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>dude we're just like you
>kills 100 people because they threw a bus in anger
Death to muties.
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Marvel civie seething uncontrollably again
>Has tight mutie pussu in abundance
Thats a good counterargument
What a terribly written comic. Then again, everything in Marvel is perpetually bitter and angsty, so I guess it’s alright.
Regular girls don't even like me
I highly doubt a girl that can turn herself into a living sun, explode my head with the flare of her eyes, etc, would go for me
Human pussy is hotter and less dangerous.
I wanna read a comic about an incel flatscan who simps for mutie girls.
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>Human pussy hotter than Amara's aka Magma.
Sure buddy
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Complete bullshit. Mutant girls can't be beat.
They aren't just like humans. They're better.
>not a plank
rimming mutie cuties
Chestlet Kitty is also good.
only need a handful
Cap was mentally influenced by bad energies
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What's the breast size lineup for mutant women?

Evolution Kitty must be on the small side, probably A-cups.
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We atleast know Rogue is biggest, Mystique is likely 2nd, Taby, Jean, Wanda and most of the other girls are likely tied on 3 and Kitty is last place
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Why is Amara so good?

Rogue and Kitty get the most porn for Evolution, but Amara is really underrated.
I want to tittyfuck kitty so bad
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>xmen evolution is 24 years old
Feelin old yet?
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>no southern goth mutant gf who constantly teases you
>posts x.23
>calls her amara
for what purpose
>he wants to bang a br*zilian
That's not X-23, that's Amara. This is X-23.
amara is blonde and white as drypaint
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You want to rub your cock against her flat chest?

There are definitely better girls for a proper paizuri.
They're basically mutants IRL.
Emma or Jean?

I want her to squeeze what she has together so I can fuck it and praise her the entire time. then after i finish, give her a kiss on the forehead, a form hug, and tell her she's the best at it, even if she wasnt.
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Betsy or Kwannon?

Cassandra Nova who Onslaught possessed Xavier brutally mind broke and shoved into the mind of a technically legal bimbo clone of her younger self.
She is still aware inside the mind of the bimbo, forced to watch and feel and experience as shes treated like a helpless doll, touched tasted manipulated and ruthless fucked into screaming bed soaking orgasms.
The best part Xavier sometimes goes into her mind when she's asleep to interact with did taunt nova.
And when she finally breaks free she kills me and the guilt and pain she feels will destroy her. Why am I crying she'll ask herself while alternating between wanting to hit me and wanting to cradle me in her arms.

Somewhere Xavier will hear a bell ring. Seems the fallen angel has gotten her wings?
90s psylock.
The two loser cunts in your pic can fuck off.
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Based honestly

No one deserves fucked senseless more than her.
>Not wanting to fuck two loser cunts
Whatever, man
whichever is a cuckquean
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Obviously Jean is the cuckquean.
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>Love your neighbor
No, I don't think I will.
Since they shared a body and mind for years, you think Betsy and Kwannon would be down for a ffm threesome?
more of that scarlet witch dress please
flat paizuri is called naizuri btw
Evo Wanda was so perfect
Good choice.
Post more Evo Rogue.
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I can't believe they got away with basing the model of the Jewish girl on a nazi skinhead.
Never ask a mutie hater if their gf is a mutant or not
Gotcha Satan
Keep your modern bullshit out.
I would go through so much plastic wrap with Rogue.
Kitty was made to be bred.
I like women with cleft chins
There's got to be skin contact for her touch of death to affect you, right? Wouldn't that mean she'd be safe to fuck if you make her wear a skintight gimp suit and put on a condom?
good question
Whaddaya think she has been wearing all these years in comics?
I mean skintight uniforms made of "unstable molecules" have to have some practical uses.
No version of Wanda has ever identified as Jewish.
No Jubilee?
You're slipping, /co.
Had to keep her away from this place
Holy shit based Cyclops. And there are people who dislike him, lmao

One gesture. One gesture is all you need to recognize a perfect character
I never cared about X-Men much, just Evolution. All the girls are great but Kitty is my favorite. Rogue is cute too.
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i'd rather fuck them
>Tits? On my Jubilee?
>It's more likely than you think.
>Post here to get a savege verbal drubbing.
pube status?: trimmed bush
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Illyana is so hot.
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Hey we need you to draw another X character

Draws generic brown girl again
Bald Jubilee is kinda sexy.
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Muties OUT
still qt
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Which girls definitely don't shave?

I'd say X-23 for sure.
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Chemo Cutie
Rogue, no point in it.
mystique, she could just morph it away
I would NOT be ashamed to bring her out on dates
Emma would be hot in evolution
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>I wouldn't be ashamed to bring a cute girl on dates with me
Wow you're so brave
Part of me feels they would've put her in the adult cast like Wolverine and Storm, she'd probably replace Mystique in the Antagonist Teacher role.
Aren't Piettro and her not Magneto's biological children?
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I feel like Jean would be the hardest to get
kiss rogue
hug rogue
love rogue
In the show they're his kids, and know it but he's basically a deadbeat dad instead of unaware.
If you won't love the fuzzy blue elf, I will.
To be fair to cap. Marvel civilians are unreasonably dickish
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For me, its Domino.
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have you tried not being a pathetic normie?
Domino should've been in X-men Evolution and joined the Brotherhood.

They could've used more girls.
>Jews can’t be cu…..
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what is this hair style called. tried fringe and pixie cut and other similar terms. Alic efrom twilight has it too
Both at the same time.
How would the X-men be different if Xavier was a woman?
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>Emma in Evolution
closest thing we got was in Wolverine and the X-men
>she's 26
Like every other female psychic, she would want to fuck Scott.
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I want to marry Rogue just so I can hear her call me sugah when I get home from work for the rest of my life.
That sounds like the life.
>rubbing her feet until sparks fly
Nah, I will remain quite bigoted.
Won't stop me from fucking them, of course.
I would love to get sexy selfies from some mutie cuties.
Well you won't because they aren't real, haha!

Shit, I made myself sad...
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It's a cah-toon.
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Would a good jewish girl like Kitty enjoy being spanked?
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Why are mutant girls so horny?
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Why dont they ever do anything with Spiral anymore. Shes one of the most underated x-men characters.
What's with all these X-Men Evolution threads?
They don't even need to include Mojo. She was part of the Brotherhood for a bit.
To breed humanity out of existence.
Someone probably wants it to return like 97 did.
I would've preferred Evolution back over '97.
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The japs knew she was worth painstsking animation
>In a coombrained moment come up with 'Progeny'.
>The biological offspring of Mandrill.
>Basically just has a prehensile tail. That's about it for powers that can be in theory used in combat.
>Does put out enhanced sexual attraction pheromones like his father, but they're much weaker. So much so that that women that know about them are basically immune, at least to the mind-control flavor of them.
>Testing has discovered that he is pretty much the only mutant whose biological children are also guaranteed to be mutants as well.
>Mostly just hangs out at the mansion, because lol. What's he going to do against a Sentinel?
>brainwashes you gay
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fine, more for me
but a bad omen for what was about to come to the character
is there an actual canon reason why this always happens or it's just the tradition and no one will ever give it an explanation?
Apparently, psychic chicks find his tactical confidence panty-wetting. Show him two dinosaurs and he'll think about how he can take them.
I’ve just started reading uncanny x-men I’m at 110 at which point do spin offs appear and which are worth reading and what would you say is a good stopping point?
She’d enjoy all sorts of incredibly depraved shit.
Kitty Pryde has a stinky pussy
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An Average Marvel Civillian when their newborn baby has 6 fingers.
the academy should have been a mutie brothel
pls no, let it alone
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An average Marvel Mutant when they get slightly upset at nothing important (This is their 6th victim)
Kitty would be heavily into bondage; it plays into her fears of being stuck intaglible (again).
Shh, Kitoshka, I will hold on to you.
She has built in shavers
But would she care to use them for that?

I doubt it.
Facility probably taught her to groom for seduction, so she disregards that on principle
so wolverine shaves his dick?
Around, man! the operative word is around. Besides, that's just grooming.
>You will never hear Kurt curse in pleasure in German as you make love to him
It hurts bros.
Does Mystique fuck the Brotherhood boys to keep then loyal to her?
Yes, sometimes individually, sometimes all at once.
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Kill Muties. Behead Muties. Roundhouse kick a Mutie into the concrete. Slam dunk Muties babies into the trashcan. Crucify filthy muties. Defecate in a Mutie's mouth. Launch muties into the sun. Stir fry muties in a wok. Toss muties into active volcanoes. Urinate in mutie's mouth. Judo throw muties into a wood chipper. Twist muties heads off. Report muties to the IRS. Karate chop muties in half. Destroy mutie hideouts. Trap muties in quicksand. Crush muties in the trash compactor. Liquify muties in a vat of acid. Eat muties. Dissect muties. Exterminate muties in the gas chamber. Stomp mutie heads with steel toed boots. Cremate muties in the oven. Memory wipe muties. Mandatory sterilisation for muties. Grind muties in the garbage disposal. Drown muties in etching acid. Vaporize muties with a flamethrower. Kick old muties down the stairs. Feed muties to a infirmary. Slice muties with swords. Rape mutie women!
You could do double nazi/human role play!
She would definitely have groomed Scott to be her child soldier/lover.
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Would you risk a coma to slap Rogue's ass?
Gotta risk it for the biscuit! Or in this case the cake!
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but it still has feathers
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I want to give Laura a wedgie.

>Yeah, anon most muties are easy. Just act like a normal person are them and you got yourself a pretty high chance of a relationship
It’s easy to be a normal person, but for normal guys, that chance of snagging one is pretty low
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Fuck you Diogenes, my wings are metal now.
Hairy too
There probably plenty of mutant girls with low self esteem that would fall for any human guy that was nice to them.
True, but would they really fall for me?
Sexy mutant girls are trying to corrupt our youth with their sinful ways..... and its working, thank God.
You could find a cute Morlock girl and take her home with you.
I’m just not sure if she would actually like me or not
How would the Evolution characters react to their alternate future kids like Cable, Nocturne or Ruby showing up in their present?
lel, I was hoping that this game would get posted.
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How could our good human boys possibly resist?
They can't and that's part of their master plan! We are so lucky.....
>Marvel virgins
ugh hate muties
time for sex!
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This game drained so much of my life energy...
I bet Domino fucked teen Cable and Rachel engaged in alt universe sibling incest.
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Vigorous danger room sessions followed by vigorous scissoring
flat jubes
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What if this is my mutant neighbor?
Yeah but that was another Mutie so it's okay
I remember one weekend years ago I edged so much to this when I came it literally altered my brain chemistry.
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>Get canon lesbian in game
>Whole route revolves around her angry about wanting to fuck you after bumping into you by accident
>Love route requires you to ease her into it by having threesomes
>Dom route just has you mindbreak her as she cusses you out while riding your cock until she yells how much she loves it when she cums
Three lesbians
correct opinion
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We need a mean girl

I'm like 80% sure whoever makes these threads just does it so that they have an excuse to make porn of the show

The Goblin Queen
the smell
I appriciate Storm, but choice of characters for aerobics clothes is... weird, to say at least.
Why use Rogue and Storm when Dazzler is right there?
so weird that Archangel used to wear a skin tight suit that was the same color as his skin
don't remind me....
exterminate the mutants, protect the purity of humanity, for the emperor!
40k fans are the Sword art online fans of the toy world
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>Reactivate her X-gene
>Boobs shrink
Sorry Jubilation your...."modest bust"....is a secondary mutation
>so weird that Archangel used to wear a skin tight suit that was the same color as his skin
It was weirder when Jean did it.
she's evolving
>Me and the bad bitches I mindbroke because my Oneitsis
X Men would be worlds better as a series if the mutants, other than the ones controlled by Xavier and Co., were much more violent and the mutant control squads were much more deadly. Show real fear in the population from not merely the mutant perspective but the human one too.
I think she wants Colossus to go steel-form and absolutely pile-drive her.
Canonically, probably not. She works mostly in shades of disdain for all of them. They're tools of some use to Magneto, but mostly she's stuck playing babysitter instead of helping him in the field.
I do think it's funny how many women fall for Logan. He's not a bad man, but he's also short, hairy, canonically often extremely smelly, short-tempered, rude, quick to stab. He must fuck like a champion or something.
>Show real fear in the population from not merely the mutant perspective but the human one too.
The comics do this mostly by showing the consequence of Brotherhood actions and the occasional bad Mutant awakening. Sometimes a new power is extremely dangerous and unnerving. Charles can't stop every new mutant from accidentally blowing off their teacher's head or something.
She wants to be his living onahole.
>Teen Emma
No, Evo Emma should be a Mrs. Robinson type seducing Scott
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NJo one really knows anything about her besides her kick ass design. The one book that tried to do something with her more recently sucked ass, unfortunately.
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Here's a delivery from last thread

>Wanda getting fucked by Toad while she tries and fails to pretend that she isn't enjoying it


I'm doing requests again so drop some if you have any ideas.
Kittie was pretty hot
Imagine the lucky criminals that get cornered b6 them
Puff Adder (He's a mutant so it counts) and Anaconda being an overly publicly affectionate couple
I heard mutants turn you gay
Very yes.
Is there a good non-upscaled, clean source with no interlacing shit for Evolution? Like is the LatAM HBO Max stream any good, and if so, has anyone saved it?
Post the nude version
the milf supreme...
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Love RLE but Null Hypothesis is quickly becoming my new favorite.
>hairy, canonically often extremely smelly, short-tempered, rude, quick to stab
many women would jump to him for exactly that
I just find it funny how many of his loves/flings are asian including Jubes
>pigtails and moccasin boots
Maybe some aren't so bad?
Dani is super cute and needs more attention. She can literally make your dreams come true.
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>Dani is preaching to the other New Mutant girls about how pathetic anti-mutant men are, but her powers accidentally reveals that at least one of girls fantasizes about them all being gangbanged by mutant haters.
That doesn't look like a native American bow
It'd be easy, like dating a black chick.
>like dating a black chick.
so miserable?
>Sword art online fans
lol, sao fans couldn't defend themselves even if they wanted to.
just like 40k fans lmao.
>"Wow people actually like Super Heroes in this world"
what the fuck lmao
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I forgot how huge Mystique's room in the boarding house was.
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X-23 is so cute
That would never happen in a cartoon
>I'm doing requests again so drop some if you have any ideas.
Something with the girls wearing their lewdest comic costumes and doing sexy poses and possible wardrobe malfunctions, like Rogue in the Savage Land costume, Jean as Black Queen or the Atlantis costume, Wanda in the Perez costume, do Kitty or Boom Boom have any costumes that would work?

Also, please let us know if there was an uncensored version of the shower pic from the previous thread.
>can't be touched
>still a slut somehow
Do you think alternate universe Rogues would be immune to each other's power?
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Why was Scott blind to best girl's crush on him?
he's not, he just knows women want you a lot more when you're aloof and relaxed. Its like fishing, really.
I like to think they cancel each out within proximity so I can get a double sloppy top
Emma is probably down for group sex unless she loves you in which case fucking another bitch is going to mindbreak her into either spitefully cheating or sucking it up while you continue to cuck her as she does freakier shit everyday to win you over or she kills the bitch.
Imagine a guy dating one and cheating with the other then he coerces them into a passionate threesome they both hate.
No panties btw. Wanda was flashing her hairy gypsy cooch to everyone while acting as innocent as possible
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Lance having a threesome with Kitty and her mom.
>Love route requires you to ease her into it by having threesomes
You have to play Yukio's route at the same time as Negasonic's to get the best end, a threeway relationship.

She still claims to be a lesbian while taking cock.
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I like jewish noses
Anon, no. We've got canon evidence Wanda is smooth and hairless down there. Possibly naturally so, judging by that story where they were cloning her in the AoA.

>while acting as innocent as possible
Somehow when Wanda wears something really slutty, nobody seems to notice it at all. Maybe it's magic. But she was deputy leader of the Avengers when she wore that, fueling the theory that the less she wears, the greater her natural authority.
>he's not, he just knows women want you a lot more when you're aloof and relaxed. Its like fishing, really.

I doubt that would work with someone like Toad in his attempts to seduce Wanda
well, yeah, but he'd be aiming too high with that.
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>Yukio: I love you anon.....
>Ellie rolls her eyes
>Yukio Whispering....she loves you too
>Ellie blushes
all that space just to fuck Irene
Needs more red leather bdsm bodysuit with spikes, but otherwise good.
Shapeshifter, remember?
Needs enough room for cocktopus.
got link?
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Gib goth southern belle mutie
I only ever hear that complaint from black men.
Did they?...
I would auntie 'roro
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that's the sound of me rimming her
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When she's not trying to gut anyone, sure
I figure after all the M day shit, she stops caring about grooming herself and it's quite hairy down there
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Anon, do you have any idea how rare it is for Marvel to give us an actual canon answer on a heroine's grooming habits? If an artist was based enough to work this into a comic and make it canon, we're damn well treating it as canon 100% of the time.

Especially since for Wanda it's happened twice, and one of those times was people mass-producing clones of her, which implied she doesn't or can't grow any hair down there. The other time was after M day, and at a time when she was living alone, single, and on medication for depression, and she was still looking after herself.
What you're saying is Wanda is always ready to get her pussy railed at a moment's notice.
>Oh...i see you brought your sister Ororo...that's nice....<ziiiip>
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>Okay gang you an go back to the danger room, i will take ororo to her bedroomand...put her to bed. Poor thing is all tuckered out..mmm
Thinking about it, have there ever been any canonical relationships between muties and normies that have received actual focus in the comics?
Kitty and rouge tit sucking.
Was Spyke ever added to the comics
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Nattie Bumpo
I don't think so, mutie.
hows gwenpool in that game?
Cute outside of her blowjob animations. Breaks the 4th wall a lot too
sex with her must be so frustrating,every time you push too much she can just make your dick pass through her,and you would stop feeling her pussy
But isnt she too good natured for that? its kinda a cruel thing to do to a bf.
>cmon Kitty...im close...you wont go intangible when ill gonna blw...right?
in evolution she loses control a lot.
>stay ready so you don't need to get ready
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how can i start x-man comics?
i watch all the animations.
where do i start on the comics,to get something similar to the cartoons?
Charles know how to live big.
Surrounding himself with hot chocolae...
Might as well use this thread to ask this question.
What do you guys think Magneto would think if he was in My Hero Academia? The majority of the planet has quirks/aka powers.
>scenario 1
Magneto gets teleported there
>scenario 2
Magneto was born in the MHA universe but still keeps his X gene
Were they...
Of course...
Rachel's best outfit right here
You mean this outfit right here?
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>Is there a good non-upscaled, clean source with no interlacing shit for Evolution? Like is the LatAM HBO Max stream any good, and if so, has anyone saved it?
Not with a female mutie, no.
Kurt was lucky to have Tabby interested in him.

Think he managed to fuck her before he started dating Amanda?
Her pre-evolution appearance was much better
Agreed, but her second design has grown on me.
What do you think of the Brotherhood future designs?
If they at least kept the face the same I'd might agree
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requesting Kitty Pryde making waves in a pool with an innertube
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hed be happy that the "mutants" proved themselves superior before giving deku a wedgie
wouldnt that just make him some random dude in mha that was also another dude from another universe?
considering his original father was a demon and Mystique was retconned at one point to have been the child of a skrull and human left on earth, then Kurts at best 1/4th human at times and isnt even a mutant
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Emma has a terrible personality so Jean by default
Best Rouge
Every day
I just wat my goth southern belle...
idk about belles, but if you go down south you'll definitely find some southern bells; wide, heavy and loud as hell
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that's why this scenario in X-Men is so unreal. Realistically people would be scared shitless by mutants
I love how hating mutants unites all races and backgrounds
sex with Rogue must suck.
you'd pretty much would have to wear a condom for any sex-related activity.
I mean, can you imagine a condom blowjob?
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Worth it to fuck a sexy, Southern goth.
looks like they have an extra chromosome

Tabitha was severely underused
owo whats this from?
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why do telepaths go crazy for him?

is he all no thoughts head empty or is his mind some enigmatic void or something
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Would you fuck a female Logan?
it's called X-23

also, remove ciggie from that pic. quesada does not approve them
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I don't belive in TMD(Total mutant death) but I believe in TTD(Total Telepath Death)
Only if she calls me bub...and says im best there is as what i do...filling her up
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I want her and Amara in my bed every night.
>tail goes under her coat
Soon Kurt's tail will work its way somewhere more pleasant.
ew no. Wolverine is a gigawhore
I wanna go boom.boom, boom boom in her room.

And then she takes care.of.my.junk.applying cooling balms when Amara lost control of her powers
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Thanks to the healing factor she can't get any stds and she has 2 centuries of sexual experience.

I wouldn't marry her or anything, but passing up a one night stand is stupid.

I'll never get what Todd sees in Wanda
>one night stands
Hes dick, he sees his dick in her
She always does it and promises she wont next time and, like Charlie brown kicking the football, you always fall for it
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>Kitty...i...i trusted you...i trusted tou will let me nut inside...you always do this and then cuddle.me...youre an evil jewess Kitty...sob
HEr looking like prime time Fairuza Balk as she was in The Craft?
Somewhere a lot more unpleasant, at a party with some furries, according to this week's issue of X-Men. Soon all versions of Nightcrawler are going to be retroactively gay.
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I'll always hold out hope that one day I can creampie her.
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"Hey Wanda, my anaconda dont want none unless you have buns, hon..."
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"Yes Kitty...just like in my doujins..."
What a dog.
Absolute Hound
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what comic is this?
I want to love Kitty, really I do, but her whole pirate phase and curly hair... I just can't. Plus the whole Jewish thing is hard to look past.
One of those crossover comics, Jla Avengers
Blob is probably my favorite.simple and efective.
Pyro is just so out of place.
caps seething
That's just Logan with moobs.
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If we're talking about mutants. I just wish to say I need this man's hole so badly I am on the brink of utter tragedy, my every thought is consumed by cute blue butt, my mind conjures images of his tail that would make a mind reader weep from the sheer beauty.
Kurt my beloved.
Does anyone have the version that turns him into the emo wojak? I lose my shit at that one.
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>fuzzy woman who is stronger than me, hairy and doesn't shower regularly
I would worship fem Logan.
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Posting my blue husband
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I love when they draw him doing fucky acrobatic shit to show off how flexible he is.
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Here you go.
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A lot of people end up drawing Logan and Kurt together but I don't see a lot of romantic subtext between them in the comics. Although to be fair a lot of their interactions are way friendlier than Logan's other friendships.
They seem pretty comfortable with each other and I can see where you'd get a solid romantic basis if you come at it from that angle.
Yes, but I would also fuck male Logan.
Kinda weird how the concept of X-Men exist in Marvel universe?
What if Storm got into a relationship with Forge? He's biologically 16, but chronologically in his 40s.

Would that be immoral or not?
Imagine what the jungle between her thighs smells like
>lil Jean on the right
why would that be immoral
People are overly concerned about agegaps and people would see Ororo as a 30 plus woman dating a teen.
Hi Yukio :3 !
based fellow elffucker
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How did Scott and Jean react to Kurt fucking their daughter?
Superheroes on average seem to deal with mutants a lot better than non superheroes. What do you think would happen if a big name Hero got a mutant in the family?

They sorta did that with Franklin Richards
I was acting in universe. I think he used to be one but somehow no longer became one I think that one inuman hero the new coloured girl Ms Marvel Originally was just bad but also became a mutant also later somehow by how X-Men came back from the dead. I don't think they can do that anymore and she might have been one of the last to come back from the dead because they we're not planning on it stopping soon.
Nigga, what the fuck are you trying to say
sexless zoomer
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Does the X mansion have a grotto like the Playboy mansion?
I'd love to swim with some cute mutant girls.
Female Logan wouldn't be anything like X-23 in personality and only slightly resemble her in appearance.
I want to cuddle her in bed...
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Mystique wanted that Jean poon...
Mystique clearly wanted to fuck all the X-men.
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can you blame her?
And all the gals wanted a piece of her fuzzy blue son...
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He gets his good looks from her.
I don't what they was thinking with this but i wish there was more of this
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For a traumatized goth chick who had daddy issued and wanted to be left alone...she knew what to wear to make guys go hard.

She didn't need tow ear such a neckline going dooooown. Yet...bless her...she did

Go to bed Toad
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Sorry for how long this took. I was out of town for a few days so I couldn't do much drawing.

Anyway, here's Evolution Jean in her Atlantis outfit.
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Kitty is the perfect flat chest waifu.
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What's his fucking problem?
Honestly I've thought about it and the more serious tone is a positive and negative. Basically all the girls are nice and sweet and cute, and in this one I really don't have much of a desire to do anything with Jean consequently. Yet as far as I know being in a relationship with all of them is mandatory to progress.
Smelly obsessed protective autist Laura was great though. 100% improvement over Roguelike in that department.
Woah Rogue, easy on the grits.
That southern cooking is giving her a full figure.
but I already love my mutie wife
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>those feet
Storm should've been a punk teen in the show.
Imagine the sloppy blowjob while you play with her mohawk...
That tongue piercing laser must feel crazy.
Is she naked here or what?
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Yes but she gets more naked.

you are a Mutie, Frank....
He's always been a deadbeat dad.
He lacks the necessary X-gene, therefore he's actually not a mutant.
Can aliens get the x-gene? What about animals or plants?
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There's a few Alien/Nonhuman hybrids like the Namor cousins but the Xgene and they played with the idea of Nonhuman X-genes like how Wolverine several times played with the idea of him being some kind of evolved Wolf/Wolverine but never commited because that's dumb. But effectively if you don't have Human genes you're not going to have X-genes. All NonHuman mutants on the X-men are usually hybrids or just aberrant of their species like Warlock.
Any animal with an X-gene in comics so far has been artificially given one.
Rogue pregnant with the Brood
There goes my fanfic mutant coral character
I mean it's not like the X-men discriminate, you could just have them be Mutated Coral like I said. Also it's a fanfic nobody cares.
She's pretty hot.

I've been out of reading X-Men for years. Any other cute X-girls I've missed?
Ah yes, Transonic. The girl with the incredible mutant ability to fly really fast.
The Rom villain Hybrid is a human/Dire Wraith mutant. The Wolverine villain Roughouse is a human/Troll mutant.
Wow, from the first run all the way to now they've never committed to trying that? How unimaginative.
They tried it, they just never really stuck with the idea. It's usually just heavily implied until another writer comes in and says "no that's gay, get your gay shit out of the comic"
Will they ever reveal who Gambit's parents are?
I've always rationalized it as only earth lifeforms have the x gene. This can explain mutants with animal like abilities since I dunno the x gene makes otherwise incompatible DNA compatible with each other, but only if it's from the same evolutionary environment.
Also it makes humans unique and interesting on the cosmic scale. Everyone else in the galaxy has never had mutants, or their mutant equivalents are because of super science or magic. Only humans just randomly started spitting out superhuman weirdos.
>"I may make you cry a little but you will like it..."

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