did or something. That or more mind stone things. Whatever it's not a compelling angle.
>the town despises Wanda
based if true

The town hated Wanda in the old show from four years ago, are you retarded?
i didn't scroll past 8000 posts back then about how the black lady forgave her, to have a retard call me retarded
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Finally get a chance to post picrel.
Name one MCU product IGN gave less than 7
>An IGN rating in 2024
Anon, please
I hate what they've done to Wiccan in this. Why's he so campy and effeminite? Why'd they get the goblin boy from Heartstopper?
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It's honestly far better than I was expecting it to be. I was fully ready to shit on it.

I don't either, but the premise is pretty interesting so far, and a look into the darker magical side of the MCU. Even the faggot isn't as insufferable as I was expecting.
>Why's he so campy and effeminite
To be fair that's kind of how he is in the comics post Heisenberg run. The goblin casting is unforgivable though. As is who is rumoured to be Teddy.
>a look into the darker magical side of the MCU
Literally none of this will ever be referenced again and none of it is canon anyways. You don't honestly think they are still doing cohesive worldbuilding and planned out storylines, do you?
>Literally none of this will ever be referenced again and none of it is canon anyways.

This is how tv shows should be written. If they're good they'll just make them canon after like daredevil
You aren't wrong, but it doesn't make it any less intriguing to watch. Like I said, I was fully ready to shit on it - or even just not care enough to do that - but I'm finding myself wanting to see more and especially what they do with Audrey's character. People were speculating she would be Mephisto (like they have other characters before) but it doesn't look like that will be the case. She's clearly a yandere lesbo for Agatha.
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True, everytime I see him now he's just a complete and utter twink. Even Hulkling now is a twink. They never seem to do anything superheroey either its just slice of life husband shit, its like the writers can't think of anything beyond them but "gay" I just miss original Wiccan, I identified a lot with him.

I just can't imagine Heartstopper Goblin pulling off this outfit.
Why is Wiccan wearing mascara? Would we not know he's gay without it or something?
Eh, I feel like rooting for it because I like underdogs. Everyone had that shit written off the moment it was announced. If it's actually decent I'll give it a gander.

But god, the Culture War grifters are going to be insufferable for the next couple of days, when it flops.
>You see this thing that barely has anything to say and ist sterilized to the point of being inoffensive to the largest number of people, is actually a Satanic feminist tract that wants us to mutilate our genitals and breed with goats. Vote Trump!
Episode 1: Pretty good
Episode 2: Slow, borderline filler. Not too bad
>when it flops
I wonder if it will? It really is pretty decent, far better than the other shows except maybe Hawkeye, so if people give it an episode's worth of a chance it might pick up some momentum. I can't really guess though as I haven't been tracking peoples interest.
Wait, was the boyfriend on his phone Hulking?
I haven't watched it so I dunno. But he has a boyfriend already? Doesn't Wiccan start out closeted?
Not in the MCU apparently. But he's also under some form a curse/charm where he can't reveal his name or anything about himself, at least to Agatha, and doesn't seem to realise it so chances are the boyfriend is actually his handler and Wiccan is going to have a very bad day soon when it all comes to light. He's also on the witches road to accomplish something he needs power for; I figure it's getting his brother back and maybe resurrecting Wanda who is allegedly dead.
>They somehow still can't create a Blade movie and are struggling with it
>They manage to make a "that woman from Wandavison based on some old lady who was in less than 10 comics" TV show
But I thought people didn't care what the chuds thought about this stuff. Why do they care about their opinion so much?
>>They manage to make a "that woman from Wandavison based on some old lady who was in less than 10 comics" TV show
To be fair it's taken them like four years and a billion title changes/reshoots. They seem to be really struggling with getting anything out. Daredevil feels like we're never getting it at this point.
Because it's typically feminine feigned disinterest and scorn when they don't get the praise and attention they feel they deserve.
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It was rumoured to be this guy in the run up. Whether it is or not I don't know
True, do normies even care/remember Agatha? The second her song got a bit viral they announcd an entire spin off, wacky when you think about it. "HER SONG WAS CATCHY, QUICK MAKE A TV SHOW 4 YEARS LATER"
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Isn't it meant to be this guy? Which makes me roll my eyes, very unoriginal pairing. However if they're gonna have a heartstopper guy casted I'd rather it be this guy as Teddy than the other guy as Billy as at least he has the same build as Teddy to pull it off. Billy should not be a camp effeminite goblinoid.
Probably not, at least not enough to sell an entire show, it's success will likely depend on how effective the horror elements were at creating interest with the trailers. DP&Wolverine might also have given the MCU a little good will for people to burn on it, maybe.
He's goth.
Quality is irrelevant. Andor flopped
She literally destroyed the wall
>Andor flopped
Any webm requests?
>>Cast as multicolored as a box of Crayolas
>>Only male character is flamboyantly gay

Seems on-message if they want those sweet sweet DEI bucks.
She did save Tigra after the Avengers abandoned her, though.
Beats the shit out of Secret Invasion.
What is it like, being a burned out nihilist?
>incredibly popular
Easy to pirate & none of the MCU shows have had even good viewership numbers. It's literally a vehicle to put Wiccan in the MCU.
She wasn't part of the town. The people that were trapped in there the whole time don't like her.
They greenlit a spinoff because the MCU was unprepared for how popular WandaVision was and, due to their stupidity, they can't use Wanda and make a second season, so the creator of WandaVision did this show with most of the cast of WandaVision, but not Wanda or Vision. (She was also assigned to do "Vision Quest," which will also probably be a WandaVision spinoff with the White Vision and a lady robot based on Wanda, but she pulled out, possibly to develop whatever project Wanda actually returns in.)

Essentially it's the equivalent of something like "Roseanne," where Roseanne Barr was fired from her own show so they retitled it "The Conners" and it somehow ran for years. I genuinely don't know who was asking for that one.
>a billion title changes
I think they're claiming that was marketing now.
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>show is about a coven of witches
>"Why isn't there more penis?"
Acknowledging this post because I'm in love with the game.
Question is if they'll keep him a Skrull or just some magic demon creature. Skrull/Kree shit sucks both in comics/MCU and they can't pull the Kree/Skrull Hybrid stuff with Teddy unless they reveal Carol had a buttbaby with one because Wendy Lawson Mar-Vell's been dead since the 80s which would make Teddy in his 30-40s at best to Billy's Barely Legal to Freshly Black Cherry Popped 13-21 year old Goth Femboy Bussy.
I'm telling you all right now they're going to make JUSTed Skaar into the MCU Hulkling. There's no Mar Vell & the skrull are only maybe sometimes villains from a small sect. Skaar's the only choice left.
They actually ever do YA its going to be funny as shit the ages are all over the place so may as well make Teddy the weird groomer guy who bangs the questioning goth kid.
Dude what if the villain was a charming misunderstood underdog anithero?
>be OP
>nothing to do all day
>no real job
yeah that's why I said bare hag ass
Viewing figures

Shame because it’s the best show by far and actually good in its own right even if it had nothing to do with the Star Wars IP.

Luckily it was never a show they were gonna make five seasons of or whatever. There’s not much time between the story of Andor season 1 and Rogue One where he dies. So the second season being the last feels pretty natural

Also they’ve got the actor for Director Krennic back for season 2 so that’s fun. Assuming Jyn Erso won’t show up though since she had nothing to do with the rebellion until the movie and didn’t meet Andor or any of the rebels except Forrest Whittaker either
>Viewing figures
Which were what?
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I was really hoping they'd get at least a TV movie before Secret Wars, but it's feeling a lot more likely they'll just get a random, nonsensical assembling scene like the girl power scene in Endgame.
That line-up sucks so much kek
Yo word?
>"Haha, I can't believe you're posting on 4chan at this time of day!", said the guy posting on 4chan at this time of day.
There's also Skaar, Patriot, probably a few others I'm blanking on. They keep introducing people.
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>"Yup, this will certainly make people go to the movies, sir"
Everything in She-Hulk was such a mess.
>*saves the MCU*
Deadpool and Wolverine did it
I mean, there's no reason "Hulk's alien son" can't work as a character, they just made him ugly and gave him no character. They could still fix both those things later.
Them and Downey.

It's nice that the MCU has already gotten to the point the comics took 20 or so years to get to, where they survive by trading on nostalgia for their glory years.
Boring show, at least she gets naked though
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>Garbage because nobody cares about these characters
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>we need an Asian goth witch in a show with a bunch of queer characters in it
>let's just make an OC instead of using Marvel's actual queer Asian goth witch
Runaways bros, it's fucking over...
But Carol is not a Kree. Maybe they’ll make it so he’s still Mar-Vell’s kid but was stuck in a time portal or some shit. And since MCU Mar-Vell is female, maybe they’ll genderswap the Skrull princess too as instead a prince
Who’s the girl in bottom left?
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>age gap relationship between Kathryn Hahn and Aubrey Plaza is to prepare people for this relationship in Young Avengers
When did Marvel get so based?
Wait nvm, I just remembered that’s Ant Man’s daughter
By the time this movie or series is made, they’re all not going to be so “young” anymore lol
I'm on break at work.
You wouldn't know about it.
i want to marry aubrey
Not familiar with the character.
What does she look like in comics?
Younger than the dinosaurs in the original Avengers.
I am racist and don't like gay people and thought this show was good. I am a sucker for the occult like shows like this one
I work early mornings, so I'm already clocked out.
So is the old woman from that 70's show an actual witch? I mean they act like she is a random person they pulled but they also said she was an "earth witch" and she was foreshadowed being a gardener.
I thought Agatha only substituted her in for earth witch because she was a just a normal gardener.
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>So is the old woman from that 70's show an actual witch?

Yeah, and I'm a mighty wizard. Abraca-myfootupyourass. Stop reading this in my voice, dumbass.
She used to be fucking ancient. She recently got de-aged in the comics, presumably for MCU synergy, but now her comic book version looks younger than the live action version?
and who was she substituting her for? I assume Aubry Plaza's character since she said she had a black heart?
it wouldn't make sense for her to deage herself to just look 50 years old
I think it's going to be a twist where she thinks she's a normal person, but she has the gift. That explains why she was able to oreak Wanda's spell temporarily in WandaVision episode one.
Well played.
Yeah, 100%. They weren't even subtle about that one. At least "who is the Teen" might be a mystery for people who don't read comics.
who is the teen spoil it
His name is Lee G. Ma.
Is there such a thing as Tumblr sexy women? I would.
His name is Sum Ting Wong.
Whenever that happens I assume someone didn't want to pay royalties to some writer.
Nicholas Scratch fights his mom, right?
Synergy just make her old like the comic
She shouldn't have been the villain to begin with.
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He's almost definitely Wanda's gay teen son, Wiccan, unless they decide to SuBvErT yOuR eXpEcTaTiOnS and make him Agatha's kid or something.
So anything interesting happen?
Wiccan is there. They could have male spellcasters who weren’t hard gay, but they chose not to.
Like who? The Hood? Who has no ties to Wanda whatsoever?
If he is, I think this is one of those situations where race does kind of matter unless they totally revamp the character.
>your duty is to take the young prince into hiding and keep him safe and hidden
>okay, i will make him be a black guy in america
time shenanigans would be fine since those were also inserted into comics canon (the journey to earth involved now also some kind of time shit) to make his origin more reasonable.
Agatha is still in Westview, but thinks she's a cop for some reason, and investigating Wanda's death. The green witch and the teen show up and snap her out of it. She runs around naked for one scene. The green witch is acting like her ex girlfriend, and tries to kill her, and says "my black heart still beats for you", before warning her about The Salem Seven. Teen wants to go to The Witches' Road, and Agatha agrees to take him when she can't hear his name. They need a coven. They recruit an old lady divination witch, a black makeup lady potion witch, an Asian cop lady protection witch, and Agatha doesn't want to recruit the last one (she didn't write a name, but we already know the green witch is the green witch and they're looking for a green witch and it's labeled with a black heart, so it's a non-mystery), so they got Kitty from That 70s Show. They cast the spell to go to The Witches' Road, the Salem Seven show up, and everybody runs through the portal. To be continued.
Or oh please double down on the whole shit like with Quicksilver and he's just some kid from the town.
Yeah, when she snaps out of the spell she runs around naked and screaming for one scene.
no he's very obviously super important, and agatha knows it. the plot doesn't make sense if he's a rando. he doesn't HAVE to be billy, but it's not a ralph situation.
I feel like this is one of those situations like with "Agnes" in the parent show, where anyone who has ever read a comic or even a Wiki summary knows who it is, but they're saving it for a surprise revelation because a lot of viewers will be surprised by it.

It's even more obvious here because MCU Agatha was substantially different from the comic version (at the time anyway) while MCU Billy is less so.
Is Ralph Boner in this? If not, I won't waste my time
Yes. The 'twist', if there is one, will be that he still calls himself Maximoff or something. Or that he's known how this is going to play out the whole time because he's been manipulating Agatha on a higher level to get what he wants from the Road. He says he wants power, but is that actually true? We can't know because we don't know how faithful he is to book version.
Watching episode two of Agatha All Along and seeing Kathryn Hahn's nudity was very disappointing, these actresses are in a superhero genre, her with that flabby ass seems to show that those above her don't know this genre, these actors should be in good physical shape, athlete's legs and athlete's arms, then it flops and they don't understand the least bit what these actors should do, they don't do it, I think Kathryn Hahn thinks she's shooting a sitcom, the script is bad, it doesn't even seem like they're in the Marvel universe and Aubrey Plaza's casting shows how Kevin Feige is mocking the cosmic fans.
>The lead woman is Catholic and not Jewish
Her face threw me for a loop ngl. still not watching tho.
This is more pointless than a Morbius movie.
wtf, MCU.
Just fucking make Wandavision 2 or whatever instead.
this is pretty explicitly a direct sequel to wandavision. it just has a different pov character.
Where image
>He says he wants power, but is that actually true?
Wouldn't be surprised if he actually wants his mom back, and he cast a spell to prevent Agatha from knowing who he is so she'd agree to help him.
They're calling it part two of a trilogy, with Vision being the ending.
They had webms in another thread, but I didn't save them. Try the archive?
agatha probably wouldn't help him get anywhere near the road if she knew he wanted to use it to find or resurrect wanda, so that would work. it would also allow 'power' to be a lie. it does seem kind of backward that in this story he's saying he wants to develop abilities that his og version simply has by default and are much less impressive than his other shit.
I think probably it will be his brother he's trying to get back, at least if he's not already reincarnated.

Apart from not wanting Wanda to overshadow the spinoff, he may not even like Wanda (does anyone in this show?) because she basically tried to kill him (yeah, for goot reasons, so what).
this is Disney's answer to the Netflix problem of cancelling all their shows after season 1
if every show is season one then nothing can get cancelled and they can make a sequel miniseries for stuff that does well while saving face for the stuff that doesn't do well
I don't like it but if the shows are good I'll deal with it.
Moon Knight was pretty open ended.
need to get some lip-readers on that silent backstory scene.
I'm not here for Agatha, I'm here for Aubrey.
I'm expecting every MCU YouTube channel to have one.
Well that show wasn't canon anyway & they're shoving her in the new Spider-man show of all things already.
butt webm ?
Shills out in full fucking force on this garbage.
Not even her ass it was a body double. Perv degens impressed with nudity when you can Google it for free is beyond retarded
>everyone I disagree with is a shill
That's the point, they have to leave them open to either set up something else, or so they can bring the character in for Avengers 10: We Have Run Out of B-listers, so here's a bunch of C-listers and Spider-Man so you'll watch it.
Ok, shill
Typically I would agree with you anon but IGN gave Penguin a 5 when literally everybody else has given it at least an 8. Something fishy.
How wonderful for you. Still not watching it.
The Inhumans
Marvel slop.

I'm waiting for The Penguin, which is prestige HBO kino.
Honestly feels like manufactured hype
They probably don't want to admit they greenlit this show on a whim because a song got popular.
>reddit spacing
Go back fag
lost all credibility there
Haven't seen any word of him. Any chance of him reoccurring has been dropped I feel.
I don't wanna watch that thing.
This is the same website that gave the PPG reboot an 8. This is absolutely paid off.
>contrarian faggots once again fail to realize that blaming a conspiracy makes them look stupider than if they simply said something wasn't good and came up with some vague reason
Then watch it for yourself. Like I will.
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Here's the ass/butt webm for those curious.
>IGN gives Transformers One a 5
>gives this snoozefest an 8
Dude, Ackolyte was like last month, you can't repeat the same script right after it failed.
Bare hag ass?
posted here, coombrain
>Not even her ass it was a body double
double hag ass is still bare hag ass
>Perv degens impressed with nudity when you can Google it for free
just like I did?
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Thanks anon. I hadn't scrolled to the end yet.
2 episodes in and it isn't thaaat bad, I'll wait for more to see what happens.
I hope this show connects to the Fantastic Four like in the comics.
I'm not sure how that would happen if the FF are living in another universe without breaking something.
witches are fun, gonna watch this later.
Imagine being Wanda and your kid is now gay.
Theres a difference between being gay and a fucking turbo faggot
i'm not sure what your point is. comics billy isn't generally a flamer (unless certain writers have their hands on him), but that has nothing to do with whether the tv character is also billy.

Also see >>145535820
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How hard will you cum when Aubrey Plaza turns into this mf in the last episode and starts shouting out shit like Inferno and Dark Thunder before doing an infinite on Kathryn Hahn? If Mephisto is actually in Ironheart as has been rumored makes sense to build up the Hell stuff elsewhere.
She hasn't been "the Fantastic Four's babysitter" in decades you nugget. Her main role in comics since the 70s has been "Scarlet Witch's mentor", though the MCU is doing something else entirely with her.
I hate to disappoint you, son, but Wanda's kid in the actual fucking comics has been gay for over a decade now.
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Nerdrotic is complaining about this.

My guess it's because she's slimmer and hotter than his actual wife.
Did they resurrect Alan Rickman?
I hope so. It would be embarassing for a goblin to come out of Wanda. Yes Wiccan technically isn't directly born from Wanda's womb but still, avoid my precious Wanda from a goblin like that.
Yeah, a show where Matt Reeves change Penguin's name as if Penguin is a zoomer.
that's patti lupone
Nothing wrong with changing Cobblepot to Cobb.
Reeves used Eddie Nashton instead of Edward Nygma.
>Why's he so campy and effeminite?
Because gay men need to be the most obnoxious, gayest stereotypes possible. It's 2024, you fucking homophobe. Get with the times, faggot.
Once again, I find myself asking if there's anyone in the world who actually cares about the MCU's Young Avengers.
I care about Kate, as I genuinely enjoyed Hawkeye and like the actress, but unless she's given the leadership/Cap role - and despite her being younger they seem to be giving Kamala that - she'll only be a small part of the movie.
What's the plot supposed to be for him anyways? Old dusty Mar-Vell fucked on of the Skrulls she was keeping safe, gave birth, and left the kid on Earth?
>Nothing wrong with changing Cobblepot to Cobb.
Why did they change that? honest question
So is he scratch or billy?
for mcu? nobody knows. we don't even know if the guy in billy's phone is him, or if he will exist at all.
the subversion is that he is actually Daimon Hellstrom
She gets naked, skin is kino

The story sucks bad though
kek, is their actual pics of her?
The writers said Cobblepot was not realistic enough for their show.
I would not be surprised if the spinoff to a popular and critically acclaimed show also ends up being popular, despite the years of weird gaslighting attempts intended to convince people that nobody actually liked WandaVision at all just because some hardcore nerds were angry it didn't introduce the X-Men.
>the type of people who call themselves chuds
Nobody calls themselves chuds. People who are too much of a spineless little bitch to use actual hurtful insults call people chuds.

When you point out how pathetic this is, they act like the word is really hurting you and you're begging them to stop.
>doing an infinite on Kathryn Hahn
Hardest I've laughed in a while. Just imagining her getting air juggled.
You know what they say: You can't spell ignorant without IGN.
They're retarded.
I think it could be fun. Kind of a coming of age thing, sort of The Breakfast Club with superpowers.
The time for it was 5 years ago. By the time it happens, all the actors will be pushing 30.
Chuddie gonna cry? Chuddy gonna cry!
>so butthurt about being called a chud that he wrote two paragraphs about it
>>show is about a coven of witches
why is this a thing? mcu did it starwars did it all in the same year.
Well, that's only two. Agatha is a spinoff of one of the more successful MCU shows, and as the collage shows, witches are kind of always "a thing" in pop culture. I don't think this is some kind of revolutionary push.
gonna look that up
Girl power for cat ladies.
>reactions exactly like predicted
I rest my case. You people are delusional.
women love that witch shit especially when someone gets tortured idgi
So who else can be expected to show up? Running through the list of witches from Marvel I could think of, I realized all of them have appeared in something else already or are tied to a character that hasn't appeared yet.
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surely it would be another d+ series rather than a movie.
>still seething
>especially when someone gets tortured
What do you mean?
Maybe they could do one of those special presentations or whatever and give them a straight to streaming movie.
maybe. i just think it has the double issue of a bunch of less significant characters and the source material tending to be kind of episodic. it's hard to imagine a theatrical production.
of course, this is the company that made eternals, so who knows what they have planned.
Literally the only person in this picture that doesn’t repulse me is the mom from That 70’s Show.
I find Agatha pretty hot.
>women repulse me
Right-wingers appropriated 'chud' quite some time ago
And yet Ozwald is?
Women have massive hard ones for torture porn movies, specifically "revenge" thrillers
I really hope kate bishop isn't in this group and instead with the actual avengers. She took on kingpin and yelena and didn't die, that has to count for something.
considering age of ultron takes place in 2015 and the current day mcu is 2026 (with she hulk taking place in either 2024/2025) skaar can't be that old and they can just easily give him a makeover by the time his next appearance rolls around.
heard rumors he shows up later, no appearance yet though during the first 2 episodes.
I wish it wasn't though. I get they left it open ended because they really thought a season 2 would happen but we really should have seen jake way earlier.
I might have watched a show about the Fantastic Four's babysitter. But they can't even deliver in the MCU, can they?

Pretty sure she still did it in the 80s. Against Mephisto, no less.
>They somehow still can't create a Blade movie and are struggling with it
Motherfuckers always trying to ice skate uphill
Witches love dickings.

>Well, that's only two.
>If I got one nickel every time... etc etc
Also, Edora can go fuck herself.
>the Relatively Young Avengers
>they even went through the effort of inverting her clothes' color scheme
Is the K in Harkness silent?
>If Mephisto is actually in Ironheart as has been rumored
Any day now
Just two more weeks
As drawn by McKelvie, is he considered twink? I am not hip with homosexual lingo, but I do not cinsider him a twink in this run.
>ending credits shows a bunch of witches throughout media
>including Lisa Simpson for some reason
>doesn't include one of the most iconic witches
Morbius exists to mog the last dozen MCU movies and shows.
Disney owns Marvel and the Simpsons, but they don't outright own Ghibli, just distribute their movies.
They have to own the rights to the characters used in the credits? They couldn't just hand Ghibli some money to use an image of Kiki in the credits?
They have enough money to do anything if they felt like it.
>They couldn't just hand Ghibli some money to use an image of Kiki in the credits?
It's not Ghibli's IP, and separate from that the film's licensing is unnecessarily complex because they involved an actual delivery company as a trademark law courtesy.
No, the twink stuff only started with modern Marvel where he became less of a character and more of someone they just bring out during Pride to parade around.
That's right, I forgot it was based on a book. I didn't know the film shared rights with an actual delivery company though, that's an interesting bit of trivia.
Even now it seems to be confined to a couple artists and writers who don't seem to have any idea how he works.
>one of the most iconic
Come on, now.

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