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What's next for Venture Bros?
It's dead
Slumber. Please.
i 'unno. a comic maybe? or fully scripted/voice acted audio-only episodes printed on cassette tapes
A LucasArts style adventure game where you alternate between Rusty, Brock and the boys ala Day of the Tentacle.
printed on floppy discs
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That's probably the best actual result all things considered
But you gotta have them die in really dumb ways like the Sierra Quest games.
>A LucasArts style
A pleasant thought but you know you'd get a Telltale style
I unironically want and wanna play a Lego Venture Bros game now
It’s be funny if it was before S3 and every death is canon and a new batch of boys get spit out
probably a kickstarter
Comfortable retirement. At best, maybe a special or a comic book way down the line when people start feeling wispy and nostalgic.

Part of the appeal of this show ending is the closure that came with it, so I'm not sure continuing it in some way is the best idea.
Best case is another made for tv movie.
Worst case is nothing like now
I was pleasantly suprised to find out Duckman had one of these not long after thinking to myself that it was a great show for one. I miss those.
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A round of guest appearances of dark horse comics?
I wouldn't mind if Jackson and Doc wanted to do a lil comic run.
Otherwise probably nothing, they've been at it twenty years, maybe something new.
with their release schedule Netflix is perfect
So did Beavis and Butthead. And Daria, too, iinm
What plot points are left unresolved?
Yeah but they're posting the censored version for just no reason. Zero reason for bleeping shit out in the modern day.
Renewed for seven more seasons. The previous writers, voice actors, and animators have all been fired and replaced with a more appropriately raciosexualdiversifiex team, including the all-star storyboarders you remember from hits like Steven Universe! They'll be making it all in AI-enhanced CGI. I'm sure both new and old fans are going to love it.
Who did Movie Night?
The friend we made along the way.
It was Vendata. It can't possibly be anyone else. Jonas literally called him out for it and he was right fucking there.
A young bud who passed out after nutting to the video of blue morpho and jonas fucking
This is possible
>Sierra Quest
>LucasArts style
>Telltale style
Somehow I hate all three styles since they stagnate the genre after they act like they "perfected the formula" and stop experimenting. What people seem to go for is LucasArts style with some instant death traps. Telltale would be the worst but it would also have the most production value despite Tim Schafer being a retard with the budget.
>Playing Rusty
>In his lab
>Clicking around to see if anything special happens
>He keeps spending 5 minutes explaining each device
>There's not actually anything in there
Play Brock
Equip gun
Brock takes out gun, tosses and then takes out his knife

Does that for all weapons
Except for his secret weapon, the Tattoo gun
>One puzzle is just him trying to find the right tool to kill a bunch of henchman
>There's a whole bunch of obvious choices
>Even a little no.2 pencil
>The right option was to equip a henchman and use him as a weapon
If there's a chance for a final season or another movie continuation, it should happen right fucking now. These people aren't going to live forever. If not that, a comic would be fun. Just nothing is also fine. It was a good show while it lasted, having 7 seasons and a movie that all range from "pretty good" to fantastic is a great record.
Game title: Escape to the House of Mummies Part III
>Game title: Escape to the House of Mummies Part V: The Search for Escape to the House of Mummies Parts I, III, and IV
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Hank a cute
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Venture Bros is so fucking over bros, if even Mantilla couldn't get the movie to go viral then all hope is lost at this point
Best boy.
In the least rude way, literally who?
I want them to flush that movie and do an actual season instead.
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the venture bros. was actually meant to be a comic back when jackson was still workshopping the concept, before he and doc met

i think jackson floated the idea of maybe exploring that avenue should the show ever end, but that was years ago
You don't REALLY want niche stuff to go viral, anon
I liked the comic concept. I wish the Go Team Venture book had come out after the series ended so we had season 7 and movie notes in it, but it still was a great fucking book.
spin off where a bunch a background chapters try to become "big time villans" despite the fact that they are looser
>brick frog spinoff
Okay sure, I'm down.
>Kitchen Nightmares-style spinoff where the Monarch tutors fuckup supervillains
I guess it should be Killinger but he doesn't have that rage in him.
If by the end of 2025 there is no word on a continuation I will don the wings and begin arching Adult Swim HQ. I Plan on level 1 harmless graffiti to start with before a massive escalation to driving an RV filled with Monarch Butterflies through the main gates. What's so sinister about that you might ask? Those Butterflies will carry tiny firebombs on their backs and so my blazing hatred will fill the night sky as it does my black heart and all will coil in terror at the Mighty Monarch's wrath!!!!!
You thank God right fucking now that it ended on its own terms and is never coming back. Get on your shrimpy knees and THANK GOD that something was allowed to start and end, and isn't a screaming undead forever-show that everything is turning into.
>irl supervillainy
I'm still waiting for this guy.
>He calls himself Buzzkill because he hypes people up and then never delivers.
I legit know someone who did some costumed villainy before. On Halloween, he dressed up as Daredevil and bashed his ex's knees and legs with pipes or bricks or something. Fucked him up real good (he's gay, so already a Venture villain).
I just watched the venture bros for the first time a few weeks ago why am I seeing it pop up more and more here lately why? I knew I was late to the party but now it seems it's on /co/ a lot these days when no one was talking about it a month ago it's weird.
But vendata was with jonas threatening to do it when it actually happened
I will subscribe to your patreon up to level 3 and will send you anonymous bitcoin up to level 7 and by that point you should be sending me money for being an Investor
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It’s insane that DC never tried to tap them and do a vertigo comic with the show, or honestly just flat out GIVE them their own DC universe to do what they wanted with. Its implied Batman does exist in season 4, though it was likely just a nod to conroy playing a character
Aqua Teen got a new season so maybe if people buy a lot of Venture Bros product, Adult Swim may change their minds.
What rusty and billy were doing in the time machine
Jonas and force majeure's history
what happened to sirena
>maybe if people buy a lot of Venture Bros product
I would if this shit wasn't basically a lottery, you legitimately have to be there within 5 minutes or scalpers (or genuine fans?) will have bought up the entire shirt restocks.
>Have wad of cash burning hole in pocket.
>Want to spend it on venture bro's merch
>Titmouse is constantly sold out of t-shirts
I've been gyped.
A bunch of prequel mini-docs about the various background villain origins called "Behind the (s)laughter"
Hopefully another art book covering the end of the run, movie, and concepts they didn't use.
Getting uncancelled. Don't remember anything important that needed to be wrapped up, so maybe a few more seasons of fun stuff
seeing how titmouse has been doing a multi-month campaign of Venture bros merch and selling signed shit, my guess is that they're already on the way to fundraise for something new.
Becoming a tax-write off for Zaslav
It had a pretty satisfying ending.
They're cleaning house and stripping it bare anon. It's over.
Just give me a re-print of the book with season 7 (Idr if it had it) and the movie.
You know there’s a lot of untapped potential with the idea of VB being a dc comics series instead of a show, maybe doc and hammer meet still and go out of their way to convince dc to get them a series and they do, probably make a great big hit for dc.

Also would be awesome to see their own idea of Batman and the JL if it happened lol.
it should just end with the movie.
i didn’t really enjoy it but im pretty sure they most wont get another season to tie up all the loose questions like movie night, murder bear, time machine, or bm+jonas.
im good with it being done
I'm perfectly happy with how the movie wrapped everything up. If we were to get a comic I think something about the original Team Venture would be preferred to a continuing the show, maybe even throw in some more deep lore
>Hatred, I need you to be honest with me. Am I cringe?
>Just tell me, am I based, or am I cringe?
>Doc, you gotta be kidding me, that's just dumb lingo kids use on the internet, it's like getting upset over not being called swag or whatever
>So I am cringe? No one ever called me swag online
>It's not like that, you don't just get called based or cringe, you have to do something and people decide it, but you can't try too hard or you'll always get called cringe, it just sort of happens
He's cringe.
Hopefully a comic at some point
I firmly insist it is funnier if Scare Bear's identity remains a mystery or that he's nobody
Read it in their voices perfectly
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Comic is the most likely, maybe an audio drama. Here's my pitch, a dozen issue run of Hank, Dean, and Dermott going to Mars. Typical planetary romance affair: alien princess, gladiators, ray guns, etc.
Anyone have more Venture Bros. wallpapers?
I just wanna know what happened to Action Man
Telltale did some decent Sam & Max games. I don't know that a game with death traps could be considered LucasArts style, and anyway I thought those were long out of fashion, what games are you thinking of there?
>not awake, pounding Billy's mom day and night
>not in coma town
It's over, anon.
Get Tim Schafer to do it
At best some Adult Swim promo videos in the future.
I'd rather the creators make a new IP that has a similar feel and sense of humor as Venture Bros since I don't trust WB to keep Venture Bros going if it ever comes back. They'd Clone High it and cancel it again after 2 seasons.
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Jonas even directly accuses him
Jonas would have said anything to Vendata to keep him occupied right then
He's probably referring to the Pre-Shuttering stuff like Batman and Game of Thrones where largely choices didn't seem to matter since the game would always railroad you to the bigger plot points. So you'd get the same scene with minor dialogue changes. However I think if Doc and Jackson are writing it avoids those pitfalls, and I doubt they'd be going full "Choices matter" and more just "here's a fun episode you can interact with". Honestly they seem so handtied by time limits they might go insane with a game where you can put all their jokes in there.
I think that's just Jonas assuming he did the deed since all the evidence was there. However I think Budd Manstrong is my favorite theory.
Man, where the hell can I find the art book. Limited print so I just have to buy it from someone else?
Yeah, but since it was a limited print, they're all really fucking expensive. I had genuinely no clue how good of a decision it was when I ended up buying it. I figured they'd do at least a quick reprint run after the movie released, but nothing so far.
These current occasional waves of shirts and production art could be them testing the waters and seeing how many people would buy more VB merch (so maybe they'll get reprinted), or it's what >>145533578 said and they're just squeezing the Venture titty dry one last time before leaving it alone forever.
I own the old one but I wouldn't mind a new version with S7 and the movie added, like multiple people here suggested. If they could crowdfund it somehow, I know for a fact that the community would be all over that shit. Furthermore, it'd probably also prevent the usual "oh sorry you showed up 2 minutes late, everything's sold out" shenanigans.
>Zero reason for bleeping shit out in the modern day.
That but I also thought streaming services moved past that shit and left it behind in the realm of TV. There's lots of uncensored stuff in their originals.
Still don't smoke. . .
>300 bucks
Fucking jesus. Glad as fuck I ordered it when it dropped. I wish Dark Horse was not like this.
being forgotten
I'll miss her
>two (2) episodes with her uncensored tits
>approx. 18 quadrillion scenes with Rusty's cock
It ain't fair. Honestly even in terms of male fanservice, I don't think Brock ever had an uncensored nude scene either.
Man, I miss Vbros
You're the guys who should actually be making games
Koreans liked drawing dicks.
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What do you think of Debra? AKA Rule 63 evil Hank
is there like a community-accepted "way" to watch this show? I remember back in 2019 an online buddy of mine linked me a torrent when he was trying to show it to me the first time and we'd sync our time, but shit ended up happening later on and we stopped right at the end of season 4, and I've lost the files since. i always assumed there was a reason he linked a torrent but am I just fine picking the show back up on a site like WCO or something?
Brock appearing in Multiverses fighting game
Maybe we can get the Tick meets the Venture Bros
Just watch the dvd rips of the seasons in order. No idea how you would have issues watching it. The only weird continuity thing I can think of is that the Halloween Special happens between the first and second half of the Season 5 premiere. And that the Gargantua 2 special is before the Season 6 episodes
I thought this was pretty much the accepted explanation? How does anyone else even question it. It fits perfectly with the tone of the series and explains why Bud is such a weirdo about sex
It's also genuinely hard to tell anymore what is legit merch and what's just ripped shit plastered onto mugs/shirts. I'm not convinced that buying the DvDs or blurays online goes to titmouse anymore.
He had to be planning some poison cigar for the monarch
I'm honestly surprised the cigar never came back up considering how much Doc and Jackson love making the tiniest details from earlier episodes plot-relevant.
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Pretty amusing. You can see where Hank got his Hank from. I also enjoy the gag that she's always been stalking the characters but we just couldn't see her.
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I feel like fact we know that Rusty has access to a time machine and no one knows who did movie night is a huge clue.
Watch the series in release order then watch it again with commentary while sipping a doctail
that be before brock joined the army? he was in college when jonas died (he tells rusty that) and he states that he joined up because movie night caused the pyramid wars.
No you won't
The proto boys (Lunk and Dale) were a lot uglier too, but pretty amusing in that way. Could've easily been among the clones of past wasted boys.
I wish there were a way to put a flamethrower to VB's wikipedia page. Half of it is faggot pandering.
It's the only way. Maybe buying dvd.
time machine
During the commentary for the movie doc and jack talk about a possible plot about Hank talking to previous clone hanks in his brain. Which would have meant Hank WAS literally talking to dead crazy people. fuckn kek
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>A LucasArts style adventure game where you alternate between Rusty, Brock and the boys ala Day of the Tentacle.

I'll allow it.
Actually, it's kind of brilliant (and I'm not just saying that because I pretty much had the same idea).
Time-travelling Rusty doing it by accident is my new favorite theory
I wanted to watch DMtM take her down for threatening and belittling her husband.
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RAW that's hilariously overpowered
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Hehe. I downloaded that pic in 2014 and, even then, it had been ages since I'd played.

Now it's a cucked out mess.

>Now it's a cucked out mess.
Don't say that. Because it's true and it makes me sad
You know what to do with my post, then...
A point and click game also serves as a virtual tour of the venture compound, which I've always really wanted. Make the game an RTS also, why not? Set up traps and lasers on the front lawn and and defend against various hordes of henchmen, from time to time you can send out a Brock or Spider Helper to control the field. It'd be fun to see abunch of monarch henchmen getting getting mowed down.
What, no visual novel?
>Set up traps and lasers on the front lawn and and defend against various hordes of henchmen
a pvz-like game of the venture bros is something i didn't realize i needed until now, someone really has to pitch this
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Now that'd make for some silly gag comic spinoff idea. Hank having strange dreams and convos with all his former selves, who just hang out rent-free in his brain space.
They really are just Watch and Ward
>Who the hell is that guy?! He looks like Criss Angel!
>Is that what you like now?! Tacky crap?!
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what are they doing now?
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Beats me.
You poor thing
>what are they doing now?
>Beats me.
Although, if I could change my answer...
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Leviathan draws near, death is at hand! We cannot outrun The Beast!
Some game ideas.
>Lucas Arts game ideas with Sierra elements.
>Mighty Monatch RTS like StarCraft and Dawn of War.
>Horror game escaping from Murder-Bear.
>Call of Duty like staring OSI agents Brock and Hunter-Gathers.
>Thief-like game staring Molotov Cocktease.
>Arkham Asylum/Assassins Creed type with Hank.
>Sims game staring Dean.
>7800 Styled Adventure Game staring Jonas Sr.
>Leisure Suit Larry Rusty game.
I think a 007 styled shooter would fit Molotov better.
I just want a new Thief game.
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If you could be a villain, what level would you see yourself being at normally? Id probably be a two or a three.
Dean does in fact become a vampire.

The Monarch finds new ways to torment his brother.
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kek I also read it in their voices. You captured Rusty's whiny attitude perfectly
jesus how many things are hidden like this in the show? I swear every time I rewatch an episode I have a whole new revelation
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Why is the robot going for his crotch and why does he seem amused.
He was fantasizing about a girl he just met, and the various scenarios he imagined all involved her touching his crotch. This shot is of the last scenario, so they cap it off with a gag: The robot also touching his crotch.
Man I need to rewatch it. It’s been so long I don’t even remember this.
Anybody else get a cool feeling of the idea of like having a giant villainous empire: henchmen to recruit, a base, weapons and gadgets? Like being a villain and all that is like a management game since it’s a business, and not like a hero thing.
It’s weirdly attractive to me for some odd reason, and it’s more interesting with the realistic henchman and whatever you got
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big if true
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Fun character for however briefly we had her, even if we were robbed of a fight scene.
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>What's next for Venture Bros?
Oh you know, the usual
Man i greatly regret not buying the mego dolls when i got the chance
Almost had it.
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>Almost had it.
I guess they should have studied harder.

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If i had to, I'd probably be like a 2 or 3 because I'm unmotivated and not very smart but if i could choose I'd like to be around a 7 that can afford a comfortable lifestyle without getting wrapped up in Guild drama or being a big OSI target. Basically swap St Cloud's villiany potential and bank account but just about as nerdy. Oh maybe my thing would be stealing nerd culture shit for my personal collection and arching conventions.
Maybe he believes that.
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Well, time for me to be off like a P.R.O.M. dress.
Blew my mind when i noticed major plot points from the last season or 2 being present in s1
Fug i just want Dr. O. VB having crappy looking mego dolls is so perfect for the series and i know doc and jackson know that but it's just hilarious how well it fits.
>billy's head being somewhat proportional
Please tell me this is the actual Jefferson Twilight doll that was made and sold
Easily my favorite era of hank
Fucking iconic look
Homosexuality is now welcome over heterosexuality.
It should probably just end while it still can.
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It's been a heluva ride though, 20 years running is a huge achievement in the media industry while still having coherent storyline
No shit, Westerners have been shoved out of their own institutions.
That, as well as them getting as much time as they needed to make every episode. The whole show is a goddamn miracle both in terms of its contents and its behind-the-scenes production, I'm really glad something like this was allowed to survive in the TV landscape. Until it didn't, of course.
Was going to ask if that was Ebonystarfire's smut, but then again looks better drawn unless she evolved. One of the craziest fujos of the old fandom era there.
Play Evil Genius.
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Man I would love to see a dream sequence/ what if or something with Debbie, Rusty, Hank and Dean trying to act as a family. I can tell giving her some time she would've been so much fun in the show
Exactly why it's such a shame we never got season 8. I would kill to see her interact with just Hank at the very least.
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>On red
I love her so much bros
A holiday song in December
After that nothing
Did the covid vax cause Doc to become a paraplegic? Do we have any concrete details on how Doc lost and recovered his mobility?
It wasn't the fucking vax.
It was Adult Swim.
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I don't think that Docs productivity is so bad that Adult Swim would make him a paraplegic in order to work on a season
They made him one as punishment.
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I believe he joined OSI during the pyramid was. He would've already been doing something military related after leaving college
Also, her tits need to be way bigger
doc has always had all sorts of bizarre health problems, the testicle torsion ep was based on the time he had it and he's also physically unable to fly on planes iirc
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I need every single piece of official Venture Bros art. Reverse searching does not provide a singular archive of Venture Bros. media
dude should eat more. He weights like 40 pounds and for some reason became a vegetarian. Good god man. Get some protein
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Absolutely cursed Carville Brock Sampson Fudgey the whale
Cool frosted murder cake
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>Cool frosted murder cake
Also, I see what you did there.
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The Rusty Dean vs Debbie Hank dynamic would be great.
The only thing that would prevent me from wifing Debbie is the fact that I can't knock her up myself
because of your testicular torsion
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I understood her deal with Dr.Venture as removal of all of her eggs.
That clutch is empty
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Tits are titillation, cocks (particularly Rusty’s) are comedy

It’s easier to sell stodgy network execs on the latter than the former
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wotc has been ignoring the color pie for over 10 years now. let it go.
>ever being used again
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don't deflect, you need to talk this through
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I do not have testicular torsion so impregnating Dr. Formerly Mrs.The monarch is still on the table. And the bed. and the floor. and the Cuckoon throne.
I must be having a fever dream or something. I could have sworn I posted something here, and now it's nowhere to be seen. I know it wasn't deleted, because I'd still see it...

The heat must be getting to me.
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Even if WotC is wonky with the color pie, shroud is non-existent on red and hexproof is extremely rare outside of multicolor. Occasional ward is the only thing you'll really see these days.
Red's weakness to targeted removal one of the things they're surprisingly consistent on.

Adding to this.
The card's flavor and mechanics would both work better if it was either:
1) Blue
2) Power based evasion.
>Grand Galactic Inquisitor cannot be blocked by creatures with power 2 or less.
Somewhat redundant, but thematic since he was ultimately shot in the face by another alien with cooperation of everyone else involved.
Also, CMC3 would probably be justified.
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of course you don't have it NOW! that's how that works!
fucking kek
Out of all the figures its a crime that beefy 21 never got one, besides Brock he's practically the one I wanted the most.
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I am currently going down the rabbit hole of various Venture Bros blogs and saving all the art I can find
Rick Lacy drawing of Nikki
I am erect
Agreed. That statue base is pure fucking kino.
Please share it with us anon
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Heres 500 pics from various interrelated Venture Bros development blogs. Mostly concept and character pages. I've also got some environmental backgrounds in another folder for when I was bothering to sort by source
Environmental background? Can you post link? I'm interested in the midcentury aesthetics of the show. Any unusual angles of the Venture Compound?

Double the size since the last post and included some other folders. Don't know how much you'll find of what you're looking for but check the liz folder
Rad, thanks.

If TellTaleGames was a real corporate entity and not just pushing shit out for image I imagine a point and click videogame would be next.
Honestly all I want is a last hurrah season of about 13 episodes. Something to tie up all the loose threads while also being a swan song to all the characters we come to know and love over 20 years. And if I don't get it I will arch Adult Swim until I do.
Zaslav is already arching them, and he's way higher ranked in the guild than you are.
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Honestly all I want is Doc Hammer's ex wife to blow me while doing the Kim voice in an elaborate roleplay where I'm The Monarch we're cuckqueaning Dr.Mrs.The Monarch while Doc watches and does the Dr.Mrs.The Monarch voice throughout
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best I can do is an aggressively unsexy handy from Nancy Cartwright
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Vampire sluts owe me sex
there was zero reason to bleep shit 45 years ago. fucktards are in charge, what can you do
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scans of it are on sad panda
really good shit, read it the other month
she's.. she's not -really- the mom, though
Yeah I mean like that, imagine like that with Superior Foes of Spider-Man with just a office feeling: everyone feels human but a bad person of a human, yet they all work together and go home as a normal Joe at the end lol.
We're not gonna get that Anon.
>Not liking LucasArts Point and Clicks
Mega gay
It's okay that it's over, we should just appreciate all the great years we had.
So this is 1960s inspiration for the compound? Funny enough, with a world fair? That’s real epic.

Say out of coincidence, do you guys think if AS never happened, would Venture Bros be able to appear on MTV?
You know this reminds me Hank has a reason to get into super science for purely pragmatic reasons: Finding solutions to all the genetic issues him and Dean will have once they’re older. Even finding those nanomachines he ingested considering the shit they managed to make him do unknowingly as a first step.
Pfffthahaha I got their names mixed up!
I'd kill for S.H.F Rendition of Brock,Shoreleave, and Red Death AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH
Jack shit. Warner Brothers and Turner's just looking for ways to be parted out and sold.
Wistful, or weepy. "Wispy" makes no fucking sense.
It would've been able to appear on MTV but it would have ended up on fox and only having two seasons due to their inability to produce
Either way feels like then it should be a comic then, its easier for both of the duo
You think other adult swim shows could appear on MTV like Mission Hill?

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