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Geeked Week 8pm EST
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Can't wait to see Vi all miserable and sad.
Sudden twist, she becomes goth because she just want to ride cocks, like every other goth.
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Cuck jokes aside I can't want to see her little misery bender
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Ugh Maddie is ugly yuck
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2nd version
I wonder if she will reconcile with Jinx now she's hit rock bottom? Jinx can't help being messed up and deserves better (and maybe a straitjacket, but still).
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>Ugh Maddie is ugly yuck
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Thank god they make her ugly. Imagine her being half as hot as Vi. It would make me doubt about Caitvi
Can’t wait to see Transmasc Vi, my literal favorite fanfic brought to life. I knew adding Amanda to the team was a golden opportunity. She saved the show from ashes. Anybody else agree?
First and last kiss
new leak watcher here, but honestly i don’t understand how anyone could not like the caitlyn dictator arc. the chest thumping scene were she becomes the general of piltover is actually amazing (the music is fucking INSANE). i watched it like 4 times in a row and i got goosebumps every time.

also, at least to me, it is so clear she doesn’t actually want to do it, so the whole “CAITLYN IS EVIL AND AWFUL AND TERRIBLE” thing that is going on i don’t really get. doesn’t mean what’s she doing is right, but the writers are very clearly showing that she is being manipulated the whole time.

i will agree it’s super fucking rushed though, i just like the plot-line and think it makes sense
Hey Amanda, when is your new show coming out?
Haven't seen the leaks anon? They're super chummy happy family now.
Sorry to break it down to you but those things don't exist in Runaterra.
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Well, fuck, that's sweet and all but also spells disaster. Nice things don't last in Arcane.
In case you were wondering why this general feels like it's full of incels, it's because it is
Caitler has a purpose in the story, but I'm afraid many people will miss the point and unnecessarily flame her. They're going to be harsh with her when at the end of the day, she's a 20-something yo without much much life experience, grieving and very easy to manipulate. You have to be retarded to not see sometime in act 2-3 she'll have a change of heart, but until then it'll be a shitshow.

They also needed a compelling reason to break them up so Vi could go play house with sane Jinx. I'm way more worried about that, because characters in Arcane don't stay happy for long.
Personally I prefer JinxVi.
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Wow this one thread alone?
>I'm way more worried about that, because characters in Arcane don't stay happy for long.
Take heart, anon, Ao3 will have hundreds of pages of novel length fix-its for whatever happens to ruin to happiness within the year.
Hi media literate anon
What's your opinion on S2 so far?
My guesses on what could potentially go wrong:

- Vanderwick asks Vi to kill him after a close call in which he almost hurts someone (maybe Caitlyn?)

- Isha accidentally gets killed by Ambessa while trying ot protect Jinx, Jinx loses it again

- Vanderwick self-sacrifices so Jinx and Vi can escape or some shit like that
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Bringing this back here cause it'll never not be funny
I'm actually excited about the emo Vi pit fighter clip because that'll spark a lot of angsty fanfics online over the weekend
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It isn't
You just don't pay attention to the fucking show like the rest of these retards
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I can see Vanderwick self-sacrificing (only to be reborn as Warwick later on)
Why cant you have a meltdown like the previous anon that watched the leak? We would have a good laugh kek
But good opinion anon I agree
Twt caitlynfags are gonna have a hard time cause they all headcanon her as an autistic, funny and naive girl.
So, there's something weird about this pic. in ep 5, Vi's loose hair strand goes past her mouth, it's really long. But here it looks short again? We know she didn't get a haircut because in the final battle he has longer hair.
Caitlyn the titanium thick plot armor character
to me, it's pretty good - overall i think things are just a little rushed in general but it has some really, really strong moments. not as great as season 1 though, and i would say by a significant amount.
but the marks on her face are the same as in the other images when she runs carrying someone and when she jumps with Ekko in the trailer
What's rushed in your opinion?

And have you stopped to consider that it may seem rushed because of the bad quality?
Agreed anon, the highs are not nearly as good as s1, well so far, we have 4 eps left
i don't mean in general, season 1 definitely set up this arc with caitlyn being kidnapped and her mother being killed. like i said, it makes sense to me, and i LIKE the arc. i mean, it might just feel kind of rushed to me because i watched it one sitting.
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like i said, it's not perfect, but i don't think it's BAD by any means. everyone's arc seems to be moving at lighting speed, which i feel like s1 did not suffer from (at least as noticeably as it's happening here). i like what they're giving me, i just think it's happening too fast
there's a lot of time dilatation in s2, which can throw off people's perception. they don't bother to be explicit with time jumps either, is left to guessing

I don't remember there being as many montages in s1, it was much more steady, s2 is literally 2 music videos every episode

if anything I think the opposite, people forgive the rushed nature if only because the art is so good
I think a huge mistake in the series is to make time passing ambiguous, would it kill them to have a "6 months later" subtitle whenever there's a flashback or a time skip? I get that time works differently in Runterra but I think it'd help with clarity.
lel that ai generated bed tf outta here with that

Caitler body pillow is a thought for the merchandising department tho
I think act 1 and 2 (so far) are weaker than the equivalent in S1. But I think act 3 of S2 might end up being stronger than act 3 of S1.
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I've watched the episodes 3 times by now and I think it's pretty easy to follow what's going on
So how will Jinx and Cait's interaction go in ep6?

> Jinx winds up saving Cait from warwick and probably kick her ass alittle for what she did to vi and arresting isha
Yes, you don't watch it frame by frame you retard
Hm I disagree.

>S2 Act 1 > S1 act 1
>S1 act 2 > S2 act 2
She still is. Ask Ambessa
This image throws me off so much. Maddie looks too innocent, way too innocent to have been railed the night before.
Lmao no. Cait immediately grabs her hextech shotgun and aims for Jinx's head without hesitation. even if Vi or Isha jump in front of her, she will go for the shot.
Fans will go rabid if they show this, but not a Caitvi sex scene.
I get it cause "muhart" can't be tainted with ariel text, but still. idk if ambiguity is a French thing or not, like the Japanese.
She just has a dumb smile. This scene could've been sexy at least now its just uncomfortable.
>b-but caitvi won't be endgame!!!
>they'll make them friends only!!
>Nice things don't last in Arcane.
that's why S2's a disaster.
The eyes too, they're too wide. Maddie is cute in the adorable sense of the word, but that infantilizes her appearance.

Caitlyn, Vi and Mel for example are hot. I wonder, couldn't they have gotten Caitlyn a hotter chick? She's rich and attractive, she could have pulled any girl she wanted, so why Maddie? She had more chemistry with the brothel chick than she does with Maddie.
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i forgot the pic.
terrible terrible mistake.
And once again Caitlyn will ruin the happy family reunion kek
Where did the storyboard budget go
that's just it, 3 times. I know I didn't catch everything in the first viewing, I doubt there's many who could. literally have been frame-by-framing the leaks looking at things in detail; watching it in 1x speed would be impossible to discern everything in the first viewing

it's great the full detail is there but it's sometimes inappropriately paced as a motion picture format, unlike a comic book where the reader decides the pace at which the pages are turned, faster or slower as detail dictates
anyone who says that just likes to hear themselves talk
It's just trolls at this point, it's pretty obvious they'll end up together or it'll be heavily implied. What remains to be seen is whether they pull off a natural reconciliation or if it'll be nonsensical and rushed.
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That tweet is from 2021
And that screenshot you're so obsessed with is from the most boring after sex Caitlyn has ever had kek
Its to show her rock bottom. Maddie is her subbordinate, Maddie probably spent the last few months flirting with Cait and Cait eventually said fuck it and went with it.
Cait doesnt let her emotions show really well in front of Maddie from what we can see with the "I dont know what I thought", she makes no attempt to put her thoughts into words, while with Vi she was transparent and attempted to explain her pain at the end of ep 1.
Also with how unphazed Maddie is with Cait's coldness in bed its nothing new to her.
Caitlyn made no effort into this relationship and Maddie is the one giving all of her energy for it to work. If Maddie stops trying their relationship will just die without Caitlyn thinking about it twice.
Its clever but so sad for Maddie, Caitlyn is brutal.
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>And that screenshot you're so obsessed with is from the most boring after sex Caitlyn has ever had kek
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great analysis
>Vi is hard to play
Huh? Unga bunga start q and invade lvl 1 smash face on keyboard until someone dies?
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Will she leave Cait before she died?
Kek true
do we think shes dead right here?
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>it is so clear she doesn’t actually want to do it
Caitlyn "wtf I just want to kill Jinx" Kiramman
I strongly believe that their relationship will be over the moment Vi's back in the portrait.
Caitlyn's not the type to hold back to do something she wants to do. If she craves Vi back in her life she wont hesitate to ditch Maddie.
I hope its done in a nice way, because Cait's character needs a redemption not another layer of coldness.
So yeah by the time they're in act 3 I'm sure Maddie and Cait are back to being friends/co-workers.
Nothing is holding Cait to her relationship with Maddie, she doesnt let her feelings out and physically she doesnt initiate contact with her, two things she did easily with Vi.
No, she's resting
Nah she's taking a nap she's fine guys she told me personally.
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>yuricucks selectively ignoring the redhead is still next to catherine spotting for her in the final battle
Oh no
I have had rebound relationships like that where they’re very eager and into me (big chad energy) but I don’t feel anything for them except comfort. The only difference is that I have only had that kind of relationships after being broken up with and left heartbroken. But Caitlyn made the choice to break the relationship off with Vi. And not only that, she hit her hard in the gut and basically called her a zaunigger. Then goes and has sex with others after it’s already clear that she loves Vi. How the fuck do you even redeem such level of betrayal?
In full HD
Sure you have, bro
She can ride Cait's hexcock
i mean, does being manipulated take away the shit she's done? she's gonna get shit regardless of her intentions because at the end of the day she's a powerful and rich heir and people are less empathetic to that. Yes her mom is dead, but welcome to everyone else's world in zaun. I feel like you have to super precise and delicate with these arc's for women because they're gonna be judged harshly regardless, so the writing just has to be a lot better than..this.
Shhh come here darling let mommy break you then put you back together again
Caitlyn is clearly in a very unwell headspace. All of her actions in act 1 and act 2 are highly questionable and heavily affected by her grief/trauma caused by Jinx.
Sadly Vi is directly related to that, she experienced the worst of Caitlyn's trauma.
It doesnt look good right now, but I believe that in the future it will strengthen their bond, they both saw each other at their bottom (Cait when she sees emo Vi).
So I dont know, it looks bad right now, but when you think about it its incredibly romantic and leads to a stronger relationship between them. Caitlyn is unable to move on from Vi despite how cold she is to everyone around her.
This arc will be interesting when its completed for sure. I think it will be just incredibly romantic overall.
>yuricucks selectively ignoring the redhead is still next to catherine spotting for her in the final battle

Piltover is getting invaded, any petty relationship drama doesn't matter at that point.
>getting cucked is romantic
Or you can always cope because Vi is canonically a cis woman and she will never be trans
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Sorry, Amanda said so
Completely agree with you anon, Caitler is peak, the better character and arc of the whole season so far and every time I see her on the screen my pussy claps
So this confirms vi is a woman ?
Listen, we will see with the full arc, but I dont think it will be so bad.
Maybe I'm delusional but I have hopes for Cait's character
>getting cucked is romantic
You guys should stop basing yourselves on these fucking Amanduh twts and start paying attention to the details of the series
I can't wait until they break in pieces
Even though I love S1 I think S2 is even better, I can't wait to see it in 4k.
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>she's a powerful and rich heir
And a top.
Sevika knows
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But Caitlyn was never autistic or even that naive. In the brothel scene, or even when getting to the lanes she's completely out of her element which is funny to watch, she has no clue about what's going on and relies on Vi's knowledge to get shit done...And still, within 5 minutes she becomes a Chad and has the other woman all seduced, then tracks Sevika on her own and saves Vi's ass.

If things were the other way around, and it was Vi infiltrating a rich people party, I'm pretty sure she'd look a lot more dorky than Chad Caitlyn at the brothel.
As another anon said a few days ago Caitlyn is pure business now, she has no time for looking for chicks. Besides, why go looking for food outside when the food comes to your house?
What do you mean? Face of aphrodity right here.
because she tickler her sry
Ugh yuck how is she even uglier fully rendered
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>Ugh yuck how is she even uglier fully rendered
Wait to see her in HD then
Yes I love her wtf face then her considering her options and then going ice cold and taking power. I love the whole scene so much
Yipee I cant wait, my puke bucket will be ready
i myself make vi got cücked jokes cuz: funny.
but you got to be very fucking stupid if you actually think she got cücked they were not actually together and its also been months
Yes. While Vi is all bark no bite, Cait is no works, actions speak for me, if I want something I get it.
>Yipee I cant wait, my puke bucket will be ready
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The dyke version of we were on a break lmao
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Beat the shit out of transphobes is not being trans. Also poor Amanda what she has to put up with. She'd probably be thinking "wtf I just wanted to answer Arcane related questions".

Amanda also liked and retweeted a fanart of Vi wearing a dress made by a 14 year old girl who was being harassed for drawing Vi more feminine. I wonder what you think about it. I think Vi wearing a dress is canon plus they already have a tutu and in some of her skins she has a dress.
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That's not a dress, she's wearing pants
We all know that at this point
I love how Cait jumps on Sevika out of nowhere and tries to choke her with the rifle that's electrocuting both of them. Cait is such a badass. Despite the pain she was surely feeling from holding the glitched hextech rifle, she was determined to take Sevika down right there and then.

Surely Cait was thinking. "Fucking bitch, leave me alone at once, I'm not interested in you, I just want to kill Jinx."
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100000% agree with you anon. Sadly people are stupid and can't see that
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Pants + dress but ok here a concept art of the skin
i was team top vi, but day by day the ideas fading
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Im rewatching this episode...i want to see her ulti Ambessa as a final hit ;) to send her back to Nexus.
this looks like her passive in game
Its her passive
I'd love to see top Vi, but realistically that's not happening.
i know , just want to see more of her lol abilities in arcane.Same with Cait.
how cool this scene was?I hope that we dont see just punches
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she no Poppy doe
Same. I can't see Caitlyn laying traps in the middle of the final battle, but one of her LOL lines is "Boom. Headshot" and it's criminal that atp in the series she hasn't killed anyone.
Remember that her wrinkly lips are wrapped around Caitlyn’s clit every night KEK
desu...i never played poppy a single game and I play the game 10 years
Thanks anon I just gagged
Savage. I love it.
For all we know, Caitlyn might be a stone top and doing all the fucking
I took anon advice and watched Jinx vs Vi frame by frame. The quality is shit, but it's really only way to see what's happening. While Vi and Jinx very seriously try to kill each other, some parts are looking really funny, like five years old fighting for a ball. But then you see how determined they are, if Fishbones didn't glitch, Jinx would kill Vi, Cait and Sevika.
Sevika is totally wild too, walking in front of Cait's gun like it's nothing. Cait got better at a close combat, or at least at avoiding punches.
Really fun to watch
Ew. You fucker. Made me actually look at maddies old lady lips.
Yeah no way. Maddie is overly eager to please, and Caitlyn has already shown shr ain't hitting that more then once a night as a curtesy.
Hahaha wtf are up with those lips
>if Fishbones didn't glitch, Jinx would kill Vi, Cait and Sevika.
And if Isha didn't interrupt, Jinx's skull would've been crushed.
lmaooo, why do you guys notice this stuff
I wish they didnt...man Caitlyn what are you doing girl
Old ass lady lips is what. Which means those lips have aplenty of miles of sucking under them. Le Black confirmed.
How does Maddie manage to look so young and so old at the same time? Same with Jinx, she's supposed to be like 19 but has expression lines like a 60yo hag.
KEK at the sucking mileage
Yes!!!! Free my girl and let her headshot someone!!!
Maddie just need chapstick and a haircut
Technically she has 2 passives.
Cait certainly has two moods. When she's angry or frustrated she ravages Maddie until she can't walk for a week. And when she is tired or has had a normal day she spreads her legs and uses Maddie's head to get off like a sextoy, Maddie may even be on her knees pleasuring her and Cait probably won't even return the favor.
Yes of course because she's Caitler's sextoy and Maddie will probably be on her knees as soon as she gets to Cait's mansion
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How does a hair cut help with her lips?
Vi is such a puppy and a bottom there's no way she can ever top lesbosex machine womanizer Caitlyn
God. To go from this to this
when you fumble a solid chick and realize the grass ain't greener. catherine will be standing outside of the Warwick cave with a giant boombox
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Fumble of a lifetime on Caitlyn's part.
I would cry myself to sleep.
Caitlyn fucking Kiramann.
I missed the previous thread, but do we suppose Vi's entire body is covered in black paint as opposed to the leaks where her body and bandages were out?
Maddie is so ugly bro
Only a couple of hours to find out.
im excited; the extra details were a lot more necessary than i initially realized
Since the arcane fandom loves to make drama out of everything I wonder if the emo vi clip will generate any kind of discourse I can see the scene where vi hits the guy she hallucinates as caitlyn being very talked about as any content dropped of caitlyn even if its just a frame causes a lot of discourse these days
Omg Vi is super hot compared to this
But she will need something to support her boobs
kek, Poppy's ult is a hammer smash that literally sends enemy champs flying directly back towards Nexus
Why does Vi have such a sad look on her face?
I'm sure many people will say Vi hit the dude because she saw Cait and wanted to hit Cait and others will say no she hit the dude because she was going to kiss her (which makes more sense since she then imagines Cait lying with her in bed).
But yeah they will create drama for free
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Only the tattoos that are not covered by her leather jacket
Vi doesn't have sad face, she has puppy eyes. Poor girl is confused and doesn't know what the fuck is happening. She's touch starved and love starved and she craves for Cait so much
did you watch the whole scene? vi was on the verge of tears while talking to caitlyn “sorry i cant bring your mom back” then begs her not to change then caitlyn kissed her
Probably cause she never expected to be liked back by Caitlyn.
ngl the brogue accent doesn't do her any favors either. like...banging Scotty from the Enterprise or the Lucky Charms guy
yeah her accents grating on the ears
Her accents cute

I've always found interesting how everyone has a different accent, being from the same city and all. For example, generally people from Piltover seem to have British accents while everyone from Zaun seems to have an American accent. But then you get Jayce and Viktor. It's very random, makes me wonder whether they ever mock each other's accents or something.
Jayce and Viktor aren't from piltover
aren't we supposed to have a new pic from Riot today? idk, with heimerdingus, or whatever?
Heimer who?
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We haven't had a new pic in 2 weeks since Vi's
Me too. Also praying for a official release date.
is this a new character in Arcane?
I know who Hamster is
I'm just joking
Shows Vi just being a women in love for the first time. Its really sweet. And Caitlyn does her dirty. So god damn tragic.
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caitlyn fell first but vi fell way harder...
>uses single frames of a non rendered episode as "proof" Maddie is ugly
>the fully rendered season 2 teaser proves she's actually cute as a button

I hate you fags.
>They're super chummy happy family now.
for literally just this one scene so far. there's still distrust between them, and it will revert right back to hostility as soon as jinx loses her sanity again.
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Really makes you think
I love how touchy feely they are. They're truly attractd to one another
The one with maddies wrinkly lips is full rendered anon.....
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they must, Jayce is as racist as it gets

Maddie death incoming, fact checked the science
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if they interact at all it will be final boss type shit. with cait winning ofc because she's one of the "good side" characters. the only way i see piltover tolerating jinx staying alive is if vi just so happens to bonk jinx on the head, making her hallucinate isha and silco, and she'll happily chat with them in an isolated cushioned cell while wearing a straitjacket in the lowest level of stillwater.
that's her 'O' face, deal
Vi never has an ugly face. Not even when she's getting beaten to a bloody pulp
how did entire episodes get leaked again?
I heard it happened here on 4chan... when the episodes are sent away for dubbing and subbing... someone working for Netflix leaked them
someone from one of netflix's translation departments grabbed them and uploaded them.
It was me
Showing Jinx waking Vi up would be too much wouldn't it
nice job uploading only half the season
If it weren't for him we wouldn't be having constant threads up since 08/08

Arcane threads would die after December 2024 and be banished to /trash/ forever.
so soft. cute
Up load thenrest you fucking nigger
jinx is going to steal ekko's hextech gadget and every time she kills silco she's just gonna hop to another dimension where he's still alive. rinse and repeat until she dies. screencap this.
What are u waiting for? We need the rest of the season rn
Yeah right. The real leaker guy is already rotting in prison.
that if the girl is actually a Leblacn, Jinx has been studied since the first season, the crows that watch over her give that impression, they could have made a profile and see that the best way to act with her was through this way generating an emotional bond to make her more stable and lead her to a succession of events that affect Ambesa
There's a reason why they have different accents. To mock each other
Awww the hand holding. They are so sweet
Vi mocked Maddie's accent. Listen to when she says "or are you here to waste my time?". She really can't do it, just like in LOL XD
I thought she sounded like a cowboy when she said that line. Didn't sound like her at all
clearly LeBlack in charge
Thats a thought. Trying to keep Jinx stable so they can have access to the hextech since Jayce and Viktor dropped off the sace of the earth.
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Isha's going to be shot, but Ekko's gonna save her with the z-drive, and Jinx is going to reward him with sex.
so obvious only gays from /co/ don't see it coming.
S2 is gonna be a disaster.
could be. isha has been trying to push jinx to actively engage in the civil war.
>that midriff
Kek i thought the same thing
>Jinx is going to reward him with sex.
They're not gonna show two 18-yer-olds having sex
Was she mocking her? I've been wondering why she sounded so different
no wonder Cait unsatisfied, imagine trying to coom to that 'oh yew' ASMR
>and Jinx is going to reward him with sex
only if he impersonates silco. tbf anyone who can mimic him well enough has a chance to fuck jinx.
Yep, she was trying to imitate her and failed like she always does. It's going to be even harder with Caitlyn's posh accent.
That would be uncomfortable but i can see it happening.
No. But killing people, yes
that's why the match is out.
And they are so natural about it. Having a conversation while holding hands.. when Vi says - please i have to help- it's kinda cute.
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>still suffering even though her soul has already been killed
welp. singed tried to warn silco that death can indeed be a mercy.
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>leblanc is going to fuck jinx as silco
wait a minute.
>leblanc is female
>but silco who she's impersonating is male
would this count as a homo or hetero sex scene?
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I thought it was nice that Cait is the one who goes to hold her hand here
She's mostly the one initiating contact with Vi, it's so cute
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>silco presses his face to hers and hugs her tight
>just like jinx presses her face into his neck and hugs him tight in his farewell scene
bravo riot
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I love how she leans into him
Maddie : "Ah sheit, just slap yer flappers on me gob wee lass"

Caitlyn : "the fuck...?"
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cute and wholesome (when jinx isn't moody)
I love his expression, it says so much
Bruh no more please
>and every time she kills silco she's just gonna hop to another dimension where he's still alive. rinse and repeat
Damn, she must hate that motherfucker
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She's been living with him since she was 7, her spergouts barely phase him anymore
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>it says so much
indeed lmao

he's the object of her obsessive schizo love. she's going to chase him in every parallel universe she can reach until she draws her final breath.
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In that little sequence she talks about fucking up the mission, Vi, giving birth, unbirthing, laughs akwardly and then starts playing with the injector.
He's stonefaced throught it all.
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idk bro jinx can be quite a handful and he ain't getting any younger
Bro can this show fucking release already this thread is Caitvi or Jilco im about to rip my hair out
My new hc is that when Maddie is not eating out Cait, Cait puts a gag on her.
Am I a sicko for thinking "they fuckin' " the first time I watched this? Is that not what they were trying to imply visually, she damn near sits on a grown-man's lap, clearly not a child anymore either

Later ofc they say otherwise but I vividly remember that thought during first viewing
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That poor chair has seen so much
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those are the favourite ships of the fandom. there's little else to talk about, the first 5 episodes have already been chewed out.
I imagine Cait being like that one gif of ishowspeed with his eyes close thinking its Vi eating her out
New topic, Vi x Jayce. They work so well together
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That was very much the intention, when a normie friend of mine watched for the first time his reaction to their first scene together was
>oh my god, he's fucking powder?
Jilco is gross and Caitvi is pathetic Honestly get Vi a better woman
Maddie will 100% end up as Cait AND Vi's sex toy. Her pussy and anus will be permanently filled. Never empty.
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nah, the subtext is there. i didn't think they were fucking, silco is too aloof for that, but i knew straight away that jinx wanted his dick. badly.
Vi is never touching that thing remember her reaction to Maddie presenting herself to her?
She's a woman of excquisite taste
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Miss Fortuneeeee
the face of a drained man right there

>again, really? 3 times last night and once this morning
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Man I wish...Sarah is fun, flirty and went through trauma and stayed a good person.
She would make Vi so happy
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>she damn near sits on a grown-man's lap
their crotches need to be perfectly aligned so jinx can find the perfect fit.
f-for his eye injector, i mean.
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>Jinx goes to a timeline where Vi is the one who got adopted by Silco
Jinx is almost 20. Howany times do you have to get that repeated?
lollll i never noticed that
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jinx wouldn't hesitate to kill vi in that timeline to take her place. same goes for the alternative timeline in which her own mother gets with silco.

>I will NAWT
made for each other Maddie x Cait
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Trust nobody, not even yourself
I somehow doubt Miss Fortune is monogamous though.
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>LoL jinx possessively grabbing silco's ass
holy shit. shots fired
Vi doesn't want another woman she wants her sugar mommy
w-w-w-why is he in cuffs?
Yeah MF seems bi and poli
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Match made in heaven
thanks anon
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>Silco gives in
>Jinx has two small Jinxes
I hope this scene is memed to death when its release. This shit is too funny
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to prevent his escape while jinx sucks his life energy out of his dick.
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What's with people saying Vi is too good for Caitlyn but will proceed to ship her with Sarah Fortune of all fucking people.
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vifags are desperately scrambling to pair her up with any other female character because they feel like the domestic violence has tainted their formerly wholesome ship beyond repair. they'd rather see vi fall in love with the yordle brothel madame than with cait.

those efforts are in vain, of course. vi will be under cait's heel again by act 3.
to me it looked more like it was vi the one who went and held her hand
Vi reaches out but Caitlyn takes her hand
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This works because it's something Jinx would say, you can easily imagine Ella reading these lines
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which one is the worse moral-ethical clusterfuck?
>impregnating your adopted daughter because she insists
>secretly lacing her food with birth control against her will because you don't want to risk her getting pregnant
feels more like the other way around watch it again u will see
Runeterra does not have birth control if you want to avoid pregnancy it's up the ass.
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Different Jinx, same principle
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that might work on dumb characters like vi but not on devious geniuses like jinx.
>tmw jinx jinxes you non-lethally
Doesnt Caitlyn rub Vi's arm to then reach her hand?
vifags can keep crying vi is obsessed with that woman she is always like cupcake this, cupcake that. tell me where is caitlyn!! sheriff cupcake can’t be mad at me !!
She does.
>vifags are desperately scrambling to pair her up with any other female character
so they choose the ruthless criminal kingpin that loves revenge even more then caitlyn does kek. they can at least read up on MF's lore before they start spazzing about their crackship.
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Man, only two hours and we probably have the release date. If we don't have it, what should we think? I would suspect a final trailer for the end of October.
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>so they choose the ruthless criminal kingpin that loves revenge
worked for jinx. but vi would need to get over the moralfaggotry vander taught her.
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Lesbos get what they deserve
I just want to take a moment to thank the anons for their tireless efforts in pissing the toxic part Arcane off. You made my day today and appriciate the hell out of you for it.
30-second spots aren't unusual, plus there will probably be some kind of teaser stuff during Worlds next week and through-out

they're def dropping the Linkin Park song on the 24th or 25th, idk if in entirety but why tf not right? it's opening ceremony, that's the time to do it
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jayce will splatter isha with his hammer in just one strike.
screencap this.
>stuff they made up in their minds that they can't even prove
Oh really? Screenshots of what she was saying aren't enough? Just how dumb are these people?
Funny they think fanfics writers are bad people when it's fiction and they are the ones bullying real people, it shows how stupid they are. Those people really need a reality check
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sevika wasn't paid enough.
Looks like your not the only one for them to come out like this to play.
I love it when bullies cry because they are bullied for being bullies.
Cait is always the one who initiates
Thus why Vi is going to have to initiate the next kiss after the reconcile.
After how Caitlyn left her? Chances are even more slim. It should be Caitlyn, but with extra care. To make Vi believe she's not to blame for what happened. This poor girl is surely blaming herself for everything: Jinx creation, Vander's fate, Cassandra's death, Piltover's fate, Caitlyn's change... everything. Like she always does. She won't feel worthy of Caitlyn even more than before.
Caitlyn initiating the kiss would be massively overstepping when she's the one who called it off with Vi in the first place.
But I agree with the other anon. Vi right now has to be feeling hyper insecure, I don't see her initiating the kiss. Cait should initiate it even more carefully than last time. Maybe even asking for verbal permission like, "Can I...?" After she's apologized and they've talked things out.
That depends if Vi lets her. If you go frame by frame with the kiss scene, you can see Caitlyn checking 3 times if she's allowed to kiss Vi. Imagine Caitlyn being all touchy with her after they reunite, comforting her because let's be honest, Vi needs it... Kissing Vi's head, forehead. And Vi turning her head in a way of showing what she wants. Caitlyn would understand and Vi would get what she craves for without begging for it, but also without initiating. Cutness overload.

She looks perfectly cute, here. You dopes will take one passing frame and declare awful design.
This kek
Read the lore? Nahhh remember Cait is autistic and useless for them, and she can't hurt a fly. If they can't read the lore of one of Arcane main characters, do you think they will read the lore or a random pirate miles away?
Her design is fine she's just ugly compared to Vi
It's annoying to watch Arcane-onlys treat Ms. Fortune's flirty lines with Vi in LoR like she has a legitimate crush when Ms. Fortune flirts with everybody.
As a vifag I think she should only be with caitlyn
My bet is that Vi will give her the cold shoulder at least for a couple of minutes bc she can't resist her cupcake
One more hour fellow faggots.
If you listen closely to the lyrics of Cocktail Molotov it reveals a lot about how Vi feels about the fallout with Caitlyn. She entirely blames herself for the fallout. She's not gonna be angry with caitlyn whatsoever and will immediately run towards her to ask for forgiveness
If they're going to reunite in front of Vanderwick and Ambessa is going to betray Caitlyn, there will be no time for a cold shoulder. Vi will be forced to kill Vander. She's going to need comfort afterwards. I think it's quite possible Caitlyn will clean her up and dress her wounds. Sex won't happen right afterwards, of course. But with consoling Vi, being there for her, she would open her up again by providing comfort on a level unknown to Vi until now. And Vil will let herself have it because it's what she's been craving for for a long time and she's going to be too emotionally devastated to even think about being insecure or scared. Pain after killing her father will take over the insecurity.
She surely does, it's what Vander coded into her. She needs to understand not everything is on her shoulders. She also needs to grieve for everything she's been through and everyone she had lost. She's been bottling up those emotions for too long.
Yes please
>She also needs to grieve for everything she's been through and everyone she had lost
It's so fucking unfair bros. No wo der she's a self-destructive alcoholic now.
I think this too. She carries "what happens is on you" from Vander deep in her heart. Vi always has a tendency about blaming herself about everything
It will have more impact if Vi makes the choice out of her own volition and not because she's trying to please Caitlyn.
We are famous guys
YES. Let her breakdown and let go of all the pain she's hiding within herself. Whenever we see her observing Caitlyn in pain, you can see she's on the verge of breaking down herself. She never does that because she probably doesn't want it to look like her pain is more important than Caitlyn's. But for her own sake, she needs to let go.
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Thanks. I actually cried a little
You're welcome anon now we can cry together
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Fucking famous
Told you they're visiting this place. They just ignore the evidence and make up what's being said here.
Preach. Anon
And what about "fantastic" ? Do you think that song is for Caitvi? If yes what would be a "musical moment" for them??
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Oh, absolutely it's for Caitvi.
A few days ago I was reading a reddit post from Christian where he said that they actually write the majority of the songs and then they choose the artist that they think would fit the style.
The fact they chose King Princess for a song with such lyrics makes me 100% certain that it's for a caitvi scene.
And yes,I expect a musical kind of sequence going along with that song.
Whatever you guys posted, has been removed.
i just can't picture what kind of sequence we'll get while the music is playing.
We don't know the rest of the lyrics but the snippet seems to be from Caitlyn's POV
People who write incest, abuse, and rape shouldn't be thrown in with transphobes and homophobes. Incest, abuse, and rape are actually really fun in fanfiction and real life
Eh when I first heard it I thought it was Caitlyn's pov. But the more I listen to it,it first Vi more. Perhaps it's both of their povs.
Why do you think its from Vi's? I only see it from a Cait's POV but I would be curious to see your opinion on this
I guess because as of episode 5 the only one yearning is Vi. Plus Vi seems more the type to call the other one 'babe'
I could see Cait calling Vi baby, the nickname darling is becoming unlikely to me due to how seemingly more wild and open Caitlyn is than I thought. She might associate it to her parents too. Idk Vi being called baby would heal me desu
Caitlyn already has 3 songs for herself. She doesn't need more
Thats why i think it's from Caitlyn's pov.
We already saw Vi doing the yearning. It would be kind of repetitive.
It's time they show us Caitlyn
We don't know the rest of the lyrics so it could be both Caitvi song
Vi deserves some good loving
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>I just wanna be a good Anon
>feeling so famous, fucking so famous
>American classics
Lmao no way that can be a lyric for Arcane
Anyone else watching the Netflix geeked thing? It’s retarded as fuck so far
The hell. This always happen during geek week??
fucking retarded, I hope Arcane's video is first
Arcane twitter is saying 1 hour at 4. So have another half hour to go before exclussive.
This is what I'm staying up late for?

idek what's going on desu, i'd be the first to get squid gamed, rip
weird but according to Christian post on reddit they write the lyrics and look for an artist to sing it
It is obvious that they will save Arcane almost until last, best until last. I hope I'm wrong.
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yes, but i already know what are they going to show, but i want to know if they are going to show up to Jinx in the mirror. The speculation might be entertaining.
I'm thinking that King Princess adjusted the lyrics so she could showcase this snippet to the public without getting in trouble.
or maybe she understimated to power of the caitvi fanatics
i dont think so. my bet is that the video will end with Vi being kniock out
And hallucination of caitlyn in bed
I hope its more then the pit scene. I so badly want to hear Caitlyn call out Violet. Its sapposed to be exclussive, but how is it exclussive if we all pretty much know what it is at this point??
Not gonna happen bro. They playing it safe by showing something half the fandom already knows about
So does the clip release in 5 or just the presentation…?
kek prob at the end, they know everyone here for arcane, viewers drops once they air it
Hope so too
They might be misleading us, clip might be something else
The fuck is this.
Fucking hell.
I don’t have all night ffs. This looks like it’ll take forever but I don’t want to miss it.
Wtffff is this
I hate americans so much it's unreal
Yup. That phony, over-the-top excitement
This shit is so cringe
So much talky talky. Just show the projects fucking hell.
no no no no no Arcane will be the last one
fucking Netflix
this. this is why i think it’s from vi’s pov cait got 3 songs vi only 1 so far
fuck american classics
How long is this shit gonna be? Feels like we sat through the initial squid game torture for long enough
Well, the fortune wheel thing is rigged so who knows
jeez so boring!! move on with the next piece of shitt. so cringe
worst filler arc ever
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jesus christ, just put the god damn preview and free me from this hell!
>nigger noses
Jesus Christ! wtf
Im so done bro this is the shittiest event of all time
Having to sit through 1+ hours of this nonsense for a 2 minute Vi clip we already saw is absolutely not worth it
Bruh I've been watching for +20 minutes. I don't know what was I expecting. Ofc they wouldn't go and show Arcane first.
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Free me from this fresh hell.
I give up, I already know it's Vi, I won't keep watching these faggots
fuck you Netflxi
Who cares about other projects? We need arcane, BUT NOW
>wooow! wooah! weeew!
kill this crowd
It's bad. And it's not bc of the caitlyn/caitvi stuff. I fully expect people to eat from the slop trough initially but that when they're reprogrammed with the right video essays, they'll understand how structurally weak s2 is
and the two retards again
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All of this please
this is how you know Arcane is a hit, they're saving best for last milking the viewership
People won't care if s2 delivers what they want to see
>male humiliation ritual

So, 3 acts confirmed. Starting Nov 9. Okay. Well, it was to be expected, I was hoping for Nov 2.
Well they won't be fucking in cardboard boxes because it's a bunch of shit stitched together
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Those are saturdays
Bruh, Netflix posted the clip before they showed it
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I need quality screenshots of Jinx.
It hurts to see Vi in that situation, Caitlyn's redemption arc must be really good and start from the episode 6th, if not I don't know how they will do it.
Fuuuuuck that looks way better.
theeeeese cunts fr. sat through an hour of torture for nothing
looks soo good. leaks are so shitty kek
kek epilepsy intensifies
I'll be watching eps 1-3 like a normal person, but when act 2 drops I might skip to 6 and then rewatch 4-5.

I need to get it out of my system.
so they are having and afterglow for each act? to calm down the fans?
Nothing new for us, just better audio and quality. I like how it looks.
me too. we are in this together anon. right straight to 6
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>showed it to a friend
>he notices Vi's new boyfriend looks a lot like Vander
the fkn goon has a name, Jowl da Scowl, yet Ekko bat-man bro, Fish bro, Shield guy all left out to hang
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WW jail scene is worth, ep4
Also, is it just me, or did the beat of the song change a little in the middle of the video?
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>God dammit Vi...
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>I lost 20 grand betting on your drunken ass.
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This is so much better than I expected
I definitely think S2 is gonna be cool, but the leaks did leave me with the impression that a lot of the writing has turned into "shit happens".
The amount of crap Vi, Jinx and Cait have done, only for none of that to matter for future alliances and rivalries makes the stakes feel like they matter less. The world feels less real and more like a playground for select characters to do whatever in, and that's the opposite of what hooked me to the show to begin with.
they cleaned up the audio compared to what was leaked, the chorus is slightly different too
I mean, I'll rewatch 4-5 once I'm done with 6.

When act 2 drops, if I try to watch 4-5-6 in that order, I won't be able to stop thinking about 6, so I'll do myself a favour, watch 6, and then watch all three to enjoy the visuals. But really, I need to know what happens in 6 and it's going to eat me up if I don't.

With 7, 8 and 9 I will watch like a "normal" person (I say normal because if the eps drop at 3am in my timezone, I'm watching right then), thankfully they drop on Saturdays so I don't have to worry about work shit.
He's definitely not his boyfriend because they would have shown a glimpse of them kissing or fucking at least once. They were just bros.
I mean Vi chose this career. Kinda surprised they even let her participate after everything that's happened.
Weird how they chose to have her in all blue
Hello nigger tranny faggot.
Well no shit it looks good, it was basically a beta in the leaks
This is a terrible thumbnail
>he said posting a lesbian
Okay idiot
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Now the debate will be whether Vi punched the guy because he looked like Caitlyn and she wants to punch her, or if she punched him because he was getting too close and was definitely not Caitlyn..?
Wake up sis. I am a hero. I busted half of Zaun out of Stillwater while you were passed out at the bottom of a mug
Punched the guy cause he wasn't caitlyn
hahah same. but it drops at 05:00 am in my country.. same as in 2021. guess i will set the alarm.
there's no way to avoid what seems to be alliances of convenience however unrealistic

go too far in the other direction and it's 1000-year old bracken v blackwood blood-feuds where you know no matter what neither side will see reason or cooperation even if it's in their interest to do so; predictable and kinda boring story wise
Thats what I've been saying. Whos to say something didn't happen and part of why it got awkward. Nothing like a chick who doesn't know what their doing to slob all over and then puke on your dick because she doesn't know how to control her gag reflex.

Then she starts crying and calling you Caitlyn, asking if she did a good job. So you up and leave her like the rest of the people she loved.
She punched they guy thinking of Caitlyn. She is mad as hell.
option #1
Them teeth and tongue at you like that, i would knock their teeth out too. Looked like 'The Thing' coming at me.
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Looks like Vi moved to New York, how much she pays for rent?
God she looks so tiny right here.
Watch closely frame by frame. Dude is about to kiss her and she punches his lights out
yeah, but the imagery of Caitlyn makes me think otherwise.
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They didn't show the part she is seeing Cait in bed
>Vi has her own apartment and lives separately from Caitlyn
She does
Doesn't change the fact that you're a nigger tranny faggot.
Probably about half her winnings. The carboard is just a sawed together futon.
Jaw guy kinda reminds me of Sion.
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Honestly im sorry but they BETTER put out their best fucking writing for their reunion because holy shit Caitlyn will be hard to redeem.
That shit is heartbreaking
Even things like Jinx becoming an idol feels off with how the characters were presented back in S1. Nobody liked Jinx, she was just a cunt working for Silco, who most of Zaun didn't like either. Now without trying shes an inspiration to thousands that can start a rebellion.
Stuff like that is what makes me take a lot of this less seriously. War crimes and genocide hit less if the characters can forget about it a couple of episodes later.
makes the scene that much more sad, Vi could clobber them all yet the further she spirals, everyone abandons her, including psuedo-Braum Shield guy and she starts tanking fights
Only retards will say that she hit the guy bc she thought it's was Caitlyn and she hates her. Half braincell retards
Vi hallucinates her in the enforcer uniform she was wearing when she released her from prison. Maybe impyling she fell for her at first sight?

The blue is an indication of sadness.
Six to ten months of life in two minute clip.
They really said no third season
Caitvi sex will be on that bed
I feel, there's some unbelievable stuff, you know it's just for convenience to move the story, was my initial criticism too. surely they'll be plenty of breakdown vids saying similar when it airs
Lmao Vi covers up her tattoos only by 20%
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>the bottles on the window keep increasing as the scene progresses
kek she's literally hallucinating Caitlyn in the streets, tf?

She fell in love with that Caitlyn.
Not the decorated officer not the commander aka Caitler
dirty, recycled IKEA couch cushions on the floor. sexy
Or that she fell in love with that Caitlyn, not the one that kissed her. The one that kissed her was changing so she is romantacizing the past.
S1 was characters driven, s2 is story driven.
They needed Jinx to be likeable so they could hit her with more trauma and we cared
They needed to put Vi through unnecessary trauma so we wished it to end and get happy for her when it does
Progressively she barely makes an effort to cover up her tattoos
can you dumbasses stop thinking about a sex scene for s second?

>Six to ten months of life in two minute clip.
no wonder no one knows what time it is in the show, 8x FF
It's gonna take a mother Teresa miracle to fix this shit..no chance
This is why she hallucinates caitlyn from the bed scene.
>dustin got a golden grill
that a grilllllll right 'dere. coming in hot for the sloppy sloppy
Forreal idk in what corner these writers shove themselves into...Caitlyn about to be one of the most hated character of all time
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Vi thinks she is very clever with her "disguise" like if nobody in Zaun will connect her to the enforcer breaking skulls a few moths back. I bet Jinx or Sevika gave the order to not touch her.
Says the one calling a beautiful women a he
He was gonna French kiss her lmao
Hum guys she's not wearing the badge wtf
Or im blind??
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Vi is a big boobie woman
Thats why they are making an after show after every act. To calm down the fans bc they know they will overreact
It seems that Caitlyn's face has been adjusted, she looks more beautiful
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They fixed Jinx in half an hour of screentime. There's more than two hours left. They'll manage
poor Vi
Which is weird because when you drop a ton of weight, them pillow puppies go bye-bye. But she still have them, and they are barking
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I noticed that she generally looks more beautiful and innocent. That's how Vi sees her.
Can anyone spot hee badge?
it's why so many ppl are theorizing the leblanc or wild rune shit for caitlyn. only jesus level writing can get them out of this
Shield guy doesn't come off as a date rapist type, more the good guy who tries to do the right thing.

When Cait goes Caitler, he recognizes immediately and quits her squad in the middle of the ceremony. He knows they're in the wrong, having abandoned Vi to boot
Stop being such dramatic bitches. Caitlyn did absolutely nothing wrong. There's nothing to redeem
Of course she's not wearing it, right? Duh
She's stupid, but not so stupid as to wear it in the fighting ring.
Nop but she wears it in the trailer
Jilcofag is gonna have a field day tomorrow with this new trailer
>she generally looks more beautiful and innocent. That's how Vi sees her.
And half of Caitvifaggs
Yup, cowards



Scooby-Doo that shit, Caitlyn was tied up in a basement while LeBlack ran amok, omfg pls no
Why would she wear the badge?? She don't want to be recognize DUUUUH
Vi a loser cuck emo dyke
It will be hilarious if with this level of buildup there won't be reconciliation
nice boobs
So caitvi reconciliation when? I can't stand watching poor Vi like this :(
There will be reconciliation, but that's the scary part. No way are they going to write it in a believable way.
The difference between how bad she looks here and how beautiful she looks later in this episode is mind-blowing
Ep 6
not happening
Vi hallucinating Caitlyn screaming at her it's cause she thinks she did something wrong . Vi blames herself
imagine the smell in that jail cell of an apartment
And that's why Vi and Cait fit together. When depressed Cait is still tidy and organized, she would not let Vi be so messy
She's in deep shit
look at her face
Vi... at least clean the fuck up when going to the club
November 23
And drink from a glass
Love her
That guy looks suspiciously a lot like Vander
ok ok ok ok
That was a lot of fun
making fun of Vi's situation in HD
now all we have to do is wait until November 16th
And people are delusional to think Vi didn't get any bitches when clubbing. Look at her, she's horny, drunk and will fuck anything that looks like Caitlyn
shield bro?
Are you guys on crack?
Fucking bedroom eyes. She was about to spread her legs.
In fact, this is the Caitlyn he fell in love with.
You know what they say, girls will always look for guys who remind them of their father
She is wearing the belt. With the badge but flipped!!
The problem is, nothing in Zaun looks like Caitlyn
If Vi can hallucinate ugly Dustin as Caitlyn then anyone will do kek
Eh yeah sure thing anon.
I think the reoccurrence should be in episode 6, and it should be a decision by Caitlin to choose between saving Vi or choosing her revenge WITH Jinx and that will make her do something that breaks her alliance with Noxus, it will make her ally with Vi again. In this event, Ambesa's true face will be revealed. I think once they are reunited they will be able to talk and somehow repair their relationship.
dats what I'm saying, mandatory rewatch frame-by-frame to get all the details, blessing and a curse

nevermind it's epilepsy city
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>S1E3 ended with a plot twist and a character turning evil
>S1E6 ended with a botched reconciliation
>S2E3 ended with a plot twist and cait turning evil
>S2E6 will end with a botched reconciliation

sorry sisters
Again with the tranny nigger shit.
Is Vi an alcoholic now
What's Vi's natural hair color anyway
She may be hallucinating about Caitlyn but it's clear that she's very angry and sad
Pinkish red
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How much money has Jinx won or lost betting on Vi?
Punching the mirror she is angry at herself and sad about her shitty life. I believe at Annecy festival they said that they were wondering what Vi would become if she had no one else left to protect... well, she became an emo alcoholic fighting for money
Kek notice she signed her name with a little scissor.

Foreshadowing something?
>timeskip happens
>cait becomes a dictator and fucks the rookie
>jinx becomes a mom
>vi becomes a punch-drunk alcoholic
Game wise? Bubble gum pink. He its red pink, but i guess it gos to bubble gum the longer she is in the sun.
....incest? You sick fuck
I initially thought vi didnt know about what caitlyn has been up to yet but I think she might know. I didn’t see the merdada + kiramman logo in the banners in the leaks becayse the quality was shit but now I can see them in the new clip clearly. vi starts hallucinating her after she sees them so there’s no way vi doesnt know about caitler (as that is the logo they start to use after ambessa makes caitlyn commander. caitlyn’s cloak also has the logo in the back) maybe the shield guy told her all about what happened in piltover with the martial law and caitlyn
yeap she knows that Caitlyn is now Caitler
Exactly, leave my queen alone
You need maybe rewatch the clip, this time with prescription glasses buddy
Caitfags are crazy, Caitlyn's an anti-villain this season she's doing everything wrong thats the whole point
Shit, look, if everything adds up, Vi actually does have some resentment toward Caitlyn after all. It would make sense and doesn't sound crazy, but at the end of the day, his soft spot for her is obvious.
So 1 thing I don't understand is... if caitlyn didn't rat Vi out then why is Vi hiding from piltover. Unless she assumes that caitlyn sent the enforcers and noxus out to search for her
Her soft spot*
Vi was part of Caitlyn strike team. Zaun will recognize her
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She’s getting so many bitches
She was only in Piltover because of Caitlyn nothing more
Caitlyn is not hunting her like she is for Jinx otherwise there would also be posters with Vi's face
Has anyone seen the interview of Ella Purnell and Heille with Cris?
are they really going to shit up season 2 with shitty relationship drama?
when? today? geekweek?
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Ok so a reliable source has told me that Vi wear a sarashi. It is a traditional Japanese piece of clothing worn as a bra (not a binder)
there is one?
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yeah today
That's why I am curious if they make a trip back in ep 6 like they did for Cait reading Kiramman archives to address a bit more what happened through these months. But they probably won't, it works as it is too
anything important?
Damn dese girls ugly
all people care about of this series is who ends up with who
ia searching for the interview,,I heard that after each act there is a post-act program to calm people down or explain the story better.
What do you say, my friend? The girl's eyes and hair are beautiful, she's spectacular.
>or explain the story better.
If s2 was better paced they didn't have to
>to calm people down
....how does Ekko and Jayce not recognize each other?
Blame s1, it was characters driven and relationships were the most important thing
oh my wives
>all people care about of this series is who ends up with who
this is so weird. why do people care so much about other people's sex life that they will never be involved in themselves?
>her soft spot is for her
FIFY nigger.
>to calm people down
did they say this? kek
Jeez these trannys are annoying
No. Haha but they know ppl will overreact they want to calm the shit storm
They BETTER get Amanda on this show miss mam needs to explain herself
kek lost it all when Vi started tanking fights in drunken stoopers

>bravo sister
She will live in a búnker on november
not is my interpretacion
new threaddd
i though the same
I bet everything that the Caitvi reunion will be of both of them escaping from Ambessa and his troops along with a Jinx who just lost Isha.
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No one’s talking about how this show copied Avatar Korras fighting ring depression phase
amanda likes that that show and korrasami so not surprising
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The poor fools
Hear me out: What if shield bro is LeBlanc?
these kind of tweets make me roll my eyes
Kek, poor little souls
nah i’m fr starting to believe maddie is leblanc
Riot needs to stop connecting so many champions like this. It makes the world feel so small.
This is a rip off of identical scenes from legend of Korra. arcane is that meme of copy your homework without making it obvious.
Hear me out: cait’s rifle is Le blanc.

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