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>I made this comic as a creative outlet to help me process my feelings about my life.

>TW: SA, emotional, and verbal abuse
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>Thank you all again for all your check ins and your wonderful support. I've never done a comic like this before but I feel like it really helped me feel like I was making progress in feeling like myself again. I've still got a long road ahead so thank you for being understanding.

>I made this to also communicate with you all where my head has been at and to be more candid with you all. I promise I read all of your msgs and dms I'm just taking things slow so if I can be a little selfish, please wait for me a little longer.

>And please don't harass anyone.
why did you post this? are you trying to start shitflinging?
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Wow, great storytime.
Now die.
posted it to see what people thought of this comic. not everything has to be "le drama".
thank you!
Not bad. Nothing too crazy.
>400 replies saying why didn't she just put out
>not everything has to be "le drama".
The comic is literally about some rando's personal drama
generally think vent comics are neat. they give the artist some kinda theraputic release while also letting others in a similar boat know they're nit alone
>making a vent comic = shitflinging
do you even know what that word means
so no one should make art about anything that happens to them?
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>it's all just usernames and comments
just ... turn the computer off. turn the computer off. turn the computer off. turn the computer off. talk to more people offline like a normal grown adult and be less internet. turn the computer off.
she's talking about seeing the dms of the cheating, anon
my point stands. i dislike comics like these because it's like the artist is publicly bathing in their own suffering, helpless to do anything other than regurgitate anime tropes while learning nothing from their bad experiences
>Doesn't want to have sex with boyfriend
>Surprised when he seeks that with someone else.
What did she think was going to happen?
why didn’t you just put out?
if you agree to that relationship knowing you won't be getting sex, it's kinda shitty of you to go and fuck someone. it's still cheating. if you really needed/wanted sex that bad, you shouldn't have gotten committed to this kind of relationship in the first place.
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what kind of problems? (silence)
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>Thank you all so much for the astounding amount of love and support you're giving me!! I genuinely made this as something to get my feelings onto paper and help myself start to heal but I didn't expect it to resonate with so many of you!
>if you ignore the cheating the cheating stops existing
what? she has to come to find out and terms with it eventually
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the boyfriend is innocent.
What I'm is saying is that she should have expected that something like that would have happen.
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>It only happened two weeks ago so it's still very fresh and I'm still trying to get back on my feet but seeing all of you really helps me keep going. Also I didn't realized there were so many others on the ace spectrum that had experiences like this! I'm glad that this made many-

>of you realize that you're not alone. It sure showed me! It will take me some time before I can be back and around posting, streaming, and what not but I'm gonna take it little by little as much as I can. I wanted the art to stand on its own so instead I'm gonna-
post my links down here if you would like to support me! Thank you again.

(not posting her links, if you care enough you can find it. don't wanna shill for anyone.)
>(I'm currently not taking new requests atm so I can focus on my current clients at a slower pace but once I knock a few out I will open again soon!)
>OH I almost forgot! you guys can repost my comic especially if you think it will help others!! Just please credit me and please do not alter it in any way!!
>if you ignore the cheating the cheating stops existing
i have literally no idea how you got that from my post. if you're haunted by fucking internet DMs then just delete them ffs
the comic shows they also had an inperson relationship, so acting like what happened is internet exclusive is kinda dumb. he still cheated on her in the real actual world presumably by fucking some chick. if i find this out on a phone call, i'm not gonna just go
>"OH! luckily this is just the CELL PHONE WORLD!"
she already saw he cheated. she can't unsee it. her relationship is shattered. she can't just forget about it
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>Middle class white woman comics
Does anyone actually like this genre of comics?
They must, because holy fuck is this vapid shit super fucking common.
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well, my response to the entire comic basically boils down to 'i'm sorry for you that it happened but fucking grow a backbone and stop doing shit like this because you clearly have not learned anything from your bad experiences'
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like, what you need isn't kisses and cuddles and updoots from strangers on the computer screen who'll never meaningfully affect your life, it's to learn how not to end up in the same cycle of events you have noticed happening
He was kind of a retard for agreeing to date her if he knew she wouldn't meet his needs. And he's a double retard for not covering his tracks if he was being honest about it just being physical. He should have just been like
>"hey, can I fuck this rando chick."
>"no, that gives me the sadgirl feels."
>"okay, then maybe this won't work. We should probably break up."
low self-esteem is a helluva drug
>if you agree to that relationship knowing you won't be getting sex
people just assume you will change your tune because people who don't get horny are straight up a statistical rarity.
Would you be saying the same thing if it was a man complaining about a woman cheating on him?
>my cock can fix her
why is this so common? why get with someone you want to change?
If it was a comic about nothing but him bitching about his relationship issues, probably.
That shit is boring as fuck unless you've got some batshit stories about truly insane exes.
>people like relatable comics
it's this, sadly. notice how the artist has said nothing at all about what it was exactly that attracted them to their partners. they didn't know what a healthy relationship looked like when they were 15 - understandable, nobody does, that's why you're supposed to figure it out as you go along like everybody else. meanwhile this person seems to fall helplessly into relationships because they cooed and made pleasing noises and 'were kind'. and, well, doormats get stepped on.
TL;DR artist is a mentally ill retarded cunt looking to internet strangers on X for validation
>woman keeps falling for shitty dudes then acts surprised when they're shitty people
again, they literally don't believe asexual people exist because they are so few they might as well not exist.
I see someone learned from the muppet rapist comic and didn't make their avatar super cute.
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>they broke up over discord
>at 26+ years of age
>muppet rapist comic
I missed that one, mind explaining?
was the context of this pic ever explained?
>the muppet rapist comic
raises eyebrow
She should unironically seek therapy. And possibly see a doctor if she's Ace due to consistently painful sex.
>muppet rapist comic
go on...
He probably thought the loyal wife thing was worth it. Girls who have sex are a dime a dozen but girls who are loyal, caring and kind are rare. Assuming she’s being honest to that.
But the cock is a powerful thing and he got caught lacking.
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Break up with the person instead of cheating, you dumbass.
many times cheating is something you don't plan before hand.

spur of the moment thing because you happened to be alone in a room with someone else
Not reading the comic but none of this happened
Lol retard
If only they went for the “nice guys”, right?

is this another one of those "I kept dating awful men over and over because they were tall attractive and confident, they treated me like trash as expected but I still hate unattractive men more" roastoid moment comics?
This. Sometimes people go into a relationship because there are aspects they like about a certain person. And they think “well if she likes me enough emotional, maybe it will turn into something sexual at some point” Or they think the person who’s not sexual just “hasn’t met the right person yet”
Yeah, if they were actually nice they'd be taller.
The weird thing is about asexual people is that they can get horny. It’s not a lack of sex drive, they just don’t feel sexual attraction to anyone.
Asexual women (who are not medically missing ovaries and such) are just women who will not settle for anyone who isn't a billionaire with an eight pack. We keep coming up with new names for it but all of this is very simple.
Nah, it's I'm asexual and don't want to have sex but I still want a boyfriend to buy me shit and make me feel good, the 2 adult relationship I've had have failed and I'm sad.
Why isn't there a guy that want this shit deal?
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>I'm asexual and don't want to have sex
translation: I date betas so they can provide for me and claim I'm asexual so I can refuse sex with them while fucking chad on the side several times a week
>'i'm sorry for you that it happened but fucking grow a backbone and stop doing shit like this
SO, basically "shut up and suffer". You have issues, there, anon.

Expressing those kind of things is precisely what help dealing with it.

Look to me like you want to be a try-hard contrarian who think expressing your pain and empathising is lame.
>it's your own fault if you don't ask someone out
>oh my god a guy just asked me out I WAS ALMOST RAPED
>if you ask someone out you barely know, then that's predatory because clearly you only wanted her for her body given you don't know her
>if you ask someone out that you do know, then that's predatory because clearly you were never a real friend and only wanted her for her body
>ugh, why do men think women are complicated? Just listen to us and do exactly what we say, except when we want you to do the exact opposite of what we just said to do, and you should just know that ahead of time
>wait, men have stopped trying? well clearly this is their own fault because...

God I cannot wait until this whole thing collapses.
I know this is hard to believe, but you don’t need to be a billionaire and/or in perfect shape to get women to like you. Maybe certain vapid women who were spoiled by their parents growing up do, but not all

And it takes more than basic human decency for women to like you
if you're unable to control your impulses then you're no better than an animal
#notallwomen, uh huh, that'll work. Something something poison skittles in a cup.
>vapid women who were spoiled by their parents growing up
aka 99% of western women. they are literally all raised being constantly told they're perfect princesses who deserve the world and shouldn't settle for anything less than a 6'2'' chad who makes 200k a year
sometimes I don't take showers for weeks
is that good enough?
>>400 replies saying why didn't she just put out
It's true though, why didn't she? She was probably asexual and didn't know. If that's true then it's no one's fault because wanting sex in a relationship is healthy.
Bros... I think someone makes these threads intentionally to sow hatred between men and women... Should we blame the jews?
>She was probably asexual
see >>145525654
they are watching
>to sow hatred between men and women
is that supposed to be a bad thing? society will collapse by the end of the decade if we keep pretending that it's okay to allow women to vote
Women shouldn't make those twitter posts in the first place though
Women side with the enemy in every single conflict. If a woman was hanging off a cliff dangling over a pack of wolves, and a man offered to help her up, she would rather grab him by the arm and throw him to their mouths than just cooperate.

There is no need to "sow" hate between men and women. Women are just ontologically evil, and as >>145525947 points out, this is going to collapse everything sooner rather than later. And honestly, good riddance.
Woman here. I grew up with parents who told me to just marry a rich man to have a comfortable life, but my mom is also a shallow nasty bitch, and my dad is just very oblivious and only thinks how one could make a living quickly.

I had no desire to marry a man for money because I had my own aspirations where I wanted to rely on myself and get away from my toxic parents. As for looks, yes, physical attraction is important, but it’s only a smaller aspect. Connecting with someone emotionally is a big factor.

I’m now happily married to a man who only makes $60k, but so do I. We both enjoy playing vidya, watching movies, and traveling.

Just find someone likeminded. Find a group IRL for people with shared interests or some shit and you’ll naturally click with someone.
Is this another /r9k/ gender war thread where some dumb bitch on twitter represents all females on earth
>Connecting with someone emotionally is a big factor.
Yeah, when a seven foot tall man reads your mind and obeys you without needing to be told, the emotional connection is just so intimate! No need to do anything for him though, you go slay, queen!
>woman here
What did they mean by this?
He’s 5’8” but ok
she knew it would happen and she wants it too happen so she can get attention and pity from the internet. a relationship without sex isn't a relationship, its just being friends.

getting into a relationship knowing you don't want sex is just as shitty
Have you ever wondered why women don’t want to date you with the way you come off?
So every drama llama's whiny comics should be posted to /co/?
Oh, so you only cheat on him every other Thursday? How magnanimous of you.
That's the thing I never understood about nice guys. They think women are evil shallow snakes who treat men like nothing but walking ATMs. No dip women don't want to talk to you. Would you want to talk to a raging feminist who thinks all men are pigs? Let alone date one?
I don't wonder about women's behavior at all, no. Women make perfect sense when you stop beliving lies. However, I can spend my own money just fine, so why would I want to hire someone extra to spend my money and get furious that I have a sexuality? That sounds really expensive.
I hope for hyper-South Korean future where everyone becomes incels who hate the opposite sex. Then nobody will have babies and the population will collapse
Careful, you’ll be contradicting the confirmation biases. Even if what you say is true, no one will believe you because it’s already set in their minds that all women are shallow whores

Nevermind the fact that if given the choice, most guys would pick the bitchy 9/10 over the sweet 5/10, but it’s only women that are shallow
Simple, because you're seeing people at different stages of their lives. Once you get over the hump of realizing no man is anything but an ATM, you stop desiring women and start seeing them as a plague that needs to be managed.

Women do not want to talk to men who do not want to be ATMs, for the exact same reason no man would want an ATM that doesn't want to be an ATM. "The equipment is malfunctioning."
I think we're both just gonna have sexbots of our waifus and husbandos in the future
>most guys would pick the bitchy 9/10 over the sweet 5/10
There are no sweet 5/10s, because there are no sweet women full stop, and because any woman who legitimately is a 5/10 would consider herself a 10/10 on the basis of being a woman. We have the stats. We know what women, all women, ARE.
>women only care about money!

Maybe it’s because I’m depressed and that I’m constantly trying to purge the clutter that I built up over the years, but since I literally don’t need anything except food and a roof over my head, I have no desire to spend money on frivolous things or luxuries.

The only thing that brings me happiness is having a purpose
Reminds me how somebody made a dramatic "trauma comic" about Mr. Enter telling that one fan to not ping him, when the actual full interaction was rude but rather mundane between the two.
Ohhh you're trolling
So guys want sex, she refuses to give any. Sounds like a her problem. Come out swinging "there will be no sex in this relationship".
I grew up in a household where my mom worked and my dad stayed home to raise the kids. This idea that women only date guys for cash is demonstrably false and the counterexamples are incredibly easy to find.
Or maybe you’re just too much of a sperg who automatically assumes women are evil because of preconceived notions.

It’s like assuming all black people are criminals.
Anything that contradicts the narrative gets dismissed as "outliers"
Because they have nice tits and a pretty face and splooging my load at them WILL FIX IT ANON.
I don’t condone cheating but after reading she was ace I can imagine most of her 5 year relationships didn’t pan out due to lack of intimacy. There are also ace people that say they occasionally love sex so there is a chance some of the dudes that dated her thought they could get it occasionally. If you guys check her vtuber avatars they are sexualized by her, reminds me of the “ace” people I’ve met that are very sexual but say their “orientation” lets them deny sex when they need to.

TL;DR don’t date ace people, this story is only showing one side of the drama
it's a comic about a queer woman suffering from bad boyfriends
forgive me for thinking that it was posted to 4chan with hidden intentions
>this story is only showing one side of the drama
do you seriously expect someone to do a comic about how actually it was good that they were cheated on by their romantic partner
Can't tell if you're being ironic but if not, I think it's fine to notice patterns. Denying them only makes people more bigoted out of frustration. The problem is making sweeping generalizations and coming to the conclusion that people are genetically wired to be that way. Calling it "preconceived notions" makes it sound like they're pulling their reasons to hate out of their ass, it comes from real phenomena, they're just applying it to way too many people out of jaded bitterness and misanthropy.
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Reminder that this is the vtuber avatar of the creator of this comic where she says she got pressured into sex.
Damn, what did he make her do with a ceiling grate must have been disgusting.
more like ceiling terrible :(
Ok well at this point now it all comes out. If she was Ace she probably should have led with that or not gotten into relationships. If your partner has libido you can expect them to a degree have needs, and you won't want to satisfy them. It's just a recipe for disaster
Hopefully some guy will one day have her Ceiling Grate
Lol are those still a thing
She might be like a typical channer incel. She's gooned herself into sexual retardation. She basically is just broken by her own fantasies and desires. Them titties look a lil to well rendered for a non horny bastard.
>She's actually a skan
OOOHHH, now I don't feel bad at all.
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An uncomfortable reality is not "trolling." Pic related.

No, this is just how women are. Pic related.

It's not just cash, no. A 5'6 man could be a trillionaire and it still "wouldn't count." Women are also attracted to violence, for example (see prison letters and the love of serial killers) but generally speaking they are just different and care about different things.

People get so uncomfortable whenever anyone acknowledges basic reality. But it is just reality. Women themselves boast about it, for heaven's sake, and they ONLY walk it back whenever someone calls them out on it! Go onto literally any woman's social media: they will tell you quite proudly about the things that matter to them and the things that make men subhuman, like owning a goddamn printer. And we really keep having to do this song and dance where we pretend they're anything other than what they are? Why, exactly? Who is in charge of this game of pretend?
>Vtuber Model with massive titties
Lol, Lmao even.
Honestly this what she needs is either a girlfriend or one of those weird girl "friends" who's basically a gf because they both can't get bfs. She obviously wants a emotional tampon, someone to vent to hug and kisses. Life support and comfortable to talk to, but she keeps going for the first guy to give her nice words and enables her for a split second. Really why I feel a bit bad for ace people it's normal for humans to want sex and to have desires. The cheating was wrong and if using manipulation that was wrong too but in the end eventually feels inevitable for a non ace person to get tired of a ace partner.
I’ve come to the conclusion that most “ace” people do enjoy being seen as sexy and desirable, but just find the actual act of sex exhausting or painful.

Think about it. To these asexuals it’s “easier” and more “comfortable” to just hug, hold hands, maybe even kiss, than to get fully naked, then contort your body in a certain way, or try to please to the other person. The whole act is very physically and emotionally exposing.
I remember reason somewhere that ace people actually do love to watch romance movies and read smut and dress sexy, but they just don’t like the actual physical activity. It’s like a LARP.

It’s like the equivalent of watching an action movie, or playing an action-packed video game. You enjoy stepping into the shoes of the hero, but you wouldn’t be a hero IRL.
Can I be ace cause I've never had sex?
When you're a girl you are Ace or a sweet good girl virgin. If you are a guy and who are we kidding it's 4chan you are. then you're just a incel loser
Dude, I have known women who like buff dudes, chubby dudes, short dudes, tall dudes, skinny dudes, feminine dudes, old dudes, and just barely legal looking young dudes. Especially based on what fujoshi are obsessed with on Tumblr. Women’s tastes are all over the place (and it could be mostly based on her relationship with her father).

Meanwhile most men will fuck any decent looking woman with a pussy
Men think that any woman over 27 is subhuman, both genders have picky people with high standards.
What if I dress in a feminine fashion and refer myself as a femboy/trap?
Wow, your personal anecdotes completely overturn the actual data and women's own stated preferences. I can see your individual experience changing the bars on the graph right now!

No, wait, that didn't happen. Actually, what happened is that women continue to be women and #notallwomen is not convincing anyone.
Ace just means you don’t feel sexually attracted or turned on by another person.

You can still have romantic feelings towards someone, but I would think sexual attraction plays a big part in romance.
>Ace just means you don’t feel sexually attracted or turned on by another person.
>Proceeds to make her vtuber design excessively horny.
>Source: my ass.
>The vast majority of all women exclusively bother with a small fraction of men and consider ALL other men subhuman
>"but out of the small fraction we bother with, sometimes they don't always want us back, so really, our situations are exactly alike"
Who do you think you're fooling?

She probably desires to be a horny bitch, but has no sexual attraction irl. It’s like a form of online roleplay.
Oh then you're Ace unless you are super super ugly then you are just brave and they secretly laugh at you
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>ceiling grates
Literally the only thing I want context for and it gets brushed aside like a genocide in Turkey. 0/10 comic, would not recommend
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It sucks ass to be in a relationship when the other person doesn't want to have sex with you. Feeling desired is a huge part of what makes people feel good. Having to beg for sex is pathetic 0/10
It means instead of lying back and thinking of England, she stared at a cieling grate, because the thought of being intimate with a non-billionaire playboy was traumatic for her. Women have various means of tolerating sex from men they don't feel vaginal tingles in order to secure resources: hers was staring at the cieling.
It’s because she was laying on her back staring at the ceiling grate during sex, it was in her line of sight and she used it as a distraction
That doesn’t address the point I was making
You have no point, because all you're doing is panicking at the idea that someone is holding women responsible for anything. You are saying "both sides are bad" at a problem that, very clearly and unambiguously, comes mainly from one direction.

"Men" do not consider women above 27 subhuman. The incredibly few men ALLwomen are attracted to can have any women they want, and go through them as they please. And then you turn around and tell the 60% of men you rejected that it's their fault.

Piss off.
so she is mentally ill?
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>expects a /co/ story time
>finds an /r9k/ thread
Return to your containment board immediately
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>see thread at 7 posts
>come back
>143 posts
OP you are the biggest tool to walk the earth, stick to twitter and stay there
You don't cheat you retard you break up
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i don’t really understand why artists make these gay ass little vent comics with more words than imagery instead of like, pouring their soul into a work of art
they want attention from misandrist types
They're venting. Vent comics don't need high art since most of the are just the artist complaining or getting something off their chest. Nobody wants to see a oil painting representing a nasty breakup.
>Nobody wants to see a oil painting representing a nasty breakup.
what a retarded line of thinking. people have made paintings of worse.
But all that brushing aside is why we have a Turkey.
Yes, but it's still a waste of time when all you want to do is vent.
I prefer the one where she's raped by a muppet.
i guess that’s fair. people approach “venting” in different ways. i read this one >>145525097 after seeing that post and i think the art is good, muppet face aside. i think OP’s is just not very good considering they draw vtuber slop.
This is basically their purpose. I'd say it's better to be annoyed by how twitter's shitty algorithm changes have been pushing this kind of stuff outside their usual circles and people like OP who keep trying to bait with whatever is trending.
Then get out of that room if you feel strange. Are people really that imbecile?
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OP already gave you context, it's a vent comic.
Have you heard of the hit game Among Us, Carlos? Because you seem pretty sus.
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I think they're neat.
sometimes i wanna share my "trama dump" comic about how i sexually harassed a guy but idk
Do it, you’ll feel better!
just share it anonymously numbnuts so we can make fun of you. or call you based. whichever.
If what you did would be considered sexual harrassment before the 00s, then you shouldn't make a comic about it. There are grey areas, and even in the 90s nobody was really sure where the line was, but if it was a "real" situation then you probably shouldn't make a dumb comic about it.

If whatever you did was only considered sexual harrassment after 2010, it wasn't sexual harrassment and you didn't do anything anyway.
Give me a name here? Saucenao gives nothing.
Julia Vickerman, that you?
well, it’s simple. anon said they sexually harassed a guy. some people think that simply isn’t possible, even now. i’d even say it’s rare to truly sexually harass a man. let’s let anon speak.
I'm not quite as much of a gossip as your average tumblr scumbag, so I'm less interested in the lurid details of someone who either legitimately did harm or did nothing at all, depending on the era of definition being used. You do you though.
you know the policy. tits or gtfo.
>I’m better and more sophisticated then you cause I don’t care about le gossip and le tabloids
You’re more tumblr than any of us
I'm less tumblr than you because I view people as people and not pawns for my sociopathic amusement.
ace is a lack of sexual desire, not a lack of sexual opportunity
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Get over here you little shit
That is the most tumblr moralfag bullshit I’ve ever heard
You sould like the kind of person who fucks with cats and/or football. Don't do that.
I don't think they have a soul to pour into any art.
How would I fuck a football
>Autobiography comic
>About rape
Wow. So original
I envy her problems.
what a bunch of cope, you're never gonna make it with that attitude you fucking loser lmao
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>Want to make and share a vent dump comic
>It's about my best friend ditching me
>I was half at fault so I'll definitely get harassed
what did you do
shit in their bed?
can’t you just make a vent post on /adv/ or /r9k/ or something what’s so compelling about making a vent comic about it
>Women are also attracted to violence, for example (see prison letters and the love of serial killers)
I see men lust after female serial killers all the same. A woman did the equivalent of chadfishing and men were still lusting after even the most misandrist, abusive, disgusting, gold-digging whores as long as she's hot.

>Go onto literally any woman's social media
You're rotting your brain with doomscrolling. It's a documented fact that a loud 1% or so is responsible for a fuckton of internet content. I don't understand how people can unironically believe social media reflects reality when it's notorious for doing the opposite. You're being fed cherrypicked shit that makes you feel righteously outraged by algorithms designed to make you keep wasting your life and make you feel more isolated and divided from people and trap you in this loop.

I was you like 6 years ago, you'll grow out of this.
I wanna see it anon!
holy shit stop recycling shit you see on twitter's "for you" page you fucking faggots
Put on your best panties and bust your balls for me nerd
>15 years old
>"dated for 5 years"
it's one of those comics
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You have your own board. Leave.
Implying women are honest and tell you up front what to expect
Cute avatar
>Middle class white woman
I find often times it's Middle class Asian American women
Because outliners don't disprove the rule.
>I see men lust after female serial killers all the same

Should have married the first guy at 15.
>SO, basically "shut up and suffer".
actually it means shut up and grow
Having a coombait avatar is a big red flag.
Petitioning to make these a part of future SoP as a bonus.
Oh my God she had sex with Red from the hit game Among Us and he fucked her while venting sussyly
Break up rather than cheating, retard.
"Bad relationship" basically translates from foid language that-
> I've ignored all the red flags because he was attractive and gave me an emotional carousel.
She deserved it, actual good men are single and cucked because women find them boring.
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Not a vent comic but same shit anyway
I'm not going to read this thread but artists really need to fucking learn not to post this kind of stuff publicly.
Regardless of if you're in the right or in the wrong, there will always be a group of people criticizing your highly way-too-personal comic that you for some reason posted publicly. What the fuck happened to privacy, man? Like why do people feel they need to air out everything these days?
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Why didn't she just fucking kill the Joker?
>it's your own fault if you don't ask someone out
literally yes
>*excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses*
litterally... just ask her out dude, worst thing that can happen is she says no, you're the one complicating things
just call it fiction, no one will ever know :^)
Post the rapist muppet
>dated for 5 years

Lmao wtf
>Then nobody will have babies
-Except low IQ savages
>"do thing"
Twitter was a mistake
There are worse outcomes than the Idiocracy future
When women do it it's okay though
So in other words she was emotionally cheating and working as a PG-13 porn star the whole time
>asian kid snaps under pressure from psychotic parents
many such cases
i like this guys art style
when they do that or go further. I've seen women boost posts on Twitter about how it's just to go through your partner's phone to ensure they're not cheating, but get outraged if a guy would do that.
what anime is this screencap from the guy on the left is hot
Oh. Guess that's what I get for taking the side of the ventee.
Another one of these? Reminds me about all those npcs posting the same picture of a red flower surrounded by white flowers
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>another fucking twitter vent comic
into the trash it goes
The more underage gruesome details the fatter the payback, fuck these "vent comics" just easy self loathing attention seeking clickbait
>emotionally cheating
>PG-13 porn star
Everyone on this board is so stupid. Even me, since I still come here.
That's what a vtuber is, a thirst trap for horny people. It's no different from having an onlyfans
this is the same thing as romanticizing the dark past of famous musicians (example: Kurt Cobain or Jonathan Davis) its not about skill anymore, its just about the morbid entertainment of knowing ALL the creepy details of their life
https://youtu.be/KjAF7D4l91M?si=laUAIxoF-D0x9OsX either way this song resumes my thoughts on vent comics
How about no
Hehe. Literal vent comic
they started dating when they were ten? what?
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Twitter vent comics you say?
Reminder that "asexuality" is just a fancy way of saying narcissism.
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I think artists need to start challenging themselves by translating any experiences they have into short, fictional stories rather than just creating diary comics which is now being seen as a "normal" way to make a one-off comic.
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I’m more pissed off by the lack of fingers, they always draw in the same boring cutesy generic way
This is like a dark version of those "love is" things from the 70's.
Does getting raped make you better at drawing?
That's infestedpear in case you are interested
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Fanart of Takaoka. Murder the man she loved on 23 2019.
>one meme character treated like edgy Hatsune Miku is the same as hundreds and hundreds of letters written personally to individual killers not for public consumption
why are you all this committed to being so stupid
do you all just get programmed with the "you are allowed to think X, but you are not allowed to think Y" so whenever anyone acknowledges Y you get activated like some kind of sleeper agent to spout "ACTUALLY EVERYTHING CORPORATE HR SAYS IS TRUE!"
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It appears she was released last year and is livestreaming games and post cosplay pics.
So that's it? Girl realizes she's retarded, the end?
Full name, must goon
Artists need to do more surrealism, make dahli proud
>twitter bait thread almost at 300 replies
>any thread I make about comics or cartoons are lucky to get 5 replies before archiving
Oh okay
or maybe she became ace because of the trauma?
worse, they're becoming mainstream

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