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>Clay, I think I get it now. There’s only one way guys like you and me can ever hope to take home a pair of cute girls. Rape. Listen to me. Those sluts tried to treat us like we were their slaves. Like they could just use us up without any consideration to how we feel. I dedicated all of my being to pleasing them. Waiting on them hand and foot. And they had no respect for me whatsoever. That’s what women do Clay. They have all the power. Any woman that wants to get fucked can. There is nothing stopping them. Women are the arbiters of sex Clay. They decide who gets it, and who doesn’t. Women have a complete monopoly on the sexual marketplace. And they use it to their advantage to get innocent guys like us to try and kill ourselves for them, only to go out and get raped by a pack of wolves. That’s what they really want. They don’t want to be courted, or respected. Not really. It’s a great tactic for them when they want a promotion, but when they want to have their bubblegum pink pussies bleed, they want to be treated like the wet holes they really are. So why not give it to them?
>No, Clay. It’s NOT just those girls. All. Women. Do this. You need to start realizing that no woman has your interests in mind. You will never get anywhere waiting on them to give you what you want. You have to take it. Be a man, Clay, and admit what’s right before your eyes.
>I don’t care that “your mother is a woman” Clay. Why are you allowing yourself to be castrated like this? Why do you allow women to OWN you? Divorce rates, Diversity hires, college acceptance rates. Women DESERVE rape. And nothing more. That’s the only way we can win in this world. Once we’re not afraid to take what’s rightfully ours, no woman can keep us in chains any longer.
>Clay. Look at those two drunk monkeys. They won’t even remember what happened in the morning. And if they do, no one’s gonna care if they go missing. Come on. We both have some Catching Up to do.
How would the show proceed from here?
Nah, I think I'll just be gay instead.
>proceeds to fuck him like an onahole
Clay would call Rob’s bluff and rape him
I dont get it
>some lefty podcasters actually thought this was real
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>Can't we just settle for having sex with each other?
Who are they?
Lefties think everything is real. That’s why they’re so miserable.

>I guess i was trying to Catching Up
>no fanfic of rob getting raped yet
Guess ill have to write it myself when episode 2 comes out
>his third or fourth fucking time posting this since this slop came out
It's not going to happen, anon.
So what’s with LS Mark and him being cheated on?
Posting anonymously on ao3 is free, so dunno why this one guy keeps reposting the same fic intro
These voices were already in a shitpost vocaroo before, stop faking.
Write it now
I feel like he hasnt gotten enough character traits yet for me to accurately write him, so either id make him a crybaby and be mad like the autist i am that i got him wrong, or write him not reacting too much to the situation and making it boring
You think Mark has enough talent to develop his characters?
Big words for someone at dick height.
More like Catching Aids
Yeah unironically this is a vivzielarp scenario where whatever you create will probably be miles better than the real thing
Okay so ive already written a bit of it (mostly description i suck at dialogue) but thats making me wonder, would cat plushies in universe be the equivalent of human plushies in reality? I should be asking if carnival games fit in an amusement park but nahh
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Cartoon cats maybe
I cant believe i forgot felix exists im retarded
Im almost halfway done with it, but also its 2 am when im writing so its not gonna be great
I’m so sorry, that you’re in Europe I mean.
Even worse
>It's not going to happen, anon.
WE NEED TO MAKE CATCHING UP VIRAL. If this text is what keeps people entertained, why not use it?
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What did you just say about Asia you jerk
>the possum died bent over
Like… CENTRAL asia? Gross, my condolences.
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>Every Episode of Highschool DxD Ranked
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Okay so i managed to actually finish it (no smut since im too sleep deprived to write properly)
Half of it was beta'd and edited by a friend of mine
you should all read it it’s pretty cute :3
listening to the bts video it's weird that mark thinks the mouse guy deserves what happens to him. no one's mentioned it despite constantly referencing the video itself but he says something along the lines of what rob is doing is wrong and out of place in the real world compared to the delusions of what he expects things to be, so it's sort of him being put in his place
First of all I am not fucking reading that.
Second off
Imagine choosing to be weird about Rob over literally anyone else in the entire medium of animation.
Why did he make the main characters so unlikeable
He based them off of himself.
It's annoying how wrong he gets the archetype of Clay. It's obvious what he's going for with him but he's just completely awful.
Imagine not seeing the cuteness of an oblivious shota, youre the weird one here anon
Looks like all the quotes corrupted, shame
that other person’s (who I totally don’t know) fic was so good it inspired me to write my own, this one’s about me and mark tho :3 I’ve written a little bit of it so far but I have more planned
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will it succeed?
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also, you can now talk with mark for an entire hour if you're crazy enough to spend 3k on this
I need to acquire 3k immediately
Pure kino
Pure kino
I have neeeeeever understood this tier but maybe that's because I'm kind of autistic in social situations... But really, how do these things even go? I wouldn't want to spend time with the guy weird enough to drop this much cash on anything I make. Thankful but at a distance you know. Maybe I am missing something because of my autism...
please continue the story
this post is Clay coded
I wonder how his fatass didnt eat his keyboard midtyping
Maybe next time an episode drops and theres more than just the club and that fox girl clay knew in the scrapped pilot
No offense Laly but it could use some work, I'm starting to think you are not actually serious about your feelings for Mark
thank you I appreciate it :3
sorry I’ll make sure my ls mark self insert fanfiction is of higher quality next time
Give me 1k and I’ll pitch 2k. I’ll spend an hour forcing him to look at his whore wife’s kiwi farms thread
You are asking that with almost half the goal reached already.
ive read that whole thread, a good chunk of it is just people calling mark a fatass
We need more juicy drama. Where’s Veronica turning Mark into Idubbz 2.0 with a horrible podcast
don’t even mention idubbz around me seeing pictures of him now makes me so sad… he used to be so handsome… at least mark turned into a cute fat boy after getting cheated on
if the raccoon girl spreads her ass cheeks, then yes
Why are people on this board actively supporting child-tier spammers?
mark bump b4 I go to sleep to dream about him:3
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Don't know don't care all I want is for Veronica to eat my ass while I cum all over her belly
god forbid we have fun with retards.
they already have a horrible podcast
You're literally just encouraging them and telling them what they're doing is good while actively finding genuine ways to compliment and show investment. All that does is engage them to never fucking leave and to clog threads with their 12 year old autism.
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>god forbid we have fun with retards.
This response is so emblematic of why this board has over 10 recognizeable autists that are not only known by specific names even when they're sometimes anonymous, but actively destroy every thread on the board and run loose like a fucking special ed classroom.

It's bad that I miss 2014 /co/.
They’ll be running loose regardless dummy. They’re retarded. They’re draw to these threads like moth to flame. Let em have their fun, tucker themselves out, and have the real conversations around them. Not that hard. To me, it’s like having a Howard Stern or Opie and Anthony style wack pack. We fuck with em, we peer into their strange little world, and have as much fun as we can. If they’re gonna shit up our threads, might as well get some laughs out of them.
Rob the Mouse. One of the greatest and most attractive characters ever thought up. He can cry at sound speed, take off coats in a flash, and best of all, he's brown colored and knows how to handle the females. Speaking of females, the Catching Up universe might also be classified as "Hot Chick Heaven" because there's such a mess of very beautiful and tough women that it will make you love the franchise even more! And since Valentine's Day is around the corner, I've been inspired to make a top 10 list of the most beautiful female Catching Up characters. Grab yourself a snack and a glass of orange juice, and try not to reach through the screen because HERE WE GO!
Anons only get to watch
six seasons and a movie
What happened to idubbz appearance?
the tiny toons reboot is assaulting my tv screen currently and i just came to the painful realization that this pilot by mark and his crew is animated way better than this actual "cartoony" episode of tiny toons
it's the one where rich boy wants to buy their central perk knockoff. looks like absolute bottom of the barrel ass
you’re not talking about me though… right…
chat is this real
look up what he looks like now and you’ll see, he got this horrible mustache and mullet that looks terrible on him. leafy might be fat (>/////<) but I’m sure he’d be cute again if he shaved his beard and took a shower
when did cartoons become so mature......
When you stopped being a kid and could pick up on it
E-erh, moar?
I might consider writing some of rob and roy when the episode gets made
Would guptill like this cartoon?
false and homosexual
Obviously AI
Whatever I’m supposed to be hearing, I don’t hear it. It sounds real enough to me
Some guy dropped $8000 on it. They're going to need more whales.
at 00:31 it gets really robotic
00:32 the robotness doesn't go away.
At 00:33 you can hear the girl chime in with a robotic mhm and the guys tone continues the same way as before.
I still don’t hear it, are you sure it’s not just a shitty recording or edit?
He'd be a volcel if i ever got my hands on him, mark you coward make the shotabait hes perfect for
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>the incel headcanons are real
I wonder how much of this is true
>I made my character incel-y on purpose
>you’re supposed to not like him
Ok, now I don’t like him. How cheap.
Sounds like backpeddling, like when people say "it's supposed to be bad, it's part of the joke" but nothing is actually funny even with that in mind. Or when people say "I was just trolling" after doing something that's objectively embarrassing even if it was a joke.
Saying "you're not supposed to like him" about your main character is fucking stupid. You should like a main character even if they're a bad person, there are tons of things that do this right. Liking them doesn't mean they do likable things, it means they're entertaining to watch, which this is not.
>3k to talk to some manchild who obsesses over children's cartoons

May as well look in the mirror.
I’m going to pay for that call and force mark to take all his clothes off in front of me >:3
Nah, you're not missing anything, it's awkward and weird
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Same. I used to have kind of a crush on iDubbbz back in the content cop days, he was cute when he wore a suit and his glasses with a clean shaved face. My tinfoil is that Anisa made him grow out that weird greasy mullet and mustache so that other girls wouldn't look at him, kek.

Picrel happened.
whoops meant to reply to >>145537053
Your shtick became fucking boring ever since thread 1.
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The Indian dubs is crazy bruh
bro travel to Colombia an there's like ten million girls exactly like her. I don't get you obsessed retards
i swear the art style of this show keeps reminding me of Doodle Toons by former-YTP'er turned schizo cartoonlover98
That’s the word I was looking for even though you spelled it wrong. Thank you.
What happened to him?
A good chunk of it BECAME mark being called fat ass. But that's just how it is when it's a slow news day w veronica
this is not a “shtick” I truly and honestly love mark with my whole heart and soul. I just hope one day he stumbles across one of these threads and falls in love with me despite my obvious autism, then I rescue him from veronica and we live happily ever after
sometimes I imagine mark reading that thread and crying and then I hug and kiss him to make him feel better and tell him I think he’s the handsomest boy ever
these threads are just for spergs to post eceleb
if posting marks cute face makes me a sperg then I’m a proud sperg

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