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The downfall of Neil Gaiman has been a tragedy

>adaptations getting cancelled, existing ones getting a hiatus
>never going to get an ending to Miracleman after DECADES of legal bullshit and it finally getting new issues
>disney sided against him, meaning he’s fucked
u avin a giggle m8? This cunt getting his just desserts is anything but.
It's too bad, I liked Good Omens.
People with shit taste not getting more gaimanslop isn't tragic.
Other people have been affected as well, anon.
>bad adaptations of Neil's works will stop
>all he did was finger some hoe in a bath tub
Best possible outcome.
Hopefully they'll find work with someone who hasn't been accused of sexual assault.
>ew I fucked a nerd!
This has destroyed so many lives. Why must females ruin everyone and everything?
He is being persecuted by a right wing witch hunt with zero evidence
Dave won
How many NDAs have you gotten women to sign?
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>right wing
Anyone else amused about how he is such a pro MeToo and BelieveAllWomen supporter he can’t bring himself to say his accusers are lying

He’s saying weasel word shit like they have mental illnesses and memory problems

Hey Neil, here’s some advice. Maybe if you know a woman 40 years younger than you is mentally ill and has memory issues, don’t fuck them?
Unrelated, but wasn't he brought up by Scientologists?
no sympathy for sellouts
>Maybe if you know a woman 40 years younger than you is mentally ill and has memory issues, don’t fuck them?
Even if they have much much nicer tits than my ogre wife? That's just mad.
How many chads passed her around? I bet she's not trying to get them in trouble. But that rich gross nerd, he's a prime target for WHAAAAAAA I'M SAD
reminder: he and his former feminist wife had one of those "open marriages"
The chuds are just trying to cancel him for standing up against racists and transphobes. Like the James Gunn debacle. It will all blow over

Chuds really keep trying to make cancel culture a thing then also complain about it when they’re the ones making it happen
jewish scientologists, no less
what a cursed combination
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Wouldn't being the latter cancel out the former?
>heh, deplatforming works, chud. Don't like it make your own platform :)
lol, based
Cancel culture is wrong with /pol/ fags do it and when feceminist man haters do it too. Fuck the neo puritan prudefag hellscape we live in now
Hes right
Kill yourself, convictionless toadstool. Its wrong when either side does it
i don't know i've never read their player's manual
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Sad but true. And after she's done talking with human resources to get him in trouble, if he's rich/famous, she'd also call up a lawyer and ask about how much she can bleed his bank account for.

Always try to avoid interacting with females, they are poison.
Not that anon, but I do not recall where "you are required to allow leftists to do anything they want, but you can never retaliate" was written. You escalated a knife fight to a gun fight. Nobody is required to stick to knives anymore, especially when you keep shooting. This is what you fought for. May every single person you love feel the fear you were so gleeful about imposing on others.
>"Hey Neil, how's the wife and kids?"

How is wanting people to face their down beliefs “convictionless”?

I want murderers to get the death penalty. Is guess that’s “convictionless” too
>Dude what if I wrote thing
>but hey thing is all whimsical and convoluted.
He has always been a hack. I don't care about his personal life.
Go fuck yourself, you hsve no convictions and are s hypocritical spineless faggot for lowering yourself to the same shit tactics as the SJWs. THIS shit right here is why i realized thr right is just as bad as the PC extremist left. Fuck you
Maybe it’s because he knows they aren’t lying?
The Toddster wins again
How hard can it be not to sexually assault anyone? I went my entire life without doing so.
>if you do not allow people to shoot you while you cling to your knife, you are just as bad as them
You are free to "imagine if the roles were reversed, that'd be unfair!" into your grave.
Don't worry. Within ten years, something you've done will be moved into the retroactive assult category. Women are women, after all.
using the same shit tactics as the enemy makes you just as bad as them. You bastards created cancel culture and if i had it my way each and everyone of you would be pushed to the wall and exterminated for it
For one thing, that isn't happening. Neil is being cancelled by leftist women, not the right. And for two, nope, cancel culture is just the exact same purity spirals you saw in communist regimes and the like. This is your monster. People have just stopped fighting it.
Not really. Good Omens 2 was downright insulting with the shipper pandering and the entire story being irrelevant to the plot

I'm just reminded of Bill Burr's joke about male feminists. "What the fuck did you do to women to over-correct that hard?" And now we know in Neil Gaiman's case
If you play apart in purity culture/cancel culture you are just as much as SJW as those man hating feminist landwhales, againFuck you
So mad he fat-fingered the keys and that's all he fingered.
Given that your solution seems to be "sit back and let leftists do anything they want," and what you are reacting to is only "it's funny to watch an enemy by hoist by his own petard" without actually participating in the cancelling, I'm gonna go ahead and guess you are not actually any kind of centerist, so your defection or whatever is irrelevant.
That you know of. Standards change.
>You bastards created cancel culture
...You think right wingers invented cancel culture?
It is a common SJW talking point that cancel culture doesn't exist, that only the right wing engages in cancel culture, and that cancel culture is good actually. They have no awareness of anything but the propaganda they have been given.
No, it's not.
I feel bad for the broads he molested or whatever, but I'm thankful for their sacrifice in bringing down a writer I don't care for.
>>never going to get an ending to Miracleman after DECADES of legal bullshit and it finally getting new issues
Kneel, Gay Man
Based Todd.
It's a shame, but don't overdo it lad.

Same here. You have a point but he's not proven guilty of anything yet. Don't overdo it.

Not quite. At least two people have come out and said something. However, it is an article written by Boris the Liar's sister, who is a mental case that could for all we know have coached them. She went out of her way to defend Ghislane Maxwell and said she was a patsy for the men. The fact there might be double standards in the court of public opinion not withstanding, this is not true, Maxwell was a willing and deliberate sexual predator and groomer.

Stranger things have happened.
But we don't know anything yet. He's innocent until proven guilty, but he looks a bit fishy right now.

See above.

Also it's not deplatforming or cancel culture, because that's a mob of people using threats of violence or the law to force someone into stepping down or censoring art. It's a single reporter and a couple of people making allegations, but there's nobody sending death threats or joining in and encouraging that sort of thing. That's how I'm defining it because it needs to be defined or else it's a buzzword.

I apologise for the mass replies but this is getting silly in all corners.

Also I see a lot of people claiming 'you invented cancel culture not us!' when 1. this isn't cancel culture anyway, 2. censorship mobs have been a thing throughout history and 3. yes, the right wing have had a big hand in it.

See: Life of Brian; right wingers sent death threats to the Pythons. And now we see sanctimonious left wingers dismissing it.

But that's all I'm gonna say on that. And thankfully it's a mostly American-restricted thing at any rate because we're so much better getting the police to do it for us ¬.¬
>>never going to get an ending to Miracleman after DECADES of legal bullshit and it finally getting new issues
That's a shame. I don't really like his Miracleman that much especially compared to Moore's run but I still want to see how Gaiman would finish the story.
Even if he was "convicted" that doesn't mean anything. The reality is Neil paved the way for his own grave. Time to eat maggots.
But Man of Miracles is gonna keep going stronk.
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Silver lining is that Sir Terry didn't live to see this shit.
doesn’t that sound oddly familiar
Miracleman (like Watchmen) did not need a sequel.

>At least two people
Isn't it five people now?
My opinion of Gaiman was forever soiled after I learned he sued Todd for one character that he immediatly sold to Marvel afterward.
That, and I read Neverwhere and watched Stardust which made me dislike his quirky worldbuilding with no rhyme or reason cause MAGIK!
The solution to cancel culture is to start doxxing mehturd accusers
Yeah because of the james gunn shit
It is wrong, again kill yourself freak you started this cancer and you should die for it
>thinks cancel culture started with James Gunn
how are you this uninformed
It started with mehturd but the act of cancelling someone for edgy jokes started with james gunn
I think our conversation is over, but you should know that you understand nothing about anything.
Yeah I was done after that too. Sandman is his best, American God's second best, everything else skippable.
Chuds can’t tolerate Jewish success stories
Gaimen was only ever good when Pratchett was tardwrangling him.
>"right wing"
there is no "other side"

every single person doing "cancelling" is leftwing WITHOUT EXCEPTION
it's literally feminists
It was slop
Neil Gay Man lol
>How hard can it be not to sexually assault anyone?

Extremely hard since literally speaking or looking at a woman is rape now.
This but unironically
yeah fingering women is the worst thing to do now, they'll let you finger but if you try to have sex they won't be interested so imo jus don't finger them anymore
I wanted to like it but cringed hard within the first 10 minutes
I don't really care much. He hasn't made anything good since Coraline. I'm a bit annoyed that we might not get the Henry Selick adaptation of the Ocean at the End of the Lane that was talked about a few months back. I really want something new from him with a better plot than Wendell and Wild
Fuck Neil for throwing him under the bus
His dad was the fucking UK branch head and despite what Gaiman claims now, he pays them regularly so he's still in to some degree. Probably a contributor to him surviving for so long despite it being known for years that he's a major creeper.
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Lmao remember when Gayman appeared in Preacher?
Hey now. We simply #believeallwomen here, right fellow chuds?
This man is a rapist and a misogynist, who sexually assaulted literally every brave and stunning woman he ever came in contact with.
Todd deserved to be sued for that. It’s also entirely up to Gaiman what he did with Angela after the rights were turned to him.
>RED Neverwhere
>WATCHED Stardust
Are you having a giggle, mate?
What did Todd do?
I didn't know he wrote Stardust before watching the movie adaptation. Though I could immediatly tell while watching it.
Damn he was married twice and has 4 kids.
I'm not assuming Gaiman is guilty of these sexual assault allegations, but why would you offer to step down from a production because of libel? That is, assuming your dipshit screencap is accurate, I feel slightly dirty even responding to it regardless of whether it is.
Season 1 was okay but season 2 upped the twee to a sickening degree and the central story being a gay romance between an angel and a demon and lesbian side-story was way too much.
Once some people get money/fame they start to think they're rockstars and indulge in their vices they otherwise wouldn't have
Tried to jew Gaiman out of money by saying Gaiman would retain creator writes over the character then started saying otherwise and wouldn't pay him for reprintings of stuff that he worked on.
He's a shit writer and maybe now people can stop pretending that he isn't.
Seriously - before I read any Gaiman, all I heard about him is that he was an amazing writer and a genius and you HAVE to read <insert something he worked on>. I liked the Coraline film adaptation, so I read through a bunch of his works. What a crock of shit. Neverwhere was *okay*, but most of his books fucking suck ass. Coraline is one of the few movies that is actually better than the book because they trimmed out all the fat. American Gods was a wimper of a wet fart of a book that took forever to build up to the most anticlimactic ending of all time. I have zero interest in watching the show after that. There's some potential behind the concepts he comes up with, but his actual execution is painfully bad. It makes me wonder if the people who enjoy his writing actually read other books?
Is this an emperor's new clothes situation?
For a man involved in a media about truth, justice, and the American way its ironic that he is being punished before he is even given a trial.
>Hey guys I’m Todd, a big advocate for creators owned comics. Why don’t you guest write an issue for me in my hot new creator owned comic and and I’ll treat you guys way better than the big two
>Neil writes Spawn #9 and co-creates medieval Spawn, Cogliostro and Angela the Angel who hunts Spawns.
>Neil years later thinks he should get a share the profits derived from the co-created characters originating from his guest writer issue, Todd doesn’t agree even though he was supposedly big on treating creators better, lawsuit ensues. For context Angela and Cogliostro were made to be pretty major characters in Spawn lore and had numerous toys, etc. made of them in the years following Spawn #9
>Eventually the two settle by Todd getting all rights to medieval spawn, Cogliostro, Angela and Neil gets rights to the Marvelman IP Todd owns, only later it turns out Todd just had copyright to the logo, etc. (which is an entirely different mess dealing with IP rights). Later Todd breaks the deal with Neil anyway and then loses in court when Neil sues him over it.
>Todd meanwhile had tried to do a workaround where he just did essentially created shameless ripoffs of medieval Spawn (called Dark Age Spawn) and Angela (called Tiffany) that were so blatant that the judge easily said yeah that’s bullshit Todd this is clearly a case of you trying to circumvent how copyright works
>Eventually Neil and Todd finish litigation, Angela is given to Neil and Neil in need of money agrees to sell Angela to Marvel because he didn’t give a shit about doing comics with Angela, he was after his fair share of profits

And it isn’t even the only time Todd has has legal problems over characters he’s created.
>I read Neverwhere and watched Stardust which made me dislike his quirky worldbuilding with no rhyme or reason cause MAGIK!
At least the prose in Neverwhere was actually tolerable. Most of the rest of his books read like an aspie telling you about how they went to the store one time.
Studios aren’t very eager to go forward with adaptations when the author is embroiled in bad PR disaster. In case of Good Omens Neil was also creatively involved in making the show but would, I assume, like to see the show keep moving forward in production for the next season by personally stepping down from working on the project. This would for example ensure people working on the show wouldn’t be out of a job because of Neil’s personal sexual misconduct allegations lead to postponing/canceling the show’s next season
Sure is
But only the losers ever get persecuted for war crimes
I for one will never be in this kind of trouble. Just have sex with men, they'll never betray you.
Is it seriously that hard for guys to NOT sexually assault people?
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How's that Spawn movie coming along Toddmeister?
>Its wrong when either side does it (now that I am suffering the consequences of my actions)
That's a pretty cogent take, thanks.
>durr hurr muh consequences
anyone who participates in ruining someones life retroactively because of a joke from ten years ago deserves to be shot in the face
Trump lost and will lose again
Rightoids are apart of cancel culture cancer as well you ignorant retard
>anyone who participates in ruining someones life retroactively because of a joke from ten years ago deserves to be shot in the face
Celebrities and makers of mass media live and die on public opinion. I can disagree with any particular claim and think people are stupid for propagating it or that it's unjust, but I have a lot of trouble mustering the kind of genuine sympathy I'd have for someone who got shot in the face.
If I were him I would just start throwing everyone else under the bus. Most producers working in entertainment are pedos, I would have no sympathy taking them down with me.
>>right wing
It was spearheaded by Boris Johnson's sister as part of her podcast.
>He still believes in political parties
You must have brain damage
Totalitarianism is based when it affects people with political opinions I don't like
Don't flirt with women half your age
Simple as
Oh I am not saying Neil isn't a hypocritical piece of shit, but I do like to know where this reporting is coming from.
And, as an American, I can't claim to know the current lines in the sand of British political parties. I barely followed that Brexit fiasco. I honestly can't even stand the parties in the US these days, nevermind the pissing match across the pond.
I'm actually somewhat surprised it is a British reporter, no matter the party, going after Gaiman. I thought he spent most of his days here in the US. Tho I know he was in New Zealand for a number of years. I think it's where some of these abuses -allegedly- happened.
Todd put out the first few issues of Spawn claiming that writers were unimportant hacks and even attended conventions to have debates with writers. Then after realizing that most of the Image books were flopping quickly with no qualified writer on any books, Todd then begged famouscwriters like Neil Gaiman and Alan Moore to write some books, particularly on Spawn to give Image some legitimacy. He promised both writers complete creative freedom to do whatever they want and had been claiming that Neil could have creative writes over any character he created. So Neil then creates two MAJOR characters for Spawn ilthat are important to the story and begins getting royalty checks as practicly co-creator because Angela and Cogliostro integral. Todd then realizes he fucked up and doesn't want to pay Neil for any of the comics, reprints, movies, games, toys, or even the TV show, claiming that Neil was simply a work for hire... something Todd had said otherwise to Neil everyone else when he first founded Image as a creator owned company. Todd then gets sued and loses. And Neil is awarded the character of Angela, who he didn't care about outside of the checks he was owed. He then sells Angela to Marvel as a fuck you to Todd.
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>right wing.
He's eaten alive by the feminists he allied with. He's being Joss Whedonized.
>creative writes
Good Lord lol, ESL much?
I hate Gayman but Todd really was a two-faced retard for that shit.
>And, as an American, I can't claim to know the current lines in the sand of British political parties. I barely followed that Brexit fiasco. I honestly can't even stand the parties in the US these days, nevermind the pissing match across the pond.
They're not really comparable. The British are way more chill even at their slimiest.
>Its wrong when either side does it
>Totalitarianism is based when it affects people with political opinions I don't like
That's an odd interpretation of his words, to say nothing of your abuse of the definition of totalitarianism.
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He should have just replied:
>How can I be accused of raping women if I'm such a fucking faggot?
>One of the earlist promoters lf transgenderism in pop culture is a degen
>create Sandman and Death iconic characters
>Death as a tribute to dear death friend
>Netflix adaptation
>accept to betray friend memory by blacking Death
>"Death as many forms f*ck you racist
>rumor sleeping with younger girls

Never compromsie with libtards.
Tragedy? No comedy yes. Always hated gayman's writing and feel very vindicated that he turns out to be a piece of shit.
>has been a tragedy
And then why is it so funny if that's true?
Shit taste>>145522690
I like how one of his earliest stories had the literal incarnation of the moon tell a tranny he will never be a woman. Classic scene.
>haha yeah I totally wrote Sandman with zero identity to the characters, it's fine to have blacks and females play White male characters, get over it!

GOOD. I hope they fucking murder him
And the Moon was shown in the story to be wrong and Neil even says he would today make it more clear in the TV show. But bigots are high in cope and just latch to isolated panels to enforce their narrative
But it's hilarious when the victim is an SJW.
The moon wasn't wrong. Chromosomes are chromosomes, a female spirit doesn't matter.
>either side
I can assure you that all sides are in agreement that right and wrong never enter the picture.
>a female spirit
Ghosts aren't real. In a thousand years it will probably be possible to have an opposite-sex body cloned and your brain transplanted into it if that's your thing. In ten thousand years people will be digital or have such bespoke bodies that the concept will be laughable to them.
>anyone who participates in ruining someones life retroactively because of a joke from ten years ago deserves to be shot in the face
>he says only after reaping what he sowed.
Thank you for the you that's really the only reason why I said it
Well if the moon says it, it must be true.
Gaiman sold Angela to Marvel lol
So? That was obviously a fuck you to Todd. It seems like he didn't particularly care about the creative aspect, he just wanted his royalties.
>watched stardust
Dumb fucker
You won the culture war, remember? You changed the world. Enjoying your prize?
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Never trust a male feminist.
He was upset he wasn't getting royalties for a variant of an action figure. Todd claiming work for hire only happened AFTER Neil threatened to sue him. If not for that, Neil would still be getting random, periodic checks from Todd to this day.
Despite the whole case being open ground for people who worked for Todd to sue him, not a single one did. Because Todd's gratuity checks are a better deal for most of those writers and artists than they'd get elsewhere. Only Gaiman took offense because DC paid him more.
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Funny, when he made Death black, they couldn’t suck his dick fast enough. One accusation and they are ready to toss him under the bus.

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