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now that scott pilgrim is out of popular memory I decided to watch the show, I discovered that I'm 2 years older than him and I feel extremely old now.

ended the episode 3 now, this really makes me hate the netflix marketing, they made the show look really bad and the only people saying that the show was good were people with really bad opinions.

the show is better than the movie, the ramona in the show is a good person with real feelings.
>Good person
seven boyfriends it's like a normal week in the modern days
I like half of the show, the parts with Ramona growing as a person are really good, the stuff about Scott and his friends on the other hand suck and I wish they could have just completely focused on her story.
yeah, in the movie she looks like a person who just want to have sex with scott
The comic has a similar problem, like Ramona has more of a personality but despite her flaws the comic really never addresses them like Scott.
also, the ramona in the show is far more sexy than in the movie
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Those were just her relationships
All the enemies you fight in the game were her hookups
Most of the characters in the show are hotter. The movie's casting is fine (excluding the complete miss casts like Scott Pilgrim) but the characters are much more suited to animation.
Do you know why all Ramona's exes are successful except Matthew Patel?
i am thinking about this while watching
This game was so fucking boring. Scott Pilgrim might have the most missed opportunities of any comic- they whiffed it with the live- action leads, made a boring beat- em- up, and a cartoon that was neither faithful adaptation or anything people were asking for. I'm glad the live- action film killed my interest, because SP was one of my favorite comics as a teenager
Even the dogs?
especially them
He is successful, he has a band. It's just he's less than the rest of the cast.
accessibility is the worst thing that happened, people are too stupid to use torrents, so it was much better when everyone rented movies and only those who were smart watched them for free
Who eats with their eyes closed?
i did not noticed this, and never did see anyone eating like that, She probably has a lot of confidence in herself.
I've never tried to eat like this
You just know
know what?
Well, there were dozens of good SP threads every day following the show's release. The idiots in here are the majority, so it's your own fault falling for their bait.
I was on a /co/ hiatus during the show, sometimes I don't come here for months and then I come back and never close the tabs
Put in easy terms, the show is good, but the promotional bait fans into thinking it was gonna be a direct adaptation of the comic, and that cause some to got angry cuz they feel lie too, others say that it was part of an agenda to expel male MCs of they own IPs (see netflix he-man), also is the fact tha now is sure that the comic is never gonna get a real screen adaptation.

Anyway i enjoy the show, but i am not a scott pilgrim fan.
too anime
yeah, you're right but i can't use your exact words because i am ESL, but i full agree with you
>the show is better than the movie
>the ramona in the show is a good person with real feelings.
shame literally every other character is a fucking caricature with no feelings at all
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Keeping Scott Pilgrim a period piece was the right way to go, but damn if the Netflix shoehorning didn't make me catch my breath first
>Netflix shoehorning didn't make me catch my breath first
what do you mean?
What are they like in the comics?
You're looking at it the wrong way round. The more guys she has sex with, the better at sex she is. And considering the universe she lives in, she probably gains sexperience points for every guy she bangs and unlocks new sex moves when she levels up.
anon... that's how work to every woman
Ramona has the magic pussy, you cum inside her and make a wish.
that's way the lesbian it's just a random loser
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Just finished this.
wow that's great anon, can you share your socials? i can't read the sign right
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>now that scott pilgrim is out of popular memory I decided to watch the show
Wow, so, you're a literal hipster faggot contrarian.
it's the inverse, hipstes whatch the things before the thing become famous
>Wow, so you're a literal hipster faggot contrarian. This series is perfect for you!
it's netflix fault that the marketing was so bad
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someone who's engulfed in pleasure of eating a good meal
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i would love have a meal with young ramona
>that size difference
man, Ramona missed out if she didn't let him hit at least once
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>Kim and Ramona are clearly enjoying each other but both displaying clear intimacy towards Scott since they both deeply love him
Yeah, this guy OT3s
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that's why Stacy Pilgrim said it wasn't that bad
>Ramona and Scott Just cuddle, Kiss and love each other
this is true cinema to me
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>Kim was just one subspace trip from joining this
Is a Bloor Train a Canada thing?
It’s a line on the Toronto subway, named after one of Toronto’s most prominent streets.
they could have had sex but chose to share intimacy
I definitely wanted to have them still showing affection to scott so it didn't feel like a cuck thing.
Yeah but she literally lives in a universe that operates on video game rules.
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in the comic and movie, Ramona was a delivery girl for Amazon. In the new show she "delivers DVDs for Netflix" lol
please anon
>they made the show look really bad

Did they? They had balls of steel by pretending its a comic adaptation and then Scott dies in episode 1. I was so pissed at first until things like the Julie/ Gideon sidestory won me over.
The first episode is also kinda underwhelming as an exact adaptation, it's strangely quiet and weirdly paced.

Its never good if you have to tell everyone to "give it a chance, it gets better." But it does. And I love the style. Kinda weird its called an anime yet looks like the comic (better, to be honest).
>the ramona in the show is a good person with real feelings.

Wait until you see what happens to other characters who got fucked over by the comics, like Knives and Kim. Honestly, the only person getting fucked over this time is Scott. And I find that very cathartic. Sure, in the comics he learned a lesson and in the show he kinda doesn't... but he was beyond redemption in the comics to me. Very late in his "redemption arc" he begged all of his friends for sex and even travelled to Canada for it. How pathetic!
he is yoto but i forget his socials. check desuarchive
I think the story of Ramona looking for Scott is better than the one in the movie, because it shows that she cares about him, she could have given up and looked for another boyfriend, but she cared about him and wanted to save him
Even Stephen Stills gay boyfriend in the background?
oh i already know him, but I hadn't been able to read it
Ramona is better in general. But I always cared more about the side characters... well... mostly because Ramona and Scott are assholes in the comics and the story is mostly about them enduring the two. Wallace is secretly the main character in that shit.
Can't he just date Ramona and live an ordinary life?
Honestly, the comic almost confirmed they couldn't. I've Scott's exes decided to create an own league of evil ex girlfriends they'd be utterly fucked. Hell, Knives is theoretically an evil ex.
If not I've. Kill me.
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Imagine the size of Wallace's exes' league, plus the team-up of all the women from whom he stole their men. Of course, Wallace will have his best friend Scott to defeat them on his behalf.
I doubt that any of Wallace's exes hate Wallace.
It could be possible that they resent him for leaving them after he changed their sexuality and/or are obsessed with Wallace, look at what happened to poor Todd
Scott got closure on his worst ex and knives moved on.
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Ramona paid for that right? Julie dislikes shoplifting!
Honestly, I do think that they love Scott enough that it couldn't end up being that in their relationship. They both like each other but also like Scott in different ways, that don't feel in conflict with each other.
I wish that they would've explored that dynamic between the three more in the comics or show, but at least we'll always have fanart and O'Malley's new posts.
>Hell, Knives is theoretically an evil ex.
Theoretically, yes. But Knives was able to grow and mature from the pain and heartbreak she experienced and develop as a person because of it.
she paid, because Julie wasn't angry at the scene
i am now at episode 6, almost ending
just like me
Does he have any proper exes? Most of his "boyfriends" are probably nothing more than fuck buddies and hookups.

Makes sense.
both are hot
That makes shockingly much sense.
He's like what Tails is to me.
Sonic get off 4channel
nice POV here
HA-HA thats NO good!
To be fair, in interviews leading up it was stated that Takes Off wouldn't be quite the same because for Bryan the story was already told, it was a cheeky way of going about it even down to the title but I still remember the threads from before the show where doomsayers were saying stupid shit like "WILL SCOTT BECOME LE TRANS?!?!?" in response. At this point I've kind of just accepted the comics will probably never get animated if they didn't on the 20th anniversary and am just enjoying having a non-yellowed, full color box set so I don't feel like the pages will disintegrate in my hands if I wanna do a re-read
I don't watch interviews for shit that's coming out, what's the point even.
I keep trying to find the unsubscribe button
I predicted that people would forget about it fast, I was incredibly right, I don't think it made it a month before everyone completely lost interest
The comic is still more relevant than the show
I completely forgot but this thread makes me binge it again.
big butt ramona
now that i endend the show my conclusion is: good show, great ending, Ramona of the show was far better and hotter than in the movie
i mean ended*
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>hotter than in the movie

Dude the movie is fucking 3D. What a stupid comparison.
great stuff!
i uploaded on /co/llection
forgot link https://co.llection.pics/post/view/122947
Don't you faggots usually just circlejerk with 3 artist on the collection? I haven't seen any of the shitton of OC there I drew for /co/. Fuck off.
you should use a name, it's hard to search the old art and upload everything from old threads.
it's this the best Yoto colloring? i did looked all the pages on /co/llection and this is one of the best ones, the other stuff is good but this one is A+ to me
OH I used a name but then everyone fucking complained about using a name. Biased ass shitboard.
so why this never happened to billy even with him being annoying?
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granny Ramona
Because I'm sure some shithead on this board specifically targets me and is BFF with the mods. Not even paranoid after the shit I've experienced.
I've never met any anon who likes the jannies, you're probably extremely paranoid.
I've never met anyone who has even 1% sympathy for them
Haha well this is one of the few times I actually bothered coloring my own drawing so maybe that's it? I still made some mistakes here and ther though.
it's normal, everyone do some mistakes, still great stuff.
receiving such great art in a thread I made just because i liked the Ramona wanted to say my opinion and I liked the show was really a big surprise
please ignore the lack of punctuation and bad grammar
Dude the shit I got banned for are just flat out lies at times.
everyone was banned like that, even for sharing arts with full clothes
I don't care what autists say about the Netflix show, it was worth it for these scenes alone
No thats one of the least baffling reasons. My last one was just fucking wrong, even according to the rules. And I can't even discuss that shit in-depth out of fear, it's like a fucking soviet country in here.
smeet has already been banned in the most ridiculous ways
because furries are worse than rape
What if that shit is on-topic though, this is friggin /co/ after all.
We hate Hazbin Hotel threads.
>animated characters are more attractive than live action ones
no shit
damn, how is Ramona so pale compared to a Canadian in the winter?
Good at least you do ONE thing right, even though it doesnt feel like you hate it.
Would she be considered a gilf or nah because she doesn't canonically have children or grandchildren in that timeline?
she is 48 years old
Would she be considered a milf or nah because she doesn't canonically have children in that timeline?
milf But maybe it doesn't? they didn't say anything about it, they were together for 14 years
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Imagine how Ramona Fusion's magical pussy must feel inside
Imagine the cunnilingus
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