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Right here are the previews for thiws anons, enjoy if you can.
I can't believe people still read this. That's some willing, masochistic cuckoldry.
Usm crushes it in sales month in month out.
Yeah, but doesn't it still chart?
Besides, people here keep up with it.
Ultimate Spider-Man #9 preview
Doesn’t She-Hulk hate Spider-Man now?
post all variant covers please.
Upgrade for the suit? Or maybe he tries to give him the Doc Ock tentacles which Peter refuses.
Maybe I'm reading too deeply into this, but I feel like this is one last "fuck you" to Spencer from Marvel, destroying the father/daughter relationship between Tombstone and Janice that he established.
It has a lot of variants. And usms relative success is more than twice asms.
It totally is lmao. God Superior Foes clears this entire run so hard lmao.
It’s either going to be tentacles or Iron Spider/Superior legs
I have no fucking idea why they changed her design so radically, it's not even the race aspect as much as it makes no sense for JRJR to draw her like this. Why is JRJR such a hack?
I'm so glad there's one good Spider-Man title in 2024. I wouldn't be annoyed if they cancelled all the others and just kept Ultimate going.
I agree, even though I think Superior Foes is hot garbage.
I love those moments when Peter and Harry are bros.
Luckily for us this run is so incompetent that most people wouldn't accept anything from it
I feel bad for JRJR though
Black on black violence?
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• Spider-Man finds himself face-to-face with CYRIOS, SCION OF CYTORRAK!
• Cyrios represents the inevitability of time and takes Spider-Man on a heartbreaking tour through Peter Parker's past AND future in excruciating detail.
• How many deaths will Spider-Man spend trying to alter his past and save his future?!
32 PGS./Rated T …$4.99

>The artist, "Big Gleb" already confirmed that MJ doesn't appear in this issue.
This is going to be another Gwenwank issue where Peter fails to save her from getting her neck snapped isn't it?
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• Cytorrak's most dangerous scion, CALLIX, and his deadly CRIMSON CANINES take their turn to inflict physical pain on Spider-Man.
• Spidey doesn't have many deaths left to spend…
32 PGS./Rated T …$4.99

The Scions of Cyttorak feel like something that Jed McKay came up with, not Justina Ireland or Joe Kelly.
Rumor mill has it lowes been accused of feeding his writers other pitches he gets from seperate wroters.
I wouldn't be surprised if that turned out to be true. Lowe doesn't have a creative bone in his body, so stealing ideas from other writers is all he has left.
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Ultimate Spider-Man #12 variant
>This is going to be another Gwenwank issue where Peter fails to save her from getting her neck snapped isn't it?
learn to read it says peter goes through a tour which involves his past AND his future. Thus fans will learn what awaits him in the future. Will OMD be undone?or is MJ destiny is to become Paul's wife? could it be shay and Peter will grow closer to each other and marry each other? will we learn ben reilly's future fate? does Gwen Stacy stay dead in the future or does she get resurrected and is reunited with Peter? Does Norman osborn became evil again and is he still alive in the future?
I doubt it's going to be any of that, especially since MJ isn't in the issue. It's just going to be Lowe crying over Gwen's corpse again.
Again you clearly did NOT read the synopis it says it will be a tour of peter's past and future. Now stop making shit up will you.
There are people who buy comics specifically because it has Spider-Man in it.
Synopsis lie all the time. It's clearly going to be Gwenwank.
I thought Joe Kelly was writing this and not this abominable Star Wars bitch.
Kelly isn't one for writing multiple issues for long periods of time, that's why he only does minis these days, so Ireland is helping him out.
>• How many deaths will Spider-Man spend trying to alter his past and save his future?!
This is it anons Peter will alter the past by saving Gwen looks like it may just happen unironically.
>Peter saves Gwen.
>She is married to Paul back in the present.
Whelp, that solves that problem!
Well it would undo OMD and maybe give him a happy ending so that being the case I say so be it.
Don't see how can Gwen coud possiably be married to Paul unironically.
Gwen got trapped in the apocalyptic hellscape instead of MJ where she fell in love with her one, true love...Genocide Paul.
*instead of MJ, where she fell in love with her one, true love...Genocide Paul.

>Forgot the comma.
I feel like any bartender would go insane from Ben and Jonah's constant back and forth.
I don't know how I feel about the new ultraman looking suit. might grow on me.
Not possiabe given if she were to live then he life with peter would unfold differently
>Using logic.
Nope, that's not how ASM works anymore. It's all dream logic now. Things just happen because Nick Lowe is too lazy and believes that stagnation is a good thing. Gwen is with Paul and that's just how it's going to be.
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ASM #60 variant cover. Good riddance to Zeb Wells.
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At least we don't get to see this whore's ugly mug.
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USM 12 variant. Milf MJ
>ignores the fact it's a tragic echo of the original reign
>and dead Paul
Can we go back to talking about the USM previews? What do you guys think the new suit is?
Iron spider superior fusion
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Maybe it'll be an Insomniac-esque suit made of some sort of Lyte-Byte prototype material.
*, which will become the origin story of Ultimate Spider-Man 2099's suit.

>Forgot to add this part.
Iron Spider/ Superior Spider suit. What could be interesting is that he could initially deny using the suit and when inevitably the pictosuit/Benom happens he is forced to use the new suit to confront Benom.
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they gotta have their spidey!
The only woman who's ever done a good job writing Spider-Man is Ann Nocenti
I think it'll be a suit that Peter declines, leading to Otto using it as Doc Ock/Superior Ock/whatever.
Alternatively Peter does use it and Benom gets annoyed
Did Joe Kelly bailed out?
>Variant covers and reboots speculators buy in bulk are the only thing keeping the books afloat.
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Oh hey havent been in one of these threads for a while
Sales are inflated by stores ordering variants a lot.
Plus this
Maybe, but there's also a reason that stores have piles of unsold ASMs.
Such a good cover ngl
This mJ is so cool.
I like their back and forth ngl
Interesting setup, I assume this is the one the ai will hijack.
Iirc gleb only said MJ wasn't in the first issue, not anything later. And it'd be weird if she doesn't even cameo if they do gwen, or if they do the future (tho I could see them doing the coy unfunny thing)
Like others have said either the iron spider/superior suit...orr the one with the traditional black suit astethic
No one wants to work with Spider-Office, huh? I fear the day will come when it'll be Schultz on ASM.
Maybe, seems that way
i miss black cat titty so much...
19 shots?
literally me
What happened to black cat and spidey anyways weren't they a thing?
Literally split up lmao
Zeb Wells has single-handedly made me sick of Tombstone and I hope the next run doesn't have him show up at all.
This, but Randy, White Rabbit and Janice. Put them on a plane and crash it overseas.
VenoMJ is pure sex!
Gwen Goblin is pure shit!
I might not be Gwenschizo but Gwen Goblin could force herself on me anytime.
Disgusting, bug eyed expressions are a total dealbreaker. It's not yandere, it's just cursed and unappealing.

Also the funniest thing about Gwenschizo is that he doesn't even speak English, and just uses Google Translate to communicate with us.
Fucked up due to lack of image, but still, it's awful. No good. Hairband just makes it worse.
I'll laugh if it end up being something like the Superior Spider-Man hydra suit.
Likewise, honestly. I'm tired of waiting for ASM to be good, it may as well just end. It's utterly redundant with USM being out there.
Not for me anon! Gwen could rape me anytime, no matter if she's the Green Goblin or just her classic version.
genuinely wondering how Peter got together MJ in this verse, Peter cleans up nicely but it's MJ man. I hope we get a little backstory on how that happened
genuinely, is there gonna be some reaction if keeps USM outpacing ASM?
Maybe. But not from the people in charge of ASM.

Cebulski just seems relieved that Ultimate managed to work out, so he's not killing it anytime soon.
I think it's a lot like how it went in 616. Hot girl from a broken home and serious commitment issues, lonely guy with angst and a good heart who personifies commitment. And then a blind date set up by two aunts.
Fuck, what a cunt.
New UU is actually worth a shit because it has good titles beyond USM, low bar but man did they clear it
Peter probably isn't as angsty in this verse because he wasn't orphaned at such a young age and Uncle Ben never died in a botched robbery. Maybe along with the 616 dynamic, he had a paternal figure to push him forward with the girl next door
I think he probably had more angst instead of less. Peter's parents dying when he was a toddler means he really has no-one to remember or mourn, and just sort of accepted his Aunt and Uncle as his family.

Peter losing his parents in his teens would have probably messed him up further. He named his son after his dad, something he just never really bothered with in any other continuity.

She turned into a supervillain and ruined her life, because she went insane after she thought Peter committed suicide. It's actually good shit. You fuck with their relationship and actually, the entirety of human civilization in the Marvel Universe is utterly fucked.
Ultimates is great, and I despised 1610 Ultimates. The Spider-Fag in me wants to say that USM is the better book, but in all honestly Ultimates is really, really good and paced better.

I definitely like both, and I wouldn't have been so interested in Ultimates if they didn't reel me in with USM though.
>She turned into a supervillain and ruined her life, because she went insane after she thought Peter committed suicide. It's actually good shit. You fuck with their relationship and actually, the entirety of human civilization in the Marvel Universe is utterly fucked.

Literally the future in Reign and Reign 2 is an utter hellhole because absolute fucking imbeciles thought they could make Peter and MJ sad without deadly and horrifying consequences for all mankind!
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I'm a Spider-Fag too and i'll freely admit that Ultimates is the best title right now and this is coming from a guy who doesn't really like the Avengers, but the gap in quality has to do with writing style. Hickman has always been about slow burners so we're really not gonna see the peaks of the series until later on, Ultimates is very much about the team desperately trying to fix the world as they run out of time.
Deniz Camp is definitely a Peter-fag and made him literally the only person besides maybe one other who didn't fuck up after Tony and Doom's half-assed plan with the time machine. Our boy is a good boy, yessir. I wouldn't mind Camp writing Ultimate Spider-Man if/when Hickman moves on to something else.
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>Literally the hottest Spider-Man girl, even with all the 10/10's that keep throwing themselves at Peter's dick inexplicably
>Has enough angst and tragedy behind her to fuel dozens of story arcs on her own while having the best dynamic with Peter.
Ultimate Spider-Man really was a 'what if we just get our heads out of our own asses for a little bit?' for Marvel.
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Reminds me of how USM MJ should cheat on Peter with USM Black Cat.
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>Hairband just makes it worse.
This is such a hilarious detail.
>How do we make SURE they know it's Gwen Stacy?

Ultimate was able to do that without any headband at all!
Tbh, when you have a absolute sexo blonde with a bubble saying she is Gwen, then it doesn't take long to put 2 and 2.
You want me to enjoy Spider-Man when I see
>Romita Jr.
On the fucking cover? Yeah, no, you ask the impossible.
Only in comics would a guy miss a person who doesn't have super speed with that many shots at that close range. Though maybe later Wells can salvage this by saying he was missing on purpose because he doesn't actually want to shoot her.
Literally everyone knew that you'd use this pic as bait you pathetic retard. You're so predictable.
It's going to be a bulky Iron Spider based on the silhouette alone with a Superior Spider-Man/Ock flair.
They really weren’t expecting Jackpot and Black Cat to come crashing down so quickly because of Paul. Now they’re just turning all the covers they commissioned into ASM variants and hoping people wouldn’t notice. Faggot behavior, absolutely bitchmade.
>he doesn’t want to shoot her so he very nearly shoots her over 20 times
Zeb is just making a racist joke about how black people cant aim for shit.
I wouldn’t mind more Black Cat and Jackpot team ups.
I don’t want to see her with Peter though. They’ve nuked that relationship beyond all recognition.
It is, in fact, totally a Jackpot and Black Cat cover they never got to use because they commissioned it without realizing the series was utterly dead on arrival. It’s literally a send up to the variant cover Adam Hughes did for Mary Jane and Black Cat.

Bros I wonder why Mary Jane and Black Cat did well for itself and Jackpot and Black Cat utterly crashed and burned, is there some sort of Gwen Stacy obsessed child rapist from Poland who speaks zero English and coasts by just using Google Translate to explain this down for me??? Was there not enough Paul, or genocide? Did Bronfman make a mistake by not revealing Paul as an elder abusing homosexual like they did in ASM?
They nuked Amazing Spider-Man itself beyond recognition. It’s already dead and worthless. Just do what I do and read Ultimate Spider-Man from now on.
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>ASM #65's solicitation got put up early. Not sure how.

THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUES! Spider-Man has faced four Scions and is running out of extra lives. This issue's scion, CYRA, represents the very power of Death Itself and makes Spider-Man watch everything he loves die. Can Spider-Man possibly withstand this punishment?

Comic · 32 pages · $4.99
Why does marvel want spidey to be a shitty maidenless loser so badly? Is it a writers fetish or what? After all the work spencer did in undoing a lot of the damage from OMD just to get flushed down the toiler right after.
>ASM #65's solicitation got put up early. Not sure how

Incompetence, mostly.

Literally a filler run where “let’s make Peter even more miserable and kill him off multiple times, but he never hardens the fuck up from it it gets respect and is still treated like a schlubby loser.

Literally dying multiple times for this faggotry and he’ll have nothing to show for it. What pedophile was this written for?
Zeb said if he can’t be happy, nobody gets to be happy after his divorce.
>everyone he loves
>mj on the cover
>as mj not jackpot
Mark Bagley is a real one.
I like that all the USM previews fills us with anticipation and hype. The other one gives us dread and despair.
Hickman: What if we just did things the readers liked, instead of things the readers only hate? Maybe… they would buy the book more?

Lowe: We need to doubling and then tripling down on our faggotry and show them who’s boss.
Oh yeah people here would like it, getting an USM nsfw threesome of peter bringing work home, as it were..
That she isn't jackpot I think is the biggest thing, would be hilarious if they spoiled that she's back to normal due to a cover
When written well, he's a funny guy that cares for his aunt and doesn't look too bad while secretly being athetlic and very smart. Not a bad catch at least superficially.

but yeah MJ is best girl
I should get a venomMJ/Peter nsfw well another
Eh, I like tombstone still, I wont let a bad run sour me on a character I like.
>Gwen is nowhere to be seen
Google Translate bros…
>Otto is there, Spider Boy is there, even fucking Venom is there.
>Paul is nowhere to be seen

Wtf bros I thought Peter and Paul were besties why is a guy who hijacked Peter’s body and tried to rape his girlfriend closer to Peter than the based Chicken Korma man?

Has Paul shown up in any of the stuff for 8 Deaths? Is he okay???
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He dead.
This arc sounds like misery porn, and I don't know why they thought people would be excited for it.
BND writers are obssesed with nothing can stop the juggernaut, so they constantly try to ape it for their own "spidey vs unstoppable thing but wins at the end", but here its mixed with a 10 issue magic filler arc tied to an MU event.
>USM threesome
Wow commanon, I didn't know you also shipped Parksborn!
Nobody wants to see the awful suit MJ, thank Felicia.
Please stop using spider boy
Don't give anyone ideas.
Nah its with felicia. Sorry
Mary Jane and Black Cat are more likely to be hooked up with each other than either with Spider-man cuz Marvel loves diversity and misery for fans and comic writers cant handle marriages or even relationships now with Spidey for whatever reason.
As expected from my boy Lowe
Where's Ben and Kaine preview?
>stop using spider boy
he is here to stay by the looks of it even getting a random one-shot with kid-pool written by Yost of all people
Just wait until they start using SPIDER GIRL next month
Misery porn is only good if there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. We actually hate seeing the hero fucked over but we love it when he overcomes it. That’s what people liked about Spider-Man. It’s not that he fails, but that he learns and grows from failure and becomes stronger. That’s the appeal! The problem is, he’s not overcoming it anymore, and he isn’t learning anything anymore.

My problem is that he’s never allowed any dignity in the face of tragedy, and never allowed to reach a point where nothing phases him anymore no matter how awful things get. He’s already a supreme badass for enduring everything he did over the years without breaking, but people treat him like a joke after Gazing Into The Abyss over and over for all these years and never once blinking.

Peter, by now, should basically be Guts from Millenium Falcon onwards. Yeah things are shit. Yeah he’s unhappy, and probably won’t ever be happy again. But he’s at peace with all of it now, and that’s only made him more dangerous and more effective, while he slowly gets moments that make him a bit more happy again. If he doesn’t get something out of dying against literal gods over and over in this upcoming arc, even if it’s just a better attitude about death or indifference about his future misfortunes and greater resilience after enduring much worse, that’s fine. Or his loved ones seeing him suffer and destroy himself and die and gain a newfound awe over him, or at least guilt at not being able to do anything for him, that’s great too. But if he doesn’t, if there’s nothing at all for him at the end of this, then why even do it?
The thing is that the BND mindset is inherently about peter being a static character, he must remain what they view as his only real characterization (a distorted 70s-early 80s peter) and can never change.

JMD wrote a lot of misery for peter but he always understood that he had to have stuff to fight for, his love, his friends and that ultimately stuff would be better.
Recency bias here. Peter actually did have it good for several periods since BND. The start of the Horizon era, the Parker Industries Era, a good chunk of Spencer's run. Never-ending misery came with Divorced Zeb.
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Looks like Felicia is joining The Avengers.

(W) Jed MacKay
(A) Farid Karami
(CA) Valerio Schiti
BLACK CAT JOINS THE AVENGERS?! For a cosmic caper! The Avengers attend an intergalactic auction in an attempt to get ahead of some of these Tribulation Events… …but they are in for a shock when Black Cat shows up on SOMEONE'S arm! The most shocking date of 2025 – and the year has only begun!
>MJ written OOC as a total ball and chain and wet blanket yet again
>Peter is still in the corner there focused firmly on her ass.

That’s why he’s #ourguy
It’s amazing that Zeb couldn’t even make Peter/Felicia land. People keep focusing on the Paul stuff because it is the worst, but even without him this is still one of the worst runs I’ve seen, not just for Spider-Man but for most cape comics in general.
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Felicia was forced on him by someone higher up who didn't like how Peter had absolutely nothing going on for him. He refused to write the date issues, handing those off to Kelly, and wrote them apart as quickly as he could.
His own date issues with Shay and Michele2 fucking sucked too though. He just fucking sucks, he’s a bad writer and that’s why Nick Lowe loves him.
Chasm: Curse of Kaine #2 preview
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Even when Peter was at his biggest as a loser which was his highschool era, he's still highly intelligent and a handsome man. 6160 Peter before the spider bite is still very much a handsome, personable and responsible man with a strong moral compass
Harvey spends the entire series being bullied by Druig.
great one
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>"people he loves"
>Whoever is behind the logo

Peter and Felicia are top tier and arguably the best. The thing is Wells didn't even write any chapter related to them, he was just so lazy and unprofessional.
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kek they should hire this guy more often
Adam Hughes was so on point.
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Gwen Stacy is so lucky...
>Nope, that's not how ASM works anymore. It's all dream logic now. Things just happen because Nick Lowe is too lazy and believes that stagnation is a good thing. Gwen is with Paul and that's just how it's going to be.
Gwen ending up with paul would make zero sense which is why it won't happen. Heck if Gwen were to live then everyone knows she and peter would be married.
Yhat's MJ not gwen you idiot looks like you are in need of fucking glasses.
I had fully written off Ultimates when it was announced, but fuck me am I glad to be wrong on that one.
Fun fact, hughes said back in 2008 that his favorite comic supporting cast/love interest was mj. And specifically said how he liked her because she didn't have superpowers and brought in realisim...i think he made his feelings on the status quo pretty clear lol
Well he was a bit on the thinner side, he wasn't ugly but he didn't get really handsome until romita.
Oh how come?
Me on the right
Save us NORMAN!
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Gwen are Maryjean were made for Miles cock
Is google translate just never able to translate Mary Jane properly for you, Gwenpedo?
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She's not enough to satisfy Paul, soon he'll go for Gwen as well.
I have to wonder what fucking translation app this guy is using because even Google Translate is good enough to translate "Mary Jane" as "Mary Jane"
spiderman is the worst superhero(actually the villain) in marvil/dc/ whatever

>asshole shows up to events that he has no business being a part of
>denies the revenge of people who totally needed to do what they did.
>he was a normal human when his bones formed, yet they never break from all the stress he puts on them with superhuman abilities.
>thanos killed him because he was a punkass doing exactly what i listed in the first reason.
>doesnt get hot redhead pregnant and work for the cia , instead lets people shit on him as a poor white jew in new york.
>carrier highlight was fighting old matcho man randy savage.
>is black in a universe.

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t. Stan
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Love how much winning FTM Venom chads are doing lately
Standard VenoMJ is real good too, what a fun storytime thread that was
I miss when this guy only drew Kamala
>Ron Frenz face
My ningen
Based Jed. Too bad he won't touch ASM since no one sane want to deal with the spider-office.
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>Golden symbol with a red sash
Yup, that's Rick Jones in there.
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Wow they're already gonna retcon a part of wells run in 8 deaths
Can't believe Kareen was an android.
Ireland gets a single issue in for ASM and retcons Paul
gross. she's disgusting
>Rumour has is Justina and Kelly were asked to create a story that acts as a way to setup Doom event but also fix a bad part of wells run
>Rumour has it OP is a cockmunching polack faggot
Yeah because Gwen would be why Peter dies so much to save
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>Beetle went from being a light skinned woman to blacker than Monica Rambeau

fucking ridiculous how inconsistent marvel is
Kelly hates Wells a lot
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Who is it? I swear I've seen this artist be called like 10 different names all of which don't actually seem to be them. Their Kamala stuff is so good.
Why does Captain Marvel need a suit impervious to bullets when she clearly is herself? All she really needs is underwear as strong as she is.
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I hope the next writer pretends none of this happened and goes back to treating Janice like Boomerang 2.0 a skeevy double crosser that wants to make a buck because everything she learned about crime was from him.
Me neither, and it seems to be that way for a lot of people. It took no time at all for Ultimate to start outselling Amazing.
Based, Wells is a piece of shit.

I hope Paul is skullfucked to death by his father and he's left vomiting his dad's cum while dying of a brain hemorrhage.
Which one, precisely?

MJ and Paul is the most obvious one, but the whole run's writing was garbage on every conceivable level.
Everything will be ignored from this run
NEW nsfw WIP for you guys
USM peter, mj and felicia
Actually I have a much better idea for a story namely this. At the end of 8 deaths of spider-man peter despite not having any lives left ends up getting revived by emma frost. since she loves him and wants to be with him amd simply to give up on MJ. He refues however and thinks emma is simply trying to manipulate him and they ending getting in a fight during which a vortex is accidentally created by emma sucks both of them in.The timeline rewinds back to the time peter is made the deal with mephisto only this time peter experiences a sense of deja vu. despite this he ignores and strikes the deal anyway.

This time much bigger differences take place in the timeline. Peter still becomes spider-man and fights crime however uncle Ben does not die since peter does stop the burglar. Aunt may falls ills some time later and dies ben is stricken with grief however he later meets peter's friends in college among them Gwen Stacy, The two of them fall in love with each intensely and start dating each eventually they get engaged and marry each other. MJ and harry fall for each other but later MJ meets norman with whom MJ has a affair with. It later occures to her that this was mistake on her half and she terminates her relationship with him. later however she finds out she has become pregnant and that norman she is the father. Despite this MJ decides to let harry thinks he is the father without him being aware that MJ and norman ever had a affair.

In the epilogue Emma ends up remembering she was the cause of the vortex but instead of taking responsibility for her actions she simply shrugs the whole matter off. And ends up hitting the bottle instead thanks to alcohol she forgets she the whole thing ever happened.
Cool, did you type this up yourself, or did you use Chat GPT?

I don't know if it's all that easy to understand though, whatever translator app you're using to go from Polish to English really doesn't understand formatting, grammar, or commas.

Maybe you should just have posted this on a Polish website and people would have understood it a bit better, or better yet, you should just not bother with English anymore and just only post in Polish, so people can use more powerful apps to understand what you're actually trying to say instead of this utter gibberish. Give it some thought!
His English comprehension must be pretty nil. He doesn't really seem to know that the closest thing Peter Parker had to a romantic interaction with Emma Frost was in the Marvel Adventures AU?

Is he just reading the pictures people post? Does he genuinely not know what's going on in the story, because the apps can't tell him?
You know how Fromsoft's Hidetaka Miyazaki used to like to read books in English, but he was only partially fluent so he had to try to guess or intuit what was going on through clues and pictures and his limited comprehension? And then he tried to convey that same feeling to us via his disjointed and mysterious narratives, where we're really only left speculating on what's really going on in the game?

This feels like that, but with none of the effort or talent involved. Or even the curiosity or sense of intrigue.

He doesn't know how to speak or read English. He just reads what people say, and uses an app to translate it for him into Polish, and gets a faulty response. Then he reads that faulty response, types his own response to it in Polish, and then has the app translates it back into English for him and he copypastes that.

So the app is simultaneously fucking up what he's reading, and then further fucking up what he's posting. Everything the schizo posts is backtranslated TWICE a bad AI, and that's why all his posts always read like this and everyone instantly knows it's him despite this otherwise being a completely anonymous forum.

It always sounds like agrammatical run-on sentences written by an autistic robot. One that is also, apparently, also a pedophile.
He produces nothing worth reading, and we type nothing he's capable of comprehending. But he's still here, instead of on a website that uses a language he actually understands.

The advice for him to just post in Polish from now on is pretty decent. It's only getting mangled once by a faulty AI instead of twice, at least.
>The Gwenpedo has no idea about anything that's going on in these comics and just looks at the pretty pictures

oh my fucking god
Venom Carol balls deep in Spider-Woman WHEN
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He has no idea what this image says because he can't copy-paste into English.
>MFW the schizo was DW the whole time.
Nie jestem Pedofilia ty głupcze.
Thanks for taking the mask off and coming clean on that one, at least. No, I now think you might really not be a pedophile. I think the app you're using kept screwing up your posts and kept making you say it by accident.
Is the fact that he doesn't actually understand English on an English website better, or worse though?
At the very least, it's easier for me to ignore his posts like this, so it's a change I'm in favor of too. Everyone wins!
The ones who work at marvel think otherwise since they keep diging up her grave. Which is why she will brought back some day along with Uncle ben, it is inevitable really anon. Mobody is really gone for good
Please go back to the Polish before the your app tricks you into saying something really horrible.
Or keep going. It's a free country. At least this one is, I don't know how Poland is. Do they have speech laws?
So I made a mistype so what? these things happen to everyone from time to time
Just do it, moron.
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I think that, if an omniscient and all knowing AI made the schizo decree himself a pedophile, then who am I to argue? I am but fallible flesh, and a flawed intellect. Only the machine is truly perfect.
Hail the Omnissiah
It does! And the app you're using mistranslates other people's mistypes, making things even more confusing for everyone.

It's how we got moments like these.
>Please go back to the Polish before the your app tricks you into saying something really horrible.
>Or keep going. It's a free country. At least this one is, I don't know how Poland is. Do they have speech laws?
Now see here anon please don't insult my country. Granted poland is not a squeaky clean country and we have a number of issues but at least we are not a shit hole like others. Also reminder that it was Germany who is the cause of WW2 since they invaded us.
Again, I'm not insulting at all, but there's probably something getting lost in translation. I do know that most European countries have more legal restrictions on public speech than the United States. Britain is pretty infamous, and always causes some culture shock for us here, because it's also an English speaking country.

So I genuinely don't know how Poland's legal system is regarding free speech.
Getting back to this and not to the schizo now, I have to say this is completely fucking retarded. Janice's testimony against Tombstone barely mattered and was a mild inconvenience at worst. He's literally trying to kill her for mildly inconveniencing him, after he was also the one who forced her out of a life of crime in the first place. At the very least, he ought to know that personally gunning down his own daughter the very night he made bail is the stupidest, stupidest fucking play anyone could possibly make. Isn't he a Kingpin now? Can't he hire a professional assassin to do this for him instead of implicating himself?
He should at least know that he needs to aim down the fucking sights by now.
>So I genuinely don't know how Poland's legal system is regarding free speech.
Constitution of Poland Article 54 of the Constitution protects freedom of speech.

While Poland’s constitution largely protects free expression, there have been increasing concerns about commitments to free speech and media independence. Since December 2015, the Polish Government has acted to bring public service media broadcasters under its control. Throughout 2016, public radio and television personnel have been under considerable pressure to self-censor and many journalists lost their jobs. As Poland has a substantial percentage of foreign-owned media companies, the government has been advocating for their ‘re-Polonisation’ to reduce the number of critical voices. Simultaneously, the right to protest has been limited by a new law that gives priority to regular ‘cyclical’ (generally pro-government) gatherings, while authorities have increasingly used force against counter-protesters. People protesting against violations of the Polish Constitution and judicial reforms have received criminal charges, fines or have been intimidated or surveilled by police. Women’s rights organisations endured police intimidation and searches following a nationwide rally supporting women’s rights in October 2017.

ARTICLE 19 continues to monitor the freedom of expression context in Poland, documenting violations and advocating for redress. We conduct legal analysis on public service media law and support civil society and journalists in Poland to address issues.
Thanks anon! Sounds interesting, and it sounds like the schizo should really be a bit more wary of what a poorly made translation app gets him to say on shady foreign websites.

Fisk is already back as Kingpin in Daredevil, they pretty much just ignored Gang War. And they were probably right to, sloppy shit like this means Lonnie ain't ever gonna make it.
It's funny because Zeb's Tombstone stuff was largely regarded as the best, or rather, the least bad part of Zeb's run. And his run was originally supposed to end at issue 54.

THIS NIGGA TOOK FIVE EXTRA ISSUES TO FUCK UP THE ONLY THING HE DID THAT SEEMED VAGUELY OKAY. I doubt he meant to do it on purpose, it's just pretty clear that if anything even vaguely tolerable he puts together is a fluke or a happy accident that he'll ruin after a long enough time.
That sounds horrible.
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USM's covers are so good, despite variant covers being a cancer.
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>He doesn't really seem to know that the closest thing Peter Parker had to a romantic interaction with Emma Frost was in the Marvel Adventures AU?
You were saying retard? this comes from Devil's Reign: X-Men I take it you never read it right?
Impossible. Peter was in the hospital during Devil's Reign.
Oh really then how do you explain that scene then?
Duh, that's Ben
What thsi is a flashback story, where emma ended up erasing this from peter's mind.
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No that's peter and this proves it.
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Which only shows she has feelings for peter otherwise she would not have done that.
Nah, she just felt sorry for Peter.
Oh I know that knowing but marvel editoral the day will come when they "say let's shock fans by having revel that emma really does love Peter"

Fans eyes then pop out in genuine surprise leaving them speechless. Think it won't happen? I think otherwise.
Peter doesn't have blue eyes ergo this is not Spider-Man
The artist obviously screwed up and drew the wrong color of his eyes that is spider-man
Some X-writer who likes Emma Frost brings her over to the Spidey-side after shuffling like with Iron Man recently?
She's literally blacker every issue.
You would understand this better if you actually understood English. As it is, you are wrong about everything again, and have no way to actually understand the comic. Translator apps will not help you understand the nuances.

I simply choose to hate the game, rather than the player.
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Duggan is a hack but he does seem to like Spider-Man
Has he had her wear a golden mask?
>You would understand this better if you actually understood English. As it is, you are wrong about everything again, and have no way to actually understand the comic. Translator apps will not help you understand the nuances.
What the fuck kind of bait is.
1/ you have been given undeniable proof that is spider-man alas peter parker
2/ eveybody knows many artists have screwed up things drawing spider-man
3/ and thirdly your denying that emma has feelings for peter.

I don't why you are white knighting emma so much granted she is not fucking peter but despite this everyone knows she is a slut. The only reason I can think of you being so Protective about her is that maybe you happen to be in love with her yourself.
literally the nipple is showing. delete this you stupid fucking retarded jannies. fat balding fucks.
>it's awful. No good.
That's Harry's stepmother you're talking about there!
Eh, all it shows is that emma respects him, which for good or ill matches modern emma being fond of tortured good men. Even if it makes zero sense in that time period.
>Looks like Felicia is joining The Avengers.
If only this story happened years ago in a better time, Felicia and Wanda in the same place would have been boobkino of the highest order.
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Finally, Carol x Felicia
not like this marywhorebros...
And she was originally white.
Not like what, or who? Did your translation software fuck up again?
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Mary Janes got so many eyebags for being up all night with her boyfriend Pauls so happy for them bros...
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Soon, Paul and Cale will be together again once Paul dies in the most horrific manner imaginable in order to atone for his sins, something that cannot be done by paying people off using stolen money.
if the people you didn't mean to die but got killed because of you are the ones you're meant to be with can we look forward to MJ reuniting with kamala 1.0 sometime soon bros??? there's just a backup running around now and every run needs a big event to wrap up...
MJ is cute! Cute!

It's Paul's fault Kamala died too... so if you think about it, Paul is going to get killed by Kamala.
A Paulbro huh? Prove it.

What are the names of his kids?
stephanie romy watson and owen watson
Wrong, chud. It's just Romy Watson, read the earlier issues again.
the kid couldn't pick just one name, you know how kids are anon, no need for salt...
Actually I'm pretty sure they already explained that Romy was a middle name. What's this about picking names all of a sudden?
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MJ mentions in the couples therapy with her true love paul that romy could never settle on romy or stephanie for her name
That's bullshit. She distinctly calls her Stephanie Romy Watson as a middle name, with none of the 'changing names' nonsense. What you posted was in a side story written by Celeste Bronfman. All the wikis clearly say that her name is Stephanie Romy Watson.
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Wrong, it's actually Romy Stephanie Parker and Owen Parker.
That was actually a trick question, morons. Paul never had any kids at all, Owen and Romy were Paul's half-siblings created by his father Benjamin's magic.

Hey, that's a good point. Regardless of whether he appointed himself their legal guardian or not, they're still Paul's half-siblings, not his children.
Lowe please, just admit you cant edit.
Bros what if there's a third fake kid unaccounted for, named Stephanie???
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Nah this is a peter/Mj comm, she's got the shirt, and the ring, and the wedding dress she had in their wedding. And I paid for this
Based, the Polish pedophile loses yet again.
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Do i even want to know?
Sorry bros, I don't know what to tell you guys, but the kid's name was Buster Watson, not Owen, and the girl's name was definitely Stephanie Watson, not Romy.

This theory that there was a third kid names Stephanie is pretty interesting though...
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Thing a friend did which i dont think I ever shared here.
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The dumbest and most illogical break up that was haphazardly introduced just so they could break up.
Rhis meta commentary on how shit MJ's suit is? Still pissed Peter and Felicia officially got back together to do nothing with them and have the most inept break up ever
He doesn't speak any English and just uses an app that backtranslates between English to Polish for him and then his responses are from Polish to English for us. Needlessly to say, all of his posts are agrammatical word salads.

This has lead him to moments as seen in >>145566928 and frankly, I think he should be angrier at the app for translating his comments that way than he is at us for thinking it's funny.

And as >>145566851 points out, I just can't compete with the sheer processing power that the most advanced bit of software Poland ever produced has, so maybe the translator program he uses isn't making any mistakes. Maybe he really meant to confess he was a pedophile!
thought this fucker left already
So wait, which was it? Buster Owen Watson? Owen Buster Watson? Did he do the same thing his sister did and on Tuesdays he's Owen, and on Wednesdays he's Buster, and on Thursday's it's Paul Junior?
Three more issues, then he's gone. The gave him a a few extra issues to fuck up the only well received part of his run, and by god, he's flubbing it. He's choking hard. He can't even maintain something average, now even Tombstone is looking like a retarded cuck!
Yeah the first i followed. And oof.
>Heh, well, that was a fucking mess. I'm just glad I'm going to be out of here, Kelly and Ireland can do whatever they want. I just need to end on a high note. No more Paul and MJ shit from the entitled fans weighing me down, let's at least show those faggots that I can really write and they should be sorry for fucking me over like this.
"Nick, I think Tombstone should murder his only child for mildly inconveniencing him by doing the things he forced her into Gang War"
"You mean when he nearly killed her to force her out of her life as a criminal in the first place?"
"That's right! It's like Shed, because I fucking love it when villains murder their own children."
"And I love you, Zeb. Let's make this last arc something truly special."

Zeb's got to be breathing a sigh of relief right now. He genuinely thinks he's managing to end this on a high note after all the backlash.
>there's no such thing as legal names, you can just name your kid whatever you want day by day.
Were the kids just... never legally theirs? I know Paul doesn't have any US citizenship, but did MJ just never file any adoption paperwork for the children? Or try to register them? Or get them a fucking social security number?
Why the fuck wouldn't Paul and MJ do that? They were just living off the grid until the kids died mysteriously while alone with Paul? What the fuck?
Those are some HORRIFYING children, what the fuck Romita?
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But she's Romy on this page, not Stephanie. Bros. Both issues had the same team Zeb, Romita, and Lowe. They wouldn't fuck up like this, they know what the kids' names are.



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Wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong. It's not Stephanie Romy Watson, it's Romy Stephanie Watson as this panel clearly explains. Romy is her first name and Stephanie is her MIDDLE name. They already explained it, idiots. They wouldn't need to explain it twice and just say she just keeps switching names at random. It's perfectly normal to sometimes call your kid their middle name. Unless you guys expect me to fucking believe that, sometimes, she's Romy Watson, and sometimes it's Stephanie Watson, and sometimes it's Stephanie Romy Watson, and sometimes it's Romy Stephanie Watson! Romy Stephanie Watson is the explanation that already makes sense, and that's the one they gave first so >>145575959
is basically not canon to the Pauliverse!
I think it's more like he won't edit. Like Slott did, he seems to have total job security and doesn't need to prove that he deserves to keep getting paid.
>He genuinely thinks he's managing to end this on a high note after all the backlash.
I'm not convinced that he cares about whether or not he's ending it on a high note. I get the feeling he stopped caring what fans thought of his run a long time ago, and has just been writing whatever he pleased until he could put it behind him and either focus on the MCU or go back to Robot Chicken.
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Over a thousand hours in MSPAINT.
I laughed, at least. Also good trips.
No. Just fucking calm down. If Paul were MJ's sister and they had kids, his children would be a nephew-son and a niece-daughter. To qualify for his children also being his half-siblings, Paul would need to have sex with his mother instead. It's incest 101.

What Zeb Wells and Nick Lowe are trying to tell us is that MJ is Paul's mother, not his sister. It was always their tribute to Avengers 200.
I'm not reading 200 entire issues of the Avengers just to understand what Paul's kid's names are, fuck that. Also how could MJ be Pau's mom unless his dad also had sex with her first and we don't even know who Paul's mom is or whether it's MJ. Either way this whole thing is stupid and disgusting.
You Paul fans are so fucked up and deranged, I'm done with all of this. I'm only sticking with Peter Parker from here on out!
Somehow, I missed the Storytime for for #57
Nothing was in the archive.

I really wanted to see how you all tore it apart like it so rightly deserved!
Well he gave two completely different retcons for Romy/Stephanie/Stephromanie's constant name changes only a handful of issues apart, as seen in >>145577363 and >>145575959. That's a lot of unnecessary, and frankly pointless, effort.

I think Nick Lowe is just as confused about the children as we are.

I prefer Hickman's book because he can remember what the children's names are. They also have souls, and look like actual children instead of weird, malformed homonculi. Was Romita foreshadowing that they weren't really human? Or is the real truth that they were the horrific products of incest, where Paul had sex with his own mother in a send-up to Avengers 200?
>It took no time at all for Ultimate to start outselling Amazing.
The spider-office ought to think "Are we the baddie?".
It wasn't especially remarkable, and we were mostly just making fun of the schizo instead. People did rightfully point out Tombstone being able to make bail was retarded, and some laughs were had over the fact that Michele the Lawyer in Zeb's runwas an identical copy to Michele Gonzalez from about 300 or so issues ago, who Peter ALSO used to date, to the point where Rich Johnston got confused and asking 'wait what the fuck, they aren't supposed to be the same woman?'
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Speaking of Owen and Romy, I'm glad Zeb never gave them a personality because now I can turn them into basically my OCs.
What was the reaction for the obviously horrible takeout being a non-starter-bad twist?
Does anyone have that cover of USM with 6160 Felicia Hardy?
She can't live without Paul's cock.
This one?
That's it, thank you
De rien, but why are you asking for it?
That's his mother, you sick fuck!
well, that's depressing.
Bleepidiboop, Pencilhead7, Ahmad Safwan
Because shes black
Dan, do you ever stop and consider the fact you're a 50 yo man trying to gas light children and teens into hating a fictional character? Do you ever just reflect on how you spend countless hours on meaningless bullshit, even though you have literally one of the most sought after writing jobs ever? Do you ever think abiut how you could've done something great but when your gone the best you'll be remembered for is your mediocrity? Does it ever make you feel bad?
Whats this from?
The third issue of Reign II.
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You're sad.
Just wait until they introduce the Black Ultimates team in two years that has Black Knight, Black Widow, and Blackout (is actually a Monica whose powers are opposite so she summons Darkforce).
I feel like Black Widow (and Crimson Dynamo) should be chinese, would make sense with today's political climate.
But look at her ass
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None of this even matters, the kids weren't actual living creatures, they were fake. An illusion. Giving them names is meaningless because they never existed.
And the only way to understand this is to read the first 200 issues of Avengers?

What was Wells thinking! Why can't he just write something normal or easy to understand! I don't want to read about this!
sex with Paul
How? Nigga doesn't even have a penis.

You'd know all this if you actually spoke English.
The Dickless Paul Rabin:
>Neglected his children, advised MJ to abandon them
>They ended up as annoying brats with behavioral problems and looked like the products of inbreeding
>Can't remember his children's names, or else never cared to give them actual names depending on the theory you believe
>His kids are dead and he barely cares, just sits at home on the computer all day
>They were also never alive, and weren't even his because he doesn't have a penis
The INSEMINATOR Peter Parker
>Adores his children, became a superhero to fix the world for them
>Have actual personalities and souls, and don't look like the accumulated products of inbreeding
>Never fails to remember not just his children's names, or their birthdays
>Children are intelligent enough to understand keeping the importance of dad's secret identity
>Many more children on the way, as he and MJ are actually able to look at each other and be intimate with each other.

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I skipped ahead to Avengers 200 but I'm only more confused than ever! Is the black haired guy who has sex with his mom Paul? Is he Paul's dad? Is the blonde lady Paul's mom? What is going on with all of this.

Yeah, the black haired guy is Paul, and Captain Marvel is Paul's mom. I couldn't even begin to explain anything else though. Paulbros are sick in the head, they only care about rape and incest like you said. Like starving dogs slavering over a haunch of meat, the sick fucks.
No anon, that's the All-New Venom getting raped by Marcus 'not Kang' Immortus

Paul is a Venom character? Now I have to read all this stuff about Venom and the King in Black too?

Paulbros... why is this so stupid? What's wrong with having sex the normal way, instead of sex with your mom??? Incest is disgusting and I can't believe Zeb Wells said MJ was Paul's mom and yet he still had two kids with his own mother...

I'm gonna fucking throw up. /co/ needs to boycott Eight Deaths before they double down on this sick satanic incestuous filth I want to read Spider-Man not Paul this or Paul's penis that or the kids are clones that don't have names from parallel universes with secret twins?

What's wrong with just reading about Spider-Man why are you all obsessed with Paul.
>Hey this Paul guy seems goofy and so do his kids, what is up with him?
This is so fucked up at least Peterbros understand that his children are treated like humans and they deserve their parents' love, Paulfags keep saying that Paul's kids are nameless subhumans that don't deserve real names so they just get called Steph or Buster or Immortus AND THEY CAN DIE AND IT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER???
I can't believe Zeb Wells wrote something like this bros
The only conclusion I can make is that Paul never bothered to give his kids names, because he didn't love them. They do need formal, legal names to do things like go to school and qualify for social services, so Paul just never bothered and let them call themselves whatever. They probably never even had childhood immunizations and are suffering the prolonged side effects of things like untreated measles.
Guys. Paul's a fucking child abuser...
>Paul neglects his children
>Tombstone tries to murder his daughter
Does Zeb resent children because he'll never get to have them?
His most famous Spider-Man story before this, Shed, had Curt Conners turn into the Lizard permanently and devour his son. Zeb has issues, bitterness and resentment.
Amazing Spider-Man #58 (Cover A John Romita Jr.), $4.99
Amazing Spider-Man #58 (Cover B Chris Allen Stormbreakers Variant), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #58 (Cover C Giuseppe Camuncoli Marvel Comics Presents Variant), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #58 (Cover D Leonardo Romero Godzilla Variant), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #58 (Cover E John Romita Jr. Virgin Variant), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #58 (Cover F Ryan Meinerding Wraparound Marvel Studios Variant), AR
Spider-Man Deadpool Modern Era Epic Collection Volume 2 ‘Til Death Do Us TP, $44.99
Spider-Man The Complete Black Costume Saga Omnibus HC (Charles Vess Book Market Cover), $125.00
Spider-Man The Complete Black Costume Saga Omnibus HC (Charles Vess Direct Market Cover), $125.00
Ultimate Spider-Man #9 (Cover A Marco Checchetto), $4.99
Ultimate Spider-Man #9 (Cover B Anand Ramcheron), AR
Ultimate Spider-Man #9 (Cover C Carmen Carnero), AR
Ultimate Spider-Man #9 (Cover D Wes Craig Connecting Variant), AR
Ultimate Spider-Man #9 (Cover E Wes Craig Connecting Virgin Variant), AR
Venom War Daredevil #1 (Cover A Javier Fernandez), AR
Venom War Daredevil #1 (Cover B Stephanie Hans), AR
Venom War Zombiotes #2 (Of 3)(Cover A Juan Ferreyra), AR
Venom War Zombiotes #2 (Of 3)(Cover B Kyle Hotz), AR
Chasm Curse Of Kaine #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $3.99
Chasm Curse Of Kaine #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Chris Campana), AR
That sure is a list of things.
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VenoMJ is fantastic and proof of Kaare's Peter/MJ credentials. I love the idea of Peter being a superhero and MJ being a supervillain, but they stay together despite how bad of an idea it is.

>Hehe our master plan is nearing completion! Now that Peter has married us, we are going to have at least SEVERAL children together. We are a criminal mastermind!
>VenoMJ how does that in any way a crime it sounds weirdly wholesome
>VenoMJ that's the bare minimum expected in a marriage, and even then people still have affairs

Peter: "I am living the best life."

More heroes should marry their villains! Batman and Catwoman is good, but it's not edgy enough. VenoMJ has that air of insecure yandere malice that is fundamentally kino!
Sorry to burst your fantasy anon but VenomMJ would probably just tear open Peter's stomach and then have sex with his lifeless body.
Silly VenoMJ, you aren't keeping him away from a better girl! You are the best girl! You were outplayed by Parker, yet again!
Foolishness. The sperm would not stay viable unless they were immediately extracted and put in storage before his death, something impossible to arrange in the heat of battle. Your plot fails, and that's why VenoMJ is the mastermind, and you aren't!
Why can't she make him cum mid battle? Is she stupid?

Peter is far too cunning! The last time they tried this, he came into a fight wearing a chastity cage. What sort of maniac even does that? It took hours for VenoMJ to get it off, and even longer for her to get him erect again! Clearly, she can't go too far in escalating things, or else that idiot Parker will ruin her plans through another half-assed scheme like that again! How she hates that dastardly Peter!

>VenoMJ goes into the same mode Eddie Brock did where she goes, 'Peter's the asshole, not me, I need to make sure he's not able to hurt anyone else by making him completely obsessed with me instead! We'll need to drain his balls dry lest he go around and seduce innocent girls with his lecherous ways and slutty outfit!'
>instead of killing the spiderman office schizos are trying to kill the cheeto man
How long do spideyfags have to endure this torture?
VenoMJ: "Don't worry Felicia, we'll save you from this pervert! Come on, you bastard! You're getting pegged for this one. And aftercare only if you don't fight back!"
Peter, trying not to smile: "Yes dears."
>Felicia in tears, asking if she can't at least watch, or if they could record it for her to watch later? Something?
>VenoMJ: Poor thing. Peter traumatized her and now she's being driven by vengeance!
Women keep trying to seduce Peter into an affair. He keeps allowing things to reach up to certain point, because MJ immediately responds by blaming him before carrying him off to have some truly fantastic sex.
The funniest part of VenoMJ is that you can simultaneously play it as a zany sex comedy, but you can also play it with absolutely deadly seriousness, through relationship drama or MJ's impulses warring with the Symbiote's. The possibilities are limitless, but outside of Conway in Renew Your Vows the writers are utter cowards under the thumb of a fascistic and suffocating editorial.
It's kind of funny that the schizo thought MJ turning into a yandere supervillainess that was obsessed with Peter after she thought he committed suicide would make /co/ angry. Instead it just made /co/ horny. It's just more proof that Marvel doesn't understand its readers, and Gwenschizo doesn't understand English comic books!
Poor Peter! He has to deal with the fact that his most deadly foe is his wife and the mother of his children! His heroic spirit has to deal with the humiliation and disgrace of letting a dastardly villainess he despises, as his lover!
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She's cute and Peter and MJ should really invite her in for a threesome where they claim her virginity together, as both a psychological power play and revenge after Walter Hardy injures Peter.
>Peter gets VenoMJ pregnant after a particularly violent bout of hatesex.
>VenoMJ freaks out and thinks she's either going to have to get an abortion she doesn't want or else resign herself to being a single mom, just like her own mother and sister were.
>Peter surprises her by saying that he'll take responsibility for this and marry her, just like Uncle Ben taught him. He's even willing to take sole custody of their kid if that's what she wants to do. He won't judge her if she gets an abortion either.
>VenoMJ's brain freezes for a moment before she tries to rationalize this. 'MWAHAHA! JUST AS PLANNED! WE TOTALLY PLANNED ALL OF THIS! WE'RE A GENIUS! PETER IS ALL OURS NOW!"
Reign MJ even appeals to both orientations
this is what having no soul must feel like
Come on, you faggots. You're boring me. Be interesting already for fuck's sake.
This but it's the entire family raping Felicia instead.
He also had Carnage kill the sheriff's daughter off-page in Carnage USA. He does seem to enjoy using both the deaths of young children and villains murdering their own kids for the sake of drama.
Logo will be changed but here's the USM threesome pic
She is probably super young though?
Even better!
Lmao backfire made them light up her skin by two tones.
I'm kind of surprised no one brought this up on Twitter. Or did they?
That should had been the ending for the Lizard, just kill him Peter.
Not exactly a very Spider-Man thing to do.
nice, good job.
Connors was gone once Lizard fully took over and esentially killed him, only the monster left Peter shouldn't be conflicted about it, same as him with the church bell killing the symbiote for all he cared about.
They already retconned even Lizard Curt into a good guy at this point.

There’s always a nonzero chance a future villain could be written by someone who isn’t a retarded edgelord.
That's the problem though, Lizard should've been over and done decades ago

Norman should be dead, Otto should've remained dead and redeemed, Kraven should be dead, Connors should've been cured permanently, Carnage needs to be taken out and Vulture needs to die of old age already.
>Otto should've remained dead and redeemed
First or second time?

>Kraven should be dead
He is, but I know what you mean.
Yeah. Or at least figured out things for him that isn’t the Lizard.
spider-man comicbooks for this week.
Would have been hotter with accurate proportions.
Smaller tits?
LOL. Tom Brevoort's still acting like he actually has a say in whether Peter and MJ get married or not.

Why can't he pick one?
Solid. Costumes look weird
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Gleason variant for Wells' final issue.
Apparently USM 9 already came out for some people.
w-why is she looking at that spider like that??
She's hot af and you're a retard
leak it then.
He shouldn’t leak it, we should wait until Wednesday like civilized humans.
Fuck that nobody gives a shit about morals anymore, I sayhe should leak it NOW.
It’s two days, have some self control for once.

Don’t leak it. It’s just 48 hours, who cares?
>It’s just 48 hours, who cares?
look buddy first of all nobody wants to wait this is spider-man we are talking about after all. Secondly given how bad wells run on has been ASM I rather see the leak now rather then later. In other words the soon we get this over with thew better.
What fucking app are you using to translate between Polish and English?
I’ve seen google translate do a better job and I hope you didn’t pay money for this thing.
You saw them last issue CALM DOWN
“Sir, what the fuck is so interesting down there?”
“It’s going to be kino, James.”
“Sir? I don’t know that word.”
“Ze fuck is he doing brooding at ze window?”
“Monsieur Britain, I don’t know. He just shouts things like ‘kino’ and ‘peak’ and getting angry with me when I don’t understand.”
Don’t worry Zeb bros there’s no shame in being in
Twenty-ninth place
>USM is on the cover of Publisher's Weekly being called the best comic of the decade.
>ASM, meanwhile, has plummeted down to 29th place.
Somewhere, Nick Lowe is losing his mind.
>She can't live without Paul's cock.
Why not? He's living without it just fine.
>e only conclusion I can make is that Paul never bothered to give his kids names, because he didn't love them.
I just want to point out that Norman gave all three of his kids names and costumes and treated them better than this.
Black Cat blowjob/MJ rimjob combo
According to some guy named lollipop on x. Paul died
>Paul died
On the way back to his home planet?
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He dead...in all realities?!
>Scarlet Witch: "No More Paul"
The Great Evil is vanquished!
Not just Paul, but all the variants. Skinny Paul. Manbun Paul. Blonde Paul. Even Gwenschizo's beloved, Buff Paul.

This is the end of the Pauliverse.
What about lollipop paul?

it was announced as being by both.

I think Joe Kelly is the "architect" of the story, and Ireland is writing some issues to share the workload.
just do it.
I'm not one of those people.
Do it yourself
why Goblin looks likes he's grabbing some testicles?
>Norman should be dead
you guys ever think about how resurrecting Norman is the reason why Spiderman turned dogshit? Like people complain about Sins Past and OMD being what destroyed the comic but it genuinely is Norman coming back that truly doomed the series
what needs to happen for someone to step in and clean shop for ASM, the Ultimate line is a gamble, its always been a gamble and it's outselling the mainline, that's completely embarrassing
I think it's starting to get to them, though. Their whole narrative was proven wrong effortlessly.
No. While I can't say I'd miss him if they killed him off again, I don't think him being brought back was a major detriment. It sure as hell wasn't the absolute spit in the face and kick to the crotch that OMD was and still is.
Half-black, dad's still white.
>hot Asian Black Widow
Holy fuck im finna coom
Peter's sister is there too alongside Miles, so they remembered that Claire Redfield Parker exists.
What a depressing state of affairs where Flash, Betty, and Liz don't warrant being on this cover but Miles and Bailey do
The editorial wanted Ironfrost to continue as a replacement for pepper since Tony and Emma works well, but Brevoort knows {{{FEIGE}}} wouldn't allow it for muh MCU synergy, since the movies forced that Pepper loves Tony.
Just read the finale, its sad, even the faggot month special and the Heir of Apocalypse had Emma still regretting her decision.
I’m pretty sure it’s Carlie Cooper, and the fact that it’s Carlie and not Shay and her face is 2/3rds covered by text is extremely funny to me.
>how do we show them that any love interest aside from MJ, Felicia, or Gwen is completely worthless and a waste of time, without telling them?
Spider-Paul when
Piping in, does desuarchive work for you guys? It's been acting strange on my end for the last few days, keeps giving me quic/ssl protocol errors.
I prefer bigger booba, sorry
Love gleason
Disagree with norman, ock is maybe, love his web of death death but its also one that would never last, superior was terrible. Kraven being dead with a successor is the way to do it. Lizard is kinda short term. Canrage should fight spidey again rather than the constant cosmic stuff. Idk vulture has a pretty good story track record.
They wanted to have their own Ultimate Jessica so bad
But Ben Reilly's original death was good
MJ x Black Cat porn comic when?
works fine on my end
Paul’s whole thing seems to be taking up space and having nothing interesting going on. Spider-Paul would destroy his purpose.
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New VenoMJ!
>All-New Venom confirmed to have energy powers on Gomez's instagram
Looking forward to months of Carolposting in Venomthreads (unironically)
>Boy clearly labeled Richard
>Girl clearly labeled May
Why the fuck couldn’t Zeb have just done that for Paul’s kids, Paulbros?
Is clearly Rick Jones then.
There is no Venom Carol in the future Avengers previews
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No shit, anon.
That would spoil it.
Is this an abandoned concept from "Spider-Man 2"?

I think it would have been more interesting than MJ becoming Scream, honestly.
Because that would require that the kids were actual characters and not just plot points designed to put MJ with Paul
it's offical anons Chasm Curse of Kaine is a complete failure acccording to this it ended on comics books sales ranking sales at 133 postion.


they’ll probably take the wrong lessons from that and just not have Ben or Kaine appear in the books for another 5 or 10 years on this series wraps up.
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Yeah, it is.
May needs correction ToT
>enviroment destruction
>possibly fighting as Peter without the suit
Insomniac being hacks and Sony rushing the game, what a combo
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Wellslop spoilers
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What is it with this game and seeing Peter get beaten up by kitchenware?
Why can't he just be Sensational Spider-Man? why fucking Spider-Boy, Gwen or fucking Silk have priority over him, so fucking sad.
...Isn't the whole point of Tombstone that his skin is completely invulnerable?
Zeb isn't going to know something like that. He's a moron.
Is he gonna need correction?
>lost to Spider-Gwen
Jesus fuck. Warranted, but still.
That's actually her blood.
Either something came up (like Janice somehow has a way of negating that invulnerability) or they forgot (which is also likely). I don't think we have the full spoilers for it
This is the final nail in the coffin for Chasm. Everyone involved with turning Ben into this mess should be embarrassed.
Back into the box of death for another 10 years, then will be brought back when some adaptation is doing Clone Saga.
Honestly it may be for the best that Ben is shelved for a while at this point. At least they won't be able to ruin him any further.

Still, they're fucking idiots. The JMD mini did well, it's not that people don't want to read about Ben Reilly, it's that people don't want to read about Chasm. I hope Nick Lowe is crying himself to sleep seeing that he's the only one excited for Chasm
And for Kaine
Yost could be pushing to write Kaine again, he expressed interest before being picked up to write fucking Kidpool and Bailey. Not that I have any (positive) expectations from Lowe and Cebulski.
I am pretty sure Nick Lowe cries himself to sleep every night. He's just that kind of loser.
Muteki no otoko
I think the first issue of Curse of Kaine shows how Marvel views Kaine unfortunately. He's not an independent character to them, he's just Ben's babysitter/supporting character.
Man pic rel looks jank as all hell but I like the idea of VenoMJ being fully She-Venom but still wearing a Spidey tank top. It'd go nicely with either a yandere MJ or a goofy MJ who just likes Spidey merch and still likes to have the symbiote make that type of clothing.
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And she can model plus-size as well now, apparently
I don't know why but I genuinely didn't expect that
Otto is so gonna retool this into octopus armor isnt he
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Seems like, hope so, Peter says FUCK OFF WITH THAT
This will 100% lead to Otto becoming a supervillain (and subsequently getting redeemed because it's a stupid reason)
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Harry is doomed
Based Pete earning his spot at the top of the list
Pete's a true hero, unlike that Harry Osborn, who wasn't even on the list.
Harry is right and Peter will get someone killed at this rate.
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just look at this CHAD
It won't be Peter exactly but the AI Benom Reilly
AI Peter deserves the world and should interact with the family.
one member down already, they better recruit shocker
On one hand, everything they've done with him except for JMD's mini makes me wish he'd stayed dead, and JMD's mini didn't require him to be brought back since it was set in the past. On the other hand, after all the shit they've put him through, I think killing him off again would be an especially sour end to this story. I think it would be best to restore him to his old self, then let him and Janine find a quiet part of the country to live in peace together until someone who sincerely likes them has an idea for a story with them.
Oh I agree, I don't want Ben to die either. If Ben dies like this, his legacy will be further tarnished.
If not this month next month ill get some symbiote MJ stuff guys
Called it i guess
That was fucking unexpected.
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last for the whore getting killed on Wells finale
Not on my watch, Danny boy.
MJ isn't a whore and never has been, you dumb loser fuck.
Not a whore, she's loyal to Paul's big dick.
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Last for May cunny!
Anyway, Ultimate Spider-Man is good

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