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When politics on /co/mics goes too far?
Is that Clott?
they jib jabbed his armerino
If you consider the vaccine political, I can see just how much brain rot you've got.
Here in Australia nobody except for the politicians were instructing people to get vaccinated. Then forcing businesses to only accept vaccinated customers wearing covid masks.

It was either total compliance or you couldn't buy & sell, some serious mark of the beast shit. So yes: It was political
>political issue not political because meme word of the day
Bros got moves frfr no cap ywnbaw smdh yeet
When it's full-blown propaganda, I guess. Like the old comics selling war bonds and like this.
They made it political.
How many people here actually managed to avoid the jab? A lot of the people at my church eventually broke down and got it
100% pureblood here.
Is it political when you can’t put kids in public school without them having vaccinations? That you can’t enter certain countries without necessary vaccination?
When is red deer coming schizos?
The reason many Americans die early is because they do not have a healthy life.
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We counting anytime someone uses comics as a soapbox for their belief? Including things like Chick Tracts or a writer making one character sort of his voice on a personal philosphy (the priest in Ostrander's Suicide Squad/The Spectre)?
I was initially hesitant to get it. My roommate at the time who was further to the left than me got both doses. Later that year, at different times we each got Covid. I was very sick for about two days, mildly sick for another day and a half, then I was fine. The roommate was on death's door for like a week and a half. Only got up to shit. That convinced me and I avoided it entirely.
I realize this is only two people out of millions, don't care much what other folks think of it, but that shit was not for me thanks.
Absolutely. You're talking about the government mandating what you can and can't do because they want you to put something inside your body.
I got COVID. Does that count?
Yeah, that's pretty bad.
Everyone should have dropped their comics at that point.
I never got COVID but almost all my family was a risk group so we got the vaccine.
There was a bunch of retards who talked about 5G, satan components, and even werewolfs. I live in a stupid country.
No I never got that shit. What are you, nuts? And I did have the COVID bug in April 2019 a year prior to SHTF. It was a nasty flu, but w/e.
Chick Tracts
>The tyrannical policies alone should have been enough to convince you something was amiss.
One relative died from it, one cousin still have the sequels from it. We took a decission. We had to.
And I have already heard all the bullshit for it, about the jews, the aliens, the americans, the chinese, the russians, the right, the left, Hitler, God, and the Devil.
Man I don't buy any of the conspiracy stuff, as the truth is often more depressing and mundane than the fantastic things folks invent.
That said it would be pretty fucking funny if somehow Aliens or Hitler were behind this one.
So are you in favour of them or do you advocate children getting polio again?
You’re acting like your personal freedoms are being stepped on to unusual degree, did you know that you’re not allowed to drive drunk either? If you got an infectious disease and spread it because you’re too retarded to take your medicine you’re at fault. Your rights end where someone else’s begin and people have a right to not get coughed on by plague victims in public spaces.
Well yeah of course they do.
So I stay at home when I'm drunk or sick, without taking in random untested ass meds from dubious sources.
Bam, have it both ways.
I wanted to get it but ended not doing so out of laziness. Whenever I went to the doctor and they asked me about I felt awkward because I could tell they thought I was a retard
> stay at home when I'm drunk or sick
Cool. You do understand that these laws are made to combat all the morons that don't, right? Drunk driving wouldn't be illegal if every drunk just stayed home
How is getting vaccinated against a global pandemic political?
I didnt do it because it made people seethe, had covid too once couldnt taste anything in two weeks
Drunk driving wouldn't be illegal if it wasn't both dangerous and extremely fun.
I never got it, not because i went out of my way to avoid it, just because i never needed to consider it. Honestly, covid shit was buried under so many layers of autism that i still don't know what to make of it all. I've pretty much resolved not to have an opinion on it until a few decades after the fact.
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Because if a person argues for or ahainst something long enough it counts as politics, I guess. Even if they count "nuh uh" a lot counts as an argument.

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